Mechatronic Device Creation 4.0 - Development and manufacturing from 3D print to small series.

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mechatronic Device Creation 4.0 - Development and manufacturing from 3D print to small series.

1. Mechatronic Device Creation 4.0 Development and manufacturing from 3D print to small series Harry Flint Head of Marketing & Business Development 2. What really is Mechatronics? At GBN Systems it all about this term. Following VDI (Ass. of German Engineers) Guideline 2206: Mechatronics describes the synergetic collaboration of the special disciplines machine engineering, electro technology and information technology in designing and manufacturing industrial goods as well as during the design of the processes. 3. At GBN Systems complex device solutions for demanding customers are created in own development, mechatronical production and assembly. We call this: 4. Idea Vision Concept Targeting Development Design Construction Engineering Prototype Creation Validation Certification Manufacturing Mechatronics Assembly Serial Production Quality Audit / Testing Q-Assurance Q-Management Delivery Commissioning Fulfillment Logistics We create mechatronic solutions In the fields of: Healthcare Biotech Semiconductor Ind. Electro Technology Medical Technology Labtech Automation Rapid Prototyping Nuclear Medicine Imaging Hydraulics 3D Print 5. file:///.file/id=6571367.866159 Foto : COHU/ Rasco Tube-to-Tube Gravity Handler SO1000: High Performance SMD Chiptester Client: Rasco GmbH / COHU, inc. Semiconductor Equipment Group GBN Systems efforts: - System supplier for complex machinery base - Manufacturing of specific components - Complex mechatronic assembly and implementation 6. file:///.file/id=6571367.866159 Fotos : German RepRap Professional 3D-Printer X400 Client: German RepRap GmbH GBN Systems Efforts: - Manufacturing of specific components - Complex mechatronic assembly and implementation 7. file:///.file/id=6571367.866159 Certification: DIN ISO 9001:2008 Rating: A-(preferred) Supplier Quality index: 98,33 (of 100 max.) 8. Total customer satisfaction is our daily drive! 9. file:///.file/id=6571367.866159 Nominated for the Grand Price of SME German Mittelstand 10. From Bavaria into the world! 11. 12. Find this pesentation online here: We look forward to your technical challenge!