Maimonides Community

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Dear community friends, Attached please find this week's MC newsletter, 4-pages in web-resolution PDF format. Inside there are a number of tactile learning reports about various types of materials from flax to rocks and the Tachash skins on the Mishkan. There's a very interesting Q&A between Rabbi Rubin and our first and second graders regarding a Helen Keller game. There are a few Presidents Week projects and Purim learning and projects already in the works. Read up on some of what our students are reading now in class. See page 1 for two interesting snapshots from the Chabad Womens Connection last week with an Albany connection. This week's High-5 gives 5 reasons for why the "Give a Giggle" feature is good for our newsletter, students and readers. See the Seuss-themed Purim Prunch and stack of beginner books in memory of Mrs. Carroll's father, also see back page for the $7 Israel Tree project as well as a listing of upcoming events. Please note that the Pizza Night this Sat Night ha

Transcript of Maimonides Community

Community Newsletter of the Maimonides Hebrew Day School of the Capital District 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208 (518) 453-9363/3434 produced by Rabbi Mendel & students in the TNT (Torah ‘n Technology) Program

Maimonides is accredited by the NYS Board of Regents & is a beneficiary of UJF-NENY

BH. RC Adar 5775 / Feb 20, 2015

PURIM STORYLINES Many of our classes are already studying about Purim including the students who colored in the segments of the Purim story displayed wide on the entranceway bulletin board. MAZAL TOV BEN & STEPHANIE Zaientz, on their beautiful wedding this past Sunday in the Five Towns. Many UAlbany

students and alumni as well as Albany families were present. They are up here this weekend for Sheva Brachos at Shabbos House on Shabbos

and Motzai Shabbos hosted by the Kochmans. May we share many Simchas!

TWO KINUS SNAPSHOTS (Top) VIN News, a Jewish website interviewed a few Shluchos before the banquet including Mrs. Tzivie Hecht

(herself a Maimonides alumna!) who shared how her children travel 70 minutes each way every day to attend the Maimonides School in Albany. (Above Left) Also at the banquet, Morah Rochel met the mother of Ayal HYD, one of the three teens tragically kidnapped and killed by terrorists this past summer in Israel.

WHAT IS A “TACHASH”? Ah, that’s a big question! This week’s Parshas Terumah mentions the colorful beautiful Tachash skins used in the Mishkan, and the HS boys Gemorah class just happened to be learning about it at the same time in Talmud Shabbos page 28. The Talmud says Tachash had one horn, like a unicorn. They looked at R’ Aryeh Kaplan’s “Living Torah” Chumash which offers various explanations of what the Tachash might be including a one-horned antelope, a narwal (because in Arabic the word Tachash means a seacow or manatee) based on the Talmudic and scriptural criteria. Or perhaps its an animal that became extinct since the biblical times of the Mishkan (which is the opinion of R’ Nechemia). Some say Tachash refers not to a type of animal but to its colors or the process of curing the skins. After learning the Gemorah it was neat to go back and learn the Rashi on the verse and see how crisply Rashi captures what the Gemorah says into his basic and accessible commentary.

FURHMAN YARTZEIT On Thursday, the first day of Rosh Chodesh, when the Minyan was at school instead of the Shteeble, Dr. Fuhrman brought a big party platter breakfast spread for a Kiddush after Musaf in honor of his father Avraham ben Efraim’s yartzeit.

HELP ULSTER CHABAD WIN! Let’s give them a click! All you need is a FB login. You can vote once a day thru March 6th. Look for Chabad Lubavitch of Ulster County (approx 6 organizations down page 2.) or google: Ulster Savings Mid Hudson Heroes IDENTIFYING ROCKS & LAYERS HS Boys were assigned a bunch of rocks to identify according to criteria in their Earth Science classes. Mrs. Maher’s 5/6 grade are learning about the layers deep within earth, starting at the outer crust, deeper into the mantle, and deepest of all is the core. The look of a rock is much more than appearances, it tells us a lot about where it is from.

FLAX TOOLS Rabbi Yossi was in a museum with

his kids and they took a picture of these old-fashioned tools to work with flax. Fits right in with the HS Boys Gemorah on flax and linen. Lots of tactile materials learning this week!

Candle-Lighting: 5:15 Shabbos Ends: 6:17

MAIMONIDES 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

This newsletter is sponsored by the

Kudan family in honor of their

recent newborn grandchildren

Menachem Mendel Dubroff

Chana Kagan

Yosef Yehuda Kudan

LOOK INSIDE LINCOLN’S HAT 1st & 2nd made these for Presidents Week (now up on the bulletin board), as they learned about Washington & Lincoln. Flip up Lincoln’s hat to see some student writing!

