May 2015 outreach

The First Presbyterian Church of Naples May 2015 Hannah and Haley Ahlquist at a First Friday/Parent’s Night Out event IN THIS ISSUE From Dr. Browne 2 Session 3 PNC update 3 Finance 4 Congregational Care 5 Presbyterian Women 5 Children and Youth 6 Preschool 7 Calendar 8 Missions 9 News & Events 10



Transcript of May 2015 outreach

Page 1: May 2015 outreach

T h e F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f N a p l e s

May 2015

Hannah and Haley Ahlquist at a First Friday/Parent’s Night Out event


From Dr. Browne 2

Session 3

PNC update 3

Finance 4

Congregational Care 5

Presbyterian Women 5

Children and Youth 6

Preschool 7

Calendar 8

Missions 9

News & Events 10

Page 2: May 2015 outreach

2 Rev. Dr. Will Browne, Interim Pastor/Head of Staff [email protected]

When I was a child at a

boarding school in India, we

looked ahead with great

expectation to “Going Down

Day.” On that day all the

students left the school and

took buses down the mountain

to the trains in the plains. Then

off they went for the winter

vacation back to their homes

and families. One morning the school was alive and

full. The next morning it was quiet and empty.

There is a strange inexactitude and prolonged state to

seasonal change in Florida churches. On the one

hand we have the church calendar year and according

to that we are about half-way through the Season of

Easter. According to school years calendars we are

getting close to the end of the Spring School season.

According to the Winter Resident Season the end is

here for most and soon for the rest. And then the

vacation season begins for permanent residents who

head up north or further away so while they are not

‘winter residents’ they are still not resident here for

significant hunks of time in the summer.

Remember Ecclesiastes, ‘there is a time for every

matter under heaven….’ All season and all time is

God’s creation and gift to us. All we really have is

time. And every time is God’s time and is not for us

to waste.

First Presbyterian Church of Naples does not go on

vacation come the end of the Winter Resident Season.

The church is grateful for the extra souls that swell

our numbers during the ‘season,’ but we are still and

fully the church even when they are back with their

home churches. This should be the season when we

take stock and think ahead asking for God’s guidance

and blessing. This should be the season for building

and organizing and rejuvenation so that when the

‘Season’ again returns we are ready for the intake

with fresh enthusiasm and expectation.


Hannah and Haley Ahlquist

On Sunday April 5, the Ahlquist family (one of our

preschool families) was in a severe car accident. Jeff and

Annie’s 3-year-old daughter, Hannah was airlifted to

Tampa General Hospital where she underwent extensive

surgery to stabilize her spinal cord and will require

months of rehabilitation and care. Their 5-year-old

daughter, Hayley, was also injured but has mostly

recovered from her injuries and is back at the

preschool. Jeff and Annie are staying at the Ronald

McDonald House in Tampa while other family members

remain in Naples caring for Hayley.

A GoFundMe account has been set up allowing you to

offer financial support to the family. You may visit http:// to donate directly or

you may make your donation payable to First Presbyterian

Church of Naples, indicating “Ahlquist” in the memo.

To stay current of Hannah’s status, you may visit

Your help is greatly appreciated by the Ahlquist family.

Worship Service

Time Change

Beginning Sunday,

May 3 we will

worship together at

9:30 a.m.

Fellowship time will

be held following the

worship service.

We will remain on

this schedule until November 22. At that time we

will resume two worship services at 8:30 and 10


The Chancel Choir begins their summer rehearsal

schedule at 8:45 a.m. in the Choir Room.

Children’s Sunday school will be held at 9:45 a.m.

following the Children’s Time in the worship


Page 3: May 2015 outreach

3 Libby Biehl, Clerk of Session, [email protected] Session

Highlights of Session

A motion was made to table indefinitely, the results of the town hall meeting regarding same sex marriages.

The surplus from the Lenten lunches in the amount of $427.28 has been sent to Mision Peniel.

There will be no communion on July 5.

Dr. Will Browne will be on vacation the week of May 18 but will preach Pentecost Sunday, May 24.

Shirley Hagerson will be the Elder representative at the June Deacons meeting.

We have 208 pledge cards returned out of the 500-600 that were sent out. 208 cards represent a pledge of $580,577. This is 91.1% of our budged goal of $637,000, 28.6% are increases, about the same as last year, 30.7% stayed the same and 10.5% are decreases.

A follow-up letter will be sent to those who have not pledged. We wish to encourage everyone to return a pledge card, even if it is only for a small amount.

