Manaccan, Helford t.nthony chool, omen’s Institute ... · consisted of the hamlets of Helford,...

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Transcript of Manaccan, Helford t.nthony chool, omen’s Institute ... · consisted of the hamlets of Helford,...

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Manaccan, Helford & St.Anthony... School, Women’s Institute, Fitness Club, Beaches, Yoga, Book Club, Tennis, The New Inn, Manaccan Parish Church, Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation, Bellringing, Art Classes, Coastal Footpath, Village Hall, St. Antony Church, Playing Field,Regatta, Boat Hire, Footpaths, Table Tennis, Art Classes, Play Group, Helford Village Society, East Lizard Helpline, Shipwright Arms Pub, Manaccan Methodist Chapel, River Ferry, Gardening Club, Sailing... A Real Community

Manaccan St.Anthony Parish Plan 2005&

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Manaccan, Helford & St.Anthony... Church, School, Women’s Institute, Fitness Club, Beaches, Yoga, Book Club, Tennis, The New Inn, Manaccan Parish Church, Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation, Bellringing, Art Classes, Coastal Footpath, Village Hall, St. Antony Church, Playing Field,Regatta, Boat Hire, Footpaths, Table Tennis, Art Classes, Play Group, Helford Village Society, East Lizard Helpline, Shipwright Arms Pub, Manaccan Methodist Chapel, River Ferry, Gardening Club, Sailing... A Real Community


T h e P a r i s h P a g e 4A b o u t t h e p l a n P a g e 5H o u s i n g P a g e 6C o m m u n i t y F a c i l i t i e s P a g e 7T r a f f i c & S a f e t y P a g e 8H e a l t h y A c t i v e L i f e s t y l e P a g e 9E n v i r o n m e n t P a g e 1 0A c t i o n P l a n P a g e 1 1

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The ParishManaccan parish is one of four parishes bordering the southern bank of the Helford River. Manaccan sits within a natural amphitheatre in the landscape in a peaceful and sheltered part of the Lizard Peninsula and is a designated area of natural beauty. In the �800s Manaccan parish consisted of the hamlets of Helford, High Lanes, Churchtown and Carne with several isolated farms. Today Helford and Manaccan Churchtown have grown into small villages each with its own shop and Post Office, and village pub. The Church and School are in Manaccan and the Methodist Chapel is at High Lanes. The church is famous for the ancient fig tree growing out of the tower wall and local superstition insists that the tree should not be harmed or it will bring bad luck to the village.

The parish attracts many summer visitors, particularly walkers and boating people. The number of small farms has been greatly reduced and much of the land is now being used for the growing of spring flowers.

Helford is a picturesque village of quaint cottages nestling around the creek. The village is on the coastal footpath offering access to a number of breathtaking walks. In the �8th century, Helford’s small harbour exported tin from the nearby mines to London; now it is popular with yachtsmen and anglers and has its own small fishing fleet.

St Anthony parish has a delightful church and wonderful coastal scenery. Gillan, which lies to the south of Carne creek, has the main share of the population.

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This Parish Plan aims to set out a vision for this community to guide its future development. All community projects need to demonstrate that they cater for local need and that they will be used by the local community. The Parish Plan will serve as a stepping stone towards meeting these needs.

Everyone in the Parish had the chance to contribute towards this plan; first by attending a planning event held on Saturday, 10th July 2004, called ‘Have Your Say Day’. On the day a 3D model of the four villages of Manaccan, St Anthony, Gillan and Helford made by the children of Manaccan School was on display, giving everyone a bird’s eye view of their neighbourhood. Displayed alongside the models were sets of pictorial colour coded suggestion cards, and blanks for people’s own ideas. Local residents were asked to browse through these cards, select those covering issues that were important to them and to place them on the model. At the end of the event it was clear to everyone present – because of the dominance of a particular colour and/or the sheer volume of cards placed down in a particular location – what the most important issues were and the areas causing the most concern. All suggestions placed on the model were recorded and the main issues raised were presented to the community at a second event, a Prioritisation Day held on January 15th 2005. Local residents were given eight sticky dots to stick on the issues they felt most strongly about.

