Orrick- esperienza nei minibond...Corporate oCapital Markets oCompensation and Benefits oEmerging...

Post on 16-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Orrick- esperienza nei minibond...Corporate oCapital Markets oCompensation and Benefits oEmerging...

Esperienza nei Minibond

Orrick Italia

o Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe è uno studio legale internazionale con 25 sedi nel mondo distribuite in 9

paesi tra Stati Uniti, Europa ed Asia, di cui fanno parte oltre 1100 avvocati coadiuvati da circa 3000

persone di staff.

o Fondato nel 1863 a San Francisco, nel 2013, Orrick ha celebrato il 150°anniversario

o Nonostante le origini statunitensi, Orrick ha perseguito negli anni una strategia di crescita

internazionale per garantire ai clienti la piena soddisfazione delle proprie esigenze di avvalersi di

consulenti legali specializzati, operativi in ogni mercato al mondo.

o Tutti gli avvocati dello Studio collaborano attivamente nel perseguimento di tali obiettivi, offrendo

un'assistenza legale strategica e altamente qualificata in ambito stragiudiziale e contenzioso.

o Per il terzo anno consecutivo, Orrick è stato riconosciuto dal Financial Times tra i "FT Law 25"

l'elenco degli studi legali più innovativi al mondo e per tipologia di consulenza legale ed approccio

business – oriented.

o La rivista legale Law360 include Orrick nei "Global 20", la lista dei principali studi legali internazionali

al mondo.

A proposito di Orrick


Practice Areas di OrrickCorporateo Capital Markets

o Compensation and Benefits

o Emerging Companies

o General Corporate

o M&A and Private Equity

o Commercial Contracts

o Tax

o International Trade and Compliance


Energy o Project Finance

o Regulatory, Licensing and Permitting

o Oil and gas

o Renewables (Solar, Wind, Geothermal,

Hydroelectric, Biomass, Biofuels)

o Coal

o Nuclear

Infrastructureo Toll roads

o Airports

o Ports

o Stadiums

o Telecoms

o Railways

o Mining


o Antitrust and Competition

o Commercial Litigation

o Employment Law

o Insurance

o International Arbitration

o Mass Torts and Product Liability

o Public Policy and

Government Affairs Practice

o Securities Litigation and

Regulatory Enforcement

o Supreme Court and Appellate


o White Collar Criminal Defense

and Corporate Investigations

Intellectual Property

o Privacy

o Information Technology

o Consumer Protection

o Software

o New Economy

o Copyright, Trademark & False

Advertising Litigation & Counseling

o International Trade Commission

o IP Counseling & Due Diligence

o Patent Litigation

o Trade Secrets Litigation


o Banking and Debt Capital Markets

o General Finance

o Public Finance

o Real Estate

o Restructuring

o Structured Finance


Orrick nel mondo







Los Angeles

New York

Orange County




San Francisco

Silicon Valley

Washington, D.C.

Global Operations Center, Wheeling, W.Va.


Hong Kong









United States AsiaEurope

Orrick in Italia

Orrick in Italia

Orrick ha stabilito le proprie sedi in Italia dal 2003 a Milano e Roma. Oggi lo Studio italiano conta oltre 100

professionisti di primo piano, le cui competenze sono largamente riconosciute sul mercato economico e finanziario,

italiano ed internazionale.

Fanno parte del team italiano avvocati abilitati alla professione in Italia, Inghilterra e Stati Uniti, in grado di fornire

una consulenza qualificata in diritto italiano e nella common low.

Lo Studio italiano può inoltre contare su un desk russo e desk cinese, con professionisti russi e cinesi basati in

Italia e attivi in loco che affiancano in modo integrato i clienti italiani o stranieri in operazioni svolte in Italia o nei

rispettivi mercati di riferimento.

