Non Fiction Project

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Non Fiction Project

How Are Kids InfluencedTo Join a Sport?

By: Caleb Drews

Four Main Categories

I did some research online and asked kids in my school “How they got involved in sports?” and found that participation in a sport can be traced back to 4 major categories. They are:-Friends-Family-Self-Desire-Community


Friends can influence a child to join a sport. A child's friends are in a sport and encourage him/her to join. Kids are more likely to join because they know someone that would be in that sport. Friends also seem to make joining less scary.


Families can be a big influence too. Parents can have expectations of their child to participate in a sport or even force their child into a sport. Siblings can also play a role. If an older sibling is in a sport it might make the younger one feel obligated to join that sport as well.

Self Desire

Self-Desire is another role in why children chose to join a sport. They have seen the sport played before and decide to join the sport competitively. When I asked kids from my school, some responses were that it “looked fun” or that they loved the sport from the first time they were introduced to it.


The final major role that might make a kid want to join a sport is his/hers community. Many kids are involved in their community. Most kids are introduced to sports through community involvement. This can include school, television, and just word by mouth.

Interview With Todd Bouman

Life Lessons

Mr. Bouman brings up an important term of life lessons. Not only do sports keep you in physical shape but they also teach important life lessons. It is very important for children to learn important life lessons.  This can benefit them now and also in the future. Parents realize this and use this to want to influence their kids to join a sport.

Good or Bad Role Models?

Many professional athletes promote or encourage kids to join sports, but are all these professionals good for children? Many people like Mr. Bouman are great role models, but there are many that are not. Some professionals may seem like a good role model but off camera they party, are irresponsible, and might even do drugs. NBA Commish Apologizes to Magic Johnson After New Sterling Slam

Magic Johnson and OthersAlthough The Magic Johnson

Foundation has promoted healthy living,education, and social justice, Magic Johnson isn’t a totally good role model. This is because of what he does away from the camera.

Magic Johnson has been caught several times having affairs with other women around the world. Is this what we want to teach children?


Sports not only teach physical fitness but also important life lessons, and core values. I have done research and have formed 4 major categories of why kids are influenced to join a sport.

SourcesResearch Online:

