LinuxCon 2013 Steven Dake on Using Heat for autoscaling OpenShift on Openstack

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Transcript of LinuxCon 2013 Steven Dake on Using Heat for autoscaling OpenShift on Openstack

OpenStack HeatOpenShift Autoscaling on OpenStack Heat

Steven Dake ( steven_dake

CloudOpen 2013- Monday, September 16, 2013

Heat MissionHeat Mission

To explicitly model the relationships between OpenStack resources of all kinds; and to harness those models, expressed in forms accessible to both humans and machines, to manage infrastructure resources throughout the life-cycle of applications.


● HOT Format Introduction● OpenStack Heat architecture● Autoscaling Introduction● OpenShift Autoscaling Workflow● Future of Autoscaling in OpenStack● Conclusion

HOT FormatHOT Format

● CloudFormation refactored● Parameters● Resources● Outputs

● Full specification:

HOT Format - ParametersHOT Format - Parameters

● User defined parameters passed into template from CLI or GUI

● Parameters include type, description, default value, hidden, and constraints

parameters: InstanceType: type: string description: Instance type to create default: m1.small hidden: False constraints: - allowed_values {m1.tiny, m1.small, m1.large}

HOT Format - ResourcesHOT Format - Resources

● Resources for Heat to Orchestrate● Consists of Type, Properties, DependsOn● Resources produce global attributes

resources: MyInstance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: KeyName: { get_param: KeyName } ImageId: { get_param: ImageId } InstanceType: { get_param: InstanceType }

Hot Format - OutputsHot Format - Outputs

● Displayed via CLI/GUI to identify important information of template

● Includes a description and value field

outputs: InstanceIP: description: The IP address of the instance value: {get_attr: [MyInstance, PublicIP] }

OpenStack Heat ArchitectureOpenStack Heat Architecture

OpenStack Heat Engine ArchitectureOpenStack Heat Engine Architecture

Autoscaling IntroductionAutoscaling Introduction

● Metrics or user events drive scaling● Metrics can include CPU utilization, memory

utilization, many more as well as custom dimensions

● Dynamically add and reduce OS::Nova::Server resources to meet demand

● Front end Neutron LBAAS or Heat provided HA-Proxy Load Balancer distributes load to server resources

Autoscaling Workflow – Internal ViewAutoscaling Workflow – Internal View

● User instantiates template with Heat's CLI● Heat registers with Ceilometer for callbacks on

Alarm events● Ceilometer tells Heat about Alarm events and Heat

scales a Group based upon a Policy decision to scale up or down

● OS::Nova::Server instances can also call Alarms internally

OpenShift on OpenStackOpenShift on OpenStackAutoscaling WorkflowAutoscaling Workflow

OpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowOpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowStep 1: Create DIB elementsStep 1: Create DIB elementsElements directory structureElements directory structure

elements/openshift-origin-broker:-rw-rw-r--. 1 sdake sdake 37 Jun 2 12:14 element-depsdrwxrwxr-x. 2 sdake sdake 4096 Jun 2 12:14 install.d-rw-rw-r--. 1 sdake sdake 176 Jun 2 12:14

elements/openshift-origin-broker/install.d:-rwxrwxr-x. 1 sdake sdake 1598 Jun 2 12:14 30-openshift-origin-broker

elements/openshift-origin-node:-rw-rw-r--. 1 sdake sdake 37 Jun 2 12:14 element-depsdrwxrwxr-x. 2 sdake sdake 4096 Jun 2 12:14 install.d-rw-rw-r--. 1 sdake sdake 172 Jun 2 12:14

elements/openshift-origin-node/install.d:-rwxrwxr-x. 1 sdake sdake 1610 Jun 2 12:14 30-openshift-origin-node

elements/openshift-origin-repos:-rw-rw-r--. 1 sdake sdake 23 Jun 2 12:14 element-depsdrwxrwxr-x. 2 sdake sdake 4096 Jun 2 12:14 pre-install.d-rw-rw-r--. 1 sdake sdake 176 Jun 2 12:14

elements/openshift-origin-repos/pre-install.d:-rwxrwxr-x. 1 sdake sdake 286 Jun 2 12:14 29-puppetlabs-release-rwxrwxr-x. 1 sdake sdake 648 Jun 2 12:14 30-openshift-origin-repos

OpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowOpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowStep 1: Create DIB ElementsStep 1: Create DIB ElementsBuilding the broker imageBuilding the broker image

[sdake@freedom openshift-origin-broker]$ more element-depsopenshift-origin-repos

[sdake@freedom openshift-origin-repos]$ ls -l pre-install.d-rwxrwxr-x. 1 sdake sdake 286 Jun 2 12:14 29-puppetlabs-release-rwxrwxr-x. 1 sdake sdake 648 Jun 2 12:14 30-openshift-origin-repos

Part 1: Parse Dependencies

Part 2: Load Dependencies

Part 3: Configure Broker[sdake@freedom openshift-origin-broker]$ ls -l install.d-rwxrwxr-x. 1 sdake sdake 1598 Jun 2 12:14 30-openshift-origin-broker

OpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowOpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowStep 1: Create DIB elementsStep 1: Create DIB elementsContents of 30-openshift-origin-brokerContents of 30-openshift-origin-broker

