My Sister s Keeper All The Truth That by Jodi Picoult In ...

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Transcript of My Sister s Keeper All The Truth That by Jodi Picoult In ...

Liz has always believed she’s too black, too poor,

too awkward to shine in her small, rich, prom-

obsessed town. But Liz has an escape plan to attend

an uber-elite college, play in their world-famous

orchestra, and become a doctor. But when the finan-

cial aid she was counting on unexpectedly falls

through, Liz’s plans come crashing down . . . until

she’s reminded of her school’s scholarship for prom

king and queen. There’s nothing Liz wants to do less

than endure a gauntlet of social media trolls, catty

competitors, and humiliating public events, but de-

spite her devastating fear of the spotlight she’s willing

to do whatever it takes to get to college. The only

thing that makes it halfway bearable is the new girl in

school, Mack. She’s smart, funny, and just as much of

an outsider as Liz. But Mack is also in the running for

queen. Will falling for the competition keep Liz from

her dreams . . . or make them come true?

You Should See Me in a

Crown by Leah Johnson

In all thirteen years of Anna's life, her

parents have never given her a choice:

she was born to be her sister Kate's

bone marrow donor and she has al-

ways given Kate everything she needs.

But when Anna is told Kate needs a

new kidney, she begins to question

how much she should be prepared to

do to save the older sibling she has

always been defined by. So Anna

makes a decision that will change

their family forever - perhaps even

fatally for the sister she loves.

My Sister’s Keeper

by Jodi Picoult

All The Truth That’s

In Me by Julie Berry

Judith can't speak. Ever since the horrifying

trauma that left her best friend dead and Judith

without her tongue, she's been a pariah in her

close-knit community of Roswell Station; even

her own mother won't look her in the eye. All

Judith can do is silently pour out her thoughts

and feelings to the love of her life, the boy who's

owned her heart as long as she can remember -

even if he doesn't know it - her childhood friend,

Lucas. But when Roswell Station is attacked by

enemies, long-buried secrets come to light . . .

and Judith's world starts to shift on its axis.

Before she knows it, Judith is forced to choose:

continue to live in silence, or recover her voice,

even if what she has to say might change her

world, and the lives around her, forever.

Sephy is a Cross: she lives a life of privilege

and power. But she's lonely, and burns with

injustice at the world she sees around her.

Callum is a nought: he's considered to be less

than nothing - a blanker, there to serve Cross-

es - but he dreams of a better life. They've

been friends since they were children, and

they both know that's as far as it can ever go.

Noughts and Crosses are fated to be bitter

enemies - love is out of the question. Then - in

spite of a world that is fiercely against them -

these star-crossed lovers choose each other.

But this is love story that will lead both of

them into terrible danger . . . and which will

have shocking repercussions for generations

to come.

Noughts and Crosses (series)

by Malorie Blackman

All The Bright Places

by Jennifer Niven

Theodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he

constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But

each time, something good, no matter how small,

stops him. Violet Markey lives for the future,

counting the days until graduation, when she can

escape her Indiana town and her aching grief in the

wake of her sister's recent death. When Finch and

Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at

school, it's unclear who saves whom. And when

they pair up on a project to discover the 'natural

wonders' of their state, both Finch and Violet make

more important discoveries: It's only with Violet

that Finch can be himself - a weird, funny, live-out-

loud guy who's not such a freak after all. And it's

only with Finch that Violet can forget to count

away the days and start living them. But as Violet's

world grows, Finch's begins to shrink. How far will

Violet go to save the boy she has come to love?

Tomlinscote LRC

Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to

him all the Rings of Power - the means by

which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All

he lacks in his plans for dominion is the

One Ring - the ring that rules them all -

which has fallen into the hands of the

hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in

the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds him-

self faced with an immense task, as his

elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to

his care. Frodo must leave his home and

make a perilous journey across Middle-

earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to

destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in

his evil purpose.

The Lord of the Rings

(trilogy) by J.R.R Tolkein

Best friends Caddy and Rosie are insepara-

ble. Their differences have brought them

closer, but as she turns sixteen Caddy

begins to wish she could be a bit more like

Rosie – confident, funny and interesting.