The finance committee will assist the membership committee in identifying those who have purchased new homes in the area and sending an invitation to worship with us.

The Choir Hall air conditioner will be replaced at a cost of $7,762 from the TR capital reserve account.

A special offering for earthquake victims in Nepal will be taken beginning May 3.

A specific fund for people to make donations to the Ahlquists (Preschool Family) who were in a serious car accident on Easter Sunday will be set up. Donations will be accepted at First Presbyterian Church and forwarded to the family to assist with ongoing expenses as a result of the accident.

One worship service will be held at 9:30 a.m. from May 3 through November 22, 2015. The children will attend the worship service and then go to Sunday school following the Children’s Time. Adult Sunday School will follow the worship service at 10:30 a.m.

Our Pastor search began August 2013 in which time, the

Committee experienced the loss of a loved one and the

birth of another. But the process continues, as we have

looked at over 250 PIF's (Pastor Information Forms) from

candidates, listened to countless sermons, checked

hundreds of references and had several Skype interviews.

We have visited a few pastors in their churches to hear

them preach and have also had two visit us. I would love

to be telling you now that we have found "the one" God

has called to First Presbyterian Church of Naples, but that

will be when God brings us the right person.

While the process has not been a quick or an easy one, it

has certainly kept us from making selections that would

have turned out to be the wrong person for our

church. We know God is leading us through this process

while we strive to hear His will each time we meet, which

is now becoming twice a week. We are fueled and

encouraged by your prayers and show of support.

Many of you have served on a committee such as ours and

know the commitment and dedication involved. Your

love, kindness and support of all that we are doing is so

vital to the success of our committee.

Currently we have five candidates we are considering.

All are at different stages in the process. We are

encouraged by the qualifications and backgrounds from

these individuals and are looking forward to getting to

know them.

We are a congregation made up of wonderful and loving

disciples of Christ. May we continue to be led and serve

God with all the gifts he has provided to us.

Many Blessings,

Libby Biehl

Pastor Nominating Committee Chair

From Your PNC Committee

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Finance Natalie Duff, Director of Finance, [email protected] 4

Endowment Committee

Have you considered having your legacy continue at First Presbyterian Church after your lifetime? If so, please consider a current gift, or a gift in your will or trust, or a gift by a beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy, a retirement account, or a bank or investment account. If you are interested in learning more about how you can help First Presbyterian Church of Naples please contact Dr. Will Browne or Natalie Duff at 239.262.1311 or Endowment Committee members Linda Gadkowski at 508.778.6126 or Fred Garner at 239.434.2438. Remember please, these thoughts are general in nature and are not meant to be specific as to your personal situation or to take the place of your professional advisors.

Financial Report

March 31, 2015


2014 2015 2015

Offerings 349,960 331,871 376,909

Other Income 116,940 125,680 133,659

Total Income 466,900 457,551 510,568

Total Operating Expenses 350,213 360,902 398,216

Net Gain 116,687 96,649 112,352

We appreciate everyone that

has taken the time to complete

their pledge card. To date, we

have received 208 pledge cards.

This represents $580,577 or

91.14% of our goal of $637,000.

Of the pledge cards received,

58.65% are increases, 30.77%

stayed the same and 10.58% are decreases. If you have not turned in your pledge card,

they can be placed in the offering on Sunday morning, brought to the church office or

mailed to the church.

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Presbyterian Women Ann Goodnight, PW Moderator, [email protected]



Congregational Care Shirley Hagerson, [email protected]



Carol Graham, her husband Bob, and their children began attending First Presbyterian Church upon moving to Naples from the Midwest (mainly Wisconsin) in 1973. She

says, “Our church holds many fond memories for us; and, we look forward to adding more such memories.” Carol feels fortunate to be blessed with wonderful family and friends. She was lucky to spend 40 years in a teaching career that was so rewarding. There were indeed a few challenges along the way; most notably their youngest

daughter’s illness, and death from a heart attack at age thirty. But even the challenging times came, hand in hand, with blessings through a further strengthening of already firm ties with God, family, and friends.

Being involved in various volunteer capacities at First Presbyterian Church and elsewhere, and now with Stephen Ministries, provides Carol with a way to share the blessings in her life.

