Otsuka SelfOwnership and Equality

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    is compatible with each person's possession of an uninfringed libertarian right of self#

    ownership that is robust rather than merely formal.

    My first task, to which I turn in Section Ibelow, is to provide an explanation of what

    libertarian self#ownership is.

    (p. 12 ) I

    . . . every man has apropertyin his ownperson: this nobody has any

    right to but himself. The labourof his body, and the workof his hands,

    we may say, are properly his.

    (ii. 27)

    The central core of the notion of a property right inX, according to Nozick, is the

    right to determine what shall be done withX. 3 Nozick maintains that [t]his notion ofproperty helps us to understand why earlier theorists spoke of people as having property

    in themselves and their labor. They viewed each person as having a right to decide

    what would become of himself and what he would do, and as having a right to reap the

    benefits of what he did. 4

    Nozick condemns the egalitarian for abandoning, and commends the libertarian for

    honouring, a full right of self#ownership. 5 In so far as the libertarian endorses, while

    the egalitarian rejects, a stringent 6 right to reap all of the income from one's labour,

    the libertarian endorses afullerright of self#ownership than the egalitarian. But does

    the libertarian advocate afullright of self#ownership? For the purposes of answeringthis question, I shall adopt the following plausible definition of a full right of self#

    ownership: a person's right of self#ownership is full if and only if that person possesses,

    to the greatest extent and stringency compatible with the same possession by others, the

    aforementioned rights to decide what would become of himself and what he would do,

    and . . . to reap the benefits of what he did. 7

    (p. 13 ) In defending the claim that she respects a full right of self#ownership, the

    libertarian must confront the following dilemma: one's possession of a full and

    uninfringed right of self#ownership either is or it is not compatible with some

    incursions upon one's body (without one's consent) that result in serious harm.

    Suppose, for the sake of exposing the first horn of this dilemma, that it is not compatible

    with any such incursions. 8 It follows that a libertarian is, contrary to the doctrine

    of double effect, committed to the claim that one may not turn a trolley#car that will

    otherwise run over five people on to a side track where it will instead run over a sixth,

    and that the foreseen but unintended killing of the innocent in even a self#defensive
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    war is never permissible. 9 The libertarian is also committed to the claim that one

    acts impermissibly if by one's actions one unforeseeably kills or injures an innocent,

    non#threatening person even though what one did was not known to carry a risk of

    harm, or the known risk of harm associated with the activity was so minuscule that

    most would deem the activity justifiable. 10 On this construal of a full right of self#ownership, a libertarian can maintain that she holds the morally pure, principled, and

    uncompromising position that our rights of self#ownership are full only at the price of

    a hitherto under#emphasized moral fanaticism. The fanaticism of which I speak is not

    the oft#noted fanaticism of a libertarian that rules out even the most trivial amount of

    forced labour or taxation for the purpose of alleviating a great deal of misery. Rather,

    it is a fanaticism that rules out any seriously harmful incursions whatsoever upon the

    bodies of innocents, even when such incursions are merely foreseen as a necessary by#

    product of the minimization of harm rather than intended as a means of minimizing

    harm, and even when they are the unforeseen result of activities that carry either no

    known or the most minuscule (p. 14 ) known risk of doing harm. 11 Such fanaticismis, moreover, unnecessary in so far as the libertarian could permit such unintentional

    incursions without also having to abandon her opposition to redistributive taxation

    for the purposes of promoting equality. This is because the libertarian's case against

    redistributive taxation is premissed upon a right against being used as a means by being

    forced (via incursions or threats of incursions upon one's mind and body) to sacrifice

    life, limb, or labour. 12 It is not premissed upon a right against harmful incursions upon

    one's body simpliciter.

    Now suppose, for the sake of exposing the other horn of the dilemma, that one's

    possession of a full and uninfringed right of self#ownership is compatible with some

    incursions upon one's body (without one's consent) that result in serious harm. In

    this case, the libertarian must explain why these incursions, but not others that the

    libertarian denounces as violations of a full right of self#ownership, are compatible

    with such a right. The libertarian must explain why, for example, one does not violate

    someone's full right of self#ownership if one kills him in the trolley#car case, yet one

    does if one kills him in order to transplant his vital organs. But I do not think such an

    explanation is possible. 13

    (p. 15 ) The libertarian position that I consider in this chapter avoids this dilemma

    because it is not committed to a full right of self#ownership. I shall define a libertarian

    right of self#ownership as one that, while less than full because it does not prohibit allunintentional incursions upon one's body, encompasses the following two rights: 14

    (1) A very stringent right of control over and use of one's mind and body that

    bars others from intentionally using one as a means by forcing one to sacrifice

    life, limb, or labour, where such force operates by means of incursions or
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    Fig. 1 Means Of generating Income From Labour

    In order to assess Nozick's claim that redistributive taxation is on a par with forced

    labour, we need to consider the various ways in which one can generate income fromone's labour. One can generate income with or without performing labour on worldly

    resources and with or without engaging in trade with others. These two distinctions

    generate the possibilities shown in Fig. 1. Most forms of income#generating labour

    (p. 17 ) involve the use of worldly resources. A paradigmatic case of such labour is

    farming, which involves ploughing soil, planting seeds, watering, and harvesting crops.

    Some forms of income#generating labour do not, however, involve the use of worldly

    resources. Performing a song and dance for a paying audience in a public place is one

    example. In the case of most labour one can generate income through trading: the

    farmer can trade crops for other commodities or for money, and the performer can trade

    her entertainment for money. One does not, however, always need to engage in trading

    in order to generate income. The farmer can generate an income that consists of the

    food that she harvests even if she never trades with anybody else, where income is to

    be understood, in the context of this discussion, as any beneficial material goods that

    one gains as the result of one's labour. It is more difficult to imagine cases in which one

    might gain income, so defined, in the absence of trading as the result of labour that does

    not involve worldly resources. One example is the weaving together of loose strands of

    one's hair into a toupee to cover one's bald spot or into clothing to keep oneself warm.

    In assessing Nozick's argument that redistributive taxation is on a par with forced

    labour, I will first consider a rather bizarre case that does not involve the use of worldly

    resources. It is important to consider such a case in isolation from cases that involveworldly resources, since it is only in cases that do not involve worldly resources that

    Nozick's objection to redistributive taxation is very persuasive. 21 Nozick's objection to

    redistributive taxation in general is persuasive only if one mistakenly assimilates cases

    that involve worldly resources with cases that do not.
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    (p. 18 ) Imagine a highly artificial society of two strangers, each of whom will freeze to

    death unless clothed. Unfortunately, the only source of material for clothing is human

    hair, which can be woven into clothing. One of the two is hirsute and capable of weaving,

    whereas the other is bald and incapable of weaving. The weaver would, however,

    prefer to weave only one set of clothing for herself and none for the other person. Thestate (which we might imagine to be a third person with enforcement powers but no

    needs of her own) imposes a 50 per cent income tax on the weaver by declaring that she

    must give half of whatever she chooses to weave to the non#weaver. If she does not do

    so of her own accord, then the state will literally force her to do so by seizing that which

    she owes in tax and giving it to the non#weaver.

