Look, listen, repeat [m], [e], [r] merry [k] Christmas [ŋ] sing, song [p] pudding [t], [ ׃ ׀ ]...

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Look, listen, repeat [m], [e], [r] merry [k] Christmas [ŋ] sing, song [p] pudding [t], [ ׃ ׀ ]...

Look, listen, repeat

[m], [e], [r] merry

[k] Christmas

[ŋ] sing, song

[p] pudding

[t], [ ׀׃ ] tree

1)Read the text

“Truth and Truth and Untruth about Untruth about Christmas”Christmas”

2)Read the statement, write letter “B” if you believe in it and “N” if you don’t

I believe that …or

I don’t believe that …

Гапонів А. Б., Возна М. О. Лінгвокраїно-знавство.Англомовні країни.

Page 64.

“According to a Roman almanac, theChristian festival of Christmas was celebrated in Romein AD 336.”

Page 63.

“This word was actually used in Greece in the early Christian church

where X is the first letter of Christ’s name – the

Greek word for Christ is Xristos – and this was

used as a holy symbol.”

Page 64.“The use of

evergreen trees, wreaths and

garlands as a symbol of eternal

life was an ancient custom of the Egyptians …”

Page 64.“The modern Christmas tree

originated in western Germany where Lutherans

set up a paradise tree in their homes on December 24

…” According to different stories, Martin Luther, an

important Christian leader, decorated the first

Christmas tree on Christmas Eve around the year 1513.

Page 64.“This custom was

widespread among European Protestants by

the 18th century, but it was not introduced into England until the early

19th century by the German Prince Albert,

husband of Queen Victoria …”

Page 64.Each year Norway

presents a big fir-tree to England and it is placed in Trafalgar Square, London.

It is a gift of the Norwegian Royal family to the Britain’s

people. They thank the British for their help in the

liberation of Norway during the World War II.

Page 64. “…Santa Claus in

his current form was invented by the

marketing department of the

Coca-Cola Corporation in the

late 19th century…”

Page 64.

You can see “a card with a robin

and holly, two key symbols”.

Page 64.“Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They

looked like robins. At Christmas they brought many Christmas cards.

And people began to think about a robin as a

Christmas bird. You can see it on almost every

Christmas card.”

Let’s watch the video.

Pay attention to the facts we haven’t discussed today.

Home assignment.

Write an e-mail to Alex, say thanks for the video and tell about your family Christmas celebrations.