PDI presentation on water, livelihood and DRR programs

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of PDI presentation on water, livelihood and DRR programs

Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI)

Who are WE?Launched in year 2000 by a group of young and dedicated social workers, human rights activists and experts Registered under Societies Registration Act 1860Working in Sindh and Balochistan Provinces of Pakistan

PDI Vision & MissionVISION PDI envisions a participatory development process with the active involvement of all the stakeholders right from the conceptualization to planning and implementation phases, making the development process people oriented, people centered, and gender sensitive.

MISSION Promoting participatory, pro-poor, and sustainable, environment friendly and gender balanced development, for creating equal opportunities and benefits for all

PDI PDI Karachi Office PDI Thatta Office

PDI Khuzdar OfficePDI Quetta Office

What are we focused on?

Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction Program Humanitarian Response Program Education &Literacy Program Land & Water Rights Program Sustainable Livelihoods and Value Chain ProgramEndangered Languages Preservation & Revival Program

Our Partners!

PDI Water Management Related Initiatives PDI advocated pro people initiatives in the World Bank Supported National Drainage Program under which Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority was established and participatory methods of managing irrigation water resources in Sindh took its roots. PDI was engaged in the capacity building and training of the Farmers Organizations which were established to manage the collective water resources on different canals of Sindh. PDI advocated with the World Bank to remove a number of flaws in the project and make the participatory irrigation system project more pro people and decentralized in Sindh

PDI has been actively engaged for the water rights of the lower riparian especially the coastal and deltaic regions of Sindh, while beginning its campaign for the water rights of the deltaic region of Sindh with its national conference on Dams and Indus Delta, PDI was also engaged in research on the water rights and water needs of the humans, livelihoods and biodiversity of the lower riparian of Indus river. On the basis of such PDI initiatives, Sindh Government had nominated PDI Executive Director as member of its high powered committee of irrigation and water experts to oversee and supervise the federal government initiated studies to work out the water needs downstream Kotri barrage. PDI played critical role in the process, raising its objections on the study process and suggesting correct study methods to ensure that the water rights of the human being, their livelihoods, and biodiversity of Indus Delta is made secure in the age of the development of more and more dams.

PDI has been engaged in national as well as global level advocacy and networking to highlight the water rights of local indigenous communities especially women of Sindh. PDI worked with the government of Sindh to ensure that the women who were allotted agriculture land under the land distribution program of Sindh government also get their water rights. For this purpose, a number of national and international forums were used and the issues faced by the indigenous communities of Sindh were properly raised.

PDI has been advocacy the flaws in the mega drainage structure of Pakistan especially World Bank supported Left Bank out fall Drainage Project ( LBOD),which on the one hand provides drainage relief to some central Sindh districts , while on the other hand due to its technical faults has threatened the land resources and biodiversity of District Badin Sindh. It is because the outfall of the drainage has been designed in such a flawed way that in place of draining out the drainage water of LBOD in Arabian Sea, the sea water is progressing towards the land, degrading the land of two tehsils of District Badin. PDI raised this issue with the government of Sindh, government of Pakistan, as well as World Bank and also suggested remedies of this technical disaster. As a result, the government and World Ban are working to resolve this issue and supported the affected communities in district Badin and Thatta in the coastal region of Sindh through different projects.




15Conference of Asian Peoples Resistance Movements in WSF


17Protest Rally against WB/ ADB at World Social Forum [WSF]


21District Level Protest Rally against IFIs







Protest Hunger Strike In Karachi

Community Physical Infrastructure Development Program

Community infrastructure development

Natural Resource Management & Sustainable Livelihoods Program

Sustainable Livelihood Agriculture related Projects Implemented Women Empowerment Project, ThattaImproving Fish catch & Marketing standard in Kharo Chhan District ThattaCommunity Based Natural Resource Management Project Kharo Chhan, ThattaFisherwomen Alternative Livelihood Project FALPVegetables & Fruits Value Chain Capacity Building ProjectTomato Value Chain Capacity Building ProjectCommunity Based Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Project in Hingol National ParkCommunity Based Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Project Khuzdar


Natural Resource Management & Sustainable Livelihoods Program


PDI DRR Projects Implemented Cost benefit analysis of ON Partners workwith the Community on DRRHumanitarian Capacity Building Project 2012- 13Pre monsoon Preparedness Project 2012WASH capacity building Project in district DaduViews from Frontline Project 2011Pre-monsoon Preparedness 2011 ProjectCommunity based Climate Adaptation and mitigationthrough Natural Resource ManagementInnovative Climate Adaptation Project

Awareness, Capacity Building Advocacy and Networking on Climate Change in BalochistanCommunity Based Disaster Risk Management and Livelihood Project In Drought Flood And Cyclone Prone Areas Of PakistanEmergency & Disaster Management Centre ProjectCapacity building of PDMA/DDMA and CivilSociety for Improving Disaster Risk Managementin BalochistanDrought Mitigation and Preparedness ProjectKhuzdar

Humanitarian Response Program


Humanitarian Response : Balochistan Earthquake

Humanitarian Response : Balochistan Earthquake

Cash support to Balochistan Earthquake Victims

Relief Support After PHET Cyclone in Coastal Sindh

Relief Support to Sindh flood IDPs Who moved to Balochistan

Flood Relief Support During 2010 Floods

Distribution of NFI in Shikarpur

Hand Pumps and Temporary Latrines in Shikarpur

Emergencyy Flood Security and Livelihoods [EFSL] in Shikarpur

Emergencyy Flood Security and Livelihoods [EFSL] in Shikarpur

Emergencyy Flood Security and Livelihoods [EFSL] in Shikarpur

Relief Distribution in Thatta District

Community Participation in WASH Construction Process [ Toilets, WASH Rooms and Laundry Spaces, Hand pumps etc]Engineering designs discussed with the local communities including womenBesides keeping in view SPHERE Standards local communities especially women were involved in site selection process Final BOQs were shared with the local communities including women Village Relief Committees acted as Construction Monitoring Committees to oversee the construction processLocal communities were preferred as skilled and unskilled labour

2011 Flood Relief Projects

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

2011 Flood Relief Project Umerkot

Village Level DRR Plans

District Level Disaster Management Planning

Climate Change and DRR Advocacy

Village Level DRM Plans

Community Mobilization on DRM and Climate Change

Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction Program

Climate Change and DRR Program

Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction Program

Finally. It is all about PDI team .