    There is a clear sense in which this tax forces the weaver to work for the sake of the

    non#weaver. She will, after all, freeze to death if she does not work at all. But if she

    works then she must weave one out of every two articles of clothing not for her own

    sake, but for the sake of the non#weaver. She must, therefore, on pain of freezing todeath, spend half of her time working for the sake of the non#weaver. 22

    But not all schemes of redistributive taxation force those who are taxed to work for

    the sake of others on pain of death. The state could instead refrain from imposing any

    redistributive tax until a fairly high level of income has been reached. It could, for

    example, tax the weaver only on the items she produces that are surplus to a sizeable

    wardrobe which she has woven for her own benefit. Nozick is opposed to such a luxury

    income tax. He believes that it, no less than a necessity income tax, amounts to forced

    labour. 23Yet such a tax cannot literally constitute forced labour, since it would be

    so easy to avoid. To illustrate this point, consider the following pair of cases that are

    analogous to a necessity income tax and a luxury income tax at least in so far as thequestion of forced labour is concerned. In the first, a thug orders you to be his slave

    for the afternoon on pain of death. In the second, a thug announces that you must be

    a slave for the afternoon if and only if you now hum a certain song that you happen

    to have no particular desire to hum. In the first case, he forces you to be his slave for

    the afternoon. In the second, he does not. In both cases, however, you have a decisive

    complaint against the thug: that by his threats he violates (p. 19 )your property right to

    do as you choose with that which is rightfully yours (yourself in both cases).

    These observations demonstrate that Nozick's complaint against redistributive taxation

    is not essentially a complaint about being forced to work. Rather, it is essentially anobjection to the violation of property rights. Nozick's complaint against the imposition

    of a luxury income tax on the weaver must be grounded in the claim that she has

    not forfeited her rights to, but rather legitimately owns, that which she has used to

    weave and has woven, and that a redistributive income tax would violate her rights

    of ownership in these things. The weaver's rights of ownership over her means of
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    production and the fruits of her labour can plausibly be grounded solely and completely

    in her libertarian right of self#ownership. Her means of production consist of nothing

    more than her mind and parts of her body, and the fruits of her labour consist of nothing

    more than parts of her body that have been transformed into items that are suitable

    to be worn as clothing. In order to rebut the libertarian's objection to taxation in thisinstance, the egalitarian must hold either that the weaver does not possess a libertarian

    right of self#ownership or that this right is not as stringent as the libertarian thinks it

    is and may justifiably be infringed in these circumstances. But this is to acknowledge

    that if there is such a thing as a libertarian right of self#ownership, then it comes into

    conflict with equality in these circumstances. If the imposition of a luxury income tax

    on the weaver were both necessary and sufficient to prevent another human being

    from freezing to death, opponents of libertarianism could justifiably hold that only

    an unreasonably fanatical devotee of a right of self#ownership could insist that such

    a right is so stringent that it rules out the imposition of this tax. But I believe that the

    libertarian gains the upper hand when the opponent goes so far as to claim that a taxmay be imposed on the weaver not merely in order to ensure that the non#weaver does

    not freeze to death or is able to enjoy a certain amount of comfort, but in order to ensure

    that the non#weaver end up with a wardrobe that is no less luxurious than the weaver's.24 The libertarian's case against this latter tax is strong. 25

    (p. 20 ) So far the property rights that the redistributive tax is thought by the libertarian

    to violate have involved only rights of self#ownership. We have not yet considered cases

    in which one needs to make use of the world in order to earn income. But when, as is

    often the case in actual fact, one must make use of the world in order to earn income,

    Nozick's complaint against redistributive taxation is much more difficult to get off

    the ground. Consider the case of a farmer who is forced by the government, on pain

    of imprisonment, to give half of whatever income she earns from farming to hungry

    orphans. This case might seem morally to be on a par with the case of the weaver who

    must give half of whatever she earns from weaving to the needy. But they are, in fact, on

    a par only if the following premiss is true: in addition to having a right of self#ownership

    that is as full as the weaver's, she also possesses a right of ownership over the land

    that she farms that is as full as her right of ownership over herself. Although Nozick is

    elsewhere sensitive to the need to justify world#ownership, nowhere in his argument

    against redistributive taxation does he disclose that his complaint relies on the following

    generalized version of this premiss: that one's right of ownership over worldly resources

    that one uses in order to earn income is as full as one's right of ownership over oneself.26Were the farmer to possess such a right of ownership over land, then the tax would

    be at the very least a justifiable infringement of and at worst an unjustifiable violation

    of her rights of ownership. But if the farmer's (p. 21 ) right of ownership over the land

    she farms were less full, then the tax on her income would involve a lesser infringement

    of her property rights. If, for example, the farmer had voluntarily purchased the land
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    she farms from someone on the condition that she give half of her harvest to the needy,

    then the state would do no wrong by stepping in to force her to give this portion away to

    the needy. Such force would not even infringe (much less violate) any property right of

    the farmer's but rather would be a justifiable means of enforcing a voluntary contractual

    obligation. Similarly, if the farmer had stolen all of the land she farms, the state wouldbe justified in confiscating some of the product of her labour and giving it, as well as the

    land, back to the rightful owner in compensation for the theft. Such confiscation would

    not even infringe (much less violate) any right of the thief.

    Egalitarians correctly question whether there could be a moral presumption analogous

    to that of a libertarian right of self#ownership in the case of the farmer's title over her

    land, since a presumption in favour of such a right of ownership over any bit of land has

    a good deal less prima#facie plausibility than a presumption in favour of such a right of

    ownership over self. 27 Perhaps even if we possess a libertarian right of ownership over

    ourselves, we can only ever come to have a less full right of ownership over land andother worldly resources. Perhaps we can come to own any bit of land or other worldly

    resource only on the condition that we share some of whatever we reap from it with

    others. If this were true, then the state's forcing each of us to share our harvest with

    others would be no more an infringement of a libertarian right of self#ownership than

    in the case in which one purchased a plot of land from someone else on the condition

    that one share a part of one's harvest with the needy. Perhaps there are other moral

    limitations to our rights of ownership over worldly resources which make them less

    extensive than libertarian rights of self#ownership. Alternatively, we might be entitled

    to acquire rights of ownership over land and other worldly resources that are as full as

    the libertarian right of self#ownership. But this entitlement might only extend to such

    acquisition (p. 22 ) as is consistent with the realization of equality. I will explore some of

    these possibilities in the sections that follow.


    Under what conditions can one come to have rights of ownership over bits of the world?

