ORMTC April 2016

Post on 29-Jul-2016

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Newsletter for the Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club, April 2016

Transcript of ORMTC April 2016

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 1


President Fred M

Vice President Peter H

Secretary E-J

Editor & Treasurer Ivan Z 042 777 1728

Tour Master Mal F 043 9919 629



April 2016

Club Objectives

1) To promote, encourage and co-operate with kindred bodies in fostering and

maintaining motorcycling as a sport.

2) To organize and conduct social outings, competitions and to encourage good

fellowship amongst members.

3) To maintain and keep up the prestige of the club and sport.

ORMTC Postal Address: PO Box 714, Victoria Park W.A. 6979 Club Internet Home Page:

Club e-mail address: Editor’s e-mail:

http://ormtc.homestead.com ormtcwa@iinet.net.au stives73@bigpond.com Please use “ORMTC magazine” as subject

Contact Details

Cut off date for magazine articles is ONE (1) week prior to the meeting; if in doubt call the Editor!

Disclaimer Comments and technical articles printed in this magazine are the results of member contributions and, as such, the views and opinions expressed DO NOT necessarily reflect those of ORMTC Inc. but are for general interest only. The ORMTC accepts no responsibility for accuracy of any comment, opinion

or information contained in or omitted from this magazine.

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 2


Page 01…………………………………..Club Objectives, Club Committee, Club Contact details

Page 02…………………………………..Contents

Page 03…………………………………..President’s Report

Page 04…………………………………..Editor’s Report

Page 05-06.……………………………...Meeting minutes from last month

Page 07…………………………………..By-laws and no Birthdays

Page 08-09…..………..…………………Ideas submitted by Fred (reprinted)

Page 10-11....…………………………...Peter’s response to Fred’s article

Page 12-15…..………..…………………Club Run pictures by Ivan

Page 16…………………………………..Points table

Page 17…………………………………..Riot Act

Page 18-19…..………..…………………Ivan’s response to Fred’s article

Page 20-21…..………..…………………Members’ contact details

Page 22-25…..………..…………………Ivan’s Club Run photos

Page 26…………………………………..Merchandise

Page 27…....……………………………..Club Run details

Page 28………………………..………....Club Ride Calendar

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 3

ORMTC President’s Report April 2016

Happy days are here again! For

those of you who don’t

particularly like riding in the

searing heat of summer, April

brings sublime relief.

No doubt we will have many

enjoyable runs coming up and

autumn is just about the best

time to ride, so get out there and


Nothing specific to report this

month – watch this space though

as I’m looking forward to a

vigorous debate this month and

throughout the year regarding

our run types and methods.

Stay safe

Fred M

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 4

Editors Report

Hi all, I have reprinted Fred’s list of changes for member’s consideration so that you can refer back to it when considering Peter’s and my responses that you’ll find later in the magazine. There’s photos from both of last months’ rides but a couple of things are missing: the Treasurer’s (my) report will need to be doubled up on next month and the Social Ride details will be distributed at a later date. On a different note; I was rudely awakened this morning when a car crashed out the front of my place at about 4am. Amazing that nobody was hurt. It was a 16 year old driver with no licence in his friend’s car doing about 160 down my road. Lucky idiot! Cops took him for away for breakfast. Ivan


March 49,421

Slammed into the granite on the left; spun across the road and flipped 10m down the embankment. Parked by the river ... walked away!

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 5

Club by-laws as at August 2008

1. All motions need to have 2 months notice before they are voted on unless the 2 months notice is deemed unnecessary by the membership present at the meeting.

2. People on committees do not have to pay for an event that

they are organizing except for their own accommodation. 3. Only financial members of the club can vote. 4. No person is to spend any monies unless prior approval has

been granted by 2 or more committee members.

5. Any money spent and claimable from the club must have a receipt.

6. Members wishing to attend a club event must pay for that

event before it occurs.

7. If a member is unable to attend a Club event, refunds are to be decided by the committee organizing the event. 8. If the club organises any event which requires financial commitment, members who have committed to attending will be financially liable for their share of the costs unless they can find someone to replace them.



Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 6

ORMTC CHANGES FOR MEMBERS CONSIDERATION The following are comments, complaints and suggestions made to me over the years. Members Responsibility After their first year of membership, all club members must officiate at least once per annum as one of the following

Ride Leader Tail End Charlie Function Organiser/Host Committee Member

After no more than three rides or three meeting attendances with the Club, participants must nominate for membership and if endorsed as a member, pay their membership fees. This applies equally to ORATS participants. Club Monthly Meetings Reduce Club Meetings to every second month apart from AGM Meetings held in February – March – April – June – August – October - December Web site and on-line news-letter updates to keep Members informed of events and rides. Monthly meetings are a carry-over from days past, in this age of communications technology there simply is not the need for so many meetings. It is the same few who turn up each time and carry the cost of buying dinner at our host hotel. Reduce number of Magazines likewise. Club Runs Many have complained that the rides can be too long and finish too late, or are ridden too fast. Leaders should be mindful of speed limits and keep at or about these. There are many opportunities to allow riders to pass to satisfy their needs. Plan rides to finish so all riders can be home in daylight and in any event no later than 5.00pm. Social Runs Most complaints here are about length or duration of rides. Plan rides so that all riders can be home no later than 1.00pm. Ride Start Points If heading out of town and into the country, start rides on the fringe of the metro area so that riders are not doubling back or spending up to an hour coping with suburbia. This is mostly observed but no always. Tourmaster’s Roster Post a Year Planner schedule on line and display it at meetings showing the whole Ride year. Members can fill in those spaces are they available to Lead or TEC rides. Will assist with ensuring everyone can participate and everyone can see who is putting in an effort. See attached Spreadsheet Club Points A Trophy should be the reward for the person who has earned the most points. Refuelling Stops Everyone fuels up when the ride leader does.

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 7


Month Club Run Social Run

Lead TEC Lead TEC

Mar-16 6th Steve Peter 20th Ivan Peter

April 10th Peter Beb 24th E-J Mal

May 8th Nic Nigel 22nd Mal Fred

June 5th 19th Ivan

July 10th 24th

August 7th 21st


11th 25th

October 9th 23rd

November 6th 20th

December 4th (or

11th) 18th

Jan-17 8th 22nd

February 5th 19th

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 8

Thoughts on Issues Raised from March Magazine

By Peter Hubach

Member’s Responsibility I suppose this is to encourage members to be more active in the club. Certainly we could do with more volunteers for organising rides. Rides are assigned at club meetings, which have the same few people attending each month. What about a new procedure for assigning rides? Encouraging riders on rides to plan their own. This will increase the pool of potential ride leaders to include some that do not attend monthly meeting.

How are we going to enforce members doing a job they don’t want to do? Is ride planning too daunting? Good luck with forcing someone to be on the committee!

I agree that lurkers should pay up and join the club.

Club Monthly Meetings I strongly disagree with reducing the number of meetings to once every two months. The social banter that goes on at these meetings is the glue that binds the club together. It’s the difference between talking to someone face to face and getting an email from them. If social media is your idea of running a club, there’s always Perth Street Bikes. Yes they have more riders than us but do they “know” each other?

Will the Balmoral management look kindly on giving us a meeting room free if we eat there only six times a year?

Club Runs It is increasingly difficult to plan a club run that does not include roads recently travelled. There is only a semi-circle of area to choose from Perth, the other side is the ocean. We don’t like major highways because of traffic and other restrictions. To get away from congested areas and experience true open road touring (and isn’t that what our club is about?), takes time. I think setting time and distance limits to our rides will restrict them, reduce creativity and those willing to plan a ride.

If you want a shorter club ride, lead one.

We always state at the start of each ride that you should ride at a speed with which you are comfortable. There are ample opportunities for riders who want to go faster to ride ahead. If you want to cruise slowly, the Tail End Charlie will always be with you. Speed is just one of the things to enjoy about motorcycling. If riding fast is not what you want, fine. No one in the club will disparage you for enjoying riding your own way.

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 9

Social Runs I think the most successful social runs are those that include some sort of activity or unusual location. That makes them challenging to plan given the short time constraint. Again, if you want a social run that fits your schedule, plan one.

