May Newsletter 2011 2

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Transcript of May Newsletter 2011 2



For God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the compassion of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blame-less, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God.

- Philippians 1:8-11

As I have stood at the door to our Sanctuary greet-ing worshippers over these past few weeks a broadening trickle of folks have announced their imminent depar-ture for warm-weather residences in other states. I sus-pect that by the time you read this following our Easter celebration this trickle will have become a torrent. (As a side note: Does anybody stay in Minnesota over the winter? Or, does the entire state relocate to Fountain Hills?)

Again and again these kind people have shared with me their thanks for the warmth of community they have experienced here at FHPC, their enthusiasm for the growing spirit they have witnessed amongst us, and their hopes and prayers that Christ will continue to move boldly in and through our church in the coming months. “We’ll miss you. See you next winter,” is a benediction and a promise I have heard repeatedly.

There is a bittersweet quality to all this. There is a joy in their fellowship; and a sadness in their departure. These are folks who have become part of our family. Yet, circumstances cause us to be apart. . . for awhile.

Fountain Hills, AZ May 2011

From Our Pastor

The apostle Paul bespeaks these same feelings in his letter to those from whom he is separated in his beloved church in Philippi: For God is my wit-ness, how I long for all of you with the compassion of Christ Jesus. His yearning for his companions, like ours, is palpable.

So he prays for his absent friends. . . even as he continues to work where God has placed him.

Should we, then, do otherwise? To our dear friends who are reading this on

lakes and in woods far distanced -- You are part of us: we will not be complete until you return. But we will abide; and we will con-tinue the good work you have helped us begin. We pray that by the time we see you again the harvest of righteousness here is yet a richer life than when you left. We would bless you with the presence of children, the abundance of music, expanding op-portunities to stir up your spirit in work and wor-ship, and a growing and deepening fellowship – that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight. . . through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God.

We long for you. Have a blessed summer.

Pastor Bill

SAVE THE DATE Church-wide Rummage Sale was just approved by Session for March 2012. Save all those unwanted items. More information coming in future newsletters.

In Touch page 2

On the Inside: From Our Pastor…. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . Focus on Finance .. .. .. ..… … … … .. . … .. . .. … . … . Stewardship& Finance .. .. .… … .. … …... …. .. … .. … Mission Ministry… … … … … … … … … … . … . . . Presbyterian Women … … .. ..…. … … … … … … … CLAF: Recipes Needed. . … … … .. … .. .. … … .. . . . .. Evangelism Ministry … .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . … .. . . . . . . . . Music Ministry… … … … …. …. …. …. …. … … . .. .. Christian Education… … … … … .. . . …. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... Men's’ Fellowship .. .. . .. . .… … … .. … . … . . .. …. . . Library Footnotes.. … .. …. .…. …. …. …. …. …. …. .. Need Accurate Addresses .. .. … … .. .. . .. . … . .. .. . .. .. Memorial Concert .. .. ..…. … … … .. … … … .. … . . . Senior Service Award Winners for 2011.. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . Necrology for 2011… .. … .. . . .. … .. … . .. … . .. . . …. May Birthdays…… …. … … …. … … .. ……….. .. .. .. New Pulpit and Communion Table .. .. … . . .. .. . . .. … ..

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16


Rev. Bill Good Pastor/Head of Staff

Rev. Stan Jones Parish Associate Marta Ludwig

Administrative Coordinator Debbie Fisher

Director of Music Ministry Dorothy Parris

Pianist Lynn Medley

Custodian Anna Hill



CHURCH SESSION Class of 2011 Norm Collins Peggy Linkin Helen Roesch

Pat Tuttle Class of 2012

John Brockelman Susan Phillips Terri Schmidt John Wyman Class of 2013

Charlie Eberspacher Susan Owens

Jim Roy Donna Yordy

BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Ruby Pearson

Class of 2011 Ralph Berry

Bud Fuls Linda Maples

Chandler Roesch Class of 2012

Ben Fast Ruby Pearson Bev Watters Chris Young Class of 2013

Yvonne Ellingson Sandy Heunisch John Schopbach

Donna Sims ******

Rev. Glenn Atchinson

Pastor Emeritus

Focus on FinanceFocus on FinanceFocus on FinanceFocus on Finance

The first quarter financial picture for our income/expense budget for 2011 con-tinues to improve. In March, our income again slightly exceeded the budgeted amount, and our expenses were less than the budgeted amount. The Year to Date value of income over expenses has now risen to $31,045 which is much greater than our YTD Budget projection of $6,019. This surplus in operating income will place us in a strong financial position as we enter the summer months. Respectfully, Bud Fuls, Treasurer

