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MBA- Term 3

DISSERTATIONCritical analysis of the effectiveness of the recruitment strategy for first line

manager and role of HRM in this process: a Case study of BT

LECTURER NAME: Andrew Caswell



CTL ID NUMBER: 105159-82



UWL ID: 1003144


University of Wales Trinity Saint David

To full fill the requirement of the Degree of Master in Business Administration

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTMany individuals are associated to complete this research and i want to thank all of them from

bottom of my heart.

I would like to thanks my dissertation supervisor Andrew Caswell for his guidance and

suggestion to complete my dissertation according to the university requirements. He has given

me comments and guideline throughout whole period of dissertation. He also identified flaws in

my work and critically analyzes my work and highlighted the areas where i was lacking at the

beginning. He developed strong analysis approach in me and ask to critically analyze the work.

He has given me useful information about the journals and research engine to improve my


I am also thanking to Dr. Asim who help me in conducting this research by giving the valuable

comments on my work and the area which i have chosen for my study. I want to specially thank

line manager and employees who participated in this research and given the time and precious

views in questionnaire. At the same time I want to give sincere thanks to college staff and

course coordinator for his support and providing the resources.

I want to thanks all my friends and family for their support and giving me motivations for

completing my work and provide me a financial support. I want to appreciate my family efforts

and their cooperation to complete this dissertation.

I tried my level best to complete this dissertation and consider the entire requirements which

are provided by the university. At the end i want to thank everyone who participated in their

research and provide their support at best of their level.



This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree.

Signed ...................................................................... (candidate)

Date ........................................................................

STATEMENT 1This work is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. Where correction services have been used, the extent and nature of the correction is clearly marked in a footnote(s).

Other sources are acknowledged by footnotes giving explicit references. A bibliography isappended.

Signed ..................................................................... (candidate)

Date ........................................................................


I hereby give consent for my work, if accepted, to be available for photocopying and for inter-library loan, and for the title and abstract to be made available to outside organizations.

Signed ..................................................................... (candidate)

Date ........................................................................

NB: Candidates on whose behalf a bar on access has been approved by the University (seeNote 7), should use the following version of Statement 2:I hereby give consent for my work, if accepted, to be available for photocopying and forinter-library loans after expiry of a bar on access approved by the AcademicRegistry.

Signed ..................................................................... (candidate)


Date ........................................................................


SUMMARYIn this study recruitment process is analyzed by the researcher and analyzes the important

issues relating to recruitment and line manager with relationship of HR staff. The main

objectives are defined and research is conducted on the BT recruitment process and role of line

manager in relationship with HR. The recruitment process is analyzed in detailed and job

description importance is also analyzed in this research.

The recruitment is key for BT and organization give importance to recruitment process. The

emerging business environment introduces the involvement of line manager in recruitment

process. The line manager is also writing a job description and passed through the HR manager.

In this research line manager role is highlighted and all the issues with the line manager is

considered. The line manager work in relationship with HR and develop a partnership to recruit

a potential employee and HR help the line manager to developing the job description.

The dissertation is based on the interpretivism with combination of positivism. The mix or

triangulation research approach is followed in this research and this approach is a combination

of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The survey research strategy is followed in this

research and the methods are followed interview and questionnaire. The interview is

conducted from line manager and questionnaire is distributed among HR and IT department

staff. Moreover many researches are followed to find about the recruitment process.

The data is collected using interview and questionnaire distributed in employees of BT. The

data is converted into the graphical form and analysis is done in the context of objectives. The

line manger is also facing some challenges in developing a job description and communication

with the HR manager. The communication and interactions problem are also discussed in this

study. This study gives us in depth knowledge of recruitment process and role of line in

relationship with the HR manager.


LIST OF FIGURESFigure3.3: The research process “Onion” 22Figure3.4.1: The deductive Approach to Research 23Figure 3.4.2: The Inductive Approach to Research 24Figure Respondent Graphical representation of gender 36Figure Respondent Graphical representation of age 37Figure Respondent Graphical representation of Experience 37Figure Respondent Graphical representation of Education Level 38Figure Graphical representation of statement-1&2 39Figure Graphical representation of statement-3&4 40Figure Graphical representation of statement-5&6 41Figure Graphical representation of statement-7&8 42Figure Graphical representation of statement-9&10 43Figure Graphical representation of statement-11&12 44Figure Graphical representation of statement-13&14 45Figure Graphical representation of statement-15&16 46


LIST OF APPENDICESAppendix A: Survey Questionnaire 66Appendix B: Data Tables 73Appendix C:Planner 78Appendix D: Forms 80

ContentsACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................................................. i

AUTHOR DECLARATION............................................................................................................................... ii

SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................. iii

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................................... iv

LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................................................................v

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................1

1.1 RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES:......................................................................................................1

1.2 Research Question:............................................................................................................................1

1.3 Background of research:....................................................................................................................2

1.4 Company Background:.......................................................................................................................3

1.5 Dissertation structure:.......................................................................................................................4

1.6 Conclusion:........................................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW:...............................................................................................................7

2.1 Introduction to Recruitment:.............................................................................................................7

2.2 Recruitment Process:.........................................................................................................................7

2.2.1 The role of Job Description in HR:...............................................................................................8

2.2.2 Effectiveness of Job Description for Line Manager:..................................................................10

2.2.3 Factor influences the Recruitment Process:.............................................................................11

2.3 The Developing Role of Line Manager in HR:...................................................................................13

2.3.1 HR and Line Management:.......................................................................................................13

2.3.2 Implementation of HRM by Line Managers:.............................................................................14

2.4. Line Manager Interaction/Communication with HR:......................................................................16

2.4.1 Developing Partnership with Line Manager:.............................................................................16

2.4.2 Challenges facing by line manager in interaction:....................................................................17

2.5 Summary:........................................................................................................................................18

CHAPTER – III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................................20

3.1 Overview:...................................................................................................................................20

3.2Research philosophy:........................................................................................................................20


3.2.2 Interpretivism:..........................................................................................................................21

3.2.3 Realism:....................................................................................................................................21


3.2.4 Pragmatism:..............................................................................................................................21

3.3 Research Design Strategy................................................................................................................22

3.4 Research Approach....................................................................................................................22

3.4.1 Deductive Approach..........................................................................................................23

3.4.2 Inductive Approach............................................................................................................23

3.5 Research strategy: Survey..........................................................................................................24

3.5.1 Interviews:................................................................................................................................25


3.6 Mix Method: Triangulation Methodology..................................................................................26

3.7 Time Horizon..............................................................................................................................27

3.8 Data Collection:.........................................................................................................................27

3.8.1 Primary Data......................................................................................................................28

3.8.2 Secondary Data..................................................................................................................28

3.8.3 Verifying data Accuracy:....................................................................................................28

3.9 Sampling:...................................................................................................................................29

3.10 Ethical Consideration:....................................................................................................................29

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS......................................................................................................30

4.1 Section-1: Interview with Line Manager:.........................................................................................30

4.1.1 Recruitment Process & Job Description:...................................................................................30

4.1.2 Line Manager Responsibilities:.................................................................................................32

4.1.3 Practices & Ability:....................................................................................................................33

4.1.4 Communication & Conflict:.......................................................................................................34

4.1.5 HR Support Services & Behavior:..............................................................................................35

4.2 Survey Questionnaire:.....................................................................................................................35

4.2.1Section One: Personal Information............................................................................................35

4.2.2 Section Two: Questionnaire:.........................................................................................................38 Statements relating to Recruitment & Job Description:........................................................38 Statements relating to Line Manager Role & Competence in HR:.........................................40 Statements relating to Rules & Regulation:...........................................................................43 Statements relating to Communication and conflict:............................................................45

CHAPTER V: CONCSLUSSION:.....................................................................................................................48

CHAPTER V1: RECOMMENDATION & LIMITATION:...................................................................................53


6.1 introductions:..................................................................................................................................53

6.2 Recommendations:..........................................................................................................................53

6.3 Limitation:........................................................................................................................................56

6.4 Further Research:............................................................................................................................57

7. REFERENCES:.........................................................................................................................................58


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION In this chapter, background of the topic is discussed. The frame work is design to achieve the

objectives and develop reader understanding about the topic. In this chapter, objectives are defined

and all the problems relating to objectives are focused. The research question is design and defines

for the reader which needs to be achieved in end of study. This chapter gives basic understanding

about the research and topic and dissertation structure is also design to develop the basic

understanding about different chapter in this research.

1.1 RESEARCH AIM AND OBJECTIVES:Aim of the research:

The aim of research is: Analyze the effectiveness of recruitment strategy for first line manager and

role of line manager with HR.


To review current recruitment practices at BT

To examine role of Line Manager and HR staff in recruitment process (Especially to Job


To identify the source of tension between Line manager and HRM.

To develop Recommendation

(a) Improve communication between Line Manager and HR Staff

(b) Adopting/Developing contemporary approach to recognize the particular context of this

case study.

1.2 Research Question:Recruitment is a key process for the organization. There are many functions which need to be

performed by the organization but recruitment is most important and valuable for the organization.

In changing business environment recruitment process is changed and line manager also sharing

responsibilities with HR manager. The recruitment is a process to identify, locating and attracting

employees to perform the job for a company (Barbar,1998). In our research analyze the recruitment

process for the organization and identify the role of a line manager. In our research, i shall ‘ analyse

the recruitment practices for the organization and examine the line manager role in recruitment


process’. In early practices only the HR manager is responsible for recruiting the staff and writing the

job description but in changing business environment line manager also performing a HR practices.

The line manager involvement is increased in last few year and line manager bring start performing

HR practices in routine work (Hutchinso & Purcell,2003). The HR and line manager are collaborating

with each other and performing HR task to full fill the requirement of the organization. The line

manager and HR performing HR activities but some time tension is created due to different attentions

and objective for both managers. The line manager needs to perform departmental duties and

recruitment responsibilities are extra on line manager. Therefore some time managers have different

point of views in writing a job description or rules and regulations. The line manger work in

partnership with HR manager and perform duties.

1.3 Background of research:This research is about the recruitment and role of line manager and relationship with HRM in

recruitment process. The recruitment process is very important for the organization and changing

business environment adding many factors in recruitment process. The BT also considers the

recruitment is a key for a company and in competitive business environment BT need highly skilled

and qualitative employees. In our research, BT information Technology (IT) and HR is involved in

conducting a research. In this research line manager role is important because all the research

revolved around the line manager and it role with HR. the line manager is participated from IT

department and interview is conducted from line manager. The survey questionnaire is distributed in

HR and IT employees and asks number of questions from employees.

Human resource management is important for the company and human capital can be define as a

skills, knowledge and abilities of employees (Hayton,2005). The Human resource management

include number of activities which are related to management of employment relationships in

organizations (Lin et al,2008). The human resources are key for the manager and organization

because market is competitive and if employees are not highly qualified then it effect the human

resources and it will be a problem for an organization. The management or human resource is a key

for organization and recruiting a skill full employees are challenge for a manager.

The changing environment also impact on the recruitment process. The Guest (1987), Storey (1992)

and Ulrich (1998) identified that manager has a central role in HR to run day to day human

management issues. It was the responsibility of HR manager to recruit a employee but there is a one


issue always raised that line manger was not happy with the employee skills or qualification. The

trend is start changing and line manager role involved in recruitment process and organization

assigning responsibilities to line manager. BT also gives responsibilities to a line manager in writing a

job description and implements the HR practices in respective departments. The line manager role

increases with the time and know line manager giving their inputs in recruitment of employee. The

job description is key for recruiting employee and all the necessary information about the job is given

job description.

The line manager gives input by developing job description and pass to HR. The HR need to look that

job description and bring some changes in the job description and advert the job. In this process

many issues raised, the line manager is not happy to bring changes in job description and it change

the meaning of words and candidates who are not eligible or desired also apply for a job. It impact on

recruitment process and it is also effect the recruitment. The line manager and HR have different

objectives which impact on recruitment activities. The line manager mostly does not like to perform

activities because extra work pressure is mounted on line manager and it affects the performance of

line manager. The responsibility of line manager to implement the HR activities and if Line manager is

not properly trained then it is difficult to implement the human resource activities.

It is often seen in interaction line manager and HR has behavior or attitudinal issues. The actions of

line manager and HR sometimes create a tension between these two because line manager and HR

have communicational issues. There are often line manager and HR not communicating with each

other due to work load and they have different goals and objectives. Therefore, conflict situation

arise between them. Line manager also not sure what new rule is following by the HR and what new

policy is implementing by the HR manager. All these issues are important for the manager and it

need to be analyzed. In our research all these issues are addressed and achieve our objectives.

