Outcomesprim-re-modules.dbbcso.org/.../4/7/8147992/s_2_year_3…  · Web view2015-02-11 · These...

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Transcript of Outcomesprim-re-modules.dbbcso.org/.../4/7/8147992/s_2_year_3…  · Web view2015-02-11 · These...

Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter Religious Education Modules –Lent to Easter

Stage 2 Module (Draft)

Year 3 Lent to Easter


Lent to Easter

Module Focus

In this module students will explore the themes of Lent and Easter in a creative and integrated way. Through participation and involvement in the module as well as in whole school Lent and Easter activities and celebrations the students will explore how Jesus reached out to others through his relationships, actions, feelings, healing, lifestyle and word.

Further, students will recall the events of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, as well as exploring the Easter Vigil ceremony and will gain an awareness of the stories, actions and symbols of Lent and Easter. Through participating in the Church’s re-enactment of these events the students will become acutely aware of the intense, all consuming love that Jesus had for the Father and reflect on how and why Catholics are called to remember and celebrate Jesus’ Passover from death to new life each time Eucharist is celebrated.

Finally, students will find that by exploring the gospel accounts of Jesus’ Resurrection they will be able to relate the Resurrection to their own experiences of 'new life' and in turn, how this is related to the Church's celebration of the mystery of Jesus' dying and rising in the liturgies of Holy Week and the Easter season. In particular students will study John’s joyful recount of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples and the command he gives to them to go out into the world to spread his Father’s peace.


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GRHD S2.1: Identifies and describes God’s activity in the world today.J S2.2: Names and describes the presence of Jesus in the world todayPS S2.4b: Plans and participates in communal celebration

Learn About Learn To

GRHD S2.1: The world’s need for healing and forgiveness Christian values The value of life

J S2.2: The presence of Jesus in community Jesus’ actions as examples of how disciples live The characteristics of Christianity that Jesus taught The call to discipleship Events, symbols and ceremonies of Holy Week

PS S2.4a: Eucharistic celebrations Ways Jesus is present in the Church’s celebration of the


GRHD S2.1: Outline and communicate ways of saying

‘sorry’ Reflect upon and recount examples of

forgiveness and healing Compare and contrast Christian and non-

Christian responses

J S2.2: Name ways in which Jesus’ presence is

celebrated Pose questions and talk about the implications

of the actions of Jesus for the world today Identify ways to live like Jesus Express an understanding of discipleship Talk about experiencing Jesus through


PS S2.4a: Describe, explain and participate in important

celebrations of the Church Participate in a variety of prayer forms Appreciate prayer as a means of

communication with God


Students are challenged to respond as Christians to the presence of God in the world Students are challenged to recognise Jesus in others and treat them accordingly Students are challenged to participate in liturgical celebrations

Catholic Discipleship

The recognition of Jesus in others may well be one of the most difficult tenets in Christianity. Children will be more able to do this if they sense others can recognise Jesus in them.

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Until now students have studied Jesus’ words and actions whilst he celebrated his ministry on earth. They have heard how Jesus was able to alleviate the suffering of others; curing the sick and disabled, telling meaningful stories, and how he showed his concern for the weak and marginalised. Now the students are confronted with a seemingly helpless Jesus, unable to defend himself against the claims of jealous and cruel others.

The focus for the students during the Easter Triduum will be on preparing for new life and how they as humans are capable of being inclusive and welcoming to all. They were introduced to the importance of the celebration of Eucharist as an opportunity to share in Christ’s meal where all are called to the table as equals. The module further seeks to build on this and encourage students to begin to ask the questions that develop after the actual resurrection accounts. Whilst knowledge of the Resurrection story is crucial, students are at an age where they must be supported to reflect on deeper questions. These questions include exploring where the risen Jesus is present in their lives? Why Catholics believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist? What is the purpose of receiving Jesus during Eucharistic celebrations?

Prayer Focus

Ignatian Examen

To be a disciple of Jesus, one should reflect on life… to embrace the joys, to acknowledge the wrongs, to say sorry and to look forward to another day, asking for grace to do so. Jesus prayed and demonstrated to his disciples that it was important to pray and to be reflective. As a faithful Jew, prayer and reflection on Scripture were essential elements of his life. When his disciples said, “Master, show us how to pray”, Jesus gave them the Lord ’s Prayer, which contained praise, sorrow, and intercession. He also prayed in different places, in the temple, in the wilderness and in the garden. The Ignatian Examen is a simple and reflective way to pray as a disciple of Jesus.

“The Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and discern his direction for us. The Examen is an ancient practice in the Church that can help us see God’s hand at work in our whole experience.

The method presented here is adapted from a technique described by Ignatius Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises. St. Ignatius thought that the Examen was a gift that came directly from God, and that God wanted it to be shared as widely as possible”. http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/ (Appendix 4) There are also Apps available to guide the prayer.

There are several ways to adapt the Ignatian Examen, which lends itself beautifully to prayer for children.

Here is a simple way:

1. Recall the events of your day- how did your heart feel throughout this day?2. What were the joyful and happy things which occurred today?3. Say ‘thank you’ to God for these blessings.4. Was there something today that upset me or hurt my heart? Do I need to say ‘sorry’ to God about what I

did and know that I am forgiven.5. What particular grace or blessing do I ask God for so I can go forward tomorrow?

Pray the “Glory be to the Father”.

Core Scripture

Mt 9:1-15 Cure, Call, Eating with sinners, fasting.

