No. 52 December 2013 - The Christ's · No....

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Transcript of No. 52 December 2013 - The Christ's · No....

No. 52 December 2013

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Contents Page The Christmas Season - A Pagan Holiday Exposed - Kenneth W. Lent 3

Answers to Objections About Israel Being Exclusive (3) - Arnold Kennedy 7Yahweh’s Solar Calendar (3) - Pastor Eli James 12

1777: Queen Maria Theresa Vs Jewish Banksters 15 Harold Stough Notes: The Stuarts of Traquair And Traquair House 16 We The Skythians - David Alan Ritchie 19 Letters To The Editor 25 Winston Spencer Churchill: A Tribute - Harry Elmer Barns 31

Hypocrisy - Monica Stone 34Preachers of America - Thelen Paulk 38

Dear Reader,

The Tabernacle Lamp-Stand

Following the NewEnsign conferencein September thisyear where TheTabernacle lamp-stand (Exodus 25verse 31--40.) wasone of the items ofdiscussion, becausemembers were notconvinced that theso-called JewishMenorah is a truereplica of theTabernacle’s Lamp-

stand. A study of the Scriptures confirmed thisis indeed the case. Matthew Stefflaar of Bavariausing his engineering skills has reconstructed theLamp-stand as depicted in the picture above.

While there is not enough information in theBible to be able to construct it exactly,nevertheless, there is sufficient to make areasonable replica. The main difference is thatthe lamp holders of the Jewish Menorah’s are allin a row, with branches of unequal lengthcontrary to the Word. The true lamp-stand withits 6 lamps on 6 branches of equal length in 3pairs “Y” shaped, connected to the stem side bya knob with the 7th being in the centre, whichwould make it circular - representing Christ atthe centre radiating out to his people.

The design is based on the Almond Tree, themain support representing the trunk while thebranches with twigs are the lamp holders, withflower petals as ornamentation (there is nodescription for the ornamentation, but almondpetals have been used which is considered to bethe most likely form of the original - see above)and almond shape as reflectors.

It should be noted that the Tabernacle artefactsincluding the lamp-stand were removed in thetime of Jeremiah and Daniel and buried onMount Nebo – the Jewish Menorah being ofBabylonian in origin!

We are grateful to Matthew Stefflaar for givingup his valuable time to create such an excellentreproduction of the Lamp-stand as depicted inthe 2 picture above.

The Editor

The New


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IN our Christian Holy Scriptures, God gaveus eight holy days of celebration which weare to honour throughout the year.

Christmas is NOT listed as one of God's HolyDays anywhere in His Word. In fact, here is whatGod Almighty says about religious days madeup by the traditions of men, no matter how wellmeaning that attempt may be:

"Your new moons and your appointed feastsmy soul hateth:

they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bearthem."

(Isaiah 1:14)

"I hate, I despise your feast days --- take thouaway from me

the noise of thy songs" (Amos 5: 21 - 26)

Now let's proceed with an in-depth study thatwill open our eyes as to how this warning ofYahweh God applies to "Christmas", a manmade appointed religious feast that is not in theHoly Scriptures, yet held as "holy" by themajority of Christian church goers.

Positional points examined throughout theMAIN STUDY

1. Christmas does not have a Christian origin

2. God Almighty gave us 8 Holy Days ofcelebration in the Scriptures and Christmasis not one of them.

3. December 25th was not the time ofChrist's birth anyhow.

4. The symbols of Christmas are paganreligious items

5. God Almighty says in His Written Wordthat He hates man made religious holidays,and commands us to not celebrate them.

6. Nowhere in the Bible is the "evergreen tree"a sign of Christian life, but it is an ancientheathen idol used in child murder rituals.The olive tree is the national tree of God'scovenant people as revealed in Scripture.

7. The United States Congressional Recordtestifies to the truth that Christmas is aholiday of pagan origin!

8. One's misplaced "good intentions" are not anexcuse to sin and disobey God.

The Non-Christian Origins of Christmas

The Encyclopaedia Britannica 1949, article"Christmas", says—

"CHRISTMAS (the 'Mass of Christ') ---Clement of Alexandria (about 200 AD) mentionsseveral speculations on the date of Christ's birth,and condemns them as superstitious --- The exactday and year of Christ's birth have never beensatisfactorily settled. When the Fathers of theChurch in AD 340 decided upon a date tocelebrate the event, they wisely chose the day ofthe Winter Solstice, which was firmly fixed inthe minds of the people, and which was theirMOST IMPORTANT FESTIVAL." (Meaningthat the population had already been celebratinga winter festival that was not Christian, ed.)

The Encyclopaedia Americana 1946, article"Christmas" says the same—

"CHRISTMAS, the 'Mass of Christ'--- In the5th century the Western Church ordered it to becelebrated forever on the day of the old Romanfeast of the Birth of Sol (the Sun)---. Among theGerman and Celtic tribes, the Winter Solsticewas considered an important point of the year,and they held their chief festival of Yule tocommemorate the return of the burning-wheel(the sun)."

The Christmas Season - A Pagan Holiday ExposedKenneth W. Lent

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The Catholic Encyclopaedia, 1913 Volume III,1908 by Robert Appleton Company, article onChristmas, clearly defines the origin of thewinter holiday date:

"The well-known solar feast, however, of NatalisInvicti, celebrated on 25 December, has a strongclaim on the responsibility for our (Catholic)December date. For the history of the solar cult,its position in the Roman Empire, and syncretismwith Mithraism, see Cumont's epoch-making"Textes et Monuments" etc., I, ii, 4, 6, p. 355.Mommsen (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum,12, p. 338) has collected the evidence for thefeast, which reached its climax of popularityunder Aurelian in 274."

[The Roman "Mass" is a ceremonial offeringwhere Christ is supposedly re-sacrificed weeklyat church at the bequest of men priests, while theBible teaches, "So Christ was once offered tobear the sins of many; and unto them that lookfor Him shall He appear the second time withoutsin unto salvation." (Hebrews 9:28) "Christ-Mass" is not Scriptural]

The date December 25th has no Scriptural originat all but the date was chosen to satisfy thepopulation which was already holding a paganwinter celebration of the winter solstice whenthe days began to get longer again. It was asuperstitious belief in a return of the "sun god"to Earth, and the feast was called Natalis Invicti.The winter Christmas holiday season wasinvented to pacify pagans in the Roman Empireand it is a combination of heathen customs,symbols, and rites, along with some ChristianBible verses mixed in for good measure.Christmas is actually an adulterated superstitiousholiday in a "Christian wrapper"!

So we see that it was not until 340 years after thebirth of Christ that the holiday "Christmas" wasestablished by the Roman Catholic Church.

U.S. Congressional Record

This article is not the first to expose the fraud ofChristmas claiming a Christian background. Thisfact has been noted and well documented bymany historical and theological researchersdown through the centuries. The worship of theSun as a god itself, along with pagan celebrationsof late December near the time of the wintersolstice, predates even the era of ancient

Babylon. The Sun god of Babylon was called"Shamash". In Egypt it was "Ra". In Persia it was"Mithra". In Greece it was "Helios". Many of theobjects and symbols in honour of these falsegods were incorporated into Christmas andEaster when Roman Emperor Constantine (285AD - 337 AD ) "Christianised" the paganholidays. Let's quote from the records of our ownFederal Government Archives, an excerpt fromthe Congressional Record (with the reference #):"As Christmas comes down to us today it is arich heritage of customs, traditions, folklore, andlegend, drawn from many lands and people ---

The idea of celebrating on or about December25 was born among ancient people long beforethe birth of Christ. In Rome, it was the 'diesnatalis invicti solis'-the birthday of theunconquered Sun. In the same manner, othercustoms originally pagan in origin have beenassimilated into our Christmas heritage -- thedecorative tree, the glowing candles, the story ofSanta, stockings by the fireplace, greeting cards,yule logs -- all are now associated with thebirthday of Christ." (Congressional RecordE13461 December 14, 1971)

For well over a hundred years our nation's capitoldid not lead the way for a national Christmasrecognition. As the moral decline of Americagrew so did the "federal sanction" of the paganChristmas celebration.

From "A Brief Story of the National ChristmasTree" written by C.L. Arbelbide for The NationalPark Service, U.S. Dept. of The Interior ----

"In November 1923, First Lady Grace Coolidgegave permission for the District of ColumbiaPublic Schools to erect a Christmas tree on theEllipse south of the White House. The organizersnamed the tree the "National Christmas Tree."

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That Christmas Eve, at 5 p.m., President CalvinCoolidge walked from the White House to theEllipse and "pushed the button" to light the cut48-foot Balsam fir, as 3,000 enthusiasticspectators looked on."

Therefore, it is the United States Code, 5 USC6103 (and not our Bible) that establishes“Christmas Day” -- December 25-- as a Federallegal public holiday. Washington D.C., theover-bearing home of present out of controlfederalism, has made a Federal holiday from acelebration which it's own records show to bepagan in origin. Such was not the case withoriginal Americanism found in the freedomloving colonies.

The colonists were liberty loving Christians whoobeyed many of God's laws for a nation.America was blessed for nearly a century and ahalf because of what those early founders did tosecure God's blessings upon this land. For themost part Christmas was banned in the earlycolonies because it was only kept by disorderlydrunken street roaming party goers.Massachusetts itself never proclaimed Christmasa holiday until 1856. Read the colonial law below:"For preventing disorders, arising in severalplaces within this jurisdiction by reason of somestill observing such festivals as weresuperstitiously kept in other communities, to thegreat dishonour of God and offence of others: itis therefore ordered by this court and theauthority thereof that whosoever shall be foundobserving any such day as Christmas or the like,either by forbearing of labour, feasting, or anyother way, upon any such account as aforesaid,every such person so offending shall pay forevery such offence five shilling as a fine to thecounty."

Above: From the records of the GeneralCourt, Massachusetts Bay Colony May 11,


Yes, our nation's official historical record provesthat not only is Christmas not Christian, it isn'teven an early American tradition, but acelebration rooted in the government of paganancient Rome.

Scripture records the time of Christ's Birth in theFall Season.

God’s Written Word never specifically tells usthe precise date of Christ's birth. If our HeavenlyFather wanted us to celebrate the birth of JesusChrist, there would be a direct Scripturalcommand to do so --- but there isn't. The reasonfor this is clear. The Almighty has given us eightnational Feast Day Celebrations throughout theyear which tell the complete story of His plan ofredemption for Adam's family in the Earth. Weare to joyously observe these memorial days asa living testimony to what He has done for us-rescued us from eternal death by paying for oursins in the person of Jesus Christ.

These Holy Days (holidays) as given in the Bibleare: 1) Passover 2) Feast of Unleavened 'Bread'3) Pentecost 4) Feast of Trumpets 5) Day ofAtonement 6) Tabernacles 7) Last Great Day. 8)The true Thanksgiving Feast. The slaying oflambs, rams, goats, on these days was an addedtemporary law of altar sacrifice for a period untilMessiah would come. (Gal.3:19) The shedanimal blood was a vivid reminder of what ourSavior was (then) coming to do on the cross.Since Christ has come the altar sacrifices arestopped, however the eight Holy Feast Days areperpetual memorial days still to be honouredtoday. Accumulatively, they tell of the great planof Yahweh's salvation for His family of children.By celebrating these Feast Days we actually"live" the Bible story throughout the year. Theyare beautiful family gatherings of divine loveand inspiration. We are likewise commanded TONOT partake in counterfeit religious holidaysthat deviate from the special eight Holy Days ourFather has given to us. Good intentions do notexcuse anyone from practicing heathen worshipeven if they use the name of Jesus Christ to doit. Yahweh God knows it always leads toidolatry. Our Father says:

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"Your new moons and your appointed feasts mysoul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I amweary to bear them. And when ye spread forthyour hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea,when ye make many prayers, I will not hear:"(Isaiah 1:14,15)

Although we are not told the exact date ofChrist's birth (purposely so that we would notmake a holiday out of it) the Holy Scriptures dotell us the season in which He was born, and itis not winter. Scriptures show that our Saviorwas born in the Fall of the year around theharvest time, probably on the Feast of Trumpetsor near the Feast of Tabernacles. (Sept. to midOctober -- but no later!)

During the time of Christ's birth we know thatRome called for a great tax upon the people.(Luke 2:3); and that Bethlehem was overflowingwith travellers (Luke 2:3) -- so many in fact thatthere was no room for Joseph and Mary at theinn. (Luke 2:3-7) The Roman time of taxationwas at harvest time since the people then hadmoney in hand from their produce goods. Herod,the Idumean ruler of Judea, likewise taxed theharvest produce of the fields as this was simplygood business timing for the state to collectrevenues. (see Josephus Antiquities XV 9,1)

Specific excerpts:

Antiquities of the Jews - Book XVIIIBy Josephus, famous Judean Historian.

CHAPTER 1. (Selections):

1. Now CYRENIUS (Quirinius), a Romansenator, and one who had gone through othermagistracies, and had passed through them tillhe had been consul, and one who, on otheraccounts, was of great dignity, came at this timeinto Syria, with a few others, being sent byCaesar to be a judge of that nation, and to takean account of their substance. Coponius also, aman of the equestrian order, was sent togetherwith him, to have the supreme power over theJews. Moreover, CYRENIUS came himself intoJUDEA, which was now added to the provinceof SYRIA, to take an account of their (Judeans)substance, and to dispose of Archelaus's Money;but the Jews (Judeans) although at the beginningthey took the report of a TAXATION heinously,yet did they leave off any further opposition toit, by the persuasion of Joazar, who was the sonof Beethus, and high priest; so they, beingover-persuaded by Joazar's words, gave anaccount of their estates, without any disputeabout it.

To be Continued

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Isaiah 45:22Look unto meand be ye saved,all the ends ofthe earth.

THE word translated as the earthis the Hebrew word erets whichis mostly translated as “country”

or “earth” in the sense of a localised areaor that earth belonging to a people [forexample, the land, or earth, of Israel]. Incontext, this whole chapter is about Israeland no other. It certainly is not used inthe generalised sense as the universalistswho try to prove the expression the endsof the earth means every race or place onEarth. A quick look at the word “ends” inHebrew and Greek will dispel this idea asit has to do with time, not place.

