Managing the Risks A Risk Management Presentation for UT Dallas Student Organizations.

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Transcript of Managing the Risks A Risk Management Presentation for UT Dallas Student Organizations.

Managing the Risks

A Risk Management Presentation for

UT Dallas Student Organizations

Managing the Risks


Effective September 1, 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature enacted HB 2639/SB 1138 (Texas Education Code Section 51.9361) regarding risk management education for members and advisors of student organizations registered at postsecondary educational institutions. Under the law, it is mandatory for representatives of registered student organizations and individuals selected by the University to complete a risk management educational program.

Managing the Risks

What is risk management?

• Risk management considers the potential and perceived risk involved in student events and programs.

• It includes monitoring organization activities and taking both proactive action and corrective steps to minimize accidental injury and/or loss.

Managing the Risks

Why are we talking about risk management?

It is the responsibility of the University to define appropriate boundaries (University policy, the law, etc.) and assist you in making choices. And it is your responsibility to acknowledge your own critical role when it comes to your own safety and that of other members of the campus community. This presentation is designed to familiarize us as student leaders and you as members of a UT Dallas student organization with proper risk assessment and management issues.

For additional assistance on a specific issue, please contact the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) at 972.883.6551 or

Managing the Risks

What are types of risk?

• Physical – injury, illness, death, hazing, sexual assault, binge/excessive drinking

• Psychological – hazing, sexual assault, eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse

• Financial – money handling, fundraising, budgets• Reputational – the media, views from other members

of the community• Environmental/physical space – fire safety, property

damage, exceeding room capacity, crowd control, driving

• Other potential harm – underage drinking, violating the law or University rules

Managing the Risks

High-risk areas

• Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs• Behavior (on or off campus)• Sexual assault and harassment• Hazing• Fire and life safety• Student travel

Managing the Risks

Alcohol and illegal drugs

FACTS*National statistics indicate:

•1,800 students between 18-24 die each year from alcohol related injuries.

•599,000 students between 18-24 are injured each year because of alcohol related activities.

•About 25 percent of students report academic problems associated with drinking.

•One third of students admit to having missed at least one class due to alcohol/drug use.


Managing the Risks

Alcohol and illegal drugs

FACTS*National statistics indicate:

• 2.1 million students drove under the influence of alcohol.

• 31% of men, 23% of women participated in drinking games (17% men, 9% women reported getting sick or passing out).

• 150,000 students develop alcohol related health problems(almost 2 percent of these students have attempted suicide).

• On average a student spends $900 on alcohol per year!


Managing the Risks

Alcohol and illegal drugs


• The University will impose a minimum sanction of admonition (written warning) for a first-time alcohol policy violation, and disciplinary probation and suspension of rights and privileges for a first-time drug policy violation. Second offenses receive harsher penalties up to and including suspension or expulsion.

•Other penalties may be imposed for conduct related to the unlawful use, possession, or distribution of drugs or alcohol. Penalties include payment for damage to property or such other penalty as deemed appropriate under the circumstances of the incident at hand.

Managing the Risks

Alcohol and illegal drugs

Make sure your organization follows all University and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) regulations. and

•Provide an alcohol education program for your members.

•If someone in your organization has problems with alcohol or illegal drugs, know your resources on campus. Contact your organization advisor, the Student Counseling Center @ 972.883.2575, or the health educator @ 972.883.2747.

Managing the Risks

Alcohol and illegal drugs

If your organization gathers as a group in an off-campus location that serves alcohol you should:

•Provide a sober designated driver or a system of transportation for those who are drinking.

•Ensure that members do not participate in “drinking games.” The end result of these games is to force people to drink excessively.

•If you suspect severe alcohol impairment, call for help immediately. Remember you cannot “walk off” or “sleep off” alcohol poisoning.

•Healthy Comets: Party Smart kit may be found at

Managing the Risks


Whether you are on or off campus, keep in mind that you are a representative of your student organization as well as a representative of UT Dallas. Negative actions like fighting, vandalism, arrests will invariably reflect poorly on your record and possibly tarnish the reputation of your organization. As well as the University.

