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Mersey Gateway Bridge Biodiversity Management Plan

Final Report


January 2014

Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 January 2014

Document Control Sheet

Rev. Status Date By Check Approved

0 1st Draft 23/7/2013

Alexandra Clarke

Tamara Percy

Sarah Edgar

1 2

nd Draft – update in structure

and review 05/08/13

Leila Payne

Katy Allan

Steve Muddiman

2 Final 26/09/13 Leila Payne

Tamara Percy

Sarah Edgar

3 Update 15/11/13 Mark

Hampton Paul



Update 2 (Change of name from Section D to Section C as original Section C (exceptions

plan deleted)

29/01/31 Mark

Hampton Paul


URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Ltd Royal Court Basil Close Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 7SL


Merseylink Design Joint Venture (the DJV) (comprising Flint & Neill Ltd, URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited, Eptisa and Fhecor ) has prepared this Report for the sole use of Merseylink Civil Contractors JV (“Client”) in accordance with the Agreement under which our services were performed. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this Report or any other services provided by the DJV. This Report is confidential and may not be disclosed by the Client nor relied upon by any other party without the prior and express written agreement of the DJV.

The conclusions and recommendations contained in this Report are based upon information provided by others and upon the assumption that all relevant information has been provided by those parties from whom it has been requested and that such information is accurate. Information obtained by the DJV has not been independently verified by the DJV, unless otherwise stated in the Report.

The methodology adopted and the sources of information used by the DJV in providing its services are outlined in this Report. The work described in this Report is based on the conditions encountered and the information available during the period when the report was compiled. The scope of this Report and the services are accordingly factually limited by these circumstances.

Where assessments of works or costs identified in this Report are made, such assessments are based upon the information available at the time and where appropriate are subject to further investigations or information which may become available.

The DJV disclaim any undertaking or obligation to advise any person of any change in any matter affecting the Report, which may come or be brought to the DJV attention after the date of the Report.

Certain statements made in the Report that are not historical facts may constitute estimates, projections or other forward-looking statements and even though they are based on reasonable assumptions as of the date of the Report, such forward-looking statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results predicted. The DJV specifically does not guarantee or warrant any estimate or projections contained in this Report.


Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 January 2014

© This Report is the copyright of the DJV. Any unauthorised reproduction or usage by any person other than the addressee is strictly prohibited

Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 January 2014


Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 1 January 2014

Appendix C1 Proposed Further Surveys

1.1 The following surveys have been proposed in the latter part of 2013 to update existing

baseline data. This will further refine the Mitigation Plans:

• Complete bat roost potential surveys and detailed inspection of features on trees to be

affected by vegetation clearance (on areas that were not accessible during August 2013)

• Complete bat roost potential survey and detailed internal bat roosts potential surveys

where required on buildings to be demolished;

• Complete bat roost potential surveys of all bridges affected by the scheme.

• An update of existing desk based study to identify watercourses requiring further surveys

for water vole, otter. Update of existing surveys where applicable.

• An update of existing desk based study to identify ponds within 500m of study area

requiring further surveys for Great Crested Newts. Update of existing Habitat Suitability

Index (HSI) and surveys where applicable.

• An update of existing desk based study to identify suitable habitats for badger within the

study area and an update of existing surveys where applicable.

• Complete an invasive weeds survey of the whole route.

• Complete a badger survey for potential use of the whole route.

Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 2 January 2014

Appendix C2 Figures

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331020 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 1

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331021 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 2

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331022 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 3

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331023 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 4

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331024 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 5

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331025 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 6

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331026 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 7

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331027 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 8

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331028 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 9

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331029 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 10

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331030 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 11

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331031 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 12

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-331032 Bat Roost Potential Tree Survey Plan 13

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-00-331042 Figure A1.1: Ecological Mitigation Areas and Designated Sites

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-03-331043 Figure B1.1: Widnes Warth Marsh Location of Haul Road and

Piers for Construction and 300m Mitigation Area Fence Line

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-03-331044 Figure B1.2: Astmoor Marsh Location of Haul Road and Piers for

Construction and 300m Mitigation Area Fence Line

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-03-331045 Figure B1.3: Indicative Scrape, Pools, Creeks and Screenbank

Location Widnes Warth Saltmarsh

MER-DJV-DRA-ENV-03-331046 FigureB1.4: Indicative Scrape, Pools and Creeks Location

Astmoor Marsh

Figures attached to rear of document.

Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 3 January 2014

Appendix C3 Outline of Proposed Post-construction Monitoring of Upper Mersey Estuary and Aquatic Receptors

3.1 Please note that these are outline proposals that will be developed and implemented by

the Mersey Gateway Environmental Trust.

Outline of Monitoring Plans

3.2 Ecological monitoring of the Upper Mersey Estuary and other aquatic receptors will be

undertaken before, during and after construction of the Project as agreed with Natural

England (NE) and the Environment Agency (EA). Further reviews of construction and

operational phase monitoring will be carried out jointly by the Council, NE and the EA. The

Monitoring Plan is outlined in the COPE document.

3.3 Pre-construction and construction phase monitoring is described in Section B (Eco 1 and

Eco 2). This section outlines the post-construction (operational) monitoring predicted to

take place over five to six years. This will be co-ordinated by the Mersey Gateway

Environmental Trust (MGET).

Upper Mersey Estuary Post construction Monitoring

3.4 Bird surveys will be undertaken in line with the previous, baseline surveys (monthly bird

breeding, wintering and resident bird surveys undertaken in line with the Common Bird

Census (CBC) methodologies and monthly low tide counts in line with WeBS

methodologies (previously carried out over the winter of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 by EVR

Ecology) to assess use of the area of concern, which can be used as a baseline for

waders and wildfowl (see also Eco 1)) for six years following completion of construction

within the Estuary. Data will be collected from Widnes Warth and Astmoor saltmarshes,

Astmoor lagoon, Wigg Island and the intertidal areas.

3.5 To monitor changes in the salt marsh vegetation communities, bi-annual NVC/condition

assessment surveys will be undertaken as described in Eco 1 over a six-year period

following construction of the new bridge. To provide further data, a series of pool, creek

and scrape systems will be identified within the study area and annual cross sections

checked to determine how vegetation develops within the scrapes.

3.6 In line with the Aquatic Ecology Monitoring Plan (described in the next section of this

report) annual invertebrate sampling will be undertaken in water assets within the project

Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 4 January 2014

boundaries. This will be cross referenced to findings of the Hydrodynamic Monitoring Plan

which will monitor geomorphological processes.

Post Construction Reporting of Upper Mersey Estuary

3.7 For six years after construction, annual estuarine ecology monitoring reports will be

prepared describing the results and analysing the above surveys. It is proposed that an

annual stakeholder meeting be organised by the Mersey Gateway Environmental Trust to

discuss the monitoring report and decide whether further mitigation measures are


Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 5 January 2014

Table 1: Post Construction Monitoring of Upper Mersey Estuary

Discipline & Phase

Ecological Receptor

How? Where? When?

Frequency Why? Type

Intervention level/trigger and linkages

Action (Processes)


Post Construction

1. Birds: Wading and Wildfowl Birds

Bird surveys in line with WeBS and CBC survey techniques. Specific birds to be surveyed include: shelduck, teal, golden plover, lapwing, curlew, dunlin, redshank, skylark and meadow pipit.

Widnes Warth and Astmoor Saltmarshes Astmoor lagoon, Wigg Island and the Intertidal areas.

Monthly (timings to coincide with low tides and national WeBS survey dates) surveys for six year after bridge completion.

To monitor the efficacy of the BDMP and Upper Mersey Estuary essential mitigation package. To inform the 20-year management plan process.

Bird Surveys Bird numbers using the area of saltmarsh within the management area are similar to those using saltmarsh areas established during the preparation of the ES and the baseline surveys. Target levels to be set 2016/17 prior to operation.