    To answer this question I will, in this section and the next, consider hypothetical cases

    in which childless adults with no worldly resources on their persons have washed ashore

    on an uninhabited and undiscovered and therefore unowned island. 28 I believe,

    and argue in SectionV, that the principle of justice in acquisition that applies in

    such cases is directly relevant to the question of justice in the holdings of members ofcontemporary societies.

    I endorse a Lockean principle of justice in acquisition of previously unowned worldly

    resources which maintains that an individual can come to acquire rights of ownership

    over a previously unowned bit of the world if and only if such acquisition places nobody
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    else at a disadvantage. Such acquisition that leaves enough and as good for others to

    acquire is justified because it is no prejudice to any others (ii. 33). 29

    Nozick would, I think, concur that one can acquire property rights (p. 23 ) in previously

    unowned worldly resources so long as such acquisition does not place others at adisadvantage. 30 His version of the Lockean proviso runs as follows:

    Nozick's proviso. You may acquire previously unowned land (and its

    fruits) if and only if you make nobody else worse off than she would

    have been in a state of nature in which no land is privately held but each

    is free to gather and consume food and water from the land and make

    use of it. 31

    As a means of ensuring that nobody is placed at a disadvantage, Nozick's version of

    the Lockean proviso is too weak, since it allows a single individual in a state of nature

    to engage in an enriching acquisition of all the land there is if she compensates all

    others by hiring them and paying a wage that ensures that they end up no worse off

    than they would have been if they had continued to live the meagre hand#to#mouth

    existence of hunters and gatherers on non#private land. 32 Such acquisition would

    pre#empt others from making any acquisitions of their own that would improve

    their situation over that in which they live no better than a meagre hand#to#mouth

    existence. This acquisition is objectionable both because it condemns others to such a

    miserable existence and because it is manifestly unfair that a first grabber be allowed

    to monopolize all opportunities to improve one's lot through acquisition. The charge of

    unfairness would be mitigated somewhat if each person had a genuinely equal chance

    to engage in such first#grabbing (as they would if, for example, permission to grab

    first were determined by lot). But Nozick's proviso permits first#grabbing even whenchances are not equal. And even if his proviso were modified so as to permit first#

    grabbing only when chances were equal, the following weaker complaint of unfairness

    would remain: the modified proviso has the consequence that someone will have the

    opportunity to acquire a much greater share of resources than others as the result of

    factors beyond the control of individuals. Such an equal chance to grab (p. 24 ) first

    might be entirely fair and appropriate in unusual circumstances in which the lion's share

    of worldly resources cannot be divided and will therefore go to waste unless a single

    person is allowed to acquire such a large share. But when resources are more evenly

    divisible, any principle of winner#takes#the#lion's#share is prima facie less fair than a

    principle of acquisition which gives rise to a more equal distribution of resources.

    The following version of the Lockean proviso provides a remedy to these defects in

    Nozick's version:

    Egalitarian proviso. You may acquire previously unowned worldly

    resources if and only if you leave enough so that everyone else 33 can
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    acquire an equally advantageous share of unowned worldly resources.34

    The egalitarian proviso has prima#facie plausibility for the following reason: One's

    coming to acquire previously unowned resources under these terms leaves nobody elseat a disadvantage (or, in Locke's words, is no prejudice to any others), where being left

    at a disadvantage is understood as being left with less than an equally advantageous

    share of resources. Any weaker, less egalitarian versions of the proviso would, like

    Nozick's, unfairly allow some to acquire greater advantage than others from their

    acquisition of unowned land and other worldly resources. 35

    (p. 25 ) The phrase equally advantageous shares of unowned worldly resources that I

    employ in the egalitarian proviso should be read as a term of art that is neutral among a

    range of familiar welfarist and resource#based metrics of equality. 36 Some would say

    that shares are equally advantageous if they are such that none would prefer to trade

    her bundle of worldly resources with anybody else's. 37 Others would say that shares

    are equally advantageous if they are such that none would prefer to trade the sum of

    her bundle of worldly resources and personal resources (where the latter consists of

    one's mental and physical capacities). 38And others would say that shares are equally

    advantageous if they are such that each is able to attain the same level of welfare as

    anybody else given the combination of her worldly and personal resources. 39

    In the discussion which follows I shall adopt the latter welfarist specification of the

    egalitarian proviso, since I believe that an opportunity#for#welfare metric most

    convincingly realizes the aforementioned value of fairness which underpins the

    egalitarian proviso. Before spelling out the details of this welfarist specification, I wouldlike to make a preliminary appeal to intuitions about some cases in order to motivate the

    claim that egalitarian justice calls for the equalization of opportunity for welfare rather

    than the equalization of anything other than, or in addition to, that.

    (p. 26 )A reflection on cases such as the following supports the notion that a fair share of

    worldly resources is plausibly measured in terms of equality of opportunity for welfare

    rather than equality of opportunity for worldly resources. Suppose that the only worldly

    resource available for use by each of two individuals who are stranded on a desert island

    is an unowned large blanket that can be divided into portions of any size. If the blanket

    did not exist, then both would freeze to death. One of these individuals is, throughno fault of his, twice as large as the other. If the blanket is divided into equally large

    portions, then the smaller of the two will have enough to enjoy the luxury of being able

    to wrap the blanket around himself twice, whereas the larger of the two will suffer the

    (non#life#or#limb#threatening) discomfort of partial exposure to the cold because he

    will be able to cover only a portion of his body. The blanket could, however, be divided

    into unequal portions that enable each to cover his entire body once, thereby leaving
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    them equally comfortable. (But neither is as comfortable as he would have been if he

    had a greater share of the blanket.) Intuitively, it would be unfair for the smaller person

    to acquire half of the blanket rather than that lesser portion which would leave him as

    comfortable as the other. 40

    Cases can, however, also be constructed which strongly suggest that welfarist

    considerations do not exhaust the potential for egalitarian justice. Ronald Dworkin has

    persuasively argued that a legitimate claim for resources to compensate for disabilities

    can be made even in the case of those who are no worse off in terms of opportunity for

    welfare than anyone else. Dickens's Tiny Tim has a legitimate claim for a greater than

    equal share of worldly resources to compensate for his disability even if his opportunity

    for welfare would be the same as everyone else's under an equal division of worldly

    resources and higher than others' as the result of such a transfer of resources to him. 41

    I am moved by the claim that disabilities merit transfers of resources even in the case

    of those who would not suffer a deficit in their opportunity for welfare in the absenceof such transfers. I therefore think the welfare#egalitarian proviso might need to be

    qualified to (p. 27 ) allow departures from equality of opportunity for welfare which

    such compensation for disabilities would necessitate. But, unlike Cohen, I would not

    draw the more general conclusion from reflection on cases such as that of Tiny Tim that

    compensation for unchosen differences in mental and physical abilities as such is one

    of the aims of egalitarian justice. 42 This is because I think the claim to compensate

    for certain unchosen disabilities does not generalize to a claim to compensate for all

    unchosen differences in abilities as such. To see why, let us consider the case of Deft Tim

    who, while much more fleet and nimble of foot than others who are all merely ordinarily

    deft, is just as well off as anyone else in terms of opportunity for welfare under an equal

    division of worldly resources. Suppose that everyone in this society, including Deft Tim,

    would prefer Deft Tim's extraordinary deftness to the ordinary deftness of the rest.

