NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. VOL. XII.NO. 3,485. NEW-YORK, FKIDAF, JkfNE 18, 1852. PRICE TWO CENTS. ^p.YORKJTIUBUNE asTW-YOBJi OAILY TRIBUrtB ***TgvEaY MOBJIINO, (Subbav KBCBPraDj gOw^jy eBEELEY a McELAATH, « aeit-Dinas, coaaaa or ipboci aud rab* jt*1"^**!* aPPOaiTB T.IBCl.THA'.t, 0^\jiwatj ouSasrlker. for I.*) CenU a-aaki ad**E*r**f. tbay r*a pay la advano* at thaDasa Zm* *lWT?r.t at U* sexu* rate. BincU aopUa, Zjl ***"¦ o8a»enbera, Piva Dollar* per annuia U aa^a-haarlpcUai Uhea for *U luonth*. For three 2a*. 'Tr^<fcm laoUan ia advano* reqoired to all *a- *w^S«tCo«BU7 Newapapara Daily Paaexa raaalhred Saf^Jhcaa urati are higher CW tboa* »f Pb* !?>«- Jw»y,|awad any dlabreaoa, M.cr-VOIti4 WKKKI.YTRIBCNK, *?*r,.AaOE PAPER POB THE COUNTRY, r prloeo >r tweoty aaaj con- i"«V u weri HaTUBDaT Moknino, at the low prloeo la advano* Eight oopie* Ior B10, or tweoty «*T..nr«aa tor $W. *nd the paper ln no aaaa eoa- 2 tbe na.* for which it la paid Advartt*era*DM Carlil ba cbanted 3>i e»6f par Bao aaob laaarrl na A^v,.-- i rt..AVAnd Pbioaymorning. Prleail *^TW»'oc?ie* for >5 Taa for $30 AdvortU* t^mt* Iri* wr «ach (oasrtloa. .**^ a ffJE NEW-VOKK THIIir.K roa bobopeab ciactH.ATi.'.i _, M (Bf, (teparureol aacb Ma'l Steauier for fjver aP*TaaweaW»'»A eopv, ot %i per year, to any partof fjt JjgYt-^-$4 to the Continent, rXWtage iucldded TIIK REWaVOKR TRIBUNE ¦ia, o»n.,.x aaaj the sahowicb islands, th* departnra of each temi-Monthly Mal Me*6ie*nt* per onpy "^ORKKLEY k McKLRATH, Pnbli*h«r». Bprrial Xoucci. Alllanec.lt u a graat loxury ipeod an hot.i under tba Big Ten', .aot ad^reaae* ana tli.t beaariful r^wiiai tbe erowo* of ladle* aod gtnlleman niatifly \Zmhrt tn ihe f urpuea ol proinotm* tlie laudable object SatwaynV VV ard of rum. THIS EVK1INO tbe ladiea !,»* AJiar ce bold a eraod iu**> uaetuiit. to tn ad<lre**ed TRVANW AONER*ndK>v !!.<; PCTNEY. 'arBA.hleei.th Ward Allii. ¦«.¦ Jfft aT.I.IAM.K r.f thia Ward w.lllnld apuhllr maat- JSlB iKf.cay) EVENING, in tbe Zltb-at M K. Ohwrab, iaav. All Uvorabla tn the cauaa are inviied to be *JT JESSE VV. BENEDICT.Praa'L "B",,__ .-, ¦rHoaaii'b'H Addre»a for the benrfit of hii Mother JVateri atthe Tarxrnaci,.. M< 'M)AY, Jun*2i.tocot-i- i»at8P M Doorarptn at *». Tirketagl; to be b-td JiVar. KRANI IS'.s. LOCRWOOIPB, 1 IMH'Kfd, or r»A"8 k BK1TTAI.VS Book «t/.ret. or af tha Howard, LiHor. the Irali.g, and the New-kork Hotela, or atthe L,. Bj order of ihe Comtr.ittee. ._ OT* >atlce..'Ihe corner-ston* of the MARINER3* iSlh'i A.-VI-I -d, lacalad near tne Sea-nen'* Ratraat, aVr* U!Aid will b> Uld wilh appropnate c.eremoole* on UlCRDAV I' M June I'i. M.-icbrr* and Ib.nori of 'he K. I Mocieiy. togather with all olhei* inlere*tadiu aaaaal widuw* and o-phai.a of aeamen, ara lnvicd to Lkad. Th* Htateri l.laod t.rry-hoat leare* foot of Whita- LUI!at ¦> o'rloi k, and will leove poaaeniera al ihe Retreat, . AjObj in tii'-e t<, la*.- aarl in tle eEarti***. _ "aa* ftaUrr lo Panaeogera Irom Paaaaia ta Cal- *i?Bb.T-Th*^PAt..I*-It: B1AII. dTEAMSHII'COMPA- II bai called upon to glve public notice Ibat ni. tickei* will Uiauuuiiil hy their agsnt ai Panama which are ootiigned ajojaacatuf thi. Company, aud that Ooket* thu* ligned aa Utaktaloed only At theii Agency, No 177 We«t-*t ; of C riimKTT Kiq., BoatornorofMewr*. ARM3TRONO. bABAJb k CO, New-Orleau*.New-York, Jan. *. tHW. "iT^drr, VVM.11 DAVlDilK, Bocretary. "ar l'eoplt VV nahlna nnd lialhina Katttbliab- ar*l,b" 14 Mutt-at., m-ar (Jrand-*t.-Tl.ue*Ubll*hmenl, aac>- .1 tn fi.n.iib tbe br.t ActoniuuMlati.Mia for cbeap ffaOur lrni.ir.1 m.d Hathing, n"w npen foruaa. WA^vi IN(»..('nnvenienrriitra l.re protided for wocnea aUtluif own Waihiiig and Iron.ng wiib eaas and di*- ¦aa. Kach wr.rnan'* cl.tl.ii are kent entirelr aeparata aaaothrra. uaderherown inunediAte charge.Aiidare rapid- L- aradaiid Aiied by a current ot fre*h air forc^d through m k> Biachinery. Kvery thing neceaaary for VVaalimg adlrob.g furniahed I'or three cent* per bour, with the BB*pti..t. of »>ap, which ia kept for *ale ln tbe hiiildn.g IA1HIM.. Nrat and convenient Bathmg rooma, with W.t. Bkower, VVann and Colrt Batha, wiibclean towela, 0»rro\.drd al*" twi, large Swiininiiig Batli*. one li.r'Oalea adaae Ior leniale*. are luruisbed on the foiiowin* tenoa fa* cl.a* Wana Balha. lu ceatl) ordinary dii, y> cent*; (kk) (*h. wrr, ft cent*; Vapoa*,SAcent*| Bwimrning, 3 ct* lan*t Ha'h. will be admini«t«red by a medlcai attaudatit, *keaill alao glye advice graiia to baiher* who may deaire tttUi they may receive the full heneht of thia baiui-giaiug tarr. CO. RKAD, dupennteadeut. 'rjjr Aiotlcf. -Slup ADELA1DE, ^Aptain Cobb, from B»L,h.i n aUehargiai at PUr No 14, K B. Coo*lgnet* aaaubntrd to a'irnd to tbe r> -ipt ..I ibeir Oood*. ^POI KURD, Tl LES r(>N k CO , No. 48 oV.othat. BP Wiutni.letl I'i ine I-Vi-.ii ii nil IC.-lial.l< DPIOS, CHEMICALM. ac aakuWalr. on lllarral terma, at our eafabliahment, No. 83 r*at« OREENLKAK k KINHLKY g*at POiE£riiriAr.| fWm.ua H.Kinilat tt Kn.taraiil liitelliarnpe Oltiie nnd l.nlior lB*hai.*e,S.» 2A and 77 Canal-at., New-York..TUU laa Wa.UAhtl.ed hy tha Comiuiaaionna of Ku-.iuia.tion a*** W wtakMlied hy lh« t;oiiiiiil*aioi«>i* Ol r,mi«iH..un, tbara tn aJaav. be found larga aamkara "f l.aborer* and laranual v»r> low ratta ai »ip«, *«d paraona enn have awrtvdt'i* liliid by wnuig tt. .haHupenntnidant and »ai,d a. Or anuuDt iineaaai y to pav Uie paaaage ol tlie paxue* No fee* cbarged to employere. J AK. P. r AtiAN. .SuperinUnnent. tkat amnoemtntf. Kii.t Oocert in Ametira. MADAMK ALliONI respeotfully an- n'ii.iicri lhat »be will bave the honor ol uiakinf h*r ba*f|a*rai.(-e ln tha Mt.d Mtatr* cn WEONESDAY lYlMM) NK.XT, .lurn-a, I8di, at MKI KOIOI.ITAN HALLs Baaahlrh ocraait.n .he will be aided hv BIONOB AI'iH'eTINo UOVK.RE, 810.Ni.il ANTOMO SAS..Mi\ ANNI, and BIONOR AROITI. laaier. Sig Aiditi. Pnce ol ti< keta, one dnllar. Bacnred aaurii.be vblaiurd tor two doilara PAiticuUri ln pro- aaaa,r _ CASTLK OARDKN..ROUSSET PAMII.Y, nndei tbe mauagemeut and direction of BaavJKAN ROI SSKT. v , _ Ptkt ol adutiatiou, .-«. ot-ntf. Ticketa to be had from Mr. Conv.aj at ihe Oardev. fiom 10 A. M. till 2 t\ M al m tae aUataal Muaic Stoir*. and at tbe door ia tbe evening. Ta* dotr* a111 he opeued ev»r> evening at7, aud the per- ftaaaeca. will romuience at 8 o'clock. Orvat Tn.m.eb' Kitu-en Dance*: Beautifal bcenery, BaiuC iu'lif Muving I'anoraoiA. yRlluY l.VENINtl. Juie 1«, will be performed IB .otlit )y aew g.ai4 M j.ttc Ba'let, of Action. entitled »aVhaNI>1. ; Oi, TheTrinmphot theCroaa. OnadCOM'KRT on 8ATCRDAY._ BTOR-PLACE OPERA-HOUSR.. . h j.ncti.tn removed. DONETTPS highly respecUbU _fa tl TrAinad Animaia, coiniating of Munkeya, Ooaaand watU will aertorm THIS K\ EMNO. June IR, and every Bbykt af ta* VA'rek .Pei cmmence at 8 o'alock .BkaeOX KflTl KK Lt the Or.be.tiA. To be folUwed by IH1 C01.I.AT10N DAKRIQI'E The Repa»t will beeo- tdb.nji M.t.keya. 8LACK ROPE hy U Maant and Maudnile llofiTROPK The pantom unc acene of tbl DESP.RTER. Com-luda wilbthe Aaceuaiouofthe Dog. JSblo's uarden. .john SEF- \ TliN Managar-KRIDAY RVEN1NO, Jun* l«, wUl Mrfofinrd tl eT'.m.edv. ln 3 acfa, of THE KOl.llKS OE A HIOHT. *a*r ahich, hrat pa.i of tl.a SKU |.|\ P.RTIBBMENT. bkr ft.llowed by THE Wl.NPMII.I. i| wnlilhe Jd part ol the 1>1\ KRTISFMENT. isiiikaani. ff* aaat* Pitval* buxea, ff Ouors oaaa at l»'*i<>«k u *un ni-oo* at 8 o aloeh. _ DROADWAY THKATKR.E.A.MAR- n »hai i, oabj Uaw.,._THIri EV KNINO. JuaalS, will aTpeibii.ied Auhai'*l..ar.d tlpealio B*ii*l of MASAN1KLLO. Btua.Mr* Seguio Pieiro .Mr. Segum To t, ..r'ude « ub. tor tha Uat Ume, THK V\I/ARI> SKIKK, Ckaat Bng*no«... Mt. Penao Alex*.M ne. Celeata boata au* Parauct, *0 oeeU, Kamily Cucle and I'ppai .b*, 15cent*, Private Bootaa. $5and #f. Door*^paaat 7. BURlX)aN't5 THE-\TER.CHAMBEao- .t THIB EVENINO, June 1 , wUl ka auyed Jm baajskU Dianta in 3 acta, of _. 1'AIUS ANO LONOON. tevbBBBkt Vt lotii on a tour of plcasur*.Mr. Pyott tVol*iil...7.;..Ml**We*too »*n*>nck Protli.Mr. tlolman Baa. St Juutnueat.MtA Pwk J*ew Ctrw* aa* Parou**, 50 cenU i Saavad TXm, 25 aaat* PHvau Buxc^ ^ Bo,^, rMa «t 14 : lo aagto al 8 o>*ioak LYCKUiM THEATER, Broadwav, near Bwaai it-CoaBYN k BCCKlJtND. liiwiis. . L*at iight bat or* of Mr (1 V, tlROUKE. Tby»t.VPNlM. luoe 18. «H|t be r-rf..nita»d -. TdE MKKfllAST OP S E.NICE. .Brvoke Antonlo.Arncld .1 id*n Bawanio.I.ynne .Phillip*! Neri***.Mr* Sioplwc* Mra Viekery Jea.ua.Mr* H*U J*W*Cirel» '.c r'aroaaA SSc r*a»llv CtrcU. l2\%. BAKNl' M'JJ M USEUM . Admittanca kvrrerything 2»cenu; Chlidrea aadar 10 yeara, BJ S^v^Uaaav kc, t«t**nU*a,ia Ouantlc OsTR'CrC *Jt.».AS(i oiTANtl, *toriiM>aa HKRPENTS, ju»t re- EU. alao laa Oorgeou* Oneatal Tableao ol CERKAN T*J*PTfRr., rapratratiag Lord Bttob and th* Oreaka, ail S£lf. ». 1P ALIV K ln tba Lectttre Rotvm, THIS *.P- .nriaan. Uat,, r-tiT. -wn at fi, COMIC PIECES. kc THIS EVKN- ». le-ehvk. PA»SI()N ANO REPKNTANCB. Tha ajfiU* * o'ckxa, rA* 2I"TtRIolS A0VI8ER. HAPPY PAMILY, baV, to ka ^ All boura QREAT^TTRA(rriONS.~Fr«5« Con a~. .?»* t ta* (>tto Cottaa*. Hobokea. by a oeiabrata "atlleiu.. B..a__. -_. UOaintV U'I.'I1NP> Z* .". M «*. Otto tottage, Hobt.kea. by a m 57*»f«Ult*B Perfornier*,*vBryMOf4DAY. VVEONR* i*{ kad ratlUY ArrERNOONtl, oommeuciag MOH- g*- J*»s IA dkoaJd ta* waathar b* aaUvorabU, tha ^5^Mjak* pUo* the aeat falr day^_ SATTLER*S COSMORAlVLA^S4»> .ia .^Lir^h»-BJ-brO*taad aaraar of ISth-at and BreaoV ^OBaetremaA M. ttfllO e'ekxh P. M. AdaaUWoa » 5tl*?^?* .«*. ofArt aaaaka af a aolUatiaa oa* VIEWB Al Ncn. XJnbhcatioiu. (Joat p_k_ai_-d.) ADISCOURSE »n the Lipb and Srr- viccs of PROP. MOSES STUART dabvemd la tbe Ctty ot New York. Sahraatli Evening. Jaeoary _St_, l__2, By Rev. Um Adaioa. D.D., Paaiuro4 the Cwotral Preaera- t*rlan Cburth. JUHN ¥ llow, No. 49 Ann-ei. F.ADOW'S ITALIAN AND ENii- LjjH LI_TH)NAKV.-D APPLl TON k CO_ l> Btcadwav. pol.liah r>n Safa'.Uj. NEW iTAUAN AND KNOLI.-H DICTlON .RV. in two parta. I. I-aliaa ar d E _¦*__-h. II. Ergliah and lu.ian. cou.pr-heodui* io tlie fn.t part al! tbr old wnrd., eoat. _ctiooa. and licenasa uaad by the annent Itahao poeta and proaa wntera ; la tbe _-*oi__ part all tlie verioo. ui._r.iiip of KBgliah verba arith a oew .nd > naiie jrrumtnar, to render ea_ry the acj'iireinent ol tlie ltal.au lai.-oaye. i... By t. C Mead-iw. M. A. I Tolume, Ifnio over 7WI t-agee. A fac aumle ofthe thirt/.ritb »_--B0- !__-_ Ei fliab t_itn.i, of thia atandard manial. 6 A. -Cc bave jaat pnbltebed 8EOAN.. « VKf'V. ... ANI) BARETT1. by \efe_vie_. AProrH.__.c_-g Dictiooa- r- of tbe Bpaaiah and Eaaliah __an_n_*<..: Co_po__._ tron tbe 8iani.fi Dtctionaiiea ofthe Spau.b A cerlemv. Terreroa. ai,n Relva, upon the b__ia cf Saoane'e edition of Neuman and Baretti, aad from tba En4h.l1 Dictu.nanaa of Watmttt, Wor- eester, aad Welker, aith the addition of more tliai. eirit thooBBDO worria, ldioma, aod faniiliar*r>ri._»»«. the irreK-ian- tie. of all thi verba, and aH-_Jinnar..cal aynopeia of bnth leo- fuaar.. By Marian. V elaxuuez de la Ca-deoa, Profaa-_>r of the Spain.h I.acruace aod Literature l.. Colntnhia Colle««s New-Yoik, ai d Corrt_coodina Meniber of tbe Nanooal fn- .titute, Waahir jfon. I vol. ro)ai Svo.. pt>. I.3H0. Prica RV Ihe freat deaideratom of an arcora'-e, eu rnpreheo-i ve, and waU-d-acted Uu-'ionary ofthe Spaiiah and 1 nxliah lan |o__e« ia now ftf-t realizcd in thu. woik by ProC Velaanue-. M^LTRIMONY AND THE SECRET OF LOVE AND BEACTY.SplendJdly liloatrated. ea bow to win tba devoted atfeetiona of theopp/aite aea l Love, tk._n.hip, 4-c; alaohow to he handamoe. Srnjria book, 25 cesta Pive copiea, $1. Addrea. Dr. Ml VALL. Ai- kaoy, N. Y~ poatpaid. Beot free return mall_ NEW JUVEN1LE SUMMER BOOKS Appropria-rly illn_tra,ed HARPKB A. BROTHERri, No. S?" Pearl-at, Fra-klio- i.iuare. enhiiah thi. day. MARCO PAl LS VOYAOE8 and TRAVE 1.8 -1 Mar- cc I'aul in New-York. By Jatv.b A.bor.. 16ino. taateful- ly bound aod beautifolly lliu-tr.ted. Pn.a SO ceota. Order ofthe Volomee. MARCO PAtTv-1. In New-York. On the Erie Ca, ral. S. In Maine. 4. lo Vermont 5. In Boeton. »>. At the SpnrRield Arrnnry. Tt,e |.e-i«n ol tlie aerieaid v,.|nme» entitMal.r.o P_ul a Adventnrea >_ the Puiai.it oi KauatlB-Oa, ia aat ¦avaR tn 'tit.-rta.n Ra M tat anl. . Bariktiv. "i iaveaia adiaaa iraa, kaa ai~, M aaaBBBaaieata, ia tfiBi_.tioB with tl." :. a. *It> naive ainl »arie,l inl._rm<t,"r, aa i><»«, tlein re-pen totlHteiarapliy. tl.e me_»ry, tlie cuato'^a, kud !»i» in-t tutii naollhii roimtry, aa tl.ey p..-«.-_t t..-ma^lv« to ltei.6.. I iBtKiti of th« l.tlle trateler, wh< makra hueiriiraioni. ui. I. r tl.e ¦ nawe i.f.n mtelii(.-iit an.i BM-I JafaiBai B_e_fBBiB%ajaaMad ' ai.t li.n, ,i. Ihe ». .i'..-,ii<". "I _i-"- ladBa and ia ilir f_.nnl.ii, ai ter IheBalhar baaeadaaeee-. m anlm-n hia narraine. a-,1 t,. n.luae inti. n el. ri.ta ol :, aalutar a,..l morml it.rluenre, by mean. ,.f p»r.onal ,r« :aco:» I* alliui tb. ai t-.ia iu _hf -'..ry. 1 U r--«der m.y . ly uk_r.ii i.r.triii ai d <-iart trntb aad r.d.l.'j afatlla. ofplaiea, in.liMl .n'ai.d . rnea.wbuh are broutbr l.eiore__a imnd ia ti t,.iir.. ,.l tbe anrrat.Ae. A lao, on tbe aame rlay. Part XXIV. of l'lCTORIAl. FIELO-BOOK of the REVOLUTION ; or, Illo»trai.on_,by Penand i'.ual, ofthe Huitory, Srerery, Biorr.phy Behca aod Traditiooa of the Warfor Independecce. hy Ban_on J. LoaB'na. E_q. Whb f.verCOO ?ri|raviti?t on Waod, fioia Oricirjal Sketchea by theAuthor. Pubh.hinj tn Numbera. 8vo., Paptr, 0 aeata earh. \ ol. 1. now rtad>.-plendidly b.,iind. PriceB3 50. NEW (iL()I.ISa^Copley'aRa-rwl6-inch Celeetial aod TerreMral Globea A freah nipplr of Uie*e beautifa] Giohaa, with the itara of U.e dilferetit maa- oitudee oolored, juat received and a>r _ale, wholeaale and r_- Ui! hy K - O W. BL.IJNT. No 170 Watar-at THE MECHAN1C.The second num- l*r ia juat iaiii.-d, and will ba enntint.ed weehiy I'ontenta.New and I'ractical Rulf-to Deiermir a the II w_e- 1'ower ot all alze Enpnea, l-iamtter ot Water-VVUeel- Juk, and Knylne Ciai k-Siialt*. Bfrenftli of Material; Menaaiatioo aod Mtchanical Arithmetic eontinued; Kulea on tlnckn.M of W.ttr aad Stratn 1'ipea: Ooinrioaition of lliaaa foi Beahon. Ac.; Problrina lor Intreutor.; I'rruincti'in of Roa.e'B f <ip-Spinner i Brundred'a Thrrwtle; (laa? Saw Milla ln Klorirla, kc.; Mi^ellaneoa. Seleciiou*. Taoae wiahiDB a ntuatiun la any of thi M.¦. iiaxii. al hranrhea, or thoae rei|inrii g Merhanir. of any deacriptir.o, aa ill tind thi. Journal a (tood meiiiutn lor advertMing. Our advanUf¦. and coiiiei t.oi.a are »urh aa to enahlc u. _j piopeilv decida up .n tl,e ,|tiallliratton ot the appl'rant. Tern_.$.' per ye*r; |1 in aetance. All cornintiuieatioiia adilreaied to C L Lt.ON- ARD, Eaitnr, No. 109 peail at.. N. Y. WILL HE PUBLISHED SATUR- DAV-A Naw SeeTele, aapertor to Capt MarryaU'a he_t. BEN BR ACE. By Capt Chatoier, autbor of ." Tha Lite of a Sailot," eto IllvatraUd. AAado aot haaitate to r«i,k ¦ Beu Biara" arilk tha __at aauln-al utlaa i.i ('.« i-r ai..l Marryatt. lt ,a, iDdeed, a nioat br.ll.ant psaaaca af*Ibe aaa. lull ol tba moat .liitual lo. i.lrnta <.' im rar, l.l-. . < I .1.a. r l_-d. aad abo.u.ln^ witb a _B-_B_ea af aaikir diaiocne and ad rw ,r ll.at ilfbn.alea in a maa.rrly n.annrr tbe parakant-Nl »f aailor ibaraiter. Tbera ia . (rr.bi.e_a an.l a^iw ai-_nt tha _h_le a..ik tbat ,rrr-",.t,l.'> Uiarma tlr. rrader,-nd .auuol fail tt, ae. <ra K.r it an eitrnat.e pc|iul.rTiy. [ -tl ena-um. Ai'eu. .nd trutbli,! p-.iti-itiire of the aalor oa lha i-cean and ot, tbe land, in bia artiona and bia "yarDa." We li.v* nerrr real a iiu.r_ ,ntereatu-B an.1 apinted ook. The autbor ia perfe. -ly v anl in hia rlraicBt, and wub a peB of |f-___l BB___k_aB__k makaa tha raai ai alao deligl.llully at hoaae wilfc ti * aai-.r an.l lh_ «ea U'r ur 1'ri.e .-' rei.t. H LONOA BKOTHKR. No. 4V_ Ann-at (Danl (fmplaTgmjmt. ASCook, by a respectalile Englif.li Wo- tnan (iood nt) referenca. No ohiect_i.D to tna couatry. Applv at No. 108 Mulhiri) »t. for two daya AS Cook. Chanibermaid, Ac by two re.peclalle Oirla, one a. Cook, Waaher and Imner, or to no pi . ial hcuaework; tbe othei ad Chambermaid. UooA nty referecce. Apply at No. _M-t» \\ ert 21.t-ai. tor two daya th S expcriencetl Cooks, and to Was » _^ and Iron, by two very experieoced Wuinaa, wit_ .... <i city rettrenre. Wotld to la the country. Call at No .4 tilh t.v in tba book-tore. _______________ AS C-aUUfM.kmaip, or Waiter, by a youna Oul. in a private fanuly. 8ha ia a Srat-rata I lain _rart. would he wiihnu to aietat ln wa_-iia|t, or wo Ud Be taaatal hooMWOtk ln a unall family. Thr be«t of reier- aajaa can fireo fiom ber laat place, where abe lived tha A ruvr call oar pifro h-ui o_. *.¦. ,.,¦_., _.._.w _¦._ ,..__ _.« aat thrre yeaia. Can be _een for two day., lf not«i.f«c-i, at No.tSt- \\ a-biagtoB-at, lirat door back roooa^_ AS ('iiamb. rmaid, Ac, bv two hi<rhly reoacitiMe Protestaot Oirla, or aa f'haarier oaid and V- aiirt-.., or tbe cars of thildren aod needlewerk, or would take cha»e of an nahd laily. and do iiue waahtnt. The liert Ol ntv irlerer re. xiren. C_B be aeen fox two daya at Na !4_-_.av., hetwt.n Mihand 1-ih-ata. AS Chamiifrmaid and WaifresM. or plain aewer, by a r. -pecuh'e V. otnaa. Call at No. liai loth-.t ,cor. Itt a\ for two daya. S Cpamrkkmaid, or as Nurse and plain BeBtn-trea-, hv a reapectable youna Otrl. Can beaeea tor a -hort time al her la_t place, No. 14 tVaat .!.! at AS Cbk_4 HMAN. by a steady. RCt-~_ yo'ii t Man. who perfectly underBtand.b*_ buaineaa, the i..» and inBDB.emrot ot horaea, and weit. weli at lah.e.lf rettuiied. Ha. no ohirction to towB or eoi.ntry Ha» tbe i.--t ol reference Call or addrea at No. S.V l_t-av.. _e.oa_ laee, frent rootn or for J. D Coachman, Tribuna OfBce. AS general Housemaid. by a lajmcta- ble woman. Sbe ia a food plain cook, a firptrate H.-l-er are i:_m* r. ara lt _riU__| t_ _u_ke Uereelf genenlly nn tul. t.ood city referrnoe frcui hai old place. Apply at Moit-at. loi twodaja AS general Horsfmaio or ..hamber- tnaid. by a well'rvcotiimenr'ed tidy Oenuan l-l.l; la a mad Cook, ni.Mat. v\ o_lirr acd Ir.rrr. foud of children, .idwiliii'i to make hrrtelf aactai Speaka EB|li_b wcil. Callat No. l-l. Bower>- _ AS WlT NdRsi:, by a rcsp__table mar- ried youag Woman. with a treah brea-t of miik -her ow n bshy tix weeka ola. Can he _eeq for two dayt at No. IHOAvenaaA. laetitre *x M'a O'NEILE. HaeBoo-j-.- b__B to »o a -i-rrt di.t_t.eein tbe co-ntiy._ N Industriocs Yooo Man. a(.erman, well aoatiamted with the Eef liah laojrua<e, ia de.ti._a ot ohtainioy a re.. .'.iiaible .ituation ta awua reapectahle _aar> cartileeoBcern W oold |!va beat of i-.eran.