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Jn 13: 1-15; Jn 18:1-19:42 Holy Thursday and Good FridayMk 16: 1-8; Jn 20:1-9; The resurrection of JesusJn 20: 19-21 Appearances to the disciples

Associated Scripture

Mk 8 :22-25 Jesus cures a blind man Mk 2 1-12 Jesus heals a paralytic Matt 8:1-3 Jesus cleanses a Leper

Core Scripture in Context

Matthew 9:1-15These verses show Jesus in the midst of his ministry, curing the sick, eating with sinners and calling Matthew, a social outcast, to be his disciple. The evangelising mission of the Church is modelled here by its founder: reaching out and transforming the world by actions, and by acceptance of others. Jesus’ statement regarding penance and fasting does not diminish the importance of the practice. Rather, it alerts us to the fact that there is a time for that. In the Church Lent is specifically one of those times, calling us to look closely at the way we conduct our lives as disciples of Jesus.

Jn 13: 1-15Through the washing of the disciples’ feet, an act of loving service, the true meaning of Jesus’ death is recognised. Christ gives his disciples an example of the extent of loving service they are asked to perform for others.

Jn 18: 1-19:42These particular chapters provide the reader with insights into the ‘Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus’. The scene has shifted from sharing a meal at the Last Supper to the Mount of Olives where Jesus is arrested. After Jesus’ arrest and whilst he is being questioned by Pilate, Peter denies Jesus three times. This denial was as predicted at the Last Supper. John’s Gospel then moves to the story of Jesus’ Trial before Pilate. John’s gospel highlights the conflict between the Jewish leaders and Jesus. John’s account of the Crucifixion has, unlike the other Gospels, Jesus carrying the cross himself. The closing verses of this chapter focus on the burial of Jesus.

The resurrectionThe whole of the Easter Vigil points to this Gospel passage. The drama of the morning is mirrored in the drama of the liturgy. The theme of light, in the presence of the dawn and the person of the Risen Lord, prevails as it overcomes the darkness of sin and despair. We, too, are filled with awe and joy in our knowledge of the resurrection and our participation in its mystery.

Jn 20:1-9 The resurrectionJohn’s account of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples is simply yet joyfully written. The disciples are in a state of anxiety, their leader has been taken from them and they believe that their world has changed, altered forever. The disciples also fear for their lives. So imagine their great joy when Jesus appeared to them, bearing his scars as a reminder of his suffering whilst proclaiming the words, ‘Peace be with you’. Jesus does not leave them wondering as to what they are to do next, there is no ambiguity in the words he shares with them; he commands them gently yet firmly that he is sending them into the world to perform the same work as the Father had sent him to do.

Mk 16:1-8 The Resurrection

The story of the resurrection must be seen in context of the whole story of Holy Week, and in fact of Jesus’ entire life and death. The resurrection brings to light our salvation in the midst of suffering. The cross and the resurrection are united, they cannot be seen alone. The mystery of new life comes from Jesus’ suffering.

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The Paschal Mystery (the living, dying and rising of Jesus) is at work within us both individually and collectively as we embrace brokenness in our world, knowing that within the pain lives hope. Pope Benedict XVI says that the resurrection is a proclamation of life. “True life –our salvation- can only be found in the reconciliation, freedom and love which are God’s gracious gift. The resurrection holds a message of hope, of transformation and calls us like the people of Israel to “choose life” (Dt 30:19) Homily in USA, Apr 20, 2008 @ http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/20/nyregion/20homily.html?ref=nationalspecial2

Catechism of the Catholic Church for teacher reference

nn. 548-549 Signs of the Kingdom

Compendium # 108 Why did Jesus manifest the Kingdom by means of signs and miracles?n. 588 -589 Jesus eats with sinners; Jesus on fasting

Compendium # 116 Did Jesus contradict Israel's faith in the one God and saviour?nn. 599-605, 620 The Death of Jesus

Compendium # 118 Why was the death of Jesus part of God’s plan?nn. 613-617, 622-623 Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross

Compendium # 122 What are the results of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross?nn.651-655, 658 Jesus’ Resurrection

Compendium # 131 What is the saving meaning of Jesus’ resurrection?nn. 1163-71 Lent/Easter – The Liturgical Year

Compendium # 241 What is the centre of the liturgical season?nn. 1337-44 The institution of the Eucharist

Compendium # 272 When did Jesus Christ institute the Eucharist?nn. 1362-1368 Eucharist as memorial of Christ's Passover

Compendium # 280 In what way is the Eucharist a memorial of the sacrifice of Christ?nn. 1434-1439 Forms of penance in Christian life

Compendium # 301 What forms does penance take in Christian life?

Background for TeachersIntroduction

This module has several components:1. On Ash Wednesday, children will be introduced to the Season of Lent.

This will include: changing the colour of the Sacred Space to purple, and discussing why; celebrating an Ash Wednesday Mass or liturgy; introducing the actions of Lent i.e. prayer, almsgiving and fasting; and focusing prayer in Lent and raising money for Project Compassion (S2 children are too young to fast,

although the concept may be discussed with them). Whilst the Lenten theme runs in the classroom, teachers should complete teaching their first module of the year, and not begin the actual Lenten module until the third week of Lent (as they learn about Lent every year, it is important to give time to complete other modules).

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2. In the fifth week of Lent and Holy Week, the focus will be on the Easter Triduum, through the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

3. For two weeks after Easter, children will continue by learning about the Easter Season. However, they must be aware that the Easter Season lasts for fifty days, and so class prayer should have the Easter theme for that period of time. As the “Alleluia” is returned, maybe, “Alleluia” banners could be prominent in the classroom or school. The sacred space might contain symbols that represent new life.

Ash Wednesday is a special day which is the first day of Lent

The liturgical year is designed to express and celebrate the different aspects of our lives. There are times of great celebration and joy, times when we celebrate the ordinary things of our lives and times of preparation forgiveness and healing. Lent is a season of preparation for the great feast of Easter, a time during which we focus on how we can best be disciples of Jesus. Lent presents us with its challenge to take stock of our lives, to see more clearly what is in our hearts, and to discover what might be calling us out of our comfort zones. It is a time for personal as well as group reflection, a time for entering into 'the wilderness' and grappling with the mysteries of life, through which we prepare for Easter when we renew our baptismal vows and celebrate the greatest mysteries of our faith. Lent encourages us to find the sacred in the ordinary as we look at our everyday relationships with God, with others and with creation.