This plan is a result of this consultation with the community. It provides an action plan as to how this vision of the future might be achieved. This document can be used to lobby other authorities that affect the parish and can also be used as a tool to assist with grant applications for funding. Communities are about people, not places. It is about those of us who live and work in this community caring about the area and about the people in it.

The Parish Plan Steering Group is extremely grateful to everyone who has taken part in this process. Your contribution has been vital.

About the Plan

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HousingVision… Limited housing development ensuring that houses that are built provide affordable accommodation for local people.

The development of affordable homes for local people is of key importance to the parish, starter homes for the young people in the community being a main priority. Affordable housing is, however, likely to require a volume of market housing to help fund its development, which many residents are not in favour of. Economies of scale may be achieved through joint working with neighbouring parishes which could help solve this problem. The Parish would also like to see a limit on second homes in the area.

Kerrier District Council’s Local Plan 1996-2011 defines Manaccan as a village where housing development is permitted. However, the area is marked as an Infill Limitation Housing Policy Area to help protect the area from becoming over developed and therefore preserving the open nature of the village.

Actions to be TakenMonitor the need for low cost housing of all tenures via the district and local needs housing surveys.Set up working party to investigate potential sites and form working relationships with housing providers. Parish Council to work with District Council to ensure number of new properties limited and in keeping with area.Infrastructure will need to be considered if housing development is to proceed, such as sewage system, local facilities and drainage.





Residents views on housing






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Community FacilitiesVision… Improved community facilities through support and development of post office/shop and village hall facilities.

The most important issue for the vast majority of residents in the Parish was to keep the shops/post offices in both Manaccan and Helford. The Village Retail Services Association (ViRSA) are a good point of information and advice for such businesses if required. In regard community facilities the village hall and school may both be possible venues for learning/training and recreational classes. The need for improvements to the Helford Jetty was another issue that many residents felt strongly about.

Actions to be TakenParish Council to liaise with shop/post office owners to look into opportunities for developing their business e.g. extending range of products and/or services. Promote and publicise post office & shop services within the parish.Establish links to community groups and organisations within the parish.Liaise with head teacher of school to make initial enquiries regarding possible use of the school premises for other activities, such as training and adult education.Conduct an audit of community facilities and consider the costs involved to repair, improve & equip the current hall. Village Hall and other local relevant committees to work in partnership to develop community facilities as requested by residents, through on going consultation.Consider what other services could be offered in a improved community hall (using data from event) to make it more sustainable, for example internet café, leisure activities. Seek funding & advice, and enlist the help of possible partners who might provide the services required.Liaise with the owner of the Helford Ferry, Cadgwith, Helford and District Fisherman’s Society and community to further determine the improvements required to the Helford Jetty.






Residents views on facilities

Keep this post office Keep this shop

Keep this school Cash point

Mobile library service

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There is concern within the parish about the need to slow traffic down and for improvements to road surfaces. Road safety has been identified as one of Cornwall’s transport priorities. A comprehensive road safety strategy is currently being written and is to be included in the next Local Transport Plan 200� to 20��. The target of potential Local Transport Plan funding will depend on areas that are of the greatest strategic level of priority for the County as a whole.

The Local Transport Plan key objectives for the next five years will be to improve access to key services and facilities, improve road safety for all who travel in Cornwall, reduce the growth of traffic congestion and transport related air pollution, provide and maintain an integrated transport network that contributes towards the development of a vibrant and successful Cornish economy, and reduce the impact of transport on Cornwall’s natural and built environment

Fear of crime is not seen as a major issue within the parish, so the main actions need to relate to retaining people’s feeling of safety and being proactive in parish initiatives.. Devon & Cornwall Constabulary are proactively working, in partnership with a range of agencies and public sector organisations, to help increase community safety. Policing styles are also changing with the introduction of neighbourhood policing schemes.