4. THE EXODUSWhen Israel made the Exodus fromEgypt, it is evident that some Egyptians,or some of mixed blood, came out withthe Israelites. The claim has been madethat these saw the miracles that God haddone in the Land of Egypt, and so theyjoined themselves to Israel. These arethen wrongly said to be a type of non-Israelite Gentiles joining the church.This mixed multitude was continually aproblem within Israel. It should be re-membered that these were not permittedto assemble with Israel, before God, be-cause they were not Israelites. There aretwo expressions translated, “The congre-gation of the Lord”, namely the edah of

Israel and the cahal of Israel, and thisdifference is important because they sep-arate the mixed multitude travellingthrough the wilderness from the Israelitesthemselves.


Isaiah 55:1 Ho, everyone that thirsteth,come ye to the watersThe context shows this is addressed toIsrael alone. The sure mercies of David[v3] indicate the people of whom He iscommander. Concordances do not con-vey the meaning of this word “everyone”(kole), but there is a parallel where theGreek equivalent is considered in thenext objection.

6. CORNELIUSThis man is used by many as an exampleof a so-called “Gentile” non-Israelite be-ing saved. The place of birth, or citizen-ship (“Roman”) tells us nothing aboutrace. But this man’s race can be deter-mined by Scripture, even if he is notdescribed as a “Jew” [or “Judean”]. Inthe AV of Acts 10:28, Cornelius is de-scribed as being of another nation but,the Greek text uses the word allophuloswhich is a compound of allos [another ofthe same kind], and phulos [a kindredtribe (phule)]. Note that phule = tribedoes not equate with ethnos = race.Cornelius was a devout man, we are told,and he feared [the] God, therefore he wasone who could believe. According toVine, devout means careful as to thepresence and claims of God. So Cor-nelius knew the Old Testament claims ofGod upon Israel. We do not find devoutbeing used of people other than Israel-

Answers to Objections About IsraelBeing Exclusive (3)

Arnold Kennedy

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ites. Also, he feared “God” [Acts 10:2]and he prayed to [the] God and was heardby [the] God. “God” here is ho theos, theterm used to denote the one true God. So,Cornelius was not a Roman polytheist!He was an Israelite!


Universalists use the account of Peter’ssheet vision to suggest that the uncleananimals in the sheet represent peoples ofall races, but the rest of the chapter showsotherwise. That they are called “Gen-tiles” by translators in verse 45 only con-firms that the wrong meaning is put onthis word Gentile. Historically, theHouse of Israel, which was scatteredamong the nations, was considered un-clean and common by those practisingthe Jewish (Edomite, Tradition of theElders) religion. In saying that it wasunlawful, Peter knew that what he wasdoing was contrary to the Tradition of theElders in Judea. As will be shown later,Peter was being shown that the ten Tribesof The House of Israel would be cleansedunder the New Testament. The animalsin the sheet represented the unclean anduncircumcised members of the House ofIsrael.

This vision in Acts 10 is also used topromote the idea that the prohibition

against eating certain unclean meats is nolonger valid. The symbol is taken literal-ly! When Peter declares what God hasshown him, God does not tell him that heshould eat unclean meats, but that, Godhas showed me that I should not call anyman common or unclean. The word an-other in another nation [v28] has alreadybeen covered in [6] above to show thatthis refers to people of the same kind.“Nation” here is phulos and not ethnos ordemos which are often translated as “na-tion” and “people”. The distinction isnoted by Vine under “nation” and refersto allos (another), and phulon (a tribe).Acts 10:36 The Word which God sentunto the children of Israel, preaching(proclaiming) peace by Jesus Christ.

Note the limitation as to whom “TheWord” was sent. This verse follows on tosay that a start was made in the HolyLand and continued to the uncircumcisedGrecians of the House of Israel [Acts11:20]. This fulfilled the Word as beingsent to all Israel, both circumcised anduncircumcised. In verse 35 we have eve-ry nation that, as the next verse explains,are the nations of Israel [the former tribesof Israel which were dispersed among allthe other nations]. This confirms whatthe Old Testament says about the Lawand God’s word being given only to Isra-el. Israel was scattered among “everynation” [v35], and the Word [logos] wassent to Israel specifically, according tothis verse. The Word of God was sent toCornelius, as an Israelite. The “in everynation”of verse 35 is commonly andincorrectly given the general meaning ofevery as being every race, despite the factthat “every” is confined to the contextpeople only. Cornelius was one of thosewho feared and believed God. He hadthat spiritual capacity within him fromhis conception. These men had the capac-ity to believe God and so could accept the

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‘good news’ and become reinstated asGod’s people. “All men” is thus all themen of dispersed Israel and all the menof the Judean nation who were of Israel.Acts 10:43 To Him give all the prophetswitness, that through his name whoseverbelieveth in him shall receive remissionof sins.The prophets did not witness or prophesyof redemption and remission of sins forall races. Evidently it is thought that theyshould have, according to the commonpopular doctrine. The prophets were giv-ing witness about Jesus and Israel [v43].


Here we have a man who went to Jerusa-lem to worship, and was returning andreading the Scriptures in his chariot. Itimpossible for a pagan to be returningfrom an Israelite feast, let alone be read-ing the Scriptures. Although he was ofEthiopia, this says nothing about his raceor genes; it only tells us where he wasliving. If he had been a black man, hewould not have been allowed near thetemple, as he would have been an alien.The Jews would have killed such a per-son immediately. We can see this whenthe Apostle Paul tried to take one whowas suspected of not being an Israeliteinto the temple [Acts 8:21]. Would Phil-lip be sent to one who was not called byGod and to one who “could not” receivethe Word? The weight of this passagesays the Ethiopian was an Israelite, evenif his residence was in Ethiopia.


Again, there is nothing conclusive to saythe widow was not an Israelite in thispassage [Luke 4:24-28]. The principle is

no different to that given in Matthew13:57 where Jesus did few mighty worksin His hometown. There are however twopoints that should be noted:

1. The widow woman obviously knewthat Elijah was a man of God, and sheknew about sin and therefore the Lawwhich was given only to Israel [1 Kings17:18].2. Elijah was a prophet of Israel sent toIsrael and he said to the woman, “Thussaith the Lord God OF ISRAEL”.


Luke 12:8 And I say unto you, Whosoevershall confess me before men, him shallthe Son of man also confess before theangels of God.

The “you” Jesus is addressing is not themultitudes, but the disciples only. Theword “men” is one of many words trans-lated as “men”. There are differing kindsof “men” and different words for “men,”in the original languages. Men may havediffering origins and be of differing seedsand plantings. To deny this is to denyJesus’ words. To deny and to teach dif-ferently is to deny Me before men. Thesethings are not being taught today because

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they do not fit in with the “all” of the allthe world universal doctrine.


This passage inJohn 4:12 is easilysatisfied in thewords, Art thougreater than OURFATHER JACOBwho gave us thiswell. She was a de-scendant of Jacoband thus was an Is-raelite. How any-one can use herplace of residence

to say she was a non-Israelite is hard tocomprehend. Samaria contained a mix-ture of races. In Acts 8:14 we can see thatcertain of the Samaritans received theWord of God. In the first verse we findevidence of the scattering abroad to Sa-maria. Philip proclaimed the Word inSamaria as did Peter and John. Theirproclamation to Israel was concernedwith the Kingdom of God.


Luke 11:10 For everyone that askethreceiveth; and he that seeketh findeth;and to him that knocketh it shall beopened.

In the New Testament there are manylike Scriptures that use the words all andeveryone, whosoever etc. In the Greekthe situation is similar to that alreadypointed out to be the case in the Hebrew.We could take the meanings of thesewords as either:

[a] All of everything, or[b] All of that part being spokenabout.

We are not at liberty to choose whichmeaning suits us to prove a doctrinalposition, but this is what most do. Usual-ly it is done in ignorance or withoutthought because of the traditional teach-ings. We cannot misapply these words tosuit ourselves. We can read the Scrip-tures from the viewpoint of generalisa-tion or from differentiation, but bothcannot be right at the same time. It isalways necessary to take note to whomany passage is addressed. This definesthe context of the passage. In this passageJesus isolates those He is addressing. Hesays twice, I say unto you and uses thepronoun ye. He was talking to his disci-ples as Israelites. We find that many ofthe stumbling blocks are based upon mis-understanding of “all”, “all men” “who-soever”, “every”, “everyone” and suchwords. Lexicons give much space in cov-ering these words. In his coverage of“all” [Greek: pas] which is often translat-ed in these various ways. Vine’s Exposi-tory Dictionary says:

“Before proper names of countries, citiesand nations, and before collective termslike Israel, it signifies either all or thewhole, for example, Matt 2:3, Acts 2:36.Used with the article, it means the wholeof one object. In the plural it signifies thetotality of the persons or things referredto”.

This totality only refers to that part whichis the subject of the context. Thus all men[of Israel] cannot mean all of every racein the world. Thayer confirms this [underref 3956]:

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The words "world" and "all" are used insome seven or eight senses in Scripture,and it is very rarely the "all" means allpersons, taken individually.

Thayer quoted the lastsentence from one ofSpurgeons’s lectures,and this book showsthat view to be incor-rect. However, the im-portant point to note isthat the “all” is recog-nised as not being auniversal “all”. Itsprecise restriction is

the purpose of this book. From a notefrom Josephus [Wars 2:19.1] we read:

Here we have an eminent example of thatJewish language, which Dr. Wall trulyobserves, we several times find used inthe sacred writings; I mean where thewords “all” or “whole multitude”, etc.,are used for much the greatest part only,but not so as to include every person,without exception; In considering allsimilar objections listed, this must betaken into account.


Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass thatwhosoever shall call upon the name ofthe Lord shall be saved.

Here we have another whosoever and sowe must determine to whom the “whoso-ever” relates. This whole chapter is ex-clusive to the people to whom theprophet Joel made his prophecy. Thiswas made to Israel so how can any say itwas made to others? If every prophecy ismade to everyone then we have a grey

mass and everything is likewise an ob-scure grey. Nothing is ever clear! Whatwould be the point of prophets givingdifferent messages to different people ifall people were the same?The “whosoever” relates only to those towhom it is spoken. Peter makes this veryclear in verse 36 “Let ALL THE HOUSEOF ISRAEL know that God”. Who washe addressing? The whosoever and “all”is exclusive to that group. The “whosoev-er” and the “all flesh ”cannot allude toanyone other than genetic Israelites. AtPentecost some scattered Israelites cameto Jerusalem from different countries.This does not say that they were fromdifferent races. Would they have come tothe feast if they had been pagans or ifthey were following other cultural be-liefs? Such would not even be permittedto enter the temple [Acts 21:28].

Yet this is said by churches to try toprove the generalisation that people of allraces came to the feast. The bulk of theHouse of Israel had become scatteredamong other nations and the majority ofthese were to be reached later. The gos-pel was to be proclaimed which beganfrom Galilee [Acts 10:37] and was pub-lished through all Judea. Jesus sent Hisdisciples away to the lost sheep of theHouse of Israel and it is not unreasonableto suggest that some among those soughtout attended the Feast of Pentecost. Weread about Jews [Judeans] “dwelling”(katoikeo) in Jerusalem [Acts 2:5] and ofothers “dwelling” in other countries[Acts 2:9] attending Pentecost. To inferthat nationality and race are always thesame thing is far from honest! And, ofcourse, the notion about the “Church”being a “Gentile” Church of non-Israel-ites following Pentecost is nonsense sim-ply because there were Jews there.

To be Continued

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(Incorporating En-och’s 91st Day of

Seasonal Intercala-tion)

(Spring Equinox, Beginning of the Sacred HalfYear)

THESE named days are just for reference,since we are so used to named days. Thischart is, therefore, for a year which

begins on a Saturday.

Saturday Sunday Monday TuesdayWednesday Thursday Friday

(First Month) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Abib 1 Abib 2Abib 3 Abib4 Abib5 Abib6 Abib7Day 8 Abib 8 Abib14

Day 15 (Passover) Abib15 (Abib 15 beginsthe 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread which endson Abib 21.) Abib16 Abib17 Abib18Abib19 Abib20 Abib21 (Wave Sheaf,countdown to Pentecost) (Special Sabbath)

Day 22 Abib22 Abib23 (7 days after WaveSheaf)

Day 29 Abib29 Abib30 Ziv1 Ziv2 Ziv3 Ziv4Ziv5 (14 days after W.S.) (Ziv 1 is the first dayof the second month.)

Day 36 Ziv6 Ziv 7 Ziv 12 (21 days afterW.S.) Day 43

Ziv13 Ziv14 Ziv 19 (28 days after W.S.)Day 50 Ziv 20 Ziv21 Ziv26 (35 days after W.S.)Day 57 Ziv27 Ziv28 Ziv29 Ziv 30 Sivan1Sivan2 Sivan3 (42 days after W.S.) (Firstday of third month)

Day 64 Sivan 4 Sivan5 Sivan6 Sivan 10(49 days end on Sivan 5, making Sivan 5 day#50, Pentecost, counted from the Sabbath day

before the Wave Sheaf. {Lev. 23:15.} Sivan 4and 5 are a 48-hour Sabbath, so the first workdayis day 2 of the next week, Sivan 6. The regularSabbaths are still 7 days apart, but, due to theSpecial Sabbath of Pentecost, this week has only5 legal workdays.)

Day 71 Sivan11Day 78 Sivan18 Day 85 Sivan25Sivan26 Sivan27 Sivan28 Sivan29Sivan30 (Day 91) (91st Day Spring, ending theSpring Season) (13 weeks of seven days =91days.) (Sabbath, Summer Solstice) (Fourthmonth)

Day 92 Tammuz1 Tam 2 Tam 3 Tam 4Tam 5 Tam 6 Tam 7 Day 99

Tammuz 8 Day 106 Tammuz 15 Day 113Tammuz22 Day 120 Tammuz 29 Tam 30 Ab1Ab2 Ab3 Ab4 Ab5 (Fifth month, Summersolstice)

Day 127 Ab6 Day 134 Ab13 Day 141 Ab20 Day148 Ab27 Ab28 Ab29 Ab30 Elul1 Elul2Elul3 (Sixth month)

Day 155 Elul4 Day 162 Elul11 Day 169 Elul18Day 176 Elul25 Elul26 Elul27 Elul28 Elul29Elul30 Day 91 (Last day of the Summer Season,Intercalary Day)

(2 intercalary days are added {91st day of Springand the 91st day of Summer} to the first half-year so that Ethanim, the 7th month, can beginon a Sabbath. This also fulfils the principle ofthe doubling of the year into two equal halves.[See explanatory note at the end of this section.]The seven-day Sabbath count remainscontinuous, and the first half-year thus equalsexactly 182 days (26 * 7 = 182).