On Ash Wednesday Catholics all over the world come to church to receive ashes on their foreheads. The name of the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday, comes from the old custom of blessing ashes and marking the foreheads of the people with ashes on this day. The practice was adopted by early Christians from their Jewish heritage where ashes had been used as an expression of sorrow and humiliation. The custom was then often used privately by the early Christians. In medieval times, mourners and penitents often clothed themselves in sackcloth and sprinkled their hands and faces with dust and ashes. It was introduced into the liturgy and became a formal part of the Roman practice in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Today, the ashes are prepared by burning palms from the preceding Palm Sunday. It has become a public sign of communal faith through which Catholics express our connection in the Cross of Jesus, our connection with creation, our connections with those who are suffering and dying, and our place in the living, dying and rising of Jesus.

As these young children receive the ashes on Ash Wednesday they will learn that the special sign on their foreheads is to remind them to be good and kind to everyone during this time of waiting for Easter to come.

Our call to bring about the Kingdom of God ~ a focus in Lent

In Jesus' life and ministry, the Kingdom of God was the focus of everything that he said and did. Jesus shared his giftedness with all, especially the poor and became the model for unselfish, loving service based on the two great commandments, love of God and love of neighbour.

People who met Jesus were affected by the person he was: his actions and words through which he brought healing and forgiveness. Those who trusted and believed in him experienced a freedom to respond to God's love. Jesus excluded no one from his love and care. His example challenges the Christian community to reach out to all with the same love and care that he showed to others.

The Season of Lent is a time in which we focus on our call to bring about the kingdom of God in our own lives. The actions of almsgiving, fasting and prayer help to direct our minds to injustice in the world and our call to make a difference.

Symbols of Lent and Easter

Symbols: The liturgy of the church depends on the use of symbols. It is important to note the difference between symbols and signs. Signs convey a message or information. Symbols point beyond themselves to a deeper reality

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and can carry many meanings simultaneously, but there is always a level of unified meaning that the symbol possesses. Symbols gather layers of meaning over time and in a sense their meaning is inexhaustible.

Palms: The palm tree was significant in the Old Testament e.g. both Solomon and Jeremiah used the palm tree as a symbol of straight stature. In Leviticus, the Lord tells Moses to keep the festival of the Lord for seven days with rest on the first day and afterwards on the eighth. “ On the first day you shall take the fruit of majestic trees, branches of palm trees, boughs of leafy willows of the brook and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days” (Lev 23:40). The city of Jericho, an oasis in the desert, was also known as the “City of palm trees”. Palms were considered as princely trees, were used to symbolise victory and were also an adornment in temples. Palms were a sign of welcome, of public homage and of journey’s end. They were a sign of public acceptance and were waved and strewn in triumphal processions. Palms also provided food and shade for desert travellers, and were probably the first sign of an oasis seen by these people. As such, they became a symbol of finding water by desert travellers.

Carrying palms is seen as a faithful symbol of Christ’s presence. Not only a sign of Jesus’ kingship, they are a connection with the gift of creation and a reminder of the humility of Jesus’ kinship. Displaying palms in our homes and school throughout Lent is a reminder that Jesus daily enters our lives.

Cross: During Lent, Christians focus on the cross, one of the primary symbols of Christianity. From a tree which brought death, life sprung forth anew. Through the cross, Jesus made himself vulnerable and assumed the condition of a slave so that we may have life. Through his cross of death, Jesus’ majesty was revealed. Our journey as we pray the Stations of the Cross in Holy Week reminds us of our won journey to new life with Jesus.In a way, we sit at the foot of the cross every day. Suffering is a universal part of life, an inescapable part of human existence. However, it is through suffering that we are called beyond ourselves into God’s mystery of love, as expressed through Jesus. Children in a simple way may begin to understand that when we are hurt, sad, sorry or lonely, we grow in special ways. Often we come to feel love from someone who reaches out to us. Jesus knows how we feel and is there with us. Often we learn from our hurt and sadness new ways to behave e.g. we might come to learn how other people feel when they are in pain.

Alleluia: Symbols come to life when we participate in their reality. As the Alleluia is returned to the liturgy, after the Season of Lent we experience the joy and celebration of the Easter Season. “When a person experiences great joy, he/she cannot keep it to him/herself. He/ she has to express it, to pass it on. But what happens when a person is touched by the light of the resurrection, and thus comes into contact with Life itself, with Truth and Love? He/she cannot merely speak about it. Speech is no longer adequate. He/she has to sing. At the Easter Vigil, year after year, we Christians intone this song after the third reading, we sing it as our song, because we too, through God’s power, have been drawn forth from the water and liberated for true life.” Pope Benedict- Easter Vigil Homily, 2009

Other Symbols of Lenten and Easter Season: Whilst S2 children will not study all the symbols of these seasons, they will become aware of some symbols through their participation in school and parish liturgies. There may be occasions when they are discussed in a simple way in class. A brief theology of some of these is included here:

Water has two opposed meanings: In one sense it is a symbol of death. The destructive power of water has been seen in tsunamis. And so it becomes the symbolic representation of Jesus’ death on the Cross: Christ descended into the sea, into the waters of death, as Israel did into the Red Sea. Having risen from death, he gives us life. We are called by our baptism to rise again as new creatures. The other meaning of water is that of the fresh spring that gives life. Without water there is no life. Jesus, water of life gives us the meaning of true life.

Light “At the Easter Vigil, the Church represents the mystery of the light of Christ in the sign of the Paschal candle, whose flame is both light and heat. The symbolism of light is connected with that of fire: radiance and heat, radiance and the transforming energy contained in the fire — truth and love go together. The Paschal candle burns, and is thereby consumed: The cross and the resurrection are inseparable.”

