Networked Insights Press Highlights

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Hits the Headlines Press Highlights – TV Analysis �)2�,5�LJKM�B� �,�$�LJKM�

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©2013 Networked Insights Data | Page 4 1/29/13

Networked Insights, a marketing analytics company, analyzed viewer conversations across the social Web during Sunday's Super Bowl XLVII to discover what people thought about the ads and celebrities.

The New York firm found that more than 24 million real-time social media conversations took place about the game across Twitter, Facebook, blogs and forums for the duration of the game.

When it came to advertisements, GoDaddy Group Inc.'s "Perfect Match" commercial came atop the list. The ad, which features an extreme close-up of supermodel Bar Refaeli making out with an archetypal nerd, drew 255,121 mentions.

+HUH·V�Networked Insights' list:Top 10 Most Discussed Ads (number of social mentions)

1 - GoDaddy's "Perfect Match" (255,121) 2 - Taco Bell "Viva Young" (213,125) 3 - Calvin Klein "Concept 30" (209,539) 4 - AB InBev (Budweiser) "Brotherhood" (154,037) 5 - Ram "Farmer" (96,326)

Social media abuzz with Super Bowl commercials; GoDaddy tops list

6 - Oreo "Cookie v Cream" (65,373) 7 - Wonderful Pistachios "Crackin' Style" (58,938) 8 - Tide "Miracle Stain" (55,770) 9 - Doritos "Goat" (51,053) 10 - Doritos "Fashionista" (47,962)

As the Los Angeles Times reported Monday morning, advertising for the 2013 6XSHU�%RZO�FRVW�DV�PXFK�DV����������SHU�VHFRQG���7KH�7LPHV·�79�FULWLF�0DU\�0F1DPDUD� UHYLHZHG� WKLV� \HDU·V� 6XSHU� %RZO� FRPPHUFLDOV� DV� GLG� WKH� +HUR�Complex blog.

,W·V�QRW�JRRG�HQRXJK�WR�VLPSO\�DLU�D�FRPPHUFLDO�GXULQJthe Super Bowl anymore; companies aim to startInternet buzz.

©2013 Networked Insights Data | Page 5 1/29/13

Networked Insights, a marketing analytics company, analyzed viewer conversations across the social Web during Sunday's Super Bowl XLVII to discover what people thought about the ads and celebrities.

Though the Material Girl largely ended up redeeming herself with an age-defying, hyper-athletic extravaganza -- which included that bizarre nut-bouncing tightrope guy (see: "Super Bowl Slack Line Guy Andy Lewis -- Don't Worry, My Nads Are Fine!") -- there was a lot of negativity beforehand. The reception for Beyonce has been considerably warmer -- though the controversy over her lip syncing of the National Anthem at President Barack Obama's inauguration has muddied the picture somewhat. Scroll down below the graphic for some notes.

Networked Insights tracks sentiment across the social web, including Twitter and Facebook, as well as forums and blog posts. In general, more people (19% of the total) talking about Beyonce in relation to her coming Super Bowl gig are positive about it than negative (4%), while 77% are neutral -- i.e., they haven't been expressing strong opinions one way or another.Given that Beyonce's halftime show seems pretty certain to include a Destiny's Child reunion, fans have been taking to social media to discuss the girl group's latest song, "Nuclear" (consensus: It's disappointing), as well as classics like "Bootylicious" and "Survivor."

“Whitney Did It, Too”: Lip Syncing Not Knocking Luster Off BeyoncéHalftime Show

Fans of Beyonce who mention her in social media along with the brands she's associated with seem most aware -- by a wide margin -- that she's a Pepsi spokesperson.Networked Insights also tracked social-media conversations about Beyonce specifically in the wake of her performance of the National Anthem at President Barack Obama's inauguration. Some 31% of such conversations mentioned the lip-syncing controversy, but fans didn't necessarily condemn her for it. ("Whitney Houston did it, too" was a common refrain, as people pointed out that Houston's legendary Super Bowl XXV National Anthem performance was also lip synced.) Among those mentioning Beyonce's Super Bowl performance, only 13% were concerned about whether she'd lip sync again. And, hey, let's get real: If her performance is as dance-tastic (er, bootylicious) as we've come to expect, she'd be crazy not to lip sync -- unless everybody wants to hear hoarse, winded renditions of "Love on Top" and "Single Ladies.

Leading up last year's Super Bowl, Ad Age worked with Networked Insights, a leading social-media analytics company that advises brands and agencies on media planning, to track social sentiment surrounding Madonna's halftime show.

©2013 Networked Insights Data | Page 6 1/29/13

Networked Insights has traced and cataloged the social conversation surrounding the Super Bowl and put all of their findings into an interesting and informative infographic (inserted below).