Autumnal Equinox, Sabbath, Beginning of“Civil Year”

Day 184 Ethanim1 (First day of Seventh Month,First Day of the Second Half-Year) (Feast ofTrumpets, Fall Equinox, approximately, beginsthe Civil Year)

Yahweh’s Solar Calendar (3)By Pastor Eli James

( Page 13 )

Day 191 Ethanim8 Ethanim9 Ethanim10(Ethanim 9 & 10 are special Sabbaths. Ethanim10 is the Day of Atonement.)

Day 198 Ethanim15 (Ethanim 15 is the first dayof the 7-day Feast of Tabernacles)

Day 205 Ethanim22 (Ethanim 22 is the Sabbaththat ends the Feast of Tabernacles. It is referredto as the Last Great Day.)

Day 212 Ethanim29 Ethanim 30 Bul1 Bul2Bul3 Bul4 Bul5 (Eighth month)

Day 219 Bul6 Day 226 Bul 13 Day 233 Bul20Day 240 Bul27 Bul28 Bul29 Bul30 Chislev1Chislev2 Chislev3 (Ninth month)

Day 247 Chislev4 Day 254 Chislev11 Day 261Chislev18 Day 268 Chislev25 Chislev26Chislev27 Chislev28 Chislev29 Chislev30 Day91 (End of Autumn Season, Intercalary Day)

Winter Solstice, Sabbath (Tenth Month) Day275 Tebeth1 Day 282 Tebeth8 Day 290Tebeth15 Day 297Tebeth22 Day 304Tebeth29Tebeth30 Shebat1 Shebat2 Shebat3 Shebat4Shebat5 (Eleventh month) Day 311 Shebat6 Day318 Shebat13Day 325 Shebat 20

Day 332 Shebat27 Shebat28 Shebat29Shebat30 Adar1 Adar2 Adar3 (Twelfthmonth)

Day 339 Adar4 Day 346 Adar11 Day 353Adar18 Day 360 Day 364 Adar25 Adar26Adar27 Adar28 Adar29 Adar 30 Day91 (Intercalary Day)

(2 more intercalary days are added during thesecond half-year to get to 364 days.)The next day is the next Spring Equinox!Beautiful System, isn’t it? The seeminglyimpossible has happened. By using abibix as theMarker Day, fifty-two weeks are made to fitperfectly into a 365-day year!!!

In case of a leap year, a 5th intercalary day isadded to get 366 days. When that occurs, we alltake an extra day off!!! I’m all for that!!! --Eli.)

After the Spring Equinox, the next day is Abib1, the first full day of the new year, a Sabbathstarting a new calendar. After a leap year of 366

days, the next day is still Abib 1, the first fullday after the Spring Equinox, after which, the7-day Sabbath count resumes.

{Explanatory Note: With regard to theprinciple of “doubling” at the end of month # 6,Pastor Lent explains, ‘…the Hebrew word forYEAR comes from the word Shaw-naw(Strong’s #8138) and it means “the doubling.”Keeping this in mind, we see that the first dayof the second half of the year [“doubling” -- Eli](Feast of Trumpets) is mandated to be a regularSabbath forbidding servile work. (Num 29:1;also Lev. 23:24-25.)” So, adding the twointercalary days (the 91st days after eachSeason) gives us a half-year of exactly 26 weeks,or 182 days. Six months of 30 days equals 180days, so these two intercalary days areinterjected to mark the Seasons, to keep thecontinuous 7-day count going, and so that thesecond half-year can begin on a regular Sabbath,on Ethanim 1. This realigns the months andweeks for the start of the second half-year, whichis an exact duplicate of the first half-year.}

(Much of this research for Yahweh’s SolarCalendar is taken from the work of PastorKenneth W. Lent, who has issued a combinationtaped and written study course entitled YahwehDemands His Solar Sabbaths. It is availablethrough Christian Bible Ministries, PO Box 96,Pearisburg, VA 24134. All those interested in

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the Bible Calendar should avail themselves ofthis study course, although it differs slightlyfrom what I have presented here.)


The Months

Abib, also called Nisan, is the name of the firstmonth. Observe the month of Abib, and keepthe passover to Yahweh God. – Deut. 16:1. (Asexplained above, I have chosen to keep thenames of the months for convenience, tominimize the quantity of numbers we have todeal with. Scott Vaught has argued that thisverse is best translated as, “Observe the monthof the Spring Equinox, and keep the Passover toYahweh God.”)

Ziv, also called Iyar, is the second month. Andit came to pass in the four hundred and eightiethyear after the children of Israel were come outof the land of Egypt…in the month of Ziv, whichis the second month. – I Kings 6:1.

Sivan is the third month. The king’s secretarieswere summoned at that time, in the third month,which is the month of Sivan. – Esther 8:9.

Tammuz is the fourth month. Although there isno verse in the Bible, which names the fourthmonth, the Jewish calendar retains the nameTammuz. The Syrians also used this name forthe same month. The Jews, contrary to theteaching of the Bible, begin their year at theAutumnal Equinox, instead of at the VernalEquinox. Their name for this month is Tishri.In their calendar, Tammuz is the tenth month.This name corresponds to the Biblical fourthmonth, dating from the Spring Equinox, so weshall call it Tammuz.

Ab is the fifth month after the Spring Equinox.We have the same situation as we did forTammuz. The Bible does not name Ab as thefifth month, so we have chosen thecorresponding Jewish/Syriac name for theireleventh month. (It is quite possible that theHebrew tradition records different names. If so,it is also possible that the Hebrew names forthese months might be found in the Apocryphaor in other Hebrew/Israelite literature. This is asubject worthy of additional research.)Elul is the sixth month. So the wall was finishedon the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul. --

Neh. 6:15. The Bible does not list the numberof this month, so again we will utilize theJewish/Syriac tradition, which we transposed tothe solar method in the cases of Tammuz, Aband Elul.

Ethanim (Jewish Tishri) is the seventh month.And all the men of Israel assembled to KingSolomon at the feast in the month of Ethanim,which is the seventh month... -- I Kings 8:2.Bul is the eighth month. And in the eleventhyear, in the month of Bul, which is the eighthmonth, the house was finished in all its parts,and according to all its specifications. – I Kings6:37.

Chislev is the ninth month. In the fourth year ofKing Darius, the word of Yahweh came toZechariah in the fourth day of the ninth month,which is Chislev. -- Zech. 7:1.

Tebeth is the tenth month. And when Esther wastaken to King Ahaseurus into his royal palace inthe tenth month, which is Tebeth, in the seventhyear of his reign, the king loved Esther morethan all the women, and she found grace andfavor in his sight more than all the virgins, sothat he set the royal crown upon her head andmade her queen instead of Vashti. -- Esther2:16. (This tendency of foreign kings to adoreand marry Israelite women is still alive today,although it is a certainty that Artaxerxes(Ahaseurus) was an Aryan/Adamite/Shemite,although not a Hebrew, as the Hebrews camethree generations after Shem. The Hebrews andPersians were cousins before they becameenemies. The Kingdom of Persia was foundedby the Shemites of Elam {Gen. 10:22}.Although Esther’s marriage to Artaxerxes waspermitted by Race, since they were bothAdamites, he was still a heathen who did notfollow the laws of Yahweh, so Esther regardedher marriage to him as a violation of her tribalmarriage law. {Es. 4:16}. The horribletranslation of the KJV calls Esther a Jewess.She was not a Jewess. She was a Benjamite.{Es. 2:5-7.} Every instance of the word ‘Jew’in the KJV is a false translation of the word‘Judah,’ from the Hebrew. Just because theJews have appropriated our history forthemselves does not make Esther a Jewess.Also, Judaism ALLOWS interracial marriage.Had Esther been a Jewess, she would have hadno concern about marrying a foreigner. Herrabbi would have approved!!! If the Bible says

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one thing and the Jews say another, it is obviouswhich source is the Truth! Grace Kelly is justone modern example of Adamite/Israelitewomen who have carried on this “tradition” ofbeing selected by foreign kings. King Husseinof Jordan also married an American Israelite.)Shebat is the eleventh month. On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month which is themonth of Shebat, in the second year of Darius,the word of Yahweh came to Zechariah, son ofIddo the prophet. -- Zech. 1:7.

Adar is the twelfth and final month. In the firstmonth, which is the month of Nisan, in thetwelfth year of King Ahaseurus, they cast Pur,that is the lot, before Haman day after day; andthey cast it month after month till the twelfthmonth, which is the month of Adar. – Esther 3:7.Unlike the lunar-solar Jewish Babyloniancalendar, no intercalary months are required inGod’s solar calendar. Only intercalary days arerequired to fill the Seasonal gaps.

To be continued


Queen Maria Theresa

HENCEFORTH no Jew, no matterunder what name, will be allowed toremain here without my written

permission. I know of no other troublesomeplague within the state than this race, whichimpoverished the people by their fraud, usuryand money-lending and commits all deeds whichan honourable man despises. Subsequently theyhave to be removed and excluded from here asmuch as possible. Queen Maria Theresa —40 year reign / Sovereign of Austria, Hungary,Croatia, Bohemia, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeriaand Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands and Parma

Nothing has changed in 230 years!

The Federal Reserve

Chairman of the FederalReserve: Ben Bernanke(Jewish)

The past THREEchairmen of the FederalReserve: Alan Greenspan(Jewish) - Paul Volcker

(born to Jewish mother (Klippel) /raisedLutheran) - Arthur Burns (Jewish)

Alan Greenslime(1987-2006) Hecreated thec a t a s t r o p h i chousing bubble.

Vice Chairman ofthe Federal Reserve: Janet Yellen (Jewish). Herpredecessor was Donald Kohn (Jewish)

*Together with the US Fed Chief and the NYFed, the Vice Chairman of the Fed holdspermanent voting power regarding Fed policies.The symbolic regional Fed Chairs (Denver,Dallas, Kansas City etc.) only hold rotatingminority voting power. Those powerlessbranches are given to figurehead Gentiles to"run".) We should have listened to QueenMaria! - The End OS21514

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TRAQUAIR HOUSE is the oldest,continually inhabited house in Scotland.The house is open to the public. The first

recorded instance of the King staying in thehouse was when Alexander I used the TraquairEstate and Lodges as his hunting playground in950; parts of the current building claim existencesince 1107.

The  Roseline  traverses through the TraquairEstate.

The current owners of the Traquair Estates arethe Maxwell-Stuart Family, who can trace theirown family-tree back to the Royal Stuartbloodlines. Before the barony of Traquairbecame the property of the Stewarts, it belongedto a family of Murrays, and ancestors ofthe Murrays of Cockpool at Ruthwell. A charter,proceeding upon forfeiture, was granted by thecrown. Dated the 3rd February, 1478, it conveysthe estate of Traquair to James Stewart, Earl ofBuchan, son of the Black Knight of Lorne, andmaternal uncle to James III.

In 1491, James Stewart became the first Lord ofTraquair. Lord Traquair, along with King JamesIV and the majority of the Scottish nobility, losthis life at the battle of Flodden, in 1513.

John Stewart, who was the fourth Lord ofTraquair was also the “Captain” of the Queen’sbodyguard; whose job remit was to protect hisblood relation, Mary Queen of Scots. Mary I ofScotland was monarch of the then Kingdom ofScotland from 1542 to 1567; her first husbandwas Francois II of France. They married inNotre-Dame Cathedral in Paris in April 1558.After the marriage Mary changed her spelling ofStewart to Stuart as there was no ‘W’ in theFrench alphabet. In 1559 Mary’s husbandsucceeded his father Henry II of France to thethrone, thus making Mary Queen of France aswell as Scotland. Henry’s reign was short, theyoung King died in 1560 from a poisonous earinfection which penetrated his brain.

The brave, Catholic Queen Mary returned toScotland the following year, now officiallyrecognised as a protestant country, afterseemingly irretrievable religious reforms led byacrimonious priest,  John Knox; who took thelead in reforming the Church in Scotland alongCalvinist lines. The Scottish Protestant churchacknowledged Mary’s Roman Catholic faith andinformed council that they had no objections atthe time. Indeed the young Queen’s re-admissionwas met with a warm friendly welcome.

At the Palace of Holyrood House on July 29th,1565, Mary married Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley,her secound cousin. The marriage sparked arange of passions, hope, violent fury, disregardand contempt. Queen Elizabeth I (also Mary’scousin) saw this union as a threat to her EnglishThrone as both Darnley and Mary weredescendants of Margaret Tudor, the sister ofHenry VIII. Their children would inherit bothparents’ claims to the throne and thus be next inline to the English throne. In 1566 the barrenQueen Elizabeth’s annullis horribilus arrivedwith news of Mary’s pregnancy. Internationalimplications of a complicated complexion.Mary’s baby, James was to become the first King

Harold Stough NotesThe Stuarts of Traquair And

Traquair House


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of England and the VI of Scotland. TraquairHouse was temporary home to the Royal Staurtfamily, late on in 1566. Visitors canaffectionately view the endearing rocking cradleof baby James in the Kings bedroom.

The seventh Lord of Traquair was appointed tobecome the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland(Chancellor). His services were recognised, andconsequently the title of 1st Earl of Traquairfollowed in 1628. The ambitious Earl added anumber of extensions to the house and wasresponsible for altering the course of the Tweed,periods of high rainfall had threatened to floodthe ground level of the house.