Washing of the Feet “What does 'washing of the feet’, concretely mean? Every deed of goodness for our fellows, especially for the suffering and those held in low regard, is like the service of the washing of the feet. The Lord calls us to do this, step down [from our pedestal], learn to be humble, have the courage to be good and

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available to accept refusal, and yet trust goodness and persevere in it. http://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/17/world/europe/pope-francis-washes-feet-of-disabled-people/

The Breaking of Bread Having given thanks and praise, the Lord then breaks the bread and gives it to the disciples. Breaking the bread is:

the act of the father of the family who looks after his children and gives them what they need for life. the act of hospitality with which the stranger, the guest, is received within the family and is given a share in

its life. Dividing and sharing brings about unity. Through sharing, communion is created. In the broken bread, the Lord distributes himself.

nourishment for the journey , as Christians we are nourished for our journey of mission representative of the broken body of the “lamb of God”.

“Giving thanks and praise, Jesus transforms the bread, he no longer gives earthly bread, but communion with himself. This transformation, though, seeks to be the start of the transformation of the world – into a world of resurrection, a world of God.”

Non Liturgical Symbols of Easter:

Children will be familiar with common symbols such as eggs, butterflies, chickens and flowers etc. which are used commercially in the Easter Season. Teachers are challenged to demonstrate how these symbols are representative of the new life that we experience through Jesus’ resurrection. The symbols should therefore be used throughout the fifty days of the Easter Season, so that children come to know that Easter is much more than receiving Easter eggs.

The Liturgical Seasons

The whole mystery of Christ unfolds through the liturgical year. The Paschal Mystery is our core understanding of life ~ we live, die and rise with Jesus Christ every day. We live our lives experiencing many of the things that Jesus did, we die in our pain, worries and suffering and we rise in our hope that Christ is always with us. The liturgical year discloses God as a possibility NOW.

Jesus comes to tell us how to be fully present to God. God’s kingdom is about hungering for fragmented humanity to be brought into one life by the death and resurrection of Jesus. We live that hungering in the cycles of our lives. The Liturgical Year invites us into that hungering. The disclosure of God through Jesus offers a new quality of life.

We live out daily lives in chronos time (forward movement), but religious time is kairos time (time thick with power and meaning). Our liturgical time is fundamentally sacred. Time is itself a gift of grace.

The liturgical year in a way reflects our lives:

There are times of high celebration and joy (in our lives like weddings and birthdays). In the church they are captured in the colour white, Easter and Christmas Seasons and other solemnities.

There are times of preparation, healing and forgiveness. In the church, the colour purple is used in the seasons of Lent and Advent.

There are times of great sadness, but these times are always balanced against the hope of resurrection. In the church different colours are used e.g. red is used on Good Friday.

Most of our lives are lived in order, carrying out the things of day to day lives. Just like the colour of grass and trees, the liturgical colour for ordinary time is green. This is the time when we hear the God’s story as reflected in the stories of the Old Testament people, the stories of Jesus and the stories of those who carried on Jesus’ work in the days of the early church.

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Christmas Season



Solemnities, feasts and memorials


The Seasons of Lent and Easter

In the present calendar, Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday to the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday evening. There are only two days that are set down by the Australian Conference of Bishops as strict days of fasting: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

While Sunday is the weekly celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection, there emerged over time an annual celebration of the events that made up the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. Today we call that annual commemoration the Easter Triduum.

The Easter Triduum is the culmination of the entire liturgical year. It begins with the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. Although the events of the Lord’s Supper, the passion, death and resurrection are celebrated as distinct moments in the life of Jesus, they are essentially one event, the paschal mystery. We are not simply remembering past events, rather we are entering into the Paschal mystery of Christ, as we do in every Mass , in such a way that the unique saving of Christ’s death and resurrection becomes present to us now.

The Celebration of Easter Triduum

The structure of the Triduum as we know it has a long history. At first the early Church celebrated the total Easter event of the death and resurrection of Christ in the course of a single Easter vigil. Over the centuries the three day celebration emerged to include Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday commencing with the celebration of the Easter Vigil. For the purposes of this module the focus should be on the joyful resurrection of Jesus as a sign of God’s approval for Jesus’ life.

Holy Week and the Last Supper (Lord’s Supper)

The Easter Triduum of the passion and resurrection of the Lord begins with the evening Mass of the Lord's Supper, reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil, and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday, the Sunday of the Lord's Resurrection. (Roman Missal: Calendar nn.18-19)

The Last Supper on Holy Thursday evening was a special meal. Whether originally a Passover meal or a farewell meal, it was celebrated with a view to the coming of the Kingdom of God. By sharing broken bread and wine poured out as his flesh and blood, Jesus gave his disciples a share in the power of his death to make atonement for sins and to establish a new Covenant.

The Jewish people regard the Passover as the most important meal of the year. During this celebration families gather to remember and share the story of how Yahweh saved the Hebrews from slavery. A special plate of six different foods is prepared for this celebration. Each food reminds the family of a part of the story. An egg is symbolic of spring and new life. Watercress / parsley is symbolic of new foods in spring and thankfulness to God for new life. Salt water symbolic of the tears shed by the Hebrews under slavery in Egypt. Morer / horseradish, a bitter herb symbolises the slavery and sorrow that the people experienced. Haroses (made by grinding apples, almonds and raisins) is symbolic of the mortar used to build clay bricks for the Egyptian masters. Roasted lamb shank eaten on the first Passover night is symbolic of

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the death of the oldest child in each of the Egyptian houses. As in the celebration of Eucharist unleavened bread and wine is also shared.

The story of the Last Supper, and its links to the Eucharist, challenges the students to think symbolically and to recognise symbols, including words and images.