March Income $ 30,915 Budget $ 29,309

March Expense $ 27,278 Budget $ 29,638

Yr to date Income $ 111,846 Budget $ 92,661

Yr to date Expense $ 80,801 Budget $ 86,642

Difference $ 31,045

‘If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been.” - Robert Brault -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

page 3 May 2011

Financial Thoughts Once in a while I drive to church by myself on Sundays. Such was the case today. It is about a twenty minute drive – plenty of time to reflect on all kinds of things. Being the current chairman of the FHPC Finance Committee and hav-ing been chairman of the Stewardship Drive for the past two years you can assume that I was a pretty happy guy this morning. Things are certainly looking up for our church. Thanks be to God! What follows is a summary of my reflections. Our successes of the past two years have put us in an envi-able position. With one exception, we now have all the basic parts needed to really move forward and that one ex-ception is something we should be able to deal with. The exception is rather simple and I will not be surprising any-one when I say it involves the rather high percentage of gray hairs on the heads of our congregation. Obviously, this presents a longer range problem only if we do not act now to position this church so it will be attractive to the whole spectrum of ages in our community – from babies to centenarians. The whole point here is that there is a fork in the road ahead. We have to de-cide which way to go. The easy route would be to accept our current situation and play it out for ten to fifteen more years. Somewhere along this route we would lose the capacity, and the will, to be a viable church and the church we love so much would cease to exist. Interestingly, the alternative route, which demands we act now, may be no more difficult and certainly would be much more satisfying. Taking this route requires developing church programs to attract new members of all ages. It means growing the professional staff. It means costs will often precede increases in membership and contributions. We would be pushing the financial envelope as a way of life. But wouldn’t it be great? Wouldn’t it be exactly what Jesus would have us do? I wish the drive this morning would have been longer! by Norm Collins – Elder and Chairman of the Finance Committee


A Short Note on Stewardship The days are rapidly getting longer, signaling it is that time of year when some of you head to summer homes in cooler climes and the rest of us are making plans to get out of the heat for shorter intervals. May God be with each of you when you are away from home. The main reason for this message is to remind you that our bills pretty much stay the same through the sum-mer months. It would be most help-ful if you would remember to spread your contribu-tions across those months so we don’t experience too much of a “Summer Dip” in income during June, July, August and September. I also want to add my thanks to all of you for the con-tributions you are making in the form of time, talent and money. It is “Stewardship” at its finest. With Pastor Bill at the helm, and all of you in the congrega-tion, it is obvious that FHPC has a great future. May God bless us, everyone! by Norm Collins – Elder and Chairman of the Finance Committee

Happiness is . . . feeling good about something you’ve done for others. Helping on a church project can

be quite rewarding—even if it takes only a small amount of time.

Seize the moment: Check out FHPC’s missions and programs to see if there is something you’d like to do. (See page 8)

In Touch page 4

Mission MinistryMission MinistryMission MinistryMission Ministry

We welcome two new members to our Mission Committee. They are Susan Titus and Arlene Johnson. Both bring to our committee experience in Mission and are a great asset to us as we move forward. Arlene Johnson has lived here about 9 years and has one son and three grandchildren with another grandchild due in May. Arlene was a school administrator both in Michigan and here in Fountain Hills and enjoys hiking, cooking, golfing, traveling and reading. We are always looking for new members and their ideas, so we would be thankful to have you join us. We meet the 2nd Thurs-day of each month.

Lisa Kern Linda Maples Terry Martin

Things to remember to bring to the Mission Table on Sunday mornings..... Box Tops for Education Betty Crocker Coupons Campbell Soup Labels Small toiletries Gently used clothing

Mission Ministry Committee Extended Hands Food Bank

We continue to collect food items for the Food Bank each Sunday. We are very grateful for the contributions which seem to grow each week. The Mens’ Fellowship deliver the items each Monday. In addition to the items collected, we have been able to send a check to the Food Bank in the amount of $949.00. Thank you one and all. ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING

We are in the midst of collecting offerings for One Great Hour of Sharing and at this time $2650.00 has been generously given. (Last year we collected $ 1492.00). We thank you for your caring to help Presbyterian Disaster Relief reach out to those around the world in their time of need.