The second Earl married the devout RomanCatholic, Lady Ann Seton; their children werepreached to by their own priest and teacher witha room allocated for the services that had adeviously designed hidden stairway. Thefamily's ties with the ejected Stuart King JamesVII/II made their house a sanctuary for politicaland religious activists. A number of raids werecoordinated on the house. The family priest wasinducted to perform a number of secret weddingswith the family to keep their faith and traditionsalive.

The same theme was repeated through theintermittent reign of the Stuarts, in the early1700’s the fourth Earl of Traquair was heldprisoner in Edinburgh Castle as an ardentJacobite sympathiser. The family were exaltingtheir influences again in the 1715 uprising.Traquair House owners were again instrumentalin the final 1745-46 Jacobite uprising. The fifthEarl of Traquair helped Bonnie Prince Charlie’sArmy, encouraging part of the fighting force touse the welcoming hospitality and its facilities.

When the Young Pretender marched his body ofmen out of the famous main entrance known asthe Bear Gates at Traquair in 1745 the Earl madea binding vow:

The Jacobite cause was still supported by manyHighland clans both Catholic and Protestant, on21st September 1745 Charles’ army defeated theGovernment forces at the battle of Prestonpans.With Scotland secure, his 6000 strong Armyheaded towards England. They captured Carlisleand progressed as far as Derby only to returnback to Scotland, due to lack of support. Withdejected and dispirited troops, who had beenpromised English Jacobite reinforcements thatdid not materialise. The Jacobite Army’s lowmorale led to disheartened disputes.

By now Charles was being pursued by KingGeorge II’s son, the Duke of Cumberland, whocaught up with him at Culloden on 16th April,1746. Charles’ troops were sent out in the deadof night to take the Government Army bysurprise, but an extremely dark night anddifficult marshy ground led to the abandonmentof the idea. The next morning tired anddisorganised Jacobite troops marched into battle,only to be “taken out” by the superior fire powerof the Red Coat's cannons and muskets. The finalbrave restoration attempt to recapture the Stuartthrone lay mutilated within the heather bogs ofCulloden Moor.

Young Charles escaped to Skye with the help ofFlora McDonald, his retrogression into obscuritywas complete when he managed to evade captureand left the country aboard the French frigateL’Heureux, arriving back in France in September1746. He remained in exile in Italy and is buried

“The Bear gates remain locked until aStuart returns to power!

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in the crypt of Saint Peter’s Basilica in theVatican.

Cumberland’s wrath after the battle wasremorseless. He determined to wipe out theidentity and nucleus of the Jacobite supporters.Leading Clansmen and their wives weresavagely butchered leaving a haunting legacythat has its own residual living presence withinthe Glens.

Further stringent retributions and constitutionalreforms were inflicted on the Jacobites after1745-6; British authorities acted to destroy theScottish Clan system. All aspects of highlandculture, including wearing tartan, playingbagpipes and the Gaelic language itself, wereforbidden; the death penalty was enforced on anytransgressors. Highlanders were compulsorilyconscripted to serve in the British Army, whoseferocious appetite for fighting men was infinitedue to the expanding British Empire.

Traquair Estate’s previousy high status yieldedto a more impotent reverence, the Earldom ofTraquair died out in 1875, as no male successorwas immanent, reinstating the title of Lord ofTraquair. In 1899 Henry Constable MaxwellStuart ascribed to become the 17th Lord ofTraquair. At the start of the Second World Warthe 19th Lord was installed, Frank MaxwellStuart, he was the instrumental force behind thefirst public viewing in 1953; sharing some of hisfamily’s treasures and previous national secrets.Traditions are interwoven with Traquair, the 21stLady of Traquair, Catherine Maxwell Stuart, herhusband and three children manage, preserve andnurse this somewhat cherished, yet dark episodeof Scottish history at Traquair House.

Today visitors can visit, or have a reminiscentover night stay in Traquair House; following 27Scottish monarchs who have enjoyed theMaxwell Stuart family’s hospitality. A 200 yearold micro brewery is located on the North wingof the house with some award winning oakfermented beer to sample. A shop and museumare also located within the grounds and guidedtours around the treasure trove house arerecommended. Mary Queen of Scots bedroomcan be viewed and some stunning Jacobitecrystal is on display; a highly prodigious Unicorn

sculpture adorns the collection. Catching the eyeor attention is the impressive assemblage ofRoyal “Auld Alliance” memorabilia. The Fleur-De-Lys symbol stands out as if projecting amessage and is prominent in almost every room.

Outside the house children can play in one of theU.K’s most distinguished mazes; planted in 1984for Lady Catherine’s 21st anniversary. The wellmanicured hedge stands an imposing 10 feet tall,adults have been known to get lost as well!

In August is the Traquair Fair weekend, wherea variety of “New Age” entertainers converge toentertain the public with theatre, live music,children’s entertainment, dancers and, of course,locally brewed beer. Everyone revels in thecarnival atmosphere. This tradition can trace itsroots back to the travelling people, who wereallocated temporary ground when passingthrough Traquair Estate by the generous heartedStuarts. This theme was repeated further upthe Roseline  at the Gypsy Glen in Roslin, theSinclair’s allocated a site in return for variouslabour and spiritual favours. The gypsies wererenowned  clairvoyants  and story tellers; theorigins of the name  Brown(Brownies) heraldfrom the travelling people.

A folklorictale thatreinforces theen ch an t in genigma ofTraquair isthe story ofthe long losttreasure of theJ a c o b i t e

Gold. The “Forty-Fivers” army recruits wereinspired on their Stuart cause, in the belief thattheir brave efforts were to be rewarded with afair share of the Jacobite Gold coins that werereputed to be last seen on display at Traquair.Speculation regarding the whereabouts of thehaul was resurgent recently in the area, when anempty Jacobite chest was found locally,consequently the rising fever for local bountycould be encased in “Traquair Gold Ale”.

The End OS21512

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Editor: While there are many referrences toFreemasonary, but we have to remember thatbefore they were infiltrated by the people withfunny handshakes, these organisations guardedour history and origins. The enemy as always, isskilled in the art of changing words to meansomething else and likewise with Symbolswhich he paganises so as to conceal our originsfrom the seeker. However we know that thereaders of this magazine are more discerningthan the average Christian-Zionist and will beable to pick out the nuggets of truth from thisreview.

12 12 12 saw the publication of WE - THESKYTHIANS by David Alan Ritchie,

celebrated atop Mount Lothian and then atRosslyn.

Scottish Rite freemasonry and the True Templeof Solomon in the landscape.DAVID RITCHIE'S twenty years of researchhave yielded literally earth-shattering results, sothere is some trepidation regarding the possibleconsequences - political, religious, personal and

planetary - of the publication of his paradigm-shifting work on the riddle of the Giza complex,which, at a serendipitous meeting there,impressed even Zahi Hawass, who murmured,"I think you've got it...'' to a not too surprisedDavid, who knew he had.

The world-wide web revealed by David'sresonance-based geometrical calculations is anancient one, and its threads lead through the duatto the sky - or should that be over the sea toSkye....

Here at last, revealed just as Cayce predicted, isthe incontrovertible proof that we have beentaught not one but many false histories over time,for reasons of politics and power...

His conclusions, that Britain was the centre of ahighly advanced civilisation destroyed by acelestial impact - though drawn from differentsources and with much new supporting evidence,are reminiscent of the heretical ideas of WilliamComyns Beaumont* - not only placing Atlantis,Egypt and Jerusalem in the British Isles, but alsodrawing the inevitable religious conclusions.

Those who may have puzzled over thesignificance of London 2012 may now begin tosee the picture more clearly, and perhaps ponderthe significance of the bell, which topic is alsothoroughly explored by the author.


The book is currently available in hardback andebook format with a paperback version dueshortly, and there will be membership facilitiesand benefits on the website from 17 Jan 2013.*The ideas put forward by David Ritchie arebacked up by such as Comyns Beaumont,Whatmore, Waddell, Watkins, Manetho,Josephus, Caesar, Plato, Blake, Morris, Newton,Handel, Wagner, Lewis, Eliot, Priestley,Velikovsky, Heindel, Mozart, Bach, the Pre-Raphaelites, Poussin, etc etc

We The Skythians - David Alan RitchieA Book Review

''Beware! There Are Recurring Events That Are LongerThan The Memory Of Mankind'' D.A.R.

( Page 20 )

The Skythian Society Press, an imprint ofRESONANCE BookWorks, publishes workson alternative history.Our newest title is WE - THE SKYTHIANS:THE LIE OF THE LAND OF AEGYPT, byDavid Alan Ritchie.This 400page book is the culmination of twentyyears of research into the mystery of the Gizapyramid complex; the results of which weredemonstrated to Dr Zahi Hawass at Giza at thevery time predicted by Edgar Cayce. Dr Hawassacknowledged that Mr Ritchie did indeedappear to have deciphered the code, discoveringthe resonance-based nature of the edifices,which are fundamental to a world-wide energygrid centred on the Roseline through the BritishIsles. Further detective work revealed the truelocation of Jerusalem. In Scotland. And all thatfollows

This is a very important book.

The Author And His Book =David Alan Ritchie

My name will be unknown to 99.9% of you, sowhy, you ask, am I, an unpublished researcher,invited to contribute a piece to The Heretic?Probably because 99.9% of you have encoun-tered a discovery I made 16 years ago, the‘Roseline through Rosslyn Chapel’ made fa-mous by Dan Brown in the ‘Da Vinci Code’. Hetoo has never heard of me, only the rumour, andhe still has no idea what the Roseline signifiesin the context of Rosslyn Chapel. I think I shouldtell you. Twenty years ago I solved the mathe-matics of the Giza Pyramids, a Sacred Geomet-rical puzzle that points to the Tomb ofSokar/Osiris, beneath a hill named Gebel Ghibli,450metres south of the Sphinx. I disclosed thelocation of the ‘gateway’ to the ‘Secret Cham-ber’ to Dr. Zahi Hawass at Giza on March 21st

1998. He was furious that he could not accessthe entrance; it is located beneath the tomb of

the Coptic saint Hammad Al-Samman, in the‘modern’ cemetery beneath the hill..His was the first tomb placed in the Copticcemetery, in the 14th century, and the nearbyvillage, Nazlet al Samman, is named after him.His grave cannot be disturbed, as Dr. ZahiHawass realized the moment he saw the location,which is 33,000 inches south by 16,500 incheseast of the centre of the Great Pyramid.

Yes... I can be that precise... and that is a meretaste of the degree of precision the Pyramidbuilders encoded into this geometrical master-piece and its music.

Zahi was left with nothing to do but createtheatrical distractions about secret chambershidden in the air-shafts of the Queens Chamberin the G.P., which eventually proved to bepublicly embarrassing in his search for Cayce’s‘Hall of Records’. He was trying to fulfil hisobligations to the Cayce Foundation (A.R.E.)who had sponsored his Doctorate in the USA.Now he’s been swept away by the revolution andaccused of artefact theft... oh well, better lucknext time, Zahi. Apparently, Cayce had predictedthat the ‘Time Capsule from Atlantis’ would befound at the Spring Equinox, 1998, the day I hadpresented my findings to Zahi, but I’d neverheard of Cayce back then. I think Zahi shouldhave paid more attention to the addendum of thatprophecy, it said that the discovery would bekept a secret for another 15 years after that date...and time’s up. I’m ready.

I have not actively kept secret what I know, I’vespent all those years refining and understandingwhat I have uncovered and I have had much tolearn, an essential task to decipher the manylevels of encryption the Architect included in his‘Grand Design’.

Then I had to craft it into a simple format andlanguage that could be explored, understood andbelieved; you’ve no concept of how difficult thatwas. I first revealed some of this publicly inRobert Bauval’s book ‘Secret Chamber’, inwhich I wrote the final two pages of appendix 4,showing the location of the Tomb ofSokar/Osiris... the real ‘Secret Chamber’. I mustemphasize that I in no way support Robert’ssimplistic ‘Orion Belt’ theory as the design planfor the Giza Pyramids, its all nonsense. It is sonaive a concept that it’s been accepted as a fact

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by most Egyptologists - am I surprised? In myworld you need a degree in Egyptian Maths todecipher the pyramids in their entirety... wish Ihad one, but the knowledge I have of music,acoustics and navigation was enough for me tobegin with.

You see, the Pyramids are a precise mathemati-cal map that points the way to the Land and Cityof Seth, Amenti, destination of the ‘Journey toHeaven’ in the ‘Book of What is in the Am-Duat’. You’ll not believe where that actually is.I’ll ask you to take for granted that those yearsof research into the maths have been fruitful andaccurate; if they hadn’t I wouldn’t be preparedto reveal any of it to you and risk the chance ofbeing ridiculed, but I think I now have it allcovered and have left no gaping holes.

I have managed to reduce my soon to be pub-lished book to under 500 pages, so there’s notgoing to be much of a maths lesson here, morea set of bullet points. For example:- I haveproved that the maths encoded at Giza is thebasis of the maths of Kabala, and that the twolocations indicated by the 2nd and 3rd pyramidsare duplicated in the gematria of the first chapterof Genesis - the same two locations indicated byspherical geometry and prime numbers in alatitude and longitude system based in π (Pi) andmeasured in 25 inch ‘Sacred Cubits’ and 20.625inch ‘Royal cubits’.

It sounds complicated, but what did you expect?Fortunately, pictures describe most of it verysimply.

Here’s a classic problem; the land we call Egypthas never called itself by that name. Romeimposed that title on it. It is called Misr. Histor-ically it was Khem – the Black Land, or Ta-Wy,the Two Lands. To enable ‘two lands’ it is

arbitrarily divided into two, with Upper Egyptto the south and Lower Egypt to the north. It’supside down.

Another problem is in the Old Testament, thePyramids are not mentioned once, even thoughthey pre-date the ‘Book’, and, of course, Egyp-tian history never once mentions the Hebrews ortheir Exodus from the Land of Ammon/Ham. Iknow why.

Egypt was elsewhere.

But first, two tricks with numbers and then wecan move on to where they take us. I havealready given you two key measures, in inches,for the location of the ‘gateway,’(33,000” x16,500”) which is at the opposite corner of a‘double square’ rectangle, S.E. from the GreatPyramid’s centre. The centre-line of the three‘Queens’ satellite pyramids, south of the 3rd

pyramid (G3), is also 33,000 inches south.

