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Official Publication of The Salvation Army Southern Africa Territory ~ R5.00 ~ 137th Year ~ Issue No 5863 ~ April 2020



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FNB General Maintenance Fund, Acc No 50540087589, Branch Code: 251905

Reference: Name, surname and War CryE-mail:

or P.O. Box 1018, Johannesburg 2000For more information

contact the Editorial Office: 011 718 6700

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Right now the Church is in a time of lent. 40 days of reflection as we make our way towards the Easter climax on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus. One a moment of obedience the other a moment of triumph. The one death wins the other death realises it has lost its sting.

As you travel through this War Cry you will read the paradox which is Easter from the TYS, you will read the General and the TC’s messages to you. Major Khathi has an Easter message for you in Zulu and the children have a wonderful look at the Easter Story.

Perhaps you have a story to tell or you would like to share something with our readers. Please don’t hesitate to let us have the articles. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee that it will come into the War Cry as we have a limited amount of space but please let us know how you feel about the War Cry and do like our Facebook page as well.

Isaiah 43:19 reminds us that God is in the business of creating something new, better and exciting. Perhaps for you this is a dry season. I have good news for you. God is preparing a river to flow through your dry land.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

Easter in the southern hemisphere is a time when nature begins to show signs of, what looks on the outside to deteriorate but we know that this is Nature’s p lan for producing a better world. It’s the time when leaves turn from

a healthy green to a dirty brown. But the change is always spectacular. In the Northern Hemisphere they begin to see the results of a winters sleep on plants. Plants begin to show blossoms and new life is evident everywhere.

Often we need time to slow down and reflect. Time to allow the Holy Spirit to gently speak into our lives. Maybe you need to direct your time to some of the things you have avoided in your life. For me winter is always a time of introspection. I really don’t like being cold and there just seem to be some days that I never really get warm. It’s those days that I realise God is working out His plan in my life. He is busy feeding me, guiding me, guarding me, and developing me. Later as winter turns slowly to spring the pruning will begin and He will take away things that are no longer necessary in my life. Often this is painful and I argue with Him over these moments. He gently reassures me that the end result will be exactly what He wants it to be.

MajorMargaret Stafford


William Booth


General Brian Peddle

Territorial Commander

Colonel Daniel Kasuso

International Headquarters

101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4P 4GP England

Territorial Headquarters

119 - 121 Rissik Street, Johannesburg 2001


Major Margaret Stafford

Editorial Office

P.O. Box 1018

Johannesburg 2000

Tel:. (011) 718-6700

Fax: (011) 718-6790

E-mail: SAFEditorial

Design, Print & Distribution

Dyman Print,

Annual Subscription Rates

Local: R70

International: R100

Subscription to

The Financial Secretary

P.O. Box 1018

Johannesburg 2000

Published bi-monthly



Facebook: War Cry Southern Africa

Twitter: SalvosRSASMS Line: 42290 reference help

Cost R30 no free SMS’s apply


The Sa lva t ion Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by love for God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.


From the Editors desk

BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS GOD’S PLAN FOR YOUR SALVATION. We believe that through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus we can know God.

God has a plan for your lifeGod has a plan for your life




His blood, love sacrifice was what was required to pay the debt of sin. Trust that calling on the name of Jesus you can know forgiveness and acceptance.

ACCEPT YOU ARE A SINNER - no one really likes to think that we are but God says that “all have sinned and fall short of His glory”. If you can’t name it - you can’t change it.

If you truly want a better life then admit that just maybe you need someone bigger than you to direct your life. Ask God to foregive you and accept you back.

CONFESS HIM BEFORE OTHERS. If you truly believe that and are persuaded that God really does love you then

confess to others that you love God and want to live a life pleasing to Him.

If you have done this for the first time - let us know and we can send you a small booklet that will help you to know this God who loved you so much He gave His Son for your salvation.

Front cover picture: (c) Genotar |


Here on the Cross, the spotless Lamb of God pays the ultimate sacrifice once and for all, ushering us into a new dispensation of grace and deliverance.

We have peace with God because of all that was accomplished by Jesus, and this peace is experienced by having faith in Jesus (see Romans 5:1: ‘Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’). Yes, it’s that straightforward – we don’t have to complicate it!