Susan Owens, Elder Pat Tuttle, Elder

Susan Titus Arlene Johnson


A clergyman wrote to a wealthy and influential business leader requesting a contribution to a worthy charity. In due course, he received a cryptic refusal which ended with: “As far as I can determine, this Christian business is noth-ing but one continuous give, give, give!” The clergyman lost no time in responding, and con-cluded with: “Please accept my thanks for the best definition of the Christian life that I have yet heard.” -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

page 5 May 2011

On April 1st, Violet Wieder helped me with the sort-ing of bags and bags of donations that have come in since the Holidays for the Troops. Sorting must be done first in order to know what is on hand and what might still be needed in order to fill up some Easter Boxes. Most of these boxes that were sent out, were sent to Troops who are still deployed since the Holidays and are in some way connected to our Church. We spent over 6 hours bending and lifting, sorting and counting. The boxes were then packed a

few days later but left open in order to insert signed cards that would be filled with Easter greetings. On Wednesday evening, April 6th, many cards were signed by the kids and adults, while they were enjoy-ing the pot luck dinner prior to Pastor Bill's Lenten Bible Study. An average of 15 cards were placed in each box prior to the final packaging. The boxes were then taken to the post office on Friday, April 8. This is the first time ever that I have been able to send out any boxes at Easter time and this only hap-pened because of the generosity of our Church mem-bers and friends who have graciously donated many items needed and funds needed to help cover ship-ping costs. I can't thank one and all enough. -Donna Sims


Early one spring, I planted a couple of dozen amaryllis bulbs. With great anticipation, I watched for blooms. But weeks turned into months before the first sign of life appeared. By the end of summer, the bed of pink flowers I’d envisioned was nothing more than a scattering of green leaves. So I pulled them all up to make room for other plants. I wasn’t about to waste another growing season. Imagine my sur-prise the following spring, when a single delicate amaryllis blossom appeared. My delight quickly turned to dismay —-for I realized I’d given up too soon. Had I the least bit of patience or a little faith, I might have had a glorious garden. Then I wondered: Are there other things or people I give up on too soon? What might a little patience and faith do for a difficult relationship or troublesome circumstances? -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

A thank you note received from a marine:

In Touch page 6

Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2010-2011 Moderator: Ilene Berg Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens Vice-Moderator (Program): Jan Hoff Search Committee: Donna Yordy Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Maria Berry Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Letha Neely Historian: Barbara Oakeson

Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women

Morning Circle will meet on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 9 AM in the Adult Center. Evening Circle will meet Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 7 PM at the home of Linda Capron, 14410 N Lariat Lane. Jeanene Schopbach will co-hostess and Laurie Porter will lead the Bible study lesson.

NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED AT PW SPRING GATHERING At the Saturday, April 9th, meeting, officers were in-stalled for the coming year by Beverly Roselieb, past moderator. Those taking the leadership positions were Ilene Berg, Moderator; Jan Hoff, Vice Moderator; Linda Warren, Secretary; Maria Berry, Treasurer; Mary Alice Bivens, Mission Coordinator;Letha Neely, Publicity; Barbara Oakeson; Historian: Maria Berry, Membership/yearbook; Evelyn Hrunek, Bible Study Coordinator; Barbara Wyman, Book Group Chairman; Arlene Olsen and Ruby Pearson, Luncheon Co-chairmen. Donna Yordy announced the selection of this year's recipient of the PW Life membership award, which is given for outstanding service to the church and Pres-byterian Women. The well-deserved award was pre-sented to Pat Tuttle, followed by a standing ovation

from all the women present. Laurie Porter presented PW reading awards to seven mem-bers who have read six books off the PW book list for 2010-11 Those receiving the awards were Donna Yordy, Barbara Wyman, Linda Warren, Pat Tut-tle, Carol Fuls, Jan Hoff, and

Reba Hubbard. After a salad luncheon, all enjoyed music by the Grace

Notes from Mountain View church and Laurie Porter was thanked for her service this year as PW modera-tor. This was followed by Linda Capron's introduction of John Rolfe from Verde Valley nursery speaking on "How Does Your Garden Grow?” All of the table decoration flower bowls were sold at the meeting and $185.00 will be sent by PW to the Biblical Garden fund of the church.

