New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-12-27 [p...

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Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-12-27 [p...

ai Btreeta. 'rhe eftrrry 0jtx*Ttt& ln Cera^et, aaar

Antho* y and rt ia aaid no r/roroeation waa giten hy

Lrbdy. Mark Gibbona, of Ko. © Cerrtre-flt, waa also

B8rhtlY stabbed at the aame time. The weapon BBBB krdle of large dtoenskin. ^°*T?detainrd atthe l3wion-lyOvu»e. where he naade BBB ap-*^^

.. oa. -iii ondergo ao exam-pearance wirhoat arreat. He wui uw^ g

^atbuB^ralngbyJTart.ceO.^"'*' S53Uken home in .--^^JTb^wa£*feeaa»*dlyaphyilciaa Gibbons went now


Tiiua. or Fire E-r.itr.t.-Several ofthe fire

.ompaniLcaaminKHlthemrelte. flatnrday in teiting th,

power. af their .ppaf-atna to throw water 8BJBB Bh.BbertY i-ole oppo-ite Riley* Fith Ward Hotel, ln Wcst

.. Broadway. ho*. 1, 24 and 48 were brought into opera-lion ia the morning. Tbe two tirat are what are called

piano en.lne*. or second claia, large size ; the latter ia

what i* atyled a Cexaoo i!Tjgirie. Ko. 1 broke aome por-tton of it* works soon after getting into operation, andtbe aport of iu members w«» thcrc'ore spoiled. No. 24work. d elegantly: the water from it* pipe was throwntrter the top of the pole, and the itream maiutained that

hight a* long a* tiie engine was in operatir**. No. 49

.1*0 did remarkably well for an engine of its size and

capa. ity. It threw water up to the tane on tbe pol<\iLnglne Co. No. 15 were also testing the capac.ty of their

aroglne. in throwing water up to the steeple ofthe NorthDutrh Chor. b. corn.rof Ann and William ste. TheyBBceeeded In throwing a single ttre -rr of water more

than half way np the «teeple..*>

Ibterkbtibg BArTi»B..Rev. Dr. DowlitH-,Bte ofthe Broadway Chnrch, New York, but now of

Philadelphia, reeently baptised, by trnnicr* ion, in theBenacm4% Cbarch, Misa Abby Ju-lion, the eld-ist daugh-ter ofthe late Ret. Dr. Judson, tbe di»tii)gui*hod mis-Bioaary to Burmah. The lnterenting -eremony wa* wit-Bflaaad bj a Ya*t aodience, wL' ie r.-rat:ficatinn wbb in-crea ed from the fact tiv t the young lady was a'tendedat the bapilatery by the widnw of the mlssiouary, Mra.Emily C Jodson, better known as tiie popnlar aut'iorcsB"Fanny Forrerter "


gTRatr.r.RB..At the AtTon, K. N. Di.-lierwin,B. J. | Hon. 1) K. OaaBBr, Ohio Hon. W. W. rnnrr, Ot8<go. II. u E O. I'. tter, Ohio C. 8. Darrow, Bo-HnDr. O. P. Howe, Philadelphia. Hon. J. L. H.hoolcraft,All.Biy; II. A. Rathhone, do.; II. Chauriteioi. ParBjMa n-I U< intaiia, I.ima; E 0. Bail.-y, Bo-t'.n: Hon.W. bii^hi.m, d.. 1'. Grrxly,; J. M. "#?. Wil-titms.'O.; j. **. UoBaBer, ButTalo; D B, Balx-ock.; Hon. J I). Hsri'Kirn, Hari Frarn;i*eo; C. W.Btory, I o-tort R.i>< rt R"« d, ,1an Franeiaco. and othert.¦ Atthe MKTBorbi.iTAN, Hon. Roberf H. Morria, Ne.w-York, Dr. Hiimirioiid, IJ. H. Army: W. f'uuri, Hpring.8eld; On. J. B. IVrk. Vennont; Hon. W. L. Helfen-Btein, Philaif-lpbia Wm. Allrri, Virginia, John Kuapp,Bt. I.oiiie K. Liverrnore, do. Wm W.'L'htrnao, do.;C. W. IUck.-ra.iD, i'iit'li.irgh; J. C'hamberlin, Louls-y/ille; Ri. hard Cowhu. Piltshurgh Btfiihl II. fi.-l'ie,PYraeuse; J C I'endlf ton, Ohio I- (BbboOB, I'iiilid 1-phia C.-orre Lemon, Kr-nrti.- ky A. f 1. Admna. \x-th.tD I "Am. Manrfield, Kan Iraiirbico; II. A. Wdlard,W'flhi! fton. and '.ther*.Atthe Ibvino, Rcy. Dr. Cr-iirhfon Ber-ehwood; R. O.

P't kwith. 1 f*. A. I Hon. M.rritt Clark, Vcnn mt, K/.bf.Howard, I' S, A ; Hon. fi. D nn, I'.rkeepeic j l/suman, Buffalo Major A. A. P.'.YOT, Calif ir.'iaCed.-tG. A (aordon, Wert I'oint G T. MUhii'-, V-i!<>College Q. A. De Baaairy, V. 8. A. ; M. 11. I', fja.Frsnri-ro I*f>uin fiavilan, Mexico; PaMo P. Dit'-jer,do. R.-BB-0 KlL-nero, do j C, II. Randull, U. tt. A. r".P.riins,Ohio; ll R MarBtkBaaFraikclaee;Z.Conhlnt,hoiio- C, I. J. R 9. MamhVli, 17. H. A.; J. G. Clark,Wasl ington, D, 0. Clmrlea W. HetrBev, New OfaflBHB L. Caiey, l" 9. A., C»l. Ahbott CunniugtoB, Coaaard,V II Hon. A. I'oiter, Penn.; J. C. Pemberton, U. fl. A.;W llein.rtt. flt l.oui* Dr. Harvej BBBaBft, UclfordMr. Hunt, 0. 8. N. ; aud otheta.

F.'rb..About 12 o'clock Friday tiiuht, a fireoecnrre.! in third itory hack room of the ,lw -Hing houseWo. 95 WH.I.ippt.mBt. oreiitdeal by C. Cortain. Thel.uu were extinguished before much daraage occurreJ.

Ari'inrNTs..On Satunli.y uion.ii..- Mr».M. in r, io 21th it near id-at., while riding withbat l.uilaud throogh the Bowery, waa thruwu fr.un thavebicle. tbe lora.- having taken fi and run. and conrid-eTably -'jurrd. ()i,« whaa] of the wairoii paB*.t.l over h'.rbody Bhe wa* ronvryed to the office of I)r. 11 ¦*.«. itiUk'.ker «t wfaera her wound* weredrened, after whichar-e wi i taken to her rcaidence. Mr. Muaier vacaped tviUioatrointy.

Dciiii . (lallaitan. residina at No 38 Will, t-at wai runatei aa Saliirday oi*l,i. ** d'- rro»airia firaiiil-Bt at the ror-aer ef Clinton at., and ililhtlt n.jured. He waa takenlime by Offitct Hi od, ofthe Tliirt.ieuth Ward i'ohce.


Vioi.rnT A.'Saci.t rroi. \ Sulor..On Satur-dny i. nii-i au ag.-d aailor, altarheil to the IJ. S *hip Mvdotiiaii. while paaaing tliroush Cliafhaui ar. ttai Btaaekad '-ttwo rowriie* namrd Fdw.rd C rjBs and Peter Dovle, whoki.. aki d baa .,..» a aaaa tbe ndewalk and traaa about foi-lewing up (he attaek when .mn.. ritiaeut int. ri. red Tha8-llowa llirn Ded hai were overtakeu aud alt.r . .i-v. reatrnffle. lecurr-d by OBirer ll'int i.f ihe Suth Ward Theyweretakrii to tbe Luw.r Polico Court and locked up furtrial.


8cai.dkd to Dkath..An inqtiest w,i« yester-day h--1.1 at No. l*fl '.".'rB Twenty-eigl,th-*t., np," tae bodyefa rlnld of Mr. Thornai. Carryl, whodiedun Satu-diy after-aooa in coiueqtietice of beui* aci-hletitally craldrd a fewdayi peatiouB. Vardict accortliugly.


rAly-.t«»n.».t.J1*87" For the Holiilaya, the uiaRnifieent ('r,.-, in

-t.uii.-t ure nt pi.turra.taken only by Roor, N...'. ,:-.'JPruada ay. Clo.idy weather all the aame a* fair.

rAilterl.-emrnllty The iittetition nf |Nirtiea owning Reai

Batate iu V\ uv i.tiBin. or hating money loanrd there, or thoaewiihing for a valuable work ou Wiacuiiain gratu, u called to1>. U. 1'owtas'i adtritiwiuent.

..*>-[ BlaaaaaaajB]C*g*F*The I.Hilii-s nhi.ul.1 reiiieinher tWt* is

p.ttral.lT the laat ueek nf tha rloaing aalea of JicaBB kBbnnett, No. 321 Ktiltnr *t Hrooklyti, r... there willii ver he ai.t.iher opptntuoitv where they can purohaae auchrich trthawla, SilVa, l.area, and KuibroiilerieB. aud utlirifcii.'V ge da ; ai.d h«iiia*ikr.-.i< ra will pl. aie niak>- a BOt* i.i lttiiat al theae pure lnah l.itieu Damaak Tal>l,--c.l..llia, Na"aaw,aitaaaye Bad thaaaa ruwrliug, i*not .>xp.-rtrd to ramtm lo. i atthe preaent pnrr.. II the M. .-. \ HWere not t loartiig int Ihe ratta k to euarce tli» r premi**elliry 8«*jld not ntlor.l to atil tU-ii good* ut hall thoir eoat, mll.. y tio ai pi... ..i



Si tni'iM. as.) Aaaaaxi tnta Or-ncaas..On Friday night la-t a party of Cermaaiand Irulitnen got into a ditficulty in Coluinbia-st.which reBiiltedratiier»erioiuly. Tbe former lt seem*were attacked by the latter an.I one ofthe Cerminidrew a knife and stabhed one of the other partv, John McCinnMB, injuring him it l* feuriad dau-geroualy The IriKhinen, -eeiug tbat one of t'neir number had bren ftabbvd. detenuiued on revengo audf. Ilowe.1 the Orrtian*, who to;>k refuge in the hou,.*of one af their countrynien, iiam.-d Hart in State-at.,wbk-b they attaeketl with Btoues, breaking in the reirdoor and window*. nfficcrs, Jame* Mi-I.:iu.hliti,Himpion and Wbitehill came up about thia time aud inattrni| t'ng to arreat the ortender* were badly baatenwrth club.*, .nd wi re compelleJ to beat a rctresr.Tbey boweter aucce*del ln taking three of the Ger-man* into niBtedy, to ariwar the eharge of atahblngMiGinnei*. Their name* are, MatfhiaB Cojk, Nu-hola*Pmith and Jobn I iindli n. None cf the Iri-hinen hai ebeenarrettatl as yet.


St. Johji's EriscoriL Cihrcii.TheCongregatioa of 9$. Jahn's Churck. situated on thecorner of Waahirigtco and Johnson-sB., have mv.t-dRet. Thotiias Gulon of Coanecticat, to be th.irpa. tor. It ia underatood tbat he will accept.

