One alendar for All Ukrainians? · 2012. 1. 15. · Weekly hoir practices will resume this...

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Transcript of One alendar for All Ukrainians? · 2012. 1. 15. · Weekly hoir practices will resume this...

LITURGICAL SERVICES Divine Liturgy — Божественна Літургія

Sunday - Неділя* 9:00 AM Ukrainian/Українська

11:00 AM English/ Англійська Weekdays - Будні (see back page)

Confessions - Сповідь Baptisms - Хрещення Prior to every Divine Liturgy Contact the pastor

Weddings - Вінчання

Contact the pastor 9-12 months in advance _____________________________________

* occasionally subject to change—see back page

Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish

Українська Католицька Парафія Пресв. Євхаристії

505 Watt St. - ‘at the corner of Watt & Munroe’

Parish Office: 489 WInterton Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2K 1K5

Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Tel: 204.667.8866 Email: Fax: 204.668.2024 Web: [under construction]

15 January 2012 15 Січеня 2012 31st Sunday After Pentecost

One Calendar for All Ukrainians?

In a recent interview for a local news station in Ukraine, His Beatitude, Sviatoslav spoke of efforts to move the Ukrainian people to the Gregorian calendar. Over in Ukraine, they will try to resolve the issue as to which calendar - the Julian or Gregorian - to follow, together with our Orthodox brothers, this question is not some dogmatic element of the Church, not to cause new church splits, but rather to help them overcome former splits in our churches. This is what the Head of the UGCC Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) said when he was asked whether he tries to connect us with the entire civilized world, so we celebrated Christmas according to the Gregorian style. His Beatitude, Sviatoslav remembered that the Gregorian calendar method is not exclusively Catholic. Because most of the Orthodox world celebrates the so-called fixed feasts of the Gregorian calendar, for example, the Greek Church celebrates Christmas on December 25. "So we'll continue to lead this discussion, which has lasted for more than a year, but together with our Orthodox brothers, so that when the time comes and we decide to do this step, we will have done it together", concludes Patriarch Sviatoslav. Paraphrased from article posted on 9 Jan. 2012 on <>

Weekly Choir practices will resume this Thursday, Jan. 19th at

6:00PM. All are invited to attend, even new members!

St. Anne’s Ukrainian Catholic Church is having a Perogy Supper

on Friday, Jan. 27th from 5PM - 7PM. There are $6 and $10 plates

including drink and dessert. Tickets available at the door.

Marriage Preparation! Any one planning to be married at Holy Eucharist Parish - What to do…

1. See the Parish Priest about arranging what needs to be done. 2. Register for the Marriage Preparation Program April 21 and 28th (two full Saturdays) Registration $150, forms at our Parish Office - call 667-8866

The Knights of Columbus would like to congratulate the winners of the Keep Christ in Christmas Colouring Contest from Holy Eucharist Catechism. First place went to Karli Paziuk - age 7, second place to Adreiana Jaworsky - age 8, and third place to Alex Letwin - Age 9. Fourth place went to Kristin Bosko - age 10, fifth to Ihor Purtov - age 10, sixth to Alexa Jaworsky - age 11, and seventh to Michael Buchel - age 11. Congratulations to all the winners!

NEW VOLUNTEERS NEEDED IN THE NEW YEAR FOR 1. Leading the Holy Rosary on Sundays and prior to Funerals. 2. Reading the Epis-tle in both Ukrainian and English on Sundays. 3. Greeters and Ush-ers on Sunday Mornings and at major Liturgical functions. Speak with Fr. Michael and Give your name to Joe in the Office TODAY! Seriously – Your Parish Needs you! 667-8866

THE UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH TODAY – Is it Canadian, Ukrainian, Roman – or none of the above?

Presented by Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, OSBM: "In 2012 we commemorate the arrival in Canada of our first Ukrainian Catholic Bishop, Blessed Nykyta Budka. This his-torical anniversary can help us better understand who we are as members of our individual parishes; who we are as members of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg and the global Ukrainian Catholic Church; who we are as members of the Universal Catholic Church."

Hosted at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Parish – 737 Bannerman Ave, on Saturday, January 21, 2012 at

9:00 am – 12:30pm. Registration is $5. To register please contact the Centre at 204.338.7801(ext.1)


NOTICE! For the month of January, starting January 9th until

the 28th Fr. Michael will be away. During this time, Fr. Ed-

ward will be substituting and responsible for all pastoral

matters. He will be on-site at the church and office occasion-

ally. If any urgent matter should arise, please contact Fr.

Edward via his cell phone at 204.250.5210. There will also

be no vespers for the month of January during Fr. Michael’s


Immaculate Heart of Mary School will be hosting

their Annual Tea on Sunday, February 5, 2012 at

650 Flora Ave. between the hours of 1:30 PM and

4:00 PM. The tea will be officially opened by Mr.