There line manager and HR was not working in collaboration in early years and problems were

coming in working style. So line manager involvement become an important part in HR and benefited

the whole process but it also created some issues.

1.4 Company Background:British Telecom is a leading company in uk and provide services to customers all over uk and

providing services in Europe. BT improves the quality of services and it has a large number of

employees. BT has a large network to provide the services. To run the operation BT need a good


human resource management and they need to provide the services to customers. BT provides

services in land line and wireless wifi services and mobile services are obtained from other vendors.

BT has a large number of customers and it is important for the company to run the operations it need

to have skilled human resources to full fill the requirements. (

1.5 Dissertation structure:

This research is divided into main six chapters and every chapter has its own importance in research.

In first chapter define the aim and objective of study and set a scene for the reader to develop some

basic understanding. In chapter research questions is defined and the background of company is

defined. The dissertation structure is also defined in first chapter.

The next chapter is literature review, in which all the necessary information is provided about the

topic. In literature review all the topics are defined according to objectives and each objective is

covered with different perspective. The first objective is discussed in detailed; the recruitment

process is analyzed and shows that it is important for the organization. In this discussion importance

of recruitment process is highlighted and job description is discussed in detailed and highlighted the

importance of job description in HRM. Only the job description is not discussed in context of

candidate but it is also discussed in context of line manager. The line manager role in writing of Job

description and how effectively line manager use to giving their requirements. The factors also

discussed which impact on the recruitment process especially the labor market and organizations are

looking for a more highly educated and skilled full employees for organizations. In literature reviews,

second objective also discussed in detailed and related topics are covered. The relationship between

HR and line manager is discussed and importance of the role of line manager is discussed. The line

manager involvement is increased in over last few years and line manager is providing the input in

recruitment process. The roles of line manager in implementation of HR practices are also important

and many challenges are faced by the line manager. The third objective is discussed about the

interaction and communication between line manager and HR. Therefore all the issues relating to

these objectives are discussed in detailed. The communication also create tension between HR and

line manager and it impact on the performance of organization. The development of partnership

between HR and Line manager is discussed and issues which are creating problem for the managers.

In this objectives the importance of rules and policies are discussed.


The third chapter is based on research methodology in which research philosophy and method is

discussed in detail. The research philosophy positivism and interpretivism are used to conduct this

research. The research design strategy also defined and follow the Onion layer approach and each

layer is discussed in detailed and provide detailed analyses in context of my objectives. There are

different type of strategies are discussed but in my research the survey strategy is followed and

interview and questionnaire methods are followed to gather the data from manager and employees.

The mix method approach is followed and qualitative and quantitative methods are used for gather

analysis and data generation. The data collection methods are a defined and the information about

the primary and secondary data is shown in the process. The time horizon and ethical consideration

also defined in this chapter.

In chapter fives all the data is collected using interview and questionnaire and conducted a analysis

on this data. In first section, interview is conducted from manager and questions are asked in context

of objectives which are defined. The questions are asked to cover all the topics and provide details

about the topic. In section-2, questionnaire is distributed amongst the employees and data is

gathering from IT and HR employees. All the analysis is done and tell how the objectives are achieved

by analyzing the data. All results are presented in pictorial form and tables are attached in


In chapter 5 conclusions are discussed in detailed and all results are discussed and analyzed. In

conclusion the results are also analyzed in context of objectives and all the objectives are achieved by

this research. In conclusion every activity is discussed in detailed and highlighted all the objectives

which are achieved using methodology and research approach is used. In chapter 6, recommendation

and limitations are considered and given that what type of changes need to be done and understand

the HR and line roles in their perspective area of specialty. The limitations are also defined in this

chapter and some limitations are defined in the research and some areas cannot be discussed in

detail due to time and cost issues. In this chapter also define the future research and how this

research is used to conduct the future research.

1.6 Conclusion:In this chapter, researcher identified aim and objectives for this research. The researcher describes

the research question and highlighted the value of study. The main aim and objectives are described

in detail and set targets for the researcher to achieve these objectives. The structure of the study is


defined in this chapter and how this research is progress in coming chapters. The recruitment process

and line manager role is analyses and develop some basic understanding about the topic.


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW:In this chapter, author tries to provide background information about the topic. All the related issues

related to topic and objectives are covered in this research. This chapter gives better understanding

about the recruitment process and job description and it also highlighted the role of line manager

and effective implementation of HR practices. In this chapter, challenges faced by the line manager is

discussed and important factors which impact on the recruitment such as desire, competency and

rule and regulation. This chapter also builds understanding about importance of communication and

partnership with line and HR manager.

2.1 Introduction to Recruitment:Recruitment is very important process in organization. Recruitment process include practices and

services carried out by the organization with primary purpose of recruiting potential employees

(Breaugh and Starke, 2000) and this process is very important for the human resource manager

because it need to perform a important functions utilizing human resources(Barber, 1998). This is

very important for an organization to have good human resources to run its daily operation.

Organizations are looking for good human resources for its operations and it is responsibility for HR

manager to provide the human resource which is asked bed by the manager. The recruitment is very

important process and organization need human resources to run its daily operations.

Human resource is a key for the organizations. Organization is looking for a quality human resource

and in failure of addressing of recruitment process put negative consequences on the organization

(Ramirez, 2004). Barber (1998, p. ix). The number of researches identified that human resources is a

key process for the organization. The recruitment process is started when the employee leaves the

job or new vacancy is created. In recruitment process there are many important factors are involved

in which the demographic and market factors, lack of highly educated and skilled employees, increase

of rapid growth, technology changes and organizational changes. Organizations are facing a challenge

of technology and manager needs a highly skilled employee for their IT department (Dyke et al, 1999,

p-4). The manager identifies the requirement and passes to the HR staff but the communication is

very important and all the requirements should understand by HR manager.

2.2 Recruitment Process:The recruitment process is very important for an organization. In recruitment process there are many

stages are involved first to identify whether vacancy need to be filled internally or externally. In


internally recruitment positions are filled within the organization and there is no involvement of an

external recruitment. In recruitment process, job analysis , production of job description and persons

specification is also consider(Marilyn Carroll, Mick Marchington, Jill Earnshaw,1999). In this research

external recruitment is consider and discuss all the steps which are related with the external

recruitment. The recruitment is a very important activity which need to be perform by the

organization. According to the Earnshaw et al (1998) poor decision of recruiting employees is damage

the organization discipline. It is important to take a care in recruitment process and recruit person for

a right job (Watson, 1989).

There are many methods are followed by the organization to recruit employees. The recruitment is a

process of identifying and locating the potential human resources for the organization. There are

many researchers who identified successful recruitment method and it effect on a job candidate

(Breaugh, 1992; Connerley & Rynes, 1997; Highhouse, Stierwalt, Elder, & Fisher, 1999; Powell,

1991;Rynes & Gerhart 1990). It is important for the HR manager to provide all aspect of job in job

description and all the positive and negative effects are presented front of recruiter. It is in interest of

employee that recruitment is increased and recruitment is important for an organizational success.

The recruiter should tell the employees about the job and detail description of job (Butler, Sanders, &

Whitecotton, 2000). The organization looking for a talented employees and it is worth full for the

organization. Today’s competitive market, the recruitment become a key function for the


In manager perspective first thing to analyze that is there any necessity of a new staff. There should

be some important question which needs to be answer by manager and consider the entire

requirement before going into the recruitment process. It is manager responsibility to clarify the job

requirement. The requirement and position which is vacant or generated due to load of work is

identified by the manager. If the manager is not fully aware of requirement and all the issues

regarding the job then it impact on the performance of the organization (Erica Palazzo and Brian H.

Kleiner,2002). The entire requirements are shown in the Job description. The most important and

challenging activity for the manager is to develop a job description when considering the technology

or technical person.


2.2.1 The role of Job Description in HR:

In human resources the job description is very important for organization. It is also said a

management tool in human resources and a good effective job description clarify the work functions

and reporting relationship and it helpful for the employees to understand their jobs. All the salary

and wages are simplified if they are based on a job description. In job description there are many

factors which need to be considered to develop a good job description and it is important for

manager to consider these factors and understand the importance of these factors. The first factor is

clarifying job functions and reporting relationship. If the business is changed then the job

responsibilities and functions are adjusted. All the job task and responsibilities need to be redefine

and all the objective and goals are achieved. The position is defined in jobs description and it easy to

identify the reporting person (Chi Ming Chow and Brian H.Kleiner 2002: p-123).

It is important for the organization to recruit a right person for the right job and recruiting is a

manager responsibility. The manager responsibility to maintain a pool of candidates and it pool size

should be large. There are main two methods are used in recruitment formal and informal method

(Marilyn Carroll, Mick Marchington, Jill Earnshaw, 1999;p-237). In formal methods, the techniques

are used such as advertisement in newspaper or magazines, internet, job centers and recruiting

agencies. In informal recruitment methods includes the recommendation from existing staff or word

of mouth. In professional environment informal methods are followed in small or medium size

organization but in large organizations such as the BT mostly follow the formal methods. There are

many advantages of word of mouth in which cost and time is most important (Watson, 1989).

The main aim for the manager is to attract candidates and bring large number of applications for the

job. To achieve the target managers are used online recruitment and it is a formal method. Internet

brings the recruitment resolution in industry (Boydell, 2002). The internet change the recruitment

industry and according to (Cappelli 2001) internet bring a radical change and using internet manager

can recruit number of applicants in short period of time. It is a also a cost effective and fast method

to recruit employees in the organization. The internet changes the concept of recruitment and many

companies adopted internet as a main tool to attract and bring more candidates in database. The

maintaining a pool is very important. According to the CIPD (2006) in Uk 64 percent of organization

are using the online recruitment. The RCI shows mostly the company using traditional formal


methods as compare to internet and 29 percent of organizations are using national news papers, 33

percent using the regional papers and 44 percent using the employment agencies.

The informal method of recruitment is not fully followed in large organization such as BT. The word of

mouth and personnel references are not followed and mostly CV’s are gathered by the web site and

other formal methods. The Zusman and Landis (2002) look the formal and informal recruitment

methods and found that organization are looking for a more formal methods as compare to informal

methods. The technology impact on the recruitment process and many organization are looking to

implement the technological in recruitment process (Chapman and Websters,2003). The technology

impacted on the recruitment process. Recruitment process is changed due to changing in technology

and it is benefit to organization because in short period of time it producing results for the company.

There are many methods for recruitment but the attraction is also importation.

The attraction ‘individual need to apply under their name for a organization position’ plays a critical

role in a recruitment and staff effectiveness. (Barber,1998; Breaugh,1992; Rynes 1991).The

competitive advantage is achieved by the organization by implementing the technology based

recruitment system in organization. It also helps the manager to gather a large number of application

and organization has a number of applicant data which is used to gather the result.. The acceptance is

important in organizational perspective and if organization give them good offers then there should

be attraction in offer (Carlson et al,2002).

2.2.2 Effectiveness of Job Description for Line Manager:

Job description is important for the Line manager because it help the HR manager to identifying what

they are looking for, before searching a candidate. All the functions and responsibilities for the job

are listed down and it is also important to determine the skills and attributes which are important to

carry out these responsibilities effectively and successfully (Grant, P,1997). It is also responsibility of

Line manager to create a list of performance expectations. Those expectations are specifics which

need to be achieved by the candidate and full the requirement of a job. The list should include the

success patterns and personal characteristics. The personal characteristics mostly oral or

communication skills which are required for the job and without the effective and good job

description is required from the manager. All the responsibilities need to tell the candidate and if it


fails to tell the responsibilities then it effects the organization performance (Erica Palazzo and Brian H.

Kleiner,2002; p-51).

The job description can be more valuable if defining the performance criteria. If the criteria are define

then it is very easy for the company to have performance evaluation strategy. This also helps the

organization to avoid miss communication and improve the chances of success. Most of the jobs are

required the skills and expertise and they are beyond the entry level and these activities are part of

the job criteria and it is important for the manager to include these type of requirements. There

should not be any problem Stein, K. (1996). The job description avoids any type of miss

understanding and it is important for the manager to differentiate between the job description and

person specification. The job description is important for any type of post if it is a temporary or


The job description almost there are main six heading in which the Job title. It is simple title and it

could be the general but the job code distinguishes one job from another job. The title is chosen

according to the seniority and level of job it is. The job title should be attractive and meaningful which

influence employee to apply for the job (Alison Jago,1997;p-16). In job description the heading of

responsible to and Responsible for is clearly define. The Main purpose heading indicate that

objectives of the job. The specific responsibilities and additional information heading also included in

the job description. In these headings, list of key tasks are included and additional information about

the job is mentioned which is not fit for the job.

