Muutoksentekijä ei mahdu laatikkoon - Linda Liukas

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Muutoksentekijä ei mahdu laatikkoon - Linda Liukas

Muutoksentekijä ei mahdu laatikkoon

Linda Liukas@lindaliukas

Kuusi mahdollista asiaa ennen muita esityksiä


(Keskinkertainen koodari)Kertakaikkisen

kauppis droppout!


Rails Girls - ensikosketus ohjelmointiin

Teknologia tulee ilon tielle.

Tarvitaan siis periaatteita.

Alice nauroi. “Ei kannata yrittää, ei mahdottomia asioita voi uskoa.”

“Et ole tainnut paljoa harjoitella”, sanoi kuningatar.

“Sinun iässäsi minä harjoittelin sitä puoli tuntia joka päivä. Jaa jaa, joskus minun on onnistunut

uskoa jopa kuusi mahdotonta asiaa ennen aamiaista.”

- Alice Peilintakamaassa, WSOY 2010

Mahdollisuus numero 1: Minäpystyvyys

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to." "I don't much care where –" "Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland



Learning to code teaches you how to think. Computer science is a liberal art. - Steve Jobs

Yhä suuremman osan maailmasta rakentavat he, jotka osaavat luoda taidetta, tiedettä tai vaikkapa älypuhelinsovellluksia tietokoneen avulla. Siksi lapsilla ja nuorilla on oikeus oppia tietokoneista.

Yhä suuremman osan maailmasta rakentavat he, jotka osaavat luoda taidetta, tiedettä tai vaikkapa älypuhelinsovellluksia tietokoneen avulla. Siksi lapsilla ja nuorilla on oikeus oppia tietokoneista.

Kaikki yritykset ovat softayrityksiä. Softan skaalaetu. 2020 80% aikuisista on älypuhelin

..eikä yhden ihmisen tuottavuudella ei ole rajoja.

Whatsapp 19 miljardia, 30 insinööriäMinecraft 2,5 miljardia, 40 työntekijää

Supercell 1,5 miljardia (50%), 90 työntekijää (Nokia, 7,5 miljardia, ?? työntekijää)

Kaikki ongelmat ovat seuraavaksi


Mahdollisuus numero 2: Suuri tipahdus

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Jos JavaScript on uusi eka vieraskieli, tarvitsemme kielioppituntien sijaan runonlausuntaa

En ole lastenkirjailija, kuvittaja, enkä

oikeastaan kummoinen koodari.

..20% Suomen vuosittaisesta


Voi Liisa

Mahdollisuus numero 3: Uuden aloittamisen hinta

on nolla.

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not.

But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A

lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went

through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through


― Ira Glass

Uuden aloittamisen hinta on lähellä nollaa.

+ USA, Korea, Japani, Ruotsi, Hollanti, Unkari, Australia, Ranska, Latvia..


Riskin ottaminen vetää mukaansa ne ihmiset, jotka saavat aikaan asioita. Siksi riskejä on pakko

ottaa. Vain muutos on kiinnostavaa.


Mahdollisuus numero 4: Koodi on käsityö, tai eka vieras


“Curiouser and curiouser!”― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

1. Ongelman purkaminen osiin.

2. Kaavojen tunnistaminen

3. Algoritmien luominen

4. Ratkaisujen yleistäminen ja automatisointi.

A = 0100 0001


Millaisia ohjeita? Täsmällisiä, oikeassa järjestyksessä, ilman

kirjoitusvirheitä. Tarpeen tullen muutettavissa

olevia, katettava kaikki mahdolliset tilanteet.



Tietokone, tee mulle leipä.

Valmiin toiminnallisuuden sisältävä kieli, esimerkiksi JavaScript tai Ruby

Tee voileipä.

Keskitason ohjeita vaativa kieli, esimerkiksi C

Kävele kaapille. Ota kaapista leipäpussi. Aseta leivät pussista pöydälle. Voitele leipä.

Hyvin yksityiskohtaiset ohjeet vaativa kieli, esimerkiksi konekieli Assembly

Ota askelia kohtisuoraan, kunnes saavut keittiön kaapille. Kun saavut kädenmitan päähän kaapista, pysähdy. Nosta vasen kätesi. Avaa kaapiston vasen ovi tasan 90 asteen kulmaan kaapin alareunaan nähden. Käyttäen oikeaa kättäsi tartu ylimmällä hyllyllä olevaan leipäpussiin. Siirrä pussi pöydälle. Jos pussissa on suljin, poista se. Tartu pussissa olevaan ensimmäiseen leipään. Ota leipä pussista ulos. Laske leipä pöydälle. ...

Kun tietokone lopulta osaa tehdä yhden leivän, se tekee sen täydellisesti. Joka kerta. Toisin kuin kuusivuotias tai edes aikuinen, yhden

voileivän tehtyään tietokone voi tehdä tuhansia ja taas tuhansia leipiä. Se ei koskaan kyllästy.

Tietokone on kärsivällinen ja tarkka, varma ja nopea. Siksi se on loistava työkumppani

tekemään asioita ihmisen ohjeiden perusteella.