    Cohen would call for a transfer of resources from Deft Tim to the ordinarily deft simply

    in order to compensate for the inequality in their deftness. Deft Tim should, according

    to him, end up with less opportunity for welfare and fewer resources than others simply

    in order to redress the fact that he is more adroit than they. But I do not think that the

    ordinarily deft have any claim on Deft Tim's resources simply to compensate for the

    difference in capacity between them and him. It is, I think, only when people's lesser

    capacities fall short of the level of normal human functioning that a sound non#welfarist

    case can be made for compensating those whose capacities are lower than other's.

    I shall now spell out the details of my preferred welfarist specification of the egalitarian

    proviso. According to this specification, the phrase equally advantageous share of

    unowned worldly resources that occurs in the egalitarian proviso should be understood

    as follows:
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    Welfarist specification of the egalitarian proviso.Someone else's share

    is as advantageous as yours if and only if it is such that she would be

    able (by producing, consuming, or trading) to better herself to the same

    degree as you, where betterment is to be measured in terms of level of

    welfare understood as the satisfaction of the self#interested preferencesthat the individual would have after ideal deliberation while thinking

    clearly with full pertinent information regarding those preferences. 43

    (p. 28 ) The phrase to the same degree can be interpreted either as by the same

    increment of increase in welfare or to the same absolute level of welfare. In

    adjudicating between these two interpretations, I will be guided by the following more

    fundamental moral principle: one is entitled to acquire worldly resources so long as

    one's acquisition does not give rise to a legitimate complaint on the part of anybody

    else. 44 Let us assume, for the purposes of adjudication, a two#person island whose

    resources are of uniform quality and unowned at the outset. The two inhabitants, Alphaand Beta, are equal in their mental and physical capacities, including their productive

    talents, and they derive equal welfare per unit of resources consumed. They would

    also both be comfortably well off in terms of welfare in the absence of any resources.

    There is, however, one crucial difference between the two. As luck would have it, Alpha

    would be less well off than Beta in the absence of any resources simply on account of

    differences in their physical and mental constitution. 45 One further assumption: if

    Alpha were to acquire all of the island's resources, leaving Beta with none, then he

    would end up equally well off in terms of opportunity for welfare as Beta. Therefore,

    were Alpha to acquire all of the island's resources, this would give rise to a state of

    affairs in which nobody is worse off in terms of opportunity for welfare than anybody

    else. On the equal#absolute#level reading, the proviso would be uniquely satisfied

    by such a distribution. On the equal#increment#of#increase reading, by contrast,

    the proviso would be satisfied only by a distribution in which Alpha and Beta acquire

    equally large plots of land.

    One might argue, on behalf of the equal#increment#of#increase reading, that neither

    person has a greater claim on the island's unowned resources than the other. In so far

    as they have any claim at all, they have an equal claim. But if each person has an equal

    claim on the island's unowned resources, then one person would not be entitled to

    acquire the entire island, leaving the other with nothing. This would not be consistent

    with an equal claim on the world's resourcesas (p. 29 ) opposed to a claim to endup equally well off as others as the result of one's acquisition of resources. When

    equal modifies one's claim over the world's resources, then it makes sense to call for

    a distribution of shares of the world's resources that are of equal value in terms of

    opportunity of welfare for eachi.e. it makes sense to adopt the equal#increment#of#

    increase reading.
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    I reject this argument because I reject the proposition that each person has an equal

    claim on the island's resources. I would maintain that, ceteris paribus, someone who

    would, through no fault of his on account of his mental and physical constitution, be

    worse off in terms of welfare than another under an equal distribution of resources

    has a greater claim on the island's resources than another who would be better offthan he in terms of welfare. For to insist that such individuals have an equal claim is to

    commit oneself to the unfairness of a principle of acquisition which preserves disparities

    in the absolute levels of welfare of individuals caused by differences in their mental

    and physical constitution that are traceable to luck. Only a distribution that accords

    with the equal#absolute#level reading would eliminate this unfairness. It follows

    from such a commitment to fairness that Alpha has a greater claim on the island's

    resources than Beta. I believe that Beta in fact has no legitimate claim on the island's

    resources, whereas Alpha has a legitimate claim to all of the island's resources. 46

    This is because any claim to resources on Beta's part would presuppose that Beta is

    entitled, on account of the luck of his mental and physical constitution, to improve hislot through the acquisition of unowned resources at the expense of Alpha, who would

    thereby be consigned to a fate worse than Beta's would have been even in the absence

    of any resources. Such a claim could not be justified, and therefore Beta would have no

    legitimate complaint if Alpha were to acquire all of the island's resources. 47


    I now turn to the task of reconciling libertarian self#ownership with an equality of the

    sort that is called for by the egalitarian proviso under (p. 30 ) the welfarist specification

    that I have just offered. Cohen would argue that the affirmation of the egalitarian

    proviso implies the denial that we have a libertarian right of self#ownership, since he


    An egalitarian might reject initial resource equality [i.e. a distribution

    of bundles of resources such that no one would want to swap his

    bundle with anybody else's] on the ground that resources need to be

    differentially distributed to compensate for talent differences. But that

    ground of rejection of resource equality requires denial of the tenet,

    derived from the [claim that we have a right] of self#ownership, that

    people are entitled to the differential rewards which (uncompensated

    for) talent differences produce. 48

    Contrary to Cohen, I do not believe that the aforementioned tenet can be derived from

    a libertarian right of self#ownership, since, as Cohen notes elsewhere, the principle of

    self#ownership . . . says, on the face of it, nothing about anyone's rights in resources

    other than people, and, in particular, nothing about the substances and capacities

    of nature, without which the things that people want cannot be produced. 49 More
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    precisely, libertarian self#ownership says nothing about rights in worldly resources

    beyond those that one is able to acquire through the exchange of one's labour (or

    parts of one's body) for goods that others are entitled to trade. It crucially does not

    have implications regarding the background of acquisition and distribution of worldly

    resources that provides the context for such exchanges. The recognition of a libertarianright of self#ownership does not rule out a distribution of resources in accordance with

    the egalitarian proviso any more than it rules out a distribution of worldly resources

    in accordance with a principle of joint ownership of the world that renders this right

    virtually worthless. 50 Cohen might argue that my groundsfor affirming the egalitarian

    proviso, unlike the grounds that he has hypothesized for a right of joint ownership,

    imply the denial of a libertarian right of self#ownership. Nothing I say, however,

    implies that I deny the existence of either of the two rights that together constitute a

    libertarian right of self#ownership. 51 Consider the case of a (p. 31 ) land#reform policy

    that is relevantly analogous to the egalitarian proviso. Under this policy, ownership

    of government land is transferred to individuals in inverse proportion to the value(measured in terms of the opportunity for welfare that it provides) of the land that they

    have already inherited from their ancestors so that the welfare that each can derive from

    the sum total of her holdings in land after this transfer is equal. Just as the egalitarian

    proviso compensates people for differences in their mental and physical capacities that

    bear on their efficiency in converting resources into welfare, this policy compensates

    people for differences in the value (in terms of welfare) of their initial holdings in land.

