Monbana Cocktail of the month MAY

Post on 18-Feb-2016

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Monbana Cocktail of the month MAY

Transcript of Monbana Cocktail of the month MAY

Monbana remains at your service should you be interested in personalizing

your menu cardChocolaterie Monbana

Pa de la Hainaud, Rue alain Colas53500 ERnEE - France

Tel. : +33 (0)2 43 05 42 48Email:

800g box White Chocolate

Frappé(cocktail base)

Virgin Caipirinha

Preparation Time: 20 seconds

Equipment: Professional blender

Ingredients for a Tumbler of 8 fl oz

• White chocolate Milk Shake Monbana 1 dosing spoon

• Semi-skimmed milk 5 fl oz

• Ice 150 g

• Lime syrup 1,3 fl oz

• 1 lime• Lime zest for decoration

Preparation method:

• Heat the milk into the blender, add 1 dosing spoon

of White Chocolate Milk Shake

• add the ice and the lime syrup

• Mix during 20 seconds in gradual speed

• Cut the lime into 8 or 9 pieces.

• In a special glass, pour the lime and then

the Milk Shake preparation

Expert advice: Think about revisiting the classic Iba with the

Milk Shake base Monbana : Mojito, Gin-Fizz…

Let’s imagine together

the chocolate trends of tomorrow !

2 0 1 3Monbana

MAYr e c i p e




C h o c o l a t e u p y o u r l i f e !