The Easter story doesn’t end with Calvary. Easter Sunday is about resurrection and new life. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 we are reminded that ‘If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!’ The old reality of being held captive by sin, of death being our final enemy, is gone! On Easter Sunday we rise to new life in Christ – that new life is eternal life, it encapsulates victory over sin and death, it includes our healing and wholeness, it is a life of deep peace (Isaiah 26:3: ‘You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you’).

This Easter you can experience healing and wholeness in Christ. It’s why Jesus came to earth. It’s what God desires most for you.

· Scripture quotations are from the New International Version unless stated otherwise

· The Bible verses from Isaiah are brought to life through the song ‘Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs’, sung here by Govan Songsters (United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland):

APRIL 2020 3

Surely he took on our infirmities and carried our sorrows; yet we considered him stricken by God, struck down and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

(Isaiah 53:4-6 Berean Study Bible)

THE Easter message is the most profound, true, life-changing, life-giving message we can ever hear, respond to and participate in. In short, the Easter story is the culmination of God’s plan of salvation for the redemption and restoration of humanity. Such unconditional sacrificial love unleashes the mercy, grace and forgiveness of God. We should be experiencing boundless joy, caught up in awe and wonder, celebrating our new-found freedom and living in a new dynamic relationship with the Almighty.

We see in these verses from Isaiah just what God has done for us in Jesus. In going to the Cross, Jesus does something extremely positive, yet it involves him being subjected to pain, ridicule, brokenness and separation from the Father with whom he has shared a deep intimacy for all eternity. Jesus takes on everything that is negative, destructive and painful. This display of genuine, unconditional and sacrificial love is unparalleled in human history.

Even as we read and consider what Jesus takes on himself, we sense a release, an unburdening and a freedom. Jesus takes on our infirmities and carries our sorrows. Yes, there is a glimpse of the humanity of Jesus here as the Word that ‘became flesh’ (John 1:14) – fully human while fully divine – understands the frailty, weakness and imperfection on a personal level. Having said that, we need to recognise that there is much more going on.

Jesus is doing more than identifying with us. He is taking on our weaknesses, infirmities and sorrows so that we don’t have to carry them. Link that opening statement to Philippians 4:6-7 (’Do not be anxious about anything …’) and 1 Peter 5:7 ('Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you') to better understand what is offered to us in Jesus. Look again at what happens to Jesus – he is pierced, crushed, punished and wounded. Why would Jesus accept all of that? Why would God allow his only Son to endure all of that?

Another read of the verses from Isaiah illuminates what we receive through this sacrifice – peace and healing for ourselves. The punishment inflicted upon Jesus brings us peace. We experience healing because Jesus was wounded. It is almost beyond our understanding, but a horribly painful moment brings us healing and a horrifically violent act brings us everlasting peace.

There is something of an unfair transaction going on that demonstrates the extravagance of God and his unmerited favour that we call grace. There is also something profoundly theological, sacrificial and covenantal taking place.

The sacrificial code and practices we find in the Old Testament are there to atone for our sins and imperfections.

GeneralBrian Peddle


The Good NewsAbout Easter

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I trust you are well.

Soon we will be celebrating Easter and it is the largest celebration in the history of Christianity. It is celebrated across the globe by all who believe in the power of God. The cross which is the central point of Easter is a reminder of the good news of Easter.

But what is the good news about Easter? The events surrounding Easter shed a gloomy and painful picture. The events leading to His death are filled with so much negativity. We see Judas betraying His master. The disciples run away from the Master in the face of arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Bible tells of how He was unjustly tried at the connivance of the Priests. The people whom he had healed, raised from the dead and fed with bread turned against Him and rejected Him. Think of the whipping and physical torture that he went through. How about the nails sinking deep into his flesh as he is nailed to the cross in agony. Yet in these things Easter remains such great news. Beyond all the saddening events and the pain of the cross. God had a purpose, far greater than pain, for the universal world. All that Christ went through during His passion is what makes Easter such great news.

The cross which is the most common symbol of Easter was a tool used to punish criminals. Its origin and use in the Carthaginian and Roman tradition brought terror to whosoever heard the mention of the cross. It was never meant to be an aid to salvation or to bring relief to people but it was used to bring pain. In the Roman tradition it tells a story of agonising death. But the good news of the cross of Easter is that through it many people have been saved. The cross of Christ is a symbol of salvation through Christ Jesus. The Apostle Paul marvelled at its beauty and penned the beautiful words recorded in 1 Corinthians 1 v 18, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God”. The good news about Easter is that through the Easter experience we are saved. The saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is freely given to all who believe. The great news about Easter is that the cross which was formerly a symbol of suffering, torture and death is now the source of life. Not only has the cross become a source of life but a source of everlasting life in Christ Jesus.