Managing the Risks



•As a UT Dallas student and member of a student organization, you are expected to abide by the provisions set forth in the Regents’ Rules and Regulations and University rules. Some of the prohibited behaviors that can be sanctioned include disorderly conduct, misrepresentation of self, destruction of University property, and other violations of the Handbook of Operating Procedures

•UT Dallas may impose University sanctions for inappropriate behaviors occurring off campus.

Managing the Risks


• Abide by all University policies.

• Act responsibly and respectfully.

• Remember that your organization can place sanctions on you in cases where behavior has become an issue.

Managing the Risks

Sexual Assault & Harassment

Sexual assault is any unwanted, non-consensual sexual contact against an individual by another.

Sexual misconduct includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed towards another individual that does not rise to the level of sexual harassment but is unprofessional and inappropriate for the workplace or classroom.

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct of a physical nature when:a)Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or student status;b)Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for evaluation in making personnel or academic decisions affecting that individual;c)Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance as an employee or student or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Managing the Risks

Sexual Assault & Harassment

FACTS*National statistics indicate:

•57% of rapes occur on a date.•Only 10-16% of rapes are reported to police.•Women between the ages of 16 and 19 are 3.5 times more likely to be a victim.•Sexual assault is more common at parties and social gatherings.•At least 1 in 4 women in college will become a victim of a sexual assault or some form of sexual harassment. •80% of sexual assaults on college campuses are committed by an acquaintance of the victim. •50% of the sexual assaults involved alcohol as a contributing factor.


Managing the Risks

Sexual Assault & Harassment

POLICY: •UT Dallas is committed to creating and maintaining an educational environment in which all persons who participate in University programs and activities can work together in an atmosphere free of sexual and relationship violence. Sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking offenses, regardless of the motive or the manner in which they are executed, are criminal behaviors and produce an environment counter to the mission and goals of the University.

•Students can face expulsion from the University in sexual assault and harassment cases. In the State of Texas, sexual assault is considered a felony offense, and the consequences, more often then not, can lead to incarceration for anyone found guilty.

•Persons involved in a sexual assault or sexual harassment case can face University sanctions as well as criminal or civil penalties.

Managing the Risks

Sexual Assault & Harassment

• Do not leave drinks unattended.

• Use a “buddy” system where you can alert your buddy upon feeling threatened or uncomfortable in a situation.

• Maintain constant awareness of your surroundings. • For more information please contact the United Against Sexual

Assault Project @ 972.883.2575, or visit

• The UT Dallas sexual harassment policy may be found at

• Additional resources can be found at or call 1-800-656 HOPE .

Managing the Risks


State law defines hazing as “…any intentional, knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or off campus of an educational institution, by one person or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution.”

Managing the Risks


FACTS*National statistics indicate:

• 74% of varsity athletes reported being hazed.• 73% of fraternity/sorority members reported being hazed.• 64% of club sports members reported being hazed.• 56% of performing arts members reported being hazed.• 28% of academic organization members reported being hazed.• 20% of honor society members reported being hazed.• 25% of students believed an advisor or coach knew of hazing.•47% of students arrive at college having experienced at least one hazing incident.


Managing the Risks



•UT Dallas has a ZERO TOLERANCE Policy on Hazing. The University neither tolerates excuses nor does it acknowledge different levels of hazing, i.e. “it was just a little hazing”.

•In an effort to encourage the reporting of hazing incidents, the law grants immunity from civil or criminal liability to any person who reports a specific hazing event and immunizes that person from participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from that report.

•Criminal penalties for failure to report: a fine of up to $2,000, up to 180 days in jail, or both. Penalties for other hazing offenses vary according to the severity of the injury, and range from $500 to $10,000 in fines and up to two years confinement.

Managing the Risks



•Civil penalties for failure to report: an individual can be personally sued and wages garnished if found guilty.

•Criminal charges and University sanctions may be applied to both the individual and the student organization for hazing offenses.