Actions to be TakenSet up a working group to explore various traffic management solutions, such as speed limits, one-way system and children crossing sign, also looking at law enforcement issues.Liaise with Parish Council, County Highways and Road Safety Department, as well as Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.Carry out further parish consultation on whether residents are in favour of carpark provision to alleviate congestion on village roads, and/or whether there is a need to ensure that car parking is prohibited in specific locations.Liaise with Devon & Cornwall Constabulary (Neighbourhood Beat Manager) to seek advice on community safety. Check whether there is a community liaison officer for the area or whether there is likely to be one in the near future (perhaps shared with neighbouring parishes) and seek information regarding what is feasible in terms of a police presence.




Traffic & SafetyVision… Residents to enjoy a safe crime free parish, with appropriate traffic speeds and less traffic congestion.

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Vision… Residents to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle within the parish, with improved leisure and sport opportunities and adeqaute access to health facilities.

Healthy Active Lifestyle

The consultation revealed that adventure playgrounds, bike trails and skate facilities were the most most popular recreational facilities required by parishioners. The County Council are an important partner when dealing with these issues, for example the Planning, Transportation and Estates Department can provide advice on green travel planning initiatives such as bike routes. Other organisations such as Sustrans (sustainable transport) are also encouraging more active lifestyles and have been involved in several cycle trail projects in Cornwall. Whether people cycle or walk out of necessity, or for leisure, health or environmental reasons, it is essential that the infrastructure, such as pathways and signage, is in place. Working with neighbouring parishes on these issues is recommended.

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly District Health Authority is responsible for health care services in Cornwall. The West Cornwall Primary Care Trust provide NHS services in the Kerrier area. The Health Promotion Service is one of the Health Authority’s projects, supporting communities and voluntary groups to tackle a wide range of health issues with specific projects on issues such as healthy eating, exercise, stopping smoking and mental health, as well as providing information and education through school projects. A patient forum has recently be set up to voice community health needs.

Actions to be TakenInvestigate possible bike trail projects, looking at routes, funding and land ownership issues.Set up community based group with potential users, volunteers and Parish Council.Lobby District Council in respect of need for skate facilities and for a district wide skateboard strategy (as in Penwith & Caradon districts).Liaise with the District Council regarding use of their mobile skate facility as a pilot to establish need and demand. If permenant facilities required site identification, feasibility and funding need to be researched as well as undertaking a health & safety assessment.Investigate feasibility of local prescription/chemist service, mobile services or health visitor, with a view to utilising village hall.Feed information from consultation into Patient Forum.





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Vision… Improved local environment through improvements to the village, developing re-cycling facilities and investigation into resolving current sewage problems.

The development of a proper sewage system in Helford is a key priority. The planting of trees and recycling are also important issues. Partners here would include Kerrier District Council and Cornwall County Council, along with a number of environmental organisations that can provide information and advice. Concerns were raised through the consultation over the installation of a tetra mast in the parish. Mobile phone coverage is however presently provided by facilities at Goonhilly so it is unlikely that future plans to install a mast in the parish will be proposed.


Actions to be TakenConsider possible improvements that could be made to improve look of village such as flower beds, planting of trees, wildflower planting and hedge maintenance, and identify likely locations.Investigate feasibility of the installation of appropriate recycling facilities with adequate promotion of their location, improvement of existing facilities and household collection of specific items. Ensure that facilities are appropriately advertised, so usage is maximised.Identify issues/problems relating to the sewage system so that a clear outline of the current situation and expectations can be established.




Residents views on the environment





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Manaccan, Helford & St.Anthony... Church, School, Women’s Institute, Fitness Club, Beaches, Yoga, Book Club, Tennis, The New Inn, Manaccan Parish Church, Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation, Bellringing, Art Classes, Coastal Footpath, Village Hall, St. Antony Church, Playing Field,Regatta, Boat Hire, Footpaths, Table Tennis, Art Classes, Play Group, Helford Village Society, East Lizard Helpline, Shipwright Arms Pub, Manaccan Methodist Chapel, River Ferry, Gardening Club, Sailing... A Real Community

