Maximising social media

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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StreetGames' Social Media lead Dom Walker highlights the potential benefits of social media and how a project can make the most of online marketing tools to promote itself

Transcript of Maximising social media

Maximising social mediaWhat are the potential benefits of social media and how

can you make the most of online marketing tools to promote your organisation?

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Tweet your highlight of #DSC2012?

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Potential benefits of social media

Why social media?


• As of Feb 2012 845m worldwide monthly Facebook users and 30m in UK• As of end 2011 300m worldwide Twitter users and between 7-15m in UK• Opportunity to communicate with stakeholders, potential partners and press• Chance to become part of an influencer’s news timeline• Young person’s medium• Mobile-ready• Relatively cheap resource – free platforms, though can be time-intensive• Can raise profile of organisation• Engaged followers – potential to galvanise them


What do you use social media for?

Group discussion

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What do you use the platforms for?

Facebook• A social media, interactive website• Online forum/message board• Communication device• Different for boys only or girls only project• All of above

Twitter• Communication device• Organisation awareness device• An irreverent take on your organisation• All of above

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Example of social media website

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Example of forum

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Example of social media website and forum

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Making the most of online and social media

Content (is king)

Facebook• Link back to other online platforms• Posting on others walls• Mentioning relevant others• Creating interesting content that will

generate interaction• Engage with

StreetGamesSportsCharity page. We will promote you

Twitter• Link back to other online

platforms• Starting conversations• Creating interesting tweets• Tweet @StreetGames

Website• Link to other online platforms• Reference partners• Use resources from

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Twitpic photo that sums up #DSC2012

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10 Facebook top tips

Remember, social media is all about interaction. The clue’s in the name

1. Audit page likes – make sure you like all stakeholder orgs, and those you want a relationship with

2. Give page a professional look and feel. Assume potential partners will look at it. Photos, interaction, suitable content

3. Reference partners

4. Always try to link back to another online platform in content

5. Use to track use of links

6. Mention related parties in posts and tag in photos/videos

7. Post on other pages’ walls

8. Encourage stakeholders to tag your page in photos and posts

9. Use photos in posts to bring them to life

10.Generate followers – word of mouth, competitions

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10 Twitter top tips

1. Audit account follows – make sure you follow all stakeholder orgs, and those you want a relationship with.

2. Decide on a voice for the account – ‘I’ or ‘we’, relaxed tone or formal

3. Always try to link back to another online platform in content

4. Use to track use of links

5. Use official twitter handles to mention relevant parties.

6. Join conversation by using official/trending #

7. Aim to reply to all tweets that mention you

8. Use Twitter on your mobile whilst on the go

9. Use devices like TweetDeck to track multiple accounts on computer and track non-handle tweets.

10.Generate followers – word of mouth, competitions, create engaging RT’able content

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Please, get involved

• Follow @StreetGames and tweet us• Like and post on the wall,

tag in photos• Use the resources on • Got a video? Send it to us and we can upload it to our new YouTube

channel –

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Any social media questions, contact


Mobile: 07912577762

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