The story of Easter is such good news because it is a narrative that destroys the borders and boundaries of ethnicity and makes all people children OF GOD and as such heirs apparent in Christ. Recall that it was during Easter that Herod and Pilate who were arch enemies (Luke 23 v 12) sat together and became friends. With Easter we can build bridges to reach out to those people who would otherwise be our enemies. We can love and embrace those who are distant. The cross makes us one people under its shadow. No longer shall ethnicity have power over humankind. What great news that is to us. The cross breaks the invisible boundaries created by human feelings and through it brothers embrace each other. What better news can we cherish other than the cross.

As we celebrate Easter this year let us remember that it is all about God. Let us not be blinded by the festivities of the world to lose sight of the sacrificial love of God upon our lives. He loved us so much that he chose to give us his son as a sacrifice and atonement for our sin. What makes Easter such great news is the love of God on all of us.

Colonel Tracey joins me in wishing you peace, love and happiness as you celebrate this Easter.


Daniel Kasuso



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APRIL 2020 55

Messengers of Grace with Lt. Colonel DonnaIgleheart and Captain Philile Buthelezi

Keith & Yvonne Conrad. Greeted by the TC ColonelDaniel and the TPWM Tracey Kasuso together with theChief Lt. Colonel Kelly and the TSWM Donna Igleheart

Welcome to International Secretary Commissioners

Nongoma CorpsDC Major Thomas Dlamini enrolled Senior Soldiers

Nongoma CorpsDDWM Major Doris Dlamini enrolled Junior Soldiers

Motherwell Veggie Garden

Ibahyi held a community awareness day with the local SAPS

Mount Frere Children learning about the dangers of Human Trafficking

Colonels Daniel and Tracey Kasuso handed Certificates of Retirement after 30 years of service

to Majors Thomas and Dominica Sesedi


- Infected individuals as of Sunday 15 March 2020: 61- Internal Transmission is occurring- Appealed to SA to limit contact between persons- Announced a travel ban and visa cancellations for

visitors from high-risk countries such as Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and China as of 18 March 2020.

South Africans are to refrain from travelling to:

- The United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, China, Iran and South Koreas.

- People who visited high-risk countries as of mid-February – are required to present for testing

South Africa has 72 ports of entry via land, sea and airport

- There are 53 land ports, 35 of them shut down as of Monday

- Two out of 8 seaports closed for passengers- Non-essential travel prohibited- Non-essential domestic travel to be stopped


- Limit contact between groups of people- Gatherings of more than 100 are prohibited- All mass celebrations during public holidays cancelled- Organisers to put in place stringent measures for less-

than-100-people events


- Schools will be closed from Wednesday, 18 March 2020

- Schools will remain closed till after Easter weekend (18 April)


- Mining, retail banking & farming to introduce measures for hygiene control

- Shopping Malls and Entertainment centres to bolster hygiene control

PRISONS - No prison visits for 30 days

Citizens to Change behaviour

- Wash hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitisers for a minimum of 20 seconds

- Cover nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, cover with a tissue or flexed elbow

- Avoid anyone with flu-like symptoms- Minimise physical contact- Use the elbow greeting, no shaking hands




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Government of South Africa declared the National State of Disaster

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;I will strengthen you, I will help you,

I will uphold you with my righteous right handIsaiah 41:10


119 - 121 Rissik Street (Cnr Bheki Mlangeni & Jutta Street), Braamfontein PO Box 1018 Johannesburg 2000Tel 011 718 6700 Fax 011 718 6790 William Booth GENERAL Brian Peddle TERRITORIAL COMMANDER Daniel KasusoRegistration 012-787-NPO PBO Number 930009713

7APRIL 2020

Date: 16 March 2020For Immediate Release:

On 15 March, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a National State of Disaster for all of South Africa related to the Corona Virus (COVID-19.) The Salvation Army supports the decision and will follow the direction given from the highest office in our land.