That measure, in 20.625 inch Royal Cubits, is1600rc., measured in 25” Sacred Cubits it is1320sc.. The ratio of Royal to Sacred cubits is40:33.

Those three small pyramids are the Key. The twowesternmost, G3C & B, are both stepped pyra-mids, but the one to the east, G3A, has finishedsides. At the Equinox sunset it casts a shadow tothe ‘Gateway’, due east of it. The horizontalmeasure from the centre-line of the G.P. toG3A’s centre-line is 22,500 inches, 900s.c. - or1091r.c..

Pay attention!

Kabala is the mathematics of the sphere, andCrowley’s book ‘Sepher Sephiroth’ is ‘TheBook of the Sphere’, so let’s try a little sphericalgeometry and I’ll omit all the explanation, you’lljust have to trust me on this for now, but itinvolves a little lateral thinking. This diagrammay help with understanding it. To find the angleof G3A from the centre-line meridian of the G.P.we divide 22,500” by 33,000” to find the tangentangle. The result is 0.681681... tangent ratio ofan angle of 34.28571O - west of south of the G.P.centre.

It is the first coordinate. 34.2857140 ÷ 8 x 84 =3600 That same pyramid also has an angle south

( Page 22 )

of west of 55.7142850. It is the secondcoordinate.55.7142850 ÷ 13 x 84 = 3600

Giza is at 30 degrees north. In fractions of acircle, that equates to 1/12th, or 7/84th, north ofthe Equator.

With a little conjuring and even less explanationI’ll now say that those two angles to G3A centrefrom the G.P. centre represent a longitude 4/42nd

west of Giza (2/21= 4/42 = 8/84 etc) and alatitude 3/42nd north of Giza (13/84th minus7/84th) That longitude is the Roseline– thatlatitude, on the Roseline, is a ountain namedDunDreich - from the Gaelic – D. na ndrech, -the ‘Place of Many Hosts/Faces’. It is the cornerof a 3-4-5 triangle in 42nd from the Great Pyra-mid. The cross-section of the 2nd pyramid is a3-4-5 triangle; the Great Pyramid represents thenorthern hemisphere.

There are 12 ‘Gates’ in the Am-Duat, as thereare 12 ‘gates’ in a 3-4-5 triangle. The Tomb ofSokar/Osiris is in the 5th Division of the Duat;guarded over by the Sphinx...the 42 ‘Judges ofthe Underworld’ also translates as ‘nomes ordivisions’. Do you see where I’m going here?Upper Egypt sounds like a contender, but I havesomething far more impressive than that. DunDreich is the entrance to the Temple of Solomon,and it’s time to rearrange the entire geographyof history, as you know it.

The ‘Song of Solomon’ 2:1 contains the phrase;- ‘I am a Rose of Sharon, (1091) - a Lily of theValley’ (1321). It contains the coordinates ofG3A, which is 1091rc. west by 1320sc. south.The rules of Gematria allow me to subtract 1from 1321. Don’t question my assumptions here,I’m about to beat you over the head with a bigrod and then you’ll understand why argument isfutile.

In the 1940’s a book was published that causedsuch a stir that all copies of it were removed(stolen) from American libraries. It was called;‘Britain; Key to World History’. It was writtenby the journalist and historian William ComynsBeaumont and in it he claimed that all ancienthistory, of the Greeks, Romans and Hebrew,occurred in Britain. He was ridiculed by thosewith a vested interest in hiding an alternativeversion of history, mainly because he claimed

that England was Egypt and its capital, No-Ammon, was Glastonbury. To top that, he thenclaimed that Edinburgh was Jerusalem.

I’d never heard of Beaumont(left) until I told my goodfriend, and Templar historian,Robert Brydon about my sus-picions about Edinburgh be-ing Jerusalem, illogical as itsounded to me 16 years ago.It turns out Bob had been afounder member of the Co-myns Beaumont Society inEdinburgh, their aim being to

debunk his theories, which stretched to historicalimpacts by comets in Scotland on top of hisJerusalem idea. They had a problem debunkinghis map comparing locations in both cities.

It seems I’d stumbled into something sinister. IfBeaumont was right, someone, back in time, hadbeen telling lies, and I had all the missing data...and the final proof that his historical theorieswere correct. As I said, I’ve had to do a lot ofhomework, searching through some diverse andobscure books, like the History of Nennius. (St.Ninian) There are two versions, the English(Roman) version and the unadulterated Irishversion. The English one states that Julius Caesarcame to Britain twice and was expelled bothtimes. The Irish version says he came a thirdtime... and stayed... in the Land of Tinnandrum.

Tyndrum is in Argyll, once known as Argadia.It is 30 miles south of Ben Nevis, ‘the Mountainof Heaven’, in Lochaber. It was previouslyknown as Mount Ispanis, the Hispana Fluviumis now named the River Spean (Spain). Whichmakes a lot of sense of the opening lines of theScottish Declaration of Arbroath.

It was a letter to the Pope, indicating the inten-tions of the English to rule Scotland, and statingthat the Scots were the indigenous and true heirsto the islands of Britain from antiquity. It openswith the lines; - Most Holy Father and Lord, weknow and from the chronicles and books of theancients we find that among other famous na-tions our own, the Scots, has been graced withwidespread renown. They journeyed from Sky-thia Major via the Mare Tirenii and the Columnsof Hercules - and dwelt for a long course of timein Hispania among the most savage tribes, but

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nowhere could they be subdued by any race,however barbarous. Thence they came, twelvehundred years after the people of Israel crossedthe Red Sea, to their home in the west where theystill live today.

Now history will tell you that the Royal Skythi-ans (Scythians) came from the steppes of Rus-sia... I’ll tell you they came from the Isle of Skye(Skythia Major) and the mountains of Rossia(Ross-shire) and then sailed south across the Seaof Tiree (Mare Tirenii) and past the three prom-inent landmark mountains, the Paps of Jura,(Columns of Hercules) on the Isle of Jura.Curiously, the old 1580 maps call that islandIONA, and the tiny island we now call Iona wasnamed JONA... on the same map! It can be seenonline at the National Library of Scotland. Checkit out for yourself.

Scotiae tabula / Abraham Ortelius.

The southern peninsula of Jura/Iona, where thePaps are located, was originally called Sodore.History calls it the ‘lost island’, unless you watch‘Thomas the Tank Engine’, it’s where the car-toon is set. The author of ‘Thomas’ had encoun-tered the enigma of the Bishop of Sodor andMan’, an archaic appointment made by theEnglish Prime Minister to the Diocese of York,not in the Isle of Man or Scotland. You have toask who moved it out of the history books andinto politics? You’ll need to read my book forthe complete answer.

It goes a little like this. The Hebrew (Ebra) camefrom the Hebrides... where they had been thesurvivors of a sunken Atlantis, living on itsmountaintops. They had survived by design, theywere the scientists and astronomers who re-measured time for 5,000 years before they builtthe Pyramids to encode their mathematicalmessage for their, or our, future. They were theSkythian/Phoenicians. (I don’t agree with theirorigins on these links.)

The stone circles, standing stones, chamberedcairns and even some churches of Britain are

markers for grid point intersections on a mne-monic map they created based in π (Pi), not 360degrees. The sites were astronomical calculationpoints in a Very Large Array, centred on Edin-burgh, which was designed to cross referencestar and Earth measurements by beacon signalsover vast distances. DunDreich itself was afamous beacon site, as well as its circle oflatitude being the basis of Scottish measure,based in 37-inch Ells and 222-inch Rods/Roods.The Equator measures 22,200 Scottish miles, theDunDreich latitude circle measures 12,500 Scot-tish miles. 125 ÷ 222 = Cos. 0.56306 = 55.73210

– the precise latitude of the cairn at the top ofDunDreich... on the Roseline.

I should explain 222 before I go. I’ll start byusing π as a ‘whole,’ not ‘irrational’, number.Accurate engineering π is 3.1416 – 2 π is 6.2832.

The circumference of the G.P. is 1,760r.c., thereare 1,760 yards in an English Mile. 1,760 x 357= 628,320. = 2π

There are 62,832,000 sacred cubits in the circum-ference of the Polar Circle. 628,320 dividesevenly by the prime numbers 2-3-5-7-11&17.

Avebury Circle is 33º west of Giza and precisely1/7th of 360º north of the Equator.

Stonehenge is also 33º west but it is 1/17th northof Giza... which itself is 1/12th north. Subtract(1/12th + 1/17th) from 1/7th and the resultingfraction is 1/1428th. The measure between Stone-henge and Avebury is therefore a fraction of theEarth’s longitude circle 33º west of the GreatPyramid.

If we multiply 1428 by 22 the result is 31416, orby 44 = 62832. There are 22 letters in theHebrew alphabet, all representing numbers; it’sKabala. The Irish claim to have composedHebrew, along with 72 other languages, includ-ing Latin, Greek, African and finally Gaelic, theperfect language. But the Irish came from His-pania, which makes them Scots anyway.

So, - back to 222. There are 357/1428th in each90º quadrant. Giza is 119/1428th north, Stone-henge is 203 and Avebury is 204. DunDreich isat 221 and Leith, the port of Edinburgh, also onthe Roseline, is at 222. The Irish name for

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ROME was LETHA... in other words, LEITH.The movie ‘National Treasure’ was about thesearch for Templar gold in New York usingobscure clues. The biggest clue was the time onthe clock on the back of a US $100 bill. It was2:22. The US Constitution was constructed byScottish Rite Freemasons... the US will NOTpart with the inch!

Mathematics cannot tell lies the same way aslanguage and Dictators. Our history was stolenand contrived to give a certain group of familiescontrol over Politics and War and Finance. Theyalso created the three major religions, Judaism,Roman Christianity and Islam in the 7th centuryand gave them all a reason to fight... a commonhistory and a common spiritual centre, Jerusa-lem. Pilgrimage was always the BIG corporatebusiness. Do you see how well we have beencontrolled?

It was easier to move the Holy City and itsgeographical importance to another location inthe Eastern Mediterranean than it was to try andreclaim the original from the Scots, the realHebrew, who had rebelled and defeated Rome...but that Rome was Letha, on the Straits ofIUDEA, the Firth of Forth. The Antonine Wallwas at 56º north, between Glasgow and Edin-burgh. Hadrian’s was at 55º north, betweenCarlisle and Newcastle. The ‘Romans’ retreatedsouth of the southern Wall, Hadrian’s, (actuallybuilt by Severus) into Egypt /England. There are15 locations in England and Scotland namedEgypt, not one in Misr, land of the Pyramids.

It was Hadrian who destroyed Jerusalem andbarred the Israelites from its precincts, on painof death. He renamed it Aelia Capitolina and theland was renamed Palestine. PALESTINUS

means ‘between the walls ’. (pales/fences/ be-yond the pale) IUDEA is the name by which theLothians, at Edinburgh, were known by theSaints Cuthbert, Bede and Hilda of Whitby. Shewas the Culdee priestess who, at the Synod ofWhitby in 664AD, handed over the Keys of theCeltic/Byzantine Church to the Church of Romein Italy... with them claiming that St Peter hadbuilt his Church on a Rock in Rome, Italy, inwhat was merely a tiny village at the time ofChrist.

This then gave them the right to calculate thedate of Easter. They then set about destroyingthe Culdee priests and scholars, who essentiallywere Druids who had accepted a revolutionaryfrom Galloway as the Messiah. He was the ‘Sonof the Star’, Simon Bar Cocheba, who had ledthe Jewish revolt of 130ad and, for a time,defeated the Romans. He fits the bill perfectly,and I know exactly where he was born, and thelocation of the ‘star’ in question.

To help suppress that revolt, a Roman Legionwas called in as relief. They came all the wayfrom YORK, yes, that one in Yorkshire. Now Iask you, what were they thinking? Sending allthe way to the far reaches of the Empire foremergency help back in the Eastern Med., its allnonsense, isn’t it.

Bethel – the ‘House of God’, where Jacob hadhis dream of a ‘ladder to heaven’, has a Gematriaof 443. DunDreich is at whole ley (Holey)latitude 221(442) and Leith at 222(444). Half-way between them is the half-ley (halfling)latitude 443. That’s where Rosslyn Chapel sits,at the centre of the geodetic ‘Temple of Solo-mon’ laid out across 17.5 miles the Lothian’slandscape by the Templar’s churches, roads,monuments and woods.

The Roseline is the ‘measuring line stretchedacross Jerusalem.

Arthur’s Seat is the ‘Goodly Mountain’ (222) atthe ‘Sanctuary’ (222) of the ‘Lion’(222) I couldgo on, but as I said, bullet points, and I have yetto beat you over the head with a rod, called theKirkwall Scroll.

The Kirkwall Scroll is one of the most importantMasonic artefacts in the world. It is coveredentirely in Masonic symbolism and measures222 inches long (1 rod or faa) by 66 inches wide.

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(Perimeter =144 x 4)The Biblical passagesquoted on it expose yet another level of Cabalis-tic encoding. When it is laid over my Templegeometry to scale, it places a depiction of an altarover the location of DunDreich. Written on it, inEnochian script, are the two Biblical phrases, -I AM THAT I AM. - I AM A ROSE OFSHARON – A LILY OF THE VALLEY.

The translation of ‘Eheieh Asher Eheieh’, as ‘Iam that I am’, has always been uncertain, butwhen we look at its Gematria, which is 21 + 501+ 21 (543), it comes to life. It contains two 21’s;the Roseline fraction is 2/21. The verse is Exo-dus. Ch. 3:14, (3 x 14 = 42) (2x21). Ashertranslates as ‘blessedness’, therefore the phrasebecomes the more meaningful, - ‘I am blessed-ness I am’.

