Little known facts about SITA

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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He sat there silently for a while and then told me that he was highly educated. He was a graduate from Agra University and that now he had renounced everything. Renunciation must be physical and practical, he said. He was, he said, a wandering Sadhu and that he travelled a lot. He said that no one can get the entire answers about Ramayan, until and unless one creates and visualizes the Historical environment of that time. The epic written by Maharishi Valmiki has lot of voids, and everyone knows that. Yet people try to answer questions pertaining to voids without going into historical and geographical environment of that time, and usually such answers are wrong. The second problem, he said was that people who answer or need the answer do not entirely believe that Shri Ram was a historical figure. “You have to first believe that Shri Ram was a historical figure and an incarnation of Vishnu and your belief MUST be ABSOLUTE”, he said. “Secondly you must understand comprehensively that the incarnation of Lord Vishnu was to establish Dharm, and as such every important event in which Shri Ram or Mata Sita was involved would provide a Dharm. Sometimes two event clubbed together would constitute a Dharm”. “Agni pariksha and disownment of Sita after Shri Ram became King are connected”, he said. “Sita was disowned after Shri Ram rejected the result of Agni Pariksha, and that too after a fair trial”.

Transcript of Little known facts about SITA

    There are large numbers of Sadhus who believe that after the disfiguring of Surpnakha and death of Khar and Dushan, Ravan came to meet Shri Ram when Lakshman was away. He told Shri Ram you have challenged me and I would gladly fight. Tell me when we should fight. In case you are an Avatar of Lord Vishnu, you might kill me otherwise my victory is certain. Shri Ram told him he was here to kill all the powerful and wicked Rakshas, who were tormenting human races, and that he would not rest till his mission is complete. He further told Ravan that there were other subtler Rakshas who need not be killed. He advised Ravan to make sure that the powerful and wicked Rakshas were sent to fight first, and that IF Ravan got killed, prior to this, then the destruction of entire Rakshas tribe was a possibility, which Ravan must avoid.
    But how can I do that? retorted Ravan, most of these Rakshas are my close relative, some are my own sons. It is not possible for anybody to see and endure such mass destruction of his sons, close relatives, he said. You are a Pundit and a Siddha, said Shri Ram you can easily request Sanghaarkarni(a Siddha Devi of Ravan) to stay in one of your gardens, away from palace, where you can go and meet all your relatives ( the dead ones) and you would see them happy.
    Sita was hearing the entire conversation sitting nearby. She knew she was Sanghaarkaarni, an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi with destructive powers. Sage Valmiki, in his Adbhuta Ramayana, also mentions Sita as Mahakali. Perhaps Mata Sita had no other option then to accede to the request of faithful when she crossed Lakshman Rekha he concluded.
    Rest would be conclusions and should be left for individuals to make.
    Blog: Agni Pariksha of Sita
    Please read the full post by clicking on the link.
    Please also read :AGNI PARIKSHA OF SITA ....FACTSand Pre Ram Era..Dharm used for exploitation of females..Ram ended this