-_aaad »-«'.r t-M' aecurity if deawed, aod would Hke to huy af-arwartl aa _ctete»t if _»-th pamaa -hou-d have beea aaitad. Addreaa A. I. Tnbaae 0_Roa*__ AH American Lai>t, Bf_d S8i 'e.irea to obtain a .ituation aa Uooaekeeper. She i. wall quaiifi'd, aud oflera ber aeivict-.aa an euui%alant for a pleaa- ant and a|r_*abla Bottie. Addre*. Mra ¥ 11 at thu .,_ti.e. AYotNo Lady of renpectability and rentrel ar1 dreaa, M deatroa. of obtain .re a Btaarton to at- irrd -ii re or CA-Bfectiooanr; la active .nd {atelllfaat tn _.__- lnree, uiiilt-rataod. .Ire__-iiiailn»: or woald take a uruaticn aa b Private Tt ar her In a Scbool or family. Would like to iraw ti.e city. oi ti.val for tha auruMi mootha C_a_B.ii- ntion iio object. t'4.____a__K__iat-i_-W-___ad to Irflaa BL'R- MTT, No. .7 V/illat-eL, for one week. A A -, Ladt who hRs had moch exp_rience /_L ui TeachlBf. and who o^taaaaUatae rta.aa.aB bar iai(teat lhacfoaa of tbe S-mnaier Tena. ariaaaa to e_eja|_ aa .'riutipa- or A_a_aUot in a SemiBary whara kaa-r-euoe ta . i\eoln t__.hi4f_r_ewa_laae_o_B_B---_--_Bi-ra-la-a-___. Tbe isdividual haa beea very biumbM ia taae-laB Pa-uaan- alup, eaa wnte anth etpaal fkat-ty a _____aa_le ar a lady-. 6aea___d; aad a___d _. wilbini foaot|a|eaa a Cofyiat, aro- w__adaa-»aaBa-a-aBaaBaiBti ia waaaiaaa. A Baa a-Vdraaaad A Z. C Ufajat tha Tribane ofcae, arUl aaaat with P'i mpt attaatkoa WANTED.A nitnation by a reapaxt- abla yoeni Womaii aa Dreaa Maker aad Seaiaanaaa, ar te taka cara of a Baby Wc_: _*-«_._ oa-m.-talo to tbe eo-atrj. Addraaa ?o M M t- -W -». *> _B-_MbbV__MB| B WANTED.Place* f.r three children of a Widow-her b_a'd_od be___ jaat dtcpaaad TVy are a f.irl of ten. a Bny of eigrr, aad a Soo of tbr-syeara . Th* Moiber would aot be wulir.g to |et Ute ya____aat a- out of her ',wn rearh S.,e t. »llltng ta birvd eaeh ot tha n f>r tbe term of their minonty. Irvrnire of Mr. IL STOKES, No. 42 Slanton-at. WANTED.At No. 114 NajMRtt-Bti, Waitera, Men »n Railrnad. aad Steeflaere, Boja to Iretn tia^ea, plare. for Oi.-I. readv. Ap;'i *__« ib; ang $1. free of poetag' will ba aoitrd. THOM .8 SP.Nf. WANTED.A sitaation by a youn* Maxt_rtntyy.ar.efa_,. in potna atore or offlce. If in a atore, wbol_#_Je pref-rnd. It a graxl writar, aod aaa briar tfe baat cf recon>m»r.,!__ioo« aa to baaineaa eapa.itr. and ha. been in d'Serent kiada of b__r_ne__. Pleaaa addreaa W D H at thia oBtce. QDanub. A^GENTLEMAN. fifty years af a*e. of an afleetionat* diapoeitioo ar.d rlomertic bahita, wooli be pleaaed to wed a lady who, (Baa him.) haa eorne property, anewbowoa'd eatetm liapltaaa-t duty u> ailif wtb bim in erl_c_tinf tonr beaithyand pro__a.Pi eh'ldren, (tba yotmreat riearly »e-en yeer. old.) for t-peralrw-a be e and L.<t B_ne_B bereafter. Addreaa A. T . eare of U.e Edi'or of Ti e .i.hin.e, wbo baa the advartlaer'. addreaa, and knoan tbat thi. ad.ertl-enjent i. in good fairh._ APARTNER. either epecial or active, with about |ln,ann ia wanted in a eeneem now drtng a 'B-g* and pr».-*iuble <__h. bn_^ne_e in floor, graln. fcc. One ofthe pertner. rettring cauaep thia opening. PartWs hevfog an Idea and the mean. aa above, can have bb interview by addreaung CORN, with real same, at tn-tolBoe._ BOY"WANTED. To leRin the Drng bnaineaB. One about IS yea/a of age, and of good eh_ra«er. aay apply at C. H. RINU'8, No M Broadway, eor. Jobn-et. _ OY WANTED.ln a_Tf7ff.ce.rno.t a_^i arrite a falr hend and eome well reoommerded; ona livii-g in the city with hia partnt. preferred. Salary II0 per mo_ih. AddrewX Y /...Tnbtiae Office, _B_a_BJ where aa Uitrrviiw can be bad. G<ERMAN J-KRVANTS WANTED. r An expenenced Laulidreaa. an excellent Cook, Chaiu- bernaid and Waitreu. ApplyatNo. 14* Urand-rt. Also, an experienc-d Lailj'i M.'.if. IF MR. JOHN HUNTERwill write to hia friende in Clifcrnie, they will aend bim totxte va_- nahle newa. J A. SWAN k MACK. Monterey, Cal "Ul AP LITHOCJRAPHER W ANTED. J..T.JI. A .1 illful joarneyman Mthngrapher, who eaa letter well aod .xecute aiap. aad mecbau'.-l drawni(tB with nett- nea. .nd dl.patch, la wanted. 8ead apenmen. aiid loweat tenn. per mail, paatfaid, to H. T. WALLI NO, Boeton._ M EN WANTED..Twenty men to sell an article wanted in every family Agen, _ for Boeton, 1'biladelplua, New-Eaglaud, the \\ eatern aud Boulhern Siat. a, ar« wanted. They can make $l,«a-' oer anoum with a auiall capital. Call or addreaa. (poatpaid,; No. 3l7 Bowery. Wl LLINERS anci CAP-MAKE RS \\'ANTED.- One or two young ladl'B arcnetomed to work on mill u.ry ud drt-M eapa, are wanted Immadiately at No. 6.-1 Bicadway, up atoira TVTURSE WANTED.To take can- of an J. 1 Invalid. An Am.nc.n and a Protaatant pralerr-d. Apply at No. 165 WaJker-ei. -^_a_ PROTESTANTSERVANTS WANT- i I) Expenemed Cook.. Two L-dywnairla. a Noraa ai d Seani.treaa, Laundreaaea, Waitreoea. and a Cboachuitun. Apply al No. 14_ Oran.i-__, where the aaoat reapactabla ait-.tioii. can he ohtained. PRINTINi;-PRESS WANTED.Any orn Iibv.i l BBBBBal hard N.pler or Ad&ma Pre-a, in jm A order. to di.(«._e nl inav tir.rl apnrchtaerhy In.iuirlnn at !i.e otlice ol the Ameikan HoUl, to-day, (Priday ) 4JITUAT10NS WANTED.For the k3 !*et of gervanta. Conka, Honaework Oirla. Lann- dre-at.. Ch.mberm.i.la, Scaju-treBeea Nar-ee VV-itrea_e.. kr.. hc in rily of rountry. Prote.'ant or Catholic <-irl. at ift.ee. Beat o_5ce for jnod Senanta N. >. Empl.y- ment Oftice, No. 478 Broadaray. T. P. SALTNDEIl_l. TO FARMKRS and COUNTRY OKN- TI.KMKN.A youna Man of »ood edacation daairea eiiit'loynieut aa a Kaim ; i. artlhna to teach tlie children and ruake hini-elf ua. (ul. in rerurn for hia board and a .tuall ___. ary. The advertiaer having been eecu-tomed to a aedenrary ocmpation. deairea to chante. Salarv not _o maeh of aa ahjecl aa a bome. Aadreaa k\ No. Ul Broadway. rawaa 4. T~^TCAPrf__LISTS..Wanted, a Part- ney. either .ilent or active, with a ce_*i eapital of fS.Urti to $l-,< < 0, to enrwie in a profilahle mercaatile and im lufae- turing tuai.epa. \> bich ha. been eetabltahed I yeara. The prearnt cai.,iai'.at rettre. to the country on account ot lll ne.Ub. Addier. O. X., thu efltce, Maliuj where an intar- yiew eaa he had. TO JOURNEVMENPRINTERS. UM advertiaer 1. in want of a Prlnter competent fo take rhaiae ofthe mechanicaU department of ac oftic- (oewa aaawi adJ-M-Bf) where ten oradi._euhu.da are laaMPyAal A B-od Tre-aman aba wanted. lnquire to-day (Pndaj) at Uic oflite ol tho Amerlaau ilotel. US. BCHOOL AUENCY.By E.H. a WII.COX. No. 2E0 Broadway -Netotiationa daily, hy the beat inatitutiona, tamihea, tea_ber. and matrona (Jne per cent. in advance caocelt advance expenaea, and pro- cure. the rrquired compenwtion in one or more eog&fementa. Apply rail; with tba tuoney and full particulart, pjatpaid. WANTED in a LAW OFFICE-A Boy about 16 yeara of aae, who writea a good hand. Addreaa ____-, at thi."offiea._fc WANTED.A Lady to attend the Ba_ary Store, No. _2C Bowery. Batufactory refer- f nce aa to cbaracUr aie aliltty ra.iulreil. IK'MBKRr. "ITI/ANTED.At ono of the first cstab- W bahinetita ia the City, a young Man from 16 to 18 yeara of age. wuh undoubta.i r. ferenrea a. to charaf ter and ahiiitiea to learn the Daguerreian Bu.ina-.. Kur a amtable petton thia UagiH_dopp_rtunit\ to obtain a p<rmanriit WOB tun in a good kaa-Baaa. Addreaa, with full pai-culara, B. B. M.. Tnb-Lt Uthce. _ _ WANTED .A French Woman, u Nuree. Seeiii-trea. and Laundre_a, well recomiuend- ed. Apj.l. at No. 41 Tilut, heiora 1- M._ TT/ANTED.Two prRctical Brickmak- \ \ era, aceuatomed to making kiln-drled brlck. auitable for hjdraulic c< merL Tbe _____¦ are for a large tunnel on the Peannlvania Railruad. in Blair Co, Penn. Porall other lt.kriratio'r lu.juiie ol JOHN KfTTKR, HUth-at and Ut- av., Vorkville. North River Bnckmaker. prefarrad._ W~ANT-lDT-IThe~writfr of this is de- .iro.f ofa ituation aaEditoror aaanatant Erlitorof eith.r a polirica" or hterary paper TI.e moat anexeepti.n able refrrerwea eaa he given All corrmo nication. after July 1. Bd.ire»_wdto l.V. A-New Brunewick, New-Jaraey, during one niorith, will maet with protnpt atteoti_a. WANTED.A number of expariemed .geota to tet Bnbsrriber* for and aall wvaral larga, »p'ei.i!id lithog-aphie prinU :n thi. city and country and Cain- ti. b. Thrae ptitit. bave not been before the publle. and will a,eet with a rapld aale, aa they are appropnate for ofneaa and place. of buaiuea, and each active agent can make fit.in $3 to $10 per day. Apply to W C HOLLT, No 3Na__BBBt _t_*-_ nOll .THE WRITER ha^ from ^f t_a#aP\l\/w |_,iAiito Bl.fOO wbich hatodeat-ooa ,.( m \-iiiog _. »n bi ir pa.-ti.tr in _ume lucrariye, _*te and re-rwctat-le bnaineaB alrrady eatahtiaheil. The Bo»k tra-e '. or he » onld loan it to aa employer for a bberal ..Jarv and good wennty. Addreaa P PA.NE, Broadway Piat'Ofriee. poat paid, or Trihutie UlEce, with real &___-_- Hral retertr.cn g.\rn ai.d re juired. (Ttianrts for Oa-itus. H.rn. CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE..Araa- ctina for Beourug Knlvea and Potka 1- ia a minuta. Cheap. aimple. tSiclent, darahle ; ta a/eat dr-tnand, of readr _aJe, with oc competitton. May be «**-? _a_.y, ii pracacaJ operation. al Dun__p°a HoteL, No. 1 _3 Kul____a_ _U_-__I ht .aJa l'i>r_a " bay and arli aad get fala ' FOR SALE.A small Tannery aitaated witlin U milea of Narroarahurgb, oa tba Naw-York aed Erie Railroad, eoarainiof m acrea af h_od with a good yoaag orchaxd af cbo-ca fruit; tbe hutldtng. are all oew and ta food coodiOoBL A peraoo «r_ah_a_ to entar lato tha b_a_- aeas w the ut delav wifi find this _a opportaaity aaldacn to be coel wiib. For furtber pardcnlan _B4|_-re at ML'LPORD k C ARY. Leatber and Pi-diag Store, No.303 faari-at. FOR SALE \ KRV LOW.Theowner bav.ri ctber buatneaa.a Steaai Mahogany 8aw Mii, roaiplrU n_t_otng oider. ia tbe i:.__.t of tbe _Ba__afaB7 landicga. pr aae»_ing aa exteo« .-e w»_er rig.'it. Part of lha t eaa he rented antnout intarferiug with tbe tutll, for :h a good ran of pteady c_a___oara. A rara oppor- oe :u _earch of taaflr, aata and prohtaWe baak- tea. 1 ¦.- fu.ther paitW-Jara. ln-i-ire oa tbepra-uiaea, No. S3B F-ont-.t. _ TO PL RLISHERS..For srIc the Good Wil! and Sntecnpooa Lkat ofa well e-_ahl-_!,ed and pvpnlar Literary \\ ork.tha ptaaaat proprte'-n _r__ti_i_| to tetue. La caaaeoaence of other engafe_uenta. lt will ba aojd oaa_r-_B__odaiiBgteri___. Addraai, p_-_a_e paid, A. H- __- Po»t 0_5_», New-York City._ VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY ia BRO<)KLYN.-W__it--,aB-_tt_Bf--___k|R,eee-a 110,-00, lo unpn u oaa of -ha _-__« valaa-le ____-.___. aear Pulton Penry. aad to take a abj-re tha kaimia. » aa ___________td __--'_ la aaaaa-ar. rtaarb ~a irfIhaaali-" i-r1"- .raaatW rKr. . 11 I/OR BALg A 01001 Bar-ain..Th-. JL Patent iiaht of aa* of the mo*t saatai laveenon.. f tbe 1'ay The Stale of New> ork, and three of"taa EaaUra Matea. for ajaa. Por faitker un'onaattoa, addraaa L. 'I, T.ihcua* OftVe under proptr SigaAtare, aUting wh* aa in- terviewcAB be bai WANTED.Some p-r«un with a smaJJ eapitaLto gar-haae a valaakU Peteat Blaht for tba Soathera and VVerern Otataa BaaeimaB arUcU. o n. tovaarJafi fwitk whieb * man eavy travaj witboat tbe aaa faaOaevaaUne*) artll h* fanitebed ia proportJaa to th* *a -at of tamtory aarebawd To paraoo* wUkiag ta ataka oaaaay, thb ia aa rmm***~nUf ¦eldoai errered. 1 aaotre of _N C THAV-.R, No. 11-1 Charaaar* *.. np atair*. Snmmcr Eetreatt. Bl »ARD in ihe COUNTRY.-Several famiue* may obiain koaid for Uw aunuaar *a**>.i at Mradew bice, diea Cuve. Tbe boaae U aaarlv n»w, with larae airy room*, pleaaanth utoe'ed by the aalc water. and .DrrcBcded by Wanutui waik* and ridea Por I'irthar pv- ticulan icquire of HKNRY VALENIIVE, pmpr etor of ihe Mradow Stde atag* line, orof ALBKRT II. COCriB, No. 1*>1 Bowery, N. Y. BOA RD in^OROKEN.-^A Gt ¦ntleman and hia V\ ife or two etnsle Oentleoian may bara a hand- m ii.e large room, with full or panial Board. *( No. 17 Praiiklin-tenraca, Hi.deoa-et. H.ibokrii H»l aud c>U wa- ter fcetba And earry c »uifwrt wbich A bume can ailord. Ad- dr*** O. O. Tnbttae OaV*._ B0ARD1NG in YONKERS.Three or fr*r Oantlrrren can be acrnmmodated with B«akf**t ai.d Te*. in A pnvate faaily, in tbe plrataul village of Yonkeia, for the Surnmer aaaaoa. Aopiy at tha Etpra*. Of Bce, No. 41 Barclay-*'-, or at No. 10 Maaar-pl i.-e. Youkcr. BOABDING at a FARM-HOUSE.. Citixena wialnng Board in th* Coai.rry eaa And exael- lent accom:nodalioca at th* aew Paraily Manaioo of the rabecriher, aheut two mile* from tilen t'ove village. (ta ait- uatlcn l* beallhy And retired ; tba room* ar* ot ainple nie. Tl e ¦t.-ambnat Nt rwalk Irava* Puiton aarket-alip every day at B o*clork A M , tba Crnrno at SJ P.M. Rejtrmett- Re». Ji.o Phayre, No. 2 Or*eo-*t. N. Y.; Rev. F. H Canfi-ld. No 228 Weit 20ih at.; Tno*. F Oreen, B*q, No. I Liberty ..*.; 0. VV. Oerard, No M Pine *t. CHARLESUNDERHILL CAPE MA Y.SEA BATHING.. CONGRF.S8 HALL. will be opea on the |.«th of Jan* aext The locatlun of Un* houaa and "he high and beeutifu! ground* in front render it the oioat deaiiahle of any ou th* Taland. The proprietor hopea to ment a coutirraaaoe of th* very liberaJ Bitrooag* heretofore rec*lved. VV B. MILLP.R, Proprietot COUOTRY BOARD WXNTED-In . tuiall vi .axe or on th* aaa ilmre, by a l.»dy with two Chtldrep under thrae yvari of age, and (ervAnt. with panml B.ard kw a Oanllaillin Roomi mu»t he neat and ceUifortatle Pnce $12 to |l8. Add.eaa, arith full i.ar-i. u- lata ard itrwripticn. of the pla^e, with refeieuce, JAMES ORAHAM, New-York._ (COUNTRY BOARDINl... Knur Oen J Ueni-u and their wlree eaa be aoconimodated wtu Board in th* village of llnntiugton. l*ong l.iAud Th* houar UpleaaTJitly rJtBaUd on » ri.mg ground, half way betwee* the barbor and th* village. which for healtb. acenary, run ntng aad 1*hitig aannot ba .urpaasad Apply oa the premiaat t. JAMER CONOOR D^orijLAS HOTEL.Mrs. 1)T)l f(. LA8 tak-» thu oppirtunity of tbankinj the nitny tautlira fiom America who l.ave vunted ber houl, fi.r their kiod nippeit, a' d bega at ihe aame time to aaaure them and their Innid* vldting Pcotiar.il, that l.er eatabhaiunant c«n- tUaPBk»baaaaaaaOtd with tbe ta-nereaard tooouifrta* 'l.rrt., 34 and 35 St Andrewa-ajnara, Edinburgh, N. B. AYS'S HOL'LSE, DaJhoanie-aquare, Montreal. O. P. POPE. OCEAN HOUSE, NANTL'CKET, KASS.The priiprirtor reapactfull, informi tlie pub¬ lic tbat thia Hen-e, liating been th .rounlily renuvated and pnt in ci.u.plrta- ..rier, ia now open I >r tlie receptloo of per- ii a. ect or tranalei.t Bt>arder*, and lie d, tenmned "O etfort .ball be wantug on bi* part to render it a pleaaant home for tbe travrlar. Prraom wwhing to retire ftom the huatle And .tiflad it- aioaphere of a crowded. heated ,-icv, and to enjoy the bene- l,in I a » au, niaguificei.t ocnan areutry. aea bathing, and taa falimg, willtind tluia beautitul and deairable auiainer Tlie line sfeamer Maaaachnartl*, Capt la.n^. H. Barkar, n akea tl...-e tnp* . ttcek Uttteen NautucketaudNew-Bed- foid. aa I..IU ». LeateaNai.tuckrt-Monday, Wedneaday, and riiday, at 10 A. M. Uavea New-Bedford.Tueadav, Tbnraday. and Saturday, «u the arntal ot Ihe mornirg tram t ( cara fruin BaaUa The time ompla* t. tuaAina tba paaaagea ketareen Van- ttn krt and New-Oadtord. laeludlng taa laiidlna* at Uoliue** llule and V\ aaaTl H> le, i* otlv araajt 44 huur*. N. B .The fare baa l*en reductd to $1. Theae paawg.* arr deiighttully pleaaant in rommer, th* paaatngera be.ng ia alglil of laad the whole di»tan, - Na... tucket, May 24, l«4t_i. BOOIMOUM. 1>AVILIOH, NEW R4KIIKLLK.- Tht. flrst-olaa* anddelightful Surnmer Boarling Hi.uta. replate wllb facilitleafor enjoying the bttl.ing, tiai.ing rid- ing. a*lllngat.d otber recreatloii* of tbi* faaii ouahle V\'ater- Ing Place, i* r...w open for th* receptioD of gue,ra, aad the .ecunng of Rotmi*. M. A. PORMAN. hrjcrmct.Hunue! E. Prink. E*q No. IV Park-pUce. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. (Siotoa Ulai.d, N. Y., late the Richmond Serainary ) -J P. KM.I.ETTbegato laform the pi.blic that all tbe improv*- menta are compleU, and the H'.lel will opea for the aeaadn rn T liurada*. June 24, 1852. The ajaauaa are, for the aeat-jn. OJ [»r ttrrk; an> thirter (asnod. *7. Children half price. servant*, 04. Horw-a. $l.V per n.auth. The Richinond ata^i run* ftom Vnndrrbilt'* Lanomg ti.ur time* a day. Carruge* can be had from th*m to com* and vlaw ihe pUce. SELECT COUNTRY BOARD.One amail Pamily can have fine Bjaaaj in smod healthy aud omratile loea'ton on the Sound, »n the New-Haven Rail- rood For de*crtpti<m of the village, *ee adva'tiBtinent of VlAiine Hoteh At l-aiilield. Addxe** K^ Box No. 2,158 Poat Office^_ m~HE MARINE HOTEL, at Fairfield, ) Connaetlant, will ba opened by Its aroprletor, J. B MONNOT, on tte l*t day of Joue next, ** a aummer brane* A tbe New-York Hot«l. The Marln* Hotal ta euoated ln a -aaautifil village on L«ng laland Sound, atfordlng all tbe ta lucement*of exeellent *e* bathing and roinautJc drlve*U ti.e adiacent eaaatry Every endeavor will be exerted to ta rure tor the Hotel the diitlngulahad patronaf* of previoa* «ra*> na PUn* eaa be *een and room* engaged at th* abov* iotel at Palrtleld, or at tbe New-York Hotel. ThadwUaa* fr,.m kew-York i*A3 mile*. and traln* by th* New Y.irk and NewHavan Ral Imad atoo at Pairfialdaavaral tlmaaaaahday jBoaro and lioomB. AFEW PERSONS can be accommo- datrd with PUun Bravd, and the pntilege of Baining, al th* VV ater Care E*l*bli*hm«ut, 137 K*at Braadway. A~FEW^S1NGLE UENTLEMEN may bave ple*»a..t Rooti* in the foar'h atory of A gen'eel oa** No. 6u W hite-«t, a fow door* wo*t of Bro*dway. Te.ni* Oioderata. Referenc* retjLuod._ ABU1TE of ROOMS on 8ectin<l-Il<M)r, four citael* and bath room attached. fun.i*had or un- » uh boaxd. Al*o single ro..n^ for geutitMnen, al No. 37 lioaard-at, 3 door* frcut Broadway. ACiE-NTLEMAN and his Wife, al^oafew aingle OntlemeD. can be .ecomraodated with pleaa- , i Ror n . aod full or partial Boa/d, U * amall Uai«ly, wher* there Aie tut few boaider*. Apply at N*. 1*5 H.«i*oo-*f_ ctrnerot l>eabro**e» Refereace* exchaiaad._ AFURNISHED ROOM to LET. With or withoat Board, to a OentUmaa and iady, o* twostngUOeotlem*n,atNo.8»o CbambervM. A (.KNTLEMAN and his WIFE, and - two or Uirr* single Oentlemen. can ba accommoo ttad with Bt^d al No. 124 Henrj-*t- Re.'eranee* «xcn*i.*ed. BOARD in BROOKLYN.Toro han.1- .MneB*rW.r*rait*aUfor * 0*ntleo»n aod hl»VVita. alao alraaanlTrooaai for *ipgl* OaotlemeB^imay beobr-auad al>o " rnltoa-t-, brtwecn Orange aad Plae AapU-aU. BOARD1NG..Large and amall roora», fumiahed or aafuniuhed, with Board. p|a***ntly *ca> aied :r a tiratcU- botua, Na 231 W*U I4th-at. RafatlBBB. .xchanged._ BOARDING in WILLIAMSBURGH. .Pleaaant and airy furaiaoad Anartmeut*. wi«h or ntbaal Btaud, can b* qrocured by »pp'ytng eor Pourth-*C aad Divi*ioa-av^ Wi:iiaui*bur*Ji Eor raLrncalaia, karma, kc, gaaayaaabaaaaB aaidrea. B vv. K&AN P.O. BOARD..Two or three aingle Rxirna are vacant at th* Tamporane* Hooaa, No «S B*rr;Uy. also oa* Urga reora. aaitaole fof a pacry of tiir*a. aaat atlf mea or a Oaotlemaa and ha Wifc- Al hrarder. can ba aceornmooared V D)OARD..Traruient and permanent ^> Boanler* ^ be aec«mmod*ted « No 3?n Broadway, o*twe«B PraakhB aad Whtte-*t*. _Mra K. A OAaUNEt. OOARD.Families and sinele Gentle- D awa eaa ba amiaamrf.' wia dadghtfal astu and ±L.M^7£Z£%*<>. »7 W**aOAat, aaa. Sttvay. Refrrance raquired_ BOARD^aTNo. 147 Hailaon-sta, oppo- atta 81 Joka'a Park. efraat aatlov oa fa*J floor,jwufc r^try*tt»*datd,,aatabU for a am^ll ramU^or twoataaU gaatleaaea: alao a raoaa fcc * atngU |«tj*maa- Hot >ad oold bath* la tba koo**,_ OARD WANTE D.F(ir a singVo "r ^ 0«af»-a»*a. rn T*r> fcr- n aad.a * '. r. PBBBB M*W BOARD.Oae or taro*in_!e (..'ntlemen . an obtaia a pleaaaat roora. with hraak-aat ard taa. ard diuaer ou S-nday, n a pn«_te family, with prtnJage of bath Ac. Apply at No Eaet !