    Yet the land#reform policy does not come into conflict with the claim that people had

    and continue to have equally strong ownership rights over the initial holdings that they

    had inherited, where these rights include rights analogous to each of the two rights that

    together constitute a libertarian right of self#ownership. Their rights of control overand use of this inherited land are no less strong than they were before the transfer of

    government land. Their right to whatever income they could gain from this inherited

    land, either through unregulated and untaxed trading or simply through labouring upon

    the land without trading, is also unchanged by the transfer of government land. The

    state would, no doubt, infringe a libertarian right of ownership over inherited land if,

    instead of pursuing the above policy, it seized some of that land and transferred it to

    the less well off or forced individuals to give the less well off half of whatever they gain

    through unregulated and untaxed exchanges. But it does not infringe any libertarian

    right of ownership over land by giving more land to those who have less and less to

    those who have more. Similarly, the state does not infringe any libertarian right of

    ownership over self by allowing those who have lesser talents to acquire more land than

    those who have greater talents.

    Even though the egalitarian proviso is, as I have just shown, consistent with an

    uninfringed libertarian right of self#ownership, it places no constraints upon the

    achievement of equality of opportunity for welfare by means of a distribution of worldly
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    resources that leaves the able#bodied with so few resources that they would be forced,

    on pain of starvation, to come to the assistance of the less talented. Imagine an island

    whose inhabitants consist of one able#bodied woman named Able and one man named

    Unable who is incapable of engaging in any productive labour whatsoever. Able is a

    non#altruistic ascetic who has no desire for any land or other material goods beyondthat which is sufficient for her survival. In these circumstances, the only division of

    worldly resources (consistent with libertarian self#ownership and the (p. 32 ) survival of

    each) that would give rise to equality of opportunity for welfare is one in which Unable

    is entitled to acquire so much of the island that Able would be left with a sliver of land

    that is insufficient for her to draw the sustenance necessary for her survival. Given such

    a distribution, Unable would have the power to exclude Able from land that is essential

    to her sustenance and would therefore have the power to force Able to work for him for

    the rest of his life by granting her permission to work his land on the condition that she

    share a portion of the fruits of her labour on his land with him. Since the two parties

    would have equal bargaining power under such a distribution, and assuming that theyare purely rationally self#interested, it is reasonable to infer that Unable would settle for

    no less than an arrangement in which Able must work for his sake for the rest of their

    lives, and that Able would agree to such an arrangement, but only under conditions that

    ensure their equality of opportunity for welfare. 52Able's predicament is consistent

    with her possession of an uninfringed libertarian right of self#ownership. But, as in

    the case of joint ownership, such a right would not be worth very much to her, since

    she would not have rights over a sufficient amount of worldly resources to provide any

    buffer against her being forced to work for the sake of Unable.

    I shall define a libertarian right of self#ownership as robust if and only if, in addition

    to having the libertarian right itself, one also has rights over enough worldly resources

    to ensure that one will not be forced by necessity to come to the assistance of others in

    a manner involving the sacrifice of one's life, limb, or labour. If it could be shown that

    the egalitarian proviso could be rendered consistent with a libertarian right of self#

    ownership only when the able#bodied are deprived of so many resources that their right

    is not robust and they are forced, on pain of starvation, to work for the disabled, then

    one will have achieved nothing more than a Pyrrhic reconciliation of self#ownership

    and equality. The task of reconciliation is to show that egalitarianism is consistent not

    merely with an uninfringed libertarian right of self#ownership, but with such a right

    that is, moreover, robust.

    As the story of Able and Unable illustrates, if the able#bodied have no desire for

    resources beyond that which is necessary for subsistence, equality can be achieved only

    if the able#bodied are entitled to acquire so few worldly resources that their libertarian

    right of self#ownership is not robust. That having been said, I would like to offer my

    promised (p. 33 ) demonstration of how a robust#libertarian right of self#ownership for
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    all could as a matter of contingent fact be reconciled with equality if we assume more

    ordinary preferences for material resources among the able#bodied. The libertarian's

    critique of egalitarianism is enfeebled in the following manner. When, as is typically

    the case, the able#bodied have a preference for material goods in excess of that which

    is necessary for their subsistence, it would in principle (i.e. leaving aside problemsof institutional or political infeasibility) be possible to provide a fairly wide range of

    disabled members of society with the opportunity to acquire enough worldly resources

    to generate a steady, generous, and lifelong flow of income from the investment, rental,

    or sale of these resources. Such income would enable these disabled individuals to better

    themselves to the same degree as able#bodied individuals who are themselves provided

    with the opportunity to acquire a fairly generous portion of worldly resources. The

    holdings of the able#bodied would be sufficiently generous that the disabled would be

    able to support themselves through truly voluntary exchanges with the able#bodied

    that did not involve forced assistance. By these means, one could achieve equality

    without any encroachments upon any robust#libertarian right of self#ownership. Toprovide a simple and artificial illustration of such an arrangement, imagine an island

    society divided into a large number of able#bodied and a smaller number of disabled

    individuals. All the sea#front property is divided among the disabled, and farmable

    land in the interior is divided among the able#bodied. The able#bodied each voluntarily

    purchase access to the beach in exchange for the provision of food to the disabled.

    The result of this division of land is that the disabled and the able#bodied are each

    able to better themselves to an equal degree without anyone's being forced to come

    to the assistance of anybody else. 53 The bounty of worldly (p. 34 ) resources and

    the preferences and number of the able#bodied that typify more realistically large

    and heterogeneous societies would ensure that land and other worldly resources canin principle be divided in a manner that allows a fairly wide range of the disabled

    including some of those who are completely incapable of farming, harvesting, or

    gathering any food from the landto better themselves from their holdings of worldly

    resources to the same degree as the able#bodied without forcing the able#bodied to

    come to their assistance. It is, for example, difficult to see what would in principle

    rule out the redistribution of land and other worldly resources to a fairly wide range

    of the disabled in a relatively prosperous society such as the United States so that they

    would have enough capital with which to purchase the goods of life through voluntary

    exchanges with able#bodied individuals. 54

    We are now in a position to see why the following assertion of Cohen's is misleading(even if not, strictly speaking, false):