Among the highlights:The number of social conversations about the Ravens and the 49ers is almost equal (Ravens get slightly more talk overall, but 49ers get more negative talk).Over the last 30 days, Jim Harbaugh (49ers) has driven twice as much conversation compared to his brother John (Ravens), and Jim is a much more polarizing figure.


There have been more than 3 million social conversations about Ray Lewis in the past month.Also, 64 percent of fans want to see Colin Kaepernick as the starting QB for the Niners, seven percent of individuals talk about Lewis as a “legend” (while another seven percent are chatting about the 2000 murder trial).The infographic shows some great “trash talk” culled from the public social comments of fans like you, and even includes a list of Super Bowl snack suggestions for your #SB47 party.

The Super Bowl is tomorrow, but the social conversation has already started. Talk surrounding the hashtag #SB47 and social mentions of both the Baltimore Ravens and the San Fransisco 49ers (and respective players, coaches) is as ORXG�DV�LW·V�JRLQJ�WR�JHW�EHIRUH�NLFN�RII�WRPRUURZ�

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©2013 Networked Insights Data | Page 10 1/29/13

According Networked Insights, a social media analytics firm, the show's most popular moment -- at least for Twitter users -- occurred while Jay-Z, The-Dream and Frank Ocean were onstage accepting the Grammy for rap/sung collaboration.

Jay-Z leaned to the mike and said, "I want to thank the swap meet for his hat," mocking The-Dream's headgear: a "parental advisory" beanie topped with a Boyz N the Hood cap.

The joke generated 116,400 tweets per minute, the most of any Grammy moment, according to Networked Insights.

Other spikes in Twitter traffic took place during Rihanna's solo performance (114,800 tweets per minute), Prince's announcement of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" as record of the year (109,400 tweets per minute) and Fun.'s triumph in the hotly contested best new artist category (100,600 tweets per minute). Rihanna took the prize of most-talked-about-celebrity on Twitter, with more than 1.6 million tweets being sent mentioning her: no doubt, with many discussing her dress, her performance and her Grammy win for short form music video.

Grammys 2013: Jay-Z joke, Rihanna top social media buzz

The other most-tweeted-about artists were singers Frank Ocean (more than 972,000 tweets), Taylor Swift (more than 946,000 tweets) and Ed Sheeran (more than 884,000 tweets).

Thousands of Twitter users chimed in using the official event hashtags -- which were frequently plugged by host LL Cool J -- with 146,690 tweets using the #GrammyLive hashtag and 149,410 using the #TheWorldisListening hashtag since Jan. 1.

Millions of tweets and Facebook posts flooded the Internet during Sunday night's Grammy Awards, but despite a slew of live performances, the moment that earned the most online buzz was an onstage joke.

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The folks at Networked Insights, a leading provider of social media analytics technology, did a super fancy analysis to determine who took home the prize for the night's unspoken category: Most Tweeted About.

And the winner is ... Rihanna. The "Stay" singer nabbed her seventh Grammy Award while becoming the most discussed musician on social media with nearly 1.7 million online conversations. Here are the total number of mentions garnered by RiRi and her competition:

Top 10 Most Discussed Musicians on Social Media

1. Rihanna -- 1,673,5132. Frank Ocean -- 972,3523. Taylor Swift -- 946,4594. Ed Sheeran -- 884,7685. Chris Brown -- 650,8816. Beyoncé -- 630,0777. Bruno Mars -- 510,7038. Mumford & Sons -- 480,2539. Carrie Underwood -- 451,13510. Katy Perry -- 423,053

Wait, is anyone else surprised Katy Perry's tatas didn't get more fingers moving? (Typing, we're talking about typing.)

The company says Twitter activity saw its biggest spike during the Best Rap Collaboration

Grammys 2013: Rihanna, Justin Bieber, or Frank Ocean - Who wonthe twitter wars?

win, as Jay-Z threw some shade on The Dream's "swap meet" hat. At that point, users risked spontaneous combustion of their smartphone keyboards, sending around 116,400 tweets per minute (TPM). Rihanna's solo performance drew the next largest wave of activity at 114,800 TPM. The televised reaction shots of Chris Brown probably didn't hurt. Prince, as you might have guessed, inspired Twitter fans to post 109,400 TPM when he appeared with his blinged-out pimp-walking cane.

As everyone within the sound of the internet knows, Justin Bieber also made a mad grab at the spotlight during the awards telecast after being snubbed by the Academy. So, how did he do?

Networked Insights tells Zap2it that Biebs raked in the wanted attention with 1.3 million conversations during the Grammy broadcast. 134,000 of those convos were about his new track "You Want Me," and 8,000 were about him being shirtless. Go get 'em, Bieber.

The Recording Academy handed out plenty of Grammy Awards during Sunday night's telecast, but the #winning didn't stop on the Grammy stage -- it spilled over into Twitter territory.

