Outreach Summer, 2015

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Transcript of Outreach Summer, 2015



Boise Bible College SUMMER 2015


2015 Graduate Daniel Meador with Dr. Derek Voorhees


Terry E. StinePresident

OutreachCO-EDITORS David Davolt

Shauna Raymer Mary Reich

The Outreach is published three times a year to update and promote Boise Bible College and its

mission to alumni and friends.

BOISE BIBLE COLLEGE8695 West Marigold Street

Boise ID 83714208-376-7731




CHANCELLOR Dr. Charles A. Crane


DEAN OF STUDENTS Cody Christensen



MISSION: Boise Bible College GLORIFIES GOD by equipping servant leaders who build up the church to advance the gospel worldwide.

CORE VALUES• The lordship of Christ• The authority of Scripture• Biblical literacy• Recruiting to a life of ministry• Christian character• Servant leadership• A culture of discipleship• Intentional in excellence• Stewardship of resources• Affordability of degree programs• Accountability to the local church• A resource to the local church• Ideals of the Restoration Movement

BBC is accredited by The Association for Biblical Higher Education

From the President

Cody ChristensenDean of Students

David DavoltDir. of Development

Charles FaberAcademic Dean

Val WelchBusiness Manager


In preparing a devotional thought for communion at the empty tomb in Gethsemane this summer, I read everything

I could again on the resurrection of Christ. The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel reminded me that this is the most important moment for the Christian. Yes, Jesus suffered and died, but others have done that. Only Jesus arose from the dead and continued to teach and inspire His followers to give their lives for Him so that they too could “rise again”!

After reading the accounts again and praying, I came to the same conclusion that Peter did. On the day of Pentecost he reminded the people that David was still in his tomb and had not ascended into the heavens. He said, “This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.” This is THE point of everything for the Christian.

Boise Bible College exists because of this event in history. All of our classes equip our students with knowledge to preach and teach others the same thing that Peter taught. “He is alive” and this changes everything.

On May 15, we graduated 50 students who have a firmer foundation in the teachings of Christ and the skills to apply those teachings in ministries around the world. It was exciting to watch as students walked across the stage and to hear where they are heading. Already, I am receiving notes from some who are scared, tired, and excited. Some are in foreign countries. Some are in new pulpits or classrooms. All are ready to “fight the good fight” for the Gospel of Christ.

You will read about our mission, values, and vision in another part of this Outreach. Let me remind you that without the prayers and funding of many Christians we would not be able to send as many well equipped Kingdom workers out to the harvest fields. You are important to our fulfilling our mission. We have never taken our eyes off of Christ or the original focus of BBC, which is to prepare young men and women for Kingdom service.

May you have a great summer relaxing with family and friends. Remember our students who are “going” because of your help.




Boise Bible College started classes the fall of 1945, so when classes start in August it will mark the 70th year of classes held at BBC. The dream of a few men has grown into an arm of the Church that equips Christians for a life of ministry. The staff and board recently refocused on how we state our mission, values, and vision. Our conclusions

were fairly simple – Boise Bible College has not changed in purpose, but we did find a clear and articulate means to express our direction and purpose. Our desire is that with a clear understanding of the mission and values of Boise Bible College our alumni, friends, and supporters will embrace our vision and encourage students to prepare for a life of ministry at BBC.

• The lordship of Christ• The authority of Scripture• Biblical literacy• Recruiting to a life of ministry• Christian character• Servant leadership• A culture of discipleship

• Intentional in excellence• Stewardship of resources• Affordability of degree programs• Accountability to the local church• A resource to the local church• Ideals of the Restoration Movement


BBC VISION STATEMENTBoise Bible College glorifies God by

equipping servant leaders who build up the church to advance the gospel worldwide,under the lordship of Christ and the authority of Scripture:

In an academic environment that:Grounds students in timeless biblical truth

Challenges students to develop a biblical worldviewHonors the church and promotes ministry

Blends classroom instruction with experiential learningEncourages Christ-like behaviorDemands excellence in all things

In a caring community that:Encourages a passion for a lifetime of ministry

Challenges students to grow in knowledge, character, skills, and spiritualityFosters self-awareness and self-reflection through honest dialogues

Develops a culture of discipleshipDepends on prayer

Through relationships with:Local churches throughout the world

Practitioners who encourage and model innovative approaches to ministryField mentors in effective churches and organizations

Alumni who desire continued mentorship and guidanceChurches, organizations, and individuals that value BBC as a resource


GLORIFIES GODby equipping servant leaders

who build up the church to advance the gospel worldwide.