Sono clienti dello Studio in Italia: primarie banche d'affari e commerciali, le principali società di asset management a

livello mondiale, gruppi petroliferi, gruppi di telecomunicazioni, media & entertainment, multinazionali attive nei settori

delle energie tradizionali e rinnovabili, aziende automobilistiche e di trasporti, imprese di costruzioni, società di

ingegneria, società di consulenza e società a capitale pubblico – privato.


Aree di specializzazione di Orrick in Italia

Finanza Energia e Infrastrutture

Diritto Commerciale e Societario Project Finance

M&A e Private Equity Real Estate

Diritto del Lavoro Contenzioso Commerciale e Societario

Equity Capital Markets Tax

Modelli di organizzazione, gestione e controllo ex D.Lgs. 231 Ristrutturazione del debito e Procedure concorsuali

Regolamentazione Bancaria e Finanziaria Diritto Amministrativo

Esperienza sui Minibond

Esperienza sui Minibond

Il Team italiano di Finance di Orrick fornisce assistenza legale su scala globale in

relazione ad ogni tipo di operazione di emissione di strumenti di debito, tra cui,

recentemente anche i cosiddetti "Minibond". I Minibond sono strumenti finanziari di debito

di varia natura (obbligazioni, cambiali finanziarie o altri titoli di debito), che possono essere

emessi da piccole e medie imprese ("PMI") non quotate ed ammessi alla negoziazione sul

Segmento Professionale (ExtraMOT PRO) del Mercato ExtraMOT organizzato e gestito da

Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

La possibilità di ricorrere al mercato di capitali per le PMI italiane non quotate è

un'opportunità tracciata dal nuovo quadro normativo introdotto dal c.d. Decreto Sviluppo1

come modificato dal Decreto Sviluppo bis2, dal Decreto Destinazione Italia3 e da ultimo dal

Decreto Competitività4.

In tale contesto, Orrick vanta una notevole esperienza essendo lo studio legale che per

primo in Italia ha svolto simili operazioni e che già può vantare il maggiore track record

rispetto al numero di emissioni finora portate a compimento.

1 (Decreto Legge n. 83/2012, convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge n. 134/2012)

2 (Decreto Legge n. 179/2012, convertito con Legge n. 221/2012)

3 (Decreto Legge n. 145/2013 convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge n. 9/2014)

4 (Decreto Legge n.66 del 2014, convertito dalla legge n.89/2014)8

• Alcuni dati rilevanti:

o oltre 500 milioni di Euro è il valore aggregato di emissioni di Minibond portate a termine dal Finance

team Orrick a in qualità di advisor di arranger, underwriter, dealer ed emittenti;

o su un totale di circa 90 emissioni di Minibond tra il 2013 e 2015, la consulenza legale di circa la metà

delle emissioni è stata affidata ad Orrick;

o lo Studio è stato scelto come advisor legale per la costituzione del primo fondo in assoluto che

investe in Minibond, il "Fondo Minibond PMI Italia", costituito e promosso da Banca Monte dei Paschi

di Siena, MPS Capital Services e Finanziaria Internazionale;

o Orrick è advisor legale privilegiato di altre 2 delle 5 maggiori piattaforme di investimento in

Minibond: "Fondo Crescita Impresa", promosso e gestito da Aletti SGR e Unicasim, e "Fondo BondImpresa Territorio", costituito e gestito da Anthilia Capital Partners SGR e Banca Akros, in qualità di

arranger delle emissioni.

o ha agito in qualità di unico advisor legale nell'emissione del primo Mini Green Bond da parte di una

società che opera nel settore delle energie rinnovabili;

o primo studio legale in Italia che ha portato a termine un'emissione in forma dematerializzata di

cambiali finanziarie;

o lo Studio è l'ideatore del primo Minibond Day, incontro tenutosi a Londra alla presenza di oltre 100 tra

i più influenti rappresentanti della comunità finanziaria a livello europeo;

o tra il 2013 e il 2015, i professionisti più senior del team di Orrick che si occupa di Minibond sono stati

regolarmente invitati come relatori ad eventi sui Minibond. Finora lo Studio ha partecipato ad almeno

15 dei principali convegni che sono stati organizzati in Italia.

