Nine screen analysis of the movie ‘double indemnity’

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Nine screen analysis of the movie ‘double indemnity’

Nine screen analysis of the movie ‘Double Indemnity’.

Screenshot 1 shows Paramount Pictures a major production/distribution company in the 1940s and was involved in the production of Double Indemnity. Paramount Pictures it this day is considered the worlds no.1 one production company. Screenshot 2 shows a long shot of a car in the dead of night a traffic light on the left of the street says ‘Stop’. Giving the audience the idea that what the driver is doing in his life is wrong. Screenshot 3 shows the same car still in a long shot is shown only just, missing a truck on the road. This gives the audience the impression that the driver is very reckless or in a hurry. Screenshot 4 shows the driver of the car exiting his car and entering an unknown building. This is seen in a medium shot, we only see his back giving him a sense of mystery. Also shadows are used focus the audiences attention on him. Screenshot 5 still in medium shot we see the unknown man being let in the building by another man. By the positioning of the second man shows that he is subordinate and my be an employee of his. Screenshot 6 is a two shot of the two men again the difference in height shows the difference in power. Dynamic lighting in used to show the door. Screenshot 7 is shot with a low angle long shot of the man walking along a walkway, the lighting casts a shadow along the back wall giving the impression of confinement. We later find out that it is a printing press so it gives the feel of desolation. Screenshot 8 again uses dynamic shadows to give the feeling of confinement. He is also smoking which is a classic Film Noir convention. Screenshot 9 still shows him smoking but in a close-up of his face. The music playing in the background in minor key. Hints of Jazz influences is a film Noir conventions. Screenshot 9 shows a long shot of a car drive up a drive. In the background we can see a beautiful view of the urban city below. Giving the distinct feeling that the house that they are entering very expensive and their occupants are very wealthy. Also the car gives the time period the movie is set in.