In our first two articles, we dis-cussed the desperate NEED for “shepherds” in our churches who

will commit to love and care for the “flock” and, secondly, the absolute necessity that these caretakers be men “above reproach” in char-acter and integrity. This final article will emphasize that the elder must be a man of ABIL-ITY as well. Not all good men are skilled; nor are all skilled men good. The elder must be good AND skilled.

The skills required of the elder could probably be grouped into two broad categories: able to teach and able to manage.

Teaching is part of the job description of an elder. A man who cannot teach should not be an elder. Paul said that he must be “able to teach” (1 Tim. 3:2). The Greek structure of Ephesians 4:11 describes the office as “pas-

tor-teacher”–NOT two offices, pastors and teachers, but ONE

office with two duties, pastoring (“shepherding”) and teaching. 1

Timothy 5:18 says, “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy

of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching [literally,

“in word,” or “in the Word”] and teach-ing.” To become a “disciple” of Jesus is

to commit to be a “learner”–the meaning of the Word–and the elders are the ones to

insure that each new member is taught (Matt. 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples...teaching

them to observe [keep, obey] all that I commanded you”).Paul is most clear to Titus, when again describing the

necessary traits of all elders (Titus 1:5-11): “holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teach-ing, that he may be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (vs. 9). The elder must be able to “weed and feed.” The shepherd must

feed God’s Word to God’s sheep. He must be a long-time student of God’s Word, a “man of God” who can “han-dle accurately the Word of Truth” (2 Tim. 2:15), since it is the Scriptures which he must use to “teach” the believ-ers, “reprove” them, “correct” them, and “train [them] in righteousness” so that they might be “equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). He must oversee every teaching arm of the church (Sunday School, Bible studies, youth groups, small groups, etc.) and squelch any seed-ling “weeds” of false doctrines before they have a chance to gain a foothold. Any false teachers, who “teach things they should not teach,” should be corrected or, if need be, “silenced” (Titus 1:11).

Besides having teaching skills, the elder must be a capable manager. Many terms used to describe the office highlight the need for him to be man with good judg-ment and executive skills. The elder is described as an “overseer” (1 Tim. 3:1-2, Titus 1:7, 1 Peter 5:2, Acts 20:28). This was a term in common use to describe numerous administrative, superintendent positions in governments throughout the Greco-Roman empire. The older trans-lation “bishop” might be a little misleading. The term doesn’t suggest the complex hierarchical structure of Catholicism, Anglicanism, etc., or “the piece that can move diagonally,” as one teen guessed. It suggests an official elected or appointed to an authoritative position of oversight.

Depending on the translation, elders are called “rul-ers,” “commanders,” “leaders,” “stewards” (estate manag-ers), “caretakers,” “administrators,” or “governors” (1 Tim. 3:2, 4,5; 5:17; Titus 1:7,9; 1 Thess. 5:12; Heb. 13:7,17,24; Romans 12:8; 1 Cor. 12:8). They take the lead in determin-ing the course the congregation will follow.

They see that all the affairs and programs of the church are biblically and efficiently attended to. That’s why they must show the ability to “manage their own households well” (1 Tim 3:4; Titus 1:6) before they should be entrusted with managing God’s larger “household,” the church. They are so involved with the flock that they are immediately aware when “spats” develop between mem-bers, and will quickly, tactfully, and fairly mediate disputes. They must assure church harmony.

Besides teaching the flock, they are responsible to also train each member for ministry (see Ephesians 4:11-12). The elders should not do all the work of the church, but see that every member finds his/her place to serve the needs of the body. Their goal is to “present every man complete in Christ” (Col. 1:28-29), so that every


Dale Cornett teaches Greekand New Testament at BBC.