Esperienza sui Minibond


• Orrick è interlocutore privilegiato di:

o Ministero per lo Sviluppo Economico e ABI che hanno consultato Orrick per la

formulazione di una disposizione diretta ad agevolare la concessione di garanzie suiMinibond. Tale disposizione è stata recepita nel decreto Destinazione Italia,

prevedendo che per tutte le garanzie concesse, anche da parte di terzi, sui Minibond,

l'emittente possa scegliere di applicare l'imposta sostitutiva (0.25% sull'importo

dell'emissione) in luogo della imposta di registro (0.5%) e di ogni altra imposta dovuta

per la costituzione delle garanzie.

o Confindustria che ha individuato Orrick come partner per far conoscere alle PMI sul

territorio lo strumento dei Minibond. In particolare lo Studio ha collaborato finora con

Confindustria Toscana, Confindustria Roma, Confindustria Milano, Confindustria

Padova e Confindustria Vicenza, nell'ambito della promozione del sopra citato Fondo

Minibond PMI Italia.

Esperienza sui Minibond


Esperienza sui Minibond


Incarichi svolti


Legal assistance in the incorporation of

the first fund in Italy investing in senior

unsecured Mini-bonds having a raising

fund target of

7 years /€100 – 150 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of

the first fund in Italy investing in senior

unsecured Mini-bonds having a raising

fund target of

7 years /€100 – 150 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of

the first fund in Italy investing in senior

unsecured Mini-bonds having a raising

fund target of

7 years /€100 – 150 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of a

closed fund investing in Mini-bonds

having a raising fund target of

2 years/€ 200 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of a

closed fund investing in Mini-bonds

having a raising fund target of

2 years/€ 200 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of a

closed fund investing in Mini-bonds

having a raising fund target of

2 years/€ 200 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of a

closed fund having a raising fund target


2 years/€ 200 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of a

closed fund having a raising fund target


2 years/€ 200 million

Deal Legal Counsel


Legal assistance in the incorporation of a

closed fund having a raising fund target


2 years/€ 200 million

Deal Legal Counsel

TREVI – Finanziaria Industriale S.p.A.

Legal assistance to TREVI – Finanziaria

Industriale S.p.A. and Banca Popolare di

Vicenza in the issue of

€ 50,000,000 – 5,25% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


TREVI – Finanziaria Industriale S.p.A.

Legal assistance to TREVI – Finanziaria

Industriale S.p.A. and Banca Popolare di

Vicenza in the issue of

€ 50,000,000 – 5,25% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


TREVI – Finanziaria Industriale S.p.A.

Legal assistance to TREVI – Finanziaria

Industriale S.p.A. and Banca Popolare di

Vicenza in the issue of

€ 50,000,000 – 5,25% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Meridie S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Meridie (investment

firm, M&A , Private Equity and strategic

business advisor for SMEs in the South of Italy) in the issue of

€ 4,000,000 – 8% – 2015 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Meridie S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Meridie (investment

firm, M&A , Private Equity and strategic

business advisor for SMEs in the South of Italy) in the issue of

€ 4,000,000 – 8% – 2015 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Meridie S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Meridie (investment

firm, M&A , Private Equity and strategic

business advisor for SMEs in the South of Italy) in the issue of

€ 4,000,000 – 8% – 2015 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Sipcam S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Sipcam S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,50% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Sipcam S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Sipcam S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,50% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Sipcam S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Sipcam S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,50% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Alessandro Rosso Goup

Legal assistance to Alessandro Rosso

Group in the issue of

€ 4,000,000 – 10% – 2018 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Alessandro Rosso Goup

Legal assistance to Alessandro Rosso

Group in the issue of

€ 4,000,000 – 10% – 2018 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Alessandro Rosso Goup

Legal assistance to Alessandro Rosso

Group in the issue of

€ 4,000,000 – 10% – 2018 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

TBS Group S.p.A. 6,50% 2014 – 2019

Legal assistance. in the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger, agent bank, lead manager and underwriter

