Otsuka Global TB Program Updates

TB innovation for tomorrow . Otsuka Global TB Program Updates CPTR Workshop October 3, 2012 Arlington, VA


October 3, 2012 Arlington, VA. Otsuka Global TB Program Updates. CPTR Workshop. Overview. Challenges in TB Drug Development Recent Publications/Presentations NEJM Results from Trial 204 ERJ Report on long-term follow-up IAS and ICAAC DDI studies with anti-retroviral drugs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Otsuka Global TB Program Updates

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T B i n n o v a t i o n f o r t o m o r r o w .

Otsuka Global TB Program UpdatesCPTR Workshop

October 3, 2012Arlington, VA

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— Challenges in TB Drug Development

— Recent Publications/Presentations— NEJM Results from Trial 204

— ERJ Report on long-term follow-up

— IAS and ICAAC DDI studies with anti-retroviral drugs

— Ongoing Phase III Trial

— Responsible Access

— Public Health Advocacy, Awareness and Education

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1967 1972 Today

New TB Drug?



DDI: Drug-drug interactionICH: International Conference on Harmonization

GCP: Good Clinical PracticeGMP: Good Manufacturing PracticeGLP: Good Laboratory Practice

Thorough QTcHigh

1997RFP: Rifampicin (FDA approval)






ICH created

Prospective Statistics

* US-FDA adopted IRB based on Declaration of Helsinki





Belmont Report (FDA)**


**Ethical guidelines for clinical research

New TB Drugs Overcome Modern RA Hurdles

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Otsuka’s Studies of Delamanid to Provide 6-months of Treatment and 24 Month Follow-up

2 mo

Trial 204

Trial 116

Long-Term Outcome at 24 mo



Trial 208 with varying time of entry for 6 month exposure

Intensive Phase Continuation Phase

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Phase II Results Demonstrate Long- and Short-Term Efficacy of Delamanid

Short-Term Efficacy— As reported in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), results from Trial 204 demonstrate

treatment with delamanid + OBR led to 53% increase in SCC compared to placebo + OBR

— If SCC achieved within first 2 months, patients have considerably higher likelihood of successful treatment outcome

Long-Term Efficacy— As reported in the European Respiratory Journal (ERJ), combined analysis of Trials

204/208/116 shows

— Among all patients (N=421) 74.5% achieve favorable outcome with DLM >6mo delamanid vs. 55.0% with <2mo (1% mortality in patients receiving DLM ≥ 6mo vs. 8.3% ≤ 2mo)

— Among all patients (N=421) 1% mortality in patients receiving DLM ≥ 6mo vs. 8.3% ≤ 2mo

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Safety Results Demonstrate Delamanid was Well-Tolerated Among Study Subjects

— Most AEs within mild to moderate range and balanced among delamanid and placebo groups; consistent with OBR

— Higher incidence of QTcF prolongation, which did not result in any clinical manifestations

— As reported at International AIDS and ICAAC 2012 Conferences, DDI studies in healthy subjects show no significant interactions when delamanid co-administered with tenofavir, efavirenz or Kaletra

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Given Encouraging Results, Launch of Phase III (Trial 213)

N = ~300MDR TBCulture +Patients

OBR +Placebo

(n2 = 100)

OBR +Delamanid100 mg BID(n1 = 200)

2 months:•SCC•Clinical Δ

+4 months:•SCC•Clinical Δ•Time to SCC*

+12-18 mos:•Rx outcomes

+6-12 mos:Relapse

• Total duration – 30 mos.• Total enrollment – 400 patients sputum culture positive for

MDR-TB• Stratification – HIV+ (S Africa); bilateral cavities on CXR• Co-primary endpoints

SCC – @ 2 monthsTime to SCC over 6 months

• Enrolling in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Peru, Philippines, and South Africa. Adding Moldova and India soon.

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Committed to the Rational Use of Delamanid – Responsible Access Plan (RAP)

Professional Education— Medical education program targeting physicians and patients

— Focus topics such as diagnostic options, timely and accurate SAW reporting, background on development of drug resistance, among others

Comprehensive Registry—A multi-center, EU-wide post-authorization study to assess the safety and drug usage of Delamanid in MDR-TB patientsStrict Distribution Control— All orders routed through single distributor using web-based tool

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Otsuka’s Commitment to Improving Patient Care

— Support and/or develop approaches to excellence in TB case management (Moldova)

— Explore models of patient support leading to individual and community socio-economic improvement

— Advocate for sustained international commitment and response to the TB crisis from funders and policymakers

— Increase public awareness of TB as a universal health issue

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Making an Impact – One Patient at a Time

Mildred Fernando— Battled TB for a total of 10 years,

since age 19

— Diagnosed twice with XDR-TB, received two, 18 month courses of treatment

— Father died of TB, two sisters diagnosed and survived

— Mildred participated in delamanid RCT and open-label study

— Today she is living TB-free and works at the Lung Center of the Philippines, helping other TB patients. She is also a strong patient-advocate for the WHO and other international organizations

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Otsuka’s Commitment to TB Education, Awareness & Advocacy

− To capture stories like Mildred’s, photo magazine created with TB/MDR-TB life stories (Estonia, Philippines, Peru)

− Collaboration with European Respiratory Society (ERS)

− Aimed at illustrating MDR-TB as a potentially treatable and winnable disease, providing hope and encouragement to other patients

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— Global TB Program a long-term investment by Otsuka

— New compound represents only a first step in a comprehensive disease management package that aims to FighTBack against TB from all angles (diagnostics, pediatrics, public health, etc.)

— Actively working with global TB stakeholders and other third-parties with mutual goals of addressing unmet medical needs in TB while promoting rational use of new compounds and minimizing resistance