Ride Start Points It makes sense to start the ride at a location that will minimise suburban riding. One of the perks of organising a ride is that you get to choose a location that is convenient to you. Our members are distributed over the metropolitan area and beyond, so some are always going to have to travel across suburbia to get to the start point. I think a good start point should have shelter, food and toilets. Those three attributes will set most riders up for a good start to a day of riding.

Tourmaster’s Roster Anything that encourages more people to plan rides is worth trying.

Club Points Giving a trophy to the person with the most points will require an explanation of exactly how the points are awarded. I doubt that the prospect of a trophy will encourage people to plan club rides by accumulating points.

Refuelling Stops Motorcycles have very different fuel capacities and economy. This translates to a wide scope of possible fuel ranges. Some motorcycles require higher octane fuel than others and road houses often have only one high octane pump. In any event, refuelling a dozen motorcycles takes time. What we need to avoid is the situation where most riders refuel and just down the road we have to stop again because a rider miscalculated how much fuel was left in the tank. It’s not right to “force” a rider on a touring bike with a range of 400km to refuel at the same rate as a rider on cruiser with a peanut tank. I think some sort of consensus is required at the start of the ride. Consider the motorcycles on the ride and their range with regard to the available fuel. The ride leader then decides where the fuel stops will be with most riders refuelling. Only those riders who are sure that they won’t require fuel until the next planned refuelling stop are exempt. Heavy fines for those that force unplanned fuel stops!

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 10

Steve and Peter’s Club Run down to Bridgetown for lunch

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 11

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 12

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 13

Look at all those guys, same hair style. Walter tampering with Steve’s bar end weights.

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 14

Ride Requirements Volunteer for a ride, be Ride Leader or Tail End Charlie. Plan the route, maps, fuel and food stops, toilet stops, make track notes. Go on a pre-ride, edit track notes, record travel time, check your stops/shops are open, get pub/café phone number to make a future booking, take some pictures, alter the ride route if necessary. Make a flier for the ride, forward it to the Editor stives73@bigpond.com and to the Tour Master optimalfibre@bigpond.com forward your ride route to the Tour Master too. At the meeting, receive running sheet from the Secretary, receive TEC bag from previous rides TEC, tell the members about your ride, encourage participation, get numbers if necessary for bookings. On the day, be on time for your own ride, bring TEC bag, record participants, contact and emergency details, read the Riot Act aloud, phone a brunch booking if required. Delays TEC bag contains mechanical and first aid supplies, notify riders ahead if delay is long, separate the ride if necessary, don’t leave anybody stranded alone. Following the ride post the running sheet in the envelope provided, forward photos to the Editor for the web site, forward an article to the Editor for the magazine.

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 15


This is to be read out at the start of each run

1. All riders are to be introduced to the Leader and Tail End

Charlie before the start of the run. 2. Do not overtake on the left – EVER!!

3. For rider safety a staggered formation is strongly


4. Do not pass the leader unless they say it is okay.

5. When turning you MUST wait on the corner where you can be seen until the person behind catches up.

6. When you see someone on a corner you will become the

corner marker unless they wave you through.

7. Ride within your own personal limits and be mindful of the road rules.

8. The tail end Charlie will always be behind the last bike, no

matter what.

Please complete the sign in sheet with rider/pillion details including an emergency contact name and number.

This riot act must be read out before the start of each run. If you

are attending the run and the organisers fail to read it out, please remind them to do so.

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 16

A third opinion By Ivan

Fred has certainly opened a discussion with his list for consideration, which is republished in this edition as topic of the month. Peter has submitted a written response as seen in this edition too. I have also felt the urge to put thoughts in print and add to the discussion as follows. As a general rule, I’m not keen on making too many rules, especially strict ones, general rules are preferred.

Members Responsibility

Doing something once per annum isn’t that big an ask, considering the effort required to be a TEC for a Social Ride. I expect it will be difficult for occasional visitors to commit to this though. I think encouragement and assistance with organising a ride would work better than any rule for this one. So, I agree with Peter’s comments.

Club Monthly Meetings

Imagine if you missed a bi-monthly meeting, it would be 4 months between drinks. Sometimes meetings are the only time people have available to show up. Although it sounds enticing for the Editor to do less work, I do consider the meeting to be another activity to get involved in if available on a regular basis. Once again I would have to agree with Peter.