Pienet tytöt ei tiedä, että

niiden ei kuulu TYKÄTÄ


Ei taikaa, eikä monimutkaista


Isotkin ongelmat ovat

nippu pieniä ongelmia.

Curriculum of Code

Decomposition Patterns Abstraction

Algorithms Repetition Sequence

Selection Variables Data




Curriculum of Code

Decomposition Patterns Abstraction

Algorithms Repetition Sequence

Selection Variables Data




E x e r c i s e 1 4

Dance dance dance!Put your dancing shoes on - this is going to be a party! Ruby and her friends like to dance. They all have their signature moves. Repeat after them! How many times can you do the loop?

L o o p s






This is one of Ruby’s favourite dance rou-tines. Can you dance it to the beat of your favorite song?






This is how Snowleopard loves to waltz.





And this is how the penguins like to boo-gie.





Keep going!

First round: Repeat each dance routine three times.

Second round: Choose one dance routine and repea-tuntil your parent claps their hands together.

Third round: Repeat the dance routine while your parent is holding their nose.

L o o p s

Great dancing with you!

Conditions to start:When the music starts!Whe someone asks you to danceWhen you feel happy

Conditions to end:Repeat 5 times and stopDance until you’re out of breathDance while the music is on.

Can you think of things that are loops in your everyday life? Schooldays, routines, songs?


Now it’s your turn!

My dance routine

Draw your own dance routine with the help of the blocks! You can add new blocks with new moves, if you like. Remember naming! Make the dance routine short, just a few blocks so that you can repeat it many times. Think also of what will stop the dance.

Curriculum of Code

Decomposition Patterns Abstraction

Algorithms Repetition Sequence

Selection Variables Data




E x e r c i s e 2 5

ProblemsEach of Ruby’s friends has a problem. What went wrong? How would you help them?

Turn the bath water on

Get into the bath


Get out of the bath

Set plates

Set knives and forks

Bring out the birthday cake

Spread the tablecloth

Eat food



Say thank you

Still hungry?

P a t t e r n r e g o n i t i o n

Curriculum of Code

Decomposition Patterns Abstraction

Algorithms Repetition Sequence

Selection Variables Data




Ohjelmoinnin kaksi iloa.

Lego Foundation: Systematic Creativity in the Digital Realm (2012)

Achievement Social Immersion

Advancement: Progress, power, accumulation, status

Socialising: Casual chat, helping others, making friends

Discovery: Exploration, lore, finding hidden things

Mechanics: Numbers, optimisation, templating, analysis

Relationships: Personal, self-disclosure, finding and giving


Role playing: Story line, character history, roles, fantasy

Competition: Challenging others, provocation, domination

Teamwork: Collaboration, groups, group achievements

Customisation: appearances, accessories, style, color schemes

Escapism: Relaxation, escape from real life, avoid real life problems

Lego Foundation: Systematic Creativity in the Digital Realm (2012)

Achievement Social Immersion

Advancement: Progress, power, accumulation, status

Socialising: Casual chat, helping others, making friends

Discovery: Exploration, lore, finding hidden things

Mechanics: Numbers, optimisation, templating, analysis

Relationships: Personal, self-disclosure, finding and giving


Role playing: Story line, character history, roles, fantasy

Competition: Challenging others, provocation, domination

Teamwork: Collaboration, groups, group achievements

Customisation: appearances, accessories, style, color schemes

Escapism: Relaxation, escape from real life, avoid real life problems

Lego Foundation: Systematic Creativity in the Digital Realm (2012)

Achievement Social Immersion

Advancement: Progress, power, accumulation, status

Socialising: Casual chat, helping others, making friends

Discovery: Exploration, lore, finding hidden things

Mechanics: Numbers, optimisation, templating, analysis

Relationships: Personal, self-disclosure, finding and giving


Role playing: Story line, character history, roles, fantasy

Competition: Challenging others, provocation, domination

Teamwork: Collaboration, groups, group achievements

Customisation: appearances, accessories, style, color schemes

Escapism: Relaxation, escape from real life, avoid real life problems

Mahdollisuus numero 5: Mikä on tietokone?

“She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it).”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Mikä näistä on tietokone? Miksi?

There’s hundreds of computers in every home.

1-2 3-6 7-9






Draw a picture of yourself using your

new computer.

The name of my computer:

When I press the on/off button my computer will:

Computers have sensors that can

recognize changes in the environment.

Color the sensors your computer has

and describe what they do.

My MagiCal ComPUTer

w w w .h e l l o r u b y .c o m

This is what I made into a computer:



Mikä sitten on tietokone?

Charles Babbage, Alan Turing, John von Neumann

Control Unit

Immediate access store

Input Output

Arithmetic Logic Unit


Program, Data and modified data


Entä mitä tietokoneen sisällä on?

Drawings that expressed connected parts, components, networks and elements by abstract drawings of wire connections and boxes linked with lines.

The Linkers

Represented computers as gears interlocking for a mechanical action to be carried out.

