OUS Capital Seven Myths for Education Energy Efficiency · The Seven Myths of Education Energy...

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Transcript of OUS Capital Seven Myths for Education Energy Efficiency · The Seven Myths of Education Energy...

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects

Straight Talk on Energy Series

A look into the most common energy-efficiency project myths that stall or derail many education facility energy upgrade initiatives.

(and how they are holding you back)

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects (and how they are holding you back)

Onsite Utility Service's review of the seven

most common energy-efficiency project myths

affecting schools, colleges, and educational

facilities of all sizes - including requirements,

goals, variables, expectations, and a whole

lot more.

Executive Summary

A school, whether it’s a grade school or a college campus, can consume a lot of energy. From heating to cooling to inefficient lighting fixtures to water use, a school building that is running 8-10 hours a day can prove to be a huge consumer of energy and, therefore, a high utility overhead to maintain.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the cost of energy is the second highest operating expense for school districts around the country after personnel. Furthermore, the EPA estimates that 25 percent of energy use in schools is wasted.

As U.S. schools continue to face increasing budget pressures, implementing strategies for energy savings can have a significant positive impact on the bottom line for school districts. By implementing energy-efficiency initiatives, upgrades and operations, school districts can direct much-needed funds to student services and personnel.

So how can an education facility successfully navigate this new ‘energy-efficiency’ landscape?

Despite the well-established case for energy efficiency as a sound cost-saving practice, interestingly what’s preventing many education institutions from making these linkages are the myths about energy efficiency that are causing them to either delay or, worse, derail energy efficiency upgrade projects.

In this guide, we will shine some much-needed light of truth on these myths, help you gain a clear and unfiltered perspective of the reality involved with a successful energy efficiency upgrade project, and help put you on the right path to making the right decision.

Here are the Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency

Upgrade Projects, and how they may be stopping you

from achieving your financial goals.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Upgrade Projects

© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

5 The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects

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An energy upgrade won’t really provide a meaningful expense reduction

Myth 1

You know an energy efficiency upgrade will lower your energy costs, but you think it won’t be enough to justify the upgrade project expense.

6 The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects

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A complete energy efficiency upgrade can and will reduce your costs


Improved energy efficiency can cut as much as 60 percent of overall energy use in a most education facility buildings. That’s a huge opportunity for unlocking much-needed cash. Your balance sheet will thank you.1 Department of Energy, US Energy Information Administration (EIA)


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No one really cares if your building is energy-efficient

Myth 2

You believe no one really cares if that much about energy efficiency, and even if they did, they won’t see how it will benefit them directly.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

Energy-efficiency education facilities are attractive to students, faculty, and the community


More and more people are making ‘environment-friendly’ a critical driver in choosing everything from the food they eat to the cars they drive. Investing in energy efficiency helps foster market demand for energy-efficient technologies from local residents and businesses, and demonstrates responsible stewardship of public resources since reduced energy costs translate into saved tax dollars.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

You don’t need any outside help - you can do all of this with your own staff

Myth 3

You’re convinced that it can’t be ‘that difficult’ to handle an energy efficiency upgrade with your own staff, so why look to outside experts for help?

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

Only an experienced energy contractor can complete the work to code - and do it right


There are multiple and various code requirements needed to properly install, modify and/or replace energy equipment. But more importantly, an experienced contractor gets it done right the first time. For the same reason you wouldn’t do surgery on yourself, using an experienced energy contractor is the safe and sensible way to get an energy project done correctly.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

You won’t see a real positive return on investment for years

Myth 4

When you look at the cost of an energy efficiency project, and then do the math, it sure looks like it will take several years (or longer!) to see a positive ROI.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

Some education institutions see a return on investment in a matter of months - or even DAYS


If you are being told by your finance team or energy contractors that it will take years to see a positive ROI for an energy efficiency upgrade, you may want to look elsewhere for better advice. If an energy-efficiency project is done right, you should see instant savings from day ONE.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

You need to work the project costs into your budget someday

Myth 5

You’ve got a tight budget right now, and there just isn’t enough room in it to add an ‘energy’ project, but you hope to get it added “someday”.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