Use of artificial measures to enhance saltmarsh habitats (water features and vegetation communities). Such measures may include altering cattle grazing regimes and reviewing pool, creek and scrape locations / cross sections.


2. Saltmarsh Habitat & Intertidal Zones: Vegetation

NVC surveys to be undertaken during flowering season (mid to late summer). Survey to include cross sections of pool, creek and scrape systems

All areas within the limits of land to be acquired or used

One survey to be completed within 12 months of bridge completion. On-going surveys

A single survey every two years for six years. Review survey requirements after six years.

To monitor the efficacy of the BDMP and Upper Mersey Estuary essential mitigation package. To inform the 20-year management plan process. The reporting mechanism will be provided by the Charitable Trust during this period.

NVC Survey NVC target saltmarsh communities not achieved

Change in grazing regimes. Organic enrichment and use of fencing and cutting/mowing.


Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 6 January 2014

Discipline & Phase

Ecological Receptor

How? Where? When?

Frequency Why? Type

Intervention level/trigger and linkages

Action (Processes)


2. Saltmarsh Habitat & Intertidal Zones: Water Assets

Pool, creek and scrape system cross sections to be prepared as part of NVC surveys

All areas within the limits of land to be acquired or used

One within 12 months of bridge completion. Further surveys every two years for six years. Review of survey requirements after six years.

To monitor the efficacy of the BDMP and Upper Mersey Estuary essential mitigation package. To inform the 20 year management plan process.

Water Asset survey

Pools/scrapes and creeks specified as part of the Upper Mersey Estuary mitigation package not formed. Or infilled as a result of tidal processes.

Minor mechanical operations


2. Saltmarsh Habitat & Intertidal Zones: Aquatic Invertebrates

Pool, creek and scrape systems to be surveyed for aquatic invertebrate diversity and abundance. Use of netting and scrape techniques. Refer to Aquatic Ecology Monitoring Plan.

All areas within the limits of land to be acquired or used

In line with Aquatic Ecology Monitoring Plan

To monitor the efficacy of the BDMP and Upper Mersey Estuary essential mitigation package. To inform the 20 year management plan process.

Aquatic invertebrate surveys

Aquatic invertebrate diversity and abundance below values identified pre-construction (baseline surveys).

Minor mechanical operations to improve water asset habitat.


Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 7 January 2014

Aquatic Receptors Post Construction Monitoring

3.8 The monitoring detailed in Eco 2 will be carried out for five years after construction to

determine whether the bridge is affecting aquatic ecology. The reduction in the western

extent of the works under the Updated Reference Design means that Steward’s Brook is

located outside the development area and will receive no drainage. It will therefore not be

impacted by the Project including the operational phase and will not be monitored post

construction. (Construction phase monitoring is required because the Red Line boundary

for the Project is close to Steward’s Brook, which can potentially receive surface run-off or

spillages from local construction activity and compounds).

3.9 Suspended solids within the Study Areas will also be monitored for five years post

construction as outlined in the Surface Water Quality Monitoring Plan.

3.10 Water quality data within the Estuary will be considered when assessing the aquatic

ecology monitoring results.

Aquatic Receptor Post-Construction Reporting

3.11 Annual estuarine ecology monitoring reports will be prepared for five years after

construction and it is proposed that a stakeholder meeting be held annually to consider the

monitoring report and discuss the results.

Table 2: Aquatic Ecology Post Construction Monitoring Programme

Receptor Parameters measured Frequency

Post construction monitoring

Infauna and benthic algae Abundance and community composition

Spring and summer each year

Phytoplankton Abundance and community composition

Spring and summer each year

Epifauna and fish Abundance and community composition

Spring and summer each year

Canal and brook flora and fauna (not including stewards Brook)

Abundance and community composition

Spring and summer each year

Migratory fish

Abundance One day a week through the year, with three months of intensive monitoring (five days a week) during the peak migration period (late summer and autumn).

Mersey Gateway Bridge

Bio Diversity Management Plan Section C MER-DJV-REP-ENV-00-331091 v4 8 January 2014

Figures - as listed in Appendix C2