«,!,1> ~0n Saturdnv evenimx laat the Chemi-.?:«.'la,*",'*,.M,*,,,. *..***'>''. D P-Bte, Kn.wn4-Co,*.tu-1^J*__*___S____t*a**\, were aWtarad2 iT. h.\u". "* I! ********* ** x** iawlBBlfBlu uAtiire?mua\ f ila, JV..1**, W*T ul wood- *** .*. "o****, con-

eotirylveavropediaflBmr. |vfure the Fire f>-t.vt-ie-it

Z%i£ **8jt*! J12C2' WCT,J "oeamwi the ruaintTiniuA Tlait machiartT waa ai*., ' u ZT ,

hui'd.a**aiuch.d to the taatav, ^remaji~ ^".'^rxcrtieaaol N. ,,T."'lTiu? U,.,!*, A* m*.ba.M'Bj muxatka pr*<ed,.. y^^ »^^_have kr.ll KBltrd by an iacrodi»r». T}^ !,_, i.PJj?Ci|ralcut §lfi,0lru, apon wluch ther. u aa iiunttamce of Bi V.7Thr oBice of the Coiupaiiy u at Nd. 24 WaU at-, n" w-Voja

8ioop SiiK -A iloop loa.led with attilea forthe \\ all-et. Ferry Con nany w*. ifr.vrn BBaaj wim 0^.Btruriion at th.- Bat of Montague-planc, dunua tbegas* caThenday oiaht Ua, aod auuk. wen Ofapri ontbe ItiJIewing dagr in raiatag brre

I'ickm) Bff i.f tmb STRtctr.-A FrenchwottMB, flaf trrv rrapeclabir appear»nce. aamrd Delafirar,wa* fauad in York at. on Saturday nubt. lAboring ua.lerBrYere ila.e*a. aod waa tak-u to tl.a 'So.- .'li .. - tStu o.-i-lluo*e ht C'ai t. I'aa Krur*u. Dra. Oafdllea aml Bbud.-*mci* cahcii in, and rendered media*' irm.lan r

ty A bi.'n.lle of cl.itLea. eonatRtiiigof a eoat,pat taieooa, reat, cap, aad a black adk Back aat.dirreh.rf. wa*I'ick.d up .t Adart.e*!. Duck. on (ia'arday nigbt. bv ttond Outnct Police. It *. aap-Kiead the u.iwr cuantut-ealtJ-.C-lr.


Ki> Orra..A tnan namrsl Duliut waa rtinoter ia J-rilemoa a^ oo t*ararday Bighr, by a aTocery BBBen, bat fortuaafr.'y received bat tligut iojan**, aitlio-igbtho tehicle wa* heaviiy ladca.


_-**«.____¦_- with Fire Arbs.OnSatur-

were tbe__e!ve« by «*"»*<'"%... ITTT-1IDf rmader d tbe corner of Tenth andr-ooita Baflfltalat*AgrUloman pa-mf on tb* aide-wala between theae Boti

¦_Ut-efe»ce,Wwly ta-ped tata| flbta.MflJ.fl/flflabtiv. ojiapptd a ¦u*k*t. which wm K.**. "gjiu*'t a. tZpaated ir, Cr-nt ol the mut_e of the BflB, wh-cj

a. d fireH-fter br ba-l paaojed by the taflfl diw. taflBBfl be

.._. and on MuiT.n.g he foaad that *)r>..*~*Baavth rhargo-H with ahot. On e__-uhk tbe fcjBJjfl«found tbd thtae iaoya had fired ^-ra'ch.yj.-a ol aho! inU>

Ibe fer-re Alrf'-maii Barker atterapted to arred tbi* boyb«tam-debke^pe. In variou. part. ot the city youiglov.aeredi.ehargiiit fire-arm*. w.tbout m.l-iatiori frflnr^ea-men. Tbere arr nCcieat way. forr boy.toama^tbera-Ov*. wifhont udng 6ie-ar_ua. Hereettrr, tafl flflflrnon th* poiice to arrert tbeae yoiuag vagabondt wh-' are

eiuTbt d tiie kinri of -_r--*rr,~t 4-th. rw_fl lt and bc d__-ireiouj to go _t l tbe flflBBtaflfllBflflBflfa


Tflfl Watch Overpowered..Laat **.i"'ir-

£*v night at about 9 o'rlrxk. the Watch dteni;.t*d to a-re-tI __.« .elongiag on board tbe Kng!i-h gtean-er rytafld Ca-rard'a Dcek failir r te lriobice the aailor tBBO to tb* YVatch-

prrtbly. I e u.rd bt. club with effoc- nnon tb* aaii-

or who raliird wrencbed the club from tbe VV auM -ldwith it brr.k* tt e I trlz* oftha Weethmam'* r.oae ando'h-r-vk i»e aevereiy ii.jiin d Bk bead Yojojterday morning the san-

or ard anotl»r | arrv were B-flaflai ar.d v. .:i bave their ex-

11 e'ore th thia momtng.

UAMM1MB*Ob YVro'r.r'av fl.Iflfll Wat. -», r, R*t. BBBBC H. Tntv

f'HARI.IS H BODTH M M-"DEB.j!.AH M <tau|htrr ofJobo1 H ¦. ,-.. E-q.. a'l - -if'«~lr.

,, n . .- O* I I a» R-v Dr. K mwij, n T. >

YVILLLBS to (HAblf'TTE ABEI.IA, danjhtrr' I ' '"'

. .. . .....,,-. .- f 0 Ifldar T)a SoY >j Hrr. J*f. Poiri.l HF.M'.V Y Mlll

fiAN M M . irOX I.7.Y li f.l.MI.S. kflfl "' 5rw totk

DIF.I1.OB-nal^y nre.CI. f'-er a >h-_-t ihr.-aa, HAnPEH loATT I,

__. 64ik reat et tat aaa , ,

T..r fr.'rrda r,f t'.i farrx'T ar. -. '¦ *-' "._" Ir, m kn U'r rraidenee, No. * id .... nr. Tur._ty. t!,- J*ta

,D_t'_!-'aop'/C4 t', "i'e! ., ef <-* bb.a_, MAUT EUZABKTBAMlVIMt "¦:¦'- .' Wilka.K Bfl*. " aflkdd r. .

Th' rr au.r. ai.,1 '..nA. ol Ihr f.oa y «-e rr-, .tf.cj ir,T:tr_ lo

tVrr.,1 hrr lunrral thao (Mo-dxr' aftr-tvK.r. af e'rlork, fro. _.

rcioj.-o.of bor oi.i".e, f.m-iei YV llavrt^irl. t,. YV.r- t. p'.ar.Jerfey C.ty, wf.en her rt.tin* will be Ukrn leOrflflHBM

"x't f.n|-ir*. D*c. _0,8TEPHK.N" YY UACIIEf/ia, *i


Satibdav, Dee. _>-P. M.There waa no important bu-iinefis d'ine in the

.trect to-day. A fcw operdora appeared. and one or

two trnnaaction* were maide at about Friday'. ratea.

We annex some freight transaetioni not be¬fore reported hy u*, made during the week 5) tuna

Clover t-Yeed,4d _fl__L Btaflflfl, 'l 250 te*. Recf,.- I;and CO bxf. Tobnreo, 4,. To London, 1,00') bbla Na-val Htorea, and 99 do. Applea, 3 (i, _*) Pearlaah, 3.V_)hhda. Tobaceo, 4D -VJ tafl Clover f7teed,ll andM balei Cotton, on privnte terma. To fllMgow, aJWbbk. Fleur, 4/»4/6. To II imburc, 300 balea Cotton,1 cent; 40 tuna *flflflflflB*aflMBl fl taflfl, U "n-119 bbk.A.hea, 3.V/. To California, thfcre ia no BBNOaflBflflfl in the(juantity goiag forward.the ratea by fi.ll fflflflflll are

Mflfll. BBbI by Clippera, 705 ,k0 cent*, and BflflfjOoflflfl,l_ljeenfp t> W),()00ft. LflBflbflf waa taken at 4)1.),and25(),n4)0ir3i)0,('()()in a ferondcl'iaa --hip, NO, A Ilre.bark from Charb *ton to Holland. took a cargo Cottonat li recta; a *hip frcni the.amej.ort to Liverpool. a

cargo at !*-lfpd two brig* to Raflflflflfl and back, at 37keents for BflfflO and 4?ii 7.r) f..r Moln-cen; twobriij* to

Nieniagiin with Coal at S.S n .ehooner flf UO tum forTampico and back. I-JW, and two Bchooners fromAttakapn* to Ntw-York at 9.") for Pugnr antl Kc*.luarea. The ahip "He.rue," recently reported .old,bM been reaold at fll.*»,(>00. The propellei " Htnrof the fiouth," now being built iu Pbikdelphia,ha* b«en purchi>ed hy T. P. Ktanton ii Co., oftbia City, to run between thk port an.l New-Orleans.The propeller Ontario, built d Kocherter in la46, 3_1tun* reirkter, with double engine* of about !'0'hor«epower caeh, ha* been purchaacd by an Kirtern homefor |13,000.onethird eru-h, balance four and *ixinonth*. Tbe *hip Paxony, late of Bath, Me., whichcleared at Hoaton on the _!d inat. for New Orleana, haabiren purcha*ed by partiea in Boi-toB. Tiie ship Tyr-tell, of r.oitoii, Bfl tun*, between 2 and 3 year* oil, baabeen purchaacd by partie. in Hoaton for 960,000. Tbebark Mofe* B. Ptetaon, 2fi"i tuna, built at Robbin«ton.M--, ha. been -..ld to a Rotton houae on private : -r.-n-.

Tbe bark Jono, of Bofton, 12 yeara old, 301 tuus, haabeen purcha/ed by a Iioaton houee for 91-000, caah.Tbe bark Celeate, "m cbe k," was reeently aol.l inthk City for ll'.'O, caHh. Tbe bark foilbert. of Provl-dence, was recet.tly |TflflflB.Bfld by a hou»e in thi* Cityfor 97,000. The brig Mrory Ann, of New-York. 20d tun?.haa been punhn.e.i ),y John A. Parker, E«q., of New-Bcdford, for a *perm whaler. r?he will be rigs-ed iutua 1 ui k Thcbrlg Ji lm .*¦ fi'.ttiiign.jif Raltimore, Lmbeen rold at New Orleana for fcrSOiX), cadh.

We have the English papera hy express.IVilmtr aaya:yince the annoancement of the content* ofthe Buduet

lylhe Chancell.r ol the Kxt-hoquor, the comineirn oithecouBtry haa experienced a BflflJBBfl ui.'provciii.-nt.

Tlie Rullion market ba. given way aince our 1.t, aodaltbo'.i_l. aome eonilderable pareel* loth of Dollar an.lRar Silver have been flold, tbe aupply k large, awaitin.'further order*. Quotdion* are reduced, and not byany incanfl active. Spnnkh Dollarj are ncarec. BflflflhAmerican Doubloona in leaa IflflflflB I. flold coming infreely. Money without chaago, but in good rcimeat.Foreign (io 1.1 .n Ilara (StBiio'.an!>.j>eroz..3 17 6

Silvei iu liara (Sta.olard).pr-roa..O 5 1$Oold i i ii., Portujal pca.|,rr oa. .3 '. J

I-. ., ... 1'atriot. . :.'¦ ullitto Spaniab.peroa.3 17 b

'* Napoleona.perox..S15 0" 10 liuilder piecea.r*-rora..3 18 0

bilverCi-ii. M- i I A.n.r Dok.I*ror..O 4 11}" r-j-ainih Pillar l>oU.peroz..O 5 1

It k ctimated that the next return of the Rank ofEi.gland will ahow aa inerea.e of about £lt>0,000in the

! atock of the precioua mctak. Thi* increa.e k not BBlarge a. had*at hrat been antuipated, owing t > aome

delay ln the in the Bank of a portion of the goldlately brcught in from Am, while d the aametime tbe demand for BflB. flfl* rdtipniea* to that imarterha*increaicd.The London Rank flf Auatrnlia and India hai been

announced with a capitnl of _S0I\bwj, and jpowcr tflincreare it to a million aterlinar Pranehen aro to beertablUhcd in the fir.t in.tance ln r-\ daey, Melbourae,Adeiaide and Calcutta.fbipment* of bullion and »pecie from Rel^um t

Knglaad have been takinr. place Tbe lUven*-bourne biought over from Antwerp flUyOM tabflfltafland 5 franc piecea.