Equipping for the Journey: The NEED for Skilled Elders

Part 3 of 3


Dale has faithfully served as the Greek and New Testament Professor at Boise Bible College since 1980 and retired from full-time teaching at the end of this school year. Next year, Dale will return as an adjunct professor, teaching second and third year Greek classes. Dale earned a M.A., M.Div, from Cincinnati Bible Seminary and a B.A., Cincinnati Bible College. He came to BBC with experience teaching at CBC for three years, two years as youth minister, and seven years preaching ministry. He has been active in the church community in Boise serving as an elder and teacher. He was active in a local prison ministry. He enjoyed playing sports with students, and he and his wife, Janine, have three children and six grandchildren.

believer contributes something to the well-being of the body and the work of the church (see Eph. 4:13-16; Romans 12:4-13; 1 Cor. 12:7-21). Like good trainers, coaches, and parents, the elders are commissioned to develop the skills of others, skills for life and for ministry in this case. It has been said, “A good leader instills in his followers confidence in him; a great leader instills in his followers confidence in themselves.” Great elders provide quality training for their members in life skills (regarding their finances, marriages, parenting, decision-making, etc.) and in ministry skills (able

to evangelize, teach, give a meditation thought, usher, greet, host, etc.) so that they confidently serve the Lord and the church. The elders keep a keen eye on the growth of each member, and recognize when he/she is ready to be promoted to positions of greater responsibility.

Every church needs elders; needs elders committed to love and care for the flock, needs elders above reproach and needs capable elders.

35 Years Teaching at BBC

During Spring Conference, we celebrated Dale Cornett’s 35 years of partnership with BBC. Dale moved his family from Ohio to Idaho in 1980 to become one of three

full-time professors. He has taught Greek, New Testament, The Life of Christ, and Cults among other courses. He has poured 110% into his work and has been loved by hundreds of students over the years.

We honored Dale at the Alumni Gathering with the theme of “Faithful” and held a reception in his honor on Tuesday evening of Spring Conference. Dale will continue teaching some Greek courses and speaking on various subjects at local churches. He also plans to write some books. One of Dale’s famous quotes of the day was, “You can tell the character of a man by the way he deals with children, animals, and a flat tire.” WE WILL MISS DALE!


Here are some of their plans:

• Jakob King (BS ’12) will be leading a group to Haiti to work with Haitian Christian Missions. Students going include: Chris Renk, Danielle and Colin Barth and Ryan Chromey.

• Mellissa Hodgson is going to Tanzania for the summer to work with Pioneer Translators.

• Mary Woodiwiss is going to Asia to work with a group of CMF missionaries.

• Hannah Hede will be in Zimbabwe with New Mission Systems International for the summer.

• Donielle Miner will spend the summer in Asia working with CMF.

• Caitlyn Sheehy will use her musical talents in Bogota, Colombia serving through CTI Music Ministries. (pictured in the back left)

We have student interns in many churches around the country, including:

The mission is BOLD, but the need to share the gospel is urgent. Help BBC equip leaders by your prayers and financial support!

Equipping Servant Leaders


Our mission is bold: Boise Bible College GLORIFIES GOD by equipping servant leaders who build up the church to advance the

gospel worldwide. We do that by teaching in the classroom and by experiential learning in the field. Often the best way to teach is to show by example. Each summer we have staff and alumni that lead the way in serving to build up the church to advance the gospel worldwide.

This summer, Danny Harrod (BA ’79), Intercultural Studies Professor, will be traveling to Africa via Germany. He will be connecting with various mission works in Kenya and beyond after visiting with Tony Cole (BA ’10) who is serving in campus ministries in Tubingen, Germany. Dr. Derek Voorhees, New

Testament Professor, will be teaching at a youth camp in Alaska and flying to Thailand to teach at Asia International Seminary in Chiang Mai. He is also speaking at a CIY conference in Florida. Russell Grove (BA ’86), Christian Education Professor and Amber Grove (AS ’86), Christian Teaching Professor and Librarian, will be serving in several youth camps in Oregon and Montana this summer. Several other staff members will be at camps, conferences, and preaching in local churches as they spread the gospel worldwide. Students will be around the world this summer as well. Some will be on short term mission trips, and others will be spending the majority of their summer break serving and learning in missions and churches.

Highline Christian Church, Burien, WASinging Hills Christian Church, Hillsboro, ORCrossPoint Community Church, Modesto, CAGrace Fellowship Church of the Nazarene, LaPine, ORHarvest Christian Church, Troutdale, ORNew Hope Christian Church, Everett, WATrent Church of Christ, Dexter, ORDeerflat Church, Caldwell, IDEagle Christian Church, Eagle, ID

Trademark Church, Boise, IDTualatin Hills Christian Church, Tualatin, ORCanyon Springs Christian Church, Middleton, IDFirst Christian Church, Roseburg, ORFirst Christian Church, Sandpoint, ID



ERIN JOHNSTON - BS Biblical Studies. Speaking from 2 Corinthians 11:23, Erin encouraged us to develop a resume’ similar to Paul’s. She challenged us with the idea that “equipping others to Christ-likeness requires us to boast.” Instead of boasting in our own qualifications, experiences, honors, and references, we should boast in our weaknesses, embarrassments, bruises, and brokenness. When we are weak, He is strong.

