On Demand webinar: Jonah Berger

Post on 07-May-2015

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What makes things popular? If you said advertising, think again. People don’t listen to advertisements, they listen to their peers. But why do people talk about certain products and ideas more than others? Why are some stories and rumors more infectious? And what makes online content go viral? Jonah Berger, author of “Contagious: Why Things Catch On,” shows how to use social influence to spread ideas and create viral traction for your next marketing campaign.

Transcript of On Demand webinar: Jonah Berger

  • 1.Chat with Jonah Bergerauthor of Contagious: WhyThings Catch OnApril 30, 2013

2. 2Jim WilliamsVP Marketing, InfluitiveYour PresentersJonah BergerAssistant Professor of MarketingWharton SchoolUniversity of Pennsylvania 3. 3For audio choose Use Mic &Speakers or Use Telephone inyour Audio windowSubmit your text question usingthe Questions paneORVia the hashtag #jonahchatNote: A recording will be madeavailableHow to participateHOUSEKEEPINGJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 4. fulfillmentreciprocityLoyaltyvalidationrecognition 5. Jonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 6. Jonah BergerJonahberger.com@j1berger 7. Word of mouth generates more than twice thesales of paid advertising in categories as diverse asskincare and mobile phones--McKinsey QuarterlyJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 8. Psychology > TechnologyJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 9. Jonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 10. Focus on the message,not the messenger.A formula.Engineer content to make it moreviral or talkableCraft Contagious ContentJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 11. Six keySTEPPSSocial CurrencyTriggeredEmotionPublicPractical ValueStoriesJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 12. Social Currency 13. Choices communicate informationJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 14. Applying the concept(1) Make People Feel Like InsidersJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 15. (2) Find the Inner RemarkabilitySurprising, novel, or interestingJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 16. Triggers 17. TriggersTop-of-mind means tip-of-tongueJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 18. Jonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 19. Peanut butter and ..Rum and ..weekends are made for MichelobJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 20. Applying the concept(1) Pick Prevalent TriggersJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 21. EmotionJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 22. PublicJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 23. Practical Value 24. Stories 25. Did you know that Subwayhas 5 subs under 5 grams offat?Jonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 26. Build a Trojan horseStoryJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 27. Panda cheeseJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 28. Six key STEPPSto word ofmouthSocial CurrencyTriggeredEmotionPublicPractical ValueStoriesJonahberger.com@j1berger @influitive #jonahchat 29. Thank you.Jonahberger.com@j1berger 30. Questions?#jonahchat