2.2.3 Factor influences the Recruitment Process:

There are number of elements which impact on the recruitment process and in those factors the

most important and valuable are labor market, education and skills demand. The labor market is

change over the last few year and employees are asking for a highly trusted employees and they need

to have a good quality employees In the organization. The large number of pool need to be establish

by the candidates but it is important that qualified and highly skilled. According to the CIPD (2007a)

there are many universities who are producing high quality employees but still recruiters are looking

for a desired candidates which fulfill the requirement of the employees. In recruitment there is large

number of application are received but there is a less number of application which full fill the


requirement of job. According to the Association of graduate Recruiters (1999) reported that there

are large number of application received around 4000 but still looking a right candidate for the


The recruitment practices is called to be more effected if it gather the large number of application

from the company and from that method large number of application are received (Herriot,1989:p-

22). The more application then it better to choose the right person. The organization is looking for

educated employees and they set a pattern for the company to have a large number of employees

for the company. The higher graduation institute is increase in this era but they are focusing on the

quality of product. Large numbers of graduate are passing out from the universities but they are not

getting the job which is required by the company. Employees looking a quality employees instead of a

poor quality because in job description all the task and responsibilities are define but institute are

failed to produce the such quality product which full fill the requirement of the company.

Job attributes and preferences are attach to various intrinsic and extrinsic job characteristics and

rewards. Intrinsic factors are those in which the job characteristics are associated with the task itself

and extrinsic factors are those which are a non task aspect of a job (Kon rad, Ritchie, Lieb, & Corrigall,

2000). It is a responsibility of a HR manager to find a right person who full fills the requirement of the

organization and it is also important that all the jobs description need to be followed. Companies are

looking for talent and it is a responsibility of manager to find the talent for organization and It also

effect the cost because talented employees save money and improve the performance which impact

on overall performance of the company (Carlson,conerley &Mecham,2002).

In recruitment process organization are looking for a more skills such as the IT skills for Techies. The

manager demands are changed due to changing requirements. Employers are looking for skillful

employees for the organization and skills are developed in institutes (Nabi and Bagley, 1999). The

changing business environment effect the requirement and job description is change according to the

customer demand and requirement so it is important for the manager to consider the employees

who has skills and knowledge. Organization is looking for highly skilled employees and there should

not be impact on the performance. The managers are looking for skilled employees or have good set

of knowledge which impacts the performance. It is seen that companies has large number of

employees but they do not have any skills and for this purpose organization need to conduct the

training session.


The recruitment process is changed due to these factors, the labor market is more competitive and

organization is looking for a highly skilled employees. The job characteristics and can affect the

performance of the company and if the company does not give incentives then it impact on the

performance. The manager is needs to develop the job description and purpose of recruitment

process to collect a large number of applications for the organization. There should be some

important facts that with same job title and different characteristics put impact on the recruitment

pool of applicants (Sackett and Ostgaard,1994). Organization need to provide the best solution for

the company and its impact on the performance of the company. The organization need to attract

the potential employees by giving them incentives. The pay criteria and the company benefits are

important for the employees. It is also seen that organization are mentioned high salary in job

description so highly qualified employees apply for a job. There are many skills are important but

according to the job this skill varies and it is challenging for HR manager to produce a good quality

employee and skills which are mentioned in the job description.

2.3 The Developing Role of Line Manager in HR:

2.3.1 HR and Line Management:

In changing business environment the role of HR and line management is shared. The line manager

role is very important because they need to achieve the objectives of organization. According to

Hales (2005,p.473), the line manager are those ‘to whom non managerial employees report’. The role

of line manager is very important because it creates the synergy between human, financial and

physical resource by managing the time cost and facilitate sub ordinate staff in development. The

HRM approaches to people management indicates a key role for a line managers


The Brewster and Larsen (2001) indicates that the role of overlapping services of a line manager and

in important role in HR. in organization there are many department which has technical job

description and the line manager perform a key role in recruitment process of a changing business

requirement or departmental requirement. Ulrich (1998) identified the main three areas in where

line manager has an involvement. The first, Ulrich outline the rationale for the line involvement

because line is creating the product and services. Many researcher identify that line manager can

perform different roles in organization. in these concepts, line manager can do their own HRM and


conduct a cross training in HR processes (Mohrman and Lawler, 1998, pp. 443-4). The line can be

integrated HR into the company real work. The line can adopt the partnership approach between HR,

line and employees to manage HR issues (Jackson and Schuler, 2000, p. 25).

The line manager involvement is increased in over the years and partnerships are developed between

the line and HR manager to ‘add value’ and ‘deliver result’ for the organization (Ulrich, 1997, 1998).

The partnership is measured interms of cost and benefits obtain by the organization (Storey, 2001;

Storey and Sisson, 2000). The organization is changing the strategy and knows HR responsibilities are

transfer to Line manager and they perform a key role in recruitment process. The line manager has

more responsibilities to conduct the training session and writing a job description. The changing

behaviour Impacts on the performance of the organization. The line manager behaviour is important

if the responsibilities are given to them and they need to perform duties with commitment and

dedication but in real environment it is not happened due to work load and line manager cannot

perform a training session with the employees Marchington’s (2001).

The line manager reluctant to take the responsibilities from the HR. there are many Line managers

that perform a key responsibilities but they are reluctant to take a responsibilities. According to the

Francis and Keegan (2006) ‘it might be naïve to assume that line manager accept the responsibilities

of HR because the time, the interest in training to provide the employees and their other priorities

about the work’. It is an important fact that managers are not enough qualified to perform a HR

functions. In modern era line manager need to perform a role in recruitment process. The

recruitment process in which HR role is very important but the changing environment line managers

are sharing responsibilities to recruit employees. The HR and line manager has different domain and

they have different responsibilities but line manager often complain about the recruitment process

and HR not fully satisfied with the skills and knowledge of recruitment and line manager poorly done

the performance appraisal and most of them dislike the managerial activities (Redman, 2001, pp. 71-

2, 68).

2.3.2 Implementation of HRM by Line Managers:

The HRM implementation is another challenge for the line manager. The line managers need to

implement the HRM in their departments. There are many researches unable to implement the HR

and they cannot do any justice to HR role (Hope Hailey, Farndale, & Truss, 2005; Lowe, 1992;


McGovern, Gratton, Hope Hailey, Stiles, & Truss, 1997). In modern age line manager role is important

and most often they need to implement HR activities in their departments. The effective human

resource management and implementation of HR practices are real challenge for the line manager.

The issue with line managers is to implement the HR in their daily work. There are seen reluctant and

give more importance to their departmental work. In the implementation there are many issues

which are faced by the line manager and many researchers included those issues.

There are many responsibilities are shared by the manager and according to Luthans, Hodgetts &

Rosenkrantz (1988) the responsibilities perform by the managers are monitoring and reinforcement,

discipline and punishing, conflict management, training and development and staffing. There are

many HR responsibilities are share with line manager and HR manager such as the recruitment and

selection, pay, training & development and workforce management (Brewster & Larsen, 2000; Larsen

& Brewster, 2003). The line manager only not gain the status, authority and operationally but also

some additional HR responsibilities are perform by the managers (Child & Partridge, 1982; Gratton &

Truss, 2003; Marchington, 2001). The line management is a key position to place the HR

responsibilities because line manager is fully aware with needs and it help full in development of job

description and conducting training. In that role many line managers are failed to fulfill the

requirement of HR role and they have number of reasons.

The line managers are not fully aware of constraints to implement the HR in departments. There are

main constraints which effects on the implementation of HR by the line managers. The desire factor

which impact on the HR implementation (Child & Partridge, 1982; Gratton & Truss, 2003;

Marchington, 2001). The line manager has not any desire to perform HR responsibilities. The line

manager is fully occupied by other services and departmental works, so they do not want any further

work. The second constraint is capacity and line manager doest have time to perform the HR

activities due to personal and operational responsibilities (Brewster & Larsen, 2000; McGovern et al.,

1997). It impact on the HR activities and capacity is a real matter for the line mangers.

The third constrain is the lack of competence and line managers are lack of knowledge and desired

skilled (Hall & Torrington,1998; Harris et al., 2002). The skills are developed through training in line

managers and staff but it is important for the line manager to show desire in trainings. The fourth

constraint is lack of support from the HR department and line manager cannot perform such activities


because of lack of knowledge and skills. (Bond & Wise, 2003; Gennard & Kelly, 1997;McConville &

Holden, 1999; Whittaker & Marchington, 2003). The fifth constraint is faced by the manager is clear

procedures & policies to implement the HR in their departments (Bowen & Ostroff, 2004; Brewster &

Larsen, 2000; McConville, 2006). These are the main constrains which is challengeable for the line

managers in implementation of HR. it is a responsibility of the manager to implement the HR

functions in practice. If these factors are not considered by the line manager then HR is not remain

effective. So it is important for the line manager to implement HR in respective departments. The line

manager and the HR manger can share responsibilities and avoid this conflicting situation where

conflict situation emerge. The line manager recommendation should be include in job description and

HR department need to facilitate line managers in any difficult situation.

2.4. Line Manager Interaction/Communication with HR:

2.4.1 Developing Partnership with Line Manager:

The line manager interaction with HR is important because it solve many issue. In interaction

communication perform a key role to solve the problem. Line manager and HR establish a

partnership with each other solve different type of problems and line manager involvement is

important to perform the HR duties more effectively (Brandl et al,2009). Line manager can be

achieved by working closely with HR and holding HR more accountable in delivering organizational

excellence (Ulrich,1998). According to Whittaker and Marchington (2003) line manager and HR

manager work closely but due to different goals and intentions they can’t achieve common goal but it

lead them to a partnership. The partnership approach between HR and line manager also called HR

triad and this approach is important because it solve many issues between HR and Line manager

(Jackson, S. and Schuler, R, 2003).

In partnership HR and line managers need to share the responsibilities. The human resource role is

share with the line managers in modern days and line managers has the responsibility for HRM in

their perspective areas but HR manager need to consider all over responsibility of HRM in an

organization Henrik Holt Larsen, Chris Brewster (2003). The partnership between line manager and

HR impact on the processes and it improve the performance. The HR and line manager partnership is

important to produce good results for organization. In implementation of HR function in organization,

line manager need to have good relationship with the HR manager because HR manager provide the


guidance about the rules and policies. The partnership also helps when merger, acquisition and

different changes occur and line manager need help from the HR manager. This is reality that line

manager has less time to give HR activities but with good partnership they can solve problems.

The partnership is more important in real business environment where employees work in teams.

The sharing of knowledge is important from line manager because line manager directly interact with

the employees and he better know the requirement of jobs MacNeil (2003). The line manager with

good communication can improve interaction with the HR and effective communication solves many

problems for the managers. The communication is important and it shows the relationship behavior.

Many researchers pointed out positive relationship between HR and line manager with effective

commitment (Gould-Williams & Davies, 2005; Paré & Tremblay, 2007; Whitener, 2001). The line

manager is important for the HR because he is well aware of requirement and line manager can

perform a role in changing the contents. It is important to have a good relationship between line and

HR manager.

The partnership between line manager and HR is very important because it increase a performance

Whittaker and Marchingon (2003). The task and activities are clearly defined to line manager and all

the guidance is provided by the line manager. The content changing process in job description should

be a very simple and all the managers and other staff understand the meaning of technical terms

which are used by the line manager. The line manager and it communication is very important and

that communication should be meaningful in solving the problem. The line manager has not any HR

experience and they do not know much rules and regulation. It is a responsibility of a HR manager to

provide a proper guidance and if the line manager is not performing according to the rule then it is

responsibility of HR manager to communicate properly.

2.4.2 Challenges facing by line manager in interaction:

The desire, capacity, competencies, support and policy & procedure are real challenges which are

discussed in implementation of HR but there other behavior and cultural issues are presents. The

changes come in which impact on the partnership. The technology, changing in HR activities and

changing in job contents create a problem for the managers. The line manager facing a challenge of

technology and new system can simplify the HR activities. Currie and Procter (2001) identify that


there is a lacking of understanding to improve the willingness and ability of line manager to take

responsibilities of HR activities. Renwick and MacNeil (2002), line manager involvement in career also

increase the partnership with line and HR but there is problem of distribution of power between line

and HR manager.

The interaction between line manager and HR can be improved by the communication. The

communication is the key to avoid any conflict. In the conflict state communication can perform key

role and avoid any deadlock between HR and line manager (Nehles et al., 2006). There are

challenging relationship between HR and line manager (Maxwell and Farquharson,2008) and there is

a lack of organizational support interms of resources is provided and better communication can

reduce the chance of conflict(Bond & Wise,2003). The policies and rules can be implemented by the

help of HR and proper communication can take place between these two sides. The communication

is itself a challenge for the organization because it impacts on the performance. Lack of skills and HR

experience, line manager can’t perform proper training or not follow the rules and regulation which

are mentioned by the organization.