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Manaccan, Helford & St.Anthony... School, Women’s Institute, Fitness Club, Beaches, Yoga, Book Club, Tennis, The New Inn, Manaccan Parish Church, Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation, Bellringing, Art Classes, Coastal Footpath, Village Hall, St. Antony Church, Playing Field,Regatta, Boat Hire, Footpaths, Table Tennis, Art Classes, Play Group, Helford Village Society, East Lizard Helpline, Shipwright Arms Pub, Manaccan Methodist Chapel, River Ferry, Gardening Club, Sailing... A Real Community

Thanks to:The residents of Manaccan, Helford, Gillan and St.Anthony who took part in the consultation process, Cornwal Rural Community Council and The Countryside Agency

Design and produced by Cornwall Rural Communtiy Council - INTERACT

Supported by a grant from The Countryside Agency

Cornwall Rural Community Council9a River Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2SQRegestererd as Cornwall Community Development LimitedCompany no: ������5,Charity Registration no: �08�550VAT no: 557 4489 96

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The action plan aims to provide an easy to use guide to help tackle the issues identified throughout the plan, focusing on specific actions that need to be taken, who else needs to be involved in tackling the issues (the partners) and the timescale for which each issue could be dealt with. Links between issues are also noted.

Main Priority Secondary Priority Third Priority

Action Plan...

Housing Page 12 Road Safety Page 13 Vehicle Parking Provision & Controls Page 14 Post Office/Shop Page 15 Links With Manaccan Primary School Page 16 Support for Village Hall Page 17 Improvements to the Helford Jetty Page 18

Bike Trails Page 19 Sports Facilities Page 20 Play Equipment Page 21 Community Safety Page 22 Protecting Natural Areas Page 23 Recycling & Waste Page 24 Sewerage Page 25

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale To enable an adequate supply of affordable homes for a range of people in need within the community, particularly young, first time buyers. Infill/Brownfield sites to be utilised for housing development wherever possible.

Monitor the need for low cost housing of all tenures via the district and local needs housing surveys. Set up working party to investigate potential sites and form working relationships with housing providers. Parish Council to work with District Council to ensure number of new properties limited and in keeping with area. Infrastructure will need to be considered if housing development to proceed e.g. sewage system, local facilities (school) etc.

Manaccan and surrounding area Further research will be necessary.

Kerrier District Council: Housing and Services Services. Housing Corporations Parish Council Working Group Local Landowners Housing Providers: Housing Associations, Private Developers Local Residents

Monitoring the need for housing is an on-going process

Housing Action Plan...

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale Parish roads, footpaths and bridleways to be as safe as possible for all users. Manage traffic - particular awareness near known blind spots and where roads narrow.

Set up working group to explore various traffic management solutions (speed limit, one-way system, children crossing sign etc) and law enforcement issues. Liaise with Parish Council, County Highways and Road Safety Department, as well as Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.

Throughout Parish Specific locations include Minster Terrace near Lions Den road

Cornwall County Council – Highways & Road Safety Departments Parish Council Working Group Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Kerrier District Council Local Residents

A working group can be set up in the short term, with the view of resolving traffic problems in the medium term

Road Safety Action Plan...

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale To ensure adequate vehicle parking whilst alleviating parking congestion on main roads and by the school and facilities throughout the parish.

Carry out further parish consultation on whether residents are in favour of car park provision to alleviate congestion on village roads, and/or whether there is a need to ensure that car parking is prohibited in specific locations. Working group could then research feasibility of securing additional land for parking as an integral component of village centre improvements/ enhancement - to cater for residents as well as community facilities. Liaise with Cornwall County Council and seek advice. Contact local councillor, regarding funding of small projects. Disabled parking requirements to be considered in any project plans Also investigate facilities for bicycle parking. Any project proposals to be discussed at a public meeting

Locations identified as being problematic: Manaccan Square Manaccan School Helford Creek

Parish Council Working Group Cornwall County Council – Highways Kerrier District Council Landowners Local Residents

Consultation with residents can begin immediately

Vehicle Parking Provision and Controls Action Plan...

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale To maintain and secure the post offices and shop facilities now and in the future.

Parish Council to speak with shop/post office owners to gauge their views on developing their business e.g. extending range of products and/or services. If agreeable, a working party to include owners would need to seek advice from VIRSA/Post Office Ltd on sustainability/ advice & grants for existing retail outlets.