The Gathering for Presbyterian Women will be held on May 6 at noon in Spencer Hall. Dr. Will Browne will present our program on the Bible Study conclusion of "Stepping Up" A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent. Menu: Apple sausage bake, peas and carrots, and dessert. Please make reservations for $7 in Spencer Hall following church service. All are welcome to attend. Our last Gathering had the installation of the new officers for the coming year and a mission presentation by the Tumaini Fund representatives. The Easter Egg Trees and Easter Bonnet table decorations were sold to benefit that mission with a total of $145 being raised for the fund. Thank you to Betsy Grant for the decorations.

Please be sure to notify the church office of any address, phone and email changes when they occur to help us keep our directory information current. This will end my term as Moderator so I send a very special “Thank you” to you all for your sharing in this very special group of our congregation. You have been a help to the church in offering Bible studies, lunches, programs of help to others, mission support, cookies and especially fellowship. Those of

you leaving town, we wish you safe travels and those of you staying here please watch the Outreach and Bulletins for summer activities. God bless you all, Ann Goodnight

Page 6: May 2015 outreach


Family, children and youth Events

Children and Youth Shana Dublan, Director of Children and Family Ministries

[email protected]

The Relay for Life event on April 17 was one of fellowship, outreach and service. A huge thank you goes out to all the volunteers, without whom we would not have been able to participate. Many of you donated

items, time, monetary gifts and prayers of which we are so grateful. Between donations for the homemade goods at the booth and online donations, we were able to raise approximately $1,100 for the American Cancer Society. Five of our youth stayed overnight and walked the track. They had a great time participating in themed laps complete with outfits! One of our students won the raffle for a 32” flat screen TV!! This is something I am sure they will never forget and you helped to make that happen. Thank you.

Other opportunities to volunteer

Sunday school assistant – Just one Sunday a month will greatly help with our program. Simply come on Sunday and be an extra set of eyes. Our lead teacher will handle everything.

Chaperone—help chaperone trips with the youth group. Dates to be determined.

Youth Group Assistant—High School Youth Group will be held on Tuesdays from 3—5 p.m. Help is needed from 2:30—5:15 p.m. to ride the bus during high school pick up and to stay at youth group. If you have been looking for a way to get involved, this is it!

Vacation Bible School

July 6-10 It is time to start thinking about how you will be able to help our church at VBS this summer. We will be running VBS in a format that is simple and easy to follow. We are looking for Elementary Station leaders for

Bible Expeditions – You will work with children in small groups to reinforce the bible story/lesson of the day.

Imagination Station – You will help children understand the bible story through hands on science!

KidVid Cinema – You will help children understand the bible story through visual enhancement (movie)

Glacier Games – You will be voted the best as you reinforce the Bible story with games.

We also need Preschool Station Leaders for Bible Adventures - You will work with children in

small groups to reinforce the bible story/lesson of the day.

Craft and Play - You will help children understand the bible story through hands activates.

KidVid - You will help children understand the bible story through visual enhancement (movie)

Games - You will be voted the best as you reinforce the Bible story with games.

Station Leaders receive booklet material to teach from. All the instructions are included in the guide and CREWS will rotate to your station for their activities. We are also in need of CREW leaders. A Crew leader is a friend and helper. How many crew leaders we need depends on how many children we have. I am sure we will need at least 10! Each crew leader will only have 5 children in their group. Each child will be in a different grade level, making each group able to help out each other. The Crew leaders take children around to different stations to enjoy learning the bible lesson of the day in many different ways.

Still hesitant… we are looking for a decorating crew to come in the week before, registration help, photographer, supplies organizer and truly many other things. Please contact Shana Dublan and let her know how you can help this year.

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Preschool Ashley Houk, Preschool Director, [email protected] 7

I have introduced you to our

toddler/two year old staff and our

three year old staff. This month, I

would like to introduce you to our

Voluntary PreKindergarten/VPK

(4/5 year old) staff. These staff are

responsible for ensuring that our

children are prepared with the skills

they need to be successful as they enter Kindergarten.

Our VPK students are busy each day practicing their

numbers, letters, phonograms, as well as their social


Bernie Shields is our

longest serving staff

member. She has

taught at First


Preschool for 36

years! She has seen

many changes, but

continues to love her

children the same as

when she first began

her career here. Mrs.

Shields holds a Florida Child Care Professional

Credential. She can also be found teaching our VPK

students Yoga on Friday mornings.

Angela Kuenzle joined the Preschool as a teacher’s

assistant five years ago and currently works with our

three year old and VPK students in Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs.

Shields, and Ms. Erin’s class. Angela’s two youngest

children graduated from FPP and now attend Lake Park

Elementary. Mrs. Kuenzle is often found floating among

all the classrooms, lending a hand whenever needed.