JEN RUIZ - BS Worship Ministry. Through a transparent sharing of her life story, Jen admitted that she fights the urge to hide behind masks. From Hebrews 4:15 she learned that “the masks we wear cover up our ability to reveal Christ to others.” The lie is that we need to be ashamed of our story, that Christ cannot use our pain, shame, and anger. She encouraged us to surrender to God and come out of hiding.

LUKE EMERY - BS Preaching Ministry. As we prepare to be sent out, Luke suggested that we need to be ready to receive people. He pointed out that Jesus received lepers, widows, tax preparers, and children (those pushed to the margins of society) and empowered them for ministry. Luke suggested that if we are hurt and are not feeling God’s presence, then perhaps we are not spending time where He is. Have we humbled ourselves and served the insufficient people in this world?

DANIEL MEADOR - BS Preaching Ministry. Daniel used the opportunity to speak in the first person as Moses! Through a creative dramatization, Daniel helped us understand how Moses faced life challenges and yet he became a very effective change agent. Moses had his inadequacies and excuses, but God put him to work and changed the world. Daniel challenged us to respond to God’s call and become agents of change in the world around us.

Highlights From Chapel

One of the high points of the week at BBC, while classes are in session, is chapel service. Twice a week we gather to worship, to fellowship,

and to hear from a visitor, a professor, or a student. The singing, the prayers, and the messages help us center our lives on God and His grace and mercy. Please consider joining us if you are near the college and want to share in the experience.

We always look forward to Spring Semester when we ask some senior students, representing each academic department, to speak and share what is on their hearts. This group of thirteen students did an exceptional job and set a new standard for others to follow. To hear and be blessed by the messages visit www.boisebible.edu/student life/chapel resources. Here are a few highlights:


Front Row (left to right) Jonathon Hawn (AS Bible), Terry Velasco (AS Bible), Isabelle Frazier (BS Helping Professions), Caleb Stevenson (BA Biblical Studies/Greek), Ian Nelson (BS Helping Professions), Jennifer Ruiz (BS Worship Ministry), Jessica Lester (BS Intercultural Studies), Emma-June Nixon (BA Intercultural Studies), Quentin Byers (AS Church Leadership), Joseph Johnson (BS Preaching Ministry), Kelsey Kautzsch (BS Children’s Ministry), Ellie Lowe (AS Bible), Andrea Penner (BS Helping Professions), Laurie Schroeder (BS Helping Professions), Betty Grace Wharton (BA Intercultural Studies), Suzette Moloney (BS Bible) Not pictured: Joel Crane (AS Bible), Cole Vandervort (BS Helping Professions)

Back Row (left to right)Daniel Meador...........BS Preaching Ministry

Ryan Schroeder....................................AS Bible

James Cole......................BS Worship Ministry

Stephanie Miller......AS Intercultural Studies

Abigail Bailey............BS Intercultural Studies

Joseph Miller......................BS Biblical Studies

Joel Rice...................... BA Preaching Ministry

Brady Froese.............BS Helping Professions

Grant Perry.....................BS Worship Ministry

Kaleb Kautzsch..................................... AS Bible

Lucas Emery............... BS Preaching Ministry

Tyler Lowe......................BA Worship Ministry

Jacob Bush..........................BA Youth Ministry

Gabe Tippery.......... BS Intercultural Studies

Rachel Faxon.............AS Christian Education

Erin Johnston Christian Educator Award

Jackie ColeChristian Educator Award

Joel RiceSpirit of Evangelism Award


Front Row (left to right) Jonathon Hawn (AS Bible), Terry Velasco (AS Bible), Isabelle Frazier (BS Helping Professions), Caleb Stevenson (BA Biblical Studies/Greek), Ian Nelson (BS Helping Professions), Jennifer Ruiz (BS Worship Ministry), Jessica Lester (BS Intercultural Studies), Emma-June Nixon (BA Intercultural Studies), Quentin Byers (AS Church Leadership), Joseph Johnson (BS Preaching Ministry), Kelsey Kautzsch (BS Children’s Ministry), Ellie Lowe (AS Bible), Andrea Penner (BS Helping Professions), Laurie Schroeder (BS Helping Professions), Betty Grace Wharton (BA Intercultural Studies), Suzette Moloney (BS Bible) Not pictured: Joel Crane (AS Bible), Cole Vandervort (BS Helping Professions)