WELCOME BACK MORAH DINI Morah Dini and Ita (and their baby) returned from an exciting trip to Israel. They brought back (see TOP photo) wonderful regards from MHDS alumni Chaya L. and Mushky R. who are doing very well in seminary there, taking all-Hebrew classes, excelling in their studies & making the most of their Israel experience. And yes they are wearing coats because it is quite cold there (not as cold as Albany, of course). Morah Dini brought her students (see ABOVE photo) an Israeli treat called Krembo, which is a cookie-based marshmallow cream covered chocolate! More than the delicious Krembo treat they were eager to learn Chumash and Yahadus with her again! “NAMES” BY ALVAREZ 7th grade read “Names” by Julia Alvarez. It is a story of a Dominican Republic family who moved to New York but got homesick and moved back, and how she went back and forth by which names to go by. The dilemma is to be who you are or to try and fit in because its hard to be different. Jewish people can relate to this very well, because the message is about pride in your family and heritage. FISH CHEEKS BY AMY TAN Another story they read about fitting in or being different is “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan, about a Chinese-American girl and her mother’s advice: “You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame.” MICHAL, DAUGHTER OF SAUL... And wife of David. She was in a tough spot, between a rock and a hard place, as her father, then the King of Israel, was jealous of her husband David and eager to kill him. 7th grade Navi class with Morah Rochel is learning about what she did to save her husband (lowered him through a window and put a dummy in the bed) and how she explained that to her father.

THE XYZ AFFAIR In Mrs. Ramsay’s history class, 6/7 grade is learning about the “XYZ Affair” named for 3 anonymous French diplomats who demanded bribes in order to negotiate an important treaty with the young and new United States. But then President John Adams refused to do so, and eventually things were worked out without resorting to such political corruption.

COLORFUL GRAGGER MAKING Kindergarteners painted up a colorful storm of Gragger-making, which they hope to use on Purim, now less than two weeks away!

ANNIE & THE WILD ANIMALS Mrs. Hoffman read this book to eager Nursery listeners and then they did projects about animal sounds, including this one on BUZZ for the letter Z. They also worked on stamping little letter “Z’s” inside big letter “Z’s.”


Mrs. Maher’s fifth graders are each reading a book on a different hero from the time of the American Revolution and the founding of this country. They are reading up on people like John Hancock, George Washington, Paul Revere, and Thomas Jefferson. Once they finish their books, they will have a choice of how to present their hero. They can do make a poster, make a power point, or dress up as the hero and tell an oral report.

Rabbi Rubin, We are reading a story this week about Helen Keller, a well known deaf and blind person. I have an activity I would like to do with my second graders to help them understand what it may have been like for Helen and her teacher Annie Sullivan. A student saw me preparing for the activity. He said they are not permitted to play a game that has them pretend to be deaf or blind, that G-d would make them deaf or blind for doing so. I spoke to Morah Devorah and she told our students that my activity would be ok. Could you please elaborate a bit more so we know what to do right? Thank you, Lorin Carroll Dear Mrs. Carroll and all first and second graders, You have raised a very interesting question, and you certainly deserve a good answer! The source of your concern can be found in the very last Mishna of "Peah", (in the second section of the Zeraim, right after "Brachos" which you will study in grades 3 and 4.) The Mishna is discussing the laws of charity to the poor, teaching us not to pretend that we have a handicap to wrongfully obtain benefits. The Mishna warns that by misleading and faking a handicap, it may cause the Handicap to actually happen, heaven forbid. But your teacher Mrs. Carrol is doing with you an activity so you can learn how to be more caring and sensitive to blind or deaf people, and that is certainly permitted! Rather than doing a wrong Avera, Mrs Carroll is teaching you a wonderful Mitzvah, so there will be no harm! What a wonderful way to learn Torah, also in our General studies class! Rabbi Rubin

SILHOUETTES AND COINS Another Presidents Week project! These students all took side portraits and then traced their silhouettes on black paper to put on their own silver foil coins. They also learned how historical leaders are remembered, with coins and street-

names, monuments, legacy lessons etc.