TBS Group S.p.A. 6,50% 2014 – 2019

Legal assistance. in the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger, agent bank, lead manager and underwriter

TBS Group S.p.A. 6,50% 2014 – 2019

Legal assistance. in the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger, agent bank, lead manager and underwriter

Finanziaria Internazionale Holding S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Finanziaria

Internazionale in the issue of

€ 12,000,000 – 5% – 2015 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Finanziaria Internazionale Holding S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Finanziaria

Internazionale in the issue of

€ 12,000,000 – 5% – 2015 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Finanziaria Internazionale Holding S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Finanziaria

Internazionale in the issue of

€ 12,000,000 – 5% – 2015 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Enna Energia S.r.l.

Legal assistance to Enna Energia S.r.l.

in the issue of

€ 3,200,000 – 5% 2019 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer

Enna Energia S.r.l.

Legal assistance to Enna Energia S.r.l.

in the issue of

€ 3,200,000 – 5% 2019 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer

Enna Energia S.r.l.

Legal assistance to Enna Energia S.r.l.

in the issue of

€ 3,200,000 – 5% 2019 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer

Esperienza sui Minibond


TerniEnergia S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Ternienergia and

JCI Capital in the issue of

€ 25,000,000 – 6.875% – 2019 maturity

Senior bond

Adviser to the issuer and the sole lead


TerniEnergia S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Ternienergia and

JCI Capital in the issue of

€ 25,000,000 – 6.875% – 2019 maturity

Senior bond

Adviser to the issuer and the sole lead


TerniEnergia S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Ternienergia and

JCI Capital in the issue of

€ 25,000,000 – 6.875% – 2019 maturity

Senior bond

Adviser to the issuer and the sole lead



Legal assistance to FRI–EL BIOGAS

S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 12,000,000 – 4,9% – 2021 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer


Legal assistance to FRI–EL BIOGAS

S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 12,000,000 – 4,9% – 2021 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer


Legal assistance to FRI–EL BIOGAS

S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 12,000,000 – 4,9% – 2021 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer

Dynamica Retail S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dynamica Retail


in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 – 6% 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Dynamica Retail S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dynamica Retail


in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 – 6% 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Dynamica Retail S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dynamica Retail


in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 – 6% 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Microcinema S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Microcinema in the

issue of

€ 1,500,000 – 8,125% – 2017 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Microcinema S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Microcinema in the

issue of

€ 1,500,000 – 8,125% – 2017 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Microcinema S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Microcinema in the

issue of

€ 1,500,000 – 8,125% – 2017 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Sud Commerci S.r.l.

Legal assistance to Sudcommerci

(advisor in the project design,

development and constructions of malls in the Apulia Region) in the issue of

€ 22,000,000 – 6% – 2018 maturity

Secured Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Sud Commerci S.r.l.

Legal assistance to Sudcommerci

(advisor in the project design,

development and constructions of malls in the Apulia Region) in the issue of

€ 22,000,000 – 6% – 2018 maturity

Secured Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Sud Commerci S.r.l.

Legal assistance to Sudcommerci

(advisor in the project design,

development and constructions of malls in the Apulia Region) in the issue of

€ 22,000,000 – 6% – 2018 maturity

Secured Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Buscaini Angelo S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Buscaini Angelo

in the first issue in Italy of

€10,000,000 – 7% – 2015 maturity

Cambiali Finanziarie

Adviser to the issuer

Buscaini Angelo S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Buscaini Angelo

in the first issue in Italy of

€10,000,000 – 7% – 2015 maturity

Cambiali Finanziarie

Adviser to the issuer

Buscaini Angelo S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Buscaini Angelo

in the first issue in Italy of

€10,000,000 – 7% – 2015 maturity

Cambiali Finanziarie

Adviser to the issuer

Exprivia Healthcare S.p.A.