'Eucharist' is a Greek word that means Thanksgiving. The first Jewish Christians celebrated the Eucharist in small groups in their homes in the context of the customary ritual of a Jewish meal. Simple warmth and hospitality marked home worship in the early Church. The home atmosphere expressed the meaning of Eucharist as the sacred in the midst of everyday community life. Eucharist symbolised the unity of Christians gathered in the name of one Lord in a shared meal. The Jewish community called their home liturgies a meal of shalom which means a meal of peace and friendship.

The Easter Season

Eastertide includes the whole period of fifty days starting with Easter Vigil and concluding at Pentecost. It commemorates Jesus' Resurrection, Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

'The Resurrection of Jesus is the crowning truth of our faith in Christ, a faith believed and lived as the central truth by the first Christian community; handed on as fundamental by Tradition; established by the documents of the New Testament; and preached as an essential part of the Paschal mystery along with the cross' (CCC 638)

Student ContextPlease cater for the student context of your class in your planning of this module.

Developing the PartnershipPlease make connections between the learning in this module and parents and the wider community.

Curriculum LinksPlease note connections with other KLAS and cross curricular perspectives in your planning.

Planning a Quality Learning Sequence for your classQuality religious education will be achieved only by deep thinking about where you are going and how you plan the learning journey to get there. Begin with the end in mind and then consider how you will build field to meet your goals. Remember that you cannot expect children to develop deep knowledge and understanding, unless you as teacher have deep knowledge and understanding yourself. According to the Quality Teaching Framework, quality teaching will occur when you ask yourself four questions:

What do you want the students to learn? Why does the learning matter?

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What are you going to get the students to do (or produce)? How well do you expect them to do it?The suggested learning sequence has been planned through such a process. However, it cannot be written with the understanding of the student context of each class and relationship to other learning that is happening in the class. It is therefore necessary for you as teacher to plan your own unit, using this module as a support. Doing so is part of your role as an “activist professional” (a teacher who actively works to improve their professionalism).

Key Concepts

Lent Easter Ash Wednesday Almsgiving Prayerful

Prayer Praying Meditation Symbols Season

Caritas Project Compassion Kingdom of God Holy Week Holy Thursday

Last Supper

(Lord’s Supper)

Meal Celebration Passover Passion

Resurrection Eucharist Thanksgiving Disciples Waiting

Fasting Silence Liturgy Responding Church

During Lent we reach out to others

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Suggested Teaching, Learning and Assessment Experiences

These are suggested teaching and learning experiences. The essential part of teaching this module is that you, as teacher have deep knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Reading in depth the “Background for the Teacher” and “Scripture in Context” will give you the basic understanding you need.

It is essential to use the whole module to plan your own unit. You might like to change the questions to suit your class. Your unit should be written in acknowledgement of the student context of your class. The suggested learning experiences are meant to be adapted for this purpose. You should design learning experiences for the purpose of formative and summative assessment. When designing quality learning experiences and assessments, they must address the outcomes, learning intentions and success criteria based on the enduring understandings of the module.

What is important for Students to Know and Do

The church celebrates different seasons, just like there are seasons in our year.

The season of Lent lasts for 40 days.

In Lent, we pray, we give to people in need and sometimes fast as a sign of our change of heart.

The liturgical colour of Lent is purple.

On Holy Thursday we celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper is the beginning of three special days called the Easter Triduum.

In Holy Week, we remember the journey to Jesus’ death on the Cross and celebrate his resurrection.

We celebrate the Easter Season for fifty days.

The liturgical colour of the Easter Season is white (the church’s colour for celebration).

The joyful word, “Alleluia” is not used in Lent, but is used with great joy during Eastertime.

Participate in the actions of Lent.

Pray with a Lenten and then an Easter focus.

Support Project Compassion

Enduring Understandings

Lent is a time of growing closer to God through prayer, fasting and reaching out to help others.

Jesus continually reached out to help others through his healing and words of forgiveness.

Like Jesus did we take, break, bless, thanks and give bread and wine at Eucharist.

Jesus as a faithful Jew celebrated a Passover meal as his last supper with his friends before his death.

We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with great joy for 50 days.

Jesus’ resurrection shows Christians that there is always hope.

As Christians we believe that death is not the end but the beginning of a new way of being, or new life.

On Easter Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ passing from death to new life. This celebration continues throughout the Easter Season and the Church year.

At every Mass we celebrate Jesus’ passing from death to new life.

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Suggested Big QuestionHow can we reach out to others during the seasons of Lent and Easter?

Suggested Essential Questions

What are the liturgical seasons of Lent and Easter?How did Jesus reach out to others through his healing words of forgiveness?What were the events of Holy Week that show us how to reach out to others?How does the Resurrection of Jesus give us the hope to reach out to others in need?

Suggested Teaching, Learning and Assessment Experiences

***The teaching of this module will include 3 days preparation in the week of Ash Wednesday. This will allow children to complete their first module. As Lenten modules are taught every year, K-6, it is not necessary to spend a full 6 weeks on Lent and Holy Week. However, it will be necessary to celebrate Ash Wednesday, change the liturgical colour to purple, introduce Project Compassion and have a Lenten prayer theme throughout the season.***

On Monday:

Prior to Ash Wednesday (Monday or Tuesday):

Pre-test: What is Lent? What is Easter? (Mind Map using bubble.us)

Use ‘To Know Worship and Love 2’ (p.52-57) introduce ‘Ash Wednesday’ and significance of the ashes, the 40 days of Lent/Jesus’ 40 days in the desert.

Use Matthew 9:1-15 Cure, Call, Eating with sinners, fasting) Complete a Lectio Divina In Community about this passage (Directions from Bishop David available at http://www.dbb.org.au/_uploads/_ckpg/files/Lectio%20Divina.pdf (Appendix 1). A Digital clip of Bishop David explaining Lectio Divina can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqeBV3PC01g

Define: Lent. Record a class definition of the liturgical season of ‘Lent’. Display in learning environment.