«*_.«. BOARD in BOUTH BROOKLYN.. ntlrman and hia Wifa, or tw. or three nogle I aetBtiaaaeii. can ohtain a [>)¦«-.»¦ room with board hy apply. !n_ at No. !I7 AtJ.otR at. Brooklyw. B( > \KD.A (ieotleman and hia Wife, or a Iaw »mgle Ontlemen. can oh'tia daarirahle Kn'ini :o a tuodeTi buit 1 !.->__*. in tha immediaaa viciaity ot t'nionanuare, hy appheanoo at No. 41 Eaet tJtkeet. OARDINli..fo Let with Board, a pleaaant fun.Uoed ftvnt room, with paotry pttached, B an tbe aecood rlo*ir. .aita*!* for a gentleaaan anl wia*. jy two atiiflegeath. a.en. who aaa bave roll or partid Board. with tbe free nae af 'ha Bath. lequire at No 2.4 Orea___at_ _a_ tw.en Amityaed 4th ats. Refereooee required.teirua raa> acnable. RD in JEI.SEV CITY..At No. atd at, peverat deairable Iloooa. Dmuer at 6. BOAR 41 Oi BOARD. in a Pnvate Family.A hand- p'ttie tniie of rooma, puitehle for a (rentlemen and hia Family. or Oentlemen, with every enoafbrt de-irahle to make an a_ eeahle h_ma. The houae haa all tha moeVra cooven- ieucee. Apply at No. 15 Warree place, Charlr.-et, aaar Crevnwkb-av. T-e line of at~_sa. BOARD in CllAMl.KRS-ST..A On- Uen.aii and Wilk eaa ohtain pleaaant epartirlenta,. with boaid ; bubj, two ahial* Uentlatuen can be a__o__- modattd at No. l_rt Cbaaabera-at. BOARDINO..A pleasant front room. with coevenlent pantry. rnr.Lle fbr a geotlemau aod wi<e may be bad with board at Na IM Chanihore-at. Alao a pleaMnt room fbr two gentlemen. .Hot aud cold bath ia tf e honae. BOARD..Oeptlemen can he arcommiv dated with pleaaant Rooma and Board, or board cnly. at No 4.' e_ev-.t. Dinner at Jo'clock BO A R D I N DO WN TOWN.At ChamherliD a North River Houae, No. .'I? Waahiug t< n af. A few permaneot hoardera can be aocomraodated al $3 50 per week. Alao t'urnuiied Ruoina to let with or with- out Board. BOARD oa BROOKLYN HIOHTST^ riea_.nl Rooma and i artiel Board for two or thmedw- gle L..nti-r.ien, taithtti tbree mi utee' wa'k from Kuitoa F'erry. iu a rtnall rriv.re family. luqujm at No. 46 WJloar- lt, between aiid 5 P. BI._ BOARD.At No. 173 Ea*, Broadway. Two Oentlemen and their Wivea, or aingle Oentla aien. cau he pleaaautly accommodated with Rooma and Board Ref'erencaw exchaoged. B OARDINi-. .Rihiiiib to let with Board |__i 'or a Oentleman and Wife; alao. Rooma for ttaglt ientlemen, at Noe. 4.. and I. Kaat Broadway. Cee of bath (nquire a: No 45 Eaat Broadway. BOARD at WlLUAMSBUROH.No.i Dunha-n-pla-a, betweea t .nd -d-ata. aaar Peek-.ll) ferry- a very pleaaant aituatloa Tarma taodarala. Rafcr- ?new reqnired and givaa. BOARDINU..Familiea or Single (Jen- tl» men may ohtain nestly turaiahed Riaima, with full ot partial Roard, m tbe large new II >u_e No *H 4th at.- havtng Bath. .nd 'ia. in every Riaira. Krench aad Italiaa .pokea Ib the houae. Oinuer at paat 5. Fl'RNISHED APARTMENTS, with full or paitial Board, at No. -, \ eatry-at IjU'RNISHED ROOMS to LET in BROOKL. N. f om-to lOnii-utee' walk from Kulton Kerry .'I lie tlaa-ma constat of a earlor, l wo l_rg_ B-rdiH.-na, ane a large Wa_hnami, pleaeantlv .unated ia a fme netg.. _a__aad Thry will be t«t oaaiueble t" twe wngla lieni'e- mea that eaa give g'*ii r-terence. Por furtlier, addrtaa CHAI'KN Brookl-ii fiwt-Otrice, (poetpaid.) ataUng woere .i, in.emrw may he bad. FL'RNISHED RO<>M$-Without Board io a hrrt-elaaa houae, wtth aprivata family . 1 he raaaaa aie pleaaant aad well furnlalir-d, aud IJM deana'.le. Apply oo the preiuia*-, No. 142 Chambera-et. FTJRNISHED ROOMS. nea/ Waah> iiiku,c*iuare- A Oentleman and Wife. or -iuala ()«n- tlntirn. (aa ohtain eiejant furni.hed pailora on nr_t and -e.oDd rlooi*. with berfro-iiiB, with .r with ut Hoard, iu a lu.l.'aaa p.vate houae. l_j_e |,l.a_uil jard lii.|iiue at No II Bt, Clemeni'.-plate, in Ma«-doiigal-t, betweau Wa- verly-place and C intou place. lt. fereueae required._ tMiKNCH BOARD.Pleaaant Rooma J to let, furn!»hed or anfuiniahed, with ftillor parttal Board, ln a houee wllh all modern Improvementa, occupied by a Krerch family, where the Krench langnaga I. only «po keti, and tbe Engllih but little Krein-h __¦__» given in the eventng. Refereucee axebanged. Ad-reae No. 4tt Waat -1th -t._| FU R N I S H E D ROOMS.No. 558 Broedway.between Princa and 8pr1ng--t., arlth ot wtthout Board. Tbe atteniion of Oentlemen aeeking Rooma la eapeciaiiy invited to theae, a. it la heheved they ara muta thu ordinenly deairable. Refereacaaexebanged. ROOMS to LET.Furni.hed or Unfur- aiahed. without Board, at|No. 9. iVVarren Bt., with free uae ol Batb^___________ ROOMS toLET.To two aingle (Jen- li.-men. or Genllaroan and Wifo-inahandaome threa- au.iy houae, 2nd tloor ; ueighhorhood. 2d-av aud St. alark'a- placa. nccupied l.v a reepectalile auiall private family Ap¬ ply ta Mr. DAVlDhON, No. 64 Broadway, tUwm Na. 48, ap Maira. R( K )M_-^VTNTED.--The firat or serond ftxir, onftimi.hfd, in a houae of modern troprove- u.ei.ta, alrei-dy oceupied hy a gentetl and reapertahle ta uiiy, wtlllng to bnard two perww. hoeatlou betwean 4th aad 6th-av... lltb and 2__t-aU. Reot not to exceeij |l'ai ta $M> a year for the pgaaaa P_a_._.ioii regaired ab iut tha _l)_h of Jaly. L'i.|ue_tiobahle referen.e. given and reiioirad. Ad- dieaa, poetpaid. S. (J, ru__n-eo,oere PoB^Otfioe. ROOMS and BOARD..Plewant for- oUhed Rooma, with or without breek___t aad taa, at No _.'* < 1 reeoe-at.. near 8Ut-at. All tha modara lmprovameoaa latbe-K-aaa._ THREE or foar single Oentlemen, or (ientlenien and their va lve*. can ba acoo-im'da-ed .i lha n.dem-built houae, No 17ti_l_d_oa-t. Referancea t^changed._ IX) LET or LEASE.Third, fourth ar,d fiflh ptoneeover ALKRKI) MCNROE k CO'8. Na. MrBroadway, all hard hniabad. Oaa and Crotoa waurta tll. Pront ii feet by 58 deep._ TiOLET wUhBOARI) -AweU___________i_i RiKitn to single gentlemen or family, with bath n~.n», tt 14.Mludaon-atopp_aite St. John'B Park. Referencea aa- ab-hgad. ____-_______^__-______-__-__--_-_ THEOIRAMERCY HOUSE, coniar of _Dth-a_. and Broadway, New-York, will ba aaaaad te ha publie on Monday May M, Wfl lt eoBtaiaa IV» rooma, .rniaheu in tha moat alegant _tyia with every p_e.tr.la cou- reolnce lt will be k.pt oa tha Americ-u. and Eurupeea plaaa eoD>idaad, and the proprietora are detennined t_u_t B __ail raak among tba beat _amily laKata la^ ararld ^ TWOor THREE GENTLEMEN can ha accc-omodated with full or partial Board at Na n Vanck-et. Bafereaoe ra<iulred_ WANTED.By a Frenrh gentlenmn, who 1. engaged u profeaBor in oaa ofthe ftrat educv kl erta^iut.meBt* tn New-Vork, afurniahed Rooui iu a ger.teel famliy, wbera tBBtruetion in Preoch or Matt-Prnartea will be received aa compeoaaitoo for tha rant and eare of tba rootn. Addr-aaH.V.att-iaoBlea._ W1LL1AMS1.0R(iH. . Two Oentle¬ men and tbetr W lvea, and oaa or two angle __aa__e- k can ba Bf-»mm<_l--<d with board and atry _o°rn«- in a Sklet _nd pleaaant toeation, a Iaw S-iautea' walk froai PeeB. ipPerry Apply at No. 11 M-*. _5oiisef to Ctt. a BEAITIFUL COUNTRY RKSL _f_ IiKNCE TO LET-Ready farnuhed, oa I_o_a l__ai_d, .verytbtog m perfeet order ior a tenteel faculy. To a ra- apectahle peraoa it will baj let on re__-_aa_4e terma. Addreaa, b>u-TT.al Bame aod namber, CULN1-.Y R__.lD_.NC-_, Lower Poat-OH-ce. _ ANEATLY FL'RNISHED FRONT R(X. M to Let on the firat tfoor in a centraJ iucalny. at n.oeerare terma. Everr a__xic_-n'a--_~--ri to makeil adealrabla bctue will be givea'to a attigle Lady. In.'-ira at No J_ 13t_-_t_ batweaa-Uai-d-i-Mffa_ OFFICES TOLET..A handaome saite of R-rme to let ln Chambera Hall, No. 66Ct_-.-__a.--t_, ceoLral and deaira-le lo-aooe, for a Lawyer; reot __oda- rate. Inq.tra ol A. MORAND, on tbe PIANO-FORTE ROOM to LET.--A _p>ndid __oo_n. admirBbly a-ap- d far ahowlnB tgg tat_aZ_a>e.t __<atioB in Broadway, «,_____**_*" " ' at tk-aw yaoc, J^^^^WtcHiIKSO^ Tn nnF*A_S!W*.KERS. MILLINERS, No 1 Pr->_a>_t.__-. .-. raif) LET.Part of houae No. 30 Delaa- I .1._..r R-a_i.l _ar foux to aix r_ca___. te a haaaly .«l^__i_3_-_s--S- '-tt i* gt, aaccad dotr aaat Roaa Ma. J*. BiaaBwaj. MORBISANIA. -TO LET-A nratly aVkward tw,.t«» Hoaaa. witk w*k**d '»'¦»"¦* aad aaMiavigreaad Ar-ply'»H RBirBNET.N* 4a»p»r*t. TO LET.A ploaiant Country HiMWtN atcet ihre* eaiie* !»-aa VVVbaiaaUinck forry, aa taa r*> d New*©*,., arRk bara, »t*k *, rarriao* bpaa*. A*V. Cherry aud other frt.it <rea. <a .haadiana PaainBBii liafl**- diateiy Apply WATKINi k 11INK. «;jro*r ol Broad- »a> aad Oraad-**. nPO LET, at TA RR YTi >\VN-A houso, X kara, garavn. aae aere rt orckardiag aad Bwaaf y rt frait. r»rd watar aad pUasaat foc*Av*i, Two at ttra* aata- at. >' walk froaa raitriaad «*a6l li <ia«r* rt Dl. PlEBSOM, aeaf th* pteaul.**. TO LET.Tbe Sactatd Swy of gjea- t.el How, wllk hed'Ouw* ¦¦ tkud etery. at N* IU P**t 2iai-.t Will ba Ul to a gvatoal fcumfy aeraaj a* .Biallainkirta. laaau* oa araauar*._ H> LET.A House auitable for aOco- li. aaVoa. Two Bi. U flror* if daaira*. at fr>*u bS 'o B* per aaoatH. Aavlv t.» A P SVITH,conwrofS4thal*Ard*thay,tT«a«Tuia*(id froaa 4 to 7._ To LET.A faxreiahed Cottoaa on Statr-a lalaad, for four ar s»» moatk*. kaaaafaty *tta- alett iigtHi htga g-.-oud, coaBCBend-ng a trtarw ol ta* Oa*, aad witt.ln aevrn miiiutr*' wala at \ audetbiit'*- Laadtaf, rleo garden and >awa, wtth frait ir-e* aad karry kwaaaa. Ad- o.-t»* B. B *t taa onUe o4 tfcd* HHO LET.A few amall Oatta^ao, oaeh X ka Voat | farry L aitroedandaauge roata Tbey ataad m aa lAuytaaag toraotaa, aad ar* aarroaoded hy txaaaaa Reotaw> aar i a will k* aoU for itSM, oa v«ry taotaaiwaUrrn* Ui gly to J PaXABE, We kaW R nrxTLET.A SiorajT^aJaA, a WorlVwikop, X *a *r*» Beur. aad thr** or fc>ar LoA*. »«U kwMaat oa aVre* ad**. abotii M by BB aaat, with or witfcoa. *****aa«ww*> (aauira nn th* arernwae. No 47 Aaa at.. aaar raaaan*. 1X> LKT.Well-ughted KOOMS, anlh or without Btaam Power. of any*a>* Inquir* of C M 81 MONSON, Na 1*1 L*ww«t (Jonero (Danteiy VRTISTS' 8TU1HO WANTED. . /l VV.oitd in a pnvat* dwelling. aiiaat* *a ar aaar Broadwat, aud oetween Oraud and lAh-ata., * Roou* *>lt- kble for th* abov* occupaiioa. witn bigo uorOi ar waeiara liabl. Addreaa. (Uting erruaajid locaimn, WM. MOROAN, N. 1*. \\ ar'.n place, t iinl.a .t _ WANTED to HIRE-The whmjikI RUur. with kack Baaeaaent, in * pkaaaant UeeOoa, wit>Mi flllren n.ii.ute*' walk of Hlaeck-rat. and Breadway. Kaiei.t aaaabai af DaDtlaman »«¦. Wbta A ii»« **« to THUMPatVN, i,it .i th* ,.tno* of tks* aaaar, terma, Ao., will meel will. aitrotio.i. Rrol e-taie fot 0alc. A." RARE OPPORTUNITY.-For aale, _an .leganl City or t'oumr) Rattdenoe In N*arapk, N.J. ntualadraNrwark Hlghta at the he«J ..f -Varraa-at .bavMur actnui anrl'.ng new ot N*warl, N*w*rk Bav, Xcaiea lalaad, and New-* or* CBj. The property cooaiata of ab.u'. an acr* of 'and; al*". an intereat lu an e egant pnva-e P*rk ia trook, The houae ia new, with el^vau r-oin* all fii.iehad U aU- gpait ntode.n Wyle, w.th every d> airabl* eonvenlanc* for* Senteal re*icYrit-e Otiihic kw n. I..,'. r t. ml and *k>ade t-a-a, c. Por pamealara, li qoir* at Nu HH Howeiv. New- York, or ofthe uad.-riigi.ed (Hi ihe pienil*** Piw*»»aiaa gitt-n lmm.diatel). lt re.|uiied iBRAEL PIERBOM. ANCPERIOR FARM FOR SALE, or EXtHANOP. for CITY PROPEBTV-tK 00 aoraa, inder hi|.i raitlvaiion, half a n.ila frooi rvlruad, 17 aailaa .rom New-Yoik can go hv* time* * day froru thi* dlty Oa 'Jie pr.-n.iaea I. . two-*tory nouee, bain and carrlaaa-htM***, uid utbuildioga, all tn good aaaar, with ao urchard vf eno*** ftt.it, and with aatrram af wsb-tthruitgb Ua fana. lt wkkl Vavld low Apply lo J PKCARR, No l«d Heater-H. COUNTRY REvSIDENCE Ior SALE. On tha line ..f th* l e.itral Railroad of New lepjay, Irawst an h.-or'a rlde from thia city, a iwu atnry atrte ll.auaa, witli wiiil and half au aora uf lai.d. *ligl'>ly Mid bnauiihilly rit.iatedafrw rodafnn. ('ra..aMlle»t*Mt«i Th*IVHiaa¦enllra- !y rew, llinahed ln uiodern atyle. and cnlaln* ntne room*. Ceinniiinlcitvon wilh th* euy *evarul Uiuaa dtily by rail¬ road and .ia*mhi*t,.Oinimutaium, $45 per anaom. Por Urtra.r^l.culara.^P.^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ COUNTRY RESTDENCIa.The un- ,ieia;gn< d wuhiwto dlapow of ht* plae* aaar Oooaar*- kowa. ou thebanka of the Otaego Latk* Th* aitaaiuta l* rornanlirand he*lthy, tbe Houa* very ftad, and admlrably aalcnlaled a* a retrrat for a man nf baalnea*. Tlta farrn BBB* »lat* ol 40 **re*, ln high culnvatnm Pri. *#»»»*». Addreaa, lt L. DAN1KLL. CtHjearatown, Ot**ao Co. DUNKIRk BUILDING LO'l^aiPRI- V Al K KAI.E- Elaht chnica loU of llroa.t.l. *it,iai-d oa OVaal >¦¦ I. .t between Mull.-t and Ha*a»u., la :. «nit- tul \illagenl Ounkiik. Laka Eil-, being '.ha VVaaWrn t*r- ii.in..u» of ihe New \ < rk and Kne Kaili.aad. T*rm* hheral ttr price and furlher partirulaia APpiy to ANTriONY J. BI.EFCKER, Auetkmaer, Nu 7 Rr.av.-at. F^AST JVIORRLSANIA VILLAGE.. i AU.ut ¦»..' faot*, varyiog la *U* from aa elghlh rt aa icra to ¦.« acr**, Are aow ellerad for aale ua tha ovw. fovtira- bla ta.fin T*n aar cent *owo, and baiaaa* oa or bafura M't/.-b. IBbi Tlieaa l,it*Aar<-..»>» a very baalthy aad naauiiral locatlou, near aud iu luil viaw of taa Kaat Btfvar, aod la tha 'mmediate vicinltt of tha giound* and maldeucaaof aeveral t th* in.at weallby and reapactarHe cinaana af VVgatahewta* County Thi* village ls *ounrr.lad wilh th* Haflam Rail¬ road hy . br*/ rh Kallreed Per iiiap* and other iiiformaikaa, tpply to I) B iVINTON. N... 5 Tryoe-row, aaat HarUaa tailroad tiflice, oppoaiu th* City llall. I.MRM WANTEli..To7o~ho"ua4j7 and l.t», i.iiierumhertd, e**h value |rt,<1»e, ranU OVaO, wiU ia exi kai.g.-d tor a i.i.al faim wilh gr. ,1 hinl.nagt near tba city, ln Nr w-Jer*ey. of that ealna or lee* Apply t > BEEBE k HALLETr, No m BroadwAy. FAKM at YONkERiS for SALE. VVithLo 2* mllea of Hudaon Rivar Railroad Oepnt, aad Uml!e«of Rmaxvllle DApnt, Harlein Railroad Contalna ln acrra, af which 211 acre* ara to wiaal* Moll aaperlo*; and frult abundaiit. ia.ui Rivar Tha .laca i* under g«»d er... ai.d linprovemeat. Koin* rock*. Hitoatann vary high ; pric* v*ry low. Apply gt N*. 11 PI*U- ¦traat. op euir*. F^LAM^i^rlSBURGH.-Thia now ril- lage, accewlble wveral tiuawa day by etage* and aUam- >,«.». ia .t'.at.d wl htnctght m.lea nf th* City llaii. oypo- rlte Hsrlem, onColleg* Potnt and Kluw.lng 8*y aaar tha tK-autllul u,» ii ol Ploahmg, »nA a.tj. i.nug th* villag* Cf rltiartonport, which auld *o raadlly laat aprliig, aad U laid out on li..- aoM . ale- th* atreat* of hoth place* Intar- .erting each otlier.and will foru, ua eommandlng atuaUwn, And ai no dl-tant \<*rit*i. be one of'ha prlnctpal *aaatart* to tfle vldulty of New-York The bat* vary in aaa froaa I, i to I »ily U.U ia prtcefrom*l"b'A> |lw Tualer.n* *r* A**. A..WB, and tbe re*t U monthly Ijuatalhnent* of I11', whlrk enahlea every prra.n. nt>Wai«er iircuuMUncad. to b«*u rta hU iwu landlnrd. Being axeeadiegly haalMy, aad evruiuwUd >ty acenrry whichcaonul be aurpiaad «u.t/ra>lu* Vl*w* of giuahii.f. Newtown, Rn-rt taland, Morrlaania, ka. Aay peraofi* wutung to porchaar al tha ahove, ara rauaaat* I to , , .. ^.a aaaai ¦aaaaad aaar] kaaopaMaa wtu jbr.rlully b*glve* JOHNA PLAMM* B, Na. I*» W*«» lr'lh-*t between 7tk and kih-*** Odlc* ii'.ar* fruru 4to B /cltek PM., andm*p*ian ha <**a *t JOHN . PI.AM- M ER'«, No 31 Mott-at Th* onl* .aila.naed aaeaUlo nd. avU* aie, Jackane Nirbola and loun < »#lvy. oa ta* groaod. Mr. »i*ii,m*i will ka oa board 'Oa boat every anuruia*. FOR SALE..Tho foifowlBO <|p»<:rir»ed aaJawM* proaarty for safo at th* low arieee aaaaed, for caah, if apvlied fj« immrdlateiy. a* .. wl«h i* apply a l*r<* aawanri »f n.»oe) ino.r baataeaa, eonoactad wlik heata, kc. A baai.tiful rtnai'l 114) aere* UOrai.aaCo.iu* high ¦ al* of cBltivaiiori.Prtca. .|IB,On» Alao, oa* of th* baat hooae* in Poughkea^aaat. bajlll atout Syeai* *ine*.Prtoe.. 14^00 Alao a inocern bollt krown atoa* Iwaa*oa Btk-at, New Vork.BBjBk* l«,3* A ao. two handaiwtB S-wory on. k houaa* oa lUgraw- at., BrockliB,a«arHick*»t. Eack raat ior 09M perainaa».Prto*.. 7,100 Alao. tao :i-«iory knck h<m»*« and krti oa aaabatt-at-, Bro<,kljn. near Cauluuik.*.*!. Pric* of *ach houa- Il '*¦".». ..40* Alao. om* 3 (tory oeuvaa front boaw* oa Oagraw at, Bruosiya n**r Coart-*t.**r'"*.. *,.*. Al*o a Parra ol 75 acre* a«*r MorrUtown, N*w- j*n*y.Prtoa- 'cW A:*o, a Karmof 140*rr**ln VVindhatu Ca.. Coun . 1* _ mile* from Norwich.Prloa.. Sr*** Ako a f.rat utortgag* aa * Parm u*ar Nawark, for th* aumof.... AaOf Alao- . 7 per eent. Ir.t iiaortgage oa a good piea* W Bro kl)npropa ty, tor.WW *>mo AUt>. a tral mor-g*ge oa * boaa* aad Ut to Braofclya for.. . . *i*** Ai»o. for *a!e at a tlbaral di»eoant. the folU^wiog **¦ .cril-ed *rci/bd murtgage, well trcnrri <'*l""» produ, tne aropfrty In Bronkyo, tosorcd for th* wbole aaaoaatof the aaortgaor*. ... Oa* Bortgag* for. ,.* One BJOitg***, daeinoaa year, for..... '.*" '.uiidii.g* new and pleiify; water giaat atx V iew vary fine, bul.nut in *tght ofthr Hiid Two mort.axr. ».r BV» **eh, on two .efavaeaO Each renfd for gliOperaouuni. Ouam****-. bolr . a mortgage oa aach boaia* for.. . *.."" Aa*TWv«.raer -^M'^v"rar«uk^vya aS aeeured on p.operty U New Yotk, Brooklyn. aad Oo^i.'tki' »aBre'fcaai''»*"l'*j** .*""' .T9m"LZT rrri«B aa br «d a. * mortgag- for «v. yaar, al Bp.! c-aat. or o *ar wat. will be aaauetrd fftaa ta* *<»?. arkaa, if tka whattoaarch*** naonay ke paid in '**k. kor furthAr aarticafers. appl r unmadt*l*r* U No* 914 aad SM Broadway, N«w-V ork. FOR SALEtt GREAT BARXiALSS. Parm* and V .Haa* I/-t* *t Laa* l-ad, I»^\*W*. and be«.t.fui d>*eripa«B ot thi* ««. aad Brodacftr* Uad anav ka aad by aaalyiag ot '«. cme*, No 9m ttraaaiway. .' I a7* I..it* V7.fl- -na- ara sold m SbaM -* fo* *"*«*. onry r*iaU t* b. aotd-lo pnrchaa* tka**- B«y . *h*fa i»- roeiZZsjor taa wll be tu> Uta A Bhar. I* only .->>, B*» ^rahaa*la*aUaadtfctaar«aTM^ UM. kojl, t'c. VVOOU.B0.M Broadway, wbw* WAvpa aaa ». kad grati*._^-. tK)R 8ALE..A very deairabla piee«J_of £r^-«rsra^-a^.w-3rS SuvrtouJ*. frratttog oa Prrawaa»-aa, aad mmmj .fytm\tf too^ofWaUat ^^^^T^Jra^kl MREK. a**nt, betwaeo^t^diatkav* ^ J*"^ *T twaaa llih aad lathav*. fcUw-Y*rk, or P. llAtaaKm*), VV eatehc'Ur tloiaa, Marrtaaaka.