Then Suzanne comes into their lives: beau-

tiful, damaged, exciting and mysterious,

and things get a whole lot more complicat-

ed. As Suzanne's past is revealed and her

present begins to unravel, Caddy begins to

see how much fun a little trouble can be.

But the course of both friendship and re-

covery is rougher than either girl realizes,

and Caddy is about to learn that downward

spirals have a momentum of their own.

Beautiful Broken Things

(series) by Sara Barnard

All The Places I’ve Cried

in Public by Holly Bourne

It looked like love.

It felt like love.

But this isn't a love story.

Amelie fell hard for Reese. And she

thought he loved her too. But she's

starting to realise that real love isn't

supposed to hurt like this.

So now she's retracing their story, revis-

iting all the places he made her cry. Be-

cause if she works out what went wrong,

perhaps she can finally learn how to get

over him.

When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to

the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she

hardly expects to witness a murder—much

less a murder committed by three teenagers

covered with strange tattoos and brandishing

bizarre weapons. And she’s more than a little

startled when the body disappears into thin

air. Soon Clary is introduced to the world of

the Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of warriors

dedicated to driving demons out of our world

and back to their own. And Clary is introduced

with a vengeance, when her mother disap-

pears and Clary herself is almost killed by a

grotesque monster. How could a mere human

survive such an attack and kill a demon? The

Shadowhunters would like to know…

The Mortal Instruments

(series) by Cassandra Clare

Starcrossed (Series)

by Josephine Angelini

When shy, awkward Helen Hamilton

sees Lucas Delos for the first time she

thinks two things: the first, that he is

the most ridiculously beautiful boy she

has seen in her life; the second, that

she wants to kill him with her bare

hands. With an ancient curse making

them loathe one another, Lucas and

Helen have to keep their distance. But

sometimes love is stronger than hate,

and not even the gods themselves can

prevent what will happen...

Tomlinscote LRC

Lara Jean keeps her love letters in a

hatbox her mother gave her.

One for every boy she's ever loved.

When she writes, she can pour out her

heart and soul and say all the things

she would never say in real life, be-

cause her letters are for her eyes only.

Until the day her secret letters are

mailed, and suddenly Lara Jean's love

life goes from imaginary to out of con-


To All The Boys I’ve Loved

Before by Jenny Han

His Dark Materials

(series) by Philip Pullman

“Without this child, we shall all die.”

Lyra Belacqua and her animal dae-

mon live half-wild and carefree

among scholars of Jordan College,

Oxford. The destiny that awaits her

will take her to the frozen lands of

the Arctic, where witch-clans reign

and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary

journey will have immeasurable con-

sequences far beyond her own


Charlie is a freshman. And while he's not

the biggest geek in the school, he is by no

means popular. Shy, introspective, intelli-

gent beyond his years yet socially awk-

ward, he is a wallflower, caught between

trying to live his life and trying to run

from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate

his way through uncharted territory: the

world of first dates and mix-tapes, family

dramas and new friends; the world of

sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture

Show, when all one requires is that per-

fect song on that perfect drive to feel

infinite. But Charlie can't stay on the

sideline forever.

The Perks of Being a Wall-

flower by Stephen Chbosky

Finding Audrey by

Sophie Kinsella

Audrey can't leave the house. she can't

even take off her dark glasses inside

the house.

Then her brother's friend Linus stum-

bles into her life. With his friendly, or-

ange-slice smile and his funny notes, he

starts to entice Audrey out again - well,

Starbucks is a start. And with Linus at

her side, Audrey feels like she can do

the things she'd thought were too

scary. Suddenly, finding her way back

to the real world seems achievable.

Vivian Carter is fed up. Fed up with her high

school teachers who think the football team can

do no wrong. Fed up with sexist dress codes,

hallway harassment and gross comments from

guys during class. But most of all, Viv Carter is

fed up with always following the rules. Viv's

mum was a tough-as-nails, punk rock Riot Grrrl

in the '90s, and now Viv takes a page from her

mother's past and creates Moxie, a feminist zine

that she distributes anonymously to her class-

mates. She's just blowing off steam, but other

girls respond and spread the Moxie message. As

Viv forges friendships with other young women

across the divides of cliques and popularity

rankings, she realises that what she has started

is nothing short of a girl revolution.

Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu Five Feet Apart by

Rachael Lippincott

Can you love someone you can never touch? Stella Grant

likes to be in control - even though her totally out of

control lungs have sent her in and out of the hospital

most of her life. At this point, what Stella needs to con-

trol most is keeping herself away from anyone or any-

thing that might pass along an infection and jeopardize

the possibility of a lung transplant. Six feet apart. No

exceptions. The only thing Will Newman wants to be in

control of is getting out of this hospital. He couldn't care

less about his treatments, or a fancy new clinical drug

trial. Soon, he'll turn eighteen and then he'll be able to

unplug all these machines and actually go see the world,

not just its hospitals. Will's exactly what Stella needs to

stay away from. If he so much as breathes on Stella she

could lose her spot on the transplant list. Either one of

them could die. The only way to stay alive is to stay apart.

But suddenly six feet doesn't feel like safety. It feels like

punishment. What if they could steal back just a little bit

of the space their broken lungs have stolen from them?

Would five feet apart really be so dangerous if it stops

their hearts from breaking too?

Tomlinscote LRC

When 17 year old Isabella Swan moves to Forks,

Washington to live with her father she expects that

her new life will be as dull as the town. But in spite

of her awkward manner and low expectations, she

finds that her new classmates are drawn to this

pale, dark-haired new girl in town. But not, it seems,

the Cullen family. These five adopted brothers and

sisters obviously prefer their own company and will

make no exception for Bella. Bella is convinced that

Edward Cullen in particular hates her, but she feels a

strange attraction to him, although his hostility

makes her feel almost physically ill. He seems deter-

mined to push her away - until, that is, he saves her

life from an out of control car. Bella will soon discov-

er that there is a very good reason for Edward's

coldness. He, and his family, are vampires - and he

knows how dangerous it is for others to get too


Twilight (series) by

Stephanie Meyer

Fangirl by Rainbow


Cath is a Simon Snow fan. Okay, everybody is a

Simon Snow fan, but for Cath it's something more.

Fandom is life. It's what got her and her sister,

Wren, through losing their mom. It's what kept

them close. And now that she's starting college,

introverted Cath isn't sure what's supposed to get

her through. She’s got a surly roommate with a

charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-

writing professor who thinks fanfiction is the end of

the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only

wants to talk about words . . . And she can’t stop

worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile

and has never really been alone. For Cath, the

question is: Can she do this? Can she make it with-

out Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start

living her own life? Writing her own stories? And

does she even want to move on if it

means leaving Simon Snow behind?

It was Sloane who yanked Emily out of her

shell and made life 100% interesting. But

right before what should have been the

most epic summer, Sloane just…disappears.

All she leaves behind is a to-do list.

On it, thirteen Sloane-inspired tasks that

Emily would normally never try. But what if

they could bring her best friend back? Ap-

ple picking at night? Okay, easy enough.

Dance until dawn? Sure. Why not? Kiss a

stranger? Um...

Emily now has this unexpected summer,

and the help of Frank Porter

(totally unexpected), to check things off

Sloane's list. Who knows what she’ll find?

Since You’ve Been Gone

by Morgan Matson

The Falconer (trilogy)

by Elizabeth May

Lady Aileana Kameron, the only daughter of the

Marquess of Douglas, was destined for a life care-

fully planned around Edinburgh's social events -

right up until a faery killed her mother. Now it's the

1844 winter season and Aileana slaughters faeries

in secret, in between the endless round of parties,

tea and balls. Armed with modified percussion

pistols and explosives, she sheds her aristocratic

facade every night to go hunting. She's determined

to track down the faery who murdered her mother,

and to destroy any who prey on humans in the

city's many dark alleyways. But the balance be-

tween high society and her private war is a delicate

one, and as the fae infiltrate the ballroom and

Aileana's father returns home, she has decisions to

make. How much is she willing to lose - and just

how far will Aileana go for revenge?

Is falling in love the beginning . . . Or the end?

In Ethan Wate's hometown there lies the dark-

est of secrets. There is a girl.

Slowly, she pulled the hood from her head.