I think I should leave you there; I’ve probablyconfused you enough already. God help you ifyou ever read my book. It will be titled: We –The SKYTHIANS – The Lie of the Land ofÆgypt. I won’t recommend it, it’s hard work,controversial, intimidating and it will be expen-sive as a hardback. But there are folks organizingme and it should be available in an iPad friendly

PDF format soon. It will also include the manylayered interactive maps and diagrams I haveproduced over the years, including all 42 stationsof the Exodus from Egypt. Yes, they’re all stillthere, in the Borders of Scotland.I’ll end with an appropriate quote from FranzFanon. “Sometimes people hold a core belief thatis very strong. When they are presented withevidence that works against that belief, the newevidence cannot be accepted. It would create afeeling that is extremely uncomfortable called‘cognitive dissonance’. And because it is soimportant to protect the core belief, they willrationalize, ignore and even deny anything thatdoesn’t fit in with that core belief.”

This essay is only a fragment of my total work,every page of which will destroy a piece of yourbelief structure and there’s so much I have noteven hinted at here. I can only wish you clarity.Please don’t try to ‘friend’ me on Face Book, butenjoy my albums. Take care out there.

The End OS21510

Letters To The Editor

The State of The Country

Sir, — A copy of my letter to David Cameron(Prime Minister) & Ed Milliband (Leader ofthe Opposition)...

You BOTH Worry me! In fact, both of yourPolitical parties worry the hell out of me!!!Over the last three years, I find myself becomingmore and more fearful of the pair of you, andbetween you, you are turning this country into

a place that I no longer feel at home in, or feel apart of! I watch you in parliament, and no, notjust the two of you, but also every politician thatI see, stand up in parliament sneering at eachother, and acting like children!!! (..and if youwere my children, I would be ashamed of youall... What an example to set!)

Although you would like us all to believe thatyou are putting the needs of this country at theforefront, NEITHER of you are doing that, youseem more interested in "one-upmanship", inscoring off each other, & denigrating each other,to the detriment of this country & its people !!!It seems to be all about YOU as individuals, andnot about what you can DO for this country!

It is fast becoming a place that I do notrecognize, as the place I always thought, was thebest place in the world to be!!!  But no longer!!!

You are not listening to the people of thiscountry!!! I am watching the deterioration ofliving standards in this country, (and accordingto you, on a world stage we are doing better than

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most countries...( REALLY ???)... And yet thegap is widening between the "haves" and the"have-nots". I see our homeless on the streets,our hospitals under-funded and understaffed, ourhealth system is an absolute mess and adisgrace... And yet I see multi-millions ofpounds being sent offshore, in aid to othercountries, before attending to this country'sneeds!

I see the "selling off of water rights to foreigninterests, WHY...? Especially when you go togreat lengths to tell us that water is a finiteresource, & supposedly, we must ALL be carefulwith how we use it, so that we ensure we have itfor the future? A Carbon Tax, (which youKNOW is just another tax) which will make NOappreciable difference, to carbon emissions, ATALL! A tax, which in spite of all your argumentsFOR it, you are doing alone, when other majorcountries will NOT & DO NOT embrace it, orbelieve in it !

All that it will do for this country is put workingfamilies and small businesses behind the eightball...what planet are you on, if you think thatthe tax we must pay will make even a scrap ofdifference to the effect of the carbon tax onpeople? Anyone can see the holes in thatargument!!! Do you really think we are that


Let's talk aboutMulticulturalism...People have comehere from othercountries, for abetter life, for more

years than I have been alive (I am 72 years old!)Pre & Post war immigrants came for a better life,and settled in and became wonderfulcontributors to this country,... all havecontributed to the rich diversity of this country,and some descendants have even fought FORthis country, and they have become U.K. citizensand were glad to be...and they had NO handoutsfrom our Government either,...they worked hardfor everything! I have never before had aproblem with all, or any, race of immigrantscoming here. However, I DO NOW!!!

Please tell me why we have areas in towns andon large estates all over the country, where policedo NOT, & will NOT go, for fear of their lives?Please tell me why we can no longer have

religion in schools for fear of "OFFENDING"someone? (The latest little gem is that they arenot having or being funded, for chaplains anymore, but Counsellors!) Please tell me whyreligious Christmas observances are no longerallowed in some schools for fear ofOFFENDING someone? Please tell me HOWChristmas decorations in some stores mightOFFEND someone? Please tell me why we haveto have segregated days in some swimmingcentres for fear of "OFFENDING" someone?Please tell me why we have some RADICALclerics demanding Sharia Law in this countrywhen if we were in THEIR country, this wouldNEVER be allowed? Please tell me why our lawsneed to be changed, so as not to OFFENDsomeone? Please tell me why we are fastbecoming a MINORITY voice, in our owncountry, because of Political Correctness?Please tell me WHY Britons cannot legally weara bike helmet covering their head in a bank andyet it is ok to wear a Burqa which covers thewhole of the face? And please tell me WHY,when those people who want asylum here canwreck our detention centres and STILL beaccepted here?

What does that say about just who and what arethis government's priorities? The British peoplethat I speak to have genuine concerns aboutbecoming a second-class minority in our owncountry, and the reasons for it are some of theabove. Are you so blind that you cannot see this?And no, I am NOT racist!!!  If I did not likeCatholics or Protestants would I be consideredracist? Of course not!

Why is it that if we object to what is happeningin our country we are immediately labelledRACIST, in an attempt to shut us up?

We are fighting Radical Muslims in Afghanistan& Iraq, are we not? I hear you say, yes but theMuslims we have here are "Not like that". Wellhow would we know? Do we hear ANY of themcoming out & speaking AGAINST radicals? Ihaven't, have you? Islam is not compatible withANY of the values that we hold here in Britain!Are not the experiences of France and theNetherlands examples of that? Why do you thinkit would be any different here? We even have aBritish born "radical ", whose message is thatBritain WILL become a Muslim country, underSharia Law, & that we had "better get used toit".

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Will both of you grow some "balls", and startsticking up for this country and its people? Weare the people who put you where you are andPAY you to look after our interests!  And youare NOT doing that by any stretch of theimagination!!!  I would appreciate an answerfrom both of you, if only to convince me thatonce again I am not talking to a brick wall! Incase it has escaped both of you I would like toremind you that, in the U.K.

Government is FOR THE PEOPLE... OF THEPEOPLE... & BY THE PEOPLE... Never forgetthat because you sure have up till now! Yourstruly, a senior citizen living somewhere inEngland.

Removal Of The Queen’s And Prince’sConsent And Theft of

The Duchy Of Cornwall

Sir–, The attached is in response to my letter(below) demandingthe Wiltshire ChiefConstable forwardmy Gueterbocktreason allegationsto the MetropolitanPolice.  He’dpreviously told meto report it to theMet.,  not WiltshirePolice.

Though lengthy,  thefollowing containspossibly helpfulparagraphs forfuture reference:—

Dear Chief Constable, Thank you for yourletter dated 23 September but I think you willfind you are mistaken.

You are the police,  are you not ?  The lawdemands that I report crime to any police officerand that that police officer will act upon myallegation either by direct investigation or byreferring the matter to such other officer whomight be better placed to do so.  It does not saythat my allegation may be disregarded simplybecause it is felt that I could have reported it tosomebody else.  That will be dereliction of duty,perverting the course of justice and misconduct

in public office,  all of which are extremelyserious for a police officer.

As the holder of the office of constable,  youhave authority to investigate crime anywhere inEngland and Wales and your authority extendsto such places as the Palace of Westminster andDowning Street,  both of which are within yourjurisdiction.

If I had witnessed a crime across the border inHampshire,  I am still required to report it to mynearest police station or,  in this case because ofthe gravity of the crime I report,  my nearestsenior police officer who is the Wiltshire ChiefConstable.  I have done that.  It is then incumbentupon Wiltshire police (not me) to refer the matterto such other police station as may be betterplaced to investigate the matter if it is not onethat Wiltshire can properly deal with.

Treason is the most serious crime in EnglishLaw.  It adversely affects every person in Britainincluding Wiltshire police officers,  theirfamilies and their homes as it is not a mere localissue.  I have reported a major crime of nationwide impact that has no boundaries irrespectiveof police service organisation,  particularly sincepolice officers cross force boundaries on a dailybasis to assist in dealing with such seriousoffences.

If you consider Wiltshire police not best placedto investigate the treason I report,  you are stillrequired to record my allegations as a crime andrefer them to such other force you considerbetter placed to conduct the enquiry.  You arenot free however,  to not record the allegationswithout risking the most serious penalties forMisprision of Treason and Compounding HighTreason at Common Law which your inactionwould raise.  To avoid these,  it is necessaryonly to crime my allegations with a major crimebook number and transfer it.  I shall of courserequire that number and to know to which officeyou have referred it so that I may follow it upand ensure it is properly dealt with.  The clearduty placed upon me by the Common Law ofEngland is to report this treason and ensure itsproper conclusion.  I have reported it as the lawrequires of me.

Please therefore record the crime I have reportedto you,  give it a crime number and open aninvestigation or if more appropriate,  record it

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then pass it to such other police force that maybe better placed to undertake the investigation.Please also ensure that I am informed of thecrime book number and to whom the allegationsmay have been passed. Yours sincerely, Rex.

Sovereignty or " free man on the land" choose wisely.

Sir–-, I am sovereign.

Living life as a sovereign / foreign nationalamongst but without the framework of govern-ment is not an easy thing but it can be rewardingin many ways. For me it is a true life, there areno pretence in it, I am aware that I am an outlawwhen I try to explain the real laws to the in laws,The police, the courts, and everyone else whohas been indoctrinated by statute. I can't expectthem to relate to my existence.

The “freeman on the land” movement comesabout half way to what it is to live sovereign andthat is the problems that I see with it. It is tryingto live within the plantation as a slave but nothaving to follow the slavers rules. I don't seethat being possible, they are slavers, you are aslave, they own you, you have no say in any-thing if you are in their system.

These people who have assumed the role ofgovernment have done so by lying, murderingand pillaging for the things they have and thepower they hold. Do you expect them to allowyou to change that for them?

Do you expect them to give that up now thatthey have consolidated that power to includeunlimited resources of police, military, a net-work of surveillance apparatus, weaponry, andall the various technologies they hide ? Notlikely. “ they would never let you vote awaytheir power “.

So what is it to be sovereign amongst all that,first you have to be willing to completely re-move yourself from the plantation which is acontracted slavery of licenses, and permits, cer-tificates and other miscellanies things like bankaccounts, credit schemes, and social benefits.If you accept any of these things at any timeafter you decide to remove yourself, you are notsovereign as all of those things require govern-ment contracts to participate. The mainstream

society is set up that way intentionally to keepyou imprisoned within its framework.

They control or govern everything within thatframework whether you see it or not.

Entertainment, politics, news, money, educa-tion, gambling and of course law.

The entertainment industry is designed as partof it all since they know that people enjoy mind-less distractions. you are only allowed entertain-ment in mainstream that is devised and createdor at least scrutinised and allowed by govern-ment. Even much of the music and video thatpretends to be radically underground is to anextent devised, controlled and allowed by them.They like to stir things up from time to time totest their social experiments. Once you start torecognize these things then you start to realizethe control mechanisms they use on you.

Politics is engineered as a thinking mans dis-traction, Your capacity to see through it or toaccept is as something useful or even worthy ofconsideration depends directly on your level ofindoctrination.

I don't see politicians, I see an elaborate theatrebeing played out that is no different from thesoap operas, and situation comedies that arewritten and created for the same purpose, theyare designed to keep you from thinking beyondthe level that they accept for you. Schools oper-ate in very much the same way, You are taughtwhat is necessary for them but not for you. Ihear people who claim to be intellectuals dis-cussing politics but they don;t see that they aresimply regurgitating the mainstreams media

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theatre production ( dog and pony show ) asthough it has relevance.

Mainstream news media is the front line of theirmind control indoctrination slave control. Peo-ple have always looked to media news to stay“informed “ ( more on that later ). People wantto, innocently enough, know what is happeningin the world so three times a day on regular“programming “ you are told what believe ishappening in the world of entertainment, sports,local and national news and politics. All ofwhich is to create a perception and is at bestdistraction and formulated brain washing onceyou look outside of it you then see how simplis-tically they can control your thinking using yourmost base and primal needs of stimuli thosebeing sex, violence and drama. Nothing evergets aired intentionally that shows any true ac-count of what is important to you as a free manor woman. It is all just slave vision if you learnto read between the headlines.

Money is a necessary evil living within theirgovernment society although many true sover-eigns only rely on trading gold and silver, barterand trade of services or tangibles, or else to beable to function at all I do have to make this oneconcession although I do not keep their papermoney in a bank and I work for it honestly andrefuse to be taxed on it. If there were an alterna-tive I would use it.

Education is merely slave training, It is justenough to create a servile child who then be-comes a servile adult so accustomed to thecomfort of his cage that they will fight you toprotect that cage. If for whatever reason yourchild decides to think for himself they have adrug for that. Be servile, be happy to serve andnever oppose those who we tell you have au-thority. In the mean time they will teach your

child some basic life skills so they can use themwhen necessary to keep their machines running.

I include gambling for a reason, people whohave been caged always want to find a way outso the government creates or allows gamblingschemes to give people the illusion of hope, ofescape. If the slaves are given hope they willcontinue to pay for the chance of freedom whichthey know that only a very fortunate few willever achieve, then the slaves see one of theirsachieve that freedom is fills their need to tryagain and again. Casino do the same thing, theoccasional lights and bells of a nearby slot ma-chine makes people spend their paychecks tothe gambling machine. Government is alwaysthe house and you are always the mark in thisscam. But its just for fun right ? It is create to notonly distract you, to give you hope, but also totake your money. Guess who always wins?

Other gambling schemes include compulsorycar and house insurance and how many timesover have you paid off the price of your car inthis scheme?

Law is something that is subjective. Under thelaws of this land mass known as turtle island thelaws are very simple and natural ones, cause noloss, do no harm, don't cheat anyone.

The laws of Canada are those of statute writteninto thousands of acts comprised of countlessstatutes written by faceless nameless peoplewho work for the slavers. The reason I say lawis subjective is that it is your perception or beliefthat creates their control, You can read andstudy their statutes for a lifetime and you mayfind remedy in them but knowing the law youare bound by as a sovereign is much easier. Allthat reading is also a distraction. If you live onturtle island or on Canada is your choice. I liveon turtle island and will never accept Canada asanything less than a criminal corporation de-vised as a political prison for northern slavesjust as the united states corporation is the south-ern prison.

