My Adelaide

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of My Adelaide

My Adelaide

My Adelaide is the view from my back garden, the koalas and kangaroos down the road.

It’s Henry who comes to visit me in summer.

It’s the emus, the galahs, the hibiscus in summer.

It’s the green with the green with the crispy bits.

The lush sword fern in winter.

The elephant’s ears in spring.

The parks with the gum trees.

The beautiful race horses on Morphett Road.

Looking at the ocean whenever I want to.

Waiting and waiting for a train...

And this view on the way to town...

And 40 mins later being at Adelaide station at last.

Looking for my train home.

It’s Adelaide University

And the museum

It’s planning my next trip

It’s our Art Gallery

North Terrace which is too hot in summer

Because they cut all our big shade trees down and we are waiting for the new ones to grow

It’s the solid buildings on North Terrace

The Festival Theatre

Looking up to North Terrace from the station

It’s the controversial Law Courts building which I like

The Botanic Gardens

Feeding the ducks

Being dazzled by the Lotus flowers

The flamingoes at the zoo

Hiding in the rotunda to escape the burning sun

Being glad I can see peacocks

And pelicans who have moved in down the road because of the drought

Knowing all my friends play golf

Seeing the little church in Clarendon

Knowing it’s Bushing Festival and spring is here

Remembering those we have lost

Carrington Street

Cottages on Carrington Street

The lovely old buildings we keep knocking down

Lunch on Hutt Street

Hahndorf an hour away

Bigas on Hutt Street

The lovely coffee hot or cold

The horrible grey days

West Lakes Resort for lunch

Watching the rowers on the man made lake

Coming home to a showy display

The great roses which thrive here

Making one flower go a long way in the drought

But it’s the gum trees. My Adelaide is the gum trees.