On Ash Wednesday:

Students attend Ash Wednesday Mass/ liturgy. Change the liturgical cloth on prayer table to purple. Set up the Project Compassion initiative with collection boxes in each classroom/staffroom.

Explore Understanding Faith for Stage 2: Encountering Jesus through Lent and Easter/ Liturgical Colours (u/name & password: See REC) https://primary.understandingfaith.edu.au/ (Copy and paste URL)

During a daily prayer time teacher introduces and then further explores the calendar for the Season of Lent; identifying significant days e.g. Ash Wednesday etc… (Students can mark off a day on the Lenten Calendar).

As a follow up to Liturgy, students write a ‘Lenten Promise’. These can be linked in a chain and hung in RE area/on Prayer Table/Sacred Space.

Home/School Connector: Students receive a Lenten package of some wheat seeds, cotton wool, and small plastic container. Families plant/grow seeds during the season of Lent.

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Students gather newspaper clippings, online newspapers/stories etc… that illustrate people reaching out to others in the community.

Home/School Connector: Family Prayer to pray as a family during Lent:

Jesus teach me your ways

Help me this Lent to follow you

In the ways of your love.


Third week of Lent, begin teaching the module

What are the Liturgical seasons of Lent and Easter?

Define: penance, fasting and almsgiving. What are they? What do they mean? How do they encourage ‘reaching out to others’? Definitions added to RE display.

Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3L3c23MfC0 Ash Wednesday and Lent in 2 minutes

Use ‘Rally Table’ strategy (Into the Deep p. 88) to brainstorm examples of various forms of Lenten penance, fasting and almsgiving. Students report back using ‘Round Robin’ strategy with teacher recording on a master copy.

Read a ‘You are Special’ by Max Lucado (or other appropriate text on reaching out to others e.g. The Giving Tree). (Link to English/Shared Text)Students work in groups to retell the above text in a ‘Readers’ Theatre or role play situation.

Students begin a ‘Reflection Journal’ that is used during Lent/Easter seasons: used to reflect on learning, on life experiences, Lenten Promises, prayer etc.(Can be used as a form of assessment). Students follow up ‘Readers’ Theatre/Role Play’ with a reflection on the message they received from this story/text.

Home/school connector Students gather newspaper clippings, online newspapers/stories etc… that illustrate people reaching out to others in the community. Class identifies ways to reach out to others in the school and wider community.

Link to ‘Caritas Australia’ resources as a way to help explain theme of ‘Reaching Out to Others’ http://www.caritas.org.au/

How did Jesus reach out to others through his healing and words of forgiveness?

Brainstorm and list scripture stories that demonstrate Jesus reaching out to others. In pairs/small groups, read and reflect upon a story of choice. Examples could include Jesus cures a blind man (Mark 8:22-25) Jesus heals a paralytic (Mk 2 1-12) Jesus cleanses a Leper (Matt 8:1-3) etc Use this opportunity to develop Bible search and referencing skills. On- line Bibles or Bible Apps will allow for easy subject searches https://www.biblegateway.com/ Use ‘Character Analysis’ (from ‘Into the Deep, p. 49) to analyse Jesus, his actions, his qualities and how these impacted/changed the lives of those he met.

Using the responses to the above ‘Character Analysis’, use ‘Scripture Graffiti’ (from ‘Into the Deep, p. 122) to guide students in creatively representing a key attribute of Jesus that they have identified.

Using one of the following songs (or one suited to the theme of ‘Reaching Out to Others’) class listens to lyrics and identifies key words/themes. Further discussion focus on connections between lyrics and Sacred Scripture. In small

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groups, students choreograph actions to parts in the one song. Groups present their choreography to class by modelling actions for all to follow. This makes up the whole song.

‘Open my Eyes’ (Jesse & Friends) by Jess Manibusan ‘I’m Sorry’ (God Loves Me) by John Burland ‘We will Follow’ (Love Never Fails) by Jesse Manibusan ‘Purify my Heart’ (Never too Young Disc 8)

Assessment: GRHD S2.1; J S2.2:‘Reflection Journal’ Students reflect upon and recount an example of forgiveness and healing in one of their relationships. Explain how this example demonstrates discipleship

What were the events of Holy Week that show us how to reach out to others?

Use ‘Question Dice’ strategy, see http://www.curriculumpress.edu.au/sample/pages/9781742003139.pdf

Teacher poses the question ‘What is Holy Week?’ Add responses to class Mind Map started at beginning of Module.

During prayer times use Guided Meditations in Holy Week: e.g.

‘Two Pieces of Wood’ (in ‘You and Me God by Barbara Ann Bretherton) pp. 7-9 ‘The Last Supper’/’In the Garden with Jesus’/’Jesus carries his Cross’/’Jesus on the Cross’ Guided Mediation

for Children – Jane Reehorst


Prayer Site - Stations of the Cross for Children




Whole class discussion to highlight connection between the Last Supper and the Eucharistic celebration, teacher states that when we attend Mass we celebrate Jesus’ passing from death to new life.

Class investigate:


Identify the parts of the Eucharistic celebration i.e. The Profession of Faith, the Apostles’ Creed, the three Memorial Acclamations used in the Mass. (Appendix 2) Link the actions we have today to the words and actions of Jesus.

Brainstorm and list modes of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharistic celebration.

Students grouped into eight groups and nominate a learning focus from Holy Week to research:

Holy Thursday Jesus is arrested Peter denies Jesus The Trial before Pilate The Crucifixion The Burial of Jesus The Resurrection and The Easter Vigil

For each event, focus on the people and their actions – how is it reaching out to others. Draw parallels to the children’s’ experiences of reaching out to others. Examples might be as simple as standing up for others in the playground like one of the disciples did in the Garden when Jesus was arrested.