The meeting closed with the extinguishing of the Christ Candle.

Continued on next page... Letha Neely, Publicity

Donna Yordy with Pat Tuttle, recipient of the PW Life Membership Award

page 7 May 2011

Congregational Life and FellowshipCongregational Life and FellowshipCongregational Life and FellowshipCongregational Life and Fellowship

Out n’ About May 18 at 12:00 Noon is the next and last date for Out n’ About until September. We will meet at VU Bistro in the Fry’s Shopping Center and order off the menu. They will add tax and tip. Please RSVP to: Arlene Olsen 837-4271 or Ruby Pearson 816-1404 for reservations.

Hooked on Books

Hooked on Books will meet on Wednesday, May18th, at the home of Barbara Oakeson , 16072 E Ponderosa Drive, at 10 am. All will share in the discus-sion of books read this year. There will be no meetings for Hooked on books during the summer, so come prepared in May to get ideas for good summer reading for those lazy hot days to come. - Barb Wyman, Coordinator

Continued from page 6….PW

I’m late! I’m late! It’s almost June 1!I’m late! I’m late! It’s almost June 1!I’m late! I’m late! It’s almost June 1!I’m late! I’m late! It’s almost June 1!

I’m running out of time to submit 3 to 5 recipes to the CLAF committee for the FHPC cookbook. I can leave them in the Narthex or church office or email them.

I’d better get started. Have you submitted your recipes yet?

Hm-m-m. I’m thinking about my favorite dishes--carrot stew and radish salad and lettuce soufflé.

The CLAF Committee thanks you: Chris & Jen Young, Committee Chair: 388-5075, Helen Roesch: 837-2142, Suellen Monahan: (before May) 837-1136, Linda Warren: 837-9162,

Bev Roselieb announcing the new PW officers for the coming year: Ilene Berg, Jan Hoff, Letha Neely, Mary Alice Bivens, Barbara Oakeson, Maria Berry and Evelyn Hrunek.

In Touch page 8

Evangelism MinistryEvangelism MinistryEvangelism MinistryEvangelism Ministry

The next new member inquiry meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd at 6:00PM in the Narthex. Anyone inter-ested in becoming a member of our church, or even just finding out more about what it means to be a Presbyte-rian, is welcome to join us. This meet-ing lasts about 60-75 minutes and will address Presbyterian beliefs and ideals and all that FHPC has to offer. New members will be presented to the Session for approval then to the congre-gation during the church service on Sun-day, May 15.

Susan Phillips Elder, Evangelism Ministry Unit

Not Yet A Member? If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Susan Phillips at 480-837-1225 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.


Little things matter. When God gets involved in the minutiae of life, unmistakably intervening in the smallest details of our day-to-day dilemmas, it means he cares enough to bother with what’s bothering

us. The God who created the vast universe works through life’s circumstances to bring about his good purposes. That’s big.

We know, too, that if God is involved in our everyday lives, he’s also working on the more complicated

situations — the big things. He might just be working behind the scenes.

When troubles come and God seems not to notice, think of times when he’s intervened. Recount and

revel in them. Rest assured in God’s perfect plan for big and small. “We know that all things work to-gether for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28,

NRSV). -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Ways to get involved: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION • Adult Program Planner • Adult Educator/Facilitator • Teen Teacher/Leader • Teen Meal Driver/Chaperone • Children Teacher/Leader • Youth Snack Provider • Nursery Substitute/Provider

CONGREGAITONAL LIFE AND FELLOWSHIP • Hospitality/Serving • Cooking • Event & Meal Planning • Kitchen Clean-up Team • Fellowship Events

EVANGELISM • Member recruitment • Visitation • Telephone support • New Member Sponsor Additional opportunities next month!

