Make the Change

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Make the Change


3. To avoid violation of or interference with

2. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation

1. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem

Every year, women around the world experience the

effects of disrespect.


Why will you make the change?

1 in 4 women have experienced, or will experience some form of violence in their lifetime.

Globally, at least 1 in 3 women and girls is beaten or sexually abused in her lifetime.

The most common act of violence committed against women is being slapped.

Most cases of domestic violence will occur between spouses or significant others.

Women are mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, nieces, girlfriends, wives, partners, friends…

But women around the world still face violence and discrimination every day of their lives.

Before you raise your voice, clench your fist, or close your mind..

Remember: YOU can be a part of the change

You don’t have to tolerate disrespect and inequality.

So what will you do to combat violence against women?

We are standing up for change.

Will You?