It flppeara that r->mitt-_ncej of trold from London toSt. Pett*>burg atill continue, although only on ain derate acale.The Michigan Cent ral Rii'lroad Cmnpanj- haa

declarcd an ai.nual dividcud af f? |> cent. The M-tn-chcater and Lawreuce Cumpaay have declared a divi-dendof3i -j> cent, payable Jotnuary 3, to holdera ofat. ck at (Bfl doae of the -..'<h iuit The Rutland andBurliugton Hailroad Company a tUvideud ol 3 o-s- centon the ti <J> cent. preferrad dock, payable January 1,to hoMer. Dec M The Lewell Kgulroad Company atlividi-udof 3 <**. ccut

The Middletotnt (Conn ) Sentind saya fiveRaiaka have goneyinto operation in thd .*-Ute under tbeGeneral Raaking Law, at the laat .caaion oftheLegklature. the circulation or bdl» k*ued, bein.; _ecuredby docka depcaited in the hand* of the .-5tate Trea»urer,Hon. Edwin Steam*, Tij Union Baak, N.raich.capUd91(»,000; Bank of Hartford C.-unty, #5MX),(XV, which wiU probably be -ooa iat reaaedto otrl00,(0ii; Bank of Ct.ltnerce, New -t_flfla"flB. -apital911X1000; Bank of Ltk-hfield Co New-Milford.eapital?lWOOO; S.iusB'uck Ibink. VTBfltpjrt.cap bfll f 1 lO.OUO.The atock. held by the"l*iVB_iur-er,to«oBcuro- the redemp-tien of tbe*e bill*. cut_kt of theae L-aued by the .*H*te»of Virginia and Kenttky, and the citie. of BoaUin, II _rt-ford. Norwich and New London. Three other. are incourae of prepara'ioa, or are talked of. vij on.. in Col-rheat., oae in VViarted, and another la II\rUord.At Btaflflfl the Money market ia verv easy,

and atock. are BflflBflfllflflt Man-acturing dotk* «re«*»l*ecklly bu-ymiit.

Tht A!bony Argttt han the annex ed Canal

¦d»M«--ajK^.aflflflW** H*1'FBragkdpo.rrv,_ta. ^uraa fc« an


B- arda an.1 a-ntla.g. it.. _l7 _JS <_____ aa. 121 _5BSflllf. *'a_L ,^t5"^,2,?S2Tinitar. catae laat. 2*t.TlT 'aJS ,?JS___t____t. i-x j'***4 aM*Atkea. bbk,. 7-<flj tiXm \ fl


acaicn-Tvu.PNk.Mils.. B..2SB 431.28.1 li.iB*8

.JM18 43B.887Bar.n.t-. 8.-1..J77 aa. .75 Z7a».f*-*-Cheeer, r.. ... I'ST. <"*" 235..* .'

". 4

wand Oil. ffi*... *. 11,788 .»*AcoL OM. 1 ""¦

.- '

Hid.aHk*. ilb.bUt 44.IM Z11.7J3Flour bS*. ^4*.*i»4 '.171.1*1'

\k. I«i*l. i ytJS, 01.886Bye. btuB.. : ll Va7>8Corn. hia\.( on. C...J r . | ¦

Bailry.bash. 1T6i*T8 'fi:.:'. irOat»."biiAh.. I.VIUC ai-2,124 1,04Brrnsndah .>.*.."."..¦.- 9 21 II .. -*0Peaflaadbru.abBah. 18118 1 e. 17.1*4Petatu*B, b~i'. <-

Dri'd lrr.itCotton. BM. ¦¦- **

-re a tobacco. p a .»:

Hm*' !">Cloverandrinaiaeed. th*. Bi, I £-7.188Flaa«e<d.t,#. *.*.''.' BMM .

BflfB,Ba... . **9. ."* 9td*m "*'.7J8

Total **lve.§l8,aW.T71MAwrrAcrrr.!*.

Beflr-'y*. *«».>.*",4i*»**B btsm .v\«-5OilmeaJandcakeaC-. 1 136.6!*$ um *aB,|88Leatl.rft. l.ait.790 JU.i 88 l.gob.Vx,Funntore.fc. 344U/J4 54.607 115,015Ptairou. ft. -".12.148 3.121 SiO.710Bloon. .DdU: ir :r, 4,483.189 67,247 16.2fM. 190Caflrirr*. tr.. -10.242 1.1,153 BASJn 18,751 lb. 188.577 4a\«J0 l8t,4BBl}cu..8'-.c*t.:,rL,.5,^*U,44i» 2S.3J1 oS4i,5vO

Tota* vain..§9f78,7Ti5MI'aiHAMllSR. __,

f-crar.ffi. 2.418 BB.Badiaaad *pik*e.B. 1,111,888 S8.H18 V*i.i2» 88,781 2.046 31,7»CiocktrTatdgla** ware, ffi. 7)6.16 6.9*5 40.16-.Allo:U"rn:-rcijaiadi«e. B... 2..69.:75 880.783 730.W)

TotrUfaaaa.8848,089OIHF.a ABT1CI.RI. cattle. boga S. iheep. ft 98.730 1*»W 8*88*881f-tone, lim»-ar.d rlat. ft.SB.2fC.441 57.3<"5 4i.8fvt.lJOGypiunj, Y.j. 1,064. ::93 2.16'- 1.190.580

U era45a! 618,370Coir'Torr R. V.-m 3.115 311." "0.Wn.r. Ri.2C.59-ii.114 M1.W2 42 M BB

T*t*l vtlae.tXOT I 1.5Total vi.lue uud.r tbe di-iiions a* »pcciSe,l in the

abote ttblc1--.V2. I .»..!.

1The Foreit.i*VM7^a* §2H>.I'V5Agrieulture.18.^.771 15.225.317Manufecttire.. ^..-^tm.1.53Merchandiae. ***-0**7-7OtLer artic't*. -W.OIS 9SJ.3I3

Totalvake.§27.43J. 188 §22 IV".'..¦BB ruent ihowing ihe aggrcgate in tun*. under the

divbior.s a* abovet]'.'.. .,**r4.'*fi3 -flMS

Aincultcre.4 -r*'i,4i)7Mansfacrurei. I"",7*«18,488Merclumliae. 19678*7Other articla*. 33,0X1 __4d.W

ToUl. 1.0I9.B-7 B22.7IIIThe folluwing ia tbe couiparutive ralues aud riuiuti-

tica clcarrd at AlbanyTOTAL YALIF.

1*4.12. IM.1I.TheFonvBt. §42.1*38iUBfAgrkulitn. 4 v.l.927Mantifaciur.i. 630,797 87,04". 552 21.385.2t4Othtraiticl,.. a*""". "J7 34XHTJ

Total.§31.476.375 $22. (WZC27AC.Kr.l.ATi: IN Tl'N*..

TheForr.i:. fr)Agr.'ilt.r. . 4.H58 5.183Alaiiiitacliir'a. |.1.V»512.665Met. baiidiie. 12a,4f>7 8<i.l7lOther aiticle*. 3o 181 »t,**7

Total ti.tiB. 177.054 135,475The ladra tion 01 the tatt s ol toll, which on the greater

portifn of tl.e op freifhta amownl to 50 p-*r cut,wbile it has eliphtly dm.inisbe.l tlie ao8B raXBatad at

Albary, ha» drawn to the Canals a larrely increaaedamount of buainen* aud from tide water.

ItujiortB (nther than Dry Goods) at the portof New York for the week ending aud Includinf Friday, Dcc. 24, IBBBi

.' 1 pkt*. Alataatrr OrBamrotB lt.7. 1 lo Apn-lv-ra-.»,' At*p,nt-.. ii.(.. '.. ,. linirj 1. 11. :o.t B«.l.-.« l:i. 1 B !.mr, de. IV-ar.. 1*371,88 *B Il<r k« 810 130.-la, B-,'1 - 83.1 1.8So. H.iit:.. Bt«7, l'. So llru ke* I ¦. . N.13S . 1 ..

I'ntti.iil tll.'i-'l. '''. H '.'r H'- k. 881B, BO I'lrr IIBBB8 8.M, IV) *».Bi.ltrrfl^.7, .'.U. llur'ii.* t7iu. S .io I'harta t 88 I .'

Oiriniri.t* 81488, 4 .1 I L.rj. W,r* »;.:1H, 888 BB, C/u« *l"..«'!,. . ...

1 ffl I lml, i il,.. Corn* lan llniaa IM'I, .-'l 'lo. I uriiH.-M.!.-: ,. ¦... I)a*.Pl8--»,.':51.:id>.,81,1 -7' ... Ara. ... H >- 1 llda.8a.ffi i, *..!.'., I- ! j C.-e't 47J1,I ... .lo. Il i'. oo Carb. Arumuna t II<ii..ft *yll, l ,',, Citr A. iA *.:',.; .... Carkawal »i.a"»i tf BCrrBtnTaitar *.'>W. Ml*. Kaaervr. rt.H" 14k. l'«»n-* L-nenIMB. Ti'i!... 0*81 Aial.k *-> 7J.. :i Ba t. ,-n Wwn *.l'-.:< .lo. (.mnTrirB.itrth ».-.!.-7.1 .!.. H,'. l'',t..|, b?. i.l.'.J.I,,.

i...',., i',.-. Aii.ji.i. IflBda I.B-nria.Boat 848B. 10 ao. tVaia Bark 8180, 18 a,.. M. d I' - *

Oil Hrraair"! 8W.S. m do. .... L« 4 4-ai 18. ... <nn«r « ;. ., jde. .-.I Hl,. ihuh. giM, M du. Opiaa. *i:i.«:i. n a*.

' t. OO. l ai.tiuu Birk t7.'U<. 1*0 y-,'....¦ « 1".A.rtoarla *<l*. i 0.4 .:...* BWO. aiiilr,. S .', A>-.

- ,|.'jr a.'.e s::,1.... so. ,.., triia leo r*run. A ¦¦> t f»,10do V.r.- i I . ) i8l BBeo r*0owOihr* I'lO .1) Jo. o.lirr Druaa a-W. I'-V. Kirtliriiwirr 81 tM, 15,i.' Unir.y 1118.14 y.'.r>. :i .t... Kan. t;..i "i, ". I".ruel-raikerafru. m ,\. llrrriif -I .'. ;.'-. '... M.. I-(0 d... .-aril.ari »,A|, 7 d<, rial *>OS. 36>. do. Aimondi t4,11* 88 .1".

