Locating Resources the 21st century Style. The selection of resources was traditionally our time to...

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Transcript of Locating Resources the 21st century Style. The selection of resources was traditionally our time to...

Locating Resources the 21st century Style

The selection of resources was traditionally our time to SHINE !– Typical project boxes (books,

clippings, magazines, posters,etc)

With the Internet our project boxes expanded

•We could now create “VIRTUAL PROJECT BOXES’ of websites, online journals and newspapers, network files, and still include references to books!

•Problems with content control overcome with tools such as Filamentality and new ways of working with electronic catalogues (e.g. cataloguing websites)

The new tools provided in

Web 2.0

PERSONALISATION and COLLABORATION– The user is in more control over what reaches his

desktop– The user works with others in new ways– For more information about this is going to

change education (among other things) see http://www.charlesleadbeater.net?home aspx

With the advent of Web 2.0 the user is in control

•We can turn over far more of the selection process to our pupils !

•They can gather, annotate, and select resources for themselves, but….

•They still will need OUR help and support in learning how to do it well !

• ROLLYO to build your own search engine

• Pupils bring in the websites, you create the rollyo,the whole class uses to search for information

• SOCIAL BOOKMARKING (de.licio.us OR www.diigo.com )

– To collaborate on resource selection

– To motivate pupils to become more reflective on why they choose a resource

Tools to Try

• Ask students to create a list of sites they think would be good for a topic (plus their reasons for the selection)

• Students look at sites together and choose the best for the group

• Either Students or the Librarian then creates a topic search engine on www.rollyo.com using the pre-selected website

• Students then can search all the sites at once but with a one-click operation

One example of how Web 2.0 can make student

searching more effective…

For Fast and easy Online Classrooms…

use a WIKI– Create a project online (syllabus, notes, homework …everything!)– Encourage your students to collaborate on their selection of

resources to use and defend their choice to others in the group– Work collaboratively online - assess each other, create joint

answers– Mark online for the benefit of the whole group

Making a PB Wiki is As easy as making a Peanut Butter Sandwich!

How I’ve used Wikis

• http://ripongrammarlibrary.pbwiki.com

(Critical Thinking pages)– I use as an online forum for my AS Critical Thinking


– Class lists, syllabus, homework etc

– All homework is marked online for whole group to see

– Facility for collaboration

– Basic version allows for any one to edit, advanced version provides layers of security control

Teaching Games Lessons with a WIKI• Task: to design a ‘new game’• All instructions on the wiki• Time in the library to plan, and basic research• One member of each team is allocated writer

status on the wiki• As the plans develop, staff add in comments • A professor from the USA joined in as well, and

asked his students to trial the games and contribute

• Could you ask pupils to create PODCASTS or WIKIS instead of the over used Power Point presentation ?

• Monitor RSS feeds and report back to the class

• Or any other weird and wonderful new developments of online working?

Use Web 2.0 developments to enhance their learning

Project Planning:How do you begin?

By using IL skills yourself …

For you the PROCESS is as important as the PRODUCT too !

Your PlanningYour AIM: to create a successful collaborative project

Questions, questions, questions….

– What need in the school curriculum will you target?

– What aspect of IL will you focus on?

– Possible partners?

– Do you have written plans ?

– How will you measure curricular and IL learning?

– When shall we implement it?

– Who will assess each part?

– What do we need?

Locating the information you need

To help you answer your questions:– School plans– Curriculum targets– Books and websites on IL – Talk to PEOPLE !

Using the information to design your projects

• Repeat the mantra: the process is as important as the product!

• Plan how each new project will build on previous IL skills

• Experiment with methods of working

Self-evaluating your process

• Evaluate each project and develop strategies for dealing with difficulties

• The process is dynamic…often confusing, frustrating…but also exciting, challenging!

• Keep a record of projects in terms of student progress, teachers’ views, and YOUR view

Planning a Specific Project

• Aims (the learning targets)

• Outcomes (what will be produced/achieved)

• Methods of assessing learning (How to measure that your aims have

been met)• Tools to help you to deliver the content

(resources, worksheets, equipment, people, rooms…..)

• Methods of differentiating work

AIMS - the basic building blocks• These are the BIG statements - the learning

goals you want to achieve• Ask your partner to specify the National

Curriculum target• Set your own IL targets…this is where the

wider picture of the pupils’ experiences helps…try to focus on different skills in different projects to keep pupils engaged

This morning’s aims were to introduce the topics of IL and partnership, and to stimulate your thinking on ways in which you could develop these in your own school.

LEARNING OUTCOMES?At the end of the lesson what do you hope the pupils will have accomplished to show you that your learning aim was met?

The learning outcome for this morning was that each of you would demonstrate a new level of knowledge of IL via

• Individual collecting of new ideas •Questions and ideas generated and shared with the Group


This morning I assessed your learning by – Observing your work on the

Knowledge Squared sheet

– Your eye contact and facial expressions!

– Your questions

– Your interaction with each other (the level of discussion)

Assessment of learning is the Key!

• The PROCESS not just the PRODUCT

• Ongoing pupil self-assessment• Through lesson observation• Assessment at each stage• Teacher assessment of curricular

attainment• Across several projects…ongoing !

Tools of the TradeWhat do you need to deliver the

project?• How much time, how many


• Who will be responsible for what? (share the load!)

• Resources, project boxes, ICT, worksheets, etc.

The tools for today included the Power Point and the digital projector, the flipchart, pens and paper, examples of good practice, further reading material, handouts, etc. I negotiated all this ahead of time!

A SIMPLE lesson plan

S = Set

(activate prior knowledge and get their attention)

I = input (the message)

M = model (show examples)

PL = practice learning (supported experiments)

E = evaluate

Differentiation by ability and by learning style

No two people learn in the same way or have the same level of prior knowledge– Create a safe learning

environment where everyone can work at their own pace and in a style that suits them (at least part of the time!)

This morning’s session provided a range of activities to suit different learning styles and prior knowledge. Were you more comfortable with some activities rather than with others?

How to provide differentiated lessons

Provide different activities for different types of learning styles

– Visual (reading, drawing)

– Auditory (discussion, listening)

– Kinesthetic (active, doing)

Mixture of individual and group work

– Peer mentoring

– Time for reflection

– Teacher and librarian support

IL allows the pupils to provide the differentiation

themselvesIL projects provide opportunities for decision

making and independence

Questions and activities that require higher level thinking require students to work in a variety of ways

Pupils can determine level and pace through self-evaluation (reflection, modification, experimentation, synthesis)

Long Range Assessment of IL in your school

My Models– Year 7 assessment of IL skills (Sept / July)

– Assessment of each project based on curricular and IL targets

– Yearly assessment reports (years 7,8,9)

Today you will use the skills identified by QCA as the Key Stage 3 Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

Time once again to get to work!

You are going to work with a partner to design a project.

I will give you the aims but you will then determine:

– Learning Outcomes

– Possible activities that will deliver the outcomes and aims

– Tools to help you deliver the aims

– Methods of differentiating the work

– Methods of evaluating the project

Be prepared to show the Group your ideas.