Media Theorists and their Relevance to my Trailer

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Media Theorists and their Relevance to my Trailer

Media Theorists

Barthes Enigma TheoryBarthes found 5 distinct codes which are used in any narrative within media, they include:

1. The Hermeneutic Code – This is where any part of a story is not full explained.

2. The Proairetic Code – This is where a narrative builds tension to an event. This work alongside the hermeneutic code to develop the story’s tensions and keep the reader as interested as possible.

3. The Semantic Code – This is where it refers to a connotation within the story that addes meaning to the basic meaning of the word.

4. The Symbolic Code – This is where semantic meanings are organised in to broader and deeper meanings within the narrative. This is very similar to the semantic code but works on a larger scale.

5. The Cultural Code – This is where anything cannot be challenged and is proposed to be the foundation for the turth.

Propp’s Character TheoriesVladmir Propp found that in a narrative there are 8 main characters:

1. The Hero – A character that seeks something.

2. The Villain – Someone who opposes the hero’s mission.

3. The Donor – Someone who provides an object with special properties.

4. The Dispatcher – Someone who sense the hero on their mission with a message.

5. The False Hero – Someone who disrupts the hero’s success by making false claims.

6. The Helper – Someone who aids the hero.

7. The Princess – Someone who acts as the reward for the hero and is the object pf the villain’s plots.

8. Her Father – Someone who acts to reward the hero for his efforts.

Todorov’s Narrative TheoryTodorov states that in any narrative the storyline follows the same path or patterns and is achieved in 5 steps:

1. Equliibrium – the first part of the story is happy and all things within the story are as they should be.

2. A Disruption – The second part of the story will feature a major problem which disrupts the happiness which should be sustained from the beginning.

3. Realisation – This is when everyone in the story realises that something is wrong.

4. Restored Order – This is when the characters are repairing the disruption to restore happiness.

5. Equilibrium Again – This is when the problem is resolved and normality is resumed again.

Which theory most applies to my film trailer, The Diary of a BIGGER Kid? I believe that Todorov’s narartive theory is the most relevant to my film trailer.

This is because the way my film goes, it start with a good part, where happiness to clearly seen.

The next major scene shows a decision and a disruption to this.

After this, the main protagonist is realising that he should do what he wants rather than what would suit the norm of society.

Then the character continues with his initial decision of continuing his diet.

Finally, equilibrium is restored because the main protagonist has finished his diet and is much slimmer and fitter than before and happiness is at the front of the viewer’s attention.

Therefore, I would argue that Todorov’s theory is the most relevant to the storyline of my film trailer entitled, The Diary of a BIGGER Kid.