Laurie SchroederDelta Epsilon Chi Honor Society

Abigail BaileyDelta Epsilon Chi Honor Society

Joel RiceSpirit of Evangelism Award

Center Row (left to right)Nick Young...........BA Preaching Ministry & BA Biblical StudiesConnor Arnold.......BS Worship MinistryNicholas Mastrude...BS Preaching Ministry

Shaina Branham.....BS Intercultural Studies

Kate Allen.................BS Worship MinistryJacqueline Cole...BS Children’s MinistrySara Feaster...........BS Christian TeachingLyshelle Cole.......BS Christian TeachingTyler Davis.....................BS Youth MinistryErin Johnston..............BS Biblical StudiesMonique Murillo....BS Helping Professions

Melissa Meador.............................AS BibleNancy Erausquin...........................AS BibleJessica Lopez............................... AS Music



Dr. Gary Johnson and the e2Elders inspired all who attended to both understand Biblical leadership and apply it in their roles as elders and leaders. Our

morning speakers made a strong case for leading in God’s name. Two hours of workshops each morning emphasized various ways to “Equip for a Life of Ministry.” Dr. Johnson spoke each night, ending with a powerful message on the importance of prayer. (Copies are available of all the sermons and some workshops are available. Send an email to cnordhielm@boisebible.edu if you are interested.)

Students, staff, and visitors were able to attend many different events including: a dinner theater under the direction of Professor Russell Grove, a networking lunch to meet our professors and speakers, a women’s luncheon, the alumni golf scramble, and afternoon workshops. Between sessions there was plenty of time for fellowship and meeting other leaders from around the country.

A highlight of Spring Conference is the awarding of scholarships to students. This year we were honored by having CH William Robinson, BBC graduate and US Air Force Chaplin, on hand to present the “Medal of Honor Scholarship” to David Hamilton. We awarded over $30,000 in scholarships.

The conference ended with the singing of “How Great Thou Art” acapella as the presidents, Dr. Kenneth Beckman (1949-1972), Dr. Charles Crane (1990-2007), and Terry Stine (2007 to present) came to the stage.

Dr. Estep, Dr. Roadcup, and Dr. Johnson

David Hamilton received the Medal of Honor


Fellowship with gal pals

BBC alumni connectFriends having fun Preparing for worship

President Terry Stine,Dr. Kenny Beckman and

Dr. Charles Crane

Preaching Scholarship awarded to Quentin Byers


Kevin Boll and Bruce Sanders


Reflections on Life at BBC by Dr. M. Ben Williams, professor of Preaching and Old Testament and Prof. Rebecca L. Owens, professor of English and Literature.

When Ben Williams first conferred with Chuck Faber about

his teaching at Boise Bible College, only one question gripped his mind: Is equipping for ministry what BBC does or is equipping for ministry something BBC does? Within five minutes, Ben had an answer – Boise

Bible College equips for ministry, period. When Rebecca Owens first considered a faculty

position at Boise Bible College, only one inquiry motivated her decision: Was this ministry the Lord’s will? Over the next ten days, the Lord affirmed that teaching at BBC was a fulfillment of her God-given identity.

Ben and Rebecca quickly realized that ministry is not an afterthought at BBC, nor does it compete with other degree programs. At BBC, ministry in the Kingdom of Christ means life. A curriculum too focused on training Christians for careers can easily neglect to teach Christians for life. 1 John 5:11-12 proclaims: “God has given us eternal life, and this life

is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Ben found a faculty who disciples their students. Rebecca found an administration that follows the Holy Spirit. Both have found a training ground balanced by Christ’s grace and truth and focused on Christ’s ministry – His life.

Although Ben teaches preaching and Rebecca teaches English, both are instructors of ministry. Both are ministers of the Gospel. This truth fulfills their lives at Boise Bible College because the board of directors, the administrators, and the faculty all recognize that ministry is people-centered communication, whether verbal or written. In fact, this people-centered communication translates into every degree program at BBC: Helping Professions, Deaf Ministry, Christian Education, Children’s Ministry, Intercultural Studies, Biblical Studies, Preaching Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Worship Ministry. This is why Ben and Rebecca appreciate the heart and soul of this school, because every aspect of it intentionally seeks to promote the Kingdom through spreading the Gospel worldwide.