Publicise services/products available. Promote post office & shop services within the parish.

Existing post office and shop in Helford and Manaccan

Post Offices & Shop Owners Parish Council Working Group Cornwall Rural Community Council Regional Development Agency VIRSA (Village Retail Services Association) Kerrier District Council - Economic Development & Integrated Area Plan – Objective 1 Post Office Ltd


Post Offices/Shops Action Plan...

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale A thriving primary school within the parish.

Strong links between the school and the community.

Utilisation of school premises for other community activities such as evening classes, sports use and facilities for young people.

Establish links to community groups and organisations within the parish.

Liaise with head teacher of school to make initial enquiries regarding possible use of the school premises for other activities, such as training, adult education etc, that the community can make use of.

Evening classes was the most popular suggestion that came out of the work & training section at the planning event. Any new classes or facilities put on should not duplicate those already available within the parish.

Identify type of evening classes required and type of facilities required (and how they can be provided).

Manaccan School

Parish council Working group CCC – Education, Arts & Libraries Department & Adult Education Dept. Regional Development Agency School Governors CIRCLE (Computers in Rural Cornwall – a learning experience) Kerrier District Council Integrated Area Plan – Objective 1 Worker’s Educational Association (WEA)

Discussions with the school can begin immediately Work to provide training etc. will be on-going

Links With Mannacan Primary School Action Plan...

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale To ensure the continuation of use and improvements to the village hall’s facilities.

Conduct an audit of community facilities and consider the costs involved to repair, improve & equip the current hall.

Village Hall and other local relevant committees to work in partnership to develop community facilities as requested by residents, through on going consultation.

Consider what other services could be offered to help ensure the sustainability of facilities e.g. internet café, leisure activities. Village hall and school may both be possible venues for learning/training and recreational classes.

Seek funding & advice, enlisting help of possible partners who might provide the services required. Contact successful Parish Councils (eg. Ruan Minor) to gain insight (pros and cons) involved in a project.

Village Hall

Parish Council, Village Hall Committee & Working Group Cornwall Rural Community Council – Village Hall Advisor & Funding Advisor Cornwall County Council Early Years dept, Adult Education Kerrier District Council - Integrated Area Plan Local Organisations/Clubs e.g. Playing Field Committee, WI, etc Regional Development Agency Also: Health Authority & PCT, Employment Service, Adult Ed.


Support For Village Hall Action Plan...

Page 18

Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale Improvements to Helford Jetty to provide community facilities such as; disabled access for ferry passengers, and also investigation into improved outhaul facilities and improving landing facilities for fishermen.

Liaise with owner of the Helford Ferry , Cadgwith, Helford and District Fisherman’s Society and community to further determine the improvements required. Investigate cost for such improvements and funding requirements. Research possible funders.

Helford Jetty

Parish Council Working Group Land owners Kerrier District Council—Planning Service and Regeneration Service Cornwall Rural Community Council Cornwall County Council Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation Association Helford River Association Cagwith, Helford and District Fisherman’s Society Helford Village Society

Medium term

Improvements to the Helford Jetty Action Plan...

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale Dedicated facilities for cycle users including bike trails and associated facilities (e.g. bike racks).

To investigate possible bike trail projects – route, funding and land ownership issues.

As well as stand-alone projects e.g. a bike trail within the playing field, look at possibility of cycle routes between villages and/or amenities.

Manaccan playing field. Other parish locations to be identified.

Parish Council Working Group Playing Field Committee West Cornwall Rural Transport Partnership Sustrans Health Promotion Cornwall County Council—Planning, Transportation and Estates Service - Healthy Living Initiative

Working with partners such as Sutrans can begin in the near future with a view of achieving results in the medium term.

Bike Trails Action Plan...

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Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale Residents to have access to sports facilities and recreational activities.

Set up working group to refer to report data and identify level of sports requirements within the parish for sports such as, football, rugby and cricket.

Investigate what existing facilities are available in or near the parish and whether more use can be made of these. This will need to be looked at in conjunction with access – transport links/organised trips etc.