Music MinistryMusic MinistryMusic MinistryMusic Ministry

page 9 May 2011

Here we are, experiencing the same sad tug at our hearts as we say goodbye to those of you who are leaving for your other homes and families, as this sea-son comes to an end. Some of you have been gone for a month already, and your ab-sence has certainly been no-ticed. It's noticed as much as

your presence is when you're here. We'll take care of each other while you're away and you take care of yourselves, too! We've just experienced such a heartfelt Lenten journey into Easter, with so much to be grateful for. A big thanks goes out to all who rehearsed a bit longer and a few extra times just to make our musical offering to God our best. There is so much being said about those of you who contrib-ute your time to help, to build and develop this music ministry program into one that can present good, strong and meaningful music to the glory of God. It's truly appreciated by the congrega-tion. I must thank the congregation on behalf of the music ministry for your support and encour-agement. We are all in this together! The new Bell Table Covers are beautiful! They are "Water Blue." We are so thankful for the generous contribution that freshens up our Bell presentation! The bells have been ring-ing 12 years now. We started out with just chimes and a "C" Major scale. Our Ringers have be-come so very technically and skill-fully equipped and able when presenting the most challenging of pieces for Preludes, Prepara-tions to Worship, and in their accompaniment to the most sensitive of vocal solo's. There's a feeling of jubilation when they play along with

the hymns while the whole congregation is singing with the piano and organ in accompaniment. Please keep picking those good hymns, Bill! You'll be hearing our "Summer Series" of Solo's, Duets, Trios, and Quartets throughout our wor-ship services this sum-mer. We will be enjoy-ing those who can of-fer a nice musical se-lection that reminds us all of our celebration of love and praise to God, our Father. If you have an interest in singing or playing, please let me know. You may contact me through the office or call my home. You can chat with me after church some Sunday, but, you must forgive me if I appear to be in a hurry, for I want to get to Bible Study. It's a really good class! The youth band "Committed" will continue through the summer, exploring some new instru-mentation and arranging their sound to be inde-pendent of my instrumentation. It feels good to watch them stand on their own. They are the best kids I've ever been privileged to work with. I love them, all! We are truly blessed. Deborah Fisher Director of Music Ministries The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered gar-den, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58.11

In Touch page 10

Christian EducationChristian EducationChristian EducationChristian Education

Christian Education

Spring has sprung here at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church, espe-cially here in Christian Education Department. We have little seeds of ideas and plans sprouting all over. Be sure and watch for all of the long awaited plans to start

growing and taking shape. There are lots of exciting things to report

this month. Let’s start with a few things that happened last month that did not get in our last newsletter. One of the highlights was our recognition of Reverend Stan Jones. Stan is such an asset for our Church and especially here in our Christian Education Department. We decided we needed to honor him with his own Sunday. So most of you were there on April 10th when we recognized him for all he does here at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church. Thank you Stan, we appreciate you more than you can know.

“Faces of Christ”

Our Wednesday evening Lenten classes titled “Faces of Christ,” con-cluded on April 13th. We met with the youth at 6:30pm for a Mexican Potluck dinner. Then at 7:00pm the youth headed to the Youth Center while the adults remained in the Fel-lowship Center. This was a most

interesting series of classes. We observed different artists with their portrayals of Christ at different stages of his life. We studied pictures of Christ with influences from differ-ent parts of the world. We saw how the world’s turmoil affected the art and how the religious symbols were or were not accepted. This class was quite a thought provok-ing class as many of us can attest.

Easter Egg Hunt

By the time of this newsletter, Easter will be gone and a thing of the past for this year. I will have to update you next month on all of the fun that was had by the young ones. We have several things planned for the kids this year and we are hoping it will be a more organized this year.

Terri Schmidt, Elder

Bible Study with Pastor Bill

We continue our journey through Mark. This class has had at least 30 people in attendance every Sunday. As we read Mark and heard the message being told, there seems to be many things to reflect upon. What might seem trivial to some, really is an important message. As we think about what stands out in each of our minds, we continue to hear Mark’s message to us. Come join us in discovering the book of Mark on Sunday morn-ings at 10:30, after fellowship.

Youth Connection

The Youth Connection will meet for the next two Wednesdays, May 4th. and May 11th. Then on Friday the 13,th we will have their season send off with a “Lock In.” Yes, that is right! May, Friday the 13th could be a scary event. They will meet in the Fellowship Center at 6:00pm until 12:00pm. This will not be an all night lock in as in the past. Paula and Charlie Eber-spacher are working hard to get this event organized. We are en-

couraging our youth and their friends to attend and have fun. If you would like to brave this scary eve-ning, and volunteer your time, we need chaperones. If you can’t be a chaperone but would like to bake some cookies for the kids, please contact Terri Schmidt at 837-7083 or Paula Eberspacher at 836-4466.