DARLA READ was raised in New Mexico and went to school in Socorro, New Mexico. Her family relocated to Midland, Texas in the oil and gas industry which led them to Indonesia for 6 years. Their move back to the States landed them in Idaho for the last 15 years. One son, David, is currently a student at BSU studying Mechanical Engineering. Her other son, Chris, is a Marine and is studying Electrical Engineering. Two Scottish Terriers rule the house, and Darla enjoys working the flower garden and watching the birds. We are glad to welcome Darla to the BBC family.


First Year’s Impressions

Please Welcome

admissions equipping to lead

CAMPUS VISITS ARE THE BEST!In a digital era where web sites and slick promotions drive the race for student

enrollment, the campus tour is still king. In fact, a strong percentage of our student body made the decision to attend Boise Bible College after stepping foot on campus for an event or a tour. Campus tours are uniquely designed to form a sense of belonging to the school’s unique mission and vision.

For this reason campus tours are important to how Boise Bible College recruits future students. We have several unique opportunities this fall for campus visits, including: the Connect Conference for middle school students; two Perspective events in November; Third Thursday Tours and we will gladly arrange an individual tour when requested.

However, this should by no means be viewed as the only tool in recruiting students. A sense of belonging is best accomplished through a multi-

level scaffold approach. There are many layers in making this happen and each is vital in calling prospective students into BBC’s mission and vision.

Our alumni do a great job of establishing a sense of belonging as they live for Christ, promote Boise Bible College, and challenge people toward ministry. The local church is regularly finding creative ways to partner with Boise Bible College. Youth Ministers create a culture of belonging when they bring students to youth conferences on campus. BBC students serve the local church and proudly tell others about their God and their school. When we all do our part to expand the mission and vision of Boise Bible College we create a sense of belonging that cannot be measured. The campus visit exists to prove everything they’ve seen and heard is true. Students don’t go to Boise Bible College. They BELONG to Boise Bible College.

Do you know someone who needs to schedule a campus visit? Contact the Admissions Office about sending the students you’ve been investing in to one of our Third Thursday Tours or Perspective events.

by Mike Maglish, Director of Admissions


equipping to lead

outstanding students - spring semester 2015Dean’s List (3.5 to 4.0 GPA)Antosh, Samuel.....................Nampa, IDAustin, Joshua ......................... Boise, IDBarth, Danielle .....................Racine, WIBranham, Shaina....................Kenai, AKBullock, Thomas .................Eugene, ORBush, Jacob ............................... Arco, IDCole, Lyshelle.......................... Eagle, IDDeGroat, Christine.................. Kuna, IDEllis, Jenna .........................Meridian, IDGharring, (Buddy) Harold . Nampa, IDGlazebrook, Jamison ..........Eugene, ORHamilton, David ...............Mineral, WAJohnston, Katie ....................Eugene, ORJones, Austin .................. ...Kimberly, IDLarsson, Robert ............St. Ignatius, MTLedford, Shelby ....................... Boise, IDLeovy, Tristan .................... Gooding, IDLopez, Jessica........................ Nampa, IDMcSwain, Payton ............... Bothell, WAMiller, Stephanie ....................... Filer, IDMoe, Silas .................North Powder, ORNewman, Hannah..................Drain, OR O’Meara, Natasha ............Greenleaf, IDPooley, Isabelle .............. Eatonville, WA

Prettyman, Grayson..................Keiser, ORRing, Kassidy.............. ....................Buhl, IDSchoeder, Laurie.................Milwaukie, ORStanciu, Sorin.........................Meridian, IDStevenson, Caleb....................Meridian, IDSturgeon, Justin.........................Nampa, IDSwanson, Rachel....... .............. Omaha, NETaylor, Emily.................. .........Caldwell, IDTaylor, Jonathan........Black Diamond, WAThatcher, Crystal.................... Gooding, IDVoska, Rachel.................. Sacramento, CAWilson, Rachel.....Warner’s Bay, AustraliaWinslow, Mariah....... .....................Roy, UTWoodiwiss, Mary...................Meridian, ID

Honorable Mention (3 to 3.49 GPA)Allen, Kate...................Grand Junction, COAllen, Katy........................ Fort Benton, MTArnold, Conner....................Idaho Falls, IDBailey, Abigail....................... Sandpoint, IDBaker, Melissa.........................Estacada, ORBellamy, Jacquelyn.................. Gooding, IDBorlin, Breanne............... ....Anacortes, WABullock, Andrew....................... Eugene, ORByers, Quentin.....................Enterprise, ORCarpenter, Scott......................Coquille, OR