Green eyes, black hair. Lena Duchannes. There

is a curse.

On the Sixteenth Moon, the Sixteenth Year, the

Book will take what it's been promised. And no

one can stop it. In the end, there is a grave.

Lena and Ethan become bound together by a

deep, powerful love. But Lena is cursed and on

her sixteenth birthday, her fate will be decided.

Ethan never even saw it coming.

Beautiful Creatures (series)

by Kami Garcia

The Winter Horses by

Philip Kerr

After her family and home are de-

stroyed by the Nazis, Kalinka befriends

two rare horses who, like her, face


With their enemy in pursuit, the hunt-

ed survivors embark on a dangerous

journey across the vast and freezing

Ukrainian steppe. Can Kalinka bring

them all to safety?

Tomlinscote LRC

Riley has always wanted to be a Demon

Trapper like her father, and she's already

following in his footsteps as one of the

best. But it's tough being the only girl in

an all-guy world, especially when three

of those guys start making her life more

complicated: Simon, the angelic appren-

tice who has heaven on his side; Beck,

the tough trapper who thinks he's God's

gift, and Ori, the strikingly sexy stranger

who keeps turning up to save her.

One thing’s for sure – if she doesn’t keep

her wits about her there’ll be hell to pay.

The Demon Trappers

(series) by Jana Olivers

The Fault in Our

Stars by John Green

I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly,

then all at once.

Despite the tumour-shrinking medical mira-

cle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has

never been anything but terminal, her final

chapter inscribed upon diagnosis.

But when a gorgeous plot twist named Au-

gustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer

Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to

be completely rewritten.

Panic began as so many things do in Carp, a

poor town of twelve thousand people in the

middle of nowhere: because it was summer,

and there was nothing else to do. Heather

never thought she would compete in panic, a

legendary game played by graduating seniors,

where the stakes are high and the payoff is

even higher. She'd never thought of herself as

fearless, the kind of person who would fight to

stand out. But when she finds something, and

someone, to fight for, she will discover that she

is braver than she ever thought. Dodge has

never been afraid of panic. His secret will fuel

him, and get him all the way through the game;

he's sure of it. But what he doesn't know is that

he's not the only one with a secret. Everyone

has something to play for.

Since You’ve Been Gone

by Morgan Matson

The Bone Season by

Samantha Shannon

For the past two hundred years the Scion

government has led an oppressive campaign

against unnaturalness in London.

Clairvoyance in all its forms has been decreed

a criminal offence, and those who practise it

viciously punished. Forced underground, a

clairvoyant underworld has developed, com-

bating persecution and evading capture.

Paige Mahoney, a powerful dreamwalker

operating in the Seven Dials district of Lon-

don, leads a double life, using her unnatural-

ness illegally while hiding her gift from her

father, who works for the Scion regime...

Jade is a girl striving for success in a world that

seems like it's trying to break her. She knows she

needs to take every opportunity that comes her

way. And she has: every day Jade rides the bus

away from her friends to a private school where

she feels like an outsider, but where she has

plenty of opportunities. But

some opportunities Jade could do without, like

the mentor programme for 'at-risk' girls. Just

because her mentor is black doesn't mean she

understands where Jade is coming from. Why is

Jade always seen as someone to fix? But with a

college scholarship promised at the end of it, how

can Jade say no? Jade feels like her life is made up

of hundreds of conflicting pieces. Will it ever fit

together? Will she ever find her place in the

world? More than anything, Jade just wants the

opportunity to be real, to make a difference.

Piecing Me Together by

Renee Watson

They Both Die at the

End by Adam Silvera

On September 5th, a little after mid-

night, Death-Cast calls Mateo Tor-

rez and Rufus Emeterio to give them

some bad news: they're going to die

today. Mateo and Rufus are total

strangers, but, for different reasons,

they're both looking to make a new

friend on their End Day. The good

news: there's an app for that. It's

called the Last Friend, and through it,

Rufus and Mateo are about to meet up

for one last great adventure - to live a

lifetime in a single day.

Tomlinscote LRC

For Angel Rahimi life is about one thing: The

Ark – a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who

are taking the world by storm. Being part of

The Ark’s fandom has given her everything

she loves – her friend Juliet, her dreams, her

place in the world.

Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The

Ark. He’s their frontman – and playing in a

band with his mates is all he ever dreamed

of doing.

But dreams don’t always turn out the way

you think and when Jimmy and Angel are

unexpectedly thrust together, they find out

how strange and surprising facing up to

reality can be.

I Was Born for This by

Alice Oseman

One Of Us Is Lying (trilogy)

by Karen McManus

Five students go to detention. Only four

leave alive. Yale hopeful Bronwyn has never

publicly broken a rule. Sports

star Cooper only knows what he's doing in

the baseball diamond. Bad boy Nate is one

misstep away from a life of crime. Prom

queen Addy is holding together the cracks in

her perfect life. And outsider Simon, creator

of the notorious gossip app at Bayview High,

won't ever talk about any of them again. He

dies 24 hours before he could post their

deepest secrets online. Investigators con-

clude it's no accident. All of them are sus-

pects. Everyone has secrets, right?

The heart-breaking story of the

tumultuous and passionate rela-

tionship between gypsy foundling

Heathcliff and the wealthy Cathe-

rine Earnshaw. Despite her love

for Heathcliff, Catherine marries

the well-bred Edgar Linton. This

betrayal has unforeseen ramifica-

tions for generations to come.

Wuthering Heights

by Emily Bronte

Seven Days by Eve


School should be a safe place for Jess, a

refuge from her difficult home life - but

thanks to Kez and her friends, it's eve-

rything she dreads. Despite being beau-

tiful and popular, Kez's life isn't any

sweeter. She clings to the fact she is

better off than Jess - or so she thinks...

Told from the point of view of the bul-

lied and the bully, this is a taut, power-

ful story of two girls locked in battle

with each other and themselves, spiral-

ling towards a shocking conclusion.

There was no sign of a struggle, they whisper to

each other. She took her phone but left her

laptop behind. Apparently, she'd met someone

online, they write to each other in class, phones

buzzing. She ran away. She was taken.

The first time Aiden Kendrick hears about Lizzie

Summersall's disappearance is when the police

appear at his front door. He and Lizzie used to

be friends; they aren't anymore. And when

Aiden finds out that Lizzie had been talking to

strangers on Facebook; that the police think she

went to meet one of them, he begins to wonder

how well he ever really knew her, and Aiden

doesn't know it yet, but with Lizzie's disappear-

ance his life is about to take a twisted and

desperate turn.

Follow Me Back by Nicci


All This Time by

Rachel Lippincott

Kyle and Kimberly have been the perfect

couple all through high school, but when

Kimberly breaks up with him on the night of

their graduation party, Kyle’s entire world

upends - literally. Their car crashes and when

he awakes, he has a brain injury. Kimberly is

dead. And no one in his life could possibly

understand. Until Marley. Marley is suffering

from her own loss, a loss she thinks was her

fault. As Kyle and Marley work to heal each

other’s wounds, their feelings for each other

grow stronger. But Kyle can’t shake the sense

that he’s headed for another crashing mo-

ment that will blow up his life as soon as he’s

started to put it back together. And he’s right.

Tomlinscote LRC

Dash and Lily have been dating for

nearly a year, but when Lily's beloved

grandfather falls ill, the repercussions

take their toll on everyone. Even

though they are still together, some-

how the magic has gone out of their

relationship and it's clear that Lily has

fallen out of love with life. Action must

be taken! Dash teams up with Lily's

brother and a host of their friends, who

have just twelve days to get Lily's

groove back in time for Christmas

The Twelve Days of Dash

and Lily by Rachel Cohn

Alex as Well by Alyssa


Why does it matter whether I am a boy or a

girl? But it does...It really, really matters.

When Alex was born, the doctors described

him as sexually ambiguous , with both male

and female reproductive organs. For the last

fourteen years his parents have raised Alex as

a boy. They dressed him in boys clothes, sent

him to a boys school and gave him medication

to help regulate his hormones. But last night

at dinner, Alex made an announcement, three

words that would change everything: 'I'm a

girl.' And when Alex sets about changing her

life her wardrobe, her school, her entire

identity no one knows how to react, least of

all her parents.