My dream 5

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of My dream 5

  1. 1. My American Dream byJack Belcaster
    Click On Each Black Box To Watch The Dream Unfold
  2. 2. Step 1 - Dream big.Dream beyond belief, and never let reality hinder my capabilities.
  3. 3. Step 2 Change the world, and impact the world through my work. (Maybe not this forcefully.)
  4. 4. Step 3 Think about others and always have a social mission.Like in figure skating, work with others and care about others.
  5. 5. Step 4 Work tirelessly towards a company/project.
  6. 6. Step 5 Complete one project and move on to another.Alwayslook for new ventures even if they come as hobbies. (Connor and I have always wanted to dance).