The direct communication between employees and HR also impact on the performance because the

role of Line manager is undermining Jenkinson (2009). There should be proper communication

channel to be used by the employees and follow the rules and regulation in interaction with HR. the

direct communication create confusion between HR and line manager and employees follow the

different rules. To take decisions it is important that line manager empower by the organization and

some activities are permission to conduct by the line manager (Coggburn and Hays,2004). According

to the Renwick and MacNeil (2002) using a technology it possible for a line manager to solve some

problems without interacting with HR staff. The communication is important element in partnership

of HR and line manager so line manager and HR give importance to communication.

2.5 Summary:In this chapter analyze the recruitment process in detail. In recruitment line manager role is very

important and organizations are considering more participation from line managers. In recruitment

job description defines by the HR manager and considers the recommendation from the line

manager. It is often seen that line manager is not satisfied with the job description and its contents

produced by the HR manager. The recommendations are interpreted in different way and line major

is not satisfied how his recommendation are interpreted in job description. In recruitment and job


description, line manager role is very important. In this research I consider factors which impact on

the recruitment process such as the technology, skills, knowledge and labor market change the

recruitment process. It is also consider that job attributes changing with the time and line manager

needs are changed with period of time. To compete in market job description are changed.

The line manager role in job description is also important because it impact on the recruitment

process. The line and HR manager need to work in partnership to add the value and achieve common

goal for the organization. There should be a good communication and understanding when

interacting with line manager and vice versa. The challenges like technology and implementation of

HR practices within line manager need help and guidance from the HR. Line manager and HR achieve

organization objectives with developing a partnership and communication.



3.1 Overview:

The main objective of this research is to undertake all activities to achieve aim and objectives.

Research methodology is all about the data collection to achieve the objectives and full fill the aim of

the research. According to (Collins & Hussey 2003), research methodology includes the overall

approaches and includes the research process. It also deals with the data collection methods’. It is

also included that, it is a systematic way to solve the problem. Research methodology included

methods, approaches and modeling to achieve a objectives. According to the Anderson and Poole

(1998), a good research design is composes of best methods and techniques to solve and find the

answer of a problem which come in the process of investigation’.

In research methodology decision are made according to situation and use appropriate research

philosophies and approaches to solve the problem. If the decisions wrongly then it impact on the

research and desired results are not taken. The decision are important and if the wrong decisions are

made then research outcomes are diverted to wrong scenarios and illogical as well.

3.2Research philosophy:

The research philosophy is basis of any research and it based on knowledge (Payne,1995). The

research is based on the experience and paradigm. The world of paradigm is a fundamental to all

researches conducted by the researchers (Gummesson, 2003). The paradigm indicates that the

structure of research and build a conceptual framework for research (Tadajewski,2004). There are

many type of research philosophies are present to conduct the research but for this research i

consider two main philosophies positivism and interpretivism. Different sociologists have different

views about the nature of the science and it depends upon researcher to choose best philosophical

approach according to their research problem (Vignali & Zundel 2003).


In positivism approach maintain a distinction between facts and value judgment. It deals with the

objectivity and believes that ‘truth is determined through the verification of production’ (Carson et

al., 2001). In positivism, the world is treated as an external and objective and there is reality exists

(Easterby-Smith et al., 2002; Girod-Seville & Perret, 2001). In positivism researchers are focused on


‘description and explanation’ and it discover the research topic through external objects. In

positivism is totally guided by the technical and organizational reality and it not depend upon the

research own views of reality and it create a objective picture of organization structure Girod-Seville

and Perret (2001). However positive methods are used for verification not creating new theory

(Easterby-Smith, thorp & low 1999).

3.2.2 Interpretivism: The term interpretivism come from Greek hermeneuein and its means that ‘to interpret’ (Blaikie,

1993; Carson et al., 2001). This paradigm is totally opposite to positivism (Bryman, 2001). In

interpreter definition, the reality does not exist and subjective and not be independent of observers.

In interpretivism believe in the concept that real world is being constructed and reproduced

continuously (Blaikie,1993) and the process of generating the new knowledge in keep going and all

the new concepts are arise with period of time. In comparison of positivistic approach, where

research is independent but in interpretivism the researcher is involved. In positivism, researcher and

include a large number of samples but in interpretivism use small number of samples. In positivism,

theories are tested where as in interpretivism new theories are generated. So these are some

common difference in these two types of researchers.

3.2.3 Realism: Realism is another philosophy which is used in many researches. In Realism believe that ‘ it is

independent of human thoughts and beliefs that reality exist’ (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). In

the business world there are number of realities which need to be consider a key component and the

human thoughts are not becomes reality every time. In realism, all these forces has a importance and

they have a implication on human behavior (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009).

3.2.4 Pragmatism:Pragmatic philosophy is different as compare to other philosophies because it believe that researcher

need to avoid the situation where debates has no ending and pointless debates on concept being real

(Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998). The topics and the areas which need to be consider who has the

impact on research and they have a value. The idea should have a importance in the researcher point

of view. In the above, I have considered all major philosophies which are important and shown in

Onion layer structure. In my research I have chosen positivism and interpretivism because of

qualitative and quantities research approaches. These two approaches are more close to my research

problem and it is easy for me to utilize these philosophies to achieve my objectives.


3.3 Research Design Strategy

In order to understand better the concept to research method onion process need to be consider.

The onion has a many layers and every layers has some method which are used to conduct the

research. There are many methods which are important for our research is listed in different layers.

(Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). The outer layer consists of a number of philosophies which are

used for the research. The second layer has approaches and the third layer has strategies which can

be used in this research. The fourth layer is consisting of choices which are used to conduct the

research. The fifth layer discusses time horizons and inner most layer is developed to collect data.

Figure3.3: The research process “Onion”.

Source: Adopted from (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009).

In onion numbers of layers are shown and each layer has number of methods which are important

and need to be considered. The next level is research approaches and knows i will analyze these

approaches. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the recruitment process and the role of

line manager in recruitment process. The research methodology provides us logical way to conduct

our research and achieve our objectives and layer structured is used to achieve the objectives.

3.4 Research Approach

There are many approaches to conduct the research but in the book of (saunders,Lewis & Thornhill

2009), there are main two approaches: deductive and inductive:


3.4.1 Deductive Approach

In deductive approach only the validity of hypothesis is examining by considering particular existing

theory (Bindari,2008). Deductive approach transform form more generalizes approach to more

specific approach. In this approach we have a theory and we need developed a hypothesis and

observations are constructed with the help of hypothesis and at the end data is collected to support

the hypothesis.

Figure3.4.1: The deductive Approach to Research

Source: Adopted from (Trochim & William, 1998-2000)

3.4.2 Inductive Approach

Deductive approach is totally opposite, where data is observed and generates a theory. It is move

from more specific to more generalize approach and it generates the more theories. In this approach

use the data to generate the theory or idea and data is used to use for proving or disapproving the



Figure 3.4.2: The Inductive Approach to Research

Source: Adopted from (Trochim & William, 1998-2000)

In the above figure we have a observation in the form of data and we need to develop a patters with

the help of data. The pattern helpful to design a hypothesis and which lead to theory. This approach

is opposite to the inductive approach. In conducting the interview with the manager of BT it will

helpful and this type of study give a qualitative approach. But in this research we need to conduct a

survey questionnaire and it would be call a quantitative approach but offer all it would be called a

deductive approach (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). It is better for us to use both techniques

because it is easy to do an analysis using these tow techniques.

3.5 Research strategy: Survey.

The research strategy is survey in this research. This type of strategy is used to collect the data for a

large population and mostly use for the qualitative approach. It us used to find the answer of a

question such as who, what, where, what and how much etc. (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill,

2009).The research strategy should be clear because it allow researcher what to method is used to

collect the data. There are no superior of inferior research strategies inherently only depend upon

the researcher what type of research strategy it choose and this strategy facilitate to conduct a

research. The research strategy should be clear in research side because it directly impact on the

researcher and achieving study goals (Gravetter & Forzano 2011). In onion there are many research

strategies are available but it is important that the research strategy which is selected answer the

research problem and objectives. Therefore, choice of research strategy based on a research problem

and research objectives which need to be achieve at the end of research(Saunders, Lewis, &

Thornhill, 2009).


There are many research strategies are available and those can be consider for the research

(Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009).

i. Survey

ii. Case study

iii. Experiment

iv. Action research

v. Grounded theory

vi. Archival research

vii. Ethnography.

In this research i have chosen a survey strategy to achieve our objectives and this strategy is followed

by many business to acquire a data from large population. The survey allows me to collect data from

different employees in quick time and provide the good results. Using survey strategy the sample is

more standardize. In Survey we have two methods are used to collect the data, the questionnaire

and interviews are used to collect the data. The interview is conducted from the line manager and

questionnaire is distributed in employees.

3.5.1 Interviews: In this research interview method is used to conduct this research. The interview method is very

common to collect the data and according to Cohen, Manion and Morrison (2000, p. 267) ‘ the

interview is not only concern the collecting of data but it is a part of the life and its human

embeddedness is inescapable’. Interview is way in which the participants are getting involved and

allow talk about their views. In interview it allow participant to present their thoughts or share the

knowledge which they have or sharing information. In our research we have data collection method

but there are many methods are available for the data collection. The right way to collect a data from

a manager is interview and in this research i chosen this method is to collect a data from manager.

Interviews has its own complexity, issues and demand, its own type of rigours (O’Leary, 2004, p. 162).

Interviewer should have some training to conduct the interview to achieve the goals Hoyle,Harris and

Judd (2002, p. 144).There are main three types of interviews, the structured, semi structured and

unstructured interviews.

25 Interview:In structured interview is called a standardize interview because same questions are asked of all

respondents. Hoyle,Harris and Judd (2002, p. 144) ‘interviews in which the same questions are asked

with the same wondering and same sequence’. Interview:The semi structured interviews are not standardized and it is used to qualitative analysis. In this type

of approach the interviewer guide is used and additional questions can be asked from interviews. The

semi structure interviews are used when numbers of topics are included in the interview Corbetta

(2003 p. 270). Interview:In un-structured interviews, non direct and flexible method is used and it is more cause then the

other interview approaches. In this type of interview method no need to follow the interview guide

only the questions are asked openly and frankly.

In our research, I used a semi structured approach to conduct an interview from a manager and all

the questions are asked. To take more information and understanding some more questions are

asked from the line manager. This method allows me to establish better understanding and direct

interaction between line manager and interview. Therefore he can ask direct questions from

interviewer and clear his concepts about the topic.

3.5.2Questionnaire:The second method I have chosen is interview and questionnaire is designed to distribute a months

the employees. In survey strategy all the questions are open ended and has a scale for the

employees to answer the questions. This method allows me to transform the results in into numerical

data and all the information represents the large sample of population. In our research i have

designed a questionnaire for the employees and it is scaled based questionnaire. Every question has

five options and if the employees are agree with the statement just tick the option and all the

questions are open ended. In my research I used a likert scale (Brace 2004, 86).

3.6 Mix Method: Triangulation Methodology.

The mix method approach is followed in this research. The pragmatists methodology in which

researcher believes that both methods (qualitative, quantitative) can be use in single study. The mix


approach is followed by the many researchers and it gives the best results (Teddlie and Tashakkori,

2009). In mix approach the methods are used the qualitative and quantitative method in our research

we conducting a interview and survey questionnaire so our research as both the method. The

triangulation paradigm recast the result from qualitative method and questions the results from

quantitative method (Good year 2005,Beck 2005, Cresswell et al.2008). There are many advantages

for applying the methods in the same study like in my study i am conducting an interview from a line

manger and distributing survey questionnaire too because it give me better understanding about the

topic and it allow me to take both point views about the topic.

This approach enables the triangulation which takes place. In triangulation technique different data

collections methods are used within a one study and it full fill the desire data collection methods. It

also facilitate in comparison of quantitative and qualitative data. It is also helpful in validating of

conclusions. The triangulation technique also helpful to explain the quantitative results with

subsequent of qualitative data. The advantage of triangulation technique is to test the theory which

is produce by qualitative data. All these advantages of triangulation techniques which are used in this

research (Newman and Benz 1998; Martens,2003;Cresswell et al,2007).

3.7 Time Horizon

There are main two type of time horizons which need to be consider in this research perspective. The

first one is the cross sectional and longitudinal (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill 2009). In these two type

of research if the researh is taking particular time or considering the time frame then it would be a

cross sectional research. In this type of research milestones are achived. In our case of study we have

a particular phenomena at particular time and I am avhicvinig my objectives in certain then it is a

purely cross sectional research and study has a time constraint. The longituadel time horizon is not

suitable for our research becuuse it take long time to complete the study and our research is a time


3.8 Data Collection:

Data collection is very important part of the research and after defining the research problem,

research strategies and mix study the data collection is very important. The data collection is a

important and we have a main tow methods for data collection, primary data collection and

secondary data collection.