« aeit-Dinas, coaaaa or ipboci aud rab*

jt*1"^**!* aPPOaiTB T.IBCl.THA'.t,0^\jiwatj ouSasrlker. for I.*) CenU a« a-aakiad**E*r**f. tbay r*a pay la advano* at thaDasaZm**lWT?r.t at U* sexu* rate. BincU aopUa,Zjl ***"¦ o8a»enbera, Piva Dollar* per annuia Uaa^a-haarlpcUai Uhea for *U luonth*. For three2a*. 'Tr^<fcm laoUan ia advano* reqoired to all *a-

*w^S«tCo«BU7 Newapapara Daily Paaexa raaalhredSaf^Jhcaa urati are higher CW tboa* »f Pb* !?>«-

Jw»y,|awad any dlabreaoa,

M.cr-VOIti4 WKKKI.YTRIBCNK,*?*r,.AaOE PAPER POB THE COUNTRY,r prloeo>r tweotyaaaj con-

i"«V uweri HaTUBDaT Moknino, at the low prloeola advano* Eight oopie* Ior B10, or tweoty

«*T..nr«aa tor $W. *nd the paper ln no aaaa eoa-

2 tbe na.* for which it la paid Advartt*era*DMCarlil ba cbanted 3>i e»6f par Bao aaob laaarrl na

A^v,.-- i rt..AVAnd Pbioaymorning. Prleail*^TW»'oc?ie* for >5 Taa for $30 AdvortU*t^mt* Iri* wr «ach (oasrtloa..**^ a

ffJE NEW-VOKK THIIir.Kroa bobopeab ciactH.ATi.'.i

_, M (Bf, (teparureol aacb Ma'l Steauier for fjveraP*TaaweaW»'»A eopv, ot %i per year, to any partoffjt JjgYt-^-$4 to the Continent, rXWtage iucldded

TIIK REWaVOKR TRIBUNE¦ia, o»n.,.x aaaj the sahowicb islands,th* departnra of each temi-Monthly Mal

Me*6ie*nt* per onpy"^ORKKLEY k McKLRATH, Pnbli*h«r».

