Neil Patel - What You Need to be Measuring and How to Do It

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Neil will teach you five advanced website traffic statistics that you NEED to be measuring, but probably aren't. It isn't good enough anymore to just measure click-through and conversion rates to your signup page. You need MUCH more detail and Neil will explain how to get it and make decisions accordingly. You'll be amazed at the increase in valuable sign-ups and revenue increases you can achieve.

Transcript of Neil Patel - What You Need to be Measuring and How to Do It

5 Metrics You Ought

to Track

Neil PatelKISSmetrics

1. Revenue per user

Revenue per user

Conversion rates are great to track, but

you should also track revenue per user.

Even with a lower conversion rate, you

can still make more money.

Revenue per user

Revenue per user

Doubling the price caused a 10%

decrease in conversions, but an 82%

increase in revenue.

Revenue per user1. Sign in to your account. 2. Click Edit next to the profile you'd like to enable. 3. On the Profile Settings page, click edit next to Main Website Profile Information. 4. Change the E-Commerce Website radio button from No to Yes.

Revenue per userpageTracker._addTrans(

"1234", // Order ID"18.28", // Total"1.29", // Tax"5", // Shipping"San Jose", // City"California", // State"USA" // Country

Revenue per userpageTracker._addItem(

"1234", // Order ID"DD44", // SKU"T-Shirt", // Product Name "Green Medium", // Category"11.99", // Price"1" // Quantity

1. Revenue per user--------------------------------------------------------

2. Engagement


The more engaged users are, the more

likely they are going to invite their

friends or continue to pay.


1. How far people are getting

2. How often are users coming back

3. What are users doing

Engagement<script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script>

<script type="text/javascript">try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}</script>

1. Revenue per user--------------------------------------------------------

2. Engagement--------------------------------------------------------

3. Event tracking

Event tracking

The best way to find out if users like

the feature set in your application is to

track the them.

Event tracking

Event tracking_trackEvent(category, action,

optional_label, optional_value)

pageTracker._trackEvent('Videos', 'Play', 'Gone With the Wind');

pageTracker._trackEvent('Videos', 'Pause', 'Gone With the Wind');

pageTracker._trackEvent('Videos', 'Stop', 'Gone With the Wind');

pageTracker._trackEvent('Videos', 'Downloaded', 'Gone With the

Wind');pageTracker._trackEvent('Downloads', 'PDF',


1. Revenue per user--------------------------------------------------------

2. Engagement--------------------------------------------------------

3. Event tracking--------------------------------------------------------

4. Real conversion rate

Real conversion rate

Free users can convert into paid

users, so you need to track where users

originally came from.

1. Revenue per user--------------------------------------------------------

2. Engagement--------------------------------------------------------

3. Event tracking--------------------------------------------------------

4. Real conversion rate--------------------------------------------------------

5. Test, test, test

Test, test, test

Don’t base your company’s decisions off

of someone else's data. What works for

one company may not work for yours.

Test, test, test

Test, test, test

Test, test, test

Test, test, test

• Original: Code at the top and bottom

• Variations: Code on the bottom

• Conversion: Place code on thank you page

Test, test, test


Have questions? Contact me!

Neil Patel(562)