There were several directives given but those that most affect our Salvation Army include the elimination of large gatherings of people. Gatherings larger than 100 people are banned with immediate effect. This will impact our Sunday meetings leading up to and including Easter as well. In divisions that can manage the crowd, for example, varying service times such as a 9:00 AM service followed by a separate 11:00 AM service may be implemented. There could also be more than one location for services which can include the local corps hosting their individual meetings. Other meetings/gatherings to consider are funerals, weddings where more than 100 people are expected.

Additional restrictions and bans include:1) Travel bans from high risk countries.2) Ports of entry to be closed.3) Restrict travel within the country.4) Large government events to be banned. 5) All schools to be closed as of 18 March.6) Visa applications to be closely reviewed.

Smaller gatherings must put in place proper measures (hygiene control, hand sanitizers, soap and water, etc.) to protect our people. Large corps throughout the territory are encouraged to continue meeting for now but in smaller groups. Divisional Leaders are to work with the larger corps to ensure these safety provisions are put into place. Small group meetings can be considered. Social media and other creative ways to reach our soldiers should be put into practice. There are ways to continue to meet as a church, but we must also spread the word of caring for others, especially the vulnerable.

Regarding our institutions where we have responsibility for those whom we shelter, restrictions are put into place to reduce visitors into the homes and to closely monitor our residents and employees. A separate email went out already to our administrators from the Social Programme Secretary.

The Territorial Public Relations Secretary, Major Carin Holmes can be contacted by media as needed. All programme related questions can be directed to Lt Colonel Solomon Mahlangu and all Social Centre questions can be directed to Lt Colonel Mercy Mahlangu.

Our President and other government leaders are encouraging us not to panic. As Christians, we trust our God. Joshua 1:9, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

From the Office of the Territorial Commander, Colonel Daniel Kasuso

Jesus is Risen

Jesus is Risen! – These simple words changed the world and announced the amazing

truth of Jesus' Resurrection.

yo r wColour u o n


East Eggt f tHis ory o Eas er

Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?

He was having a bad hare day!

Why shouldn't you tell an Easter egg a good joke?

It might crack up!

What did one colored egg say to the other?

Heard any good yolks lately?

How many chocolate bunnies can you

put into an empty Easter basket?Only one because after that, it's not empty!

Easter Jokes

My jelly beans tell a wonderful story, all for

God’s own glory.

Red is for the blood of God’s only Son;

Black is for the sins we’ve done;

Yellow is for the morning so bright, the day He arose to make all things right;

Green reminds us that He is risen;

White is for the forgiveness

we find in Him;

Purple is for Jesus’s throne;

Pink reminds me that I am never alone.

A bag full of jelly beans, colourful and sweet.

It’s a prayer, a promise and an Easter treat.


The date of Easter changes every year,

and it is believed to always occur on

or between 22nd March and

25th April.

Did you know…


Easter is the Christian celebration of the

resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the oldest Christian

tradition. It is also considered to be the most important date

on the Christian calendar.

Easter marks the end of the 40-day period of Lent, which

is a traditional time of fasting that begins on Ash


The week before Easter is known as Holy Week. This

begins on Palm Sunday and includes Thursday (the day

of the Last Supper), Good Friday (the day of Christ's

crucifixion) and Holy Saturday (the time between the

crucifixion and resurrection).

Easter time, is that of honouring and recognizing Jesus

Christ's resurrection from the dead, and His glorious

promises of eternal life for all who believe in Him.

Eggs are also associated with Easter since they are a

symbol of fertility and rebirth, linking them with

springtime and with the celebration of the resurrection.

APRIL 2020 9

Hot cross buns were

one of the earliest

Easter treats, and

w e r e m a d e b y

European monks to be

given out to the poor

during Lent. They have

become less traditional over time with many

supermarkets selling them all year round.

Chocolate bunnies and colourful eggs play a small part in

the celebration of Easter. The primary focus is ultimately

God demonstrating his unconditional love for us.

God let Jesus take the punishment for the sin of

everyone who would believe in Him by dying on a cross.

Easter is the best holiday because we celebrate the truth

that Jesus did not stay dead!

God brought Jesus back to life!

(sourced from

Jesus is Risen

Jesus is Risen! – These simple words changed the world and announced the amazing

truth of Jesus' Resurrection.

yo r wColour u o n


East Eggt f tHis ory o Eas er

Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?

He was having a bad hare day!

