My evaluation question 1

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Transcript of My evaluation question 1

Emilia Angove



Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Eye Contact- I have used eye contact on my cover photo because this makes my magazine grab peoples attention and engages with the reader.

Cover Lines- My cover lines link to my whole magazine in general. As it gives you some hints of what the articles are in the magazine.

Cover Image- My cover image takes up the whole page in the center, which makes the magazine look more even. My sub heading is the name of the artist on the image, so it links to the cover image itself.

Masthead- The masthead is placed at the top of the page behind the images so that you can see the image is the main part of the magazine article and so that nothing covers the artists face as she is the main focus.


The magazine Rolling Stone inspired me for my heading and subheading. The magazines that I based my magazine around was Rolling Stone, and

especially looked at the Adele Magazine. My headline has the second biggest font on the front cover of my magazine. Dominika is a new young artist so her name needs to be easily read so that she is recognized. I have done this by adding an outer glow to the font so it

stands out and writing her name in capital letters. I tried to use a similar font to the Rolling Stone magazine because the font is formal and is easily read. I

have also added a sub heading underneath my headline because it is informing you what her article is going to be about.


My masthead is a different font to the rest of my article this is because it is supposed to stand out as it represents itself as the logo for the magazine. If the font is different and

has outlines to make it unique it is easily recognized when seen again.

I have placed my mast head at the top of my page because when the magazine is being sold on a shelf, the title is at the top so when stacked you can see the masthead of the


My masthead is the biggest font on the page, this is so that it is obvious that it Is the title of the page and you can see the name of the magazine.

I have placed my selling line typically above the masthead, as this is where it is usually placed. I have added a black rectangle behind the white writing so that it stands out and is

easy to read.


I have used a ruler at the left hand side of my magazine cover so that the writing doesn’t look as if it isn't in a straight line and I have made sure that I have left a gap between the edge of the magazine and the text, so that it doesn't’t look as if it falling off the page and so that it is easier to read.

I have ensured that the font is easy for my audience to read, which includes the artists names at the sides. I have added a back shadow and made the font size bigger of the artists names.

I have also made sure that none of the text has covered the artists face.



I chose to use 2 columns for my contents page because I thought that when I looked

at other magazine contents pages, the majority of them had 2 columns and when they had more than 2 I thought that it was

all too crowded. On my text column I made my category ‘Features’, and underneath I wrote the

names of the bands and artists that featured in articles in ‘Download’

magazine. Also I wrote under the names of each artist/band what the article was about with the page number next to it. The font that I used for my contents page was the ‘house font’ for my magazine, I also used

the ‘house colours’ of the magazine so that there was a continuous flow through out the magazine of the same colours, red black and white. In order to make the

names and the page numbers stand out I highlighted the the names by making them

red so that they stood out. I also added circles and made the size of the font

bigger, around the page numbers on the images so that it was clear which page

each article would be on and that I added features to my contents page.

On my contents I have added 3 images of which show the band ‘suitz’, with the solo artist from ‘suitz’ named Shaun Kent, and an image of my cover artist with her duet, naming them ‘red lipz’.

I added images of not just my cover artist because this gives my audience a bigger view of what is inside my magazine. It also makes the contents page more visual.

I have used these colours and images on my contents page because the colours are my house colours and also I think these colours are associated with R&B music. I have placed my images on my contents page as if they are in a collage because this way it looks more interesting but formal at the same time.

My Contents Title

As my contents page title I have wrote it as ‘inside download’ so that my contents page is more unique and doesn’t just look boring. I think that ‘inside’ makes it sound more interesting and makes the reader want to read on. I have also incorporated the name of my magazine and the logo of my magazine into the contents page title so that it flows throughout the magazine and looks as if there Is a theme.

I have used the house font for part of my title, ‘inside’, because I didn’t want to use it for the whole title as this way the font that I used for my logo is unique and isn't repeated as it is original.

I also added 3 line graphics to my contents page title, as the lines separated the title from the rest of the page and made it stand out. The lines also continue the theme of graphics that I have going on throughout the magazine.

I have added issue 01 just below my graphic features in a small font so that it doesn’t stand out but is readable.


MAIN IMAGE ON ARTICLE This is my original image of my model. The article image is usually a photographed image of

the person/ people that the article is about. This image is of my artist Emily Cullen, whom the article is about. In the background of my article I have added an image off loony tunes, but I have faded the

image so that the attention still on Emily, but now there is a background which makes my article look more exciting.

I ensured that the image on the article was of Emily because the article is about her and also because she is a new artist that is recognized by many young people so this would attract them to read the article.


This is the Headline of my article. It has a cartoony theme to the headline because loony tunes is to do with the theme of the article as this is how Emily Cullen likes herself when being presented. I have also made sure that the colours match the house colours of my magazine so that there is still a flow throughout the magazine. I lalso think that because the headline is in a loony tunes theme it will have more interest and attract more people as it is different. I have added an image of the headline that inspired me.

This is my Lead in on my article. This is the part that tells you a little bit about the article in brief. By reading the lead in people can decide whether they want to read the article as it gives you an idea as to what it is about. I have made the font a bit more interesting, but it isn't the house font because there is a certain theme to this article. I have also made the font purple so that it looks more interesting and also this colour matches the background colours.

This is my article. It contains 4 columns with a pull quote in middle of it surrounded by the text.

In the corner of my magazine on the right hand side of the page is the index tab. So that when you flick through the magazine this article is easy to find at the corner of the page.

At either side of my magazine in the bottom corners I have added the logo of the magazine with the page numbers next to it. I have also added the website details in the bottom right hand corner.


In my magazine I have stuck to a house theme of colours, being black white and red. I added black, white and red because these colours are very formal and have sophistication to them. I think these 3 colours are associated with R&B aswell because they are rich colours.

I have tried to stick to the same font throughout my magazine, but I have added italic, BOLD, and underlined effects to it so that the fonts look slightly different. On my article page I have used different fonts because the article page has a different theme to it.

The images that I used throughout my magazine where photographs that I took myself and models that I chose myself. I asked my models so where certain clothes so that it went with my house colour scheme.

DEVELOPING MY IDEASFor my magazine cover I used an image of Rihanna to help me make a decision of how I wanted my model to pose. I liked how her pose was very serious and also how she looked very seductive. This also gave me the idea of using the lipstick so that it matched my colour scheme throughout the magazine.

For my images that I used on my contents page I wanted there to be an image of a boy band, so I decided to look at images of one of the most famous boy bands and copy the way they dress and pose. I also asked my models to have red and black ties with a white shirt so that everything was coordinated with my house colour scheme.

For my main image on my article page I decided to google my favourite artist Lana Del Rey because she has a unique style and links to my model artist very much. I have also made her wear red clothing so that she matches with my house colours.