A CHILD’S PERSPECTIVE A group of second-graders was quizzed about what ingredients their mothers are made of. One child said, “God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world, and one dab of mean.” To the question “What does your mom do in her spare time?” one youngster said, “Mothers don’t do spare time.” When the children were asked “Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?” one child re-plied, “God knew she likes me a lot more than other people’s moms like me.”

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Continued on page 11...

page 11 May 2011

Koffee Klatch

Koffee Klatch, led by Reverend Stan Jones, is winding down for this season. The last Tuesday morning will be May 24th at 9:00am. So if you have been wanting to join Koffee Klatch, there isn’t much time with only a few weeks left. They meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:00am in the Adult Center. You are welcomed to at-tend and join in on the topics of the day.

Men’s Bible Study

The men are continuing meet-ing on Thursday mornings at 7:00am. They will continue meeting until they see what kind of interest there is during the summer months. Come and join the men as John Bivens leads the men through the books of Samuel. Light refreshments are provided. They meet in the Adult Center. Please join them.


We here at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church are happy to announce that we have 2 Fountain Hills High School graduates. Our Fountain Hills High School graduates of 2011 are Katie Myhr and Charlie Eber-spacher. Be sure to come and congratulate our gradu-ates on “Graduate Recognition Sunday.” This will be May 29th and we will celebrate with cake and refresh-ments after Church in the Fellowship Center. If you would like to see these two graduate, the ceremony will be at Fountain Park at 7:00 on Friday May 27th. Con-gratulations to Katie and Charlie and Good Luck with all of your future endeavors.

Vacation Bible School

It has been several years since we have ventured to have a Vacation Bi-ble School at Fountain Hill Presbyterian Church. We are planning on bringing this back sometime in June. We will need lots of help. If you feel you can help teach, make snacks or just be a helper, please contact Terri Schmidt at 837-7083. We are looking forward to having lots of youngsters running around our campus.

Nursery (opportunity)

I have exciting news regarding Anna Hill and sad news for us. Anna and her family are moving to Iowa after she graduates sometime in June. This means we will be look-ing for someone to take over her duties as the Nursery Teacher. This is a paid position, and is every Sunday. Because you will be dealing with our most precious assets, we do require a back-ground check. If you think you would like to take on this respon-sibility, please contact Terri Schmidt at 837-7083 or leave a message with Marta in the office at 837-1763.

Christian Education Director

Our biggest news of all is saved for last. We are in the midst of interviewing applicants for a part time Christian Education Director.. Hopefully by the time this is in print we will have a new member on staff here at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church. We are anxiously awaiting help to grow our youth programs as well as getting younger families back into our church. So we are asking for continued prayers for the right person to come along, and for us to have the wisdom to hire them. We also con-tinue to pray for God’s guidance to show us the direction he wants us to go. We continue to pray for all the people in Japan who are still recovering from their horrible ordeal, as well as any-one who has been affected by all of the natural disasters that have been happening.

Remember to recycle and help our youth.

Terri Schmidt Christian Education Elder

~~Laugh Loud~~Laugh Long~~Love wholly~~

Rev. Stan Jones being recognized for all his service to FHPC by Rev. Bill and Terri Schmidt (Christian Education Elder)

In Touch page 12

For I Was Hungry… Matthew 25: 35

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” At FHPC we enjoy eating together – and often -- with abundant delicious food. We have comfortable and spacious homes. But what is it like to be hungry and homeless? We donate food and cash to Extended Hands Commu-nity Food Bank and that is gener-ous and very much appreciated. But we really don’t look homeless people in the eye, face to face. We intuitively know they are there, but where? Four men and a teenager joined several men from Mountain View Presbyterian Church to serve dinner to the homeless at Phoenix Rescue Mission, located in a less desirable neighbor-hood in Phoenix. Here is what they had to say about their ex-perience. “It was a wonderful experience getting to serve others as God has served us – nice group – like us but with many more prob-lems” said Carl Capron. Geoffrey Stowe (17) had this to say, “From my perspective, it was truly an eye opening experience to see people taking care of ‘us’ Americans and helping people that are truly in need and unselfish people doing that instead of paying people to buy prisons and persuade the wrong people to provide shelter and clothing and stuff. It’s really nice to see people doing nice things for other people.” Jerry Cain described his experience this way: “My visit to the Phoenix Rescue Mission was one of those experiences where I took back much more than I gave, and I have many vivid pic-tures embedded in my mind. I saw a man dressed very well with white shirt and tie. He appeared as if he had just come from a job interview. Another large man looked as if he didn’t own a comb. He was very unkempt. His shirt was half in and half out of his pants and they hung so low his crack was show-ing. But he appeared as if he had no concern about it. A few others were dressed in casual clothes, yet looked professional and somewhat out of place, and I imagined just victims of cir-cumstances needing a helping hand for just a while until able to “get back on their feet.” The pretty little girl that was there with her mom, had such a smile on her face while getting the cake and ice cream. This will be another impression I will carry for a long time. Standing behind the counter as I looked out over those coming and going (approximately 175 people), I thought, there are so many stories in this room that each would have to