Your entire education infrastructure can complete an energy upgrade project regardless of budget


Your budget doesn’t have to be an issue:When you are working with a seasoned energy efficiency expert, they should be capable to structure the entire upgrade project so it works within YOUR current budget, no matter how tight it may be.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

You have to come up with a huge out-of-pocket investment to get a project started

Myth 6

In order to get an energy- efficiency project started, you believe it will require a huge up-front expense.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

You can complete an energy efficiency upgrade project with ZERO up-front or out-of-pocket expense


You should ONLY work with an energy contractor who can provide you with the ability to launch and complete a full energy efficiency upgrade project with ZERO out-of-pocket expense or investment.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

All of this will just saddle your balance sheet with more debt

Myth 7

Even if you could upgrade without any out-of-pocket expense, you still believe that just means a big debt will then be attached to your balance sheet.

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects


© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

You can complete an entire energy efficiency upgrade without incurring a single penny of debt


The fact is, you actually don’t have to incur any debt for an energy efficiency upgrade project.

None. Zero.

Now THAT is a smart solution!

The Seven Myths of Education Energy Efficiency Projects

Can you really give your entire education facility

an energy efficiency upgrade without paying

anything up front, spending anything out of pocket,

and incurring any debt whatsoever?

So how is all this possible?

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The answer is simple:

The Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Energy Savings as a Service

21 The Truth is Stranger than Fiction

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How Energy Savings as a Service Works

3 4

Your entire facility is completely upgraded with

energy efficient equipment - lighting, HVAC, water -

the works

1 2

You pay nothing up front -OUS Capital fronts the entire cost for the equipment and

installation. It’s not a loan, it’s not a lease, and it’s not

‘financing’, so it never shows on your balance sheet

All costs are then deducted from the savings you will see

AFTER the project is completed, with the rest going

into your pocket as bottom-line savings

You are now fully upgraded with energy-efficient equipment,

your energy costs are dramatically reduced, you paid nothing out of pocket, you have no debt on your balance sheet - and you enjoy instant savings

from day one

22 The Truth is Stranger than Fiction

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Energy Savings as a Service accomplishes everything you are looking for in an energy efficiency upgrade solution - without the headaches, without the financial nightmare, without budget issues, and without the ‘debt albatross’ hanging around your neck.

No Budget? Your education facility undergoes a complete energy-efficient upgrade

Complete Upgrade

Your energy costs plummet instantly, delivering instant savings

Instant SavingsEverything is completed without any up-front investment from you

Zero Up-Front Cost

It’s not a loan - so nothing is added to your balance sheet

Zero Debt

All ongoing equipment maintenance is handled at no cost

Zero Maintenance

Isn’t this what you really wanted in the first place?

More Profits

No Problem

© 2018 OUS Capital www.ouscapital.com

Welcome to the Future of Energy Efficiency

Now, finally, your education facility can cut energy consumption, save money, and be environmentally friendly - all at the same time, and without any of the financial risks that have been holding you back.

Now THIS is how an effective energy efficiency upgrade program is supposed to work.

Prove it to Yourself for Free

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Don’t just take our word for it.

See for yourself how Energy Savings as a Service can work for your specific situation.

Your journey to savings begins with a great conversation. Connect with our team and schedule one with us today.

No cost. No risk. No obligation.

About OUS Capital

Delivering onsite energy savings with no debt or investment required, Onsite Utility Services (OUS) Capital provides energy

upgrades and savings as a service to large and small energy users alike.

Through our Energy-as-a-Service platform, we design, invest, procure, install, and maintain onsite energy efficiency retrofits

and distributed generation systems on behalf of our customers; providing them energy savings and improved cash flow from

day one while freeing their capital to be invested back into their own businesses and institutions.

OUS Capital invests in onsite utility solutions for both small and large organizations nationwide. Energy-as-a-Service solutions

are ideal within these sectors as they lower operating costs, conserve capital, improve Facility asset value, provide a

competitive advantage, and avoid the accumulation of debt.