    [N]o egalitarian rule regarding external resources alone will, together

    with self#ownership, deliver equality of outcome, except, as in the case

    of joint ownership, at an unacceptable sacrifice of autonomy [i.e. the

    circumstances of genuine control over one's life]. There is a tendency of
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    succeeding generation have at least as great an opportunity to own worldly resources as

    did the first generation to acquire resources out of a state of nature. 57

    Let us assume, again for the sake of simplicity, that generations are discrete collections

    of equal numbers of individuals of the same age, that a new generation comes intoadulthood only after the old generation has passed away, and that the composition of

    future generations does not depend on the decisions of past generations. Under these

    conditions, a reasonable interpretation of the egalitarian proviso would place some

    limitations on what one is entitled to do at the time of one's death with that which one

    has acquired. Assume, as a reductio ad absurdum, that the egalitarian proviso calls for

    acquisitions that preserve equality of ability to better oneself among only members of

    one's owngeneration; yet it sanctions rights of ownership over worldly resources that

    include the right to consume or destroy that which one owns. It would follow that the

    first generation to confront unowned resources would be permitted by the egalitarian

    proviso to divide all worldly resources among themselves and bleed dry and then scorchthe earth at the end of their lives, thereby rendering it worthless for all subsequent

    generations. Such an interpretation of the egalitarian proviso would introduce an

    arbitrary and indefensible bias against future generations. Problems of a similar nature

    would arise if one were to allow rights to bequeath one's holdings to whomever one

    chooses. If the egalitarian proviso were to sanction bequests of one's entire holdings

    to whomever one chooses, then the members of the first generation could divide all

    worldly resources among themselves and then bequeath all of their holdings to a very

    few, leaving the majority of the next generation landless paupers. Again, the unlucky

    many among subsequent generations could complain that the proviso is arbitrarily and

    indefensibly biased against them.

    One could eliminate these biases by modifying the egalitarian proviso so that it instead

    demands acquisitions that leave enough for the members of allgenerations to better

    themselves to the same degree. But if people were still to retain, and regularly to

    exercise, a right completely to consume, destroy, or bequeath to whomever they choose

    (p. 37 )whatever they have acquired out of a state of nature, then we would be faced with

    a new and only slightly less embarrassing difficulty: rights of acquisition would need

    to be severely limited in the face of multiple generations. In order to guarantee such

    intergenerational equality of ability to better oneself, and still assuming that generations

    are of the same size, each individual would need to be restricted so that she has the right

    to acquire no more than roughly one#nth of the island, where nis the total number ofindividuals who will ever inhabit this island. 58 If we assume a very large number of

    generations, then each individual would be entitled to acquire only a minute sliver. (If

    we assume an infinite number of generations, then nobody would be entitled to more

    than an infinitesimally small sliver.) In the light of these difficulties, it is reasonable to

    deny the existence of complete rights to consume, destroy, or bequeath those resources
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    that one has acquired from an unowned state. It would make far more sense to insist

    that the members of each generation ensure that, at their deaths, resources that are

    at least as valuable as those that they have acquired lapse back into a state of non#

    ownership. Each succeeding generation would therefore face anew a world of unowned

    resources that is undiminished when compared with that which faced the previousgeneration. The members of each generation would therefore have the same opportunity

    as their predecessors to acquire resources from an unowned state.

    For all I have said, the members of one generation could, through labour, investment,

    or technological innovation, greatly increase the total value of their holdings so that

    a surplus of wealth would remain even after they have ensured that, at their deaths,

    resources that are at least as valuable as those that they have acquired lapse back into

    a state of non#ownership. Imagine that a number of equally talented individuals find

    themselves on a previously undiscovered and forested island. In accordance with the

    egalitarian proviso, they divide the island into equal#sized plots. Some harvest thetimber from their justly acquired portions of the island to build yachts. Thereafter

    they plant additional trees to ensure that the plots of land that will lapse into non#

    ownership at their deaths are just as good as the ones that they first acquired. The

    others, who are less industrious, simply gather nuts and berries by day and sleep under

    the stars at night. Would the egalitarian proviso allow members of the first generation to

    bequeath their yachts to whomever among the members of the second generation they

    choose? On a plausible interpretation of the proviso, such bequests (p. 38 )would be

    ruled out for the following reason. Since individuals possess only a lifetime leasehold

    on worldly resources, they have nothing more than a lifetime leasehold on whatever

    worldly resources they improve. They should be forewarned that any worldly object

    they improve through their labour will lapse into a state of non#ownership upon their

    death and hence will not be bequeathable. Individuals have nothing more than a lifetime

    leasehold on the timber that they transform into yachts and hence nothing more than a

    lifetime leasehold on the yachts. 59

    Even if bequests are ruled out on the above grounds, this discussion raises the more

    general question of the compatibility of any strongly egalitarian principle of distribution

    with either of the following two rights: (1) the right to engage in the non#market

    transfers of worldly resources in the form of intragenerational gifts or (2) the right to

    engage in the non#market pooling and sharing of worldly resources (as occurs, for

    example, in marriages). There would be little reason from an egalitarian point of view tointerfere with the worthwhile practices of modest gift giving on special occasions which

    do not, in the aggregate, have a significant affect on the distribution of opportunity for

    welfare. But an egalitarian will need to prohibit or regulateor else compensate non#

    beneficiaries in order to counteractless modest transfers or sharings which would

    otherwise significantly disrupt equality of opportunity for welfare.
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    At least in the case of resources which are the product of one's labour, one might object

    that such measures would constitute a violation of the rights of self#ownership of those

    who would like to transfer or share their resources. Such an objection would rest on the

    claim that the two rights listed in the previous paragraph are corollaries of the second

    of the two rights of libertarian self#ownership, which is the right to all of the incomeone can gain from one's mind and body, including one's labour. One might argue that

    one doesn't really have a right to all of the income one can gain from one's labour if one

    doesn't have the right to spend this income on others as well as oneself during one's

    lifetime. In the case of someone who would like to spend his income on others, his

    income is worth less to him if he is not allowed to do so than it would have been if he

    had been allowed to do so. For any amount of incomexnone of which one can spend

    on others, those who would like to spend some of their income on others will typically

    be indifferent between possessing that amountxand possessing some (p. 39 ) lesser

    amountxywhich they may spend on others as well as themselves. Prohibiting one

    from spending one's incomexon others might therefore be regarded as the equivalent ofa confiscatory tax of the amount y.

