Mahtani's Highjacking of Zambezi Portland Cement (ZPC)

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mahtani's Highjacking of Zambezi Portland Cement (ZPC)


The Beginning

- Finsbury Investment and Rajan Mahtani have several times tried to take control of Zambezi Portland Cement (ZPC) illegally, but to no avail

- Zambian High courts protected the rightful owners / Directors with several injunctions restraining Finsbury /Mahtani acting as Directors and Share holders.

A Fraudulent Transfer Goes Through

- Finsbury Investments forged a shareholder transfer document and although they were not party to the Supreme court judgment on the matter dated 21 April 2010, the Supreme Court accepted them as rightful operators of ZPC, taking out the main party and lawful owners in a controversial judgment…albeit temporarily.

A Scandalous Deportation Order

- Further exceptional circumstances that followed a Supreme Court decree were that Antonio Ventriglia and Manuela Sebastiani were declared prohibited immigrants. This story is totally distorted and false. The truth is that Antonio Ventriglia and Manuela Sebastiani have never been deported or ever had any problems with the Zambian immigration since their fist stay in Zambia in1957.

- On the 20th November 2012, Mr. Daniele Ventriglia, the Operations manger of ZPC, was summoned to present himself to the Immigration Department in Ndola where he was informed by the Regional Immigration Officer that his Residence Permit had since been revoked because he was considered to be a “Danger to the peace of the Nation”. He was given four hours to leave the country and was taken to Ndola International Airport where he boarded Kenya Airways to Nairobi and then on to Rome via Amsterdam, on a ticket that had been given to him and paid for in cash by the Immigration Authorities.

Under New (Unlawful) Manaagement

- With the rightful owners temporarily forced to leave Ndola, their home for years, Finsbury/Mahtani attempted to be considered directors and shareholders of ZPC, seizing it under documents forged by Finsbury / Mahtani themselves.

- On what basis did the Supreme Court consider Finsbury / Mahtani a party to Zambezi Portland Cement?

- What became clear - The deportation orders were given to enable Rajan Mahtani to take over the Zambezi Portland Cement plant without any hindrance.

Retribution - Finally, justice appears to be prevailing - On June 2, Rajan Mahtani was arrested by police on two counts of forgery Contracry to Section 344chapter nine of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

- In both counts, Dr. Mahtani is alleged to have jointly and whilst acting with other persons unknown forged a Transfer of 500,000,000 Shares from Zambezi Portland Cement into Finsbury Investment Limited purporting that the forms were dully signed by the Directors of Zambezi Portland Cement when in fact not.

- Although he has been released on bail, the many victims of Mahtani are awaiting their day in court with the hope that this corrupt criminal is sentenced to jail.