Consult parish residents further to identify which sports activities they want and would use.

Investigate possible funding, venues, and partners.

Within parish although specific named locations include: Manaccan playing field Village Hall

Also carry out audit of other facilities in neighbouring parishes.

Working Group Kerrier District Council—Sports Officer Parish Council Playing Field Committee School Landowners Sport Action Zone Sport England Cornwall Football Association Local Sports Groups/Clubs Community Foundation’s Sports Relief Grant

Medium/long term Work to identify and provide sports facilities to suit the communities needs will be on-going

Sports Facility Action Plan...

Page 21

Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale Play equipment to be made available and maintained, particularly for the 6-12 age group.

Equipment highlighted included adventure playground, roundabout, cableway, see-saw.

Skateboard facilities to meet the needs of the parish.

Set up working group to explore: location, space available, play facilities required, costings, funding, health & safety eg safety surfacing & insurance, access, responsibility.

Consultation with young people to identify their specific requirements: Consult Playwise Report 2002. Provision of transport to ensure young people have access to mobile skateboard facilities at the neighbouring parish of St. Keverne.

Manaccan Playing Field

Parish Council, Working Group & Local Residents Kerrier District Council—Recreation Officer Cornwall Rural Community Council - Playwise Project Cornwall Sport Alliance Cornwall County Playing Fields Association (CCPFA) National Playing Fields Association (NPFA) The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) Funding bodies eg. The Community Foundation’s Local Network Fund Local Businesses (sponsorship)


Play Equipment Action Plan...

Page 22

Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale A safe and crime free environment for residents.

Liaise with Devon & Cornwall Constabulary (Neighbourhood Beat Manager) to seek advice on crime prevention. Check whether there is a community liaison officer for the area or whether there is likely to be one in the near future (perhaps shared with neighbouring parishes) and seek information regarding what is feasible in terms of a police presence.

Explore community initiatives e.g. Neighbourhood Watch with an aim of reducing petty crime.

Within parish.

Parish Council Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Local Residents Cornwall County Council Kerrier District Council Local Businesses


Community Safety Action Plan...

Page 23

Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale Natural areas protected and maintained for the use, amenity and enjoyment of residents and conservation of wildlife.

Special areas to be identified and actions taken to ensure they are preserved.

Consider possible improvements that could be made to improve attractiveness of village e.g. flower beds, planting of trees, wildflower planting and hedge maintenance, and identify likely locations.

Investigate funding options.

Parish wide

Parish Council, Working Group/s and Local Residents Kerrier District Council Cornwall County Council English Nature English Heritage Wildlife Trust Environment Agency Groundwork Trust British Trust for Conservation Volunteers

Work can begin immediately on identifying areas for protection Improvements projects can be set-up with a view of achieving results in the short term

Protecting Natural Areas Action Plan...

Page 24

Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale Adequate local recycling facilities appropriately publicised, and therefore well used by residents.

Investigate feasibility of improving opportunities for recycling within the parish – in terms of extending range of items for recycling and regular household collection/emptying of facilities. Also there is a need to ensure that facilities are appropriately advertised, so usage is maximised.

Throughout parish

Parish Council Kerrier District Council Local Residents

Investigation of recycling facilities can begin immediately

Re-cycling and Waste Action Plan...

Page 25

Aim Action Locations Partners Timescale A satisfactory sewerage system within the parish with Helford as a priority.

Identify issues/problems relating to the sewage system so that a clear outline of the current situation and expectations can be established. As South West Water currently hold the licence to supply water and sewerage services to the south west, it will be necessary to establish whether they have an improvement strategy for the area and what this will involve. If there are specific problems that are not being tackled, the parish will need to lobby SWW and work with relevant partners such as Ofwat, Environment Agency, to work towards a resolution.

Throughout parish with Helford as a priority.

Parish Council Kerrier District Council Cornwall County Council South-West Water Environment Agency Ofwat (Office of Water Services) DEFRA Local Residents Local Councillors

Results may be achieved in the medium to long-term.

Sewerage Action Plan...