Why shouldn't you tell an Easter egg a good joke?

It might crack up!

What did one colored egg say to the other?

Heard any good yolks lately?

How many chocolate bunnies can you

put into an empty Easter basket?Only one because after that, it's not empty!

Easter Jokes

My jelly beans tell a wonderful story, all for

God’s own glory.

Red is for the blood of God’s only Son;

Black is for the sins we’ve done;

Yellow is for the morning so bright, the day He arose to make all things right;

Green reminds us that He is risen;

White is for the forgiveness

we find in Him;

Purple is for Jesus’s throne;

Pink reminds me that I am never alone.

A bag full of jelly beans, colourful and sweet.

It’s a prayer, a promise and an Easter treat.


The date of Easter changes every year,

and it is believed to always occur on

or between 22nd March and

25th April.

Did you know…


Easter is the Christian celebration of the

resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the oldest Christian

tradition. It is also considered to be the most important date

on the Christian calendar.

Easter marks the end of the 40-day period of Lent, which

is a traditional time of fasting that begins on Ash


The week before Easter is known as Holy Week. This

begins on Palm Sunday and includes Thursday (the day

of the Last Supper), Good Friday (the day of Christ's

crucifixion) and Holy Saturday (the time between the

crucifixion and resurrection).

Easter time, is that of honouring and recognizing Jesus

Christ's resurrection from the dead, and His glorious

promises of eternal life for all who believe in Him.

Eggs are also associated with Easter since they are a

symbol of fertility and rebirth, linking them with

springtime and with the celebration of the resurrection.

APRIL 2020 9

Hot cross buns were

one of the earliest

Easter treats, and

w e r e m a d e b y

European monks to be

given out to the poor

during Lent. They have

become less traditional over time with many

supermarkets selling them all year round.

Chocolate bunnies and colourful eggs play a small part in

the celebration of Easter. The primary focus is ultimately

God demonstrating his unconditional love for us.

God let Jesus take the punishment for the sin of

everyone who would believe in Him by dying on a cross.

Easter is the best holiday because we celebrate the truth

that Jesus did not stay dead!

God brought Jesus back to life!

(sourced from



Mt Frere day of prayerMountain Lodge

Sidwell CorpsBenoni Corps

Montpelier ladiesInterdenominational prayers at Msundunza

Claremont Temple Ladies Wembisi Circuit


11APRIL 2020

opportunities to speak into situations, to grow to learn to develop to travel all because of the Army.

I have had unique opportunities to love the unloved, grow His disciples in the Word and in His faithfulness. I have sat by the bed of the dying and whispered prayers and promises into their dying moments. I have held a grieving mom, dad, wife, husband, child and tried to comfort them. I have counselled many and grown through lessons learnt.

I thank God daily that I journey this road with Jeff. He has been my anchor and my sounding board as well as the voice of reason in my life.

So today marks a moment when God’s faithfulness collided with my obedience and a journey that defines me began. I want to honour everyone who touched my life over these 30 years. Officer’s, soldier’s, leader’s, friends, family and colleagues I have had the privilege of working alongside.

Maybe you’ve been running away from this calling on your life. You can't run far enough away – God will always find you. You can walk away from this calling but you will never truly know His peace.

On the 7 January 1990 I stood alongside my husband on the stage of the Johannesburg City Hall in preparation for our Ordination as Officers in The Salvation Army. My mom and mom Stafford received a silver star which indicates that they have given a child for the service of God in The Salvation Army.

When we received our appointment my daughter Natalie (2) stood with us and I was pregnant with Nicole.

This year we celebrate 30 years of Officership.

It’s been a bumpy road and there have been so many times when I have really wanted to walk, run and sprint away but, God is faithful especially when we’re not.

This was not my dream life. It was not what I wanted for my children. Nobody wants to move their children around from school to school. But it was an obedient life and God has blessed my family - because of His Grace. God gave us long stays and our children were always taken into consideration by the Salvation Army leadership.

I have a love / hate relationship with the Army, or at least people who make decisions on behalf of the Army, but I have had so many

Major Margaret StaffordMy Officership Journey

Good day Major

This is P…. the girl who came to Beth Shan vulnerable, fragile and fearful. Today I write to express my gratitude to you. Thank you for taking God’s orders. Thank you for meeting me. Thank you for making Jeremiah 29:11 clear to me. Thank you for taking me in. You have no idea of the things I’m doing now and the courage I have. You are a really a gift from God. I will never in my life forget my experience with you and Thank you .Thank you. I really love you Mrs Moya.