3.8.1 Primary Data

The primary data is important for a research and primary data is defined as ‘Primary data is use first

time and it has an original characteristics’ (Kothari 2004). To collect a primary data there are many

methods are used to collect the data in which surveys, interviews, observation, questionnaire are the

primary methods. In collection of this type of data, the real responses are obtained from the

employees and the data collection method produces a real results. In this type of data give clear

understanding and produce a quality results. In my research primary data is collected by conducting

interview and survey questionnaire.

3.8.2 Secondary Data

The data which is collected from the other researches or data already being used is called to be a

secondary data (Kothari 2004). The main advantage of this study is data is already processed and

prove clear information. The secondary data is available in secondary sources and it is very easy to

collect the data. The secondary data is divided into main three categories in which the first category

documentary secondary data. In this type, data is included from the reports, journal, newspaper and

media. The second type is survey based data in it include from the government, academics and

organizations. In third type multiple type sources in which data is included from the governments

reports; industry reports (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill 2009).

3.8.3 Verifying data Accuracy:In above I have show two main methods for data verification and accuracy. The data is collected from

interview and survey by designing a questionnaire. The data verification is done through validity and

reliability methods. ‘The reliability and validity are tools of an essentially positivist epistemology’

(Watling, as cited in Winter, 2000, p. 7). &Validity:The reliability is defined as the ‘ the extent at which the results are shown over the time constant and

it is a accurate representation of population under the study then it referred to be a reliability’

(Joppe,2000). In reliability all the results can be reproduced by the same methodology and data

reliability cannot be mistrust. The reliability is most often using to conduct the quantitative research

and all the data is tested which is gathering by this research technique. The concept of validity is a

used to test the qualitative studies and it is not single, fixed or universal concept but validity

determine, the research true measured that which it was intend to measure and how much truthful

the results are(Joppe,200). The validity can be determined by asking series of questions and it look


answer in other researches. In my research all the data is reliable and validity also check because

number of questions are asked from line manager and employees.

3.9 Sampling:

Sample is very important because it directly affect the data collection method. Sampling can be

defined as ‘it is a process of selecting the fraction, or portion from whole sample space and it

represent the whole population’ (Binsardi 2008). There are many reasons to choose a sample in

which it is difficult for the researcher to conduct survey from all employees and if the sample is chose

then it represent the whole sample space and it save time and cost for the researcher and population

behaviour may be dynamic or changing. So sampling is very important process in any research and

there are probability and non probability sampling techniques (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill 2009). In

probability technique equal chance of occurrence and non probability there are not equal chance of

occurrence of events. In my research, I chosen a probability sampling and the method is used a

stratified sampling with combination of random sampling. This method is helpful when considering

different department and sample size is small. In my research, survey is conducted in two department

IT and HR employees and the sample size is (n=20). 10 employees from each department and

interview is conducted from IT line manager.

3.10 Ethical Consideration:In our research questionnaire and interview is conducted from the employees and manager. To

conduct a research some ethical responsibilities are also considered by the researcher. The first issue

is to get access and follow the ethics. The interview is conducted from the manager, the time and all

resources should be available to the manager. The name and positioned is asked from the manager

but it did not allow mentioning in research. It is responsibility of researcher to ensure manager and

employees their data is not supplied to third party. The data is purely used for the research purpose

and there should not be any misuse. The behavior also good with the manager and if any problem

come then it solve with good technique (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill 2009).



In this chapter analyze the data which is gathered by conducting a primary research at BT. This

research based on qualitative and quantitative methods and data is collected using interview and

designing by questionnaire. In interview all the questions are asked about the recruitment and job

description design by the line manager and the factors (competence, willingness and rules

&procedure) consider by the line manager. All these factors are effect on the performance of a line

manager. In second part of data collection survey is used to collect the data and questionnaire is


4.1 Section-1: Interview with Line Manager: The interview is taken from the line manager and covered all four objectives. All headings are

discussed in the context of every objective.

4.1.1 Recruitment Process & Job Description:

Recruitment process is a key for the company. In recruitment process, job description role is very

important and it defines the requirements for the applicants. In recruitment process defines pool of

candidates need to be gathered to select an appropriate candidate. The recruitment process is

changed due to changing business environment. The HR role is also important because all the

recruitment process need to be performs by the HR. The HR recruit employees for the particular

department such as in our case IT department of BT. The line manager of IT department has

important role because it perform a role in recruitment process.

The recruitment process started when new post is created or some employee leave the job. The line

manger that responsible to inform HR about new post and in our interview line manager HR

involvement is analyzed. The line manager needs to write job requirements for the HR and perform

HR practices in their department. Line manager should understand that how important HR practices

are in our interview line manager agreed that practices such as recruitment, performance appraisal

and training is important. HR needs to ask from the line manager to generate some requirement for

the post and line manager need to give the requirements. In our interview the willingness of line

manager also asked in which the line manager shows that he is interested but due to time limits it

can’t give more time to the recruitment activities. The line manager has operational pressure and

need to perform departmental duties but there is a willingness of doing the HR activities.


The line manager is not specialist so they need a HR support to perform duties related to the HR

activities. Recruitment is a specialized activity which has a proper process and it should be done

through a proper process. In line manager team there are many other people who involve in

departmental activities but in interview i found that manager give requirement by himself and not

involve any other person in process. In BT line manager (IT) perform key roles in recruitment process

because it uses its experience and knowledge to develop a job description. The line manager also

performs a HR practices which has importance in manager perspective.

In BT there are many recruitment method are used but the first step is to write a job description. In

recruitment HR manager calculate all positive and negative sides for the process. It is also considered

that all the information is given to the candidate in advertisement which is necessary for the

candidate Butler, Sanders, & Whitecotton, 2000). The job description is the key for the manager and

list down the entire important requirement which are necessary for the job. In interview, line

manager admitted the importance of HR and practices which are performed by the line manager and

importance of job description.

The importance of job description is highlighted by the line manager in interview. Line manager listed

down the requirements which are important for the job and in interview line manager highlighted

that in job description is important because it need to give all necessary information to candidate

before applying for a job. The job description is carried all information about the job and requirement

from a manager(Chi Ming Chow and Brian H.Kleiner 2002: p-123). The line manager is a technical

person so in interview, line manager highlighted the importance of guidline.HR guidelines are very

important in development of job description because line manager has not any idea to develop a job

description such as age mentioning, sex and degree requirements. The preferable conditions are also

not cleared by the line manager.

The important issue about the competency of line manager is he capable of writing job description

and he has enough technical knowledge and skills. In interview line manager admitted that he need

to take help from HR because they are more professional as compare to line manager and more

knowledge about the organizational policies. The know more rules so in writing of job description BT

line manager need to take help from HR and it is good for the process because line manager has not

any idea of recruitment policies. There are many advantages of effective job description in the

consideration of manager. Only those candidates apply who full fill the job requirement and they


have a attributes and skills to apply for the job and they do not have those skills then it effect the

performance of organization (Erica Palazzo and Brian H. Kleiner,2002; p-51). It is easy for the line

manager to achieve goals and objectives if candidate has desired skills.

In interviews, line manager mentioned that it is his responsibility to develop a job description and

pass to HR. The line manager also pointed out that job description helpful for recruiting a desired

candidate and HR manager has some knowledge about line manager requirements. He also defined

that every job has some roles and it is necessary to provide the details of job description because it

matches the job role and recruit a desired candidate who is best fit for the role. It comes under the

responsibilities manager to write a job description or modify HR job description according to their


In recruitment process there are many factors which impact on process such as the education,

technical skills and career oriented approach. In job description all these attributes need to

mentioned to select appropriate employee and changing business environment manager are looking

for a more diverse and talented employees for the organization. In interview line manager mentioned

that skills and knowledge perform a key roles. There are some businesses goals are set by the

managers and if the candidate does not have those skills and expertise then it affect the performance

of the organization(Carlson,conerley &Mecham,2002). The organization like BT needs more

professional and skilful employees and line and HR managers also looking for talented employees for

the organization.

4.1.2 Line Manager Responsibilities:

Line manager role is important and all the responsibilities they are performing is critical for

organization Brewster and Larsen (2001). Line managers are most often perform HR responsibilities

but time they have some hindering in using a HR practices. HR manager write some job description

and pass to HR manager but the wording is changed by the HR manager and it change the meaning of

job description such as essential is change with the preferable. Manager faces a problems in

conducting a training and allocating a time for training session. Manager also recommends some

employees for training and HR change time of training so there are many issues relating to allocate

the responsibilities. The HR can perform very important role because line manager has other

responsibilities. Therefore line manager and HR can distribute duties and improve the performance of



Line manager involvement is very important and there are many areas where line manager can

improve the HR recruitment process Ulrich (1998). The first area is job description where line

manager can perform responsibility and write effective job description for post and it helpful for the

HR manager to advertise job requirement effectively. Line manager also participate actively in

training session and conduct training and share responsibilities with HR manager. The line manager

and HR manager mostly develop partnership with each other to add value in recruitment and

organizational process (Storey, 2001; Storey and Sisson, 2000). Line manager responsibility is when

new job is created or any employee leave the job then it inform the HR but in BT mostly Line

Manager inform BT transition centre who perform all recruitment activities and assign jobs to HR

manager who work with line manager to recruit fresh employee.

4.1.3 Practices & Ability:

In my research one of the major issue arise about the line manager capability of line manager

practices and its ability to implement the HR practices in department. In my research related to IT

department of BT so line manager are more technical as compare to performing HR activities. In my

research and this interview find that line manager has some constraints to implement the HR

practices in department. There are many constraints such as time willingness and technical

skills(Child & Partridge, 1982; Gratton & Truss, 2003; Marchington, 2001). All these are important for

the line manager because there is less time to perform the HR activities or run recruitment process

and the most important in my point of view is willingness because managers are not shown

willingness to perform HR activities in organization and perform practices.

Line manager has a ability of writing a job description but some time its recommendation are

changed for the advert purpose. The HR claims that those words are against the law like essential

replace by preferred, age, sex, and salary. So HR do changes but here line manager is not happy

because it alter the meaning of requirement and those candidates also apply who has not that skills

which are looking by the line manager. The line manager are giving the technical requirement and HR

not understand because in IT there are many technologies are used which are not used by the HR

manager. The HR manager and line manager need to work closely.


The line manager also facing problem with rules and regulation and HR need to provide a guideline to

line manager and in my interview i found that HR provide the guidelines to line manager and if the

line manager are confuse about certain rules then it follow those guidelines. The interesting thing

find in interview that managers some time do little changing in rules to recruit desired employee but

line manager was insisted that it happened in exceptional situation where candidates are not

applying and organization are not getting desired candidate. It is found that line managers are not

invited to participate in policy making of HR and not be a part of any rules making process. Only the

guidelines are forwarded to them and line managers need to follow those guidelines.

4.1.4 Communication & Conflict:

The line manager and HR need to work in partnership and it is very easy to say but in real business

environment it is really difficult for the managers to work so much closely. There are many problems

arose which causes of tension between line manager and HR manager. The communication is

important between HR and Line manager but there is communication gap between HR and line

manager due lack of time both the sides. In my interview manager accepted that there some

communication gaps between line and HR. Therefore, many problems arose so communication is

very important for the managers. The communication gap can be decrease by arranging meetings but

some time manager does not have time and they take the decision by own self and it caused the

tension and conflict between line manager and HR Henrik Holt Larsen, Chris Brewster (2003).

In interview also identified that line manager provide the technical information and there is no

understanding by the HR. HR is non technical persons they do not understand the technical problems

and they cannot understand the technical requirement and it is one of the major cause of conflict and

manager exchange views about he want and what HR publish in advert. So it becomes a tension

between HR and line manager and if the line managers are not happy with the advert then it causes a

problem in recruitment and selection. The manager should be avoiding this type of situation because

it impact on the performance of the organization. In my understanding both the managers need to

improve the communication to reduce the situation like a conflict. It is important for the manager to

do as much in job description and it is important to have a working relationship with each other.

The tension arouses when HR is not properly communicating the rule with line manager and it impact

on the performance of the organization. If the rules are properly and timely forwarded to line

manager and answer the questions which are asked by the line managers. The line manager has not


enough authority to change the rule and some time it request HR to change advert or wording and it

not happened so it is important for the line manager to understand the organization policy and if

they have a any problem then it solve with the help of rules and try avoid the conflict situation. To

diffuse the conflict line manager need to arrange meetings and communicate properly so situation

can be controlled by the line manager.