tell. I recalled the word my father would say to me when-ever we would see someone walking the streets in apparent need, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” There were so many heartfelt words of gratitude expressed as they were leaving. They touched me on my arm or back and said.” Thank you so much, man” or “God bless you.” Their words came true, as I was surely the one receiving the blessing that day!” “It was an enlightening experience to share with people who may have similar beliefs but are less fortunate than we” said John Brockelman. John Bivens commented: “Each time I go down to the Res-cue Mission to serve a meal or help with a worship service, I come away with increased gratitude to God for the many blessings I have so bountifully received. I see sadness in their eyes and yet, about three out of four, express their appreciation for the little service I provide. There is noth-ing quite like seeing these homeless and down trodden mostly men, but with some women and children, face-to-face. The reality of their condition is deplorable.” Sincere thanks to Carl Capron, Geoffrey Stowe, Jerry Cain, and John Brockelman for their evening of service at the Phoenix Rescue Mission. Other FHPC men have ex-pressed an interest in joining us and there will be addi-tional opportunities. The need is so great! There are many opportunities for volunteer service at the Phoenix Rescue Mission. A new Changing Lives Center for Women and Children has been constructed and will be opening in early summer. Volunteers are needed and it would be wonderful if members and friends of FHPC (men, women, and high school youth) would like to serve. The Changing Life Center is located at 338 N. 15th Ave in downtown Phoenix. Meal service opportunit ies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner are listed for the month of May. For information and to schedule your partici-p a t i o n c o n t a c t : Marlena Padron, Di-rector of Outreach, Phoenix Rescue Mission, 1801 S 35th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85009, Phone: 602-346-3363; Fax: 602-233-1329. Web:; E-mail:

John Bivens;; 480-837-4857

Men’s Fellowship at WorkMen’s Fellowship at WorkMen’s Fellowship at WorkMen’s Fellowship at Work

The recent Book Shower at the Presbyte-rian Women Spring Gathering gave our church Library a big boost as we received many good books along with funds to buy new books. The Library Committee will use the $200 collected to acquire some books on the Presbyterian Women 2011-12 Reading List along with other books on

our Library Wish List that help provide balance to our total collection. In addition to the cash donations, we received the follow-ing books at the Book Shower: Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back by Todd Burpo Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach Where God Was Born by Bruce Feiler Hoomothya’s Long Journey by Elaine Waterstrat The Education of Little Tree by Forrest Carter Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind by Ann Ross Miss Julia Strikes Back by Ann Ross Miss Julia Paints the Town by Ann Ross

page 13 May 2011

The Miss Julia series has been very popular with our read-ers and we now have the complete series on our shelf. Miss Julia is a Southern Presbyterian widow with perfect man-ners and a taste for trouble. Her experiences and escapades will bring a chuckle from you while providing an enjoyable read. Although the stories are fiction, you will recognize many of the situations often encountered in churches and communities. The Library Committee thanks our donors not from just this event, but all the generous church members who have been contributing books and other media throughout the year. Barbara Oakeson

Important information about addresses! We are now mailing out the monthly newsletter to all members, affiliate mem-bers, friends and prospective members. It is very important that we have a cor-rect address for you. It is especially important for those of us who have two ad-dresses. Our computer program can maintain two addresses and if we know your months of residency here, the program knows which address to use for mailings. We mail out the newsletter in bulk mail. But if we have the wrong address, it gets returned to us and we are responsible for full postage for it and you miss out on the newsletter. Can you please help us and insure that we have the correct dates for your alternate address? Please call or email the church office with your information. 480-837-1763 or Thank you for your time and caring.


