Numerical Analysis 2. Condition and Stability

Post on 19-May-2015

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Slides based on "Inleiding tot de numerieke wiskunde" by Prof. Dr. Adhemar Bultheel and course notes by Prof. Dr. Marc Van Barel.

Transcript of Numerical Analysis 2. Condition and Stability

Numerical AnalysisFault analysis: condition and stability


•Description of a numerical problem•Condition•Condition : example•Numerical stability•Numerical stability : forward stability•Numerical stability : weak stability•Numerical stability : backward stability•Numerical stability : example


•Description of a numerical problem•Condition•Condition : example•Numerical stability•Numerical stability : forward stability•Numerical stability : weak stability•Numerical stability : backward stability•Numerical stability : example

Description of a numerical problem

•A relation F between data g and results rr = F(g)

▫F is an exact mathematical description of the relation

▫Different methods may apply to the same description


•Description of a numerical problem•Condition•Condition : example•Numerical stability•Numerical stability : forward stability•Numerical stability : weak stability•Numerical stability : backward stability•Numerical stability : example


•Definition:“the condition of a numerical problem

indicates how much the result r is being influenced if the data g are altered”

•Exact relationship•Characteristic to a certain problem•Independent of the method





•Condition number:▫Ratio of the error on the result and the

error on the data▫Absolute condition kA and relative condition



•If F(g) is a differentiable function:


•Description of a numerical problem•Condition•Condition : example•Numerical stability•Numerical stability : forward stability•Numerical stability : weak stability•Numerical stability : backward stability•Numerical stability : example

Condition : example

•What is the condition of the evaluation of the function f :

•Using the formula from the previous section:

Condition : example

•What can we conclude?▫De denominator approaches zero for values

{x1 = –1; x2 = 3/2}

▫For these values the function is ill-conditioned, as the relative error becomes very large.


•Description of a numerical problem•Condition•Condition : example•Numerical stability•Numerical stability : forward stability•Numerical stability : weak stability•Numerical stability : backward stability•Numerical stability : example

Numerical stability

•Implementing an exact relation F is usually not feasable:▫Discretization▫Rounding errorF*

• Definition:• “numerical stability measures the deviation

of F* (the approximation) from F (the exact result).”

Numerical stability : forward stability

•Given by:

Numerical stability : forward stability

Numerical stability : weak stability

Numerical stability : weak stability

Numerical stability : backward stability

•The idea is the following:▫Consider the result r* = F(g) to be the

exact result▫Find data g*’ corresponding to r*▫Measure the stability with the following:

Numerical stability : backward stability


•Description of a numerical problem•Condition•Condition : example•Numerical stability•Numerical stability : forward stability•Numerical stability : weak stability•Numerical stability : backward stability•Numerical stability : example

Numerical stability : example• Investigate the stability of algorithms A and B for the

function f:

Numerical stability : example

Numerical stability : example

•Resulting formula:

for x1 = 0, the relative error is large, and the condition is small:Unstable

but for -3/2 the problem is also ill-conditionedStability is weak

Numerical stability : example

•Can you evaluate algorithm B?

Sources• “Inleiding tot de numerieke wiskunde”, A.

Bultheel, 2007, Acco••

By knowledgedriver, 2012.