Machu Pichu History"- Peru TRAVEL

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Machu Pichu History"- Peru TRAVEL

  • 8/3/2019 Machu Pichu History"- Peru TRAVEL


    Known to some as, The Lost City of the Incas , or to others as a,

    'Seven Wonder of the World', Machu Pichu remains a modern day

    mystery for both locals and foreigners alike. With a history

    hazier then the clouds surrounding her walls, the truth

    behind Machu Pichu's conception, reign, and

    abrupt abandonment, unfortunately diesoff with each passing generation.

    Machu Pichu History

    Erected around 1450 AC, Machu Pichu surprisingly only harbored civilization for about one-hundred years. Some believe she was built during the time of

    Spanish invasion, to be used as an Inca stronghold. Others believe the city was abandoned due to the onslaught of Western diseases introduced by

    European explorers. But I think it was nothing more then a summer home , a royal retreat for the Inca kings. Inhabited by over 400 royal concubines, I

    highly doubt these "mistresses" were going to be used in battle.


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  • 8/3/2019 Machu Pichu History"- Peru TRAVEL


    The true history behind Machu Pichu, however, may never be

    known thanks to the secrecy of the local Quechua people,

    closest descendents to the Inca's. It was their secrecy that

    allowed this modern day marvel to go into hiding for over 400

    years. As the Spanish conquistadors scowered the lands for

    gold and power, they uncovered, and more often then not,

    destroyed almost every Inca ruin and temple in their path.

    However, not even their seasoned explorers could find this sky-

    high seplechur. Funny enough, Machu Pichu was actually

    discovered on accident in 1911 by an American explorer. Hiram

    Bingham was in search of a different, lost city , Vilacabamba,

    believed to be the last Inca stronghold against the Spanish, but

    stumbled across this diamond in the rough instead. Poor guy.

    From the entrance, the "most photographed" region of Machu Pichu spreads

    out in all its photogenic glory. And, if you look just beyond the ruins, you will

    see that one of the Inca Kings still lives. He's just sleeping. Wayna Pichu

    Mountain sits in the back of the city, rising another 1,045 steps (trust me, we

    counted) and forms the kings nose. From this reference point, his full profile

    comes into view. Beginning at the far right, his forehead takes shape and to

    the far left, lips and a pertruding chin are revealed. Be warned though, that the

    climb up the royal schnoz is only for the physically fit. Almost a complete

    vertical ascent at times, with only a simple cable to rely on.

    The view is well worth the climb, exposing the entirety of Machu Pichu

    city, Agricultural and Urban sectors, only visible from this vantage point.

    The Agricultural sector creeps up the mountain side, boasting hundreds

    of terraced walls which continue to secure the tiny plots of farmland tilled

    so many years ago. The urban area, consists of many residential homes

    (now, only stone walls remain lacking their once thatched roofs) along

    with holy temples, ceremonial courtyards, and of course, the royal

    chambers. We even saw the Royal Throne...the kings toilet, that is.

    Not only were the Inca's genius masons, they were also astronomical

    wizzes. The 'Intihuatana', the most sacred rock in all Machu Pihcu, sits

    atop the towns highest summit. Referred to as, The Hitching Point of

    the Sun , it was a crude astronomical clock used to determine the

    seasons, Had the Spanish found Machu Pichu they would have

    destroyed this ancient sundial, along with every other form of pagan sun

    worship blashemy. However, Intihuatana was lucky enough to escape

    the conquistadors rath, only to fall hundreds of years later to a different

    enemy...a filmcrew. In 2000, a film crew was permitted to use this

    sacred site for a beer commercial and accidentally dropped a crane on

    Intihuatana, breaking off a gigantic piece of her aging dial. Hmmm...I

    wonder if the filmcrew happened to be Spanish...

    Situated between Machu Pichu and Wayna Pichu Mountain (the saddle), the city sits at a comfortable 7,800 feet above sea level. Surrounded on all sides

    by steep cliffs, falling off into the steamy valleys below, and hidden within the natural belly of its taller surrounding peaks, this location makes for the

    perfect "hiding spot".

    The Incas were some of the best (if not the best) stonemasons the world had ever seen. They perfected the ashlar style of building, in which stones are

    cut and broken to fit perfectly within eachother, without the use of mortar. Many of these stone joints are so tight that not even a knife can pass through.

    Good thing, because Peru happens to sit on a gigantic fault line, and if not for their building expertise, Machu Pichu never would have survived years of

    quakes. Doorways are slanted inward, creating a slight triangular design and most wall layers are offset to fit within each other more securely.

    And that's all of now folks. I could blab on and on about the possible histories behind Machu Pichu, but since nothing is fact, I would only be offering

    ficticious ideas.

    For more of Reggie's crazy adventures, please visit:

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