Once they learn of you through birth registra-tion, They can then start crafting and mouldingyou into a perfect representation of their corpo-ration though all of the aforementioned controland training mechanisms.

Freedom of travel is always one of the biggerissues for a sovereign man or woman, this is

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where most fail as they inform on themselveswith various notices, plates, letters taped towindows and so forth. Why do people feel theneed to inform on yourselves? This is alsosomething that the “ freeman on the land “ideology teaches which is really just asking fortrouble. Sending notice of anything to yourslavers will only do one thing and that is get youarrested. Never tell them anything, If you wantto live lawfully within a society of criminals youhave to find a way to keep from being noticed atall. Many people will say if what you are doingis right why are you hiding ? Criminals arealways paranoid so when you are dealing with acriminal mafia you need to be aloof. If you wereto cater a mafia wedding you stay in the kitchenshow no interest in what is being said or doneand then you leave. The second you show themany interest they will become leery of yourintentions.

Think of them as the local crack dealer sinceessentially that is what they are, Once you showinterest in them they will be aware of you andthen eventually their paranoia will cause themto attack you. Stay out of their world and youwill not be targeted.

The same thinking applies to census forms andany other forms the government hands out, theywant you to inform on yourself. You shouldnever inform on yourself to the local crack dealerin fact you have every right to remove thenumbers from your house and refuse mail unlessyou have willingly contracted for services inwhich case you should only have a post officebox to receive bills for those services.

If you file a tax form it is the same thing, you areinforming them of how much you have andwhere you live. The crack dealer can then cometo your house at any time and take it based onyour ignorance and fear of their contractualformalities.

Never fill out a form, Never inform on yourself.The reason they need you to be licensed is sothey know where you live, The reason they needyou to register your car is so they have the priceof the car and legal title to it in the event thatthey want to take it from you. Registration giveslegal title to the issuer. It always has and alwayswill.

Permit stickers and tags tell the crack dealer that

you are still on the block and are still “dutifully”and submissively afraid of them. It also showsthem that every year you accept their authorityto their claim on your automobile.

Welfare and all other legal governmententitlements should be obviously un acceptableto be truly sovereign as those things requirecontracts with them to be able to collect or evento apply for. A truly sovereign individual neveraccepts benefits from the slavers. If you can notsurvive on your own without entitlements youmust simply remain a slave. Any less is theultimate in hypocrisy. Yours truly, Sir-mikaSovereign

Big Brother is Watching You

Sir–-, I spend £3.90 a week on my daily comic,the Daily Mail. Last week I took only one cuttingfrom the paper, but it was well worth theexpense. The title was: “Road Chiefs aretracking motorists by their phones” . They arealso tracking the Satnavs in the cars. This is ofconcern to all of us.

Much may be learned from people’s movements.It was started by P. Wright of MI 5, when theexits and entrances of personnel at the RussianEmbassy in London was logged, as documentedin “Spy Catcher”. Now it has spread to allmotorists in Britain.

Thousands of spies must be involved now, tocollect and analyse the data and these sneaks arebeing paid by the public purse, without ourknowledge. It is high time that the government,national and local, present proper accounts to thepublic!

There are watchers and sneaks abounding. Overthree years ago my eldest son telephoned me in

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great excitement. He had just discovered the“Peoples United Community” ( the Internet. Also what a parking ticket is inlaw. It is only a contract being offered and asthere is no benefit for the victim of the parkinggestapo it should not be paid.

About three weeks later he told me that he had12 parking tickets. “That’s a nice collection son”I said. “No dad”, he replied, “there is a man onthe Internet with 50.”

Nicholas at that time was a member of the ConParty and a week later he reported that the localCon Party Chairman told him to pay the parking

tickets and my son refused. He was thereforethrown out of this criminal organisation.

The question is how did this Con Chairmanknow about my son’s affairs? He is obviously awatcher, political parties including the BNP. Iattended several meetings of their Leed’s branchin about 1975 and it was later reliably reportedthat the chairman was an MI5 agent provocateur.About 4 years ago I was informed by a ladymember that of the BNP that she suspected theChairman, for he makes strange decisions.Watchers Everywhere!! In His Service - AnAncient Mariner.

Winston Spencer Churchill: A TributeHarry Elmer Barnes

NOinformedp e r s o n

could well denythat Winston S.Churchill wasprobably the mosts p e c t a c u l a rshowman in thehistory of Britishpolitics, and he wassurely one ofBritain's great-masters of patriotic

and honorific rhetoric. But when we go beyondthis into any phase of Churchill's career weenter debatable ground. Any careful study ofhis personality and career raises seriousquestions as to his personal and politicalintegrity and the value of his public servicesto Great Britain.His political career revealed no firm politicalprinciples or ideology. He shifted in his partyaffiliations from the Conservatives to theLiberals and back to the Conservatives. Hepraised Mussolini and Hitler lavishly after theirtotalitarian programs had been fullyestablished and their operations were wellknown. He said that if he had been an Italianhe would have been a Fascist, and as late as1938 he stated that if England were ever in thesame straits that Germany had been in 1933,he hoped that England would find "her Hitler."

The eminent Anglo-American publicist, FrancisNeilson, declared that Churchill's praise of Hitlerwas the most extreme tribute ever paid by aprominent Englishman to the head of a foreignstate. When his "great and good friend" of formerdays, Mussolini, was murdered by Communistpartisans and his corpse hung up head down inMilan, Churchill rushed in to a dinner party withthe news, exclaiming: "Ah, the bloody beast isdead!" In World War II he declared that it washis great life purpose to destroy Hitler andNational Socialism.Churchill's shifts on Communism were equallyfantastic. He had been one of the most bittercritics of Communism and its leaders,denouncing it as "foul baboonery," but duringWorld War II he extolled Stalin as generouslyas he previously had Mussolini and Hitler, onlyto shift again as early as 1946 and demand a ColdWar on Communism.There is no convincing evidence whatever thatChurchill ever proposed or supported any publicmeasure with a primary interest in its probableeffect on the welfare of Britain or humanity. Heappeared to be exclusively concerned with itsprobable reaction on his own political career. Inthis he differed from Roosevelt. Even John T.Flynn admits that the latter, as a country squire,had a real sense of noblesse oblige and wasinterested in the well-being of the commonpeople when helping them did not interfere withhis own political ambitions. Churchill never

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revealed any sense of noblesse oblige. To himrank only demanded special privileges andrewards. It would hardly be an exaggeration tosay that he was the most vain person in the wholehistory of prominent public figures, a traitenduring until his death and after, when he hadplanned years or months in advance even thedetails of a pompous and dramatic public funeral.Churchill was completely lacking in integrity

with respect to hispublic career. Hehad no hesitation inuttering the mostf l a g r a n tm i s s t a t e m e n t swhen this appearednecessary to him topromote hispolitical ambitionsor cover up his pastmistakes. He didnot turn aside fromdeceiving the

British people on matters of great public importif this was required for his political self-protection. Perhaps the best of many exampleswas his report to the House of Commons afterhis return from the disastrous Yalta Conference,where he had witnessed Stalin's duplicity andmendacious greed, having already observed thisat Tehran and in the atrocious violation ofStalin's promises in regard to the Soviettreatment of Poland. Churchill assured theHouse: "The impression I brought back from theCrimea is that Marshall Stalin and the otherSoviet leaders wish to live in honourablefriendship and democracy with the Westerndemocracies. I feel that no government standsmore on its obligations than the Russian SovietGovernment."It is well to remember that Churchill's greatcurrent reputation as a statesman rests entirelyon events between April 1940 and July 1945. Hewas so thoroughly discredited as a politician by1933 that both the Baldwin and Chamberlaingovernments considered that to have him in theCabinet would be a detriment to Conservativeprestige and prospects. When public issuesreturned again to domestic affairs in 1945,Churchill was resoundingly defeated in theGeneral Election of that summer. As a wartimeadministrator he showed tremendous energyrather than organizing and directive genius. Hewas more distinguished for his pugnacity thanfor his statecraft, although there can be no doubt

that he inspired the British to unite and continuethe war against Hitler, but it may be questionedif unthinking resistance to Hitler after Dunkirkwas the best policy for Britain. The mosteffective indictment of Churchill's wartimestatecraft is that after gaining military victory helost the peace to Soviet Russia.There has been no greater fallacy than to regardChurchill as a military genius, although it isprobable that no other important British leaderhas so loved war or worked harder to insure itwhen it seemed within the range of possibility.Churchill was responsible for the disastrousattempt to force the Dardanelles in 1915, whichwas Britain's most spectacular defeat in theWorld War I (except for the futile attempts tobreak through the German trenches). It has beensaid that it was a good plan if it had worked, buta truly good military plan must work out inpractice and not merely be impressive on paper.Both Lord Fisher and Lord Kitchener warnedagainst the project. Churchill was compelled toresign as responsible for the failure.In regard to World War II both English andAmerican experts have indicated that Churchill'sinterference in strategic decisions was oftendisastrous. General Albert C. Wedemeyer haspointed out that Churchill and Roosevelt reallyran military operations like a pair of Indianchiefs conducting a scalping party, with littleconsideration of the ultimate military or politicaloutcome. Churchill's constant demand toconcentrate the Allied attack against the "softunderbelly of Europe"-a sort of return to theDardanelles fantasy- was properly discreditedby the impressive manner in which GeneralKesserling defended the Italian sector of the softunderbelly under the greatest handicaps,defeated in the end mainly by the treachery ofHitler and his SS underlings.It is held even by restrained admirers ofChurchill that we must at least give him creditfor saving Britain. One might ask: saving Britainfrom whom and from what? Hitler was a worsebootlicker of Britain than the Kaiser and thecornerstone of his foreign policy was to achievea permanent understanding with Britain. Evenafter Dunkirk, where he deliberately permittedthe British to escape, he offered Britain agenerous peace and told his generals that hewould put the German Wehrmacht, air force andnavy at the service of Britain to preserve theBritish Empire. Real statesmanship would havedictated Churchill's agreeing to a stalemate with

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Germany in June 1941, and letting Germany andRussia bleed each other white and thus removethe threat of dictatorship from either the Rightor the Left. This was what wise Americans likeHerbert Hoover, Robert A. Taft, and Harry S.Truman recommended at the time. But Churchillwas just getting too much joy and thrill-"havingtoo much fun," as Roosevelt put it-out of beingan active war leader to consider for a momentretiring to the role of an observer, even if thiswas probably the only way to assure Britishsafety and the preservation of the Empire. Hecondemned England to four more years of costlyand brutal warfare, failed to protect eastern andcentral Europe from Russia and Communism,and made inevitable the liquidation of the BritishEmpire.

Churchill led in thedenunciation of thealleged horribleatrocities andbrutalities of theNazis, but hisrecord is surely nobetter. He rejectedHitler's proposal atthe outset of theWar to ban allbombardment ofn o n - m i l i t a r y

objectives and launched this barbarous form ofbombing on 11 May 1940, with an attack on thehelpless university town of Freiburg. Heannounced that he would stop at no type orextent of brutality and terrorism to crush Hitlerand he made good his word. He directed theterrible incendiary bombing of Hamburg, andwas solely responsible for ordering the needlessdestruction of the beautiful city of Dresden, themost ruthless, despicable and indefensible majoratrocity of World War II, in which the losses oflife and property were far greater than in the caseof the American bombing of either Hiroshima orNagasaki. He approved and ordered theapplication of the Lindemann Plan for thesaturation bombing of Germany which, for starkbrutality in both conception and operation,matched any of the alleged Nazi "extermination"measures. This plan ordered concentration ofBritish bombing on the homes of the poorer orworking classes whose houses were huddledclose together so that more innocent civilianscould be killed per bomb that was dropped.In his remarks at the funeral of Mr. Churchill,former President Dwight Eisenhower laid main

stress on Churchill's achievements as a "friendof peace." It would be no exaggeration to saythat this was not unlike J. Edgar Hoover payinga special tribute to Al Capone as a friend of lawenforcement. Even his British admirers haveconceded Churchill's lifelong and inordinate loveof war. No other British public figure worked ashard to bring Britain into World War I as didChurchill. This has been admitted in the recentbook, Twelve Days, by the English writer GeorgeMalcolm Thomson on the crisis of 1914. It iscommon knowledge that Churchill was theleader of the British war party from 1936onward, having told General Robert E. Wood inthat year that: "Germany is getting too strong;we must smash her." He not only cooperatedwith the war party in Britain but also workedclosely with Bernard Baruch and the otherpowerful warminded Americans.Perhaps the best summary appraisal ofChurchill's personality comes from thedistinguished British publicist, F.S. Oliver:From his youth up Mr. Churchill has loved withall his heart, with all his mind, with all his soul,and with all his strength, three things: war,politics and himself. He has loved war for itsdangers, he I oves politics for the same reason,and himself he has always loved for theknowledge that his mind is dangerous -dangerous to his enemies, dangerous to hisfriends, dangerous to himself. I can think of noman I have ever met who would so quickly andso bitterly eat his heart out in Paradise.The significance of Churchill's career for thisand later generations was admirably summarizedby the British journal, The European:In terms of personal success there has been nocareer more fortunate than that of WinstonChurchill. In terms of human suffering tomillions of people and destruction to the nobleedifice of mankind there has been no career moredisastrous. In that sad paradox lies the tragedyof our time.

From The Journal of Historical Review,Summer 1980 (Vol. 1, No. 1), pp. 163-168.

The End OS21478

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ACCORDING to the meaning of HYPRO-CISY Hypocrisis (Greek) a reply, actinga part, feigning, a feigning to be what

one is not; the acting of a false part; a deceptionas to a real character and feeling, especially inregard to morals and religion.


One who answers, play a part, a pretender, onewho feigns to be what he is, especially, one whopretends to be pious, virtuous, etc. without really

being so.

Why did you helpthe wicked?

And love the hatersof God?

For that, the wrathof the LORD is onyou!