A LIVE ADAR HANGMAN GAME For Rosh Chodesh Adar the HS Girls played a game in the lunchroom, with students coming up to try letters on the big hangman board. If a student couldn't guess it right, they had to put on one dress-up item, perfect for Adar! Everyone had a great time.. What was the phrase? Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha! ON THE ROAD, MAPS TO SCALE This was a fun and different math application. Students got maps and were given a start and end point from one city to another. They had to figure the best route, and then the distance on each road using scale and add all the travel times and distances together for the trip total. Basically, it’s what GoogleMaps or Mapquest does automatically, but the math behind it. A MANIAC MAGEE MESSAGE

Maniac Magee is a fun read, but 5th graders also picked up on a nice meaningful life message. Jeffrey and

Grayson become friends, and each is able to teach or help the other do things the other didn’t know or couldn’t do. They said this is a Maimonides Middos message: everyone is able to help someone else with something, even if you need help yourself. THANKS TO (PAYPAL) DONORS! Your support is vital to our school...

AWESOME ADJECTIVES How would you describe yourself? Students wrote up adjectives that describe themselves.

NEW PURIM WORKBOOKS Yes, everyone knows the basic Purim story, but there’s so much more to learn about it. Plus, these new workbooks help them learn Hebrew using the basic story they already know.

SEUSS BOOKS, SEUSS PURIM At this year’s Purim Morning Prunch classic beginner reader books will be dedicated in memory of Mrs. Carroll’s father. If you would like to participate and expand the number of books for our young readers, please send $10 or amount of your choice to the school office.



1 EFFECT ON THE READER: It can brighten someone’s day even if just for a little bit, it gives people a little chuckle. Its actually healthy to laugh - laughter yoga is a big thing now. Being b’Simcha is a Mitzvah. HS Boys learned a (well-known) Arizal interpretation which emphasizes the importance of joy in Judaism.

2 EFFECT ON STUDENTS Give a Giggle makes reporting fun, gives responsibility to students who enjoy this type of MC work the best, its something that anyone can do, all grades, all learner types, helps them be a little creative and out of the box.. It also helps students grow in understanding about the difference between appropriate or not…

3 TYPE OF JOKE: Some teach us something about language like puns and grammatical jokes, some have life lessons or meaningful messages presented in a fun way. Sometimes a joke addresses a challenging life situation but it makes it a little lighter and easier to deal with.

4 MC-WISE: It’s something to look forward to… “I know someone who reads that first in the newsletter” It’s an easy feature to bring up in conversation or share with others even without lots of explanation. And it also helps us fill up the MC newsletter each week.

5 IN STUDY: The Talmud says that Rava would begin his lectures with a joke to break the ice. And Adar is time of joy! HS Boys learned why it is that explaining a joke dulls or kills the impact of it.

How many degrees was it in Choni Hame’agel’s circle? 360, of course! What’s the difference between a jeweler and a jailer? A jeweler sells watches and a jailer watches cells! Horses have infinite number of legs, here's proof: 2 back legs & forelegs, makes 6 legs, which is an even number but odd for a horse. Infinity (if considered a number) is both odd and even! What happened when 2 weathermen each broke an arm and a leg in an accident? They were worried about the four casts. “Doctor,” asked the patient, “whenever I get up, I feel dizzy for 1/2 hour, then I’m all right.” The doctor replied: “Wait 1/2 hour before getting up!” An invisible man and an invisible woman got married. You wouldn’t be surprised to learn that their children were nothing to look at either.

2/20: SHABBOS PARSHA TERUMAH We read about the Mishkan donations and the Mishkan’s design. 2/21: RABBI REISMAN SHIUR Sat Nights 7:30pm at CBAJ Luchins Media Center with Rabbi Y. Reisman, televised from Brooklyn. Rabbi Frand’s class is viewed 9pm on Thursdays. 2/21: PIZZA NIGHT RESCHEDULED Due to the Zaientz Sheva Brachos on Saturday night, we’re rescheduling.. See Monday 2/23 > 2/22: SOME THINGS TO DO It’s getting close to Purim so this Sunday is a good time to start planning your Purim costume and thinking of your Mishloach Manot. If you need to get out a bit, here are a few ideas: Snowshoe and ice-skating rentals at Schodack