Chromey, Ryan........... ......................Eagle, IDCole, Jacqueline....................Kennewick, WACookman, Evan.......................Sandpoint, IDCroft, Hunter.............................Spokane, WADurfee, Kendra............................Athena, ORErausquin, Nancy..........................Nampa, IDEvers, Jaxon.................................. Wendell, IDFaxon, Rachel................................Toledo, ORFillebrown, Jasmine............. Kennewick, WAHede, Hannah............................. Yakima, WAHirtle, Isaac....................................... Eagle, IDJohnston, Erin............................ Meridian, IDKnox, Connor......................... Carnation, WAMastrude, Nicholas................ Baker City, ORMeyer, Roy ........................... ............Boise, IDMiner, Donielle............................ Hayden, IDMosier, Tyler................................. Burien, WANarron, Savannah................ ....... Dayton, ORPeterson, Max............................ Gooding, IDRenk, Christopher............................Eagle, IDRicks, Jessica..................Spokane Valley, WAWharton, Betty Grace...................Pasco, WAWhite, Brittany............... ...Klamath Falls, ORWiebe, Jordan ........................ Middleton, IDWilliams, Isaac...............................Canby, OR

The leaders at Boise Bible College place a high priority on an educational experience that provides students with opportunities to grow and expand in practical ministry preparation. We are in partnership with Johnson University who, like us, requires all ministry students to fulfill an internship prior to graduation.

This summer Johnson student, Tate Abernathy (a junior working for a B.A. in Management of Nonprofit Organizations), is interning under the mentorship of our Dean of Students, Cody Christensen. Tate requested this opportunity specifically because he noticed that BBC stands out among other colleges as one that administers godly stewardship and is intentional through the “waypoints” system in transformational education. Tate’s passion for equipping Kingdom workers makes him a great match with our commitment to equip servant leaders who build up the church. We are enjoying having him on campus.


BBC Intern, Tate Abernathy



ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ADAM BAKER (BS ‘95)Starting over for Adam Baker meant leaving everything behind and seeking

God’s blessing for a whole new life. At age 30, from the tent he called home in Boise, he found an advertisement for BBC in the Yellow Pages. After visiting campus, he remembers praying, “God, if you want me to do this, you’ll have to pay for it.” He had no home, no job, no money, and no Bible. God answered that prayer and today, in his Oakland, Oregon barber shop, he proudly displays his BBC diploma alongside a “Paid in Full” receipt from our Business Office.

Ministry did not come easy for Adam, and after a short located church ministry he again asked God for direction. God’s answer was, “everything you need for ministry is already inside you, now just go and use it!” Today Adam is using what he learned at BBC, and God is blessing the community through his little barber shop, his painting, and his writing. His first book, Taking Them Back! Restoring the Man God Intended You to Be, is available on Amazon.com.


We honored Dale Cornett at the Annual Gathering during conference week with the theme of “Faithful.” The food was prepared by Ray DeLoe (BS ‘90) and Val Welch, BBC Business Manager. Thirty-five graduates were welcomed into the Alumni Association through the presentation of engraved “2015” wooden crosses. Danny Harrod (BA ‘79) was the auctioneer. The auction and golf scramble helped raise over $11,000 for scholarships and alumni projects to encourage students.


alumni news

Ben has been serving alongside Terry O’Casey for the last eight years at High Lakes Christian Church in La Pine, Oregon. The church recently announced that beginning in September Ben will be the Sr. Pastor and Terry will be moving into full-time work with Northwest Christian University.

Ben and his wife, Angie, and their three daughters are entrenched in the community. Ben’s response to the announcement was, “I’m humbled by the response of the church at the news. Our best days are ahead of us as we continue to press into our community as witnesses of Christ. My prayer is that of Solomon from 1 Kings 3:8-9, ‘Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to [lead] your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to [lead] this great people of yours?’”

Boise Bible College is pleased to see another alumnus serving as a servant leader building up the Church! Best wishes to Ben and family as he begins leading from a different seat!



