NVL-04.an Optimized Modified Booth Recoder for Efficient Design of the Add-Multiply Operator

Post on 04-Nov-2015

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Transcript of NVL-04.an Optimized Modified Booth Recoder for Efficient Design of the Add-Multiply Operator

An Optimized Modified Booth Recoder for Efficient Design of the Add-Multiply Operator

An Optimized Modified Booth Recoder for Efficient Design of the Add-Multiply Operator


The main aim of the project is to design An Optimized Modified Booth Recoder for Efficient Design of the Add-Multiply Operator.


Complex arithmetic operations are widely used in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. In this work, we focus on optimizing the design of the fused Add-Multiply (FAM) operator for increasing performance. Techniques to implement the direct recoding of the sum of two numbers in its Modified Booth (MB) form. a structured and efficient recoding technique and explore three different schemes

by incorporating them in FAM designs the FAM designs which use existing recoding schemes, the proposed technique yields considerable reductions in terms of critical delay, hardware complexity and power consumption of the FAM unit.

Proposed Architecture:



For optimizing the design of the Fused-Add Multiply (FAM) operator, proposed a structured technique for the direct recoding of the sum of two numbers to its MB (Modified Booth) form. Explore three alternative designs of the proposed S-MB (sum Modified Booth) recorder and compare them to the existing ones and. The proposed recoding schemes, when they are incorporated in FAM designs, yield considerable performance improvements in comparison with the most efficient recoding schemes


AM operator (a) conventional design fused design with direct recoding of

Recoding scheme of level of basic recoding cellTOOLS: hspice_vA-2008.03, t-spice

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