Dinner at the pub is not compulsory but it is the only bargaining point we had when the Club was trying to find cost effective meeting rooms. I consider the Balmoral has served us quite well with the room and I’ve seen the menu evolve over the years too. I would prefer to leave meetings as they are, perhaps with an annual November decision to conduct a January meeting or not.

Club Runs

One of the benefits of leading a ride is that you get to choose how everything is run. One of the benefits of just participating in a ride is that you don’t need to run anything.

This is a touring club and the Club Runs are meant to be the long ones.

Speed limits are for cars; membership changes over time; and at the moment

we’re not that fast. If you want the speed limit – do it; if you want everybody to

do the speed limit, the MRA does this. We don’t need any additional rules

apart from the real ones that you pay for yourself. For a while there were half a

dozen members that would prefer to keep above 160 for the whole way, ahh ...

those were the days.

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 17

Social Rides

Length or duration may be a fair call for Social Rides. I’m not so sure about rules regarding the time it must finish because one might like a social ride that ends at the movies on a warm summer night; I went on Social Ride to the Ettamogah Pub in Morley once, remember that one? Fish and chips at sunset? Alfred’s Kitchen for a burger and the warmth of a fire in winter?

Ride Start Points

When you lead the ride, you decide where to start from, although “Open Road” should be considered to have some relevance to this topic. For a long while we all assembled at the car park at the Narry that had nothing, and everybody was happy. With Dome and McCafe all over the place, along with all the old nannies that need the whizzer every 45 minutes, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a good place to start; although I still don’t know where Dome Midland is.

Tourmaster’s Roster

I don’t know if putting everyone’s participation online is a good idea but I like the idea of a full year plan for the magazine (meetings). This along with peer pressure and a bit of help from old hands could encourage involvement. Even without volunteers nominated, overnighters could be suggested for particular dates each season.

Club Points

Points were introduced to highlight potential Member of the Year candidates; because better judgement is required rather than the technicality of points alone.

Refuelling Stops

The Ride Leader should be consulted if you don’t want to fuel up at their designated fuel stop.

While I hope discussion continues, please send in any written ideas

you have to the Editor by a week before next meeting.

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 18

Nigel may have arrived too late to

hear the riot act but he wasn’t

going to miss the 4 egg omelette


April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 19

Above: Peter is calling ahead for a ute to be organised so when we get to Peter’s house to help remove the wood stove it can be loaded straight up.

Ivan and Peter’s Social Ride through the Perth Hills.

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 20

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 21

We were the only ones there providing any real business for the newly renovated family pub. Good thing there were 15 of us. The omelettes looked really good but I had ordered the big breakfast. I recommend Paddy’s Bush Bar and Grill if you’re looking for good quality food and you want the place to yourself.

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 22


Stickers $3.00

Stubby Holders New Stock ! $6.00

Badges (Black and Gold) $9.00 Key Rings White $3.50 Iron-on Transfers full sheet $10.00 half sheet $5.00 Tee-Shirts—Short Sleeves Small $27.00 Medium $27.00 Large $27.00 Extra Large $27.00 2xExtra Large $27.00 Tee-Shirts—Long Sleeves Small $30.00 Medium $30.00 Large $30.00 Extra Large $30.00 2xExtra Large $30.00

Number plate surround $17.00

April 2016 Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club Page 23

Club Ride

Sunday April 10th 2016

Ride Leader: Peter H

Tail End Charlie: Bob E Meeting at The Dome Mundaring for 07:30 or earlier for breakfast

Departure 08:00

The pretty way through York and Meckering with morning tea and fuel at Dowerin

Lovely vistas, long straights and sweeping corners to keep you interested

Wave at the lovely

Koorda Hotel that will not

be open for our lunch

Lunch and refreshments at the

Wongan Hills Hotel

Petrol also available at Wongan

Afternoon Tea at Toodyay and then returning to

Mundaring Dome the back way

A total distance of about 500km and back between

16:00 and 17:00 depending on how fast we ride and

how much we talk

Open Road Motorcycle Touring Club April 2016 Page 24
















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