In Memory of ........................Given ByBeatrice Maxwell ........................................Mr. & Mrs. John NealBeatrice Maxwell........................... Mr. & Mrs. Joseph GallagherBeatrice Maxwell ..............................Mr. & Mrs. Walter BabcockBeatrice Maxwell ........................Mr. & Mrs. William PenhollowBeatrice Maxwell ..........................................Mr. Thomas CottoneBeatrice Maxwell ................................................Ms. Clara Varcoe Beatrice Maxwell ...................................................Ms. Gayle LoweBeatrice Maxwell ...................................................Ms. Stella CookBeatrice Maxwell ........................................Ms. Suzanne PetersonBeatrice Maxwell ............................................................................................................The American Legion Steven-Chute Post #4Bob Schrowe...................................................Mrs. Betty SchroweDr. & Mrs. Alger Fitch.................................. Mr. Tim GreenhootDr. & Mrs. J.R. Ewing ...............................Mrs. Carol McQuistanGary Iverson .......................................................Mr. James SparksLauren Mosier .......................................Mr. & Mrs. Donald ReedLauren Mosier................................................... Mr. Kenneth ReedMarilyn Douglas ................................. Mr. & Mrs. Frank BarnettMartha Beckman ....................Mr. & Mrs. Raymond LasniewskiMartha Beckman........................................... Mr. Johnie Johnson Martha Beckman............................................. Mrs. Georgia Love Martha Beckman ....................................................Mrs. Ruth Poff

Marvin Prickett...........................Mr. & Mrs. Eugene PrickettMary Anderson..............................Mr. & Mrs. Dale CanfieldMary Anderson........................... Mr. & Mrs. Danny HarrodMary Anderson ..............................Mr. & Mrs. David DavoltMary Anderson ..............................Mr. & Mrs. Floyd WilsonMary Anderson .................... Mr. and Mrs. Martyn MayfieldMary Anderson.................... Mr. & Mrs. Richard FroshiesarMary Anderson...............................Mr. & Mrs. Steve OverlinMary Anderson............................................Mr. Bernel GetterMary Anderson............................................ Mr. Leslie HazenMary Anderson .......................................Mrs. Carol PetersonMary Anderson .....................................Mrs. Cleora WymoreMary Anderson .......................................... Vera L. MushrushNora Thelma Vanderhoofven ............................................................................................ Mr. & Mrs. David Vanderhoofven Rev. Harold R. Dean ..................................Mrs. Sharon DeanTed Baimbridge.....................Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. BowmanTed Baimbridge..............................Mr. & Mrs. Frank BarnettTed Baimbridge............................... Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lichlyter

In Honor of .......................Given ByChuck & Ruth Mackey.................................Mrs. Peggy JonesR. Dale Cornett...................................Mrs. Margaret Cornett

Memorials & Honors

TED BAIMBRIDGEAugust 10, 1942- FebruAry 19, 2015

BEA MAXWELLJuly 12, 1930 - April 10, 2015

VERNA MARY ANDERSONMArch 7, 1923 - April 2, 2015

DOROTHY MAE SCOTTOctober 5, 1929 - June 6, 2015

Beatrice Maxwell was raised in central Oregon. She graduated from Redmond High School in 1946 and continued her education at Northwest Christian College in Eugene, OR. She married Robert Maxwell in 1951. Bea and Bob centered their lives on true Christian principles. They established the “Medal of Honor” scholarship to be awarded annually to a BBC student with high principles and dedication to a life of ministry. Bob is the oldest surviving recipient of the military’s Medal of Honor. They have been generous supporters of higher education and especially Boise Bible College. Bob is living in Bend, OR.

Mary Anderson was born in Viroqua, Wisconsin the second of nine children. She graduated from Minnesota Bible College and married Carl A. Anderson. They faithfully served together in congregations in Minnesota, Indiana, Arizona, and Idaho while he was Academic Dean of Boise Bible College. Mary and Carl have been living at the Christian Retirement Home in Boise for the last few years.

Dorothy married Richard (Dick) Scott (BSL ’54) in Julesburg, CO. They moved to Boise so Dick could attend Boise Bible College. They served in Colorado, South Dakota, Michigan, Montana, and many locations in Oregon. After retirement they moved to Ontario, Oregon and helped at Sunrise Christian Church. Everywhere they served Dorothy was known as an encourager and always maintained a godly home. The family has established a scholarship in Dick’s name to award annually to a student majoring in preaching.

alumni news in loving memory

Ted served as BBC Student Dean. His daughter, Pam Helt (BA ‘91), and granddaughter, Natalia Werber (BS ‘2012), met their spouses at BBC. Ted was active in the Monmouth Christian Church and a generous supporter of BBC.


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