I just love you and think of you now and then and my heart melts because there’s a woman somewhere in Pretoria who helped me get myself back up. Thank you for everything and most of all for making me know God can.

I’m back at school. I am with my mother at home. F… is doing well and talking. I am going to be doing my honours right after the degree. I’m getting off antidepressants. I joined the gym so I’m fit as a horse, I’m joyful, I am now busy with my licence because it looks like I'm gonna drive soon. I am experiencing God’s love and favour. Thank you beautiful woman.

It’s been 2 years out of the strip club and I don’t even envy going back. It’s so good to be living in the light.

Beth Shan is a safe haven for women and their small children who have sought help due to abuse. It is registered with the department of Social Development and is an important ministry in the Salvation Army. It is a place of restoration not accommodation. Every programme at the home is focused on restoring dignity, worth and an understanding that God loves the victim who after the programme becomes a victor.

Major Moya Hay is ably assisted by a social worker, Social Aux. Worker, House mothers, skills developer, and driver/maintenance person.

Often the work goes on with little acknowledgement from former clients but Major Moya received this beautiful letter.

It’s God’s work to recreate a person once they come to know Him the rebirth process begins. Programmes like Beth Shan live out their motto “Where Hope and Healing meet”.

Letter for Beth Shan


Paradox noun pa.ra.doxDefinition:

one (such as a person, situation, or action) having

seemingly contradictory qualities or phases.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Almost the entire account of Jesus’ Passion, is a paradox. From riding the donkey’s colt on Palm Sunday to appearing to the women on that first Easter morning.

Who is this Jesus, who is this God of ours? He who comes as King and yet willing dies a criminal’s death on the cross? How can this be? The Holy One, perfect in every way, taking on the sins of the whole world.

Peace and power, Priest and King, love and wrath, beauty and violence, the Lion and the Lamb.

Two hundred years before Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt, Judas Maccabeus a Jewish hero and military conqueror rode into Jerusalem to cleanse the Temple, defeat the enemies of Israel and become its king. In this context, Jesus’ riding into Jerusalem on that Palm Sunday, would have been a clear message. As the people shouted “Hosanna! [Save us!],” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!” (John 12:13), they would have seen Jesus in the light of Judas Maccabeus and prophesies of Zechariah. But in contrast, instead of coming triumphantly on a horse, Jesus chooses to ride on a donkey, a colt of a donkey. Jesus the King of all nations, comes to defeat the ultimate enemy and restore the Kingdom. A Kingdom paradoxically different from a military leader’s, it is spiritual in nature, eternal in rule and with love at its center.

Whilst Judas Maccabeus rides into Jerusalem with a shield and sword to conquer the foreign imposters occupying Jerusalem, Jesus comes with open hands ready to take in the nails and be hung on the cross. He comes as a servant king, ready to lay down his very life for those would shout crucify only one week later. Jesus is not the messiah the people wanted, but the messiah they needed. Jesus does not come to bring temporary solutions, to plug holes, but brings in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

Both Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews, speak of Jesus as the Priest and a King, in the order of Melchizedek. Kings are there to punish and enforce the law, they are about strength and judgement. Priests, however are the socials workers of society, the advocates for the poor and needy, who love mercy and forgiveness. Jesus the King of Kings, comes not to be served, but to serve and even now he sits at the right hand side of the Father, equal in power and authority. Yet as Priest, intercedes for us daily, advocating on behalf of you and me indeed the King and Priest in one.

The cross demonstrates the paradox of God’s nature once again. God is a God of love, but true love includes both justice and mercy.

For you and I to experience the fullness of God’s love, sin needs to be deal t wi th justly and it was

on the cross that the full wrath of God's justice came upon Jesus. The prophet Isaiah puts it like this in Isaiah 53:5 (NIV) “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Justice and mercy, love and wrath together to bring us peace and healing.

What then is our response to this Passion Paradox? As youth do we go through the motions of another Easter weekend, with all its traditions and meetings, unmoved, unchanged? Forbid it Lord. Jesus is not just another good guy, not just a holy teacher and the Easter narrative not just another Bible story. It is God - King of the universe, stepping into our messed up world, demonstrating his total love for us by becoming nothing, being cursed, beaten, crushed for our sins. May we embrace our Saviour as he embraces us , experience his love , his forgiveness, his healing and his peace.

