OpenMRS Presentation 2

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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Presentation for OpenMRS GSoC students - Part 2

Transcript of OpenMRS Presentation 2

Media Viewer Module for OpenMRSStudent: Pratik Mandrekar Mentored by: Katherine Kuan


Side by side viewer Time series module Search functionality Annotations Usability testing Wiki link:

The side by side viewer

Built over as a replacement to the single view mode. Drop down (Flex combo box) lets user select type of view: 1) Single View 2) Horizontal side by side view 3) Vertical side by side view

Each view lets you choose the images you would like to view on either side by setting focus on click and choosing from the thumbnail display list.

The single view looks like this..

The horizontal side view

Another use case

The vertical side view

More to it..

Each of the images can pe panned/zoomed They can be edited using the shared control toolbar at the bottom. Select the side by clicking to obtain focus. You can read more about it here

The time series data visualization module

This module is intended to plot graphs for any time series data that could be associated with a patient. Recording devices vary and so do the formats. However based on consultations with the team, tried out with physionet compatible formats. More over here

Parsing the data

One of the pysionet compatible formats includes ECG signals from the MIT-BIH Arrythmia db. Files are available as .dat data files in binary .hea - header files describing what other files are there. .atr Annotations

Using the wfdb library get the signals into csv format


Comparing two series

How does the data flow?

A file like the .dat has to be uploaded during an encounter. The .dat will be stored as ComplexObs in OpenMRS. Yet to decide Store the .dat or build an interface to parse common formats into a new format (i.e CSV + an associated file) that can be understood by the media viewer. Fetch the complexObs during a call to load the encounter into the media viewer. Plot csv using the charting component.

Remaining workflow

Create a button that pops up a search interface which allows selection from thumbnails of all previous medical images for the patient. Selecting an image shows it side-by-side with the current image. [1 week] Create a feature to add annotations to media. Will be stored as new observations in current viewed encounter. [1 week] Refactoring, feature optimization [2 weeks]

Thank You