>-.:..'.'ilo. <*praa tm;, 33>7-> ,lo. 1«. *..".. 101 ar:. t *^.. .'r; do.lirapra 81 ie., ">'IH I". IraniiB ?, iv.. NOrimr. ai.'-'.l, irdo. Prncvril |..l. BtB J^ rUiMna «-.M, ildo. i ...., *i na i< ¦!¦ ti...Bi«,,-.. ,.*!,'-.. :i'o. Spr.ta.1* (.!ij.a»-;w. 7 Jo. I.Ibh Warr BJll.ilil.'i.a 1.II,.r tl3..i«-. f, .I.. .1.. Manufi-tn-.-l *i Ml,.1 do. U<- 88,188, 14 Bl . 1Beag B88J i 4". do ll.'ory 81XM.5, 1 1: .- I'«H, 7 An.Ib<1.*i. 81 1 *i, 34 .tinaljo,H**.l.84*tBi al ea f-. BBB, 5.1 fBta, Ja-arairy 89MB8,1 .lo. Latth-r? i,i--, 1.1... B "t. an.l 81 oa* *;..7'.. HKd<i Dr.-rl Bkiaa t:i,.o,

da t'nii-. ' I alrnt l>-a'l.rr B'.IV., 14 do. ie,«!<-. 81-.'. l.r.-O do. Brindr *6I40*,3 do. (im, fl'l 3 k IV', -kr

¦ lr,, e-I un.l-r 81490,188 p.«- MVcuoni tMS.65 dj.Var rBlJfB 1 nil'll.- ?*<!. lol io. O-ra,? }l.Bl '. !« *'<S1. 4 Jo.Coiter 81 r«*. C*B* .'.'»<. 84Jo. BaeatBiBfl 89407. tstn t.aa l.t., * ;. ¦-; .-. -i pka Booa lo81I.--7:. 74. do. tun* Pif do. B..l*4. ",rai !,*-- a.

4.1-44 latkaa.s -hr.t Ir, >. p.. ka«T* Tuk*. 81,1*"'.

If k*- ( 1., na li'f 34 da Cullrrj BtltrM. 39 do. liun,, *.-.,IJMB1B, M3 da Hardwirr f.'i.lV .. ,lo BaMBB H.0*1. 7 «V». Saddlrtytl.-:.- I. l'-l I.I ."4. 41 d«. Pl.'rd W«r« tll.-l),OM aMal 81.'B»'.. 8J81 la ^|.¦.¦*r 834", l4Wfo.SU* -

;.175 do. T.n glt, i#.4, IU do. lia. 88480, 2 Jo. Br.-. War. 84*36. aaid.*-*. 88401, 10 d> ML.t8r-.l.8ii.'.sj*». t.-jah. <l.u<*.- rk... Oaaaa* BBM, 4- J l « .83.41,4, T* ..... l-lil.l* *1 IV d... I'liataBfl* ."*, -II do. Pap. r*i -7-, i .1... .!. Baaaaa* BflUB, 8 Jo Pii.-r M, ...ivntinirrr 8aaB8, lt o tatt B . i ¦"-¦*. i»48B koaa.J*. la.r. » ¦.a #..1.4 [tl, 4 l*. I'rr. mv*8toa«**.' 103. I.SBI 1,-1 ...¦lo. t'anary 8****, »1 BBt, 418 ia. M..*tird 8IA10. <* Jo -hclla **&,:.? - «".. | t--''. U4CI i . Bi. .-.

ITflkarc. t'V.'B'. ll ,'.. rmna.81.M8 Jl dj. V,o*«ar »17I. a. aaWa'-le* I. M .. ,. . , \t -..

aajaa, ....i7..,i., rtaMBMa* <¦(.-- taao.taeio\1..ii -teAat ?:-< 1 04,' 't .. '....

M ..... WiI44B, 1 rk, - . i|*Xt*laBB8 ..-,-. , ..I |IJg. I.Ulill-*,41 4.3 -o-,

°*>Inrkelr>.. ..Reporled by TcleyrafJt.NlwOiiiiM. IVc Jl.The Bklflfl of Cottisi to-daybaWa The tnarkrt wa* actettled on ncco.jut of

tiir n..u ol lb* iteuuirr'l iacw*. (fitnet tiiiduliDa Uuoted it t Jc. Tke saln ol" the week are 37,000 bale*. Thernada'aidvc.* ware recciiedat i.x io ths t-Ynnina after

t-uainra* I.. ur.I'aovit.iNtr, Dee. 8S-CoTToa-.S*l*e for the week

aBoat 8^08 balea \5 m.Balaa for the week i-nited atIr.Btvirek'a pr.c *- The market r|o»*d tirm. PainriN,.Clothb have arttatued 4 aiuc- laat we«k. «-1a34 are hcldaty.ooe. SMOO* aold to be nude. The talt* ot the* eek ar* 5-JA'e pnce*

ilr.mi Stteaaiert.liit or iTriMtai roa ra-B momtn or saecaaral^vrtakr..f r-jB. N 1 . I ll.a.nm a,>' T"rl JV. .?). ror 1 tarxanlJb*m* Ad«r,.rrt,ai 14. !¦ rk .Dar. B)..ror Caailaetaa


l'*u.Menarra SailedtaatilaaflkBiBrar** r r i...,r y _^ M. r Tio ..,

^ ; " H .-' .3 ¦ . aat UaSVr*. IBr l r H.nt anj *..... Hivara I' r,.-'.. Eaa twUrk u...ofdiapaukr. Jir. Tu.kwawa, Boato. U^imwxZa\imma\r\aVUrtvco: 0 Mr- T K fi^aVillL.'Yirl H A l ..ty,!r. B-^. t J ha I laBABaaf tB* H A i..,(',Mdr r.B.Ba., .. 1).-11'arla.vhMC.n. DooP.dro Ahaaarand daM<-U-r Hivin. M.r.iru V-:«a-,. aadaoa. B.Cflraaka, f .b.. B. EE Oa ri, 8. p.-... ..*.. ., r "7.. r^J. A»*. Hr ai.i B.,. B.'.h.wa. O.m Br Brav'Ij.rrpoo Br Borray Saa Kr.r. .. v IV Bcbrad.!¦f-J1..****** * B******\ L-'Bdoai H E. CoVl.S..SUBd; B 11 Laf .. , B..ko. flIUBro.:k.,.rnocr, L. R. I'ooA. t^a y3. k ToU'II. * ..

Paaee-acera ArrtTed.".**.». K«Aert /-ar.r, fV ¦ «*,*.*, -Caaa*M* l.~- ka.

W jehf. Atflt, >..r..,.; ...J 1. ..,,.a.a.-io.-: "*.

WBaaT* (M"' l:"r°" f'"m "' """¦ l " H'T- .' r**"

. ...».*a laaaati.-m *.,**** *****.'J3'***.-" «»~-i*t*.4t1a. . . aaa Baaaa.*..»»,,»»*^H<*k.7 4imH*uv. Ukad...B JAm H*aeato....l0 !*¦

Mj-JHW. JOVaaaUL.9*huattJ*f *W-ti3att.Daa -5.



Arrived.*B.-«.k p Jiirr. AJl-r. 1<«I aaaa .t>i-»*yai«8io^^n.d.Tia^,'..jret' ii. !r*j*.wi!*mur- "i

ol laa. H.iTr...akeaj. ^_,TA- __a _af*h. *-**"..»aalea fl.a. 7o,k ». *awt7ta±£. ****** ****-*. tiAaAUueamatuw »B»nr* twA


«B. irtaxwt (nar, 'b* fu^iavi Hoawaatti, ¦,L 3*1*1*, '' "

S P ,|u, ,hr kar rraUrmZmaT A*Mt,i '***k.pAlKar, l.itb.. IVrt. franr. (Vt **-««_»». -

w ,. .

tawaaa-rra aa-ara ,.u,. k.| aai*. Br "*****'¦ oi lk» Baaaa,*k.p ElruM*. C*aa*M ** *a|af'oa. Lamiaa, ax* BaA*>. a j_

~k, ...h amaa. aai IM |.^..a,r. a. W BL &£a?tB. ^ ***L*'* h BB»l»a.fA. ranVaTtr*.*. tr~^-..'*. to J W f'a *TU*- '. {_,*»?. f****f^a»>"»ri iBiiai -aaa B t/r. iJ.^,t

oa. Jmeete Caek. fl*. *.» Beai4*d**B. w -S aata H» Eokf*i.i. .,,' Haa bad a gahot aa.wr. i>

or. «-d..-oioBy- ¦':..... IY. oar-a.a..ak ri-i.«. o*i»i .o_f.,t)vJ-r



. ... ira A-io-. ,nr Baa l-BBa.


... oa



atvai <

'. B

,fca l_w__.l .». -!.¦__,..

"« »* fl-".- n .- .fflBaa .- i -a *- fl Ba tafl * A-o._ar-_-l_.r-f ' _._*_. Al-i i,h. . ¦ T.I.' *tk

caoii a.*. kr. Ho4r.. o-,.#a, » fBya from C\*r\Wam. wrth rouaa.frW. laoiv.aat. fldoaoa. Iflflfl.B.M fla ¦ »- .tf.

' "'p * a. «

. rrj.ktrt.Hr..... . more.

I . "**..v. to. :- r. |ldar-f>~Barrna_.BAH-BB.fl_kw__k_WB* krr-t. Laaa L »rrt_v.l; A*.ba-H_. _*d-

low, r.i.onn. Mar,.,- Brrrtrao) . .

reeith* WaaC,».-*. -..- --


-. b'.OlriTdf. YV. H. Haii-rd Iuto. *H. Mtrka. atvi

¦. ..


Arrlred.Daa-aa.Cataw ahoy fltar af tl Cewe. (.ew.j B .Oa*

to.. osha. tttiu J. Uadro TV far -_flh. _'n.on wa. B »-l to ib*.-t l- -b- Maaa . ., I. »n. Capt. Hatia-d.fh p I'adrrwnter. (pao ket! from I..v*-poo! Baa. I. Bflfl n*d«*. tnd

m. Tk.ll. jm *. *

. nnrl. V.t waa |il -.If y flta I .". andfla.1 Bf.

Ii,rl A dtiTifr.,m HfvantA J i

t_a k.Fi-asBa-ta'taflatafHBi.'.jy. trr m II

BarkTvoi.-. *. " t.tflBr. hia Hiffwo. "I YYiBtipoa-.) Smilfi, ill .Ji lro4U Ha . ... I

ln J--:-. Ba 1 ¦-.--.¦ a, -. flfl* "' ¦ '¦ '¦ -" ro. toKatiorl- CeBr .-. Cafl '.'. ... 1 on-.a ;iJirif.nmlr,_i.i

¦. S. 1lr. I , L t H.ilmra. 13 Jt/o from C.p.

H.,:. leaw. ei. kc -o ll I- H .rk fl c...u i *.art.) Bflflkia.B,Bfl Bflfl fla ifl ir.t. c. H __*rai. 18 ja****B r*Bohr M B. !'.'.' lo I It vr- Dat a, a r>ar« rr Bfl fU'-ir.rr.

f!o.,r aad rora ta-. it- n ¦--..frnm

J H Hbrnl.un. 71-. - 1 .ompany w.'h brig Arn.w P.vJkrw > .

Srl-r Bagkl »v T~"- " layafroiBCajrH.iyt.. logwood an.l. > "er -_¦ llr, krr A Gravea.rthrCiat.- I* .'rm rB'mo.ttk. Ja,

v.a I'rv ll.'i. r. I '. A II *..!. moiu

BrW. Edwar. trnmk, U.rairt,. fliipwerta, Lith toJ !umb»r »oI -.-. v . -.

- -- fl'nr, I-aurra.. .u'd. 12 laja from T. -«t Ma. Ka'. iaaibrr V>ai-i-r.

-,..- I .-'a n I'-.' - -.:..-- -. rt -i ,... | ilav ¦rnm f n-h Bfl, Bl t.

Bohr SnnbM wa 1 iajri-.m *. t II t ¦ . ..t8rhr C. "r., K-rrr ,y II hnu*. from Hah.raov* i.a.1

R, ,4. l ¦ i.oh5,1,- fl . . ¦> m(Va_.. fath toj.-d P-ye. Hr-.