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Groups choose a software program to present learning on their chosen learning focus e.g. Pow tune (http://www.powtoon.com/ )Prezi ( http://prezi.com/ ), Wix (http://www.wix.com/ ), iMovie, photoStory3,etc…

Using a focus from the Holy Week story students participate in whole school ‘Holy Week’ Liturgy. (Observation Assessment PS S2.4b)

Assessment: PS S2.4a: Students answer questions in their ‘Reflection Journal’ on the Holy Week Liturgy and their participation in it.

What were you asked to do? What did you find meaningful? What role did you have in the Holy Week Liturgy? What have you learnt and how will you use this learning?

Reflection Journal Students reread their ‘Lenten Promise’ and reflecting on their promise and how it has been fulfilled.

How does the Resurrection of Jesus give us hope to reach out to others in need?

Students view the Easter story at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evoOaIQwITgand the Road to Emmaus storyhttp://www.togetheratonealtar.catholic.edu.au/explore/dsp-content.cfm?loadref=70

ORhttp://www.togetheratonealtar.catholic.edu.au/explore/dsp-content.cfm?loadref=17 Whole class discussion on what is the joyful message from the story. Class add to Mind Map.

In groups, students read one of the following Scripture passages: Mark 16: 1-8; John 20:1-9; The resurrection of Jesus; John 20: 19-21 Appearances to the disciples (Jesus is Alive!) and using the following headings/ areas to respond to. Information is recorded in a Class Retrieval Chart. Headings include: scripture reference; characters; symbols/images; thoughts/feelings about story; author’s message; message applied to world today. (Appendix 3)

Once retrieval is complete groups use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast two of the Scriptural passages. http://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/venn_introFollow up questions: What is similar? Different? What reasons are there for these differences? Main message?

Assessment: GRHD S2.1; J S2.2 Students answer the question by completing in their ‘Reflection Journal’. How does the Jesus’ Resurrection give us the hope to reach out to others in need?

Appendix 1

Lectio Divina

Opening prayer “Lord Jesus, you who are the Son of the Living God, teach me to listen to what you tell me in the holy Scriptures, and to discover your face there.” (Guigo II)

Reading: Getting to know the text 1. Take in all the elements of the text 2. Be aware of context, related texts, quotes 3. Note the key characters; what are key words? 4. Don’t choose any one thing to work with at this stage 5. You are becoming familiar with the text: gathering food for thought.

Meditation: Engaging with the text, making it my own Lent to Easter Stage 2 Year 3 Page | 17

1. Here, faith life and the Word interact and seek integration 2. What does the text tell me about the God who speaks? 3. What does it tell me about responding to that God? 4. What does the text teach me about my faith life? 5. What do I need to do to transform my life? 6. We cannot do it alone; we are humbled, we turn to God in prayer.

Prayer: Let prayer emerge from your working with the text 1. This prayer emerges from our reading / meditation 2. It is shaped by our personal prayer practice 3. We seek the grace to achieve what emerged from meditation 4. Prayer commits us to transformation of life 5. All that we can do in prayer, is done here.

Contemplation: God’s response 1. What happens here, only God can give 2. Do not expect this to happen: go with it if it does 3. God does not wait, He breaks in and runs to meet us 4. There is no need to be silent to let God speak.

Action: Throughout the day 1. Now choose a word, phrase, sentence 2. Bring it to mind frequently during the day 3. Let it recapture the experience of your lectio 4. Use it especially in situations relating to your lectio 5. “Daily and hourly till the soil of the heart with the Gospel plough”.

Appendix 2

Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

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he came down from heaven,

At the words that follow, up to and including and became man, all bow.

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God,

the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

At the words that follow, up to and including the Virgin Mary, all bow.

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried;

he descended into hell;

on the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

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the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting. Amen.

Memorial Acclamations

We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

and profess your Resurrection

until you come again.


When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup,

we proclaim your Death, O Lord,

until you come again.


Save us, Saviour of the world,

for by your Cross and Resurrection

you have set us free.

Appendix 3

Class Retrieval Chart

Scripture Reference

Characters Symbols/Images Thoughts/Feelings About Story

Author’s Message

Message Applied To World Today

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Appendix 4Ignatian Examen

How Can I Pray?

A great way to pray is to look for God’s presence in your life. More than 400 years ago St. Ignatius Loyola encouraged

prayer-filled mindfulness by proposing what has been called the Daily Examen. The Examen is a technique of prayerful

reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and to discern his direction for us. Try this version

of St. Ignatius’s prayer.

1. Become aware of God’s presence. Look back on the events of the day in the company of the Holy Spirit. The day

may seem confusing to you—a blur, a jumble, a muddle. Ask God to bring clarity and understanding.

2. Review the day with gratitude. Gratitude is the foundation of our relationship with God. Walk through your day in the

presence of God and note its joys and delights. Focus on the day’s gifts. Look at the work you did, the people you

interacted with. What did you receive from these people? What did you give them? Pay attention to small things—the

food you ate, the sights you saw, and other seemingly small pleasures. God is in the details.

3. Pay attention to your emotions. One of St. Ignatius’s great insights was that we detect the presence of the Spirit of

God in the movements of our emotions. Reflect on the feelings you experienced during the day. Boredom? Elation?

Resentment? Compassion? Anger? Confidence? What is God saying through these feelings?

God will most likely show you some ways that you fell short. Make note of these sins and faults. But look deeply for other

implications. Does a feeling of frustration perhaps mean that God wants you consider a new direction in some area of

your work? Are you concerned about a friend? Perhaps you should reach out to her in some way.