4.1.5 HR Support Services & Behavior: Support Services:In support it is important that both the manager support each other but in interview line manager

often complain about HR because they cancelled meeting in last minute and it impact on HR practices

and affect the recruitment process. Line manager also said that trainings sessions are cancelled and it

is difficult for the line manager to release a employee again and again because it impact on the

productivity of department. So support is very important but HR need to provide support timely.HR

also give the support in writing a job description because line manager is not aware of rules and

language what they are writing in job description so line manager need a support from HR. HR also

need support to finding a candidate and select a CV’s which full fill the requirement of line manager. HR support Behavior:The supportive behavior is another factor which is important for the line manager. Line manger

accepted that HR has a supportive behavior but it takes time and they help us on our appeal. It shows

that HR has a supportive behavior and this behavior impact on the performance and organization

achieve its objectives. Some time HR attitude changed and line manger identified that he face the

busy attitude from the HR but it is reality there are many managers in BT and it is very difficult for the

HR to support on time and it take time. The manager is not given any body special attention until the

are asked for it but after training it is responsibility of line manager to perform a HR practices in

department and it help only individual request them but not often this happened.

4.2 Survey Questionnaire:

The questionnaire is designed and distributed amongst the 20 employees from IT (10) and HR (10).

There are main two sections in this question first provide the personal information from the

employees and in second section ask the question from the employees.


4.2.1Section One: Personal InformationIn the first section the participant personal details are included. In survey questionnaire ask details of

employees about gender, age, educational level and experience. This section is designed to

authenticate the results and to prove that data is taken randomly and in this research different age

group, educational level, and different job holding employees are participating because employees

are selected randomly and it shows that different approaches of employees to answer the questions.

The personal information tell us how valid and authenticated research is conducted and I have taken

data from different employees who has different age groups and educational background. To analyze

the demographical factor i have shown in separate graphical representation.



Gender Representation Male Female

Figure Respondent Graphical representation of gender (source: survey)

In our survey there were total 20 employees participated and there the gender ration is 40% and 60

%. in our survey more male participant to show interest in filling out the questionnaire. The major is

male and they are working in BT IT and HR department who answered the questionnaire. In IT

department more men work as compare to HR department so highest numbers are male.

36 Age

10; 50%7;


2; 10%1; 5%

AGE21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60

Figure Respondent Graphical representation of age (source: survey)

In the above graph it is clearly mentioned that the highest number of employees whose age is

between 21-30 and it is 50% of all population. The second age group is 31-40 year where 7

employees reside and it is a 35% of a population. The next age group so 41-50 and only 2 employees

are in this age group and only 1 employee is between 51-60%. So it shows that young employees

from IT and HR department participated in this research and who are well aware of technology. worked for BT:

0---> 5 6---> 10 11---> 15








Figure Respondent Graphical representation of Experience (source: survey)

In our survey the majority of employees experience is between 0-5 years and mostly the young

employees participated in this survey. The employees who experience is 6-10 year are 4, only the 4

employees who have more than 6 years of experience. In our study, only the 3 employees have an

experience more than 10 years and only the 2 employees who have the experience between 16 to 20

years. Only one employee is who has the experience of more then 20+ in BT. Education level:





4 3

Educational Level


Figure Respondent Graphical representation of Education Level (source: survey)

The most of the employees are undergraduate level and there were 12 employees who come in

undergraduate category. The second highest number of employees who come in postgraduate

category and there are 4 employees who are post graduated. The other candidates are come in

certification category that done IT certification in different computer languages and working in BT.

Only one candidate is GCSE level and working in BT.

4.2.2 Section Two: Questionnaire: In this section part our survey questions and the outcome of this survey is presented in the form of

graphical form. All the questions are asked from the employees and employees fill out questionnaire

according to their best understanding. The results are compiled according to the statements data and

the data is presented in the form of a table and table converted into a graphical charts. Statements relating to Recruitment & Job Description:The first four statements are designed to cover the issues relating to objective-1 and

discussion is done in context of objective-1.

Statement-1: in Human Resource Management, Line manager Role is very important.

Statement-2: Job Description Perform a key role in recruitment process.


Strong Agree

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree



Statement 1 & 2

Statement-1Statement -2

Figure Graphical representation of statement-1&2 (source: survey)

The first question is design to analyze that employees think about the role of manger in job

description. In the above statement, 12 employees are agreeing with the statement. Two

employees are strongly agreed with the statement because role of line manager is very important in

human resource management. Survey results shows that 2 employees are strongly agree with the

statement. The four employees are neutral with the statement and only 1 employee disagrees and 1

strongly disagrees with the statement. In the response of this statement 12 employees are agree with

the statement because job description is very important for the recruitment. In the responses 4

employees are strongly agree with the statement and they know the importance of job descriptions.

The two employees shows their response as a neutral and 1 employee is disagree and 1 is strongly

disagree. So majority of employees realize the importance of job description and it shows that job

description has an importance in recruitment process. These two question give us better

understanding of employees perception about the recruitment and job description and how line

manager role is very important and which is shown in results where employees realize the

importance of recruitment and role of line manager.

Statement-3: The Line manager performs a key Role in writing of a job description.

Statement-4: the changing business environment, effect the recruitment process and new factors

are introduced in Job description.


Strong A











Statement -4Statement- 3

Figure Graphical representation of statement-3&4 (source: survey)

The above statements are design to highlight the importance of a job description. The employee’s

answers are important because job description is very important for a recruitment process. In

statement-3, 8 employees are agreeing with the statement and 1 employee is strongly satisfied with

the statement. 5 employees are neutral and they are agree and disagree with the statement

according to situation this statement is true and false for them. There were three employees who are

not agree and 3 other are strongly disagree they believe that line manger does not have a key role in

job description only the HR manager responsibility to write a job description and there is not a key

role in job description. In changing business environment change the requirement for the

organization and line managers need to add more technical aspect or factors in job description. In

statement-4, 8 employees are agreed with the statement and in the response it is noticed that 7

employees are strongly agreed with the statement. Three employees are neutral and only two

employees are disagreeing. The changing business environment impact on recruitment process and

new factors are becoming a part of the recruitment process and this survey is conducted in IT and HR

department so they know the importance of recruitment process and changing requirement for the

department. In these two statements higher numbers of employees are agreed with the statement

and understand the recruitment process for the employees. Statements relating to Line Manager Role & Competence in HR:In this section of statement from 4 to 8 discussed in the context of objective-2 and all the issues are

covered related to the objective-2.


Statement-5: Line Mangers are willing to perform the HR activities if HR manager provide the

necessary information about the process.

Statement-6: The Line Manager has enough capacity interms of time to perform HR activities.

Strong Agree




Strongly Disagree

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Figure Graphical representation of statement-5&6 (source: survey)

The above two statements are designed to understand the line manager roles in recruitment process.

These two statement focus on line manager willingness and capacity because line manager need to

perform HR practices are write a job description to recruit employees. These two statements give us

understanding about the role of line manager and it capabilities. In statement-5, there are 8

employees agreeing with statement and it is 40% of responses and one is strongly agree with the

statement. The line managers are willing to perform the recruitment activities and in responses 6

employees are neutral with the statement due to time issue with line manager and they are 30% of

responses. The four employees are disagreed with the statement and they think a line manager does

not have any time and willingness in recruitment process and 20% of weightage they have in this

survey. The only one employees is strongly disagree and believes that manager does not have any

willingness to perform a HR activities and results shows that line manager is agree to perform the HR


The capability interms of time is also important for the line manger. Sometime line manager has a

willingness to perform HR activities they do not have a time for the manager and it is important for

the manager to have a time. In statement-6, there are 8 employees who agree with the statement

but importantly the 7 employees are neutral because they understand the work pressure on line

manager and it difficult for the manager to give as much time to recruitment process. It shows that

employees realize this issue and higher number are neutral and it depend upon the manager how it

manages the time and perform the recruitment activities. The two employees are disagreeing and the


2 employees are strongly disagreeing with the statement. So graph shows the realistic picture of

employees approach and understanding the responsibilities and role of line manager. It also

highlighted that line manager has a responsibility to

Statement-7: The Line Manager has enough knowledge and skills to write a job description and

conduct training.

Statement-8: HR Manager Always help Line Manager in solving different type of recruitment issues.

Strong Agree

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree









Statement -7Statement -8

Figure Graphical representation of statement-7&8 (source: survey)

These statements are designed to judge the competence of line manager and ask from the

employees if they have a competency to perform the HR activities. There should be some activities

which need to perform such as the job description, training and performance evaluation. The line

manager roles are important in writing a job description and recruitment. In statement-7, line

manager expertise and skills are asked from the employees and 11 employees are agree with the

statement and tow are strongly agree with the statement. The only 3 employees remain neutral and

3 employees are disagree with the manager and in above statement mostly employee remain in

neutral state but in this statement they are sure that line manager have enough ability to write a job

description and skills because of its experience to manage the work force.

In statement-8, it is asked from the employees that HR manager ‘always’ help in different recruitment

issues and 8 employees are strongly agree with the statement and 1 is strongly agree with the

statement because HR help in recruitment. The only one employee strongly disagrees with the

statement. Over all employees are agree that HR support in recruitment process. These two


statements are interrelated with objective 1 and 2 in our research because of the line manager

doesn’t have expertise then they can’t write a good job description and in second statement the role

of HR is discussed. Statements relating to Rules & Regulation:In this section statement are presented in context of object 2&3. These statements are discussing the

issues related to rules and regulations related to line and HR manager.

Statement-9: Line Managers are clear about the recruitment policies and procedures.

Statement-10: Line Manager provides an input when HR policy is developing.

Strong Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly







Statement 9&10

Statement -9 Statement-10

Figure Graphical representation of statement-9&10 (source: survey)

The statements are design to analyze the understanding of line manager regarding the rules and

policies make by the organization. The line manager needs to understand the rules because it

performs an important role in job description and recruitment process. The line manager does not

have a time so this question is important to ask from employees to establish better understanding

about line manager ability to follow the rules. In statement-9, employees are asked about line

manager is aware of rules and policies make by the HR. The interesting responses are received and 7

employees are agreed with the statement and 6 employees are neutral because all the time policies

and rules are changed. The time limit not allows the line manager aware of rules that why 6

employees are neutral in the response of this statement. The 5 employees are disagreed with the


statement and only 1 employee is strongly disagree with the statement. The major of employees

agree with the statement it shows that line manager has a ability to write a job description.

In the above statement asked from the employees that Line manager is asked for the input when HR

policies and rules are finalized and out of 20 sixteen employees are disagree or strongly disagree sate.

It shows that the rules and policies are HR issue and it gives only the guideline to department to

implement. In above graph clear indications of the results are shown and mostly the employees are

not agreed with the statement.

Statement-11: HR manager always understand the technical requirement given by the line


Statement-12: Line Manager follows the guideline provided by the HR manager and implements all

rules& regulation.

Strong Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree









Statement-11 Statement-12

Figure Graphical representation of statement-11&12 (source: survey)

The above statements are designed to ask the questions from the employees that HR manager

always understand the technical requirement given by the line manager because it is mostly seen

that HR manager not understand the technical requirements. In statement asked from the employees

that HR always understand the technical requirement given by the line manager and only 5

employees are agree with the statement. The 45% (9 employees are not agree with the statement

and 20% are strongly disagree with the statement. The only 5% of employees are strongly agreed

with the statement. The HR changes the wording and the meaning of the requirement is change. In

our research, IT has its own requirements interms of technical language but HR change the words for

the advert and mostly candidates apply who are not eligible for the job.


In statement-12, it is asked from the employees’ line manager and 75 percent of responses show that

line manger follows the guideline from the managers and in our responses 8 employees agree with

the statement and 3 are strongly agree with the statement. The only 5 employees are disagreed with

the statement and 2 are strongly disagreed. It shows that all the time line manager not follow the

guideline because of technical requirement and achieve the objective but it not happened often. Statements relating to Communication and conflict:In this section statements are addressing the objective 3&4 and analysis is done in context of these

two objectives.

Statement-13: There is no communication gap between HR manager and line Manager.

Statement-14: Line Manager and HR manager solve any conflict situation and follow the

organizational rules.

Strong Agree

Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree








Statment 13& 14


Figure Graphical representation of statement-13&14 (source: survey)

These statements are designed to analyze the communication gap between line manager and HR.