OO, rdl Ma' -B<k I'.ork. ,., lja_._r.aafl K I..-1 u-rtol' de, k l-vl.f » -i la. kr.

frht. Jetatattner. inrt' Joiya from Atuk.pai. ...g*ranol mr laaar. t.,

ttkt. Marthi, T, rl, * day. fr,.ro«»- ann*h. eot.n to K. I_ BcCraataflOB

Bghl vv . I. ,k.. J .lay'rout Port'aad r>'¦ , ' ,..-v-rU)WB, witb 4.U '_

ia-tfrf. Ir. ..* L.. n. Ilawl -,-. - d-.r. ir,.m ll.. k'a.d, ! .. r-t--r..

-rom \ _.»..-*. or-trra.- Ir M..-V I -r, r- >.'. -

.. r . i .'V- r.-n V .

nc Browa, O-rc-a. aae. de.J I liT't.- >,o Prtiv,

YY Dn*. .' YV \', r._-aa. « YV.; «uta-o t. B YV.

t*T Thr ba-k Bataanri't. rrrrBtlr a.borr at Afi-~>^>ro. baa b -*oi

rm it ir ti.. I'r.-.iw.-rr a iflw. loaaJt.tb* city yMtrrday ui'r- tafl Btaatar.

By Ti-learaiih.BOITOB,_l*e.M Arr b-un fr-.m flartr Hartien H'h

,r-t. I.r la -.0,0.13. Candirr. Bail trairr: ao hr.Co n (,,iote K'-fo.r,. .New T-.rk.n»yv OBLEAflf. !'. .4 A.r, .-p BroinLgtcB, BuatoB barka

.«,. rra flmfl. ar.. I'at..:, Srm 1, rl

rFr n. our Ow.-flflaflBB*.PIIIAPEEPHlA. Drr. _>i- .irrtrrj hr.ra Rr*.! S'rw B*.|

>)' .n.. fc'.M. Me .,'a ...-.-r. !',,(. .¦. I.., tv,rr,,._to,n Ira.a. De! Sarah La

iia_, fa.ter t.mJrn M II. Bflfl k, ^r.-rr flea Tork.

Di-ri-f.-r*. A c

liiiiBfatBar.I rkalMbag* H_anj-.fcrCtarflataa, rag kallr, me -k I'.. k. rrtj. i, , .rj t^jj i,r, tf,-, nacrmng .n h«r *ailr- rm, am, ...». .al . . wer. d-p-r ro -- il.mag* wa.d- cr. :th thr laltaTi.,B l ,ar_. Bavai ak .. -'. J.a, S. B

..n .',» riota. in lat.:- B .!' n BV., Btel t. BM kf. Bfll fl-'ir talrn trom hrr, by tb.M Brawa, arrtvd __m.W-.rb rvi-rrirno-nl a vwlmt h.irr'.-.nrBBlk.1 tl . -. ,.-.11 VY wh. ii-h" I-..1 baatta,l.'w.rlr*. J

li- fa.l. Dar. I .Tb* Kagataa, K.r-ir. arr rr.|fr0m I.,vrrp.K)l for(Iir1--- kaarfca > i.lo*ver_l

r arkaliady rhafeu, t.ofrn Maflad .a thr l^.-.« »

I'r.ri,a Di 11

I'ral, Drr. 8- Tftr f,,|'-, kav.- pn. hao k Thr Badd, fcr NrwOrl.-pn.. 'Jir V ,. .he fi.r San I'rinciaro th*(,-irrn V t<ri,, f,,r thi.

4/ r, i,H,.i I.r :i rh.- Ar.n 1! ir'ry, M DMBlM, arnve.l fromthr t'ljdr l..r fl*. Y.rk. '-tIt. wil pvrt -,f r.-.r." flYe-wn -rvrrbiwr-l,a.,d loaa of h:'wa I-, Ac. Tth- Tk. B L. H.;rm.i:,ti Krri. BBflIMarar.llnte Krw t-irk, !.a» i-ut .ri her* Itvn ot' fere And man_ao.!*,*_*, A-.

rak r Nnv HO.The marr,,r,n. .Ia. kaon. arrival from Pslrrniofr I'. flat . fl Ba* f u!i»ark«. ruJ.trr :nnr..l, .tr

laa I. ffif tf vbi fa._aa._.I. itloucrtltr Tr'toraoh .,t.Thrtrrn vr..<> have t-. n 'u»l dfl '-'.r f!.-rt-f".v. ,,: thrm w-thlh__r i-irwa fl tl.r'V n..r ii. n, l> lo'V.w.: C. K. I'a-kh ir-t. ..

Herrr. KapoWn II. Par-cr,., ^r,| llrnry A. Helhr..4i w.ih ai! r,n

!-ia.d, 4'. A, Ma Grir.l, tt,r,n Httr. AUIa.ita, Rta ,!r!N .te, H«..; ,!. l.radrr and Anau-la Parkrr. Th-r w. rr ,., .-jr.-.ld arv .7. a). ar.,1 lh.-,r vilur w. i. .. Thia ,a alarte art.eurt ta .)*e f oni thac. pit_: ,,| p. ri-, .... rrir.Ill Dff. Ai. ia Tl." vr.-rl ft.l rrir-.-.ra. -onk iirar Pilmrr'i Capiain Haak.n.. who r-outrartrd to ni r hrr ta f700, l.i,rhaniir ned the .r.lrriikiigaft.-rftprndmgiboa. 1400. Aoothrr cntrirt hi. ta-n w,-l. Car'ain K !r.v M.n. ar.trr.u, Vrw cwho airrc, K,rtlar fi.mof to rair thr i.trk tn auch drift ofwatrr a. **,-' p-rmit hrr te r>. upon ihr railway.Baaa Va* \ ,ii kal r. --i--,--,! ak4kfl_ e.. otp.n.ll- Back, eoet

Kfwp.,rt R I w,« t.t ff at kflk watrr 4b* thr ri.-i..u. of flB. I'I.¦Bd rowrd lo th* ,Burr Bflflfl. whrrr ab* wjl raloaJ, an.l JBflflflflJlB1 S! r how rr.r,.rd au-lamaar.

.tt loaaatia L. Ha'.a. al Pti.laJrlpl.ia. fr,,m P.!rr-r«i. rt.-rk r.' p! !¦. avy aaalko r t!-. .tb.».t thr who.'r pouoaafr.

4'arr. YY tiaa. od- Paai YY tiiaa. il llal'.morr. .d. ,.' rrp-irtah.ifna ia...,! on Ita, (A, Ifl tbr arfletIr.g Rahard pbJ Aan a fl, ¦" -' Eag_.d, atoaadoourd, ai_nafian,.'! |enr waa luadrd w.'h Inmlrr.Pf.a AttaiT. aahf-rr arar lirr'.a. Ml. na Ih*

tu-iBaj a hra.y ST. a.i* waa baulrd otf an.1 aaild for tl.rt'arraol Vorg.nifi. Irak.Ba. A!l hrr rargo had h*rn lanJrl.

.BBl ,1 und.migad.R.rk I'adi'nv Bt, a-1. t, rnr tt r BBBM i:.c. _aJ brrn condrti_rd

foteapflod... hrr t*> aa T'-k r.n_.:nrd r.n ipiiidlr R« k Ih-.r.lay noornow,

» :ha,ct :,«t n, f,-ta. r,i ,nr ,t»r..,- haa .1,-ohargrd a IjStrr loa 1fhrrcirgo. 5-ran_rr I'-r.y t«ai U> i.avr g.'i*r t<-brr afaiHtna. .t

f:|h w.t.r fimr rt,mn, ib.I r..|^ tor t r»,. hrr od.IBflB . Ei>t[».r'. rtprrirnerd terj1 -avy wr.thrr. I.v t dr. k iuad. -', vr b.i.'w ,i_j ,ad -pUl aa.ia.

*-. hr H S fi.-i - .Savir.aah, p..' IBflflBfl, Iat .n* en. ou-trrrd i M-vrr* 0mt N fflfc, aflTCflBM _*)k(i 'irtnga r,t ,[bt aaila, Ae.Tliaiw. *4 *> . vo a- thr Anwra-anOH.-*. p.otf.lrp, r.on

U.r CBBflfl »f Br brui Mary 1'ir- an .V..m AlrtanJri* for L.varpo.!, be-¦- ¦,,, rt a ,, ,, aado. tke 11th utai-aif Arp.Baa wh» h waa oa Crttt ltoaln bai brrn likentn Cuoon

wh.rf. aad wa. d *. .-...g.alnkl.aa*. Vift.L Ihr BeetHe C:li:.-n rr.^r'a that thr Idiiij

at.Lrr lormirat'o: that i" r- Et....-i., »-,r,a ti (rom mtterttoflkarAD. - lagafl hat, va. *|dda wtik ee. Baafl .. .». ta*.884 fcr 8b.ackf .¦ -,. «r.,i ¦oamthwafcyiBfl

aan-. bravn « up brr an> i. wh_ h not-uag had haanirrBorh-,- ..., hav* brrn rua

taa -i . - .. .. .,,. . ¦'. th. nrw may >..- -ri aav-d *nJ

' t .1 k»*nhra-dfre.. oit.r waacwtmI by .1 Jr U M.-a.n an'. Jti. I- tBfl twa tb- Bovoufy drrt of bav. rorora loa-t d ,r.ngth* year


To Mi.riii.r-.PoToa.r Liaar R ... rk. :g*rl Vt.1i at Ttair f*4*i IIxwrr Crdar l-i.nt. n->» r.t.r, a_ ba laa-.

n~<r.-ja afl 'h. I.t fln .-4 Jana.-y nrit. -a'oa. ._.u_b. ..ngrrofIhrr.avaf r. . ¦ tprcraaalT for ibrn.t, t* r^no.vrjiTB adtPe-nverirf-o.:rnt'yrlrtr.irroath*irh liy ,>i"~ flfl -r i.~ethr r p!ar*a, ii r.t. aaatioa

ihr-r boata a apar¦y ai.a. -pju. ._ .afc-fttt . ...

J..1. a,..i. aaiaaat m 1:.. . .» II ,_r uvr t>Bov.-B -j.- __ SL.n.|.na _-o_-on aa th*

__TSo__'i*'*rL"''1"i ¦arr,-daw, th,. Md. a trr,-*. pkij bwoy *ow d -- evxirrdVo **.n aa pra.Uabla tfl mark tkr poaota. of ttat r.a k, untal Uac Bt-acon can tw *

m --.o t


'-pekrn, _fcc.A'.arie Arr. .t.p paa-rd fl thr at,n:hwi.-1 of P*rti»m;,aro 9. ul1 iwrrrvparrMyptuatr.! artkaa.aad thr Bfl1Lr tu blatk. Hadtw., Lor_«oo»aloKl of a a|bt rolor alao had,Bfky.-. br'.ma rrtrraIVo- 15 .0 m. e. VY l ,p, fgj, _rt ij,^^ A.r... from fmm>

i^rt'-r'- - V.' ^'^^ C. Ai-a. 40 kour. __>.*.

-£b^ : / ..:S£z:^rr^_*sWsIram >rw 1 aat for .«at__.. 0. .'

wi-.^M,Urrooi" " *° ,b » M"' W*rd M~" .^A larj* aki> a-tk -oainfrd poofi _4 a h.oaa* ovrr HMakad.___*._,1

>____!,""."'^^ ''*¦ C'OU* ,ur S,w'*''-* t'^ltoTaTie>-

Whalera.A taaw I. Ctr-rr. Watg, ei me* c m .... ,, Oaa Brd-.ri -ptv-ikr-Bl Zak-t ar. i-t; t J-.w._ _._._. Ha*. all w«,l. u, m a

a ropw Jay. es a ri aar* fntn Mo.v.l.orTr*. ,. AJ-'inr Citb*. Wark. P H |__n

. tatoaa >f. ..'rr!. J..:._ Co flat A.-.r. ir, "__, 900 \T.S ._ia-_r .. du voap.., 4o l-O.p. BO Vial ' lot..adla>d-af!<r !<_..-; Zorphrr.liojr-Brr J4 B -60-rt,-4-BBt, S_.) ap rrponrda. -.. .1 * k r pa b F. H aa

-. .S.r.t. ift) |r-cw .S. . Br »<-d ... .b.p IU-tard Bol hrH. t>rl .-, frp- Ed< <>.¦-!) hark, Li riyrtu, ,_| Duabartoa, i.r io.athatb f-iio d Hat- aau ,a a acroaat of auvta.