    This argument is plausible when applied to cases in which one's income is not generated

    through any interaction with the world. Recall the case discussed earlier of the

    individual whose income consists of the articles of clothing she weaves out of her

    own hair. Her being forbidden to give this clothing away to others might plausibly

    be regarded as a diminution of her right of self#ownership. And it might be equated

    with the partial confiscation of a wardrobe which she is entitled to give away. But this

    argument does not establish a right to give away one's income to whomever one pleases

    when this income has been generated through labour which involves the world as well

    as oneself. To see why it does not, consider the following variation of a case presented

    earlier. Suppose that a farmer's income consists of the crops that he harvests from the

    land that he farms. If he came rightfully to own this land by purchasing it on condition

    that he not give away any of his harvest, then it would not be any violation of his right of

    self#ownership if he were prevented from doing so in order to enforce the terms of his

    purchase. By parity of reasoning, a person's self#ownership would not be violated when

    he is constrained by the egalitarian proviso from engaging in the non#market transfer of

    income generated through interaction with the world. In this case as well as the previous

    one, a person's right of ownership over worldly resources does not extend to the right to

    give away income generated through interaction with these worldly resources. Hence,

    preventing someone from transferring these resources is a means of preventing himfrom doing things with the world that he has no right to do, rather than an infringement

    of his right of self#ownership.
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    I would like to conclude with some remarks on the practical relevance of my

    reconciliation of self#ownership and equality. It would be difficult to know, at the

    outset of any given generation, what division of resources would guarantee equality ofopportunity for welfare among individuals whose robust#libertarian self#ownership

    is respected and hence what division of resources would satisfy the egalitarian proviso.

    Hence, any initial distribution of property rights would be provisional and subject

    to revision. The state would need to engage in ex post facto (p. 40 ) adjustments to

    people's initial shares in order to achieve equality. It would not be proper for the State

    to level differences that arise from choices for which individuals can be held morally

    responsible so long as these choices are made against a background of property rights

    that ensure equality of opportunity for welfare. But it would be necessary for it to engage

    in relatively frequent redistribution in order to ensure that such a background exists

    and persists. It would be a mistake to regard these interventions as objectionable onthe grounds that they constitute violations or infringements of the property rights of

    individuals, since they are instead a necessary means of realizing a just distribution

    of worldly resources in accordance with the principle of justice in acquisition. Such

    an adjustment would be no more a violation or even an infringement of somebody's

    property rights than the taking of someone's holdings in order to rectify the fact that

    these holdings were unjustly passed down to him. 60 One might nevertheless object

    that the institutions and practices that would be necessary to gather the relevant

    information and make the relevant adjustments would either be practically impossible

    or too costly in terms both of the funding they would require and of their intrusive

    effects on the lives of individuals. Nothing I have said in this chapter can lay to restthese practical difficulties with egalitarianism. Rather, I have been concerned to

    address a problem of a different sort: the putative conflict between self#ownership and

    equality at the level of ideal theory. My main aim has been to refute one prominent

    philosophical argument for the claim that the complete realization of equality would be

    unattractive even in the absence of these practical difficulties. I believe that the most

    serious objections to egalitarianism are practical not principled. There are already

    enough problems in the world. Philosophers should not add to the mess.


    (1) See G. A. Cohen,Self#Ownership, Freedom, and Equality(Cambridge: Cambridge

    University Press, 1995), 15, 105.

    (2) See Robert Nozick,Anarchy, State, and Utopia(New York: Basic Books, 1974), chs.

    7 and 8, esp. pp. 16774, 2328.
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    killing another person without fully compensating him for being killed (see ibid. 77

    8). Nozick also claims that it is permissible unforeseeably to kill in some cases, since a

    ban on such killing would place one at too much risk and fear of being imprisoned on

    account of events beyond one's control (see ibid. 71).

    (11) Could a libertarian climb off this horn of the dilemma by holding that such cases

    involve infringements of rights that are in the final analysis morally justifiable (or at

    least excusable)? I think not, since the dilemma is about what is compatible with a full

    right of self#ownership, where this is defined as one that is of maximal universalizable

    stringency. A right that is not so stringent as to condemn such infringements as

    unjustifiable (i.e. violations) would not be of maximal universalizable stringency.

    Moreover, one is open to the charge of moral fanaticism even if one holds that these

    infringements are unjustifiable but excusable.

    (12) Nozick says that libertarian constraints upon action reflect the underlying Kantian

    principle that individuals are ends and not merely means; they may not be sacrificed or

    used for the achieving of other ends without their consent (Nozick,Anarchy, 301). I

    shall discuss his case against redistributive taxation below.

    (13) Nozick attempts such an explanation simply by asserting that a right of self#

    ownership is full if it fills all of the logical space within the boundariesset by the

    libertarian constraints against aggression that people possess. He maintains that

    a property right inXis the right to choose which of the constrained set of options

    concerningXshall be realized or attempted. The constraints are set by other principles

    or laws operating in the society; in our theory, by the Lockean rights people possess

    (under the minimal state) (ibid. 171). These constraints condemn some, but notall, bodily incursions that result in serious harm. In so bounding his right of self#

    ownership, Nozick opens himself up to the following egalitarian rejoinder: So long as

    the fullness of rights of self#ownership is a matter of filling all the space inside moral

    constraints [that] are set by other principles or laws operating in the society, I too

    can show that I respect a full right of self#ownership simply by bounding our rights

    of ownership by (among other rights and duties) the rights of others to our assistance

    (financial and otherwise) and our correlative duties to assist. If Nozick's notion of

    self#ownership is full only because it presupposes libertarian rather than egalitarian

    rights and duties, he cannot offer a defence of libertarianism over egalitarianism on the

    grounds that it respects, but egalitarianism denies, a full right of self#ownership. Thatjust amounts to a tendentious defence of libertarianism on the grounds that it respects,

    and egalitarianism rejects, libertarian constraints.

    (14) An analysis of the concept of a libertarian right of self#ownership in terms of such

    rights should lay to rest worries about the coherence of this concept. Brian Barry presses

    such worries in his review of Cohen's book entitled You Have to Be Crazy to Believe It,
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    object to it in a world in which differences in welfare are solely a function of differential

    access to worldly resources.

    (22) I should, however, note that Nozick denies that the fact that someone must work

    on pain of death is a sufficient condition of forced labour, since he denies that thepropertyless worker who must work on pain of starvation is forced to work (see Nozick,

    Anarchy, 2625).

    (23) In the case of any system of redistributive taxation, according to Nozick, the fact

    that others intentionally intervene, in violation of a side constraint against aggression, to

    threaten force to limit the alternatives [that would be open to the taxed individual if the

    tax were not imposed], makes the taxation system one of forced labor (ibid. 169).

    (24) Except perhaps for that which is necessary to compensate the weaver for the

    disutility of labour of which she alone is capable.

    (25) If, contrathe egalitarian, Nozick's argument soundly condemns taxation for the

    purposes of realizing an egalitarian distribution as a violation of one's property rights

    in self, why doesn't it similarly condemn taxation for the purposes of providing for

    the national defence, police protection, and the judicial system? A libertarian does

    not object to coercive taxation for these purposes. But here one is forced to pay for

    goods that one has received. In this respect, this case is analogous to the government's

    unobjectionable forcing of an individual to work to pay off her credit#card bill for goods

    that she has contracted to receive on promise of later payment. In the case of the goods

    of national defence, etc. one never entered into any voluntary agreement. Nevertheless,

    one has received goods. I believe that payment for these goods can often be justified bythe principle of fairness, according to which one may be forced to pay for public goods

    from which one has benefited and which it is impossible selectively to exclude people

    from receiving. (Nozick, however, rejects any appeal to the principle of fairness (see his

    discussion of this principle in Nozick,Anarchy, 905)).