Mike Pagtakhan, City of Winnipeg Councillor. The

Tea theme is ‘Immaculate Heart of Mary School: Everyone Grows’

An invitation is extended to all to come and visit the school. While

attending the Tea, enjoy the Bake Room and raffles.


Both selections are written by Pope Benedict XVI

Jesus The Apostles and the Early Church: This book tells the drama of Jesus’ first disciples – His apostles and their associates – and how they spread Jesus’ message through-out the ancient world. The early disciples remained faithful to the truth about Jesus, even to the cost of their lives. He begins with the original twelve, including important figures such as Peter, Andrew, James, John and even Judas Escariot. He moves beyond and includes Paul of Tarsus, Stephen, Barnabus, Timothy, Titus, Priscilla and Aquila, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Phoebe. “A Journey Back to the Origins of Christianity”

Jesus of Nazareth: The Pope’s first book written as Benedict XVI. He seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from recent “Popular” depictions and to re-store Jesus’ true identity as discovered in the Gospels. Through his brilliance as a theologian and his personal convictions as a believ-er, the Pope shares a rich compelling, flesh-and-blood portrait of Jesus and encites us to encounter, face-toface, the central figure of the Christian Faith. What did Jesus actually bring, if not world peace, universal prosperity, and a better world? He has brought us GOD! “From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration.”

The Seniors of Holy Family Parish invite you to attend their

next dance on Tuesday January 17, 2012 from 12:00 to 3:30

pm at Holy Family Parish Hall 1001 Grant Avenue.

Lunch served. Old time music by Pride & Joy.

Admission cost is $7.00. All are welcome. Hope to see you


St. Alphonsus School will be holding their

annual Open House on Sunday, January 29,

2012 from 12-2 PM. St. Alphonsus School,

located at 343 Munroe Avenue in East Kildo-

nan, offers programs for students from kin-

dergarten to grade 8. The school has an on-

site Before and After School program and an Alternate Day

Enrichment Program for kindergarten students. For more

information, please contact the school at 667-6271, email:, or visit our web-



9:00 AM

11:00 AM

Helen Mazur

Helen Manilla-Babiniec

READERS Next Sunday (Jan 22)

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

Carlyle Hoffman

Taylor Tataryn


9:00 AM

11:00 AM

Walter Manitowich

Ed Swiecicki

William Stepaniuk

Dmetro Bodykewich

USHERS Next Sunday (Jan 22)

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

Dan Kalenchuk

Semeon Hrushovetz

Lou Bowman

Glen Hubbartt



In Memory of

+Minnie Maybroda

from Joseph and



God’s blessings for

Richard Grunsten for

his help with the

Youth from HEY.

Parish Collections this Week

Жертводавство у

нашій Парафії

1. Sunday Collection - Jan. 8/12

Конверти/ 110 Envelopes: $1,545

Без Конвертів/ Open: $186

2. Carolling $50

3. Vigil Lights: $125.12

4. Vigil Lamps: $20

5. Christmas Dinner: $10

6. Iconostasis: $150

Please remember in your PRAYERS and VISIT:

Hospital/at home: Helen Stasynec, Mary Horbal, Margaret Zazula Zinnia Cherniak, Elsie Tymchak, Bella Kalenchuk, Stella Laskowich Holy Family: Paul Kasian, George Flees, Polly Oleski, Min Karabin, Nell Smerchansky Riverview: Bill Tataryn, Ernie Cicierski Middlechurch: Kay Brykalo, Donwood: Louis Gensorek, Walter Ruta Deer Lodge: Stephen & Anne Doroz Bethania: Metro Babiak, Mike Chemerika, Nellie Prociuk

Call Elaine Bowman of the Pastoral Visits Team at 668.9830 to find out more.

Call any one of our priests anytime for a Sacramental visit.





JANUARY 22nd Knights of Columbus

Miraculous Icon

The Miraculous Icon will be in the

home of Pat Sirski this week. If you

would like the Miraculous Icon at

your home, please call

204.667.1028 to reserve a week.

IMPORTANT NOTICE! For those who wish to have some-thing added to the bulletin such as an announcement or to add someone’s name to the Prayer List, please con-tact: or call 204.791.5770 and leave a message. As well, please note that there is now a deadline of 12 noon every Thurs-day*. And a monthly deadline of the last Wednesday for all upcoming monthly events. *Except when a holiday falls on a Friday, then it becomes 12 noon Wednesday.


A wide range of spiritual and inspirational

reading… If you doubt, Come and

see! ;-) Many beautiful gift ideas

for Birthdays, Weddings, First Holy Communion, Baptisms… cards,

Icons, Rosaries, Chotky &Crosses,


Contact Liz at 334-2081

Parish Pastoral Reports Due:

January 21, 2012

AGM Reports Due:

February 8, 2012


Sunday, January 22, 2012

3:00-6:00 pm

St. Basil’s Parish

The Ukrainian Catholic Council of the

Archeparchy of Winnipeg invites all Clergy,

Religious, and Faithful to join the Ukrainian

Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC),

the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of

Canada (UCWLC), the Ukrainian Catholic

Youth (UCY) and the Knights of the Ukraini-

an Catholic Archeparchy (KUCA) in extend-

ing New Year’s greetings to His Grace Met-

ropolitan Lawrence Huculak, OSBM.