4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to something during the day that

God thinks is particularly important. It may involve a feeling—positive or negative. It may be a significant encounter with

another person or a vivid moment of pleasure or peace. Or it may be something that seems rather insignificant. Look at

it. Pray about it. Allow the prayer to arise spontaneously from your heart—whether intercession, praise, repentance, or


5. Look toward tomorrow. Ask God to give you light for tomorrow’s challenges. Pay attention to the feelings that

surface as you survey what’s coming up. Are you doubtful? Cheerful? Apprehensive? Full of delighted anticipation?

Allow these feelings to turn into prayer. Seek God’s guidance. Ask him for help and understanding. Pray for hope.

St. Ignatius encouraged people to talk to Jesus like a friend. End the Daily Examen with a conversation with Jesus. Ask

forgiveness for your sins. Ask for his protection and help. Ask for his wisdom about the questions you have and the

problems you face. Do all this in the spirit of gratitude. Your life is a gift, and it is adorned with gifts from God. End the

Daily Examen with the Our Father.

- See more at: http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/how-can-i-pray/#sthash.O7nHT9Kd.dpuf

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Appendix 5

Liturgy Outline

Liturgy Definition: “work of the people” (in this case - the children)

A liturgy to celebrate module learning usually has four parts of which these can contain all or some one of the suggestions.

Before you begin some other considerations!! Where will the liturgy be celebrated? Does not have to be celebrated in the church or the classroom. Outdoors is a possibility - weather permitting. Consider the placement of chairs and sacred space. Who to invite? (parents, staff, priest etc)

WE GATHER: Setting the scene Sacred Space (cloth, candle, Bible, icons etc) to be created in this part. Procession Hymn or songs of welcome Welcome and introduction to celebration Opening prayer

WE LISTEN: Stories From the Bible Outline of what has been learnt Multimedia presentations Dramatisation/ dialogue of story Hymns Liturgical Movement of story Stories of their life and families Related narratives (eg Dreamtime story)

WE RESPOND:Responding to the stories Hymn or songs Liturgical movement Prayers of Intercession Prayer Multimedia presentations Sharing work from module (eg artwork)

WE GO FORTH:Sending Forth Recessional hymn or songs Liturgical movement Prayer Thank you statement

Liturgy can be followed by offer of hospitalityResources

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Children’s Liturgy of

Note: The resources indicated below are recommended but not essential to assist with the teaching of this module. Please locate those available in your school and add to those below.


Caritas Australia. Project Compassion Kit

Carlson, Melody.1997. Gold & Honey Bible. Oregon: Multnomah Publishing.

Hari, A. & Singer, C. 1993. Experience Jesus today. Strasbourg, France: OCP Publications.

Leninger, J. 1989. The beginner's Bible. Oregon: Questar.

O’Brien, Kate & White, Dan. 2001. The Thinking Platform. Strategies to foster Whole Brain Thinking in the Cooperative Classroom. Marayong: K.D.Publications.

O’Brien, Kate & White, Dan. 2003. Into the Deep. Marayong: K.D.Publications.

Pohl, Michael.2000. Teaching Complex Thinking. Critical-Creative-Caring. Victoria, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.

Reehorst, Jane. 1986. Guided meditations for children. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown.

Treston, Kevin. 2000. Stories and Seasons. Saints and Feasts for Catholic Schools and Parishes. Brisbane: Creation Enterprises.

Wintour, R. 1999. Sacred Celebrations for Lent. Brisbane: Mountjoy Enterprises

Wintour, R. 2000. Just Imagine. Brisbane: Mountjoy Enterprises

Wintour, R. 2002. Just Imagine 2. Brisbane: Mountjoy Enterprises

Wintour, R. 2004. Just Imagine 3. Brisbane: Mountjoy Enterprises

LabOra Worship

Audio Visual


Beginners Bible

To Know worship and Love Big Book- Stories About Jesus

‘You are Special’ by Max Lucado (or other appropriate text on reaching out to others e.g. The Giving Tree). (Link to English/Shared Text)


Mangan, Michael & Hehir, Paul. 1995. 'Out of ashes' in Renew and rejoice. Albany Creek: Litmus Productions.

Walker, Christopher. 1992. 'We hear God's word', 'The good news of God's salvation' and 'Jesus you love us' in Calling the children. Portland, Oregon: OCP Publications.

Willow Connection. 2002. As One Voice For Children. Adelaide: Openbook Publishers


Mission and Religious Education (Lighthouse) http://missionandreligiouseducation.dbbcso.org/

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Project Compassion http://www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion

Pope Benedict’s Homily April 20 2008 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/20/nyregion/20homily.html?ref=nationalspecial2

Prayer ideas

Ten things children should know about Prayer http://www.rwf2000.com/CH/Praychil.htm#top

Some good suggestions for use with children http://www.crmin.org/prayerguide/children.html



Lectio Divina Directions from Bishop David available at http://www.dbb.org.au/_uploads/_ckpg/files/Lectio%20Divina.pdf A Digital clip of Bishop David explaining Lectio Divina can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqeBV3PC01g

Understanding Faith https://primary.understandingfaith.edu.au (REC has username & Password)

Lent in two minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3L3c23MfC0





Online Bible https://www.biblegateway.com/

Dice strategy http://www.curriculumpress.edu.au/sample/pages/9781742003139.pdf

Venn Diagram generator http://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/venn_intro

Brainstorming tools www.bubbl.us


Make short art-inspired storieshttp://storybird.com/

Capzles social storytellinghttp://www.capzles.com/

Pow toon http://www.powtoon.com/







Prezihttp://prezi.com/Lent to Easter Stage 2 Year 3 Page | 26

Wix http://www.wix.com/

Interactive Bible Map http://wild.biblesociety.org.au//wild/index.php

Useful Apps

3 Minute Retreat Sand Draw Lectio Divina Ignatian Examen

Superbook Bible App The Holy Bible Bible for kids The Pope App

Educreations PuppetPals Show Me Comic Maker

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