Bprrial Xoucci.Alllanec.lt u a graat loxury

ipeod an hot.i under tba Big Ten',.aot ad^reaae* ana tli.t beaariful

r^wiiai tbe erowo* of ladle* aod gtnlleman niatifly\Zmhrt tn ihe f urpuea ol proinotm* tlie laudable objectSatwaynV VV ard of rum. THIS EVK1INO tbe ladiea!,»* AJiar ce bold a eraod iu**> uaetuiit. to tn ad<lre**edTRVANW AONER*ndK>v !!.<; PCTNEY.

'arBA.hleei.th Ward Allii. ¦«.¦

Jfft aT.I.IAM.K r.f thia Ward w.lllnld apuhllr maat-

JSlB iKf.cay) EVENING, in tbe Zltb-at M K. Ohwrab,iaav. All Uvorabla tn the cauaa are inviied to be*JT JESSE VV. BENEDICT.Praa'L"B",,__ .-,

¦rHoaaii'b'H Addre»a for the benrfit of hii MotherJVateri atthe Tarxrnaci,.. M< 'M)AY, Jun*2i.tocot-i-i»at8P M Doorarptn at *». Tirketagl; to be b-tdJiVar. KRANI IS'.s. LOCRWOOIPB, 1 IMH'Kfd, or

r»A"8 k BK1TTAI.VS Book «t/.ret. or af tha Howard,LiHor. the Irali.g, and the New-kork Hotela, or attheL,. Bj order of ihe Comtr.ittee. ._OT* >atlce..'Ihe corner-ston* of the MARINER3*iSlh'i A.-VI-I -d, lacalad near tne Sea-nen'* Ratraat,aVr* U!Aid will b> Uld wilh appropnate c.eremoole* on

UlCRDAV I' M June I'i. M.-icbrr* and Ib.nori of 'heK. I Mocieiy. togather with all olhei* inlere*tadiu

aaaaal widuw* and o-phai.a of aeamen, ara lnvicd to

Lkad. Th* Htateri l.laod t.rry-hoat leare* foot of Whita-LUI!at ¦> o'rloi k, and will leove poaaeniera al ihe Retreat, .

AjObj in tii'-e t<, la*.- aarl in tle eEarti***._

"aa* ftaUrr lo Panaeogera Irom Paaaaia ta Cal-*i?Bb.T-Th*^PAt..I*-It: B1AII. dTEAMSHII'COMPA-II bai called upon to glve public notice Ibat ni. tickei* willUiauuuiiil hy their agsnt ai Panama which are ootiignedajojaacatuf thi. Company, aud that Ooket* thu* lignedaa Utaktaloed only At theii Agency, No 177 We«t-*t ; of CriimKTT Kiq., BoatornorofMewr*. ARM3TRONO.bABAJb k CO, New-Orleau*.New-York, Jan. *. tHW."iT^drr, VVM.11 DAVlDilK, Bocretary."ar l'eoplt '» VV nahlna nnd lialhina Katttbliab-ar*l,b" 14 Mutt-at., m-ar (Jrand-*t.-Tl.ue*Ubll*hmenl,aac>- .1 tn fi.n.iib tbe br.t ActoniuuMlati.Mia for cbeapffaOur lrni.ir.1 m.d Hathing, i» n"w npen foruaa.WA^vi IN(»..('nnvenienrriitra l.re protided for wocneaaUtluif own Waihiiig and Iron.ng wiib eaas and di*-¦aa. Kach wr.rnan'* cl.tl.ii are kent entirelr aeparataaaaothrra. uaderherown inunediAte charge.Aiidare rapid-L-aradaiid Aiied by a current ot fre*h air forc^d throughm k> Biachinery. Kvery thing neceaaary for VVaalimg

adlrob.g i» furniahed I'or three cent* per bour, with theBB*pti..t. of »>ap, which ia kept for *ale ln tbe hiiildn.gIA1HIM.. Nrat and convenient Bathmg rooma, with

W.t. Bkower, VVann and Colrt Batha, wiibclean towela,0»rro\.drd al*" twi, large Swiininiiig Batli*. one li.r'Oaleaadaae Ior leniale*. are luruisbed on the foiiowin* tenoa

fa* cl.a* Wana Balha. lu ceatl) ordinary dii, y> cent*;(kk) (*h. wrr, ft cent*; Vapoa*,SAcent*| Bwimrning, 3 ct*

lan*t Ha'h. will be admini«t«red by a medlcai attaudatit,*keaill alao glye advice graiia to baiher* who may deairetttUi they may receive the full heneht of thia baiui-giaiugtarr. CO. RKAD, dupennteadeut.'rjjr Aiotlcf. -Slup ADELA1DE, ^Aptain Cobb, fromB»L,h.i n aUehargiai at PUr No 14, K B. Coo*lgnet*aaaubntrd to a'irnd to tbe r> -ipt ..I ibeir Oood*.^POI KURD, Tl LES r(>N k CO , No. 48 oV.othat.

BP Wiutni.letl I'i ine I-Vi-.ii ii nil IC.-lial.l<DPIOS, CHEMICALM. ac

aakuWalr. on lllarral terma, at our eafabliahment, No. 83r*at« OREENLKAK k KINHLKYg*at POiE£riiriAr.| fWm.ua H.Kinilat

tt Kn.taraiil liitelliarnpe Oltiie nnd l.nliorlB*hai.*e,S.» 2A and 77 Canal-at., New-York..TUUlaa Wa.UAhtl.ed hy tha Comiuiaaionna of Ku-.iuia.tiona*** W wtakMlied hy lh« t;oiiiiiil*aioi«>i* Ol r,mi«iH..un,tbara tn aJaav. be found larga aamkara "f l.aborer* andlaranual v»r> low ratta ai »ip«, *«d paraona enn haveawrtvdt'i* liliid by wnuig tt. .haHupenntnidant and »ai,da. Or anuuDt iineaaai y to pav Uie paaaage ol tlie paxue*

No fee* cbarged to employere.J AK. P. r AtiAN. .SuperinUnnent.


amnoemtntf.Kii.t Oocert in Ametira.

MADAMK ALliONI respeotfully an-n'ii.iicri lhat »be will bave the honor ol uiakinf h*r

ba*f|a*rai.(-e ln tha Mt.d Mtatr* cn WEONESDAYlYlMM) NK.XT, .lurn-a, I8di, at

MKI KOIOI.ITAN HALLsBaaahlrh ocraait.n .he will be aided hv


BIONOR AROITI.laaier. Sig Aiditi. Pnce ol ti< keta, one dnllar. Bacnredaaurii.be vblaiurd tor two doilara PAiticuUri ln pro-aaaa,r


CASTLK OARDKN..ROUSSETPAMII.Y, nndei tbe mauagemeut and direction of


Ptkt ol adutiatiou, .-«. ot-ntf. Ticketa to be had fromMr. Conv.aj at ihe Oardev. fiom 10 A. M. till 2 t\ M alm tae aUataal Muaic Stoir*. and at tbe door ia tbe evening.Ta* dotr* a111 he opeued ev»r> evening at7, aud the per-

ftaaaeca. will romuience at 8 o'clock.Orvat Tn.m.eb' Kitu-en Dance*: Beautifal bcenery,

BaiuC iu'lif Muving I'anoraoiA.yRlluY l.VENINtl. Juie 1«, will be performed

IB .otlit )y aew g.ai4 M j.ttc Ba'let, of Action. entitled»aVhaNI>1. ; Oi, TheTrinmphot theCroaa.


. h j.ncti.tn removed.DONETTPS highly respecUbU_fa tl TrAinad Animaia, coiniating of Munkeya, OoaaandwatU will aertorm THIS K\ EMNO. June IR, and everyBbykt af ta* VA'rek .Pei cmmence at 8 o'alock.BkaeOX KflTl KK Lt the Or.be.tiA. To be folUwed byIH1 C01.I.AT10N DAKRIQI'E The Repa»t will beeo-

tdb.nji M.t.keya. 8LACK ROPE hy U Maant andMaudnile llofiTROPK The pantom unc acene of

tbl DESP.RTER. Com-luda wilbthe Aaceuaiouofthe Dog.

JSblo's uarden. .john SEF-\ TliN Managar-KRIDAY RVEN1NO, Jun* l«, wUlMrfofinrd tl eT'.m.edv. ln 3 acfa, of

THE KOl.llKS OE A HIOHT.*a*r ahich, hrat pa.i of tl.a

SKU |.|\ P.RTIBBMENT.bkr ft.llowed by THE Wl.NPMII.I.

i| wnlilhe Jd part ol the 1>1\ KRTISFMENT.isiiikaani. ff* aaat* Pitval* buxea, ff '¦ Ouors oaaa at

l»'*i<>«k u *un ni-oo* at 8 o aloeh._

DROADWAY THKATKR.E.A.MAR-n »hai i, oabj Uaw.,._THIri EV KNINO. JuaalS, willaTpeibii.ied Auhai'*l..ar.d tlpealio B*ii*l of

MASAN1KLLO.Btua.Mr* Seguio Pieiro .Mr. Segum

To t, ..r'ude « ub. tor tha Uat Ume,THK V\I/ARI> SKIKK,

Ckaat Bng*no«... Mt. Penao Alex*.M ne. Celeataboata au* Parauct, *0 oeeU, Kamily Cucle and I'ppai

.b*, 15cent*, Private Bootaa. $5and #f. Door*^paaat 7.

BURlX)aN't5 THE-\TER.CHAMBEao-.t THIB EVENINO, June 1 , wUl ka auyed Jm

baajskU Dianta in 3 acta, of_. 1'AIUS ANO LONOON.tevbBBBkt Vt lotii on a tour of plcasur*.Mr. PyotttVol*iil...7.;..Ml**We*too»*n*>nck Protli.Mr. tlolman

Baa. St Juutnueat.MtA PwkJ*ew Ctrw* aa* Parou**, 50 cenU i Saavad TXm, 25 aaat*PHvau Buxc^ ^ Bo,^, rMa «t 14 : lo aagto al 8 o>*ioak

LYCKUiM THEATER, Broadwav, nearBwaai it-CoaBYN k BCCKlJtND. liiwiis.

. L*at iight bat or* of Mr (1 V, tlROUKE.Tby»t.VPNlM. luoe 18. «H|t be r-rf..nita»d

-. TdE MKKfllAST OP S E.NICE..Brvoke Antonlo.Arncld

.1 id*n Bawanio.I.ynne

.Phillip*! Neri***.Mr* Sioplwc*Mra Viekery Jea.ua.Mr* H*U

J*W*Cirel» '.c r'aroaaA SSc r*a»llv CtrcU. l2\%.

BAKNl' M'JJ M USEUM. Admittancakvrrerything 2»cenu; Chlidrea aadar 10 yeara, BJS^v^Uaaav kc, t«t**nU*a,ia Ouantlc OsTR'CrC

*Jt.».AS(i oiTANtl, *toriiM>aa HKRPENTS, ju»t re-EU. alao laa Oorgeou* Oneatal Tableao ol CERKANT*J*PTfRr., rapratratiag Lord Bttob and th* Oreaka, ailS£lf. ». 1P ALIV K ln tba Lectttre Rotvm, THIS *.P-


-wn at fi, COMIC PIECES. kc THIS EVKN-». le-ehvk. PA»SI()N ANO REPKNTANCB. ThaajfiU* * o'ckxa, rA*2I"TtRIolS A0VI8ER. HAPPY PAMILY, baV, to ka^ .» All boura

QREAT^TTRA(rriONS.~Fr«5« Cona~. .?»* t ta* (>tto Cottaa*. Hobokea. by a oeiabrata"atlleiu.. B..a__. -_. UOaintV U'I.'I1NP>Z* .". M «*. Otto tottage, Hobt.kea. by a m

57*»f«Ult*B Perfornier*,*vBryMOf4DAY. VVEONR*i*{ kad ratlUY ArrERNOONtl, oommeuciag MOH-g*- J*»s IA dkoaJd ta* waathar b* aaUvorabU, tha^5^Mjak* pUo* the aeat falr day^_SATTLER*S COSMORAlVLA^S4»>.ia .^Lir^h»-BJ-brO*taad aaraar of ISth-at and BreaoV^OBaetremaA M. ttfllO e'ekxh P. M. AdaaUWoa »5tl*?^?* .«*. ofArt aaaaka af a aolUatiaa oa* VIEWB


Ncn. XJnbhcatioiu.(Joat p_k_ai_-d.)

ADISCOURSE »n the Lipb and Srr-viccs of PROP. MOSES STUART dabvemd la

tbe Ctty ot New York. Sahraatli Evening. Jaeoary _St_, l__2,By Rev. Um Adaioa. D.D., Paaiuro4 the Cwotral Preaera-t*rlan Cburth. JUHN ¥ llow, No. 49 Ann-ei.


l> Btcadwav. pol.liah r>n Safa'.Uj. NEW iTAUANAND KNOLI.-H DICTlON .RV. in two parta. I. I-aliaaar d E _¦*__-h. II. Ergliah and lu.ian. cou.pr-heodui* io tliefn.t part al! tbr old wnrd., eoat. _ctiooa. and licenasa uaad bythe annent Itahao poeta and proaa wntera ; la tbe _-*oi__

part all tlie verioo. ui._r.iiip of KBgliah verba arith a oew.nd > naiie jrrumtnar, to render ea_ry the acj'iireinent ol tlieltal.au lai.-oaye. i... By t. C Mead-iw. M. A. I Tolume,Ifnio over 7WI t-agee. A fac aumle ofthe thirt/.ritb »_--B0-!__-_ Ei fliab t_itn.i, of thia atandard manial.6 A. -Cc bave jaat pnbltebed 8EOAN.. « VKf'V. ...

ANI) BARETT1. by \efe_vie_. AProrH.__.c_-g Dictiooa-r- of tbe Bpaaiah and Eaaliah __an_n_*<..: Co_po__._ trontbe 8iani.fi Dtctionaiiea ofthe Spau.b A cerlemv. Terreroa.ai,n Relva, upon the b__ia cf Saoane'e edition of Neuman andBaretti, aad from tba En4h.l1 Dictu.nanaa of Watmttt, Wor-eester, aad Welker, aith the addition of more tliai. eiritthooBBDO worria, ldioma, aod faniiliar*r>ri._»»«. the irreK-ian-tie. of all thi verba, and aH-_Jinnar..cal aynopeia of bnth leo-fuaar.. By Marian. V elaxuuez de la Ca-deoa, Profaa-_>r ofthe Spain.h I.acruace aod Literature l.. Colntnhia Colle««sNew-Yoik, ai d Corrt_coodina Meniber of tbe Nanooal fn-.titute, Waahir jfon. I vol. ro)ai Svo.. pt>. I.3H0. Prica RVIhe freat deaideratom of an arcora'-e, eurnpreheo-i ve, and

waU-d-acted Uu-'ionary ofthe Spaiiah and 1 nxliah lan|o__e« ia now ftf-t realizcd in thu. woik by ProC Velaanue-.

M^LTRIMONY AND THE SECRETOF LOVE AND BEACTY.SplendJdly liloatrated.ea bow to win tba devoted atfeetiona of theopp/aite

aea l Love, tk._n.hip, 4-c; alaohow to he handamoe. Srnjriabook, 25 cesta Pive copiea, $1. Addrea. Dr. Ml VALL. Ai-kaoy, N. Y~ poatpaid. Beot free b» return mall_

NEW JUVEN1LE SUMMER BOOKSAppropria-rly illn_tra,ed

HARPKB A. BROTHERri, No. S?" Pearl-at, Fra-klio-i.iuare. enhiiah thi. day.MARCO PAl LS VOYAOE8 and TRAVE 1.8 -1 Mar-

cc I'aul in New-York. By Jatv.b A.bor.. 16ino. taateful-ly bound aod beautifolly lliu-tr.ted. Pn.a SO ceota.

Order ofthe Volomee.MARCO PAtTv-1. In New-York. On the Erie Ca,

ral. S. In Maine. 4. lo Vermont 5. In Boeton. »>. Atthe SpnrRield Arrnnry.Tt,e |.e-i«n ol tlie aerieaid v,.|nme» entitMal.r.o P_ul a Adventnrea

>_ the Puiai.it oi KauatlB-Oa, ia aat ¦avaR tn 'tit.-rta.n Ra M tatanl. . Bariktiv. "i iaveaia adiaaa iraa, kaa ai~, M aaaBBBaaieata, ia

tfiBi_.tioB with tl." :. a. *It> naive ainl »arie,l inl._rm<t,"r, aa i><»«,tlein re-pen totlHteiarapliy. tl.e me_»ry, tlie cuato'^a, kud !»i»in-t tutii naollhii roimtry, aa tl.ey p..-«.-_t t..-ma^lv« to ltei.6.. I

iBtKiti of th« l.tlle trateler, wh< makra hueiriiraioni. ui. I. r tl.e ¦

nawe i.f.n mtelii(.-iit an.i BM-I JafaiBai B_e_fBBiB%ajaaMad '

ai.t li.n, ,i. Ihe ». .i'..-,ii<". "I _i-"- ladBa and ia ilir f_.nnl.ii,ai ter IheBalhar baaeadaaeee-. m anlm-n hia narraine. a-,1 t,.

n.luae inti. n el. .¦ ri.ta ol :, aalutar a,..l morml it.rluenre, by mean. ,.fp»r.onal ,r« :aco:» I* alliui tb. ai t-.ia iu _hf -'..ry. 1 U r--«der m.y

. ly uk_r.ii i.r.triii ai d <-iart trntb aad r.d.l.'j afatlla.ofplaiea, in.liMl .n'ai.d . rnea.wbuh are broutbr l.eiore__a imnd ia

ti t,.iir.. ,.l tbe anrrat.Ae.A lao, on tbe aame rlay.Part XXIV. of l'lCTORIAl. FIELO-BOOK of the

REVOLUTION ; or, Illo»trai.on_,by Penand i'.ual, oftheHuitory, Srerery, Biorr.phy Behca aod Traditiooa of theWarfor Independecce. hy Ban_on J. LoaB'na. E_q. Whbf.verCOO ?ri|raviti?t on Waod, fioia Oricirjal Sketchea bytheAuthor. Pubh.hinj tn Numbera. 8vo., Paptr, 0 aeataearh. \ ol. 1. now rtad>.-plendidly b.,iind. PriceB3 50.

