New Cover 4 Competencies

Post on 07-Nov-2015

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Transcript of New Cover 4 Competencies

TNB Selection method










TenagaNational Berhad(TNB) selection process.Back ground of CompanyTenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is the largest electricity utility in Malaysia with more than RM67 billion in assets. The Company is listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia and employs approximately 28,000 people to serve a customer base of over seven million in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah. TNB plays an integral role in the national, economic and social prosperity of the country by providing reliable and efficient services.

To ensure the Companys continued service excellence and to support its strategic vision of global leadership, TNB is continuously scouting for new talents to join its Executive Trainee Program (PEP) with educational background from any engineering and computer science discipline with minimun requirement of CGPA 3.00 or second class upper degree and credits in both Bahasa Melayu and English.TNB selection methods

Selection is the process from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and the organization. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) implements three (3) methods for selection.The first stage is through their very own system which is called My Application Database Information System (MADIS) which is an online application system. Potential candidates are adviced to apply through MADIS and fill out every detail required by the system including one short essay and CV submission. This is to shortlist the candidates based on their academic achievement, co-curricular activities as well as their writing skills. Those who are shortlisted by MADIS are then invited to go for the second stage of selection process which is the management assessment centre. Those who are eligible to undergo the assessment should prepare themselves for two sessions of assessment which is first, a short group discussion, presentation and debate session and secondly an essay writing session. The assesment for the first session is conducted by a few panels and this is where the candidates are tested on their ability to work in a team, communication and also their thinking skills. Few hundreds selected from the assessment are eligible to proceed to the third phase of the selection process, which is the technical interview. This is the final stage of the selection process and is deemed to be the most vital part. Surviving candidates at this stage are adviced to be well versed in their discipline, as well as the companys background. Successful candidates will get the onboarding pass in TNB and will be placed for one year hands on training based on their discipline.Upon successful completion of the entire training program, Executive Trainees will be assessed for their readiness on taking bigger job responsibilities, and to be assigned to the Generation, Transmission and Distribution Division or other TNB Departments/Divisions or TNB subsidiaries.

Merits and demerits of the selection process.The selection process discussed above have some merits and demerits , thus are some merits and demerits of TNBs selection process;A. Merits1. MADIS system provide fair chance to all candidates throughout the nation who meet the minimum qualification to submit the application via online. Research consistently shows that the average age of candidates using job sites is around 35 years old.

2. MADIS enable potential candidate to apply the job vacancy at any time since the system can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as you desire.

3. MADIS also accelerate the process of selecting potential candidates who are balance between academic and non academic through the resume submitted, thus reduce the cost and time for selecting suitable candidate.4. Employers have a better chance to know their potential candidate through their soft skills.This can be accessed through leaderless group discussion. It occurs when a leaderless group is given a discussion question and told to arrive at a group decision while observers evaluate leadership ability, acceptance by group and individual influence. 5. Individual presentations used to evaluate a participants communication skills and his or her persuasiveness by orally presenting on an assigned topic. Thus TNB can ensure the future employees TNB have the interpersonal skill which assential for the organization.6. Essey writing sesson is not only meant to test on ideas and writing skill but also as a tools for graphoanalysis. It is usefull to discover persons needs, desires and psychological makeup.7. An Interview is a procedure designed to solicit information from a persons oral responses to oral inquiries and through a Selection Interview the interviewer can predict future job performance based on candidates performance in the interview session. B.Disadvantages

1. Not everybody adhere to the advertisement of the vacancy due to the system MADIS is an internal system.

2. Through group discussion, presentation and debat, those who havent got good balance of academic qualification and soft skills would be easily defeated.3. Graphoanalysis test sometimes is not an accurate mesure because they are also other background information needed to interprate ones personality.

4. Interview also not a good measure of selecting a candidate if there is problem of inappropriate questions,premature judgment, interviewer domination, contrast effect, and uncounciousness of interviewer on nonverbal communication.Conclusion

TNBs selection process includes a package of not only academic excellent but non academic performance and interpersonal skills. Thus selection methods are done in a very well structured although there are some merits and demerits in it. References.

1. http//www,

4. http//

5. R.Wayne Mondy(2009)Human Resource Management,11th.Ed.:Pearson6. Gary Dessler(2003)Human Resource Management,9th.Ed.:Prentice Hall1