Perogy Volunteer Party Saturday, January 21, 2012

Divine Liturgy - 4:30 pm Dinner: following the Liturgy

The Perogy Factory is up and running

All Volunteers are welcome!

Clergy & Staff - Духовенство й Працівники


Rev. Dr. Michael Kwiatkowski

Phone: 204.667.8866, ext. 2


Clergy in the Parish

Rev. Fr. Edward Kwiatkowski

Phone: 204.975.9427 Email:

Rev. Deacon Myroslaw Tracz

Phone: 204.589.7592

Liturgical Assistance

Sacristan - Dan Kalenchuk - Phone: 204.654.3220

Cantor - David Hrehirchuk - Phone: 204.669.2068

Choir Director - Cathy Wach-Dueck - Phone 204.668.3704

Altar Guild - Elaine Bowman - Phone: 204.668.9630

Altar Servers - Jay Korban - Phone: 204.791.5770

Girls of Mary - Carlene Deptuch - Phone: 204.667.1944

Office Staff

Joe Kulyk - Office Manager

Phone: 204.667.8866 Email:

Jay Korban - Bulletin Editor

Phone: 204.791.5770


Parish Staff

Shirley Skochylas - Chairperson

Phone: 204.668.1485

Catechism: Teresa Letwin - Phone: 204.801.3266

Joan Buchel - Phone: 204.334.7207

Parish Facilities

Parish Centre - Парафіяльний Центр

460 Munroe Avenue, Phone: 204.661.5240

Parish Auditorium - Храмовий Зал

505 Watt Street, Phone: 204.654.4786

Facility Bookings - Оренда Приміщень

Joan Lewandosky Phone: 204.294.2276

Parish Organizations

UCBC - БУКК - Ron Aftanas, Phone: 204.661.0025

UCWLC - ЛУКЖ - Joan Shume, Phone: 204.237.9394

Knights of Columbus - Лицарі Колюмба

Edward Swiecicki, Phone: 204.663.6513

Seniors Club - Клуб Сеньорів “Міленіум”

Margaret Chemerika, Phone: 204.667.1905

HE UCY - Kristina, Email:

HEY! Holy Eucharist Youth - Damon,

Phone: 204.667.1944

Other Contacts

Perogy Orders - Вареники: Phone: 204.667.6304

Weekly Liturgical Service Schedule

Порядок Богослужінь Sunday, Jan 15 31st Sunday after Pentecost

(Epistle: 1 Timothy 1:15-17; Gospel: Luke 18:35-43)

9:00 am - Divine Liturgy - for Ted & Penny (B & M Mackalski) 11:00 am - Divine Liturgy - for all parishioners

Monday, Jan 16 Venerable Chains of PETER

(Epistle: James 2:14-26; Gospel: Mark 10:46-52) 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy - Safe travels for Fr. Michael

Tuesday, Jan 17 Venerable ANTHONY the Great

(Epistle: Hebrews 13:17-21; Gospel: Luke 6:17-23) 8:00 am - Divine Liturgy - +Cheryl Riediger (Ukr. Park Children’s Camp)

Wednesday, Jan 18 Sts. ATHANASIUS and CYRIL

(Epistle: James 3:11-4:6; Gospel: Mark 11:22-25) 8:00 am - Divine Liturgy - Health for Courtney (family)

Thursday, Jan 19 Venerable MACARIUS

(Epistle: James 4:7-5:9; Gospel: Mark 11:27-33) 7:30 am - Divine Liturgy - For health of Stella Laskowich (friends)

Friday, Jan 20 Venerable EUTHYMIUS the Great

(Epistle: Hebrews 13:17-23; Gospel: Luke 6:17-23) 8:00 am - Divine Liturgy - +Helen Slobodian (Mary Kay)

Saturday, Jan 21 Confessor MAXIMUS

(Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-23; Gospel: Luke 17:3-10) 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy - +Anna & +Martin Lucyk (Family)

Sunday, Jan 22 32nd Sunday after Pentecost; Sunday of Zaccheus

(Epistle: 1 Timothy 4:9-15; Gospel: Luke 19:1-10) 9:00 am - Divine Liturgy - for all parishioners 11:00 am - Divine Liturgy - for all parishioners


Did You Know?...

Ever notice that some clergy wear crosses around their

necks all the time? Often priests will receive their first pas-

toral cross when they are ordained. They sometimes can

even represent rank. A new priest or a junior priest will

wear a simple silver colour cross, but some priests who hold

a position like chancellor or those who have been mitred

are allowed to wear a gold cross or even an

ornate one like a bishop. But sometimes these

cross look different in their shape. Check out

next week’s bulletin to learn the difference be-

tween some of these crosses.