The tension or conflict arise when HR is not understanding technical wording and it change the

wording but some time due to cancellation of training employees or on performance appraisal they

have differences. So these issues are analyzing by placing these questions to employees. In

statement-13, it is asked from the employees there is no communication gap between line manager

and HR. The 40% of employees disagree with the statement and 30% are strongly disagreeing with

the statement. There is a communication gap between the line manager and HR and this is a major

issue which causes lot of problems for the managers. The proper understanding is not established in

writing of a job description and all issue regarding the requirement. Line manager and HR need to


improve the communication between them. Only 2 employees agree with the statement and they

think there is not any issue of communication and 4 employees are neutral response.

The 14th statement focused on to solve the issues by considering the rules which helpful to take out

from this situation. Therefore, it is asked from the employees that conflict is solved using

organizational rules. The 10 employees agree with the statement and 2 employees are strongly

agreed with the statement. The only 3 employees are neutral and 4 employees are disagreeing with

the statement. It shows that manager solve issue which rose due to less communication and rules &

policies. The meeting is called by the managers and treats to reach on common grounds. It shows

that manager finally handle the conflict situation and apply organizational rules. These statements

are very important because it give better understanding to solve the problem and defuse the tension.

Statement-15: The HR manager supportive role is highly appreciated by the line managers.

Statement-16: Line Managers have more influence in HR activities due to changing business


Strong Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree








Statement 15-16

Statement-15 Statement-16

Figure Graphical representation of statement-15&16 (source: survey)

To avoid the conflict situation it is important for the line manager and HR that they need to support

each other and there should not be any conflict situation and if the manager have any problem in

writing a job description or in misunderstanding about the rule and regulations then it is important

for the manager to have a communication of provide advice to each other. In statement-15, the role

of HR manager is discussed is it supportive or not. The 9 employees agree with the statement and 4

are strongly agree with the statement because HR managers are experts in human resources and


provide the guideline to line managers for writing a job description. 3 employees are neutral and only

one employee 1 is disagreed with the statement. The HR manager roles are highly appreciated by the

line manger and employees. It is important that line manager support the HR manager because it

impact on performance and communication is better in future.

The line manager are more influenced it is observed in today changing business environment and it is

also important that line manager should have a more influence in HR activities. In statement-16, it is

asked form the about the role of line manager in HR due to changing business environment , 12

employees are agree with the statements and 3 are strongly agree with the statement. In their

responses only 3 employees are disagree and 2 employees are neutral. The results are showing that

the important role of line manager in HR and recruitment process because line manger knows the

real requirement for the job. If the line manager gives input then it the quality of work can be

approved by the manager. This is also help to generate a good job description but it improves the

process of recruitment. Where more involvement has advantages there some issues are also create

such as the arguments between line manager and HR. It is better that both need to arrange meetings

and provide the best solution for the organization.

All these above statements are designed with respect to our objectives and questions are asked from

line manager and employees to ensure that all information is gathered which related to our




This research is conducted on recruitment process of British telecom and the role of line manager in

recruitment process. In this research recruitment process is discussed in detail. Human resources are

a backbone of any company and all the organization are looking for a quality human resource to run

its operations. The recruitment process started when employee leaves the job or new vacancy is

created within the department. It is important for a organization to recruit a right person but it is

responsibility of HR manager to advert the post. There are many methods which are used to

advertise the job post in which informal and forma methods are very common for the managers. The

formal methods are in which newspaper magazine or internet and informal methods by referring of

current staff members.

The aim of manager is to gather a large number of applications and choose the desired employees

who full fill the requirement. The HR manager post the advert in different sources in which the most

popular is internet and according to CIPD survey around 64 percent of UK companies are using

internet for recruitment. The manager gathered the CV’s in large number and keep in data bank. It is

better for the manager to have a large number of applicant because probability of success is

increased if manager able to receive application in large numbers. To attract applicants only the

source is not perform a key role but the job description is also perform a key role. The applicants are

applying through the internet but BT has other sources for applicant to apply for a job. Applicant can

apply by using postal services. It is notices that some application arrive late but the posting date is

consider for those applicants.

To recruit a desired employee, organization needs to write effective job description. The job

description is very important for the manager because applicants apply according to the requirement

of job description and if the job contents are describe in job description clearly then it is easy for the

manager to recruit desired employees. The role of job description is very important and all the

necessary information which is needed by the employee is listed in the job description. In job

description all the attributes and skills are mentioned which are necessary for a job and candidate

must know those skills and attributes. In job desertion all the responsibilities are listed down and all

necessary information is also given job description.


The changing business environments also effect the job description and new factors are added in job

description. Managers are looking more dynamic employees in especially IT field and with manager

are looking for highly educated and skilled employees to full fill the requirements. The job

preferences and attributes are attached with intrinsic and extrinsic job characteristics and rewards. It

is challenging for the manger to recruit desired employee and full fill the requirement. The

recruitment is change due to labor market is change and more skilled, educated and career oriented

employees are looking by the organization. To attract a large number of employees it is important for

organization to give incentives and has good reputation in the market. The good applicant preferred

to apply good companies but BT has a good market and overwhelming response is received.

In recent years role of line manger is increased in recruitment process. The line manager is also

writing a job description and providing a details or requirements to HR manager. In our research i

have found in interview line manager writing a job description and providing the requirement to HR

manager. The line manager is performing a key role for the HR. The line manager role is changing due

to business environment and it need to look recruitment activities in the organization. It is important

for a manager to give its requirement because employee needs to work with the line manager. The

new role is developing for a line manager in questionnaire employees are agree with this and

majority of employees agree that line manager role is very important in HR. The importance is realize

by the employees how important role can perform by the line manager and if the line manager is not

satisfied with the candidate performance then put effect on the performance. The candidate need to

work with the line manager and all technical requirements are bitterly known by the line manager as

compare to HR manager.

The line manager role is changed but it also increases the responsibilities of line manager. Lin

manager does not have any time to perform extra activities but they are performing. In our research i

found that manager agrees and said it is difficult for me to perform a extra activities such as the

recruitment because he need to achieve the objectives. In real life behavior it is also analyze that

manager are reluctant to perform extra activities and it is difficult for the manager to perform the

recruitment activities but our research results are opposite and manager want to give requirement

because it create more problem for the manager when candidate is selected and come in

department. The responsibilities are changed due to chaining environment but manager are now

willingly take those responsibilities because it impact on their own departmental work. Line manager

need to perform many responsibilities and extra responsibilities put a burden on line manager. So it


affects the performance of line manager mostly it cannot give more time to recruitment activities and

difficult to implement HR practices.

To implement the HRM practices are and activities are real challenge for the manager because it

impact on the performance and manager need to take time out for conduct the activities. There are

many responsibilities which are needed to be performed by the line manager in which training and

selection, performance evaluation and workforce management. The line manager should know the

HR because it is important for a line manager to manage the employees. Line manager is deal with

the employees and all the rules and regulation need to be known by the manager. Line manager need

to be aware of some constraints in which desire factors in which line manager is fully occupied with

other activities. The capacity is another factor and line manager does not have any time to implement

the HR practices. The third constraint is lack of competency means not enough knowledge. The

fourth factor is lack of support from the HR to implement the practices and write a effective job

description. The last factor is where line manager does not know the rules and regulations. In our

research many of constraints are discussed in detailed and in interview and questionnaire many

questions are asked from the managers about these constraint and mostly the employees are agree

with statements.

When line manager and HR working closely then issues are also arose such a communication gap and

it increases the tension between HR and line manager. The phenomena of partnership are discussed

in our research where line manager and HR work in partnership but there are some issues in this

partnership. The line manager and HR work closely but due to different intentions and goals they

cannot achieve the common goals and communication gap increases. In our research i found that

manager has different goals so they have different attentions and their priorities are different.

Therefore they blame each other in recruitment process and line manager is not happy with HR

attitude. The attitude can be improved by understanding each other problems and if there is a

problem then follow the rules which are designed to take help and both manager need to act

according to rules and regulations.

The communication can be improved by conducting meeting with HR and it is responsibility of HR to

provide the guideline to line manager. The line manager misunderstands the rule and regulation and

they work according to their knowledge. So it is responsibility of HR manager to provide the proper

guideline to line manager and if line manager is asking for any help then it HR provide necessary help.

In our research i found that HR is providing the necessary help but when line managers are asking for


a help. The misunderstanding can be removed by conducting meeting and reach on common agenda.

The partnerships also developed to improve the communication between line and HR manager and if

the HR manager provide the support then it is easy for the manager to achieve its goals.

It is important for line manager to follow the guidelines and our research line manager agree that HR

provide the guideline but it is difficult for them to interpret because they are not specialist. So HR

needs to support them in solving the ambiguity and try to help them. It is responsibility of HR

manager if line manager is not performing according to the rule. It is also finding in our research that

line manager give the requirements but they are not included because HR is more specialized in their

fields and they are well aware of rules of posting an advert. In our research, line manager not happy

to change the words in job description and all the meaning are changed. So it is responsibility of line

manager to communicate effective to defuse the tension between line and HR manager.

In our research i found that line and HR do not want a conflicting situation and they try to avoid it.

Questions are asked in survey and employees are agree to improve the communication and increase

meeting between HR and line so they can solve any issue and reach on a common agenda. So they

have a different style of work and objectives but at the end they do not want tension between HR

and line manager. The line manager can give suggestions to HR manager and if HR manager need to

consider recommendation from line manager. In this research I found that recruitment is key for the

organization and organization is always looking for skilled employees. The industry requirements are

changed and they are looking for more specialized employees because IT department needs more

specialized employees. It is a responsibility of HR manager to find desired candidate who fulfil the

requirement of the company.

In my research divided into two parts in firs part interview is conducted and in second section

questionnaire is distributed. The interview is conducted from the manager and all the questions are

asked from the manager. The answers are analyzed in context our objectives and discuss the findings.

In section questionnaire is distributed and ask all 16 questions from employees and compile results in

the form of tables and those tables are converted into graphics. The results are discussed in context

of our objectives and provide necessary information. The recruitment is key element for the

organization and in our research BT gives the importance to recruitment and introduce line manager

role in recruitment process.


In my research i found that all issues about the recruitment. The recruitment is important and human

resources management is a key for success. In my research i discussed all important issues and

highlighted the role of HR and communication between HR and line manager. The related issues are

also discussed in details. Manager faced some communication issues but the solved by conducting

meeting and taking help from rules and regulations.



6.1 introductions:The recruitment is very important process for the organization and it is important for the

organization to keep improve this process. In changing business environment the line manager

involvement is increase and all the technical requirements are generated by the line manager. The

line manager responsibility is to write the job description and improve the quality of recruitment

because all the job requirements need to be performed. The communication is very important

between line and HR manager and it defuse the conflict and tension between line and HR manager.

The line manager needs to perform the activities within its department. On the basis of our research,

I shall give some recommendation to improve the recruitment process and improve the

communication between line and HR manager. The limitations will be discussed in context of line

manager and research limitations.

6.2 Recommendations:

The recruitment process is key for the organization to recruit employees. The aim of this recruitment

process is to gather a large number of applications and select an appropriate candidate. In this

process, job description performs a key role to recruit a desired candidate. In job description all the

requirements are writing by the line managers and it passes to HR manager but it happened that HR

manager change the wording and it meaning are also changed. In writing of a job description it is

important that all the requirements are written according to the rule and policies. It is responsibility

of line manager to communicate properly all the requirement because all those requirements are

very important and candidates apply according to those requirement (McGovern 1999;Whittaker &

Marchington, 2003). In job description the requirements are clearly mentions because if there is

ambiguity or double meaning phrases impact on candidate applying. if the job contents are clearly

define then only those candidates apply who full fill the requirement of the job. There should be

good communication between line manager and HR staff McGovern (1997) and McGovern et al.


The line managers are often said that they do not have enough time to give recruitment activities

(McConville & Holden, 1999; McGovern et al., 1997). They are also complains about shortage of time

and extra work load. When HR responsibilities are given to the line manager then more burden is put


on the line manager and it is difficult for the line manager to perform activities at his best level

(McConville, 2006). The work load should be evenly distributed between line manager and HR so

there is less paper work need to be done by the line manager. The communication can solve the

problem and if both manager share responsibilities according to their convenience then it is for the

manager to perform up to the level.

In my research I found that there is a less number of expertise and knowledge line manager have to

perform the recruitment activities. The line manager do not know the legislations, pay to all attention

to achieving objectives and solving departmental issues so it is important that both the managers

improve the communication and if line manager has any type of issue regarding the legislation and

policies in recruitment then it need to communicate with HR . The HR responsibility to response the

line manager questions as soon as possible. But in interview and questionnaire, results show that

there is a big communication gap between line manager and HR manager. So in my consideration

both need to improve the communication and start discussion about these problems which are facing

problem Brewster and Larsen (2000, p. 208).