Island State Park. Prefer indoors? “NY in Bloom” is this weekend

at the NYS Museum. $5 admission, cash only. 2/22: WRAPUNZEL HAIR WRAP A hair-wrapping workshop event sponsored by the Albany Bnos Israel Mikvah, with support from the Jewish Federation. Simple & exquisite wrap ties. 6:30pm at CBAJ. $10pp suggested donation. RSVP: / 618-7423. 2/23: MHDS HS’ PASTA NIGHT! Instead of Sat Night Pizza Night, Monday Night Pasta Night! Video shown at school between 3:30-4pm, pasta bar 4pm-6pm. $8pp or $36 max per family includes white sauce and red sauce pasta, salad, and drink. $3 Adar Smoothies are extra. 2/23: WOMENS BEIT MEDRASH Timely this month about Queen Esther, 8pm at Maimonides, given by Leah Caras. 3/1: JEWISH KINGS & QUEENS Beth Tephillah Troy’s historical reenactment of Jewish Kings & Queens of non-Jewish countries and their tough choices re: their people versus their security. Queen Esther made this choice as well. Light lunch served. Admission $5, members free. No kids under 12. Contact: 894-3491 3/4: SEUSSIAN SOOS FOR PURIM HS boys, Rabbi Rubin & Rabbi Caras are helping develop a Seussian Seuss (Soos is horse in Hebrew) theme for this year’s Purim Prunch at Maimonides. 10am Megillah, 11am Prunch, light food and great opportunity to exchange local Mishloach Manot. Books will be dedicated in memory of Mrs.

Carroll’s father. If you’d like to participate send $10 (or amount of choice) to the school office. 3/4: PURIM NIGHT (WED) Purim Night is “March (4th) Forth!” this year so its an easy date to remember. Look for many local events and celebrations including: Big Bounce Night at CBAJ Purim Carnival @ UAlbany Campus Ballroom Italian (Dairy) Purim at Saratoga Chabad No-Frills Megillah Reading at Shomray Torah 3/5: PURIM DAY (THURS) The Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot and the Purim Meal is supposed to be done on Purim Day, and yes, there are more communal celebrations! Annual Maimonides Purim Prunch late Purim

morning this year with a possible “Seussian Soos” theme! Stay tuned…

“Purim Under Sea” at Bethlehem Chabad 5pm at the Normanside Country Club

“Purim a Paris” with Clifton Park Chabad 4:30 at the West Crescent Fire Hall.

Kingston NY is also hosting a Purim in Paris. It’s a popular theme this year in solidarity with the Jews of Paris who suffered this year.

“I Remember When” Purim at Troy’s Beth Tephilah, stay tuned for info.

“Purim in the Wild West” at Chabad of the Berkshires in the Lenox Community Center.

Plus morning Minyan, Torah and Megillah Reading at Shomray Torah, CBAJ etc.

3/6: SHUSHAN PURIM 9am start, with davening at 9am. Children are asked to please come in costume for the school’s annual Shushan Purim costume parade! 3/6: FED SCHOLARSHIPS DUE The Jewish Federation offers scholarships for overnight summer camps and other enrichment experiences. Forms are available at the school office or from the Federation. Applications must be in by this date. 3/8: SCOUTS PINEWOOD DERBY You do not have to be a scout to join, this event is open to boys and girls ages K-8, 1-4pm at Temple Israel Social Hall. Signup by 3/1: contact Contact Jesse Weinstock 222-4070 or Adam Selsley 368-8713. 3/20: BETTER2WRITE ESSAY DUE Student participants in our school’s “Better Together” teens & seniors program have to submit their essays no later than this date.

MAIMONIDES SCHOOL & COMMUNITY (Nursery / Elementary / High School) 404 Partridge Street Albany NY 12208

(518) 453-9363/3434

Founded in 1980, Maimonides is chartered by the NYS Board of Regents and is a JF-NENY

Beneficiary “A Beautiful Blend: Torah & Worldly Experience!”

at Maimonides and in the Community


Our school is participating with “Zo Artzeinu” to support religious farmers this Shmitta year and contribute towards the preparations and planting of fruit trees.

We are asking each school family (community friends are welcome to participate as well) to send $7 (Shmitta year is the 7th year) to school which will be used to purchase a fruit tree! Each tree is $45, we hope to plant at least 2 or 3 trees, perhaps more!

The organization in Israel will give us educational materials relating to agricultural Halacha in the Land of Israel. Please send $7 and indicate which tree you prefer, we will purchase the trees based on the total votes:

Olive Tree Grape Vine Pomegranate Fig Tree Date Palm Citrus Tree

P.S. Of course, families who wish to buy a tree for $45 can do so (preferably via Maimonides) but we hope all participate with $7 minimum so we purchase trees as a school community.