My Worldview-newsletter

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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Three components which make up my worldview are God, Knowledge and Ethics because they shaped my thoughts, experiences, education and life decisions. MY JOY IN THE MORNING®: WEEKLY In life one has to hold on to values when in interacting with others. The rights, respect and morals of others will make clear the reason for their conduct as well as the why on opinions they hold regarding various topics and situations. -Terrence J. White

Transcript of My Worldview-newsletter

©2011 My Joy In The Morning |Click To Order “Rising From The Ashes”| Visit us on Facebook

In life one has to hold on to values when in

interacting with others. The rights, respect and

morals of others will make clear the reason

for their conduct as well as the why on opinions

they hold regarding various topics and


-Terrence J. White

MYWORLDVIEWEven after learning the various

world views, Christian Theism is where my identity remains.

Three components which make up my worldview are God, Knowledge and Ethics because they shaped my thoughts, experiences, education and life decisions.

My faith is the foreground to all I believe . I stand with Christian Theism as it is the belief in one God as the creator and ruler of the universe, without rejection of revelation (GCU media, 2010). Throughout the Holy Bible it is clearly spoken events that would happen followed by it becoming past or current occurrences. I have known God since the age of 2 and as I get older and grow in desire to read His word it becomes more clear what His prophets intent were as they shared the hazards of sin. Many times I have allowed myself to fall into sin and have endured the benefits of it. Also As it says fearing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, in reverence to Him in all I do I have become more wise in all my actions. There is a quality of life I am gifted to experience. I have received an appreciation of simplicity knowing that God is the creator of everything and that is word is final. Trusting in Him gives me confidence because I know that in Him there is no failure; He is not a man that He should lie.


©2011 My Joy In The Morning |Click To Order “Rising From The Ashes”| Visit us on Facebook

It is a common saying that “knowledge is power,” the bible says he who wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30), it also says that we perish from a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). I feel knowledge is an asset of life essential to possess strength in all things done while building the Kingdom of God by winning lost souls in order to live a life in close union with Christ who is life. If we don’t know know the word of God or have knowledge of an aspect, there is minimal foundation to stand on it being true or false. I just finished a 6 month devotional as well as in active ministry at my church, so the requirement to read Gods word has become more of a desire because from it I am able to grow closer to Him through learning of Him. There are days, even now, that I do not spend time in my word and I feel a distance from Him and lack of peace. Just as it says that men should not live off bread alone, I cannot go long without

reading my word and being close to Him because I will starve myself to death.

Life is about Balance

What is balance if there is

no foundation of God’s


How Do You See God’s Creation



©2011 My Joy In The Morning |Click To Order “Rising From The Ashes”| Visit us on Facebook

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I come in contact with many individuals daily, all from different backgrounds and cultures. Because I have taken time to understand the ethics of of their culture, life and beliefs it allows me to better relate to them so that a strong relationship is maintained. I have taken courses in sociology in the past and one thing I have learned is that where one comes from is the likely causing factor of who they have become, so to have an understanding of what ethics are and see the importance of them will allow all to relate to more and befriend many. This course has been very beneficial to my understanding of the different world views. Godless beliefs, individual feeling as if they are gods, downsizing prayer to simple mumbles of “ommm,” taught that life has no purpose or standing on

spiritual growth happens through meditation, hallucinogenic drugs, crystal balls etc..., these fallacies are a slap in the face of who the true God is. Christianity is a lifestyle and I think Cosgrove says it best: “The Christian gospel of forgiveness of sins and a relationship with Jesus Christ, the God of the universe, is exactly what is needed to repair our world and its people. That gospel must be worked out into society, not just by preaching from the pulpits but also by the ideas and behaviors seen in Christians as they enter every segment of society. Cosgrove 2006, p. 180).” In closing I press to share the three components that make up my worldview are God, Knowledge and Ethics, because they shaped my thoughts, experiences, education and life decisions. As God is the creator

all things are subject to authority and will. The bible is infallible and without error and it within it self says to live out its teaching which no other worldview is capable of accomplishing. Knowing this I actively dwell in who He is by praying daily and reading His word (Holy Bible) which teaches me how to carry my self. Its an instruction book full of examples on how many lived their life just as I am seeking to live mine. I would call it a book of ethics as it has shaped my view on what is good, bad and the results for decisions. I would recommend for those seeking to find them self, get lose in the book of life. It is a one source guide for wisdom, self identity and purpose.

Written By: Terrence J. White


Nelson, Thomas Inc., The Holy Bible, New King James Version

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

CWV 101 Terms and Definitions, (n.d) Retrieved December 12, 2010, from

Cosgrove, M. (2006). Foundations of Christian thought: Faith, learning, and the Christian worldview. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel



What is your view?