As young people, children of God, heirs of the Kingdom let us live paradoxically. Let us walk as conquerors through Christ and let us live in power and victory. At the same time, may we serve as Jesus served, laying down our lives for one another, being the salt and light this dark world desperately needs. Let us live counter culturally, where even our power and victory is in Jesus, it is not in our efforts or our achievements. May people see our love for one another and know that we are his disciples. Battle Ready, enlisted, equipped and engaged, living a life of Action - in Justice, Mercy, Grace and Love.

Major Rob WrightTerritorial Youth Secretary.

APRIL 2020 13


The Self Denial is an important part of our Salvationism and is essential to the growth of The Salvation Army. Again this year our ‘Partner in Mission’ is eSwatini, Papua New Guinea, Myanmar and Greenland.

The Self Denial Alter Sunday will be held on Sunday 2 August 2020.

Thank you for thinking about this sacrificially, your generosity will go a long

way to helping the love of Jesus go beyond borders, cultures, stigma and hardship.



MajorCarin Holmes



D I V I S I O N S 20192020











R 270 000

R 147 137

R 78 186

R 157 000

R 64 623

R 62 747

R 77 095

R 76 249

R 933 037

R 300 000

R 200 000

R 200 000

R 150 000

R 100 000

R 100 000

R 100 000

R 100 000

R 1 250 000


Captain Nancy Ndlovu (Galeshewe Corps & Creche in Central Division) will be attending Africa College for Officers (AFCO) Session XIV in Nairobi from the period of 29 May to 30 June 2020.Captain Mteteleli Memani (Mountain View Primary Health Care Clinic and Corps Officer of William Booth Ministries) will be attending Africa College for Officers (AFCO) Session XIV in Nairobi from the period of 29 May to 30 June 2020.


Major Colleen Huke (Divisional Director of Women's Ministries Eastern Cape Division) will be attending International College for Officers (ICO) Session 248 in London from the period of 13 January to 22 February 2021.Major Themba Mahlobo (Territorial Secretary for Personnel) will be attending International College for Officers (ICO) Session 250 in London from the period of 14 July to 23 August 2021.


Papua New Guinea



15APRIL 2020

Mathewu 27: 45-55: Kwaba mnyama ezweni, amadwala aqhephuka, amathuna avuleka, kwavuka abangcwele bayongena eThempeli, isihenqo seThempeli saqdabuka Phakathi. Abukaze bubonwe ubumnyama obunjengalobu emhlabeni- uJesu wakhala Phakathi kobumnyama ethi Elo-Eloi-Elamasabaktani. Lokhu kwabe kuluphawu lokuthi Phakathi kobumnyama nobunzima -akayekanga ukwethemba uNkulunkulu.

Sibheka iNkosi uJesu kukubi empilweni, abahlobo bakhe bebalekile, izitha zakhe zithokoza ngosizi lwakhe. Sibuka uJesu esefike lapho ekwamukele khona ukufa ngoba vele nokuhlukunyezwa kwakhe kwakusho lokhu ukuthi uyabulawa. Simbona enyusa umgwaqo omkhulu wase Jerusalem, i-Via do Lorosa, kubukiswa ngaye, enziwa konke okuhlazisayo.

Kuzozonke lezimo akayekanga ukwethemba uBaba uNkulunkulu. Wamethemba sebemhleka benza ihlaya ngokukholwa kwakhe. Emva kohambo olude, emva kokushaywa futhi namandla engasenawo uzwakala ethi : “Baba ezandleni zakho ngiyawubeka uMoya wami.”

Lawa mazwi angewesikhombisa (okugcina) kulawa awasho esiphambanweni. Kungamazwi achaza umuntu osephumula emva kokukhandleka. Amazwi omuntu othi nginikela konke okwami kuwe. Uma sihlola ibhayibheli siyathola ukuthi uJehova Wadala konke emhlabeni kodwa ngosuku lwesikhombisa waphumula (Genesis 2:2). Siyathola ukuthi noJesu, uma esesiphambanweni ufika ezwini lesikhombisa, usho izwi lokuphumula emshikashikeni adlule kuwe. Igazi lakhe labe liwudala kabusha umhlaba, lisusa isono necala lika Adamu no Eva.