At Brva- too > _-. -. -. S E *..¦,.._ "i... Co-arirr. H,,w'a_4,K n a'aot itatrH'''^¦he- .11 -ia^'."'T__5*dp,w

F:^w'*L___iUt- *_*-c"aoa.d B-aifc).. c,l. S a-v ..TatatR.i-1-a W __bf«.. o. _.J « _,. IIMO WJJfl,a . |f, K.a-br' P.,r!,pr. 5__. -_ rt(i. ,D »,__.,c ar*aijflrt.a_Ma_fl»i Ewbd f«__..f Tr«r^ -3* b'__T .?

Fflrelaa l'orta.

frr.m Lair a* Bfl. anr.; Jo4u.E*oi___r^i__: B__r-__T'}^-^. <.«---. ¦¦~ii.-to;.^rlft^7__.TL'_J ior 5rw Tork- t* *a.l.. a fcw day.;ia-^ __?_^_t___r_ir,_U"' m,K" *»*».>*¦ Thooao--, fro«,r_--I__ a_J^__*°' NS'*- *» B*w4>h_,.. !«_Lag L.^w^S'^r.^."^ ¦^'¦d*.kodJT,rrumt-_-b__r*. iott__ __rVi~_i__!."_kv'',,m ,v~*S "".**.L!*^* *^B____T___ i""«*. *' r"**^ £re" Pe.Mkaeo. do,. Ha-oaa.k_r__ tl___wT,_,,,_; -^r~,o, w.,,,. .. ^,re f,nu,n

.:' L-'-*' .4--'* -4 Ub ti_r_-atr ra-P.-r

Bgare.aar. aae! w-av «. rr vtr*-**ar *****>¦ »-i


B", »* ****



tke. ., V.lkBBBBB, IB..*"', aBBBBTkBW.



f aa kg*a» dBk," bt Itf C^TaW* ^V,,-saf4lP''.>* ¦"*** ' *'****¦ ******** ¦. *1

mm, art* I'*n. P et.e/B-c. .

Daaaealir 1'arU.ALrxAtr-r ia. n*e. ta-Arr. « kr. j.aa-ph eaa**.OaatBa. ****¦

ytri --,rr*r». Aalikaaa. Bkretork J. A. 4. ia.

¦aarp* .' r - ': '"'¦»*. -_,

BAl-IM". r. D. m***Tt-: *.pa 1 k l -

!-., iaarr. *4.h .rr. bark Im*>*r I **********- *

pa.ft. B>.«.lrar.-ine*.J.n*-.lron.St. *_**^**_*____'... I- -:iaic

lirrriirn XU.Kiiao^.9iv*B-

11B.-CTV-BBBV ***gt*-.-av |. J4-Arr Itark BarihS* d, (bjw Bo".. aM

- Eai h-i,r«* I ***J*** Tfrlw.aB.nB>- k| S-ran. Ih.' araa, Lo-.l- rr-lera-kaburaI -. .. ,r Nrw Vork B...W. Kot. bbob. Ko. kUtkl lor N.wtork MiffVwrr R. I. B "*-- I -«. Dra-aark.M BewTerl tarri Baiaa I'-.p. - «. r-wm..-.t v.. ... . SarBJi.Wta. 11 P-r- i"" A


Bat U - *ry B ¦¦.at, Cattar, Uj_tp ,-. ,

... v -

- K.ihm nJ. at-

H.BP, Dam*. .1 vVa»«*rt. < li..r«.»; OU.

Pvj... pi ,. At,,.-o.. e'.<k',t. Hauir.*-,,. « . w.N.I laaaa Ita Mkmw.llikai;

v II- e.i-irra..P-T'.:-.

t t "in ... Jime* r.nker.-. a rart, BiiakiBi, r

t i-*r.!..-<- Br. bbb. ',t* h-rk) raaey - M*!.-oarne.Aia-'l'ia. -. ,'ro. Ilalh. whr-n rired liu toi .ear-Ornr.8. bl> . - .* Bo.ton. I apfa-B

. -r. t**Ba>* flBlf*Kn.r.y l lan Mt.-i'l, karkl B -.raa*:,*.. H. » I H.J-t. f.ii-i-t> brta* Clark

.¦vrr.K. ka Baavai 8 ¦. art \ln, <i,... I v !. ,,.,, Mi-r Peria*. pinta an.I froni

¦ . t h-l.r.a p-r.l '.-iv 11- h 'rd.I'HAK. k-.oV 1) .. A. ¦ .. Al.mB,

Nrw o. ". I ''

. ...M ... te ai L vr-porA I

j Mclatrre, Be. "rk-a.v. Want toa*a bark- Vimrltr, ,tr BaaM I*ab-f*. Harnparey,

ua, BtaBllf, .'¦. -rr P Hrnry. h ->

i De I . I M. -*. Tir'or. n»w F B. «ai Pikr. B, ni.,-- I I P rk, **t WA, ,"

i BawTorkj I1j.,»j l Rmll Mallh'w..rr. bri Pam. .. H *-r-n. P II

¦Id. b.iaZrtrm. Br., Da t, Bi IjilJ. 8. B li.t, »:i Ori* Aareha.tfrrr. Boatoo.IAI1 Kivrrt T>»- .-.' Arr -,-kr (J DAn, wor

BB Sld «lo«.p laaac H. H.rdrn. Hununa. Srw York. Arr. *«.t /. .1 I', ... " i 1|.J4 Hr*'. B Jt.

mei* ln tbe Itiram. .aitiofl erew, brm Af n.«. fhtw. lor Salaafl l-

, ,

1,1 fUTf-TFlt I'-. B Ift «.'-. Bi-*W 'ire-a^.l. ir- »".)inrio. II . hi.rrJrll. froin Hu. k-p. r-lor Mor'.-lk.V.. I 1,-4.' ion lor IV-.ia.ti Uok

i v Brw Tark. P*e M.An atata (..BBPfl BM llaihi Kllrn PerkioB. Piak»l.

..rra I'at.ii.i. o- vV* ata, Iron. Muh.ia i.-r »*rVoik ««rrai-.*«». Tm.'.'. I'-". Caatoir »r S-w York.

I'll.k l-.MO*. ln p..tl7tb ioat. I.,rk., fcrtaWat. fl. Barria, Halt froai aad forda, arr. I f*

-rr. 11th: Vaatt. BtPt B3or4 daja; PrBnamB^u.,n,, lot do o*ar> loair.l, aod°

HuLBBS'SBOLE. Dee. 11. P M. Arr. b.rk K.'.k Miro ,»-,.. kra. ..-,. .-.. PatAtai

rorlBBoalk Sir.n.T'..-' i for do Ml Vt-vl.w.rr tor Bo H .-.ok». Joori. PhiaJe'i. a

,ij roraaail rpat wa A,n. S'alio/k:orl.l'i.i a, .(. p *», rt>i*-a Cn wn to Irw York.

BM Arr ktBaBarak WeaakW, BT***)***, (.r-.rir'..wa,S. C lorItaltiiiiorr f.,r M ..-*»« ki aJia. Br.)

LiBkbart. Nrw Vork for HaJ.iai; Syria.. Br.; rraBtia, do. for 9t.John.N.H.

Ak-oarr. Pr aehr ( inara. WttB*. tt Dom,s«o fyl.tinn. forF.»)trn La-lt Br. b.^ I of U> ton lew day'. Ta*Cawraka* rxaarirt.! vrrr kratr wwa-tke* Oatfca i.irth Jay outthetll*. r-.nvn aBM w tl. ll.r atark v n. t. Bid". y

,anlk IB. < n».b**n ....*> v. .k. duty on th* BBBBBa -IA ... a»r ». hr. Martba J»ne, B^raioo Bath for Nrw Y'.rk.Ba ¦! lar.- C B l.i'.i. ti* »nd Klk t.ri«. 8*v Birt an.I Rio

i. . hr.. Harnrt. WkiirOtk. l.eo-jia. Si. »n, Mt. 5'erooa, atrat... r A;al.

lnp..rt 11 A. M n «. Sarah Woo-ter. Ov -o Ar, aJ,«, Br.) aadSvriB Kl.ti. Pran"-. II.; "ka, aad I'inara. BrIMIIAMil-A^lnr-it >th. BrrmeB ahip H.rm.u T'i.eodo.-*. fli'

l»r. ir. tn BraaaaaUi xi.tMLI.E-f-ld. lftb. «chr fi*ora» M. Robertaon, Clig

|.tt. Bahinore.Mll. li'LK. t'.e "1 Arr. !.. « J. C. Frrtnont Parlr. D

\,r. -. r 'o !'.- B --¦ ll BBSI B»tkT* ****, Vl.-r.l-- W i'i 1|s j ka a took. Pi*r.e. frataacaBiwa la iiynipt.>a

I!, ...... .. |.r*. (lrr(. n. Caat f'OMl Bl w'e.ri la,lt. "Bt'lUt. t-- ItaillWIld>t,rt \t ,-e. CraaB**, l'r. in Kiifrr*-.! >,.. .1 te SraVork. «.|, arr

liifl liaflki iBl 'fiailij l.rk- I-bi. i. arar*. Jiuie*. lir , May¦M.flwiBiaBi. rinil.a. flnBa Triritntai Tl. IBIIB BaatillBi r.rm. i'. K"''y. Prunmrtown: BBrak Afl*I* .1 B, Gamt .'1. S't.kry, BafliBBir*. lof'.iiih ll,bt,lLat. kapaa, Baatl BBB !»u...I to Nrw Havm J.i"-. W,.*n. lt,,',mv do im do. lu H.tB I'oo Itoada, iclir. Mary IT. e*. Wootlliury,fr. rn Taaawra, aoBBfi le feattaBKB I.KI'I'Ul. De. "i Arr. *rhr.. Al*,mlrn. B*ara, BaM

n o,.-. .-raS.rri-rnt.Hrir, N. il.'ik r laa li .. ...n I) .oil, Na*.York Ad. aide, Briaa aa, -'4-h. >. br. Mi I., a, u iioa, BorBkU.BEWBKB8 I" ll krr " ur Aiia t'onk ib. N.w "fork.

lr-h u>r. *S»ry B. .'. t d... I Ik. aear, i.louil.-. Jo.17'.h,cW. »'»!', Ir-iJ Nrw Vork. I4BB, .-chr. Howard, II*-

i i.r. Kirm,-. Jo.BEW 0B1 KIV>. O-. 1'. Arr -I. p- WaBat lt. J..'..¦«. Hotvt

».-ll. l'l.l'ad'rhl. tlrl.a Burlnih. N-* 1. afo ... an't.Point briga laju.a d* lieer, (Nor.... Maaaon. R'O de

H M k. I, ralni" Ctd. staaaaalUwaaaBi*s*i aaaraajB;4a* L Kir. Ti-nh. BasaBBrtta.*i*....,., fi ii Caaal St»tr«, Hur-i-on StabiB* Paaa l.atks Unlu.ut. Mi*.-r,Biaail |lew*.Kirek. YrorUtmea; Iaabelfa. (Br.) *il,i a Oray, Hri.iy. Havaaa ,. hra. E! ta and BaiflBtmth.B-lit* HcB.1. I7:h, arr. atr.m-u.p. I>8prev, Pow. r« .*. *