Legal assistance to ExpriviaHealthcare IT s.r.l. in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 –5.2% – 2018 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger, distrubutor and underwriter

Exprivia Healthcare S.p.A.

Legal assistance to ExpriviaHealthcare IT s.r.l. in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 –5.2% – 2018 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger, distrubutor and underwriter

Exprivia Healthcare S.p.A.

Legal assistance to ExpriviaHealthcare IT s.r.l. in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 –5.2% – 2018 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger, distrubutor and underwriter

Tesmec S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza and KNG Securities LLP in the

issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arrangers, distrubutors

and underwriters

Tesmec S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza and KNG Securities LLP in the

issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arrangers, distrubutors

and underwriters

Tesmec S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza and KNG Securities LLP in the

issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arrangers, distrubutors

and underwriters


Legal assistance to IMI FABI S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 7,000,000 – 6.3% 2020 maturity


Adviser to the issuer and the underwriter


Legal assistance to IMI FABI S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 7,000,000 – 6.3% 2020 maturity


Adviser to the issuer and the underwriter


Legal assistance to IMI FABI S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 7,000,000 – 6.3% 2020 maturity


Adviser to the issuer and the underwriter

Global System International S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Global System

International S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 5,400,000 – 6.75% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and underwriter

Global System International S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Global System

International S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 5,400,000 – 6.75% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and underwriter

Global System International S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Global System

International S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 5,400,000 – 6.75% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and underwriter

Esperienza sui Minibond


Rigoni di Asiago S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Rigoni di Asiago as

issuer and Banca Popolare di Vicenza

as arranger in the issue of

€ 7,000,000 – 6,25% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Rigoni di Asiago S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Rigoni di Asiago as

issuer and Banca Popolare di Vicenza

as arranger in the issue of

€ 7,000,000 – 6,25% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Rigoni di Asiago S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Rigoni di Asiago as

issuer and Banca Popolare di Vicenza

as arranger in the issue of

€ 7,000,000 – 6,25% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Coswell S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Coswell S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,80% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Coswell S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Coswell S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,80% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Coswell S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Coswell S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 6,80% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

E.S.tr.A. S.p.A.

Legal assistance to E.s.tr.a S.p.A. as

issuer and Banca Popolare di Vicenza,

as arranger and distrubutor, in the issueof

€ 50,000,000 – 5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


E.S.tr.A. S.p.A.

Legal assistance to E.s.tr.a S.p.A. as

issuer and Banca Popolare di Vicenza,

as arranger and distrubutor, in the issueof

€ 50,000,000 – 5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


E.S.tr.A. S.p.A.

Legal assistance to E.s.tr.a S.p.A. as

issuer and Banca Popolare di Vicenza,

as arranger and distrubutor, in the issueof

€ 50,000,000 – 5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Gruppo PSC S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Gruppo PSC S.p.A.

in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 – 6% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Gruppo PSC S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Gruppo PSC S.p.A.

in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 – 6% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Gruppo PSC S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Gruppo PSC S.p.A.

in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 – 6% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Medicina Futura - Coleman S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Anthilia BIT (as

underwriter) in the issue by Medicina

Futura – Coleman S.p.A. of

€ 8,000,000 – 6.5% – 2023 maturity

Unsecured Mini-bond

Adviser to the underwriter

Medicina Futura - Coleman S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Anthilia BIT (as

underwriter) in the issue by Medicina

Futura – Coleman S.p.A. of

€ 8,000,000 – 6.5% – 2023 maturity

Unsecured Mini-bond

Adviser to the underwriter

Medicina Futura - Coleman S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Anthilia BIT (as

underwriter) in the issue by Medicina

Futura – Coleman S.p.A. of

€ 8,000,000 – 6.5% – 2023 maturity

Unsecured Mini-bond

Adviser to the underwriter

Corvallis S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza, as arranger, agent bank, lead

manager and underwriter, and to the issuer, Corvallis S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 10,000,000 – 6.25% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger, agent bank, lead