The line manager skills are important issue which rose in the research and i found that line manager

doest have any adequate skill to perform the HR activities. The HR need to communicate with the line

manager ask him if he has any problem to performing the HR duties and writing a job description

Hope Hailey et al (2005). HR communicate with line manager and conduct training for line manager

and It staff about the policies and rules followed by the organization in recruitment, performance

appraisals and incentives given by the company. It is important for the HR manager to improve the

communication between HR and Line manager because line manager are looking only one side of

rules and they are not properly aware about the changing in rules.

The HR also helps line manager to implement the practices which are given by HR (Lowe. 1992). The

new rules and procedure about training and recruitment are passed to line manager but the need to

conduct a training to implement those types of changes in organization. There should be a proper

communication between HR and line manager because there are different meaning of different rules

and how the line manager perceive those meanings are totally different. In communication HR need

to define clear role of line manager and it responsibilities (McGovern et al., 1997). There are is a

misunderstanding between HR and line manager that HR manages the people and it is not line

manager responsibility to manage the employees and participate in recruitment or training process.

The role should be defined cleared in communication. It helpful for the manager to know their


responsibilities and it is a HR manager responsibility to communicate properly with line manager and

assign jobs and responsibilities.

The involvement of HR also causes of some conflicts and line manager thinks that they are interfering

in their work and HR thinks that line manager are not properly managing people and performing

recruitment responsibilities it caused a conflict between HR and line manager. They try to interpret

rules regulation and interfering in line manager’s work (Bond & Wise, 2003; Harris, 2001; McConville,

2006; Sisson & Storey,2000). So there is communication is important roles are define clearly if the

roles and responsibilities are not define the more communication problems emerges and line

manager are not communicate more often as much he want to do. So it is responsibility of manager

to communicate and interfere at a level which is required.

There are many external recruitment methods and company is following some traditional method of

recruitment but technology impacts on the process. To manage the large number of application

organization need to develop a MIS (Management Information System) and develop pool of

applicants. In advertisement HR manager need to write the requirement which are given by the line

manager. The line manager is a key to give the requirement but all the input need to be added in job

description because at the end employees need to work with line manager. The relationship need to

be build between line and HR manager and it is important that there should be a partnership

between line and HR manager. The partnership between line and HR is very important because it

increase HR performance. All tasks divided equal in HR and line manager and it reduce the problem

level and conflict situation between HR and line manager.

In this research manager need to communicate and interact more although both managers do not

have any time but it is important for the manager work closely. The manager argument that HR

directly contact with the employees and it is not good for the line manager and some time HR

manager called them without the permission. So it is important notify the line manager and then HR

manager need to perform duties. The direct access also creates a problem in relationship between HR

and line manager so it is important to have a meeting to reach on a common point or agenda. If

manager has any issues it can be solved within a meeting. The line manager also calls different

manager who are facing the same problems regarding job description and communication so the

result would be better. Line manager also give suggestion which can improve the process.


The approach which is followed in organization is to arrange meetings and follows the rule. The rules

are very important but some time line manager are not aware of rules and regulations. So rules need

to be followed by the managers. The line manager also complain about rules and he said in rule

making process or decision making HR not involve us and our recommendations are also not

consider. However, HR is more professional and expert to understand the people management so

they do not make line manager part of decision making but recommendation are consider but with

realization of that are not conflicting the main country rules. So it is important for line and HR to

follow the rules and it easy to solve the conflict situation.

The behavior and support is important for the line and HR. The HR support is also important for the

line manager and if the line manager asks any support then it is responsibility of HR to provide

support because line managers are technical person but this support mechanism can be improved by

taking line manager inputs. The attitude is also another important issue for line manager and if HR

manager not show busiest attitude because line manager also performing different departmental

task which needs time. In line manager make a working approach so it benefits both the manager and

they need to develop the relationship. The approach supports both the manager and facilitate in

performing their jobs.

There are many recommendations which are listed above but BT need to improve the recruitment

process because the job contents are not advert according to the line manager requirement and HR

need to improve the line of communication with line managers.BT also improve the online

recruitment system because every member can apply for the job and there are no checks if candidate

qualify for initial level. If he is matching job requirement then he can apply for a job. HR manager

need to communicate proper relating to guidelines and provide the details about the rules.

6.3 Limitation:Our research has much limitation which needs to be considering in future research. The first

limitation is that i consider one IT department line manager and conducted an interview from one

line manager. The manager has not enough time to give the interview and I only conducted one line

manager for my research although it fulfill the requirement but i have more than one line manager it

easy to understanding the recruitment and communication problem. I try to cover many topics

relating to line manager and conducted research but behavioral study can be covered in future

research. Due to time limit i can’t cover the behavioral issues in detail. The questionnaire is designed

and passes through many employees but only 20 employees return back if i have more time then i


can send to many employees and wait for my results because employees return me in longer time. In

our research only focused on external recruitment method and observe the response of line manager

in context of external recruitment but if i have more time i can cover internal recruitment method

and managerial behavior.

6.4 Further Research:In this dissertation, study is focused on the recruitment and line manager role with HR staff. The main

focus on the roles and interaction between line manager and HR but in future study many new

variables are added in the same research and research can be expanded to behaviorism and increase

the size of the research. More line managers can be involved in the research and expand the research

results by expanding the size. In our research focused on the certain areas and limited scope of the

research but if we have more time and this research can be expanded. Our research is also has small

sample size but in future work the sample size can be improve and more employees can be involved

in the research.




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Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,

My name is Muhammad Noman and i am studying in MBA (Master of Business Administration) and

majoring in Human Resource Management. The my dissertation is based on the ‘ Critical analysis of

the effectiveness of the recruitment strategy for first line manager and role of a HRM in this process’.

Therefore, i want to know the views of British Telecom and take full advantage from the experience


of employees. I am please if you give me time for conducting a interview and spare you employees to

fill out survey questionnaire which is related to recruitment process and HR role.

This survey have major two parts: in first part employees are asked to give some basic personal

information and in second part are related to the research question and which are related to our

research and address issues related to our research.

In this survey all the participants are working on totally voluntarily basis and any point of time they

can withdraw from research process. The personal details are not used in research or give to any

third body and all the statement data only used for the research purpose and not passed to any other

person. Your responses will help me to build a better understanding about the topic and easy to

developed my results.

This survey assist met to develop understanding about line manager and HR staff recruitment process

and enhance my research capabilities. After completing survey please return back to my email

address or i am available to collect questionnaire from you department. In

addition if you have any queries please feel free to ask and do not hesitate to contact me through my


Thanks for your time and assistant.

Yours Sincerely,

Muhammad Noman

First-Line Management Interview Questionnaire:

1. Introduction of interviewee Name


Gender Age How long in company? What is your educational background (technical. managerial)?

2. Current situation regarding HR issues in BT: How much time you spend to deal HR issues (per week/average)? Do you think HR practices support the recruitment process? How much time you willing to spend on recruitment or HR practices for effective recruitment? OR how

effective this to you? All the practices done alone or with HR help? Is there any other people use the HR practices in a Team member?

3. Reasons for Developing a Job Description Why do you use Job Description? Do you like using HR guideline to develop a good job description? Why? HR manager has a necessary knowledge about the recruitment process? Is there any advantage of effective job description? In your view job descriptions are helpful to recruit desired candidate? Is it necessary to provide detail of job description and it is part of job responsibilities? How job description helpful to you for achieving business goals.

4. Line Manager and HR Responsibilities: Is anything hindering you in using HR practices? Please explain.

Practices Are you aware of HR responsibilities and practices? Expectation as a line manager? Are you follow the practices which given by the HR department? Are you modifying practices

according to the requirement? Do they provide you any guideline for HR practices? How useful are these? Yes step by step guide Are you involved or invited in HR policy making process?

Ability Do you have enough skills/Knowledge for using a HR practices or Developing a Job Description? Do you have any experience to develop a Job description and listing the attributes of candidate? Have you taken any training from HR department about HR practices or Job description? Are you receiving any support from HR or you develop you job description by themselves? Do you have an ability to look job market and ideal characteristics in candidate?

Communication Conflict:

Is there any communication gap between you and HR Manager? Do you feel HR Manager has not understood the technical requirement? What requirement given by you is included in Job Description? Is HR manager properly communication changed rules and policies to you? Do you have enough authority to change main guideline? How you defuse conflict situation with the HR Manager? Have you ever face conflict in job description with HR Manager?


5. HR Support Services or Behaviour:

Support services: Have you ever experience HR manager promise you to provide service but they couldn’t do? Have they support you in developing a job description? Is HR manager to support you in finding a good candidate?

HR Support Behaviour: Is it HR manager is willing to help you in difficult time? Have you experience busy attitude or behavior from HR manager? Is HR manager give you individual attention and consider you recommendation in writing of job

description? After the initial training No unless u asked


Please indicate the following with a cross in the column provided.

1. Gender Male [ ] Female [ ]

2. Age (years):


3. Department working for:

4. Current position at British telecom:

5. Number of years working for British Telecom:

6. Education level:



Statement 1

In Human Resource Management, Line manager Role is very important.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 2

Job Description Perform a key role in recruitment process.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 3

The Line manager performs a key Role in writing of a job description.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 4

The changing business environment, effect the recruitment process and new factors are introduced in Job description.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 5 Line Mangers are willing to perform the HR activities if HR manager provide the necessary information about the process.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


Statement 6

The Line Manager has enough capacity interms of time to perform HR activities.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 7

The Line Manager has enough knowledge and skills to write a job description and conduct training.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 8

HR Manager Always help Line Manager in solving different type of recruitment issues.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 9

Line Managers are clear about the recruitment policies and procedures.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 10

The Line Manager provides an input when HR policy is developing.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 11

The HR manager always understands the technical requirement given by the line manager.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 12 The Line Manager follows the guideline provided by the HR manager and implements all


rules& regulation.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 13

There is no communication gap between HR manager and line Manager.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 14

The Line Manager and HR manager solve any conflict situation and follow the organizational rules.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 15

The HR manager supportive role is highly appreciated by the line managers.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Statement 16

Line Managers have more influence in HR activities due to changing business environment.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree




Table Gender Representation

Table Participants age Frequency

Table Frequency of respondent’s number of years

worked for BT


No of respondent

Age Frequency


21- 10 50

Years Worked Frequency

0-5 10



Male 12

Female 08

Total 20



7 35


2 10


1 5


20 100

6-10 4

11-15 3

16-20 2

20+ 1

Total 20

Table Participants educational Frequency

Table Statment-1 Table Statment-2

Education Level Frequency

GCSE and O level 1

Undergraduate 12

Post Graduate 4

Other’s (IT short courses)


Total 20

Statement 1 FrequencyStrongly Agree 2

Agree 12

Neutral 4

Disagree 1

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Statement 2 FrequencyStrongly Agree 4

Agree 12

Neutral 2

Disagree 1

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Table Statment-3 Table Statment-4

Table Statment-5

Statement 3 FrequencyStrongly Agree 1

Agree 8

Neutral 5

Disagree 3

Statement 4 Frequency

Strongly Agree 7

Agree 8

Neutral 3

Statement 1 Frequency

Strongly Agree 1

Agree 8

Neutral 6


Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Disagree 2

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Disagree 4

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Table Statment-6 Table Statment-7 Table Statment-8

Statement -6 Frequency

Strongly Agree 1

Agree 8

Neutral 7

Disagree 2

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Statement 7 Frequency

Strongly Agree 2

Agree 11

Neutral 3

Disagree 3

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Statement -8 FrequencyStrongly Agree 1

Agree 8

Neutral 6

Disagree 4

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Table Statment-9 Table Statment-10 Table Statment-11

Statement-9 FrequencyStrongly Agree 1

Agree 7

Neutral 6

Statement-10 Frequency

Strongly Agree 1

Agree 1

Statement-11 Frequency

Strongly Agree 1

Agree 5


Disagree 5

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Neutral 2

Disagree 8

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Neutral 1

Disagree 9

Strongly Disagree 4

Total 20

Table Statment-12 Table Statment-13 Table Statment-14

Statement-12 Frequency

Strongly Agree 3

Agree 8

Neutral 2

Disagree 5

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Statement 13 FrequencyStrongly Agree 0

Agree 2

Neutral 4

Disagree 8

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Statement-14 Frequency

Strongly Agree 2

Agree 10

Neutral 3

Disagree 4

Strongly Disagree 1

Total 20

Table Statment-15 Table Statment-16

Statement-15 Frequency

Strongly Agree 4

Agree 9

Neutral 3

Disagree 3

Strongly Disagree


Total 20

Statement-16 Frequency

Strongly Agree 3

Agree 12

Neutral 2

Disagree 3

Strongly Disagree


Total 20