Three years ago, contemporary Christian musician Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife Mary Beth faced the sudden death of their youngest daughter, Maria, in a driveway accident. In the book Choosing to See: A Journey of Struggle and Hope (Revel), Mary Beth Chapman describes how she wrestled with God when her “whole world” fell apart. “What I’ve found is that it’s in the most unlikely times and places of hurt and chaos that God gives us a profound of sense of his presence and the real light of hope in the dark places,” she writes.

“None of my tears have been wasted,” Chapman says, because she’s “experienced the kindness, sweetness, faithfulness, ad redemptive hears of God.” To honor their daughter, the Chapmans, longtime adoption advocates, established Maria’s Big house of hope. The center in Henan, one of China’s poorest provinces, provides life-saving medical care for special-needs orphans.

-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources,

Library FootnotesLibrary FootnotesLibrary FootnotesLibrary Footnotes

In Touch page 14

Community NewsCommunity NewsCommunity NewsCommunity News


***Fountain Hills Community Chorus ******Fountain Hills Community Chorus ******Fountain Hills Community Chorus ******Fountain Hills Community Chorus ***

Sunday, May 22, 2011 at Sunday, May 22, 2011 at Sunday, May 22, 2011 at Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 3:00 PM3:00 PM3:00 PM3:00 PM

Fountain Hills Presbyterian ChurchFountain Hills Presbyterian ChurchFountain Hills Presbyterian ChurchFountain Hills Presbyterian Church

• Free admissionFree admissionFree admissionFree admission

• Local food bank donationsLocal food bank donationsLocal food bank donationsLocal food bank donations

• Free will offering welcomeFree will offering welcomeFree will offering welcomeFree will offering welcome

27th Annual Senior Service Award of the Presbytery of Grand Canyon Each year special senior member(s )are honored for their service to their church and community at a luncheon sponsored by the Presbytery of Grand Canyon. On April 7, this year’s nominees, John and Barb Wyman were honored at the luncheon at Valley Presbyterian Church. Congratulations! Thank you for the gifts of your time and talents.

Volunteers to serve as docents Our local River of Time Museum is seeking interested volunteers to serve as docents (guides) for guests visiting the museum. Barbara Wyman announces that a new docent class will be forming in May and any persons interested in joining may contact her or the museum (phone 837-2512, leave name and phone number saying docent). This is a wonderful opportunity for interested persons to learn more about Arizona and local history in this state centennial year.

page 15 May 2011


05/23 Ralph Berry 05/23 Mary Alice Bivens 05/25 Peggy Kurkjian 05/27 Linda Covault 05/27 Margaret Heiser 05/27 Genie Price 05/28 Barbara Wyman 05/29 Larry Linkin 05/30 Christine Young 05/31 Stephanie McWethy

05/17 Beverly Watters 05/18 Bobbie Dangremond 05/18 Dorothy Delahanty 05/18 Ted Sherick 05/19 Michael Stanton 05/20 June Shaffer 05/22 Gail Botsford 05/22 Anthony Carillo 05/22 Mary Carillo 05/22 Michael Carillo

05/01 Phyliss Kern 05/02 Mike Owens 05/03 Claire Cartmell 05/05 Lois Medley 05/10 Bob Lull 05/16 Anna Martinson 05/16 James Stewart 05/17 Matt Botsford 05/17 Anna Hill 05/17 Jeff Pyritz

With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2011

Jack Hrunek Dick Patterson Ruth Sherick Molly Pitcher Ron Behrends Thelma Blake Eric Blake Jim Rudack Paul Brisbane Maida Navis

Walter Breidenbach Bob Hutchinson

“Well done, Thou good and faithful servant…. Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.”

Matthew 25:21

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we don’t see someone, that they are simply “vacationing away”. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.


Success is failure turned inside out.

The silver tint on the clouds of doubt,

And you can never tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar.

So, stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit It’s when things go wrong that you mustn’t


— Author unknown -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard

Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Non Profit Organ.


Permit NO. 299

Scottsdale, AZ

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographer: Gary Oakeson; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dan-gremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Olsen, Marilyn Humes, Barb Hegwood, Vivian Virden and Joyce Stott. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 OfficeE-Mail Address: Office Hours: Monday – Friday : 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Pastor/Head of Staff Rev Bill Good email: cell phone: 480-329-8090

If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.


Beautiful new pulpit and communion table built by Greg Fisher made possible by an anonymous donation

Photo courtesy of Gary Oakeson