Managing the Risks


•Hazing should not be viewed as a tradition to pass on to new members.

•If you suspect a task or event is hazing related, report it immediately to the Dean of Students, Athletic Director or Fraternity and Sorority Life.

•Develop constructive bonding exercises for your group.

•Ask yourself if your group’s actions can be defended in a court of law. If not, then you need to exercise good judgment and discontinue those actions.

•Consult with the Dean of Students, Fraternity and Sorority Life, or the CSI before implementing organization activities and events including new initiate/pledge/member education programs.

•Hazing prevention resources may be found at

Managing the Risks

Fire and Safety Issues

State law prohibits the possession of any explosive, firearm, imitation firearm, ammunition or hazardous chemicals on University property.

Managing the Risks

Fire and Safety Issues

FACTSNational statistics indicate:

• Between 2002 and 2005, 39 students were killed and almost 400 were injured in on-campus fires.

• In over 50% of college fire fatalities, alcohol was a contributing factor.

• Space heaters contribute to 73% of all fire-related deaths on college campuses.

*adapted from UT Arlington risk management program

Managing the Risks

Fire and Safety Issues


•It is the policy of The University of Texas at Dallas to provide the safest possible environment for our students, faculty, staff and visitors. Each member of our academic community is urged to accept the challenge of maintaining an accident-free environment.

•Tampering with or destroying fire safety equipment can lead to fines and fees for repair as well as possible sanctions from law enforcement authorities and the Dean of Students. In the event that there is an injury or death, there can also be criminal and civil charges filed against you and/or your organization.

Managing the Risks

Fire and Safety Issues

• When planning for an event, make sure the venue is large enough to handle the expected attendance. Crowd control is essential.

• Make sure during organizational meetings and events that all entrances and exits are unobstructed. Do not obstruct or tamper with smoke detectors or sprinkler systems.

• Do not overload electrical circuits and remember to always use surge protectors.

• NEVER IGNORE A FIRE ALARM – “Oh, it’s just another drill”.

• If you suspect or know of anyone who may be in possession of any illegal weapons on campus, please report it immediately to UT Dallas Police at 972.883.2331 or call 911.

Managing the Risks

Student Travel

Student travel incorporates any travel planned or sponsored by the student organization or its members as part of the organization’s activities.

Managing the Risks

Student Travel

FACTS* National statistics indicate:

•Driver inattention, cell phone usage and fatigue are contributing factors in over 46% of college student accidents. •People aged 16 – 24 were involved in 28% of all alcohol related traffic accidents (this same age group makes up 14% of the U.S. population).

•In 2006, 13,470 people died in crashes involving someone with a blood alcohol level of .08 or above.

*adapted form UT Arlington risk management program

Managing the Risks

Student Travel


• The UT Dallas Student Travel Policy governs any group/organization travel as part of a trip planned and/or funded by UT Dallas and is more than 25 miles away from campus. For more information on the Student Travel Policy, please refer to

• Please contact the CSI for assistance with your organizational travel @ 972.883.6551 or

Managing the Risks

Student Travel

• Seat belts are required for ALL the occupants!

• Alcohol and other illegal substances and weapons are strictly prohibited.

• Make sure the driver/s are in possession of a valid Drivers License.

• It is recommended to always have a more than one driver on each trip. For trips that are over 1.5 hours long, it is required to have a minimum of two drivers.

• Drivers must rotate every three (3) hours, and no more than eight (8) hours should be driven in any one day.

Managing the Risks

Student Travel

• Driving between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. is not allowed without prior approval.

• Do not text or use the phone while operating the vehicle. If you need to use the phone, use a hands-free device but never attempt to text message while driving.

• Obey the posted speed limits at all times to ensure safety and always plan ahead for a long trip.

Managing the Risks


• Thank you for participating in this session. Knowing your responsibilities as a UT Dallas student is important in keeping you and other members of our organization safe.

• We want our involvement in co-curricular life to be a successful and positive experience.

• For more information on resources, or if you have questions about any part of this presentation, please do not hesitate to contact:

CSI @ 972.883.6551or