old southern cooking

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of old southern cooking

  • 8/14/2019 old southern cooking


    MSU Libraries>> DMC>> Digital Collections>> Feeding America>> Book Content

    Title: What Mrs. Fisher Knows abot !ld Sothern Cooking" So#s" $ickles"

    $reser%es" etc.

    Author: Fisher" Abb&.

    Publisher: San Francisco' Women(s Co)o#erati%e $rinting !**ice.

    +iew #age ,*ront co%er-

    What Mrs. Fisher knows


    !LD S!U/012 C!!K324.

    +iew #age ,dedication-

    [Editorial note: Handwritten inscription]

  • 8/14/2019 old southern cooking


  • 8/14/2019 old southern cooking


    +iew #age ,#re*ace-

    # REFACE AN$ AO!O%&.

    he #blication o* a book on m& knowledge and e@#erience o* Sothern Cooking" $ickle

    and 5ell& Making" has been *reentl& asked o* me b& m& lad& *riends and #atrons in SanFrancisco and !akland" and also b& ladies o* Sacramento dring the State Fair in 679:.

    2ot being able to read or write m&sel*" and m& hsband also ha%ing been withot the

    ad%antages o* an edcation))#on whom wold de%ol%e the writing o* the book at m&dictation))cased me to dobt whether 3 wold be able to #resent a work that wold gi%e

    #er*ect satis*action. Bt" a*ter de consideration" 3 conclded to bring *orward a book o*

    m& knowledge))based on an e@#erience o* #wards o* thirt&)*i%e &ears))in the art o*cooking So#s" 4mbos" erra#in Stews" Meat Stews" Baked and 1oast Meats" $astries"

    $ies and Biscits" making 5ellies" $ickles" Saces" 3ce)Creams and 5ams" #reser%ing

    Frits" etc. he book will be *ond a com#lete instrctor" so that a child can nderstand it

    and learn the art o* cooking.


    M1S. ABB? F3S/01"

    Late o* Mobile" Ala.

    3 take #leasre in re*erring" b& #ermission" to the *ollowing o* m& *riends" namel&'

    WM. F. BL!!D..............;6 Cali*ornia Street" San Francisco

    0.M. M3L0S................;6 Montgomer& Street" San Francisco

    WM. !. 4!ULD..............6< Cali*ornia Street" San Francisco

    M1S C/A1L0S S. 20AL0.........676; Stter Street" San Francisco

    M1S. 5!/2 /A11!LD...........;6 Chestnt Street" San Francisco

    Mrs. W./. 4LASC!CK.....................................!akland

  • 8/14/2019 old southern cooking


    Mrs. 4./. C!?..................;6 4ear& Street" San Francisco

    Mrs. 5!/2 C. FALLS...............................San Francisco

    Mrs. L!U3S /. +A2SC/A3CK........6

  • 8/14/2019 old southern cooking


    $ork Steak or Cho#s.................................... 6

    +enison................................................ 6;



  • 8/14/2019 old southern cooking


    5mble................................................. 96

    Sweet Wa*ers........................................... 9