My Findings from EdTech Attended EdTech October 25 th -26 th and learned about the following:...

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Transcript of My Findings from EdTech Attended EdTech October 25 th -26 th and learned about the following:...

My Findings from EdTech

Attended EdTech October 25th-26th and learned about the following:– Youth Learning Institute @ Clemson– Classroom 2.0: Check out– Gaming and simulations in education. Check out: http://www.– iPods in the Classroom – check out the new iTouch and the tools for

iPods in Education– Look at FlingIt and Plucker tools.– Found a new Podcast site: Gcast– Check out the sessions and handouts at

The RFP Process

What is an RFP? What is its place in libraries? What are the benefits/pitfalls? How do I write one? How do I evaluate responses? What are the post-RFP activities?

From Last Week:

Remember that all significant negotiations with the vendor occur at the beginning of the purchasing process... This is the time when you have the best chance of getting what you want or need from the product or service being purchased. This is also when the relationship with the vendor starts.

An RFP plays a significant role in the negotiations and the foundation of the relationship.

From Last Week:

Also, remember that all custom specifications should be put in writing rather than taking a standard vendor contract or agreement.

The RFP can help refine your specifications and is often added into the contract, thus sealing your agreement with the vendor to customize the product to your specifications.

From Last Week:

Project Management will direct the project. Good project management will generally ensure success while bad project management (unfocused project management) will nearly always spell failure.

The RFP process forces you to think about your implementation plans earlier in the process and gives the vendor more opportunity to help you shape your plan for making the project a success.

So, what is an RFP? RFP = Request for Proposal.

An RFP is a standard tool used to purchase equipment and services by promoting competitive proposals among supplies...

Through this process, suppliers offer a wide array of potential solutions and prices and compete with one another to win the business...

From Book: Introduction to Writing RFPs by Bud Porter-Roth (2002).

When is an RFP called for? Multiple suppliers can provide the same solution. Buyers are seeking to find the best value for their

money. Products for the project may not be clearly specified

or understood (In this case, an RFI might help). The project requires different skills, expertise and

technical capabilities than the buyer may have. The problem requires that vendors combine and

subcontract products and/or services. Lowest price is not the determining factor for the


Example RFPs for Libraries Products:

– ILS Systems– Content Portals– Federated

Search/Open URL Products

– OPACs– Electronic resource

managers– Resource Sharing

software– Databases &


Services:– Outsourcing library

services– Redesign of web site– Evaluation of a project

or of library offerings– Strategic planning


Benefits of RFPs Encourages

competition among vendors.

Encourages creativity in vendor solutions.

Assist buyers in finding the most appropriate solution for them.

Sets the tone for the vendor relationship.

Justifies your decision.

Allows for better negotiations with the vendor.

Provides structure and focus for your project.

Information gathering tool.

Forces you to think about the technical, functional, user and design requirements.

Lays out the timeline.

Benefits Cont... Allows all vendors to

compete and provide a solution.

Proposed solutions makes it easier to evaluate the offerings.

Forces you to think about user needs and expectations.

Sets up the project plan.

Keeps you aligned with your budget.

Promotes acceptance internally and from your stakeholders.

Organizes project resources ahead of time.

Potential Pitfalls Limiting vendors to a

predetermined solution.

Unfairly limiting the range of vendors who may participate.

Unclear or ambiguous requirements.

Unrealistic project deadlines.

The project team is not fully educated about the technologies – haven't done their research.

No budget has been established or is not sufficient.

Lack of strong leadership, no dedicated resources...

Avoiding the Pitfalls You can use an RFP

template but make it your own – don't just copy.

Involve the right people.

Have people outside your RFP committee review it before it goes out.

Expect to do the work.

Make preparations for vendor visits.

Do your research to know which vendors are likely to respond or which ones you want to send the RFP to.

Make sure about your POC and the deadline for proposals.

RFP Team: Involve the Right People Include someone who truly understands the

operations and users of the library (public service). Include someone who completely understands the

library's technical requirements (IT). Include someone with project management skills

who can serve as the point of contact. Include someone from your procurement/

purchasing department. If possible, include one of your top decision


Before Putting Pen to Paper

Determine your RFP Team (see previous).

Determine your key project staff for the implementation.

Determine what your technical requirements will be.

See what vendors are out there.

Do some research on prices and set a budget.

Set your goals and objectives (what are you seeking to accomplish).

Do some trials to determine functional requirements or desires.

Explain to staff.

Writing the RFP First of all, do you need to send an RFI first?

– RFIs are sent to determine what is available from vendors and because the RFP may still not fully understand the technologies available and how it will solve their problem.

– The serve as an pre-RFP and may help determine project goals, timeline, requirements, etc...

Secondly, must you do a traditional RFP or will a less formal (solutions-based) RFP work?– This depends on the type of product/service being

sought after.

Components of an RFP Describe the project or

the problem to be solved.

Clearly state goals and objectives.

Indicate a scope for the project.

Provide technical, functional and user requirements.

Indicate budget constraints.

Indicate time constraints.

Clearly define what is a “must have” versus a desired feature.

Clearly state your process for contacting you and the deadline for the proposal.

Indicate your criteria for selecting a vendor.

Ask For... The vendor's credentials

(which may include their financial status).

The people who will be assigned to the project and their credentials.

Their proposed solution to the project.

References and similar projects.

The vendor’s organization.

How they will accommodate custom specifications.

What features are fully implemented and which are in development.

Third parties involved. Price quotes. Site visit/demo. Trial of product. Their POC for RFP.

RFP Roadmap Overview & Admin Technical Reqs Mgmt Reqs Supplier Qualifications

and References Suppliers' Section (to

Respond) Pricing Contracts & Licenses Appendices (custom

specs, spreadsheets, charts, ect...)

Example: A Web Redesign RFPFrom: Information Outlook (November 2004) - “How to Manage the RFP Process.”

Introduction: Summary of organization and mission statement.

Project outline. Goals and purpose. Project scope. Website requirements. Database development

requirements. User requirements.

Design requirements. Functional

requirements. Budget constraints. Time constraints. Criteria for selecting a

vendor. Submission of

proposal: Contact and deadline information.

Some Examples & Templates University of Iowa Sample: ILS System Virginia Tech RFP Minneapolis Public Library: Architect RFP Sample Library Request for ILS System Naperville Public Library: Videoconferencing RFP Templates:

– Template One– Template Two– Template Three


ASSIGNMENT:– Pair off for this project to write a brief

(solutions-based) RFP.– No more than 10 pages.– Due: November 19th (3 weeks).– We’ll discuss writing an RFP more next


Assignment RFP to Include...

A summary of the project (what is the solution you are seeking?)

Outline a timeframe for when this solution is needed. Indicate some goals and a purpose for the project. What is the scope? (is this an internal solution, it is for all

of your users or a specific audience....) Indicate the requirements (user, functional and/or design). Include any constraints or foreseeable problems? What are your training and implementation expectations for

the vendor? Sketch out a simple method for evaluation of responses. Don’t forget your contact information.

Assignment for Next Week

Find an article, chapter or resource that provides some advice on managing employees.

Come to class prepared to tell us 2-3 things you learned from the article.

Tell us the author's qualifications for giving such advice.

Also share your own good and bad experiences with managers.

What's Left

Next Week: Discussion of Management & Further Details about Writing your RFPs.

November 12th: Finish questions for RFPs & Strategic Planning Discussion

November 19th: Marketing for Libraries November 26: Wrap up Marketing, Business,

Strategic Planning discussions December 3rd: Marketing presentations &

discussion of emerging career paths – class wrap up