Carmen Dunwiddie

has been teaching

at FPP for 25 years.

Mrs. Dunwiddie

joined the staff of

FPP as a teacher’s

assistant and

worked with Mrs.

Shields before

moving into a

teaching position.

She also holds a Florida Child Care Professional

Credential. Mrs. Dunwiddie also enjoys teaching our

children Spanish.

Marylee Finman has been a teacher’s assistant at FPP for

five years. She had two children that completed our

program before entering Kindergarten at Lake Park. Mrs.

Finman is very creative and has developed unique lyrics

for the end of year performance (sung to the tune of Take

Me Out to the Ballgame)!

She can often be found

working on art projects

with the children or

helping to create the parent

bulletin board.

Colleen Kennedy has been

teaching at FPP for nine

years. Both of her children

attended FPP as well.

Mrs. Kennedy holds an

Associates degree.

Fridays, Mrs. Kennedy

conducts Science experiments with the children as they

explore the world around them.

Dana Muller and Isabella Sala-Junkroski also share their

time with the VPK classes. You were introduced to them

last month as they also work with the three year old


They both have

spent the last four

years working

with the students

and staff at First



You have now been introduced to all of the teaching staff

at the Preschool. We each hold our own unique talents

that we bring together to make our Program what it is

today. We look forward to serving many more

generations in the future.

Ashley Houk

Preschool Director Carmen Dunwiddie and Marylee Finman

Bernie Shields and Angela Kuenzle

Isabella Sala-Junkroski and Dana Muller

Colleen Kennedy

Page 8: May 2015 outreach

Sandy Poore, Director of Facilities, [email protected] Calendar 8


1 8:30 a.m. Preschool Parent/teacher conferences 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 5:30 Parent’s Night Out


3 Communion 8:45 a.m. Choir 9:30 Worship 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 10:30 am May Day Pot Luck Brunch 11 a.m. Photo sessions 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

4 1:30 p.m. Nominating Committee

5 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 11 a.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group

6 12:p.m. PW Gathering 12 p.m. Preschool Committee 4:30 p.m. PNC Committee

7 National Day of Prayer 1 p.m. First Aid/CPR 4 p.m. Youth Group 4:30 p.m. PNC Committee 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

8 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 12 p.m. Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (separate



10 Mother’s Day 8:45 a.m. Choir 9:30 Worship 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11 a.m. Photo sessions 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

11 9 a.m. PW Bible Facilitators

12 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


8 a.m. Facilities Committee 9 a.m. CE Committee 9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 1 p.m. Worship and Music Committee

13 4:30 p.m. PNC Committee

14 10:30 a.m. Stephen Ministry Meeting (separate location) 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 4:30 p.m. PNC Committee 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

15 OUTREACH DEADLINE 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking


17 8:45 a.m. Choir 9:30 Worship 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11 a.m. Photo sessions 12 p.m. Cumberland Church


19 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 3 p.m. Finance Committee 5:30 p.m. Deacons

20 4:30 p.m. PNC Committee

21 4 p.m. Youth Group 4:30 p.m. PNC Committee 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

22 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking


24 8:45 a.m. Choir 9:30 Worship 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11 a.m. Photo sessions 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

25 MEMORIAL DAY Church Office Closed Preschool Closed

26 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate


9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 4 p.m. Session

27 6 p.m. Preschool Fantastic Finale

28 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 4 p.m. Youth Group 6:45 p.m. Parent Meeting for youth trip participants 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

29 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking


31 8:45 a.m. Choir 9:30 Worship 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 11 a.m. Photo sessions 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

This calendar does not necessarily include all events that are scheduled at the church. For additional information, call 239.262.1311 or visit the website Contact Facilities Manager, Sandy Poore at 239.262.1311 ext. 228 or [email protected] to reserve a room for your meeting. Please do not assume that if a room is vacant that it is available for use. This will alleviate any awkward situations from occurring.

Page 9: May 2015 outreach

9 Missions Betty Mangos, Mission Committee Chair, [email protected]

summertime is one of the worst times for the food pantries here in Collier County

Many children who have been able to get free breakfast/lunch at school do not eat when they get home so that there is enough for the rest of the family.

Feed the 5,000

Luke 9:10-17 The Shelter for Abused Women and Children will benefit from our food drive in May. The Shelter works to prevent domestic violence. It protects victims, and helps to heal and transform lives.