Y.ik vi* Htviiia Daaaf "ry*4*aar, G.aham, San J.un «hiy* lt*l-i.». S««)rr, Braaaaai I'aroioe t. Dow, Blanel.ard tinlilf,lAi'r., karkl Nrv, ,la, C'.a-r, l urir.. Go». ili.u ilry. LoriBfl,Bt.t. n /? n a H. pr Hr Conn. r. CaVflH Wi1-. <«rah Ans;II.'rv. n.oTi-8--. n j Ea**.. BtaaS, Port Plalt, Bt l)ouuii«.i bri.I i.v. Wr.k, Nrw Y,.-k. Cld ih;p- ttiirl*.-, I)url«r. N-w-rorku r.|,.- i.-i'.i. Baatoa et,. i. n Lanai..-. Bark, aa i k*fla*8a*t'ln, Bt.-i" Brr* I'.rrmrii, laaaaaa. Watta, B*A*a*aaa4 j I.-icyl..IfaB BBatBa | WB BL (i-<,r»r, H,>r,,l-'phia ,bLr J.Or.rr,,n N. rlh^p. Prt., .'rn.-*, Kl.PH.l.AI'KI.I HIA Dte.M Arr bn« W,..avter. EkI

prrt, Mhra. Wat. ha*. W*a*BW, de. Baa*, Nieiera,*, Provd-.K--,J,*. Iloyt B*ewtMaTffart, < kl brkj A L*wi*o-«. CrewaU, Boitoa.A-r. -h-pHelrn A. M ll.r .- KawOrlflaa*; barkP..oii4iyi.B. s>hedd. Mol-i.e. (.1. ti-rk A. (i H.l1. firtia, N-. (i-leeavj l.i. Grand Tu.k, CarJenaa. Bark Pui-t.iur Ai-tUi'b«ola, wn* t'Wed .lown t'.i, lia ' in« hy fltaaaST Oflflaackarw a* Bulkxk'- I'ou.t, »*i<.n.- .f*PthOTlDEBCE, t)rc. ^t Arr. Briaa Baaaf Ponl. p -t ea B ll

a i.i l."i BBarsaaB,Calea**l Bin*rr arh'. l.y.l.i <iihh*. Gihb*,Baaaa '- Law. Bakar, Pbilid^'ptua j Yinkr* Blad-r.Hra.aaA_nx..a..«. '.. haad f..r rhuV.ton. H- ,,w. -h i> Hr'rn A Mi.l.-f0 tit, froni Nrw Or>ana. lld. baik t. (ir.iinl«y, Apalu-h.r.Viatkr. Worcranr. Bl v r - r -, -.-^.1-0*0.1'(.iBewVork Po-t N rOrwaai ai<vi- I'rvl-rle Browa, GirJ.nrr.N-wl.rk .

I'.hTSMnt'lII Ar tU, Br. bri* Thotni*. Doheajr, ThreeR.vrf. P. EI.KII.HBONP, D-<- .x. «.-. br,« G*o. WaBhiraion. Bichearr.

C.-rnwi!!. Ma»a. 9ld..>chr. Eme'jne. Petrrien, \V, Uibvid, B*wTork.-IuM.m.T'.v Dee. t: Arr. «-hr. Anwim, f!*a.*, N.w Turkax

\l areliam . ...p li; Kivrr, ( i.i-r, do or S.ineraef.SALIMI.-. B A.-. b.rk luaco. Grovea. ZaB*itvr. bn« Hay-

. 1 J. Batr*. Boaton; arr. '14th. latk Ar*rnUne, I'pt.n. HirnoaAyrr.fif Pr< Vir.

IKABtPOBT Arr l.'.tb barkS»<born,9tubbB,B*u*r-r; I1tb.bgDut, h.fl'Gi.vrry B»la*t.

WA-lilM.lDS. N ( l)rC 1»,-Arr Btkra. Zuinu. R^hardaon,B»tiBi TioBe.ta, Balaa, B«, k*aj racBt Kir.ow, w. i; Comet,l'-«h B.T.;I - Bl aaw I Y LBBrtBH*, Smita.N. T.,'. r M, 1,-y,«:fi,i', I r. D*r. 14, Cld, achra. Ra-rfel Jar**, ^|Blm< r Taer, IrcBBad, 8 ¦ I ¦,.¦,

1 | ¦. i'-'.. ,.,. M. I.r.>. V. T Dee.. i *.*A %. r. Btara a*4aae,Toiik.r; Minrw*,ta. Bxk..-r,

IM ihi K ..- B. T.; 8. ¦ laatk, Sui.ih. B. f.IMI.rllMir'iN fl . |) Ar nr.'«.-^ht.Mat.,n

...I.. - r. >{ nh,.t jbera,B, Y.. Ataric, Roarra N IVCid, Mary I) f. 1 |W"*a^r."rraraW,**da*>


.financial.Omir. MlL'HiCA.tSoi'THr.BNANIlN'oRTHEBNlND.AMa 1

Kailsoac C'ompaniks. No 71 Beatent., 'Naw-YoRE. Dee. 13, 18M. jlI\ 1DEND NOTICE.-A diri.lend of FIVE

<5i FtK CF.NT. upon tha eapital atock of theae Com-pajiiei haa keen declared from the earnmaa of the current0:a uonrba and trill be oa.d in ca*h at. the Tr^tuurer** Uf-fce, in New-York, ou aud after the dd dat of January n^it,to .fockholderi who iliail be mcb at the c'loaing ofthe boik*on the 2i*th tiut, The tranafer book* will be eloeed at 3o'clock P. M. .-a the 20Ui iuM., aud remam cieaed ontil tha4th day of January next-A new :*ato*. of itock, e<ta»l to ten per eect. in amoant

npon tie exuting ttock of the Compamea, will be made atBBB **me time, and diatr-.l-uted pro nta. and at par. a.nongtbe atockholden who ihall be anch at the cloang of thetxoka. Payment for nich new ato«'k may b* made at anytime dnrinjt tbe month of January. Intereat will be chargedapr.D all deferred pavtceota, aod the rigbt to Uke thn af>ckw>li be ferfaited m all caiea where payment u not made be-foie the lat dat of Febmary. Bv order of th* Director*.

_EDWI.N C. LITCIiyiKLD. Treaaauer.



Tbe intereat falling doe on tlie lat dat of Janiart 1SJ3 oatheSFAEN PER ClLNT. CI\IL 1-TSDBOSD& ..f tlieSTATE uf CALIFdltNlA.and which u made piy»blr) iathu City will ke paid on and after that date on preauutilioeof the proper coujiem it onr ofTftce.

Wi.NvLOW, LANlERtCo., No.52 Wall-B.

D...,llAtotra Bamk, Nbw-ToIUL Dee.21. 185*.

R IDLND.-Thi* Hoard of Dire.-tors harethia day declared a aerni-annual ditidend of KOl'R f4)PER IENT. payabie to the it.)ck<i.)!derBou anal after the

M January next. Th..' traas'er book* wiil be closed trjrathe Z2d to the, iccluaive.C. M. Lni.MJSTOX, C^hier.

D.._New-Yobk axdFrie'KND XOTICE..The Dirertora ofthe New-York atid Erie Railroad Company hate thiar:ayd<e.Arldad.v;r'.ud cf FOL'R (4) PEIl CENT. ou tha( a* iuI .*>rr<k fur the nx month* euding IXc 31, payioie onthe 15th day ot Jiuiary next.

Ibe TraLflfer Book* will be cloied oa and after tha 30thlrut., and remein clrajed till tlie 1.5th day of January, 1351.Ky oider ofthe Board of IJ jvctora.

l.ATHANIEL M4RBII.New-York. Dee. 23, 185i Aicretary.Bank or North Amebica, New-York, Dee 15. IfjJ.

TI!E HOARD of DIIiECTOKS have tbiaday declared aDiv.drnd of THREE and OBTB HAI B*

(341 PKlt CENT. t .yabi* ta, tlie Stockholder. oa and afterJjBBBij 3. l£i«. Ihe tracifer book* wul becloeed from tbaltth hii lo the day of fayment.I.SEYMOl-R,Ca.'iter.

THE EABTEJW BANK, of Waahun-ton,D. C , ia redeemed at No. 14o Bowery, at j f caut.


CIME^N DRAHSR. No. 4*1 I »>-*t..,wth.jJ^' ra_kuvw--*at.fRAri.BOin--|(***l 'f «1*a>-Cf,._.»_¦. M 11 '« > «**» ( 04iM V BOM'.' ateaag wam%

-rma- flH tajfl

Dp. flta. ri-i k *_va. e ai. n-'i*.flot»f. flota tt -.

' (ontral.. ...¦... -Bomtk.p. 7o\> ct : -.: R B ...» Y. tti_,, da, Y >d -do ,

I- In... .


ii,,. a~. *ary .d, mm

Dr iiol> ct. olo. _UdTfl|'«a*fl»',,wlt>* !-99E. : i- >_at_»r<J aud *__er_k H. B tafl£, Br-V^fcaav-arftlkle-n 2 B -s yflt**-*-.&> BnuaawKkCo-fldl *» l«fAko. Seeooi Uottgage Bead* ot wa-y d tt-, - r jaa.

re'^rtr-i^tardaflaaad Wak- ...gten 3-B .**-" **fl|TJ©oloj. -»*"" .*» "aflB

D,' da. 1-uv.v. K4..t«n...».do rflj{£ "V. i .*Java..a Oflflft do.' rlR.B...»ew-Y] H-l

»__, Oorgia 7 i> ct nl Slde Buxiti mter.t BavTWat» ..-ainu^iv.New-V ri, in;

..»vin..ak7 . intereat p*^a-Mi-au.-'i.:!*...... Srw-Vorkri^t***-7 *>,.. e Tokb o; tiui.u. hrie lo

(i,..,.New ...ik, lfll7 ra, t Bondaoftbe i . -¦' Bf._ -. WflflOdpct. Boiidaol't*" iv'. t* '\ ¦¦-«.-, B 1-oJ.o-a 1'h.lidrlphia, 13107 4k> ctnt. .Vlo.tgage _uCkd. t ¦: Sta-aii. ..|>

Ct mpany.New-York, 18364 --verrieot Sjcril 1 ¦(* of VV'iaj*..

ain. Itir II»iil of r>» if., 18_Botvrt BtateoftlhaokL I --i '**"*.mtrr.t

,__l*e_:-_in. by J. \Var_-....-.i..N. Y.Cay.du* IfM?a o» aet t. Bta. i .' .r . 1MBTr_T ai H Kut! d R B **:.*ck. wilh narantee of 4 tptt-iie-

"id. id. a.-.l oae-haB airi'.ia pio&teoi Uu*ami _Ut-a-_lai.VYa-l.iCglou B* «,«,__,

But'and artd VY fa rball II. R. Bfcoeh. flrift* g..r*B»*r of 7 o*»

cent. div.oleLd bv Sa.a:cga and YY'agtaiigton Rati tooad.Ako. Steck in tl- C * d Iron Comp.iy.

Bfljat ct iheCatnhn. Ir ¦ i.'iiiupany._ktock ia Co.Btoek in tbe M_.Mtk.k_ a: 1 --I'di-ky R. R. Co.

i-i tlie Vl-i.l Rito-r Kai 7- tl Co.Btoek m ti - Bfll..I ai,l tlui.iiiflo.u R. R. t J.