NEW (iL()I.ISa^Copley'aRa-rwl6-inchCeleetial aod TerreMral Globea A freah nipplr of

Uie*e beautifa] Giohaa, with the itara of U.e dilferetit maa-oitudee oolored, juat received and a>r _ale, wholeaale and r_-Ui! hy K - O W. BL.IJNT. No 170 Watar-at

THE MECHAN1C.The second num-l*r ia juat iaiii.-d, and will ba enntint.ed weehiy

I'ontenta.New and I'ractical Rulf-to Deiermir a the II w_e-

1'ower ot all alze Enpnea, l-iamtter ot Water-VVUeel-Juk, and Knylne Ciai k-Siialt*. Bfrenftli of Material;Menaaiatioo aod Mtchanical Arithmetic eontinued; Kuleaon tlnckn.M of W.ttr aad Stratn 1'ipea: Ooinrioaition oflliaaa foi Beahon. Ac.; Problrina lor Intreutor.; I'rruincti'inof Roa.e'B f<ip-Spinner i Brundred'a Thrrwtle; (laa? SawMilla ln Klorirla, kc.; Mi^ellaneoa. Seleciiou*. TaoaewiahiDB a ntuatiun la any of thi M.¦. iiaxii. al hranrhea, or

thoae rei|inrii g Merhanir. of any deacriptir.o, aa ill tind thi.Journal a (tood meiiiutn lor advertMing. Our advanUf¦. andcoiiiei t.oi.a are »urh aa to enahlc u. _j piopeilv decida up .n

tl,e ,|tiallliratton ot the appl'rant. Tern_.$.' per ye*r; |1in aetance. All cornintiuieatioiia adilreaied to C L Lt.ON-ARD, Eaitnr, No. 109 peail at.. N. Y.

WILL HE PUBLISHED SATUR-DAV-A Naw SeeTele, aapertor to Capt MarryaU'a

he_t.BEN BR ACE. By Capt Chatoier, autbor of ." Tha Lite

of a Sailot," eto IllvatraUd.AAado aot haaitate to r«i,k ¦ Beu Biara" arilk tha __at aauln-al

utlaa i.i ('.« i-r ai..l Marryatt. lt ,a, iDdeed, a nioat br.ll.ant psaaacaaf*Ibe aaa. lull ol tba moat .liitual lo. i.lrnta <.' im rar, l.l-. . < I.1.a. r l_-d. aad abo.u.ln^ witb a _B-_B_ea af aaikir diaiocne and adrw ,r ll.at ilfbn.alea in a maa.rrly n.annrr tbe parakant-Nl »faailor ibaraiter. Tbera ia . (rr.bi.e_a an.l a^iw ai-_nt tha _h_lea..ik tbat ,rrr-",.t,l.'> Uiarma tlr. rrader,-nd .auuol fail tt, ae. <ra K.r

it an eitrnat.e pc|iul.rTiy. [ -tl ena-um.

Ai'eu. .nd trutbli,! p-.iti-itiire of the aalor oa lha i-cean andot, tbe land, in bia artiona and bia "yarDa." We li.v* nerrr real a

iiu.r_ ,ntereatu-B an.1 apinted ook. The autbor ia perfe. -ly vanl in hia rlraicBt, and wub a peB of |f-___l BB___k_aB__k makaa tharaai ai alao deligl.llully at hoaae wilfc ti * aai-.r an.l lh_ «ea U'r ur1'ri.e .-' rei.t. H LONOA BKOTHKR. No. 4V_ Ann-at

(Danl (fmplaTgmjmt.ASCook, by a respectalile Englif.li Wo-

tnan (iood nt) referenca. No ohiect_i.D to tna couatry.Applv at No. 108 Mulhiri) »t. for two daya

AS Cook. Chanibermaid, Ac by twore.peclalle Oirla, one a. Cook, Waaher and Imner, or

to no pi . ial hcuaework; tbe othei ad Chambermaid. UooAnty referecce. Apply at No. _M-t» \\ ert 21.t-ai. tor two daya

thS expcriencetl Cooks, and to Was

» _^ and Iron, by two very experieoced Wuinaa, wit_.... <i city rettrenre. Wotld to la the country. Call at No.4 tilh t.v in tba book-tore.


AS C-aUUfM.kmaip, or Waiter, by ayouna Oul. in a private fanuly. 8ha ia a Srat-rata

I lain _rart. would he wiihnu to aietat ln wa_-iia|t, or wo UdBe taaatal hooMWOtk ln a unall family. Thr be«t of reier-aajaa can h« fireo fiom ber laat place, where abe lived tha


ruvr call oar pifro h-ui o_. *.¦. ,.,¦_., _.._.w _¦._ ,..__ _.«

aat thrre yeaia. Can be _een for two day., lf not«i.f«c-i, atNo.tSt- \\ a-biagtoB-at, lirat door back roooa^_

AS ('iiamb. rmaid, Ac, bv two hi<rhlyreoacitiMe Protestaot Oirla, or aa f'haarier oaid and

V- aiirt-.., or tbe cars of thildren aod needlewerk, or wouldtake cha»e of an nahd laily. and do iiue waahtnt. The liertOl ntv irlerer re. xiren. C_B be aeen fox two daya at Na!4_-_.av., hetwt.n Mihand 1-ih-ata.

AS Chamiifrmaid and WaifresM. orplain aewer, by a r. -pecuh'e V. otnaa. Call at No. liai

loth-.t ,cor. Itt a\ for two daya.S Cpamrkkmaid, or as Nurse andplain BeBtn-trea-, hv a reapectable youna Otrl. Can

beaeea tor a -hort time al her la_t place, No. 14 tVaat .!.! at

AS Cbk_4 HMAN. by a steady. RCt-~_yo'ii t Man. who perfectly underBtand.b*_ buaineaa, the

i..» and inBDB.emrot ot horaea, and weit. weli at lah.e.lfrettuiied. Ha. no ohirction to towB or eoi.ntry Ha» tbei.--t ol reference Call or addrea at No. S.V l_t-av.. _e.oa_laee, frent rootn or for J. D Coachman, Tribuna OfBce.

AS general Housemaid. by a lajmcta-ble woman. Sbe ia a food plain cook, a firptrate

H.-l-er are i:_m* r. ara lt _riU__| t_ _u_ke Uereelf genenllynn tul. t.ood city referrnoe frcui hai old place. Apply at

Moit-at. loi twodaja

AS general Horsfmaio or ..hamber-tnaid. by a well'rvcotiimenr'ed tidy Oenuan l-l.l; la

a mad Cook, ni.Mat. v\ o_lirr acd Ir.rrr. foud of children,.idwiliii'i to make hrrtelf aactai Speaka EB|li_b wcil.Callat No. l-l. Bower>-


AS WlT NdRsi:, by a rcsp__table mar-ried youag Woman. with a treah brea-t of miik -her

ow n bshy tix weeka ola. Can he _eeq for two dayt at No.IHOAvenaaA. laetitre *x M'a O'NEILE. HaeBoo-j-.-b__B to »o a -i-rrt di.t_t.eein tbe co-ntiy._

N Industriocs Yooo Man. a(.erman,well aoatiamted with the Eefliah laojrua<e, ia de.ti._a

ot ohtainioy a re.. .'.iiaible .ituation ta awua reapectahle _aar>cartileeoBcern W oold |!va beat of i-.eran.-_aaad »-«'.rt-M' aecurity if deawed, aod would Hke to huy af-arwartl aa

_ctete»t if _»-th pamaa -hou-d have beea aaitad. AddreaaA. I. Tnbaae 0_Roa*__AH American Lai>t, Bf_d S8i 'e.irea

to obtain a .ituation aa Uooaekeeper. She i. wallquaiifi'd, aud oflera ber aeivict-.aa an euui%alant for a pleaa-ant and a|r_*abla Bottie. Addre*. Mra ¥ 11 at thu .,_ti.e.

AYotNo Lady of renpectability andrentrel ar1 dreaa, M deatroa. of obtain .re a Btaarton to at-

irrd -ii re or CA-Bfectiooanr; la active .nd {atelllfaat tn _.__-

lnree, uiiilt-rataod. .Ire__-iiiailn»: or woald take a uruaticn aab Private Tt arher In a Scbool or family. Would like toiraw ti.e city. oi ti.val for tha auruMi mootha C_a_B.ii-ntion iio object. t'4.____a__K__iat-i_-W-___ad to Irflaa BL'R-MTT, No. .7 V/illat-eL, for one week.


A-, Ladt who hRs had moch exp_rience/_L ui TeachlBf. and who o^taaaaUatae rta.aa.aB bariai(teat lhacfoaa of tbe S-mnaier Tena. ariaaaa to e_eja|_ aa

.'riutipa- or A_a_aUot in a SemiBary whara kaa-r-euoe ta

. i\eoln t__.hi4f_r_ewa_laae_o_B_B---_--_Bi-ra-la-a-___.Tbe isdividual haa beea very biumbM ia taae-laB Pa-uaan-alup, eaa wnte anth etpaal fkat-ty a _____aa_le ar a lady-.6aea___d; aad a___d _. wilbini foaot|a|eaa a Cofyiat, aro-w__adaa-»aaBa-a-aBaaBaiBti ia waaaiaaa. A Baa a-Vdraaaadl« A Z. C Ufajat tha Tribane ofcae, arUl aaaat withP'i mpt attaatkoa

WANTED.A nitnation by a reapaxt-abla yoeni Womaii aa Dreaa Maker aad Seaiaanaaa,

ar te taka cara of a Baby Wc_: _*-«_._ oa-m.-taloI© to tbe eo-atrj. Addraaa ?o M M t- -W -». *>_B-_MbbV__MB|


WANTED.Place* f.r three children ofa Widow-her b_a'd_od be___ jaat dtcpaaad TVy

are a f.irl of ten. a Bny of eigrr, aad a Soo of tbr-syeara.Th* Moiber would aot be wulir.g to |et Ute ya____aat a- outof her ',wn rearh S.,e t. »llltng ta birvd eaeh ot tha n f>rtbe term of their minonty. Irvrnire of Mr. IL STOKES,No. 42 Slanton-at.

WANTED.At No. 114 NajMRtt-Bti,Waitera, Men »n Railrnad. aad Steeflaere, Boja to

Iretn tia^ea, plare. for Oi.-I. readv. Ap;'i *__« ib; ang$1. free of poetag' will ba aoitrd. THOM .8 SP.Nf.

WANTED.A sitaation by a youn*Maxt_rtntyy.ar.efa_,. in potna atore or offlce. If

in a atore, wbol_#_Je pref-rnd. It a graxl writar, aod aaabriar tfe baat cf recon>m»r.,!__ioo« aa to baaineaa eapa.itr.and ha. been in d'Serent kiada of b__r_ne__. Pleaaa addreaaW D H at thia oBtce.


A^GENTLEMAN. fifty years af a*e. ofan afleetionat* diapoeitioo ar.d rlomertic bahita, wooli

be pleaaed to wed a lady who, (Baa him.) haa eorne property,anewbowoa'd eatetm liapltaaa-t duty u> ailif wtbbim in erl_c_tinf tonr beaithyand pro__a.Pi eh'ldren, (tbayotmreat riearly »e-en yeer. old.) for t-peralrw-a be e andL.<t B_ne_B bereafter. Addreaa A. T . eare of U.e Edi'or ofTi e .i.hin.e, wbo baa the advartlaer'. addreaa, and knoantbat thi. ad.ertl-enjent i. in good fairh._

APARTNER. either epecial or active,with about |ln,ann ia wanted in a eeneem now drtng

a 'B-g* and pr».-*iuble <__h. bn_^ne_e in floor, graln. fcc. Oneofthe pertner. rettring cauaep thia opening. PartWs hevfogan Idea and the mean. aa above, can have bb interview byaddreaung CORN, with real same, at tn-tolBoe._BOY"WANTED.To leRin the Drng

bnaineaB. One about IS yea/a of age, and of goodeh_ra«er. aay apply at C. H. RINU'8, No M Broadway,eor. Jobn-et.


OY WANTED.ln a_Tf7ff.ce.rno.ta_^i arrite a falr hend and eome well reoommerded; ona

livii-g in the city with hia partnt. preferred. Salary II0 permo_ih. AddrewX Y /...Tnbtiae Office, _B_a_BJ where aa

Uitrrviiw can be bad.

G<ERMAN J-KRVANTS WANTED.r An expenenced Laulidreaa. an excellent Cook, Chaiu-

bernaid and Waitreu. ApplyatNo. 14* Urand-rt. Also,an experienc-d Lailj'i M.'.if.

IF MR. JOHN HUNTERwill write tohia friende in Clifcrnie, they will aend bim totxte va_-

nahle newa. J A. SWAN k MACK. Monterey, Cal

"Ul AP LITHOCJRAPHER W ANTED.J..T.JI. A .1 illful joarneyman Mthngrapher, who eaa letterwell aod .xecute aiap. aad mecbau'.-l drawni(tB with nett-nea. .nd dl.patch, la wanted. 8ead apenmen. aiid loweattenn. per mail, paatfaid, to H. T. WALLI NO, Boeton._

M EN WANTED..Twenty men to sellan article wanted in every family Agen, _ for Boeton,

1'biladelplua, New-Eaglaud, the \\ eatern aud BoulhernSiat. a, ar« wanted. They can make $l,«a-' oer anoum witha auiall capital. Call or addreaa. (poatpaid,; No. 3l7 Bowery.

WlLLINERS anci CAP-MAKE RS\\'ANTED.- One or two young ladl'B arcnetomed to

work on mill u.ry ud drt-M eapa, are wanted Immadiatelyat No. 6.-1 Bicadway, up atoira

TVTURSE WANTED.To take can- of an

J. 1 Invalid. An Am.nc.n and a Protaatant pralerr-d.Apply at No. 165 WaJker-ei. -^_a_

PROTESTANTSERVANTS WANT-i I) Expenemed Cook.. Two L-dywnairla. a Noraa

ai d Seani.treaa, Laundreaaea, Waitreoea. and a Cboachuitun.Apply al No. 14_ Oran.i-__, where the aaoat reapactablaait-.tioii. can he ohtained.

PRINTINi;-PRESS WANTED.Anyorn Iibv.i l BBBBBal hard N.pler or Ad&ma Pre-a, in

jm A order. to di.(«._e nl inav tir.rl apnrchtaerhy In.iuirlnnat !i.e otlice ol the Ameikan HoUl, to-day, (Priday )

4JITUAT10NS WANTED.For thek3 !*et of gervanta. a« Conka, Honaework Oirla. Lann-dre-at.. Ch.mberm.i.la, Scaju-treBeea Nar-ee VV-itrea_e..kr.. hc in rily of rountry. Prote.'ant or Catholic <-irl. atift.ee. Beat o_5ce for jnod Senanta N. >. Empl.y-ment Oftice, No. 478 Broadaray. T. P. SALTNDEIl_l.

TO FARMKRS and COUNTRY OKN-TI.KMKN.A youna Man of »ood edacation daairea

eiiit'loynieut aa a Kaim ; i. artlhna to teach tlie children andruake hini-elf ua. (ul. in rerurn for hia board and a .tuall ___.

ary. The advertiaer having been eecu-tomed to a aedenraryocmpation. deairea to chante. Salarv not _o maeh of aa

ahjecl aa a bome. Aadreaa k\ No. Ul Broadway. rawaa 4.

T~^TCAPrf__LISTS..Wanted, a Part-ney. either .ilent or active, with a ce_*i eapital of fS.Urti

to $l-,< < 0, to enrwie in a profilahle mercaatile and im lufae-turing tuai.epa. \> bich ha. been eetabltahed I yeara. Theprearnt cai.,iai'.at rettre. to the country on account ot lllne.Ub. Addier. O. X., thu efltce, Maliuj where an intar-yiew eaa he had.

TO JOURNEVMENPRINTERS.UM advertiaer 1. in want of a Prlnter competent fo

take rhaiae ofthe mechanicaU department of ac oftic- (oewaaaawi adJ-M-Bf) where ten oradi._euhu.da are laaMPyAalA B-od Tre-aman aba wanted. lnquire to-day (Pndaj) atUic oflite ol tho Amerlaau ilotel.

US. BCHOOL AUENCY.By E.H.a WII.COX. No. 2E0 Broadway -Netotiationa daily,

hy the beat inatitutiona, tamihea, tea_ber. and matrona(Jne per cent. in advance caocelt advance expenaea, and pro-cure. the rrquired compenwtion in one or more eog&fementa.Apply rail; with tba tuoney and full particulart, pjatpaid.

WANTED in a LAW OFFICE-ABoy about 16 yeara of aae, who writea a good hand.

Addreaa ____-, at thi."offiea._fcWANTED.A Lady to attend the

Ba_ary Store, No. _2C Bowery. Batufactory refer-fnce aa to cbaracUr aie aliltty ra.iulreil. IK'MBKRr.

"ITI/ANTED.At ono of the first cstab-W bahinetita ia the City, a young Man from 16 to 18

yeara of age. wuh undoubta.i r. ferenrea a. to charaf ter andahiiitiea to learn the Daguerreian Bu.ina-.. Kur a amtablepetton thia UagiH_dopp_rtunit\ to obtain a p<rmanriit WOBtun in a good kaa-Baaa. Addreaa, with full pai-culara, B. B.M.. Tnb-Lt Uthce.

_ _

WANTED.A French Woman, uNuree. Seeiii-trea. and Laundre_a, well recomiuend-

ed. Apj.l. at No. 41 Tilut, heiora 1- M._TT/ANTED.Two prRctical Brickmak-\ \ era, aceuatomed to making kiln-drled brlck. auitable

for hjdraulic c< merL Tbe _____¦ are for a large tunnel onthe Peannlvania Railruad. in Blair Co, Penn. Porall otherlt.kriratio'r lu.juiie ol JOHN KfTTKR, HUth-at and Ut-av., Vorkville. North River Bnckmaker. prefarrad._

W~ANT-lDT-IThe~writfr of this is de-.iro.f ofa ituation aaEditoror aaanatant Erlitorof

eith.r a polirica" or hterary paper TI.e moat anexeepti.nable refrrerwea eaa he given All corrmo nication. afterJuly 1. Bd.ire»_wdto l.V. A-New Brunewick, New-Jaraey,during one niorith, will maet with protnpt atteoti_a.

WANTED.A number of expariemed.geota to tet Bnbsrriber* for and aall wvaral larga,

»p'ei.i!id lithog-aphie prinU :n thi. city and country and Cain-ti. b. Thrae ptitit. bave not been before the publle. and willa,eet with a rapld aale, aa they are appropnate for ofneaaand place. of buaiuea, and each active agent can makefit.in $3 to $10 per day. Apply to


_t_*-_ nOll .THE WRITER ha^ from^f t_a#aP\l\/w |_,iAiito Bl.fOO wbich hatodeat-ooa,.( m \-iiiog _. »n bi ir pa.-ti.tr in _ume lucrariye, _*te andre-rwctat-le bnaineaB alrrady eatahtiaheil. The Bo»k tra-e

'. or he » onld loan it to aa employer for a bberal..Jarv and good wennty. Addreaa P PA.NE, BroadwayPiat'Ofriee. poat paid, or Trihutie UlEce, with real &___-_-Hral retertr.cn g.\rn ai.d re juired.

(Ttianrts for Oa-itus. H.rn.

CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE..Araa-ctina for Beourug Knlvea and Potka 1- ia a minuta.

Cheap. aimple. tSiclent, darahle ; ta a/eat dr-tnand, of readr_aJe, with oc competitton. May be «**-? _a_.y, ii pracacaJoperation. al Dun__p°a HoteL, No. 1 _3 Kul____a_ _U_-__I ht.aJa l'i>r_a " bay and arli aad get fala '

FOR SALE.A small Tannery aitaatedwitlin U milea of Narroarahurgb, oa tba Naw-York

aed Erie Railroad, eoarainiof m acrea af h_od with a goodyoaag orchaxd af cbo-ca fruit; tbe hutldtng. are all oew andta food coodiOoBL A peraoo «r_ah_a_ to entar lato tha b_a_-aeas w the ut delav wifi find this _a opportaaity aaldacn to becoel wiib. For furtber pardcnlan _B4|_-re at ML'LPORD kC ARY. Leatber and Pi-diag Store, No.303 faari-at.