    (26) That it relies upon this premiss is a point to which Cohen is oddly insensitive.

    I say insensitive because Cohen affirms that redistributive taxation conflicts with

    libertarian self#ownership. Yet he does not supply the qualification that it need not

    conflict in cases in which one must labour upon worldly resources in order to earn

    income and one's rights of ownership over these resources is not as full as one's right

    of ownership over oneself. (For both the affirmation and failure to qualify see Cohen,

    Self#Ownership, 21621, 240.) I say oddly because it was he who demonstrated

    that libertarian self#ownership among the unequally talented does not by itself

    imply inequality in holdings. One must conjoin a premiss of self#ownership with an

    inegalitarian premiss of world#ownership in order to reach this resultsee ibid. chs. 3

    4, esp. pp. 11215. These chapters are revisions of a pair of pioneering articles entitled
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    others at a disadvantage would not be sufficient to generate a property right. One might

    need to add that the resources in question must be of some use to the claim#staker,

    where use is read broadly to include the benefit one could derive from trading them for

    something else or from investing them. (Even if the planet Neptune never was and never

    will become of any use to anyone, and hence my coming to own it will not place anyoneat a disadvantage, it seems odd to say that I come to own it simply by staking a claim

    to it by means of public proclamation.) I will ignore this qualification and will concern

    myself only with the staking of claims on resources that are of some use.

    (30) See Nozick,Anarchy, 17482.

    (31) Some of the language in Nozick's text points to a more demanding formulation of

    the proviso along the following lines: You may acquire previously unowned land (and

    its fruits) if and only if you make nobody else worse off than she would have been if she

    had instead been free to gather and consume food and water from this land and make

    use of it but not to privatize the land itself. The counter example to Nozick's proviso that

    I present below applies to this formulation as well as the one in the main text above. For

    a discussion of the differing implications of these two formulations see Jonathan Wolff,

    Robert Nozick(Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1991), 112.

    (32) Cohen is the inventor of this counter example to Nozick's proviso (see Cohen,Self#

    Ownership, ch. 3).

    (33) Excluding those who have already acquired an equally advantageous share of

    unowned worldly resources. Those who have already acquired a less than equally

    advantageous share should be left with enough so that they can acquire that which, incombination with what they have already acquired, constitutes an equally advantageous


    (34) I ignore further qualifications that would be needed to take accountof the following

    considerations. Perhaps certain especially magnificent stretches of wilderness should

    never be fully privatized. Even in the absence of such magnificent wilderness, perhaps a

    certain portion of the earth should be kept in reserve for common ownership. This might

    be justified on the grounds that people value public spaces that are unconditionally open

    to allpublic spaces which are public goods in the economist's sense. The per#capita

    value of land to those who commonly own it must be taken into account in determining

    each person's rightful share of worldly resources. This raises tricky questions, which

    I will not attempt to answer here, having to do with the value to different people of

    commonly owned land.

    (35) A defender of inequality might reply that any complaint of unfairness or injustice

    would be silenced in the case of an unequal distribution in which everybody enjoys
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    greater advantage than he would have enjoyed under an equal distribution and the

    greater advantage redounds to the maximal benefit of the least well off. I do not think

    such complaints would necessarily be silenced. Cohen, for example, has convincingly

    argued that some such inequalities which Rawls's difference principle permits would be

    unjust (see Cohen, Incentives, Inequality, and Community, in Grethe B. Peterson (ed.),The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, xiii (Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah

    Press, 1992), and The Pareto Argument for Inequality,Social Philosophy and Policy,

    12 ( 1995): 16085).

    (36) Compare this phrasing with the phrasing of Hillel Steiner's egalitarian

    interpretation of the Lockean proviso: each individual has a right to an equal share of

    the basic non#human means of production (Steiner, The Natural Right to the Means

    of Production,Philosophical Quarterly, 27 ( 1977): 419, at 49). Note that Steiner

    affirms an entitlement to an equal share, whereas I affirm an entitlement to an equally

    advantageous share. I have chosen this latter phrasing because it is relatively neutralbetween welfarist and resource#based specifications of the egalitarian metric. Steiner's

    phrasing, by contrast, lends itself to a resource#based specification of the egalitarian

    metric, and he in fact endorses such a specification. (See also n. 46below.)

    (37) See Steiner, Capitalism, Justice, and Equal Starts,Social Philosophy and Policy, 5

    ( 1987): 4971.

    (38) See Dworkin, Do Liberty and Equality Conflict? in Paul Barker (ed.),Living as

    Equals(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), 458. See also Dworkin,Sovereign

    Virtue, 8092, 1401.

    (39) Following Richard Arneson, I will call this metric equality of opportunity for

    welfare (see Arneson, Equality and Equality of Opportunity for Welfare,Philosophical

    Studies, 56 ( 1989): 7793). Roughly speaking, I understand people to have equal

    opportunity for welfare if and only if the levels of welfare that people have attained

    differ only as the result of choices for which they can be held morally responsible.

    (Here I adopt Cohen's definition of equality of access to advantage (see Cohen, On

    the Currency of Egalitarian Justice,Ethics, 99 ( 1989): 90644, at 916).) Arneson

    (ibid.) and Cohen (ibid.) persuasively argue that, by rendering one's level of advantage

    sensitive to choices for which one can be held morally responsible, the equalization

    of opportunityrather than outcomereflects a concern for fairness. This point holdsirrespective of whether advantage is measured in terms of welfare, resources, or

    something else.

    (40) I should note that the welfare here in question is fairly purely sensation#based

    rather than judgement#mediated. In other words, the welfare is fairly purely a matter

    of one's level of physical comfort rather than a matter of preferences which reflect one's
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    judgement about what is and is not valuable. Special problems for welfare egalitarianism

    arise in the case of such things as expensive tastes which reflect such judgements.

    Dworkin has ably exposed such problems inSovereign Virtue, ch. 1. For a defence of

    the welfare metric against Dworkin's critique see Cohen, On the Currency. For a reply

    to Cohen see Dworkin,Sovereign Virtue, ch. 7. For a rebuttal of Dworkin's reply seeCohen, Expensive Taste Rides Again, unpublished.

    (41) See Dworkin,Sovereign Virtue, ch. 1.

    (42) Cohen has argued that the correct metric of egalitarian justice consists of a hybrid

    of opportunity for welfare, opportunity for worldly resources, and physical and mental

    capacities (see Cohen, On the Currency).

    (43) The quoted words are Arneson's formulation of the preference#satisfaction

    conception of welfare (see Arneson, Primary Goods Reconsidered,Nos, 24 ( 1990):

    42954, at 448). For further elaboration of this conception of welfare see also