Arn i.i lii .Mll.UAl KIEand MLS.OuU.UUU* BISSIFPI PKfl Oi.Yl' RAIt,RiiADBONPSfor SAbK -Th-a t! nd. are MflflaHl Bfla bo_i» Mr banking in YVi»con»in. bv a iaw ef the Suta, _a>

prcved bv tlie peoy'e at tli. -*:« .1- c tio.-i; they ar. tir. onlyBai'-oad"Bou.ii in ihe th.-it rat ta io txaed.

Tl-e rreeipt* ol" tbe 51 mile-. ot rooowl cornpleted, wera *atbemonthof Octohrr paat. tW<2 9uafl|taj inonaofttaroad are brought into B_e thi. day It wiil bfl c.)_pl*to?4.taniile. tuither by tlio tirrt ot Uecember neit; aiod 71 n.ile., trom Mi-w.okie, b-tiie 1J. DoMflfl*ber next. DU.A.NO. Ul NLKV V i. Ca., No. II Wdl-at

f^OK BALE..CLEY\UJaSD and RAILKDADCo BUND.4, fonr yean toraa,

7 fl ,-. nt. Connon Couvertible.VlI.VYAI rskK aad MISBIflBIPPI RAILROAD Co.

FIRSTMoRTitAtiK COBVBBTiBfJtl 4|>cent .4EM1.

^BBON ^fl'NClfBAI-BOAD Ca. **!R.ST MORT-OA(iK ( ("NYKHTIItLE 7 V ceut SEMI-AXNUAl*MM i'oN>UI..LANO r,LT,L£VY A Co., No. 18 WaUd.

OHIO STATE UiTEREST, JANFAUY,18.Y3 .The ;ntrre_t on thr Bflfl.I L»*bt of the State ef

Ohio. payable in tb* City of New-York Jaiitiary 8, l.J, willbenaid batbem.!. r.niK.l. Aj. nt flf the Cotnm.iimer ol*tli. .*" t.kiug Kutadol the Slde ol H'.io. af -..oltite. No 44H,,.t,r-at. Alik'kbU I' BoTXlJCBTON, Aj.fl,'

fOX an.l WI8C0N-_S 12 P_£R CENT. Itf.aa. l'HOYl.MKNi' SCKIl'-The latlflflfll OlflfllflflflBIld Jnn. pr.-a. on the al-ovf gcnp. "-u.-l to M U VIARTIN|,\ tl - State ofYYiar.natn. will or -.'.ioi at tbe othc* ofSlM.L'ON DllAl'lR, No 4« Pine-B.. Bflfl York.


l»t of Jinu-y i-roximo, will be n ,d *t th* Dankittg Ho_aa0f

J ' Ul MtCAN, BHBBM4B k-_/ 1HICAG0 nnd MI>slS.-II'['I R.VILROADV r-EY KN I'l'.R CKNT.MnKT'i.YOK. B()Nnr4.-Ow.080foraale by VVAitLl k ('->., Nt>. 3i Wall _.

TflJAUOATlC-K RAILROAD COMFANY-la IHY IDEBD..A dividend of 4 rar cent for 94 oneach ihare) on (he Capital of the Naugatuck Ra-lraad(di [ at.y, uui of flfll eannnga fur tbe aix iiiont-a *ri_._gI>eco mber 31, 1851. haa been doelarroj. payable on aud aftertl.e lit January. I8.VJ. St.ockhnl.lera, wl.oow. atock il r_*rl*-tetfd in Nev.-V, rk, will recaivi their divataadflfll the offlo.of R. k 0 L. SCHI'VLKR, No 2 H«n,,vera:.Tbe Tranafer booka wil! be cloatr] fl (flfl Dreeuibai JW, IB32,

at 12 M.. to January 1, 13.0. .1 3 afelmtk r. M.I t. LllrJUOP, Pre*iolent

Bridg. poit, Conn , Dec. 18. I8i_.

TaJEWYORK aul IL\I_I.r.M RAILROAD_a COMPANY..Ta- nii '1, a- u Hin.ual divi.lrud onttapieferred *ttick of tbk Company, at tbe rdo af K'ghtpegto i.r. per nnniitii, i»:!l be |_d at tbe olfice of iheirTrea--urer, No. 1 Centrt-.t, on and ailer TIESDAY, (ta 4thdav ©f Jau.ary m-xt.The tranalrr t-Ooka cf aaid do.-k w:II he cloaed on PRI-

DAY, Dec. 24. d 3 o'clock, P. M , aud op. nadoa VVUNKflDAY, Jaciiary 5. d lu o'clock, A. M -Dated Ne-w-Yark,Dvctuiber 18, 1862.

SAMl'KL M. BLATl 1IKORD, Ttaflflflflflfl.

MANHAFI'AN SAMNOi* INSTITCTIOV,No. 648 Briadway.. I)ero'n'or. ia thi. inatitiitioa

will rectove as tuaaJ irom Ittotay ol Januarv neat,at the rate of C per cent ou all su.tioi of lood and ui.der ; ufto t!.'' i. 3 per rent and 4 per cent uu large* luin*.

11 v order ol the Board.E J. U-tOVVN, Prt-idf-t.

HV!!Kaa-gI^' *****A. A. Alvobd, *-iVra:retiiry.


tbfl fir.t divi,!tnol of prolit* wiii tiote ou the ld day afJannary, 1&S3. All periou. who ..-v in*ure pravioa* tatbat time, will (bare in tbe profit. ot tbe Coinpouiy to bedivid. oi in January, l"i4.

Bta-flflflBad in ihe Manhaltan L f« Inanraace Compaaymay immediatelyconvert fltatf *bare ..(ibe prjtt. by apar-i, .'.ui reduction of the annual premiatn or the *a_e aaarbe ecnverted iuto au inaurance fcr nf.-, witbont any annualpremioni. A. A. ALV'ORD, Prea.deat.C. Y. VVrMPir:. Sec'y. N. D Moboam. Aetuary.Oflice.No. 1. Uroadway, corner of Liberty-*..


i.ctc* haTe tbk day dec!arrd a Dividoogid af BIX PXBCENT., payabie to the Bioacklioldt-ia ou and dirr tiie Mflfl]of January. lb-'J.The Tiaiooffer Botik* will be cloctd from th* _3d ind to tha

day cfpajmrnt. M. O. I.i ,i 1NAKD, Se-otary.

BUILDING ASSOCIATION FIRE IN-.-( KAM K CO.-On Mondar, tlie Jd cf January next,

an election wi..I lor beld al their ofuce, Na. .V Tryon-row, b_-tween tbe our* cf 12 and 2 o'clock, tor tbe cboue oi IIOi-rectora to aerve the Cuiapany for th* enBinng v. */

Per order, DANL. BARNEB, Seo-retary.OrrtiE oi the Rnr-TflBl Oab-Liuht Co.,1

Dec. ja. II-. J

TIIE ANNUAL ELECTION for ThirtewDirectora of tbia Company wiil be hald oa Monday,

the 10th day ofJanuary next, at the ofHce.No. 174 Cantr*-at,ftom 11 till 12 o'clock A. M. Tbe Tranafer Book will bacloaed tioni tbe 24th ind. until afr-r the election. By o.rder,

C. L. EVEBI1T, Secr.t_y.Km.i.'h.u'* OrriCK, Cibci.'vu.i.b, Dee. 1 lttt

KOTICE to COM RAL 1'OKS.-8KALKDPROPOSALS wil) be received uiotil Janoary 12, ltYfl,

at the Oflice of the CINCINNATI. YY ILMINOTON ANI>ZANEr-VILLE RAILROAD COMPANY, in Circlevilla,tor ti.iitiab ng all the matenak.iroa, chaira and apik. *i.d don.g aJl the work n.->. aaary for lh. coadrna-tion and entire (,.,.,,|--t.4in of the.r Road frorn __uic_t*r to/i.i.- st..:.. Bn_tai.ce of aboat forty-two mile..

I'lai*. [ *, Bi'.'.'.tlcPit.criB. n.d all th. nee*M«ry la-fonitdion will bn farnuhed d tbe Officeof tba Cootpany,by the Enginten, at Circleviiir.A portion flf the work k beavy. and Well worthy of tba

atfo-r.tir.t. ot t'ontr-u tor*. The C'liti'i'-kiiyhare aanple meanaat their diai-oaal to in*nre the .predy tondrBflflBB of tbaK. aoi, acd wouid prrfer letting it to (.'iiutractor* who araprepared to tak* a portiuu cf th.- *l*ock. *bould tiatir bodflotloerwiae be t*-. ,r al.e. provid*d t«- v can furniab eatia-facloiy evidence uf their ab,'. ,f v to rotnpfeta* tha work ia tha.liort.t praiucbl. tuna. l"K.Yi 1 McCRACKKM,

Chief Eugined.

KOTJCE..Plana, Kriopcificationa, Eati____t4_fland Proruud* will be received on ur before the ld 4_JBof JANLARY text for the ccndrnction of a Po..*

MANT VV HARK at the tenniiini cf the Tnrupike Rofldoathe Delaware Bay ihore, near Cape Mav Light Ho.., fl**t> i.t n .trom tiiealicre ten I-et of water atiowdfl.The, of Engineera k called 'o thk nuUca. AddMB.ither ol tbe und. rMgned.

W. B. MILLER, )Dr. SAML'EL B MARCY, / Comuut-fl.JOHN C. LITTLE, ) N.J.

1>LANK ROAD LUMRER WANTED..Propo*.!* will be received for the delivery of five tal-

lionaof feet ct Itaak Boad Luir.b*r, 9 teet ia kngtb, tftai.*!.-.. r- -i dunng the mocitb. of Marcb and Apr.l. d Flaaenee. on tho river Delaware, cr at Keyport, on ibe RafidBLay. AddrcM FLOBENCE tt KETPOET Co , K T*.

NR. COBB <% Co., No m WaJl-at, flflpflpai. r.4.loiiauon and Colleet.n Brokera

BTOCKS boagbt and aoid, 8-.U>, Bdlroa.., Cj andother Loan. negotiaiad.COLLECTlO.N-l nia.. lo ad parta of th* Cnitdl

and GflflflJaa with nromp_n*_

Cbirago, Illmoi*.i r BflM-flT _____ E....

a n_ade al 1. All bu.iin-a ia lh. bn* of aBrokrr promptlj aturuded to. Deab-r iu l_and Warranta.

_lUfeieiica, Joha Thonxpaoo,

r\i\(\ LAND WARRANTS WANTED-OfOJXfXJt the Mexican War, "lofiflfl War aad War oflhl2, for wl.ich ti.e bigbo.t prtce will be given. And a .

1...I.C1. Paieuia Iccovted iu 1812. Laaat aince aoid fortaxe*:ako all I'ato 11. locat*d aince 1347 in lowa, W_o r_in andIil.oia. Inoiture cf O. ii. BHCFKLDT, No, Noua-i-fl,firat Coor.

f AND WARRAaVIS BOUGIIT and SOLE*1 - oa tba neat favorabl. f*rma, by COLEMAlf kDRAKE, No- «3 Wiil.t., oear Hanov«r-*t

Cbirago, Illmoi*. ,G. ADAM8, Bauker and Exchanire Broker.. I'Oilprr ... na.'. .1 1 Af 1., ,_-*!¦ ihe l.fl* Of B

lrio, 80 ai.d 40 arre War.aata, .1.ra_>(.fl to be imd rrcriva' > at anv Land-OCSca (n tbe Cnited Sutr* coa>ataatiy oa !.*_..-. Wam_ta forwBflM to all parta of mowantry d tba _ark.t prit-j, oa tba roeeipt of ia»irtar_flfl

LAND WAI.ILAaST.S.liouajht and wld ootbe rr.o.t favorable tenn. byjUKIJa_Ml} k Co., -vv.fl Wailet, Ja-__flB|Cw-fl.