FOR SALE \ KRV LOW.Theownerbav.ri ctber buatneaa.a Steaai Mahogany 8aw Mii,

roaiplrU n_t_otng oider. ia tbe i:.__.t of tbe _Ba__afaB7landicga. pr aae»_ing aa exteo« .-e w»_er rig.'it. Part of lha

t eaa he rented antnout intarferiug with tbe tutll, for:h a good ran of pteady c_a___oara. A rara oppor-oe :u _earch of taaflr, aata and prohtaWe baak-

tea. 1 ¦.- fu.ther paitW-Jara. ln-i-ire oa tbepra-uiaea, No.S3B F-ont-.t.


TO PL RLISHERS..For srIc the GoodWil! and Sntecnpooa Lkat ofa well e-_ahl-_!,ed and

pvpnlar Literary \\ ork.tha ptaaaat proprte'-n _r__ti_i_| to

tetue. La caaaeoaence of other engafe_uenta. lt will ba aojdoaa_r-_B__odaiiBgteri___. Addraai, p_-_a_e paid, A. H- __-

Po»t 0_5_», New-York City._

VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTYia BRO<)KLYN.-W__it--,aB-_tt_Bf--___k|R,eee-a

110,-00, lo unpnu oaa of -ha _-__« valaa-le ____-.___. aearPulton Penry. aad to take a abj-re tha kaimia. » aa

___________td __--'_ la aaaaa-ar. rtaarb ~a irfIhaaali-" i-r1"- .»

.raaatW rKr. .


I/OR BALg A 01001 Bar-ain..Th-.JL Patent iiaht of aa* of the mo*t saatai laveenon.. ftbe 1'ay The Stale of New> ork, and three of"taa EaaUraMatea. for ajaa. Por faitker un'onaattoa, addraaa L. 'I,T.ihcua* OftVe under proptr SigaAtare, aUting wh* aa in-terviewcAB be bai

WANTED.Some p-r«un with a smaJJeapitaLto gar-haae a valaakU Peteat Blaht for tba

Soathera and VVerern Otataa BaaeimaB arUcU. o n.

tovaarJafi fwitk whieb * man eavy travaj witboat tbe aaafaaOaevaaUne*) artll h* fanitebed ia proportJaa to th* *a -at

of tamtory aarebawd To paraoo* wUkiag ta ataka oaaaay,thb ia aa rmm***~nUf ¦eldoai errered. 1 aaotre of

_N C THAV-.R, No. 11-1 Charaaar* *.. np atair*.

Snmmcr Eetreatt.

Bl »ARD in ihe COUNTRY.-Severalfamiue* may obiain koaid for Uw aunuaar *a**>.i at

Mradew bice, diea Cuve. Tbe boaae U aaarlv n»w, withlarae airy room*, pleaaanth utoe'ed by the aalc water. and.DrrcBcded by Wanutui waik* and ridea Por I'irthar pv-ticulan icquire of HKNRY VALENIIVE, pmpr etor ofihe Mradow Stde atag* line, orof ALBKRT II. COCriB, No.1*>1 Bowery, N. Y.

BOA RD in^OROKEN.-^A Gt¦ntlemanand hia V\ ife or two etnsle Oentleoian may bara a hand-

m ii.e large room, with full or panial Board. *( No. 17Praiiklin-tenraca, Hi.deoa-et. H.ibokrii H»l aud c>U wa-ter fcetba And earry c »uifwrt wbich A bume can ailord. Ad-dr*** O. O. Tnbttae OaV*._

B0ARD1NG in YONKERS.Three orfr*r Oantlrrren can be acrnmmodated with B«akf**t

ai.d Te*. in A pnvate faaily, in tbe plrataul village ofYonkeia, for the Surnmer aaaaoa. Aopiy at tha Etpra*. OfBce, No. 41 Barclay-*'-, or at No. 10 Maaar-pl i.-e. Youkcr.

BOABDING at a FARM-HOUSE..Citixena wialnng Board in th* Coai.rry eaa And exael-

lent accom:nodalioca at th* aew Paraily Manaioo of therabecriher, aheut two mile* from tilen t'ove village. (ta ait-uatlcn l* beallhy And retired ; tba room* ar* ot ainple nie.Tl e ¦t.-ambnat Nt rwalk Irava* Puiton aarket-alip every dayat B o*clork A M , tba Crnrno at SJ P.M.Rejtrmett- Re». Ji.o Phayre, No. 2 Or*eo-*t. N. Y.; Rev.

F. H Canfi-ld. No 228 Weit 20ih at.; Tno*. F Oreen, B*q,No. I Liberty ..*.; 0. VV. Oerard, No M Pine*t.CHARLESUNDERHILL

CAPE MA Y.SEA BATHING..CONGRF.S8 HALL. will be opea on the |.«th of Jan*

aext The locatlun of Un* houaa and "he high and beeutifu!ground* in front render it the oioat deaiiahle of any ou th*Taland. The proprietor hopea to ment a coutirraaaoe of th*very liberaJ Bitrooag* heretofore rec*lved.

VV B. MILLP.R, Proprietot

COUOTRY BOARD WXNTED-In. tuiall vi .axe or on th* aaa ilmre, by a l.»dy with

two Chtldrep under thrae yvari of age, and (ervAnt. withpanml B.ard kw a Oanllaillin Roomi mu»t he neat andceUifortatle Pnce $12 to |l8. Add.eaa, arith full i.ar-i. u-lata ard itrwripticn. of the pla^e, with refeieuce, JAMESORAHAM, New-York._(COUNTRY BOARDINl... Knur OenJ Ueni-u and their wlree eaa be aoconimodated wtu

Board in th* village of llnntiugton. l*ong l.iAud Th* houarUpleaaTJitly rJtBaUd on » ri.mg ground, half way betwee*the barbor and th* village. which for healtb. acenary, runntng aad 1*hitig aannot ba .urpaasad Apply oa the premiaat


D^orijLAS HOTEL.Mrs. 1)T)l f(.LA8 tak-» thu oppirtunity of tbankinj the nitny

tautlira fiom America who l.ave vunted ber houl, fi.r theirkiod nippeit, a' d bega at ihe aame time to aaaure them andtheir Innid* vldting Pcotiar.il, that l.er eatabhaiunant c«n-

tUaPBk»baaaaaaaOtd with tbe ta-nereaard tooouifrta*'l.rrt., 34 and 35 St Andrewa-ajnara, Edinburgh, N. B.

AYS'S HOL'LSE, DaJhoanie-aquare,Montreal. O. P. POPE.

OCEAN HOUSE, NANTL'CKET,KASS.The priiprirtor reapactfull, informi tlie pub¬

lic tbat thia Hen-e, liating been th .rounlily renuvated andpnt in ci.u.plrta- ..rier, ia now open I >r tlie receptloo of per-ii a. ect or tranalei.t Bt>arder*, and lie i« d, tenmned "O etfort.ball be wantug on bi* part to render it a pleaaant home fortbe travrlar.Prraom wwhing to retire ftom the huatle And .tiflad it-

aioaphere of a crowded. heated ,-icv, and to enjoy the bene-l,in I a » au, niaguificei.t ocnan areutry. aea bathing, andtaa falimg, willtind tluia beautitul and deairable auiainer

Tlie line sfeamer Maaaachnartl*, Capt la.n^. H. Barkar,n akea tl...-e tnp* . ttcek Uttteen NautucketaudNew-Bed-foid. aa I..IU ».LeateaNai.tuckrt-Monday, Wedneaday, and riiday, at

10 A. M.Uavea New-Bedford.Tueadav, Tbnraday. and Saturday,

«u the arntal ot Ihe mornirg tram t ( cara fruin BaaUaThe time ompla* t. tuaAina tba paaaagea ketareen Van-

ttn krt and New-Oadtord. laeludlng taa laiidlna* at Uoliue**llule and V\ aaaTl H> le, i* otlv araajt 44 huur*.N. B .The fare baa l*en reductd to $1.Theae paawg.* arr deiighttully pleaaant in rommer, th*

paaatngera be.ng ia alglil of laad the whole di»tan, - Na...tucket, May 24,l«4t_i. BOOIMOUM.

1>AVILIOH, NEW R4KIIKLLK.-Tht. flrst-olaa* anddelightful Surnmer Boarling Hi.uta.

replate wllb facilitleafor enjoying the bttl.ing, tiai.ing rid-ing. a*lllngat.d otber recreatloii* of tbi* faaii ouahle V\'ater-Ing Place, i* r...w open for th* receptioD of gue,ra, aad the.ecunng of Rotmi*. M. A. PORMAN.hrjcrmct.Hunue! E. Prink. E*q No. IV Park-pUce.

RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. (SiotoaUlai.d, N. Y., late the Richmond Serainary ) -J P.

KM.I.ETTbegato laform the pi.blic that all tbe improv*-menta are compleU, and the H'.lel will opea for the aeaadnrn T liurada*. June 24, 1852. The ajaauaa are, for the aeat-jn.

OJ [»r ttrrk; an> thirter (asnod. *7. Children half price.servant*, 04. Horw-a. $l.V per n.auth. The Richinond ata^irun* ftom Vnndrrbilt'* Lanomg ti.ur time* a day. Carruge*can be had from th*m to com* and vlaw ihe pUce.

SELECT COUNTRY BOARD.Oneamail Pamily can have fine Bjaaaj in smod healthy aud

omratile loea'ton on the Sound, »n the New-Haven Rail-rood For de*crtpti<m of the village, *ee adva'tiBtinent ofVlAiine Hoteh At l-aiilield. Addxe** K^ Box No. 2,158Poat Office^_m~HE MARINE HOTEL, at Fairfield,

) Connaetlant, will ba opened by Its aroprletor, J. BMONNOT, on tte l*t day of Joue next, ** a aummer brane*A tbe New-York Hot«l. The Marln* Hotal ta euoated ln a

-aaautifil village on L«ng laland Sound, atfordlng all tbe talucement*of exeellent *e* bathing and roinautJc drlve*Uti.e adiacent eaaatry Every endeavor will be exerted to tarure tor the Hotel the diitlngulahad patronaf* of previoa*«ra*> na PUn* eaa be *een and room* engaged at th* abov*iotel at Palrtleld, or at tbe New-York Hotel. ThadwUaa*

fr,.m kew-York i*A3 mile*. and traln* by th* New Y.irk andNewHavan Ral Imad atoo at Pairfialdaavaral tlmaaaaahday

jBoaro and lioomB.

AFEW PERSONS can be accommo-datrd with PUun Bravd, and the pntilege of Baining,

al th* VV ater Care E*l*bli*hm«ut, 137 K*at Braadway.

A~FEW^S1NGLE UENTLEMEN maybave ple*»a..t Rooti* in the foar'h atory of A gen'eel

oa** No. 6u W hite-«t, a fow door* wo*t of Bro*dway.Te.ni* Oioderata. Referenc* retjLuod._

ABU1TE of ROOMS on 8ectin<l-Il<M)r,four citael* and bath room attached. fun.i*had or un-

» uh boaxd. Al*o single ro..n^ for geutitMnen, alNo. 37 lioaard-at, 3 door* frcut Broadway.

ACiE-NTLEMAN and his Wife, al^oafewaingle OntlemeD. can be .ecomraodated with pleaa-

, i Ror n . aod full or partial Boa/d, U * amall Uai«ly, wher*there Aie tut few boaider*. Apply at N*. 1*5 H.«i*oo-*f_ctrnerot l>eabro**e» Refereace* exchaiaad._

AFURNISHED ROOM to LET.With or withoat Board, to a OentUmaa and iady, o*

twostngUOeotlem*n,atNo.8»o CbambervM.

A (.KNTLEMAN and his WIFE, and- two or Uirr* single Oentlemen. can ba accommoo ttad

with Bt^d al No. 124 Henrj-*t- Re.'eranee* «xcn*i.*ed.

BOARD in BROOKLYN.Toro han.1-.MneB*rW.r*rait*aUfor * 0*ntleo»n aod hl»VVita.

alao alraaanlTrooaai for *ipgl* OaotlemeB^imay beobr-auadal>o " rnltoa-t-, brtwecn Orange aad Plae AapU-aU.

BOARD1NG..Large and amall roora»,fumiahed or aafuniuhed, with Board. p|a***ntly *ca>

aied :r a tiratcU- botua, Na 231 W*U I4th-at. RafatlBBB..xchanged._

BOARDING in WILLIAMSBURGH..Pleaaant and airy furaiaoad Anartmeut*. wi«h or

ntbaal Btaud, can b* qrocured by »pp'ytng eor Pourth-*Caad Divi*ioa-av^ Wi:iiaui*bur*Ji Eor raLrncalaia, karma, kc,gaaayaaabaaaaB aaidrea. B vv. K&AN


BOARD..Two or three aingle Rxirnaare vacant at th* Tamporane* Hooaa, No «S B*rr;Uy.

also oa* Urga reora. aaitaole fof a pacry of tiir*a. c» aaat

atlfmea or a Oaotlemaa and ha Wifc- Alhrarder. can ba aceornmooared

VD)OARD..Traruient and permanent^> Boanler* ^ be aec«mmod*ted « No 3?n Broadway,o*twe«B PraakhB aad Whtte-*t*. _Mra K. A OAaUNEt.

OOARD.Families and sinele Gentle-D awa eaa ba amiaamrf.' wia dadghtfal astu and

±L.M^7£Z£%*<>. »7 W**aOAat, aaa. Sttvay.Refrrance raquired_

BOARD^aTNo. 147 Hailaon-sta, oppo-atta 81 Joka'a Park. efraat aatlov oa fa*J floor,jwufcr^try*tt»*datd,,aatabU for a am^ll ramU^or twoataaU

gaatleaaea: alao a raoaa fcc * atngU |«tj*maa- Hot >adoold bath* la tba koo**,_

OARD WANTE D.F(ir a singVo"r^ 0«af»-a»*a. rn T*r>fcr- n aad.a * '. r.



BOARD.Oae or taro*in_!e (..'ntlemen. an obtaia a pleaaaat roora. with hraak-aat ard taa.

ard diuaer ou S-nday, n a pn«_te family, with prtnJage ofbath Ac. Apply at No -» Eaet !«*_.«.

BOARD in BOUTH BROOKLYN..ntlrman and hia Wifa, or tw. or three nogle

I aetBtiaaaeii. can ohtain a [>)¦«-.»¦ room with board hy apply.!n_ at No. !I7 AtJ.otR at. Brooklyw.

B( > \KD.A (ieotleman and hia Wife,or a Iaw »mgle Ontlemen. can oh'tia daarirahle

Kn'ini :o a tuodeTi buit 1 !.->__*. in tha immediaaa viciaityot t'nionanuare, hy appheanoo at No. 41 Eaet tJtkeet.

OARDINli..fo Let with Board, apleaaant fun.Uoed ftvnt room, with paotry pttached,B

an tbe aecood rlo*ir. .aita*!* for a gentleaaan anl wia*. jy twoatiiflegeath. a.en. who aaa bave roll or partid Board. withtbe free nae af 'ha Bath. lequire at No 2.4 Orea___at_ _a_tw.en Amityaed 4th ats. Refereooee required.teirua raa>acnable.

RD in JEI.SEV CITY..At No.atd at, peverat deairable Iloooa. Dmuer at 6.BOAR41 Oi

BOARD. in a Pnvate Family.A hand-p'ttie tniie of rooma, puitehle for a (rentlemen and hia

Family. or Oentlemen, with every enoafbrt de-irahle to makean a_ eeahle h_ma. The houae haa all tha moeVra cooven-ieucee. Apply at No. 15 Warree place, Charlr.-et, aaarCrevnwkb-av. T-e line of at~_sa.

BOARD in CllAMl.KRS-ST..A On-Uen.aii and Wilk eaa ohtain pleaaant epartirlenta,.

with boaid ; bubj, two ahial* Uentlatuen can be a__o__-modattd at No. l_rt Cbaaabera-at.

BOARDINO..A pleasant front room.with coevenlent pantry. rnr.Lle fbr a geotlemau aod

wi<e may be bad with board at Na IM Chanihore-at. Alaoa pleaMnt room fbr two gentlemen. .Hot aud cold bath iatf e honae.

BOARD..Oeptlemen can he arcommivdated with pleaaant Rooma and Board, or board cnly. at

No 4.' e_ev-.t. Dinner at Jo'clock

BO A R D I N (» DOWN TOWN.AtChamherliD a North River Houae, No. .'I? Waahiug

t< n af. A few permaneot hoardera can be aocomraodated al$3 50 per week. Alao t'urnuiied Ruoina to let with or with-out Board.

BOARD oa BROOKLYN HIOHTST^riea_.nl Rooma and i artiel Board for two or thmedw-

gle L..nti-r.ien, taithtti tbree mi utee' wa'k from KuitoaF'erry. iu a rtnall rriv.re family. luqujm at No. 46 WJloar-lt, between aiid 5 P. BI._BOARD.At No. 173 Ea*, Broadway.

Two Oentlemen and their Wivea, or aingle Oentlaaien. cau he pleaaautly accommodated with Rooma andBoard Ref'erencaw exchaoged.

BOARDINi-. .Rihiiiib to let with Board|__i 'or a Oentleman and Wife; alao. Rooma for ttagltientlemen, at Noe. 4.. and I. Kaat Broadway. Cee of bath(nquire a: No 45 Eaat Broadway.

BOARD at WlLUAMSBUROH.No.iDunha-n-pla-a, betweea t .nd -d-ata. aaar Peek-.ll)

ferry- a very pleaaant aituatloa Tarma taodarala. Rafcr-?new reqnired and givaa.

BOARDINU..Familiea or Single (Jen-tl» men may ohtain nestly turaiahed Riaima, with full ot

partial Roard, m tbe large new II >u_e No *H 4th at.- havtngBath. .nd 'ia. in every Riaira. Krench aad Italiaa .pokeaIb the houae. Oinuer at paat 5.

Fl'RNISHED APARTMENTS, withfull or paitial Board, at No. -, \ eatry-at

IjU'RNISHED ROOMS to LET inBROOKL. N. f om-to lOnii-utee' walk from Kulton

Kerry .'I lie tlaa-ma constat of a earlor, l wo l_rg_ B-rdiH.-na,ane a large Wa_hnami, pleaeantlv .unated ia a fme netg.._a__aad Thry will be t«t oaaiueble t" twe wngla lieni'e-mea that eaa give g'*ii r-terence. Por furtlier, addrtaaCHAI'KN Brookl-ii fiwt-Otrice, (poetpaid.) ataUng woere.i, in.emrw may he bad.

FL'RNISHED RO<>M$-WithoutBoard io a hrrt-elaaa houae, wtth aprivata family .

1 he raaaaa aie pleaaant aad well furnlalir-d, aud IJMdeana'.le. Apply oo the preiuia*-, No. 142 Chambera-et.

FTJRNISHED ROOMS. nea/ Waah>iiiku,c*iuare- A Oentleman and Wife. or -iuala ()«n-

tlntirn. (aa ohtain eiejant furni.hed pailora on nr_t and-e.oDd rlooi*. with berfro-iiiB, with .r with ut Hoard, iu alu.l.'aaa p.vate houae. l_j_e |,l.a_uil jard lii.|iiue atNo II Bt, Clemeni'.-plate, in Ma«-doiigal-t, betweau Wa-verly-place and C intou place. lt. fereueae required._tMiKNCH BOARD.Pleaaant RoomaJ to let, furn!»hed or anfuiniahed, with ftillor parttalBoard, ln a houee wllh all modern Improvementa, occupiedby a Krerch family, where the Krench langnaga I. only «poketi, and tbe Engllih but little Krein-h __¦__» given in theeventng. Refereucee axebanged. Ad-reae No. 4tt Waat-1th -t._|

FU R N I S H E D ROOMS.No. 558Broedway.between Princa and 8pr1ng--t., arlth ot

wtthout Board. Tbe atteniion of Oentlemen aeeking Roomala eapeciaiiy invited to theae, a. it la heheved they ara mutathu ordinenly deairable. Refereacaaexebanged.

