Media evaluation question 4

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Media evaluation question 4


Question 4How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


Adobe Premiere CS5All of the documentary and the radio advert were create on Premiere. We had multiple tracks for different songs to that we could have them all at different levels. I feel that this works well as some interviews where quieter then others and we needed to be able to make them louder and the sound bed under them quieter, using the audio mixer. When editing the sound I had to put the master volume to -6 so that the when the sound is at its louder it isn't distorted, I then had to make sure that non of the audio tracks either hit red and were to loud our we too quiet that other tracks like the music drowned them out. Once each level was correct the line on the master volume was bounding around -6

Adobe Premiere CS5

Each sound and video clip we imported separately and each of them had to be edited whether that was the volume or the brightness and contrast.

On the sound we added constant gains between the clip which we were repeating so that the blended well together. I think that this worked well as when you are watching the documentary you can not tell the music is repeated and it flows well. We also used EQ’s and fill lefts on sound clips which were quieter than the rest or if the sound was only coming our of one ear of the head phones. Which was mainly when we had used the clip mic since it records in mono instead of stereo.


Photoshop and LightroomWe used Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 briefly during the production of the newspaper advertisement to edit the main image. We applied a black and white effect to the photo using the tools within this software which created a strong contrast between the darker and lighter tones in the image and therefore added drama. We then used tools such as the black and white mix and tone curve to adjust the different tones within the image and emphasise this dramatic effect. We also used Photoshop CS5 to create the inside of the eye, the box text and inserting the channel 4 logo, because of its easy to use features. We used a variety of tools such as the magnetic lasso tool and the pen tool which we used to select the different areas which we wanted to remove to make way for the other parts of the advertisement. There were different functions within this software that we used such as the levels and the curves to adjust the appearance of the tones in the main image further. This was also used to create our lower thirds titles which identified how was speaking and what their relevance was to the documentary. We used the theme of twitter in these it was the most popular social network when we asked them during our audience research prior to the beginning of the production.

+BloggerAll of our pieces of course work for the unit are presented on this website. You can include images, text, videos and more into your work easily. With blogger you are able to add embedded codes from websites like slide share and Prezi so add PowerPoints and word documents to the post with out having to added each slides/ page as a separate image. We used it to help us show the different stages of the research we are doing with out tutor and other members of our group.

+Slide ShareSide share is a internet site were you can upload power points and work documents easily and link them to your blog. I used this for quite a few of my course work pieces as I could make them how I wanted them in the document, and upload them. This also helped when the group was struggling we could go on to one of the others slide share to inspire us as what to write next.


This site allows you to add either separate words of a paragraph and give certain words different weights or say how important the word is. As a ground we did a brain storming activity and I chose the most common words of each spider diagram and added them to Tagul and decided which word was most important for each idea. This was good for our project as we could see what we could focus on most out of our different ideas.


+Camera and EquipmentWe used a Sony DCR-SD 1000E camera to film our interviews as this is a semi professional broadcasting camera and shots in 720p. It worked well as it gave up professional quality video but I found that when we where filming the Vox Pops we had some problems with the sound of the wind when we were using the external microphone so one a few we had to switch to the clip microphone. Also on one of our interviews we had to do the opposite as the clip mic was broken also during that interview we didn’t have a base pate to fit the camera the tripod so we faced some problems levelling the shot. The tripod we used was just a standard tripod. To record the voice over we used a zoom voice recorder we like the camera this gave to a professional sounding voice over, and this was a very easy to use piece of equipment.

+PreziPrezi is a site where you can present your work professionally using the themes they already have or create your own. This has been very use full to use as al you have to do it type what you want into it and like slide share if we were stuck we were able to look at each others work and figure out what we needed to do next.