Lamazwi ayatholakala kuma Hubo 31:5, avela njengemkhuleko wamaJuda ayewenza njalo uma elala. Kungumkhuleko wokwethemba uNkulunkulu ngempilo yakho. uJesu wawasho lamazwi ukugcwalisa imibhalo futhi eqinisekisa ubudlelwane bakhe neNkosi uDavide AmaHubo 89 no Mathewu 20:30).

Ustefano (Izenzo 7:56), naye ebhekene nokufa washo lamazwi afanayo. NgesiHeberu lamazwa atolikwa ngokuthi “Pahad” okusho ukubeka impilo yakho yonke ezandleni zomunye umuntu. Siyathola ukuthi uNkulunkulu wake wamshiya uJesu (Mark 16:34), kodwa akayekanga ukumethemba.

Esikhathini kumnyama empilweni yakho (omnios period), kungekho lutho olukugqugquzela ukuba ubona usuku lwangakusasa, ungayeki ukumethemba uNkulunkulu. uDavide wathandaza ngokuthi kuncono ukuba awele ezandleni zikaNkulunkulu afe, (II Samuel 24:14) kunokuba aphile esezandleni zabantu.

Ngibabonile abantu ababeke impilo yabo ezandleni zabantu, bathembe abantu kunoNkulunkulu kodwa ekugcineni lezo zandla ziyabalaxaza.

Kumnandi ukuhamba wazi ukuthi ubizo lwami, impilo yami nakho konke okwami kusezandleni zika Nkulunkulu, abantu abathembe abanye baphila benganakuthula nakuphumula ngoba banalo uvalo lokujikelwa yilabo ababeke kubo impilo yabo.

Othemba lakhe liku Jehova, Phakathi kwemisindo nokuphelelwa ithemba balala baphumule ngoba bayazi ukuthi bathemba Othembekile.

Esikhathini se Omnios, ihora lobumnyama, ungakhohlwa ukuthi uJehova usengukuKhanya kwakho, ungesabi lutho (AmaHubo 27).

Lapha sikhuluma ngezandla zikaNkulunkulu ezithwala labo abamethembayo kuze kube sekufeni.

Susa impilo yakho ezandleni zabanye abantu, ibeke ezandleni zikaJehova (paqad). Abamethembayo uJehova bafana nentaba yase Sion engayi kunyakaziswa (AmaHubo 125).

Qhubeka umethembe uNkulunkulu kungekho lutho olukuhambela kahle, ngiyakwethembisa ngesikhathi esifanele ngeke wazisola ngokuthi wanikela impilo yakho kuJehova. Methembe uNkulunkulu ngabantwana bakho. Methembe ngomsebenzi owufunayo, nangakho konke okudingayo, Themba uJesu. Nikela konke esandleni sakhe.

Kusenguye loJesu owathi: Zanini kiMina nonke nina enikhatheleyo nenisindwayo ngizakuniphumuza (Mathewu 11:28). Amazwi athi baba ezandleni zakho ngiwabeka umoya wami, abiza mina nawe ukuba sinikele impilo yethu kuNkulunkulu, Phakathi kokuxokozela, ukuthula kungekho, nethemba liphelile, asiwenze lomkhuleko, kumnyama, izinto zibheda, masethembe uNkulunkulu wethu ngempilo yethu.

Sisaya ezinkonzweni zephasika nokuvuka kweNkosi uJesu, asifunde ukumethemba owasifelayo, ngoba konke kukuye futhi ubusa phezu kwakho konke.

uJesu usenikezela ngempilo yakhe kuNkulunkulu ngoba wayeseqedile ayethunywe kona. Akazange ayeke engakaqedi, kafunanga izindlela ezilula zokufeza umsebenzi wakhe, wabekezela Phakathi kobuhlungu, nokufa wamethemba uNkulunkulu ngakho konke.

“ n g i y a m e t h e m b a - n o m a k u b u h l u n g u -Ngiyamethemba”

“ngiyamethemba-abangani bephenduka izitha-ngiyamethemba

Ngiyame themba-ng igu la -ng i f e lwa-kuphe la umsebenzi-ngiyamethemba”

Baba Ezandleni Zakho nginikela impilo yami ngoba niyakwethemba.


(Trusting God during OMINIOUS period)