The Gear Gurus

Super technical drawings included resistors, wires, motherboards, and everything electronic to show that there exists nothing but elements which a current runs through. To our interpretation of their drawing, a computer is based on logic not magic, on connections not abstract things.

The Drafters

MeEt tHe CoMpOnENtS

Exercise 2 WhO’s wHo?


At LeaSt


WHAt yOu’LL NeEd

I am the processor. I am very smart and fast at calculating things. I am super busy bossing around and telling the other components what to do.

I am powerful in showing things on the computer screen, but I have a bad memory and I need the help of ROM and RAM.

I remember all immediate

things and run between the CPU and the Hard

Drive but I forget

everything once the

computer is shut down.

I am slow, but I keep good care of your pictures and games.

I remember all the important things and stuff that you don’t want to accidentally remove or have disappear when the power is turned off.






Kasvatetaan lapsia maailmaan, jossa kaikki asiat on tietokoneita.

WHAt yOu’LL leArN


Systems thinking


Computational thinking

CitizenshipLearning to


TOPICSMonday: Computers and The Internet

What are computers? Where can we find computers? How do they work? What is the Internet?

Tuesday: Visual and Performance Arts

Why do we have art? Can we make art with computers? Can computers make art?

Wednesday: FoodWhere does food come from? Can computers help in getting good food to our tables? Can computers cook?

Thursday: Homes and CitiesHow do people live? How are our homes and neighborhoods built? Can computers build homes? Are there computers in the city?

Friday: SpaceWhat is out there in space? What kind of computers are there in space?

Monday: Natural resources (Recycling)

What is recycling and why is it important? How can computers help in recycling?

Tuesday: Music What is music? How can you make music? Can computers make music, or can you make music with computers?

Wednesday: Economy and society

What is money? Why do we have it? What kind of jobs will humans have in the future?

Thursday: DataWhat is data? How can we collect it? What can computers do with data? What problems collecting data presents?

Friday: Science FairPresenting what we learned.

WHAt yOu’LL leArN


Systems thinking


Computational thinking

CitizenshipLearning to


TOPICSMonday: Computers and The Internet

What are computers? Where can we find computers? How do they work? What is the Internet?

Tuesday: Visual and Performance Arts

Why do we have art? Can we make art with computers? Can computers make art?

Wednesday: FoodWhere does food come from? Can computers help in getting good food to our tables? Can computers cook?

Thursday: Homes and CitiesHow do people live? How are our homes and neighborhoods built? Can computers build homes? Are there computers in the city?

Friday: SpaceWhat is out there in space? What kind of computers are there in space?

Monday: Natural resources (Recycling)

What is recycling and why is it important? How can computers help in recycling?

Tuesday: Music What is music? How can you make music? Can computers make music, or can you make music with computers?

Wednesday: Economy and society

What is money? Why do we have it? What kind of jobs will humans have in the future?

Thursday: DataWhat is data? How can we collect it? What can computers do with data? What problems collecting data presents?

Friday: Science FairPresenting what we learned.

Mahdollisuus numero 6: Paras tapa kapinoida on

tehdä jotain

1. Roolit ja status

2. Yhteinen tieto - sisältö muuttuu vuorovaikutuksessa

3. Laiskuus!

4. Osallistumisen muodot: 98% epäonnistuminen

5. Palaute ja yleisö



Maailmanlaajuinen markkina.

Tuote, joka skaalaa. Kanava, jolla tavoittaa.

250 000uutta työpaikkaa Suomeen vuoteen 2020 mennessä yksityissektorille, vain kattamaan rakenteel l isista m u u t o ks i s t a j o h t u e n h äv i ävä t työtpaikat. *) McKinsey country report 11/2010

Lähes kaikki uudet työpaikat luodaan alle viisi vuotta vanhoihin yrityksiin


Mikä Suomen erityispiirre? Meidän hellä ja huomaavainen yhteiskuntamme on oikeanlainen paikka kasvattaa ihan uudenlaisia yrityksiä.

You and your research!Richard Hamming!

Transcription of the Bell Communications Research Colloquium Seminar

7 March 1986


"Kuinka suuri nautinto tehdä jotain huolellisesti ja rakkaudella. Aloittaa

huolella ja ajatuksella, vajoutua ja jatkaa työtä lämmöllä jota ei mitkään

syrjävaikutukset tai hätäileminen ja artistimainen turhamaisuus keskeytä ja

muuta inhoksi.

Tehdä vähän, mutta hyvin. Tehdä niinkuin parhaiten tuntee, eikä ajatella

suurenmoisuutta. " - Eero Järnefeltin päiväkirjasta, 4/1897


Teknologia on ihmisyydelle rakennettu.

Computer (km-pytr) n. person who makes calculations or computations; a calculator, a reckoner; spec. a person employed to make calculations in an observatory, in surveying.

Technology (from Greek τέχνη) Techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia[1]. Techniques, skills and competencies alongside the tools needed to do the job. Agriculture is a technology; democracy is a technology.

Melkein kaikki tapahtuu vahingossa, yllättäen ja


Siksi kannattaa antaa sattumalle mahdollisuus.