ROOMS to LET.Furni.hed or Unfur-aiahed. without Board, at|No. 9. iVVarren Bt., with

free uae ol Batb^___________ROOMS toLET.To two aingle (Jen-

li.-men. or Genllaroan and Wifo-inahandaome threa-au.iy houae, 2nd tloor ; ueighhorhood. 2d-av aud St. alark'a-placa. nccupied l.v a reepectalile auiall private family Ap¬ply ta Mr. DAVlDhON, No. 64 Broadway, tUwm Na. 48, apMaira.

R( K)M_-^VTNTED.--The firat orserondftxir, onftimi.hfd, in a houae of modern troprove-

u.ei.ta, alrei-dy oceupied hy a gentetl and reapertahle ta uiiy,wtlllng to bnard two perww. hoeatlou betwean 4th aad6th-av... lltb and 2__t-aU. Reot not to exceeij |l'ai ta $M>a year for the pgaaaa P_a_._.ioii regaired ab iut tha _l)_h ofJaly. L'i.|ue_tiobahle referen.e. given and reiioirad. Ad-dieaa, poetpaid. S. (J, ru__n-eo,oere PoB^Otfioe.

ROOMS and BOARD..Plewant for-oUhed Rooma, with or without breek___t aad taa, at

No _.'* < 1 reeoe-at.. near 8Ut-at. All tha modara lmprovameoaalatbe-K-aaa._

THREE or foar single Oentlemen, or(ientlenien and their va lve*. can ba acoo-im'da-ed

.i lha n.dem-built houae, No 17ti_l_d_oa-t. Referanceat^changed._

IX) LET or LEASE.Third, fourth ar,dfiflh ptoneeover ALKRKI) MCNROE k CO'8. Na.

MrBroadway, all hard hniabad. Oaa and Crotoa waurtatll. Pront ii feet by 58 deep._

TiOLET wUhBOARI) -AweU___________i_iRiKitn to single gentlemen or family, with bath n~.n»,

tt 14.Mludaon-atopp_aite St. John'B Park. Referencea aa-


THEOIRAMERCY HOUSE, coniar of_Dth-a_. and Broadway, New-York, will ba aaaaad te

ha publie on Monday May M, Wfl lt eoBtaiaa IV» rooma,.rniaheu in tha moat alegant _tyia with every p_e.tr.la cou-

reolnce lt will be k.pt oa tha Americ-u. and Eurupeeaplaaa eoD>idaad, and the proprietora are detennined t_u_t B__ail raak among tba beat _amily laKata la^ ararld


TWOor THREE GENTLEMEN canha accc-omodated with full or partial Board at Na

n Vanck-et. Bafereaoe ra<iulred_WANTED.By a Frenrh gentlenmn,

who 1. engaged u profeaBor in oaa ofthe ftrat educvkl erta^iut.meBt* tn New-Vork, afurniahed Rooui iu a

ger.teel famliy, wbera tBBtruetion in Preoch or Matt-Prnarteawill be received aa compeoaaitoo for tha rant and eare of tbarootn. Addr-aaH.V.att-iaoBlea._W1LL1AMS1.0R(iH.. Two Oentle¬

men and tbetr W lvea, and oaa or two angle __aa__e-k can ba Bf-»mm<_l--<d with board and atry _o°rn«- in a

Sklet _nd pleaaant toeation, a Iaw S-iautea' walk froai PeeB.ipPerry Apply at No. 11 M-*.

_5oiisef to Ctt.a BEAITIFUL COUNTRY RKSL_f_ IiKNCE TO LET-Ready farnuhed, oa I_o_a l__ai_d,.verytbtog m perfeet order ior a tenteel faculy. To a ra-

apectahle peraoa it will baj let on re__-_aa_4e terma. Addreaa,b>u-TT.al Bame aod namber, CULN1-.Y R__.lD_.NC-_,Lower Poat-OH-ce.


ANEATLY FL'RNISHED FRONTR(X. M to Let on the firat tfoor in a centraJ iucalny. at

n.oeerare terma. Everr a__xic_-n'a--_~--ri to makeil adealrablabctue will be givea'to a attigle Lady. In.'-ira at No J_13t_-_t_ batweaa-Uai-d-i-Mffa_

OFFICES TOLET..A handaome saiteof R-rme to let ln Chambera Hall, No. 66Ct_-.-__a.--t_,

ceoLral and deaira-le lo-aooe, for a Lawyer; reot __oda-rate. Inq.tra ol A. MORAND, on tbe

PIANO-FORTE ROOM to LET.--A_p>ndid __oo_n. admirBbly a-ap- d far ahowlnB tggtat_aZ_a>e.t __<atioB in Broadway, «,_____**_*" " '

at tk-aw yaoc,J^^^^WtcHiIKSO^Tn nnF*A_S!W*.KERS. MILLINERS,

No 1 Pr->_a>_t.__-..-.

raif) LET.Part of houae No. 30 Delaa-I .1._..r R-a_i.l _ar foux to aix r_ca___. te a haaaly.«l^__i_3_-_s--S- '-tt i*

gt, aaccad dotr aaat Roaa Ma. J*. BiaaBwaj.

MORBISANIA. -TO LET-A nratlyaVkward tw,.t«» Hoaaa. witk w*k**d '»'¦»"¦* aad

aaMiavigreaad Ar-ply'»H RBirBNET.N* 4a»p»r*t.TO LET.A ploaiant Country HiMWtN

atcet ihre* eaiie* !»-aa VVVbaiaaUinck forry, aa taar*> d t© New*©*,., arRk bara, »t*k *, rarriao* bpaa*. A*V.Cherry aud other frt.it <rea. <a .haadiana PaainBBii liafl**-diateiy Apply t» WATKINi k 11INK. «;jro*r ol Broad-»a> aad Oraad-**.

nPO LET, at TA RR YTi >\VN-A houso,X kara, garavn. aae aere rt orckardiag aad Bwaaf y rt

frait. r»rd watar aad pUasaat foc*Av*i, Two at ttra* aata-at. >' walk froaa raitriaad «*a6l li <ia«r* rt Dl. PlEBSOM,aeaf th* pteaul.**.

TO LET.Tbe Sactatd Swy of gjea-t.el How, wllk hed'Ouw* ¦¦ tkud etery. at N* IU

P**t 2iai-.t Will ba Ul to a gvatoal fcumfy aeraaj a*.Biallainkirta. laaau* oa araauar*._

H> LET.A House auitable for aOco-li.aaVoa.Two Bi.U flror* if daaira*. at fr>*u bS 'o B* per aaoatH. Aavlv t.»

A P SVITH,conwrofS4thal*Ard*thay,tT«a«Tuia*(idfroaa 4 to 7._To LET.A faxreiahed Cottoaa on

Statr-a lalaad, for four ar s»» moatk*. kaaaafaty *tta-alett iigtHi htga g-.-oud, coaBCBend-ng a trtarw ol ta* Oa*, aadwitt.ln aevrn miiiutr*' wala at \ audetbiit'*- Laadtaf, rleogarden and >awa, wtth frait ir-e* aad karry kwaaaa. Ad-o.-t»* B. B *t taa onUe o4 tfcd*

HHO LET.A few amall Oatta^ao, oaehX kaVoat |farry Laitroedandaauge roata Tbey ataad m aa lAuytaaagtoraotaa, aad ar* aarroaoded hy txaaaaa Reotaw> aar i

a will k* aoU for itSM, oa v«ry taotaaiwaUrrn* Uigly to J PaXABE, We kaW R

nrxTLET.A SiorajT^aJaA, a WorlVwikop,X *a *r*» Beur. aad thr** or fc>ar LoA*. »«U kwMaat oaaVre* ad**. abotii M by BB aaat, with or witfcoa. *****aa«ww*>(aauira nn th* arernwae. No 47 Aaa at.. aaar raaaan*.

1X> LKT.Well-ughted KOOMS, anlhor without Btaam Power. of any*a>* Inquir* of

C M 81 MONSON, Na 1*1 L*ww«t

(Jonero (DanteiyVRTISTS' 8TU1HO WANTED../l VV.oitd in a pnvat* dwelling. aiiaat* *a ar aaarBroadwat, aud oetween Oraud and lAh-ata., * Roou* *>lt-kble for th* abov* occupaiioa. witn bigo uorOi ar waeiaraliabl. Addreaa. (Uting erruaajid locaimn, WM. MOROAN,N. 1*. \\ ar'.n place, t iinl.a .t


WANTED to HIRE-The whmjikIRUur. with kack Baaeaaent, in * pkaaaant UeeOoa,

wit>Mi flllren n.ii.ute*' walk of Hlaeck-rat. and Breadway.Kaiei.t aaaabai af DaDtlaman »«¦. Wbta A ii»« **«to THUMPatVN, i,it .i th* ,.tno* of tks* aaaar,terma, Ao., will meel will. aitrotio.i.

Rrol e-taie fot 0alc.

A."RARE OPPORTUNITY.-For aale,_an .leganl City or t'oumr) Rattdenoe In N*arapk, N.J.

ntualadraNrwark Hlghta at the he«J ..f -Varraa-at .bavMuractnui anrl'.ng new ot N*warl, N*w*rk Bav, Xcaiea lalaad,and New-* or* CBj. The property cooaiata of ab.u'. an acr*of 'and; al*". an intereat lu an e egant pnva-e P*rk ia trook,The houae ia new, with el^vau r-oin* all fii.iehad U aU-gpait ntode.n Wyle, w.th every d> airabl* eonvenlanc* for*

Senteal re*icYrit-e Otiihic kw n. I..,'. r t. ml and *k>ade t-a-a,c. Por pamealara, li qoir* at Nu HH Howeiv. New-

York, or ofthe uad.-riigi.ed (Hi ihe pienil*** Piw*»»aiaagitt-n lmm.diatel). lt re.|uiied iBRAEL PIERBOM.


inder hi|.i raitlvaiion, half a n.ila frooi rvlruad, 17 aailaa.rom New-Yoik can go hv* time* * day froru thi* dlty Oa'Jie pr.-n.iaea I. . two-*tory nouee, bain and carrlaaa-htM***,uid utbuildioga, all tn good aaaar, with ao urchard vf eno***ftt.it, and with aatrram af wsb-tthruitgb Ua fana. lt wkklVavld low Apply lo J PKCARR, No l«d Heater-H.

COUNTRY REvSIDENCE Ior SALE.On tha line ..f th* l e.itral Railroad of New lepjay,

Irawst an h.-or'a rlde from thia city, a iwu atnry atrte ll.auaa,witli wiiil and half au aora uf lai.d. *ligl'>ly Mid bnauiihillyrit.iatedafrw rodafnn. ('ra..aMlle»t*Mt«i Th*IVHiaa¦enllra-!y rew, llinahed ln uiodern atyle. and cnlaln* ntne room*.

Ceinniiinlcitvon wilh th* euy *evarul Uiuaa dtily by rail¬road and .ia*mhi*t,.Oinimutaium, $45 per anaom. Por

Urtra.r^l.culara.^P.^^ ^ ^ ^^

COUNTRY RESTDENCIa.The un-,ieia;gn< d wuhiwto dlapow of ht* plae* aaar Oooaar*-

kowa. ou thebanka of the Otaego Latk* Th* aitaaiuta l*rornanlirand he*lthy, tbe Houa* very ftad, and admlrablyaalcnlaled a* a retrrat for a man nf baalnea*. Tlta farrn BBB*»lat* ol 40 **re*, ln high culnvatnm Pri. *#»»»*». Addreaa,

lt L. DAN1KLL. CtHjearatown, Ot**ao Co.

DUNKIRk BUILDING LO'l^aiPRI-V Al K KAI.E- Elaht chnica loU of llroa.t.l. *it,iai-d

oa OVaal >¦¦ I. .t between Mull.-t and Ha*a»u., la i» :. «nit-tul \illagenl Ounkiik. Laka Eil-, being '.ha VVaaWrn t*r-ii.in..u» of ihe New \ < rk and Kne Kaili.aad. T*rm* hheralttr price and furlher partirulaia APpiy to ANTriONY J.BI.EFCKER, Auetkmaer, Nu 7 Rr.av.-at.

F^AST JVIORRLSANIA VILLAGE..i AU.ut ¦»..' faot*, varyiog la *U* from aa elghlh rt aa

icra to ¦.« acr**, Are aow ellerad for aale ua tha ovw. fovtira-bla ta.fin T*n aar cent *owo, and baiaaa* oa or bafuraM't/.-b. IBbi Tlieaa l,it*Aar<-..»>» a very baalthy aad naauiirallocatlou, near aud iu luil viaw of taa Kaat Btfvar, aod la tha'mmediate vicinltt of tha giound* and maldeucaaof aeveral

t th* in.at weallby and reapactarHe cinaana af VVgatahewta*County Thi* village ls *ounrr.lad wilh th* Haflam Rail¬road hy . br*/ rh Kallreed Per iiiap* and other iiiformaikaa,tpply to I) B iVINTON. N... 5 Tryoe-row, aaat HarUaatailroad tiflice, oppoaiu th* City llall.

I.MRM WANTEli..To7o~ho"ua4j7 andl.t», i.iiierumhertd, e**h value |rt,<1»e, ranU OVaO, wiU

ia exi kai.g.-d tor a i.i.al faim wilh gr. ,1 hinl.nagt near tbacity, ln Nr w-Jer*ey. of that ealna or lee* Apply t >

BEEBE k HALLETr, No m BroadwAy.

FAKM at YONkERiS for SALE.VVithLo 2* mllea of Hudaon Rivar Railroad Oepnt, aad

Uml!e«of Rmaxvllle DApnt, Harlein Railroad Contalnaln acrra, af which 211 acre* ara to wiaal* Moll aaperlo*;

and frult abundaiit.ia.ui Rivar Tha

.laca i* under g«»d er... ai.d linprovemeat. Koin* rock*.Hitoatann vary high ; pric* v*ry low. Apply gt N*. 11 PI*U-¦traat. op euir*.

F^LAM^i^rlSBURGH.-Thia now ril-lage, accewlble wveral tiuawa day by etage* and aUam-

>,«.». ia .t'.at.d wl htnctght m.lea nf th* City llaii. oypo-rlte Hsrlem, onColleg* Potnt and Kluw.lng 8*y aaar thatK-autllul u,» ii ol Ploahmg, »nA a.tj. i.nug th* villag*Cf rltiartonport, which auld *o raadlly laat aprliig, aad Ulaid out on li..- aoM . ale- th* atreat* of hoth place* Intar-.erting each otlier.and will foru, ua eommandlng atuaUwn,And ai no dl-tant \<*rit*i. be one of'ha prlnctpal *aaatart* totfle vldulty of New-York The bat* vary in aaa froaa I, i toI »ily U.U ia prtcefrom*l"b'A> |lw Tualer.n* *r* A**.A..WB, and tbe re*t U monthly Ijuatalhnent* of I11', whlrkenahlea every prra.n. nt>Wai«er iircuuMUncad. to b«*u rta hUiwu landlnrd. Being axeeadiegly haalMy, aad evruiuwUd>ty acenrry whichcaonul be aurpiaad «u.t/ra>lu* Vl*w* ofgiuahii.f. Newtown, Rn-rt taland, Morrlaania, ka. Aayperaofi* wutung to porchaar al tha ahove, ara rauaaat* I to, , .. ^.a aaaai ¦aaaaad aaar] kaaopaMaa wtujbr.rlully b*glve* JOHNA PLAMM* B, Na. I*» W*«»lr'lh-*t between 7tk and kih-*** Odlc* ii'.ar* fruru 4to B/cltek PM., andm*p*ian ha <**a *t JOHN . PI.AM-M ER'«, No 31 Mott-at Th* onl* .aila.naed aaeaUlo nd.avU* aie, Jackane Nirbola and loun < »#lvy. oa ta* groaod.Mr. »i*ii,m*i will ka oa board 'Oa boat every anuruia*.

FOR SALE..Tho foifowlBO <|p»<:rir»edaaJawM* proaarty for safo at th* low arieee aaaaed, for

caah, if apvlied fj« immrdlateiy. a* .. wl«h i* apply a l*r<*aawanri »f n.»oe) ino.r baataeaa, eonoactad wlik heata, kc.A baai.tiful rtnai'l 114) aere* UOrai.aaCo.iu* high

¦ al* of cBltivaiiori.Prtca. .|IB,On»Alao, oa* of th* baat hooae* in Poughkea^aaat. bajlll

atout Syeai* *ine*.Prtoe.. 14^00Alao a inocern bollt krown atoa* Iwaa*oa Btk-at,

New Vork.BBjBk* l«,3*A ao. two handaiwtB S-wory on. k houaa* oa lUgraw-

at., BrockliB,a«arHick*»t. Eack raat ior 09Mperainaa».Prto*.. 7,100

Alao. tao :i-«iory knck h<m»*« and krti oa aaabatt-at-,Bro<,kljn. near Cauluuik.*.*!. Pric* of *achhoua- Il '*¦".». ..40*

Alao. om* 3 (tory oeuvaa front boaw* oa Oagraw at,Bruosiya n**r Coart-*t.**r'"*.. *,.*.

Al*o a Parra ol 75 acre* a«*r MorrUtown, N*w-j*n*y.Prtoa- 'cW

A:*o, a Karmof 140*rr**ln VVindhatu Ca.. Coun . 1*_

mile* from Norwich.Prloa.. Sr***Ako a f.rat utortgag* aa * Parm u*ar Nawark, for th*aumof....AaOf

Alao- . 7 per eent. Ir.t iiaortgage oa a good piea* WBro kl)npropa ty, tor.WW *>mo

AUt>. a tral mor-g*ge oa * boaa* aad Ut to Braofclyafor.. . . *i***

Ai»o. for *a!e at a tlbaral di»eoant. the folU^wiog **¦.cril-ed *rci/bd murtgage, well trcnrri <'*l""»produ, tne aropfrty In Bronkyo, tosorcd for th*wbole aaaoaatof the aaortgaor*. ...

Oa* Bortgag* for. ,.*One BJOitg***, daeinoaa year, for..... '.*"

'.uiidii.g* new and pleiify; water giaat atxV iew vary fine, bul.nut in *tght ofthr Hiid

Two mort.axr. ».r BV» **eh, on two .efavaeaOEach renfd for gliOperaouuni. Ouam****-.bolr . a mortgage oa aach boaia* for.. . *..""

Aa*TWv«.raer -^M'^v"rar«uk^vya aSaeeured on p.operty U New Yotk, Brooklyn. aad

Oo^i.'tki' »aBre'fcaai''»*"l'*j** .*""' .T9m"LZTrrri«B aa br «d a. * mortgag- for «v. yaar, al Bp.! c-aat.

or o *ar wat. will be aaauetrd fftaa ta* *<»?. arkaa, if tka

whattoaarch*** naonay ke paid in '**k.kor furthAr aarticafers. appl r unmadt*l*r* U

No* 914 aad SM Broadway, N«w-V ork.

FOR SALEtt GREAT BARXiALSS.Parm* and V .Haa* I/-t* *t Laa* l-ad, I»^\*W*.

and be«.t.fui d>*eripa«B ot thi* ««. aad Brodacftr* Uadanav ka aad by aaalyiag ot '«. cme*, No 9m ttraaaiway.

.' I a7* I..it* V7.fl- -na- ara sold m SbaM -* fo* *"*«*.

onry r*iaU t* b. aotd-lo pnrchaa* tka**- B«y . *h*fa i»-

roeiZZsjor taa wll be tu> Uta A Bhar. I* only .->>, B*»

^rahaa*la*aUaadtfctaar«aTM^ UM. kojl,t'c. VVOOU.B0.M Broadway, wbw* WAvpa aaa ». kad

grati*._^-.tK)R 8ALE..A very deairabla piee«J_of£r^-«rsra^-a^.w-3rSSuvrtouJ*. frratttog oa Prrawaa»-aa, aad mmmj .fytm\tftoo^ofWaUat ^^^^T^Jra^klMREK. a**nt, betwaeo^t^diatkav* ^ J*"^ *Ttwaaa llih aad lathav*. fcUw-Y*rk, or P. llAtaaKm*),VV eatehc'Ur tloiaa, Marrtaaaka.