However goodthings are found in


For you expelled Ashroth from the land,

And settled your heart to seek your God. 11Chron. 19:2

Ferrar Fenton

We find in the Bible many references to “hypoc-risy, hypocrite(s)” these references should be ourguideline with whom and what we are dealingwith. We are living in an environment wherehypocrisy is more normal than breathing. Itbecame a way of life. Certain people are play-acting all the time, they do not know what is rightand what is wrong anymore, it is up to us to takethe mask of the actor off to expose the deadbones hidden under this mask of deception.

For the brute is a brute in language and heart(Is 32:6)

Every day we are bombarded with misinforma-tion and propaganda in the media to mold the

minds and hearts of men. Every day these brutesplan the destruction of mankind, one man goingto war against another. As the United States ofAmerica celebrates Memorial Day, flags arewaved, barbecues and beer and cheers for the“victory”, the victory over another, the victoryover a good war fought for the good of human-kind for whatever reason served the purpose ofthat particular time. Never a thought of pain andsuffering of loss of life, the celebration is a partyof a victory real or imagined. Never will thethought of was this war justified, was it a war ofDefence or a War of Destruction?

Who gained from this destruction, never anyquestions about this, maybe we are too scared toface the Truth if we realize it was all hypocrisyand we fell for it. So rather face the facts and theTruths we also play the game of hypocrisy inthe hope all will just go away. Nothing goesaway by itself, we have to work on it and it isour duty to expose, but we live a life of play-acting, Hollywood did her job very well.

The “truth” is played on the stage, the screen,the podium, be it political or religious. What themasses are offered by the brute is an illusion ofwhat reality is, there is no reality to be found aswe are bombarded with twisted information somuch it is so entangled with truth and half-truthsto try and disentangle all this is trying to figureout a labyrinth with no beginning and no end,circles within circles it makes the truth some-times even more bizarre than a science fictionmovie.

With the 4th of July wherever you go there arewell-wishes “happy Fourth” what does mean?Is it really Independence Day? Independencefrom whom or from what? Maybe I am toocynical. Maybe I ask too many questions. MaybeI am just being difficult. Someone somewheremust ask questions and look for answers. Againmaybe it is too painful, maybe it is better to stayin the bubble of stupidity and ignorance and playthe game of being a brute or a hypocrite and bein fashion and politically correct. These days welive in we experience the brute coming downvery hard on the questioner, the politically

HypocrisyMonica Stone

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incorrect dissident. I mean you can be tortured,maimed, locked up and never been heard of again.

So we experience only a few getting out of thebox in protest against the hypocrite, the brute,he can use force, he can destroy, he has thepower and will use it when and how it suits him.We forget there is a Higher Power, the MostHigh God, the Creator of the heavens and theEarth. We keep on putting our trust in man in theprinces of darkness of the world. God is de-nouncing hypocrisy, why not call upon Him tounmask the masked, to bring into the open whatis hidden. These hypocrites manipulating man-kind to do his bidding do not fear mankind, hedoes not fear the wrath of our Heavenly Father,but the hypocrites of this world trust the princeof darkness to keep the truth away from us andwe help these hypocrites with our lack of faithand Trust. So is it not high time we call out toour Leader the Prince of Peace to make an endto all this hypocrisy, illusion and deception.

There is a saying “the world is a stage”, this isso true, it is acting out a story on the stage of lifeand the world every day. The truth is out therejust give some attention, those who have ears tohear, listen, those with eyes to see, watch, it ishidden yes, but not so deep it cannot be broughtto the surface.

The stage at this moment in time the last weekof June of 2013, the first “black” AmericanPresident is on a tour of some African states. Themost important to me is his visit to South Africa,being the land of my birth given away to com-munist terrorist by hypocrites convincing thewhite population this would be for the best.Prime Minister Vorster said it so eloquent, “wehave to negotiate if we don't the consequenceswill be too ghastly to contemplate.” Being thehypocrite he was he never explained what hemeant by saying this. He just went along givingaway all that was held dear by Boers, never

taking into account the offers already given andnot informing the most ghastly offers they stillhave to give. Vorster was spared being butcheredhe died before he could look his treason in theeye. Not so President F.W. De Klerk who soldhis people out for a life of leisure in Spain andGreece. But I go off track here regarding thevisit of the first US black president to blackAfrica. Black Africa being at this stage a misno-mer as the whole continent has been turned intoa black cesspool of torture, murder, chaos andbloodshed, the daily exercise in the life of theAfrican.

Barack Obama was not welcome in black SouthAfrica. COSATU the labor union and memberof the South African Communist Party stagedprotests, the police had to fire rubber bullets todisperse the rioting crowds. The Muslims inCape Town wanted Obama arrested for warcrimes and made their protest very loudly knownagainst the first black president of the UnitedStates of America. Nothing of what I wrote abouthere was ever mentioned in the media.

The world is a stage and the actors are thehypocrites, deceivers and liars. To find the truthwe have to dig deep into labyrinth of lies, sortout the dregs that came to the surface hidingfrom the ears and eyes of the public. I rememberas a child I heard my parents talk about trans-gressions of some families being hidden underthe blanket. I think this blanket is not big enoughto hide all the transgressions of the “leaders” ofthe world, their henchmen and the instigators.

The fact of life is that nothing stays hidden in theUniverse, the Truth will out and it is coming outmore and more. We can read the unrest in theway governments, law enforcement, justicedepartments etc. on the stage of hypocrisy isplaying out by bringing in more chapters into thescript by all the listening, monitoring and watch-ing devices to keep tabs on the population. Thisstage play is like a mobster movie when the gangis cornered by the protectors of the citizens, theypull out all the attacks they still have in the bag.Of course we know by experience when a gangis cornered they are at their most dangerous.

This situation is experienced by every one allover the world. The gangster is ready to go forthe kill! We as children of the Most High Godwill not be let down, why, because this is whenthe gangster is at his most vulnerable. Because

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of the gangster being cornered the Truth isgetting out and the ordinary citizen who nevergave a single thought he/she is targeted suddenlystart to wake up to the hypocrisy and deceit beingoffered to him for too long a period of time. Thisawakening will not take place by the thousands,more by the dozens, but it will take only a smallgroup of people to swing this situation aroundwhere the Light will shine on the darkness.2 Today July 18, 2013 is Mandela Day and thiscelebrated all over the world. Bill Clinton sittingbetween Jesse Jackson and the Secretary of theUnited Nations gave an eulogy to the greatestman of the 20th and 21st centuries. Mandelabravely “fought” against the White Racist Re-gime and apartheid. Clinton said when he metMandela 20 plus years ago, when Mandelawalked into the room the atmosphere changedand he felt himself in the presence of someonespecial.

The story goes Man-dela was punishedfor his beliefs andspent 27 years inprison for this. Forall his accomplish-ments, wisdom, far-sighted vision for ademocracy for SouthAfrica, he is crowneda saint and every

knee bows in front of him. Doors opened forMandela, red carpets were thrown, he is reveredhigher than our Savior Jesus Christ. After allMandela freed the blacks in South Africa fromthe shackles of apartheid, gave them freedom,gave them a place in the sun of acceptance bythe big powers of the world, America, Britain,Russia, China etc.

Not ever in the history of South Africa was aperson so worshiped as Mandela, no Whitestatesman of the Republic of South Africa everhad the privilege to walk the halls of the greatpowers, only Mandela did. If we think today ishypocritical, a farce a deception, wait when thesaint goes to another realm where it is alwaysdark and where he will feel even more at home.On the announcement of his death all hell willbreak lose, as the blacks are waiting in theshadows, as they say, when Madiba die, we willbe free to put things right and clean up SouthAfrica. This “clean-up” is not picking up gar-

bage, it will leave more in the way of thousandsof dead bodies, the blood lust of the African hasno bounds and when he smells blood he has tohave more. This hypocrisy of covering up whatis really happening in Africa and what is takingplace in South Africa must be unveiled. Themedia, being run by the enemies of mankind andWhites in particular is spewing more and morehatred and pushing for more bloodletting, tortureand mayhem than ever before.

We have as a very recent example the Zimmer-man case. This case will be used to fuel morehatred and all is directed at the Whites of theUnited States of America. Many blacks will alsobe attacked, because the hatred these savagescarry in their soulless bodies do not make anexception when on the rampage. There will be aracial war in this country, I do not want to saythis or even predict this, as what is planned andwhat will take place is “too ghastly to contem-plate.” On the other hand this river is in full floodand there is no human hand able to send it inanother direction or to stop it. What this savageriver is going to bring to light will be thehypocrisy of the liberal, communist, atheist, andGod hater together with all their disciples andhenchmen.

To get back to the Mandela worship, he is notthe hero, the saint as media portrays him to be.Those of you reading this article are all quiteaware who and what Mandela is and what he did,this article is not about the terrorists acts and himbeing a communist, this is my little attempt todiscuss hypocrisy.

Are these people telling the world how wonder-ful democracy is in Zimbabwe, South Africa,Sudan, I can mention all the countries in Africareally believe in what they are saying? I thinkso, because they look at the world and at human-kind with other eyes and hear with other ears.These people look like humans, but they are thespawn of evolution and are not created by ourHeavenly Father. I do not know another way ofexpressing and explaining why they do and sayand allow these savages to kill and murder andtorture just because they want to and call thesituation a successful democracy, to me it ismystery.

To watch how the Boers are being butchered dayafter day is beyond my even trying to explain thepain in the very soul of those being affected.

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How even the blacks are suffering under thisRainbow Nation dream of Mandela and nothingis said about it and those who put him and hisilk into power is beyond any understanding.During the “fight” against apartheid, 600 Afri-cans were murdered with Winnie Mandela'sfamous necklace method.

A very cruel way of dying and then the murder-ers will dance and cheer around poor victimswho will take at least 20 very long minutes todie a very painful and agonizing death. Who arethese hypocrites condoning these atrocities bytheir silence? The world is a stage and thehypocrites the actors. The questions racingthrough my mind and soul is how long will thiscarry on, how long will we have to endure thisblanket of hypocrisy covering up all the wrongsfor so many centuries. I hope and I pray it willnot be another century.

How did it come about in this “enlightened”century the Elect of God being ruled by thehypocrites and deceivers? Did we give them theblank check, did we vote for them, did we justtrust them blindly to do the right thing? Myhumble opinion and I am sure there will be manycriticizing and attacking me, so I just bluntly saywhat I think, we are to be blamed, we allowedthe dark forces to take over, we made the choiceeons of time ago. We can read one example whenthe Israelites asked Jeremiah to pray to God whatto do and where to go and they will follow andobey what God has said. Well, we know it didnot happen this way, they followed their ownlead and they fell by the very sword they thoughtof avoiding.

This whole story can be read in Jeremiah Chapter42, page 533 in the Ferrar Fenton Bible. Thisdisobedience towards the Most High God istaking place to this day, every day and our peopleare falling by the sword by the thousands at the

hand of the enemy, because we would ratherfollow our own lead. A sad day for the Whiterace all over the world, we are reaping not thewhirlwind, we are reaping the bloodlust of thesavage and we listen to the hypocrites telling usand convincing us it is our fault, we deserve thisbecause of whatever reason, from forcing theblacks to ride in the back of the bus, to slaveryand apartheid. Only we can stop this. The mostimportant thing to do is to turn back to ourHeavenly Father, the other is stop fightingamongst each other, there is no time for this.While we disagree on doctrine the enemy ismurdering our people.

The doctrine is very basic, the war has beendeclared on the children of God, the White raceall over the world, the brunt of this falling at thistime on the Boers of South Africa, but it is notgoing to stay in Africa it is already, although notas vicious as yet, in America, Europe and Eng-land. We are as guilty of hypocrisy as thehypocrites taking us all to the slaughter.

There are many words written in the Bibleagainst hypocrisy, wise words spoken by ourLord and Savior Jesus Christ. Go and look themup there are too many to discuss in a short articlelike this. Read them and head them well, keepthem in you heart and apply them to your everyday life. This is not easy, we have been sobrainwashed it is very difficult to discern whatis hypocrisy and what is the truth, with prayerand meditation the TRUTH will out. Follow theTRUTH is is the only hope for the White Raceand we must understand it is not for all and everyone, only those who accept and understandTRUTH.

I want to share these two verses as a veryappropriate finale to my article. These verses canbe found in the KOLBRIN BIBLE: Book ofWisdom:

14: Nearly everyone has principles of some sort,but all have a tendency to push back frontiers ofthese principles to suit themselves. Their idea ofmorality is subordinated to their material inter-ests. Men should not be hypocrites with them-selves and should freely admit to this tendencyto subordinate their principles to their ownselfish interests. A standard of morality or codeof principles which is not absolute and unshak-able is worthless as a support and no standardat all. Only the wisest of men can set their own

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standards, and the wisest of men are too wise todo so.

33: One of the greatest failures of life is to losea friend. If this misfortune befall a man, heshould search his heart carefully and sincerely,lest it happen again. Never seek to maintain afriendship through hypocrisy or flattery, for thisis no friendship and it displays the double heartof a deceiver.

May our Heavenly Father stretches out Hishelping and loving Hand

May our Heavenly Father protect us against Hisenemies,

May our Heavenly Father open our eyes andunplug our ears,

May our Heavenly Father bring His justice andrighteousness on Earth as it is in Heaven.

The End OS21493

Preachers of AmericaBy Thelen Paulk

Preachers of America, don't you understand,

The methods of the wicked, who dominate ourland?

We were a Christian Nation, till some envi-sioned goal,

Enslaved the Christian people, through govern-ment control.

A mass of public servants, were selected for thiscause,

Enforcing public policies, that violate God'sLaws.

As we watch this evil force, usurping greaterpower,

Will the church remain asleep, until the finalhour?

Preachers of America, speak out against thelies,

Of the bureaucratic serpent, before our free-dom dies.

It's not too late to warn your flock, if Jesus isyour Lord,

Unless the wrath of government, is a price youcan't afford.

The State usurped their GOD-like power, fromevery church they Bless,

With a tax-exempt status, granted by the IRS.

Is the 1st Amendment filled, with Rights YOUcan preserve?

Which one; GOD or government, is the masteryou now serve?

Preachers of America, before it is too late,

Will you put your faith in GOD, and disregardthe State?

The End OS21520

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