Requested items: baby food or formula kidney, pinto, or baked beans canned fruit canned tuna or chicken or meat 2 pounds pasta pasta sauce fruit juice peanut butter jam or jelly Please take a Publix bag from an usher on the first Sunday of the month, and return it with food to the Sixth Street entrance before church on the second Sunday of the month. Checks are welcome, should be payable to "First Presbyterian Church" with the memo marked "Feed the 5,000," and placed in the collection plates during the service.

Betty Mangos and Shirley Hagerson at our

Relay for Life Booth

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10 News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

In Memoriam

Joann Leo April 6, 2015

Thank You

Thank you for the goodie bag which was recently

delivered by a lovely lady. It was so thoughtful and I

appreciated it. Please keep me in your prayers.

Pat McCorkle

1 vacuum cleaner—$900

Locked cabinet for audio/visual

equipment in the Youth Room—$600

Pulpit and Lectern (See Will Browne) -


Dri-Dek floor coverings for the boys and girls

bathrooms (public restrooms in Preschool) -


Preschool Bye Bye Buggy Tire Replacements

$332.45 x 2 = $664.90

Commercial grade office shredder—$1,000

Donations for the above items would be

welcomed and appreciated.

Please contact Sharman Pfaus 239.262.1311

with any questions on the items for the wish list.

BREAKFAST BIBLE STUDY Each Tuesday morning we meet at 7 a.m. at

Skillet’s on the north trail (behind Wendy’s

just north of DeVoe Cadillac). Bring your

Bible and your appetite! Everyone is


May Day Potluck

Please join us Sunday, May 3, following the worship service for a

May Day Potluck brunch.

Those whose last names begin with the following, please bring:

A-G, dessert; H-P, side/salad;

Q-Z, main course.

Page 11: May 2015 outreach

Please complete one form per child. Age 3 (must be potty trained) through completed grade 5. Middle School students can sign up to help

lead activities.

CHILD’S NAME ________________________________________________________________

GENDER ______ AGE (at time of VBS) ______ BIRTHDATE _____/_____/_____ GRADE/CLASS COMPLETED ______

PARENT/GUARDIAN ___________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY _______________ ST _______ ZIP___________

PRIMARY # ________________________ CELL# ______________________ E-MAIL ______________________________

EMERGENCY CONTACT: _____________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP _________________

PHONE # ’s ____________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________



Food or other allergies: _________________________________________ Medications: _______________________

Liability Release We (I), in consideration for our child/youth attending First Presbyterian Church of Naples Children, Youth, and Family Ministry activities and being under the age of 21, do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless First Presbyterian Church of Naples and the directors thereof from any and all liability, claims of demands for personal injury, sickness of death, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and the child-participant that occur while said child is participating in First Presbyterian Church Children, Youth, and Family Ministry trips and activities. Furthermore, we (I) [and on behalf of our (my) child-participant] hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage and expense as a result of participation in recreation and related activities involved therein. Further, authorization and permission is hereby given to said church to furnish any necessary transportation, food and lodging for this child. The undersigned further hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify said church, its directors, employees and agents, for any liability sustained by said church as a result of negligent, willful or intentional acts of said child, including expenses incurred attendant thereto. We (I) are the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of this child, and hereby grant our (my) permission for her (him) to participate fully in First Presbyterian Church of Naples Children, Youth, and Family Ministry activities, and hereby give our (my) permission to take said child to a doctor or hospital and hereby authorize medical treatment, including but not in limitation to emergency surgery or medical treatment, and assume the responsibility of all medical bills, if any. Further, should it be necessary for the child/youth to return home due to medical reason, disciplinary action, or otherwise, we (I) hereby assume all transportation costs. Further, we (I) agree to allow First Presbyterian Church of Naples to use any photographs or video of my child for the purpose of First Presbyterian Church publicity. Either of both parents/guardians must sign. If divorced or separated, custodial parent or legal guardian must sign.

Mother’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________ Father’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________

Information update or revocation of this document is the responsibility of the parent or guardian and must be received in writing at First Presbyterian Church, 250 Sixth Street S, Naples, FL, 34102.
Typewritten Text
July 6-10, 2015
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Typewritten Text
Cost: $25 for the first child, $15 each additional sibling, $50 maximum fee. All registrations due by June 1, 2015.
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Non-Profit Org.

Postage PAID

Naples, FL


Permit No. 8

First Presbyterian Church of Naples 250 Sixth Street South Naples, FL 34102 239.262.1311

July 6-12 9 a.m.—12 p.m.

Registration form and fees available on inside page or online at