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If you're wondering which musician had people talking the most, the social media analysts at Networked Insights measured the number of celebrity mentions across Twitter, Facebook, and blogs to figure out who was discussed the most online last night.

We've recorded the top ten below. Surprisingly, Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake are missing from the list despite Timberlake's first wide public performance of songs from his new album, "The 20/20 Experience."

Instead, Jay-Z and Timberlake came in 17 and 15 on the list respectively with 348,621 and 375,514 mentions.

Also missing from the top ten are Adele and Kelly Clarkson.Check the Top Ten on the bar chart.

The 10 Most Talked About Celebrities During the Grammys

Rihanna nearly doubled the amount of online buzz of singer Taylor Swift. According to Networked Insights, the Barbados singer's solo performance of "Stay" had 114,800 tweets per minute last night.It was the second largest spike in Twitter activity during the show other than Jay-Z, Kanye West, Frank Ocean, and The Dream's win for best rap collaboration (seeing 116,400 tweets per minute).

Rihanna and Chris Brown's public displays of affection, Katy Perry's revealing sea foam green dress, and Taylor Swift's opening Grammy performance were all among the most talked about moments from the 55th annual Grammy Awards.

0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000




Number of Social Media Mentions

The Most Discussed Celebrities During The Grammys

Katy Perry 423,053

451,135Carrie Underwood

480,253Mumford & Sons

510,703Bruno Mars


650,881Chris Brown

884,768Ed Sheeran

946,459Taylor Swift

972,352Frank Ocean


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©2013 Networked Insights Data | Page 15 1/29/13

Grey Poupon also performed well on the big TV stage by going back in time with its 1980s "Pardon Me" theme, per the New York-based analytics firm.

For Samsung, Hollywood director Tim Burton's cameo drove a substantial portion of the conversation, said Networked Insights. Burton appeared in a :90 spot that continued a "Unicorn Apocalypse" theme introduced earlier this year by 72andSunny. The commercial's creative is designed to highlight how Samsung Galaxy products can be utilized for work, in addition to play. It was one of six spots Samsung ran during the big television event.


Grey Poupon's stab at going retro was evidently a bonafide hit with Gen Xers and other social media consumers. With the brand's agency, Crispin Porter+Bogusky, deciding to breathe life into "Pardon Me," the brand received four times the social media conversations compared to its daily average, according to Networked Insights.

Using its SocialSense analytics system, the company broke down 8.9 million social media conversations about Oscars advertisers, with 98 percent living on Twitter and most of the rest on Tumblr.

Other key results, per Networked Insights' data:—JCP had the third-most-positive social media response for its "Yours Truly" campaign, which entailed six Oscars spots.—Apple drew the second-highest amount of chatter, but saw polarizing results.—Coca-Cola's ads performed similarly to Apple's.—McDonald's effort created the fourth-highest degree of buzz, but sentiment was middling

Samsung's big Oscars ad buy was a huge success on Twitter, according to data from Networked Insights, which found that the brand had the largest volume of social media chatter and highest positive sentiment among ABC advertisers last night.

©2013 Networked Insights Data | Page 16 1/29/13

Grey Poupon also performed well on the big TV stage by going back in time with its 1980s "Pardon Me" theme, per the New York-based analytics firm.

Actress generated 681,000 mentions on Twitter, followed by 473,000 for Anne Hathaway and 232,000 for Seth MacFarlane, according to Networked Insights, which tracked social media activity during the Academy Awards, Sunday night. Kristen Stewart (221,000), Channing Tatum (209,000) and Ben Affleck (167,000) also generated a considerable number of tweets.

Overall, more than 8.9 million conversations mentioning the Oscars took place during the live telecast and red carpet.

Company used its SocialSense technology, also utilized by advertisers, marketers, and entertainment companies to extract consumer insights and real-time trends from social data.

8.9 million social media conversations mention Oscars during telecast, red carpet

Networked Insights saw the highest traffic spikes when Michelle 2EDPD�DQQRXQFHG�´$UJRµ�DV�WKH�\HDU·V�%HVW�3LFWXUH��DQG�ZKHQ�0DUN�Wahlberg revealed a tie in the Best Sound Editing category. $V�IRU�WKH�ILUVW�WLPH�2VFDU�KRVW������DSSURYHG�RI�0DF)DUODQH·V�performance (13% did not), while 18% gave his singing and dancing skills a thumbs up. Around 17% liked his sock puppet sketch and 12% approved of his “Boobs” song.

Jennifer Lawrence was the most tweeted celebrity during the Oscars.



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Ben Affle







Hugh Jack





Top ten most discussed celebrities at the Oscars700,000 681,291


232,445 221,264 209,024166,521 157,499

131,69796,760 93,052







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For more information, please contact:Dave StruzziPR Managerdave.struzzi@networkedinsights.comO: 646.545.3901M: 646.963.5062