
Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Locations


I will use park hall academy because it easily available and since I do media in this school I know it very well and where all the best camera locations are. Also if I needed help with some of my filming I can simply go to my teacher and ask her. Another reason why this would be the perfect filming location is that all the actors in my film go to this school. The school is very huge it has massive fields in the back where I can make it look like I am filming in a place that doesn’t look like a school at all. The car park of the school can also be used in my film because I might need to use a car in my film, so I could ask one of the teachers if I could use theirs.

This is my house, therefore this will be the easiest location for me to film in because it is MY house, however if I did want to film in here I would need to wait for a day when my parents aren’t in the house and I would also need their permission, but these two problems wouldn’t be hard to bypass. I can use this location in my film because it looks like a normal working class family house, it doesn’t look expensive or extremely clean. There are a few alleyways and shops around my house where I can film but I can still keep the house in the scenes before without it looking weird.

This could be a very useful alleyway in my film because it is near my school and not many people go through it in the middle of the day so I could use it all by myself and not get disturbed. I will use it because I need natural settings in my film to make it realistic and seem more British-like. Also this alley has been used my media students in my school so I can just ask them how best to film in there. Also it has a kind of forest around it which makes it seem more realistic and natural.