[sdake@freedom install.d]$ more 30-openshift-origin-broker#!/bin/bash

set -uex

install-packages \ openshift-origin-broker \ rubygem-openshift-origin-msg-broker-mcollective \ rubygem-openshift-origin-dns-nsupdate \ rubygem-openshift-origin-dns-bind \ rubygem-openshift-origin-controller \ openshift-origin-broker-util \ rubygem-passenger \ mod_passenger \ openssh \ rubygem-openshift-origin-auth-mongo \ rubygem-openshift-origin-remote-user \ rubygem-openshift-origin-console \ openshift-origin-console \ mongodb \ mongodb-server \ bind \ bind-utils \ ntpdate \ policycoreutils \ mcollective \ httpd \ openssh-server \ rhc \ activemq \ activemq-client \ git \ puppet \ ruby \ ruby-devel \ ruby-irb \

ruby-libs \ tar \ yum-plugin-priorities \ mysql-devel \ mongodb-devel \ system-config-firewall-base \ rubygem-execjs \ rubygem-uglifier \ rubygem-listen \ rubygem-sass \ rubygem-sass-rails \ autogen-libopts \ ntp \ rubygem-coffee-script-source \ rubygem-coffee-script \ rubygem-coffee-rails \ rubygem-idn \ rubygem-addressable \ rubygem-crack \ rubygem-webmock \ rubygem-fakefs \ rubygem-chunky_png \ rubygem-hpricot \ rubygem-haml \ rubygem-fssm \ rubygem-compass \ rubygem-compass-rails \ rubygem-mongo \ rubygem-jquery-rails \ rubygem-openshift-origin-dns-avahi \ rubygem-ref \ rubygem-therubyracer

sed --in-place -e \ s/Type=oneshot/"Type=oneshot\nTimeoutSec=0"/ /lib/systemd/system/cloud-final.service

OpenShift Autoscaling Workflow OpenShift Autoscaling Workflow Step 2: Create Heat Template - PolicyStep 2: Create Heat Template - Policy

resources: OpenshiftUser: Type: AWS::IAM::User OpenshiftOriginKeys: Type: AWS::IAM::AccessKey Properties: UserName: Ref: OpenshiftUser OpenshiftOriginNodeGroup: Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup DependsOn: BrokerWaitCondition Properties: AvailabilityZones: [] LaunchConfigurationName: Ref: NodeLaunchConfig MinSize: Ref: NodeCountMinimum MaxSize: Ref: NodeCountMaximum LoadBalancerNames: [] OpenshiftOriginScaleUpPolicy: Type: AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy Properties: AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity AutoScalingGroupName: Ref: OpenshiftOriginNodeGroup Cooldown: '120' ScalingAdjustment: '1'

OpenshiftOriginScaleDownPolicy: Type: AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy Properties: AdjustmentType: ChangeInCapacity AutoScalingGroupName: Ref: OpenshiftOriginNodeGroup Cooldown: '60' ScalingAdjustment: '-1'


OpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowOpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowStep 2: Create Heat Template - AlarmsStep 2: Create Heat Template - Alarms

NodeScaleUp: Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm Properties: AlarmDescription: Scale-up if event received from broker MetricName: Heartbeat Namespace: system/linux Statistic: SampleCount Period: '60' EvaluationPeriods: '1' Threshold: '0' AlarmActions: [{Ref: OpenshiftOriginScaleUpPolicy}] Dimensions: - Name: AutoScalingGroupName Value: Ref: OpenshiftOriginNodeGroup ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold NodeScaleDown: Type: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm Properties: AlarmDescription: Scale-down if event received from broker MetricName: Heartbeat Namespace: system/linux Statistic: SampleCount Period: '60' EvaluationPeriods: '1' Threshold: '0' AlarmActions: [{Ref: OpenshiftOriginScaleDownPolicy}] Dimensions: - Name: AutoScalingGroupName Value: Ref: OpenshiftOriginNodeGroup ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold


OpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowOpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowStep 2:Create Heat TemplateStep 2:Create Heat TemplateOptionally Trigger AlarmsOptionally Trigger Alarms

cat << EOF > /etc/heat/notify-scale-up#!/bin/bash/opt/aws/bin/cfn-push-stats --credential-file /etc/heat/heat-credentials --heartbeat –watch {Ref: NodeScaleUp}EOFchmod 0700 /etc/heat/notify-scale-upcat << EOF > /etc/heat/notify-scale-down#!/bin/bash/opt/aws/bin/cfn-push-stats --credential-file /etc/heat/heat-credentials --heartbeat --watch{Ref: NodeScaleDown}


UserData commands:

OpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowOpenShift Autoscaling WorkflowStep 3: Register images with glanceStep 3: Register images with glance

[sdake@freedom heat-templates] glance image-create –name=openshift-origin-broker --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare < openshift-origin-broker.qcow2

[sdake@freedom heat-templates] glance image-create –name=openshift-origin-node --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare < openshift-origin-node.qcow2

Autoscaling Lifecycle ExampleAutoscaling Lifecycle ExampleStep 4: Launch Heat TemplateStep 4: Launch Heat Template

[sdake@freedom heat-templates] heat create–template-file OpenShiftAutoScaling.yaml –parameters “KeyName=sdake;;NodeCountMaximum=20”

Future of Autoscaling in OpenStackFuture of Autoscaling in OpenStack

● Scale other resources beyond OS::Nova::Server● Rackspace considering adding API model for

Autoscaling based upon Otter● Autoscaling available today in high quality format

in Heat


● Entering OpenStack Integrated status in November 2013

– Active code base● 3048 commits as of September 2013● 56 contributors

– Cross Project functionality with OpenStack projects Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Ceilometer, Swift, Glance, Horizon, TripleO and Tempest

● HOT holds significant promise for future de-facto standard orchestration DSL

● OpenStack Heat provides application autoscaling today with a stable workflow model

● OpenShift on OpenStack in progress in the community