manager and underwriter, and to the issuer

Corvallis S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza, as arranger, agent bank, lead

manager and underwriter, and to the issuer, Corvallis S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 10,000,000 – 6.25% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger, agent bank, lead

manager and underwriter, and to the issuer

Corvallis S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza, as arranger, agent bank, lead

manager and underwriter, and to the issuer, Corvallis S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 10,000,000 – 6.25% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger, agent bank, lead

manager and underwriter, and to the issuer

Dynamica Retail S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dynamica Retail


in the 2° issue of

€ 2,700,000 - 6% - 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Dynamica Retail S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dynamica Retail


in the 2° issue of

€ 2,700,000 - 6% - 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

Dynamica Retail S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dynamica Retail


in the 2° issue of

€ 2,700,000 - 6% - 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer

DEDA Group S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dedagroup S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 10,000,000 – 6,35% - 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger,

distrubutor and sole underwriter

DEDA Group S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dedagroup S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 10,000,000 – 6,35% - 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger,

distrubutor and sole underwriter

DEDA Group S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Dedagroup S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 10,000,000 – 6,35% - 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger,

distrubutor and sole underwriter

Eurotranciatura S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Eurotranciatura

S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 –5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and underwriter

Eurotranciatura S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Eurotranciatura

S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 –5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and underwriter

Eurotranciatura S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Eurotranciatura

S.p.A. in the issue of

€ 5,000,000 –5% – 2019 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, arranger and underwriter

Innovatec S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Innovatec S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 8.125% – 2020 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Innovatec S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Innovatec S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 8.125% – 2020 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Innovatec S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Innovatec S.p.A. in

the issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 8.125% – 2020 maturity

Mini Green bond

Adviser to the issuer, arranger and


Esperienza sui Minibond


Asja Ambiente S.p.A.Legal assistance to Asja Ambiente

S.p.A., Anthilia Capital Partners SGR, Anthilia BIT and Banca Popolare di Bari

in the issue of

€ 20,000,0006,75 % – 2023 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, manager and


Asja Ambiente S.p.A.Legal assistance to Asja Ambiente

S.p.A., Anthilia Capital Partners SGR, Anthilia BIT and Banca Popolare di Bari

in the issue of

€ 20,000,0006,75 % – 2023 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, manager and


Asja Ambiente S.p.A.Legal assistance to Asja Ambiente

S.p.A., Anthilia Capital Partners SGR, Anthilia BIT and Banca Popolare di Bari

in the issue of

€ 20,000,0006,75 % – 2023 maturity


Adviser to the issuer, manager and


Geodata S.p.A.

Legal assistance to arranger and

underwriter in the issue of

€ 6,000,000 – 6.40% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger and underwriter

Geodata S.p.A.

Legal assistance to arranger and

underwriter in the issue of

€ 6,000,000 – 6.40% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger and underwriter

Geodata S.p.A.

Legal assistance to arranger and

underwriter in the issue of

€ 6,000,000 – 6.40% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger and underwriter

Finanziaria Internazionale Holding S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Finanziaria

Internazionale in the 2nd issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 5% – 2015 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Finanziaria Internazionale Holding S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Finanziaria

Internazionale in the 2nd issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 5% – 2015 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Finanziaria Internazionale Holding S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Finanziaria

Internazionale in the 2nd issue of

€ 15,000,000 – 5% – 2015 maturity

Senior Mini-bond

Adviser to the issuer

Egea S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Iccrea

Bancaimpresa S.p.A., as arranger, in the

issue by Egea S.p.A. of

€ 15,000,000 – 5.5% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger

Egea S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Iccrea

Bancaimpresa S.p.A., as arranger, in the

issue by Egea S.p.A. of

€ 15,000,000 – 5.5% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger

Egea S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Iccrea

Bancaimpresa S.p.A., as arranger, in the

issue by Egea S.p.A. of

€ 15,000,000 – 5.5% – 2021 maturity


Adviser to the arranger

Ferrarini S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza, as arranger, agent bank,and

jointly with KNG Securities, as lead manager and underwriter, in the issue by

Ferrarini S.p.A. of

€ 30,000,000 – 6.375% – 2020 maturity


Adviser to the arranger, agent bank, lead managers and underwriters

Ferrarini S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza, as arranger, agent bank,and

jointly with KNG Securities, as lead manager and underwriter, in the issue by

Ferrarini S.p.A. of

€ 30,000,000 – 6.375% – 2020 maturity


Adviser to the arranger, agent bank, lead managers and underwriters

Ferrarini S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza, as arranger, agent bank,and

jointly with KNG Securities, as lead manager and underwriter, in the issue by

Ferrarini S.p.A. of

€ 30,000,000 – 6.375% – 2020 maturity


Adviser to the arranger, agent bank, lead managers and underwriters

MEP S.p.A.

Legal assistance in the issue by MEP

S.p.A. of

€ 5,000,000 – 5,75% – 2019 maturity


Deal legal counsel

MEP S.p.A.

Legal assistance in the issue by MEP

S.p.A. of

€ 5,000,000 – 5,75% – 2019 maturity


Deal legal counsel

MEP S.p.A.

Legal assistance in the issue by MEP

S.p.A. of

€ 5,000,000 – 5,75% – 2019 maturity


Deal legal counsel

Micoperi S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza as arranger, agent bank and

underwriter together with KNG also al distributor in the issue by Micoperi S.p.A.


€ 35,000,000 – 5,75% – 2020 maturity


Deal legal counsel

Micoperi S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza as arranger, agent bank and

underwriter together with KNG also al distributor in the issue by Micoperi S.p.A.


€ 35,000,000 – 5,75% – 2020 maturity


Deal legal counsel

Micoperi S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Banca Popolare di

Vicenza as arranger, agent bank and

underwriter together with KNG also al distributor in the issue by Micoperi S.p.A.


€ 35,000,000 – 5,75% – 2020 maturity


Deal legal counsel

Cartiere Villa Lagarina S.p.A.

Legal assistance to Cartiere Villa

Lagarina S.p.A. in the issue of

Total amount € 10,000,000

– 5,0% – 2022

and – 5,0% - 2020 maturity


Adviser to the arranger and the issuer

Minibond Team


Patrizio MessinaManaging Partner ItaliaHead of Italian Finance Teampmessina@orrick.com

Sabrina SetiniSenior Associate – Finance Teamssetini@orrick.com

Giulia ScirpaSenior Associate – Finance Teamgscirpa@orrick.com

Andrea CiciaSenior Associate – Finance Teamacicia@orrick.com

Alessandro AccroccaSenior Associate – Finance Teamaaccrocca@orrick.com

Roberto PercocoAssociate – Finance Teamrpercoco@orrick.com

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Suite 3000

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San Francisco, CA 94105–2669


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Fax: +1–415–773–5759

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Tel: +49 (0)211–36787–0

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Tel: +49 (0)69–71588–0

Fax: +49 (0)69–71588–588

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Menlo Park, CA 94025–1015


Tel: +1–650–614–7400

Fax: +1–650–614–7401

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Attorneys at Law

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Tel: + 886–2–2714–8100

Fax: + 886–2–2714–8101

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Tel: +81–3–3224–2900

Fax: +81–3–3224–2901

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Tel: +1–202–339–8400

Fax: +1–202–339–8500

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2121 Main Street

Wheeling, WV 26003


Tel: +1–304–231–2500

Fax: +1–304–231–2501

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The Landmark

15 Queen's Road Central

Hong Kong

Tel: +852–2218–9100

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DX: 557 London/City

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Los Angeles, CA 90017–5855


Tel: +1–213–629–2020

Fax: +1–213–612–2499

MILANOrrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe

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20121 Milan


Tel: +39–02–4541–3800

Fax: +39–02–4541–3801


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Moscow 123056


Tel: +7–495–775–4805

Fax: +7–495–775–4806